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JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS ELSEVIER Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 115 (2000) 617-618 www.elsevier.nl/locate/cam Author Index to Volume 115 (2000) Abd-el-Malek, M.B. and S.M.A. El-Mansi, Group El Hani, R., see Azizi, M. theoretic methods applied to Burgers’ equation El-Mansi, S.M.A., see Abd-el-Malek, M.B. Aguirre Tellez, M., The distributional product of Di- Ezquerro, J.A., M.A. Hernandez and M.A. Salanova, rac’s delta in a hypercone A discretization scheme for some conservative Amini, S. and A. Profit, Analysis of the truncation problems 181-192 errors in the fast multipole method for scattering Ezquerro, J.A., see Hernandez, M.A. 245-254 problems 23- 33 Angelini, C. and D. De Canditiis, Fourier frequency Ford, N.J., see Wulf, V. 601-616 adaptive regularization for smoothing data 35- 50 Anwar, M.N., see Sallam, S. 495-502 Galperin, E.A., E.J. Kansa, A. Makroglou and S.A. Azizi, M., E.M. Daoudi, R. El Hani and A. Lak- Nelson, Variable transformations in the numer- houaja, Parallel electromagnetic modelling for the ical solution of second kind Volterra integral nonlinear electrotechnic systems equations with continuous and weakly singular kernels; extensions to Fredholm integral equations 193-211 Barral, P. and P. Quintela, Numerical analysis of Gao, Y.-m., see Kohno, T. 349-355 a viscoplastic problem with contact condition Gheri, G. and P. Marzulli, Parallel shooting with taking place in an aluminium casting error estimate for increasing the accuracy 213-227 Bavinck, H., A note on the Koekoeks’ differential equation for generalized Jacobi polynomials Hamina, M., An approximation method for the hy- persingular heat operator equation 229-243 Cabral-Rosetti, L.G. and M.A. Sanchis-Lozano, Gen- Hernandez, M.A., see Ezquerro, J.A. 181-192 eralized hypergeometric functions and the evalu- Hernandez, M.A., M.J. Rubio and J.A. Ezquerro, ation of scalar one-loop integrals in Feynman Secant-like methods for solving nonlinear integral diagrams 93- 99 equations of the Hammerstein type 245-254 Callebaut, D.K., see Khater, A.H. 309-329 Huard, A. and V. Robin, Continuity of approximation Calvetti, D., L. Reichel, F. Sgallari and G. Spaletta, by least-squares multivariate Pade approximants 255-268 A regularizing Lanczos iteration method for Hureau, J., see Weber, R. 577-591 underdetermined linear systems 101-120 Calvo, M., M.P. Laburta, J.I. Montijano and L. Ran- Ibrahim, R.S., see Khater, A.H. 309-329 dez, On the numerical integration of orthogonal flows with Runge-Kutta methods 121-135 Jeon, Y., Scalar boundary integral equation formulas Carmo Coimbra, M., C. Sereno and A. Rodrigues, for the biharmonic equation — numerical experi- Modelling multicomponent adsorption process ments by a moving finite element method 169-179 Junghanns, P. and K. Miiller, A collocation method Daoudi, E.M., see Azizi, M. S1- 61 for nonlinear Cauchy singular integral equations De Canditiis, D., see Angelini, C. 35- 50 de Frutos, J. and J. Novo, An enhanced pseudospec- Kananthai, A., On the convolution equation related tral Chebyshev method for dissipative partial dif- to the N-dimensional ultra-hyperbolic operator 301-308 ferential equations 137-150 Kansa, E.J., see Galperin, E.A. 193-211 De Schepper, H. and R. Van Keer, On the numerical Khater, A.H., A.B. Shamardan, D.K. Callebaut and approximation of some types of nonstandard sec- R.S. Ibrahim, Chebyshev spectral collocation ond-order eigenvalue problems for vector valued methods for nonlinear isothermal magnetostatic functions 151-167 atmospheres 309-329 0377-0427/00/$s-e e front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: $0377-0427(99)00395-7 618 Author Index to Volume 115 (2000) 617-618 Kobza, J., Iterative functional equation x(x(t)) = f(t) Radoux, C., Addition formulas for polynomials built 331-347 with f(t) piecewise linear on classical combinatorial sequences 471-477 Kohno, T., H. Niki, H. Sawami and Y.