CHERYL HOLT continues to delight readers with the thrilling, dramatic second novel in her Jilted Brides trilogy...
Winifred Watson grew up as the only daughter of a decorated war hero. When he died suddenly, she was shocked to learn that he was bankrupt and she lost everything to pay his final debts. She'd hoped to wed her fiancé—a steady, handsome man who would have guided her through the tumult of her father's death. But when her penury was revealed, her fickle betrothed jilted her at the altar. His treacherous conduct pitched her into a downward spiral that she can't seem to halt...
John Dunn escaped his dreary home by joining the army when he was sixteen. He loved his years as a soldier and planned to dedicate the remainder of his life to King and country. But he was swept into a scandal and drummed out of the service. He's returned to his family's isolated, dreary castle on the Cornwall coast, but it's the one spot on the globe he vowed to never visit...