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INDEX to JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY Volume 25 NUMBER 1 (March 1994) pp. 1-160 NUMBER 2 (June 1994) pp. 161-304 NUMBER 3 (September 1994) pp. 305-432 NUMBER 4 (December 1994) pp. 433-552 Authors: ADAMOPOULOS, JOHN, “Vygotsky’s Sociohistorical Psychology and Its Contemporary Applications, by Carl Ratner [Book Review],” 298. ALBAUM, GERALD, see Beatty, Sharon E. AUNE, KRYSTYNA S., see Aune, R. Kelly. AUNE, R. KELLY, and KRYSTYNA S. AUNE, “The Influence of Culture, Gender, and Relational Status on Appearance Management,” 258. BAJO, MARIA-TERESA, see Ellis, Barbara B. BARNARD, ANNE E., see Best, Deborah L. BEATTY, SHARON E., JUNG-OK JEON, GERALD ALBAUM, and BRIAN MURPHY, “A Cross-National Study of Leisure Activities,” 409. BEN-ARI, RACHEL, JOSEPH SCHWARZWALD, and EVELINE HORINER-LEVI, “The Effects of Prevalent Social Stereotypes on Intergroup Attribution,” 489. BERG, YOEL, and SOL KUGELMASS, “The Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Style of Life on Cognitive Development of Israeli Bedouin Children,” 478. BEST, DEBORAH L., AMY S. HOUSE, ANNE E. BARNARD, and BRENDA S. SPICKER, “Parent-Child Interactions in France, Germany, and Italy: The Effects of Gender and Culture,” 181. BEST, DEBORAH L., and NICOLE M. RUTHER, “Cross-Cultural Themes in Develop- mental Psychology: An Examination of Texts, Handbooks, and Reviews,” 54. BESWICK, GERY, see Mann, Leon. BOCHNER, STEPHEN, “Cross-Cultural Differences in the Self Concept: A Test of Hofstede’s Individualism/Collectivism Distinction,” 273. BOCHNER, STEPHEN, and BERYL HESKETH, “Power Distance, Individualism/ Collectivism, and Job-Related Attitudes in a Culturally Diverse Work Group,” 233. BOEHLECKE, BRIAN, see Sperber, Ami D. BUELOW, GEORGE, “New Directions in Psychological Anthropology, editedb yT heodore Schwartz, Geoffrey White, and Catherine Lutz [Book Review],” 296. CANAS, JOSE, see Ellis, Barbara B. COOK, PHILIP, “Chronic Illness Beliefs and the Role of Social Networks Among Chinese, Indian, and Angloceltic Canadians,” 452. 545 546 JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY DASEN, PIERRE R., “Children’s Development Within Social Context, Volume 1: Metatheory and Theory, Volume 2: Research and Methodology, edited by Lucien T. Winegar and Jaan Valsiner [Book Review],” 423. DASEN, PIERRE R., see Wassman, Jiirg. deROCHE, CONSTANCE P., “Expanding the Boundaries of Women’s History: Essays on Women in the Third World, edited by Cheryl Johnsanod Mnarg-areOt Sdtrobiel m[Bo ok Review],” 297. DeVELLIS, ROBERT F., see Sperber, Ami D. D{AZ-GUERRERO, ROGELIO, see Ellis, Barbara B. DiMARTINO, EMILY COMSTOCK, “Appraising Social Dilemmas: A Cross-Cultural Study of Sicilians, Sicilian-Americans, and Americans,” 165. ELLIS, BARBARA B., HERBERT D. KIMMEL, ROGELIO DIAZ-GUERRERO, JOSE CANAS, and MARIA-TERESA BAJO, “Love and Power in Mexico, Spain, and the United States,” 525. FOGARTY, GERARD J., and COLIN WHITE, “Differences Between Values of Australian Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Students,” 394. GAIER, EUGENE L., see Yan, Wenfan. GOODWIN, ROBIN, and IONA LEE, “Taboo Topics Among Chinese and English Friends: A Cross-Cultural Comparison,” 325. HAMID, P. NICHOLAS, “Self-Monitoring, Locus of Control, and Social Encounters of Chinese and New Zealand Students,” 353. HARMONI, ROSSLYN V., see Mann, Leon. HESKETH, BERYL, see Bochner, Stephen. HORINER-LEVI, EVELINE, see Ben-Ari, Rachel. HOUSE, AMY S., see Best, Deborah L. JAHODA, GUSTAV, “Emics and Etics: The Insider/Outsider Debate, edited by Thomas N. Headland, Kenneth L. Pike, and Marvin Harris [Book Review},” 425. JANCZUR, BEATA, see Schaufeli, Wilmar B. JEON, JUNG-OK, see Beatty, Sharon E. JOHNSON, PATRICIA, see Sodowsky, Gargi Roysircar. KIMMEL, HERBERT D., see