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JERUSALEM IN BIBLE AND ARCHAEOLOGY Society of Biblical Literature Symposium Series Christopher R. Matthews, Editor Number 18 JERUSALEM IN BIBLE AND ARCHAEOLOGY The First Temple Period JERUSALEM IN BIBLE AND ARCHAEOLOGY The First Temple Period Edited by Andrew G. Vaughn and Ann E. Killebrew ' /6 81» ' BRILL LEIDEN · BOSTON 2003 JERUSALEM IN BIBLE AND ARCHAEOLOGY The First Temple Period Copyright © 2003 by the Society of Biblical Literature This edition published under license from the Society of Biblical Literature by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by means of any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted by the 1976 Copyright Act or in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission should be addressed in writing to the Rights and Permissions Office, Society of Biblical Literature, 825 Houston Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30329 USA. Library of Congress Cataioging-in-Publication Data Jerusalem in Bible and archaeology : the First Temple period / edited by Andrew G. Vaughn and Ann E. Killebrew. p. cm. — (Society of Biblical Literature symposium series ; no. 18) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 90-04-12728-3 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Jerusalem in the Bible. 2. Jerusalem—History. 3. Jerusalem—Antiquities. 4. Bible. O.T.—Antiquities. I. Vaughn, Andrew G. II. Killebrew, Ann E. III. Series: Symposium series (Society of Biblical Literature) ; no. 18. BS1199.J38J38 2003b 221.9'5—dc21 2003007324 ISSN 1569-3627 Printed in The Netherlands on acid-free paper. Contents Preface vii Abbreviations ix Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology: Dialogues and Dicussions Ann Ε. Killebrew and Andrew G. Vaughn 1 PART 1 JERUSALEM DURING THE REIGNS OF DAVID AND SOLOMON Jerusalem at the Time of the United Monarchy: The Archaeological Evidence Jane M. Cahill 13 The Rise of Jerusalem and Judah: The Missing Link Israel Finkelstein 81 Solomon's Jerusalem: The Text and the Facts on the Ground David Ussishkin 103 The United Monarchy in the Countryside: Jerusalem, Judah, and the Shephelah during the Tenth Century B.C.E. Gunnar Lehmann 117 Solomon's Jerusalem and the Zion Tradition J.J. M. Roberts 163 Solomon and the Great Histories Richard Elliott Friedman 171 Part 2 THE RISE AND FALL OF JERUSALEM AT THE END OF THE JUDAHITE KINGDOM Western Jerusalem at the End of the First Temple Period in Light of the Excavations in the Jewish Quarter Hillel Geva 183 The Urban Development of Jerusalem in the Late Eighth Century B.C.E. Ronny Reich and Eli Shukron 209 Egypt's Role in the Events of 701 B.c. in Jerusalem James K. Hoffmeier 219 Assyrian Involvement in the Southern Levant at the End of the Eighth Century B.C.E. K. Lawson Younger Jr. 235 Egypt, Assyria, Isaiah, and the Ashdod Affair: An Alternative Proposal J. J. M. Roberts 265 Egypt's Role in the Events of 701 B.C.: A Rejoinder to J. J. M. Roberts James K. Hoffmeier 285 Jerusalem in Conflict: The Evidence for the Seventh-Century B.C.E. Religious Struggle over Jerusalem Lynn Tatum 291 "The City Yhwh Has Chosen": The Chronicler's Promotion of Jerusalem in Light of Recent Archaeology Gary N. Knoppers 307 PART 3—BIBLICAL JERUSALEM: TOWARD A CONSENSUS Biblical Jerusalem: An Archaeological Assessment Ann E. Killebrew 329 The Evidence from Kenyon's Excavations in Jerusalem: A Response Essay Margreet Steiner. 347 Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology: When Did Jerusalem Become a Subject of Polemic? Yairah Amit 365 Jerusalem, the Late Judaean Monarchy, and the Composition of Biblical Texts William M. Scbniedewind 375 Archaeology, Ideology, and the Search for David and Solomon Neil Asber Silberman 395 Is Biblical Archaeology Theologically Useful Today? Yes, A Programmatic Proposal Andrew G. Vaughn 407 Bibliography 431 Indices 483 Preface Most of the essays in the present volume had their genesis as papers that were presented in the "Consultation on Jerusalem in Bible and Archae- ology" at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. The papers were presented over a period of four years (1998-2001). The Con- sultation was co-chaired by Ann E. Killebrew and Andrew G. Vaughn, the editors of the volume. The steering committee for the Consultation (Melody Knowles, Gunnar Lehmann, William Schniedewind, and Tammi Schneider) also contributed to the selection of the components of the Con- sultation and subsequently of the present volume. Support for the present volume was provided by Gustavus Adolphus College through the funding of the following research assistants for Vaughn: Susan Schumacher helped edit all of the articles; Dan Pioske did proofreading and compiled the indexes; and Rachel Schwingler proofread the articles and the index. Vaughn's work was supported in part by a Research Scholarship and Creativity Grant from Gustavus Adolphus Col- lege. Killebrew would like to express her thanks to The Pennsylvania State University for providing her with a research semester in 2003, during which much of the final editorial work on this volume was completed. The editors are also indebted to the excellent editorial staff at the Society of Biblical Literature: Leigh Andersen, Kathie Klein, and Rex Matthews. Bob Buller served as copy editor and typesetter and went far beyond what was expected to make sure the volume looked as professional as possible. Finally, but certainly not least, appreciation is due to the series editor, Chris Matthews, for both his patience and guidance. Abbreviations PRIMARY SOURCES Ant. Josephus, Jewish Antiquities b. Babylonian Talmud Ber. Berakot Expl. Dan. Jerome, Explanatio in Danielem Pesah. Pesahim Sanh. Sanhédrin War Josephus, Jewish War SECONDARY SOURCES AASOR Annual of die American Schools of Oriental Research ÄAT Ägypten und Altes Testament AB Anchor Bible ABD Anchor Bible Dictionary. Edited by D. N. Freedman. 6 vols. New York: Doubleday, 1992. ABRL Anchor Bible Reference Library AbrNSup Abr-Nahrain Supplement Series AfO Archiv für Orientforschung AfOB Archiv für Orientforschung: Beiheft AEL Ancient Egyptian Literature. M. Lichtheim. 3 vols. Berke- ley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1971- 1980. AJA American Journal of Archaeology AJT Asia Journal of Theology ALASP Abhandlungen zur Literatur Alt-Syrien-Palästinas ANET Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. Edited by J. B. Pritchard. 3d ed. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1969. AnOr Analecta orientalia AnSt Anatolian Studies AOAT Alter Orient und Altes Testament AOAT Alter Orient und Altes Testament Arch Archaeology ArOr Archiv 0rientální BA Biblical Archaeologist

What are archaeologists and biblical scholars saying about Jerusalem? This volume includes the most up-to-date cross-disciplinary assessment of Biblical Jerusalem (ca. 2000-586 BCE) that represents the views of biblical historians, archaeologists, Assyriologists, and Egyptologists. The archaeologica
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