-m. Gao, An Reichel, L., see Calvetti, D. 101-120 iterative test for H-matrix 349-355 Randez, L., see Calvo, M. 121-135 Robbe, M. and M. Sadkane, Discrete-time Lyapunov Laburta, M.P., see Calvo, M. 121-135 stability of large matrices 479-494 Lakhouaja, A., see Azizi, M. 51- 61 Robin, V., see Huard, A. 255-268 Lopez de Silanes, M.C., M. Pasadas and J.J. Torrens, Rodrigues, A., see do Carmo Coimbra, M. 169-179 Construction of curves with parallelism condi- Rubio, M.J., see Hernandez, M.A. 245-254 tions 369-382 Lopez, L., C. Mastroserio and T. Politi, Newton-type Sablonniere, P., see Lorente-Pardo, J. 383-396 methods for solving nonlinear equations on quad- Sadkane, M., see Robbe, M. 479-494 ratic matrix groups 357-368 Salanova, M.A., see Ezquerro, J.A. 181-192 Lorente-Pardo, J., P. Sablonniere and M.C. Serrano- Sallam, S. and M.N. Anwar, Quintic C?-spline integ- Perez, On the convexity of Bézier nets of quad- ration methods for solving second-order ordinary ratic Powell-Sabin splines on 12-fold refined tri- initial value problems 495-502 angulations 383-396 Sanchis-Lozano, M.A., see Cabral-Rosetti, L.G. 93-99 Lotstedt, P., Convergence analysis of iterative Sawami, H., see Kohno, T. 349-355 methods by pseudodifference operators 397-417 Schropp, J., Conserving first integrals under discretiz- ation with variable step size integration proced- Makroglou, A., see Galperin, E.A. 193-211 ures 503-517 Mantica, G., On computing Jacobi matrices asso- Sereno, C., see do Carmo Coimbra, M. 169-179 ciated with recurrent and Mobius iterated func- Serrano-Perez, M.C., see Lorente-Pardo, J. 383-396 tion systems 419-431 Sgallari, F., see Calvetti, D. 101-120 Marzulli, P., see Gheri, G. 213-227 Shamardan, A.B., see Khater, A.H. 309-329 Mastronardi, N. and D. Occorsio, The numerical Sommeijer, B.P., see van der Houwen, P.J. 547-564 computation of some integrals on the real line 433-450 Spaletta, G., see Calvetti, D. 101-120 Mastroserio, C., see Lopez, L. 357-368 Swann, H., On using the cell discretization algorithm Messina, E., see van der Houwen, P.J. 547-564 for mixed-boundary value problems and domain Miller, K., see Junghanns, P. 283-300 decomposition 519-534 Montijano, J.I., see Calvo, M. 121-135 Nelson, S.A., see Galperin, E.A. 193-211 Taseli, H., Accurate numerical bounds for the spec- tral points of singular Sturm-Liouville problems Niki, H., see Kohno, T. 349-355 over —2<x< 535-546 Novo, J., see de Frutos, J. 137-150 Torrens, J.J., see Lopez de Silanes, M.C. 369-382 Occorsio, D., see Mastronardi, N. 433-450 van der Houwen, P.J., E. Messina and B.P. Som- 547-564 meijer, Oscillatory Stormer—Cowell methods 151-167 Parks, H.R. and J.T. Pitts, Energy estimates for area Van Keer, R., see De Schepper, H. minimizing hypersurfaces with arbitrary bound- Vecchio, A., Stability of backward differentiation for- 565-576 aries 451-460 mulas for Volterra integro-differential equations Pasadas, M., see Lopez de Silanes, M.C. 369-382 Penski, C., A new numerical method for SDEs and its Weber, R. and J. Hureau, Numerical solution for application in circuit simulation 461-470 various inverse problems 577-591 Pitts, J.T., see Parks, H.R. 451-460 Wollman, S., The particle method for the Politi, T., see Lopez, L. 357-368 Vlasov—Poisson system using equally spaced in- Profit, A., see Amini, S. 23- 33 itial data points 593-600 Wulf, V. and N.J. Ford, Numerical Hopf bifurcation Quintela, P., see Barral, P. 63- 86 for a class of delay differential equations 601-616

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