Ellis, Barbara B. KOHLES, ROBERT, see Sodowsky, Gargi Roysircar. KUGELMASS, SOL, see Berg, Yoel. LEE, IONA, see Goodwin, Robin. LIESE, LAWRENCE H.., see Ying, Yu-Wen. LINDSAY, R.C.L., see Ng, Wei-Jen. LONNER, WALTER J., “Reflections on 25 Years of JCCP,” 8. MAGUIRE, KENNETH, see Sodowsky, Gargi Roysircar. MANN, LEON, HIROTAKA MITSUI, GERY BESWICK, and ROSSLYN V. HARMONI, “A Study of Japanese and Australian Children’s Respect for Others,” 133. MITSUI, HIROTAKA, see Mann, Leon. MURPHY, BRIAN, see Beatty, Sharon E. MYAMBO, KATHLEEN, “Sex and Psyche: Gender and Self Viewed Cross-Culturally, by John E. Willaind aDebmorash L. Best [Book Review],” 541. NG, WEI-JEN, and R.C.L. LINDSAY, “Cross-Race Facial Recognition: Failure of the Contact Hypothesis,” 217. NGUMBA, WANJIRU, see Sodowsky, Gargi Roysircar. ONGEL, USTUN, and PETER B. SMITH, “Who Are We and Where Are We Going: JCCP Approaches Its 100th Issue,” 25. PINES, AYALA M., “The Palestinian /ntifada and Israelis’ Burnout,” 438. PRATTO, FELICIA, see Sidanius, Jim. RABINOWITZ, JOSHUA L., see Sidanius, Jim. RUDMIN, FLOYD W., “Cross-Cultural Psycholinguistic Field Research: Verbs of Owner- ship and Possession,” 114. RUTHER, NICOLE M., see Best, Deborah L. SCHAUFELI, WILMAR B., and BEATA JANCZUR, “Burnout Among Nurses: A Polish- Dutch Comparison,” 95. SCHWARZWALD, JOSEPH, see Ben-Ari, Rachel. SERPELL, ROBERT, “Parental Belief Systems: The Psychological Consequences for Children, by Irving Sigel, Ann V. McGillicuddy-DeLisi, and Jacqueline J. Goodnow [Book Review],” 542. SIDANIUS, JIM, FELICIA PRATTO, and JOSHUA L. RABINOWITZ, “Gender, Ethnic Status, and Ideological Asymmetry: A Social Dominance Interpretation,” 194. SMITH, PETER B., see Ongel, Ustiin. SODOWSKY, GARGI ROYSIRCAR, KENNETH MAGUIRE, PATRICIA JOHNSON, WANJIRU NGUMBA, and ROBERT KOHLES, “World Views of White American, Mainland Chinese, Taiwanese, and African Students: An Investigation Into Between- Group Differences,” 309. SPERBER, AMI D., ROBERT F. DeVELLIS, and BRIAN BOEHLECKE, “Cross-Cultural Translation: Methodology and Validation,” 501. SPICKER, BRENDA S., see Best, Deborah L. SPIRO, MONICA, and LESLIE SWARTZ, “Mothers’ Reports of Behaviour Problems in Three Groups of South African Preschool Children: Prevalence, Perceptions, and Man- agement Strategies,” 339. SWARTZ, LESLIE, see Spiro, Monica. TRUEX, GREGORY F., “Psychological Testing of Hispanics, edited by Kurt F. Geisinger [Book Review],” 299. VRIJ, ALDERT, and FRANS WILLEM WINKEL, “Perceptual Distortions in Cross- Cultural Interrogations: The Impact of Skin Color, Accent, Speech Style, and Spoken Fluency on Impression Formation,” 284. WASSMAN, JURG, and PIERRE R. DASEN, “Yupno Number System and Counting,” 78. WHITE, COLIN, see Fogarty, Gerard J. WILLIAMS, JOHN E., “Introduction,” 3. WINKEL, FRANS WILLEM, see Vrig, Aldert. YAN, WENFAN, and EUGENE L. GAIER, “Causal Attributions for College Success and Failure: An Asian-American Comparison,” 146. YING, YU-WEN, and LAWRENCE H. LIESE, “Initial Adjustment of Taiwanese Students to the United States: The Impact of Postarrival Variables,” 466. ZIMBA, RODERICK FULATA, “The Understanding of Morality, Convention, and Personal Preference in an African Setting: Findings From Zambia,” 369. Articles: “Announcment,” 437. “Appraising Social Dilemmas: A Cross-Cultural Study of Sicilians, Sicilian-Americans, and Americans,” DiMartino, 165. “Burnout Among Nurses: A Polish-Dutch Comparison,” Schaufeli and Janczur, 95. 548 JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY “Causal Attributions for College Success and Failure: An Asian-American Comparison,” Yan and Gaier, 146. “Chronic Illness Beliefs and the Role of Social Networks Among Chinese, Indian, and Angloceltic Canadians,” Cook, 452. “Cross-Cultural Differences in the Self Concept: A Test of Hofstede’s Individualism/ Collectivism Distinction,” Bochner, 273. “Cross-Cultural Psycholinguistic Field Research: Verbs of Ownership and Possession,” Rudmin, 114. “Cross-Cultural Themes in Developmental Psychology: An Examination of Texts, Hand- books, and Reviews,” Best and Ruther, 54. “Cross-Cultural Translation: Methodology and Validation,” Sperber et al., 501. “A Cross-National Study of Leisure Activities,” Beatty et al., 409. “Cross-Race Facial Recognition: Failure of the Contact Hypothesis,” Ng and Lindsay, 217. “Differences Between Values of Australian Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Students,” Fogarty and White, 394. “The Effects of Prevalent Social Stereotypes on Intergroup Attribution,” Ben-Areti a l,4 89. “Gender, Ethnic Status, and Ideological Asymmetry: A Social Dominance Interpretation,” Sidanius et al., 194. “The Influence of Culture, Gender, and Relational Status on Appearance Management,” Aune and Aune, 258. “The Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Style of Life on Cognitive Development of Israeli Bedouin Children,” Berg and Kugelmass, 478. “Initial Adjustment of Taiwanese Students to the United States: The Impact of Postarrival Variables,” Ying and Liese, 466. “Introduction,” Williams, 3. “Love and Power in Mexico, Spain, and the United States,” Ellis et al., 525. “Mothers’ Reports of Behaviour Problems in Three Groups of South African Preschool Children: Prevalence, Perceptions, and Management Strategies,” Spiro and Swartz, 339. “The Palestinian Intifada and Israelis’ Burnout,” Pines, 438. “Parent-Child Interactions in France, Germany, and Italy: The Effects of Gender and Culture,” Best et al., 181. “Perceptual Distortions inC ross-Cultural InterrogationsT:he Impact of Skin Color, Accent, Speech Style, and Spoken Fluency on Impression Formation,” Vrij and Winkel, 284. “Power Distance, Individualism/Collectivism, and Job-Related Attitudes in a Culturally Diverse Work Group,” Bochner and Hesketh, 233. “Reflections on 25 Years of JCCP,” Lonner, 8. “Self-Monitoring, Locus of Control, and Social Encounters of Chinese and New Zealand Students,” Hamid, 353. “A Study of Japanese and Australian Children’s Respect for Others,” Mann et al., 133. “Taboo Topics Among Chinese and English Friends: A Cross-Cultural Comparison,” Goodwin and Lee, 325. “The Understanding of Morality, Convention, and Personal Preference in an African Setting: Findings From Zambia,” Zimba, 369. “Who Are We and Where Are We Going: JCCP Approaches Its 100th Issue,” Ongel and Smith, 25. “World Views of White American, Mainland Chinese, Taiwanese, and African Students: An Investigation Into Between-Group Differences,” Sodowsky et al., 309. “Yupno Number System and Counting,” Wassman and Dasen, 78. Book Reviews: “Children’s DevelWiothipn mSoceialn Cotnte xt, Volume 1: Metathaendo Trheoyry , Volume 2: Research and Methodedoitled obyg Luyci,en T. Winegar and Jaan ValsineDra,se”n , 423. “Emics and Etics: The Insider/Outsider Debate, edited by Thomas N. Headland, Kenneth L. Pike, and Marvin Harris,” Jahoda, 425. “Expanding the Boundaries of Women’s History: Essays on Women in the Third World, edited by Cheryl Johnson-Odim and Margaret Strobel,” deRoche, 297. “New Directions in Psychological Anthropology, edited by Theodore Schwartz, Geoffrey White, and Catherine Lutz,” Buelow, 296. “Parental Belief Systems: The Psychological Consequences for Children, by Irving Sigel, Ann V. McGillicuddy-DeLisi, and Jacqueline J. Goodnow,” Serpell, 542. “Psychological Testing of Hispanics, edited by Kurt F. Geisinger,” Truex, 299. “Sex and Psyche: Gender and Self Viewed Cross-Culturally, by John E. Williams and Deborah L. Best,” Myambo, 541. “Vygotsky’s Sociohistorical Psychology and Its Contemporary Applications, by Carl Ratner,” Adamopoulos, 298.

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