IP/C/W/616/Add.7 24 April 2017 (17-2201) Page: 1/146 Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Original: English Intellectual Property Rights REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ARTICLE 66.2 OF THE TRIPS AGREEMENT EUROPEAN UNION Addendum The following communication, dated 17 November 2016, was received from the delegation of the European Union1. It reports on activities pursuant to paragraph 1 of the Decision on the Implementation of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement (IP/C/28) by the European Union, as well as certain of its member States (Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom). This document constitutes a new detailed report with information on the implementation of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement. _______________ I. GENERAL REMARKS This document is circulated in accordance with the Decision of the Council for TRIPS of 19 February 2003, according to which developed country Members shall submit annually reports on actions taken or planned in pursuance of their commitments under Article 66.2 (incentives provided to their enterprises or institutions for the purpose of promoting and encouraging technology transfer to least-developed country Members). As agreed in the Council for TRIPS, this document is a detailed report on technology transfer incentives put in place by the EU and its Member States. II. SCOPE AND NATURE OF INFORMATION PROVIDED Technology transfer refers here to the ways and means through which companies, individuals and organizations acquire technology or know-how from third parties, whether such technology is IPR-protected or not (i.e. including confidential know-how). There are several types of technologies as well as several channels of transmission. Indeed, the acquisition by least-developed countries (LDCs) of a sound and viable technological base does not depend solely on the provision of physical objects or equipment, but also on the acquisition of know-how, on management and production skills, on improved access to knowledge sources as well as on adaptation to local economic, social and cultural conditions. It is clear that the private – and particularly the commercial – sector is nowadays the main source of technologies and, in this context; technology transfer is often one component of a more complex project, rather than a stand-alone activity. Indeed, there are technology transfer aspects in many projects that go under the label of 'technical assistance'. Most projects that deal with sectors such as energy, water, agriculture, governance and infrastructure contain transfer of know-how and technology. 1 This document replaces the original submission made on 13 October 2016, which was circulated as a room document (RD/IPD/12) at the TRIPS Council's meeting of 8 November 2016. IP/C/W/616/Add.7 - 2 - In their efforts to encourage and promote technology transfer, developed country governments are usually limited by two factors: (1) they do not own the vast majority of such technologies; (2) they cannot force the private sector to transfer its technologies. Incentives can therefore only take the form of encouragement, promotion and facilitation of projects which are part of a global and comprehensive approach to development. Technology transfer is considered to include training, education and "know-how." Transfer of know-how is therefore also contained in projects that deal with education. In addition to formal TT channels such as the transfer or licensing of IP rights and/or know-how, there are several - equally important - informal TT channels such the hiring of new university graduates, exchanges of qualified staff, joint research projects; or specific projects related to foreign direct investment (quite often, technology transfer is one component of more complex projects, rather than a stand-alone activity). Moreover, access to the right partners, information and expertise are key at all stages. Finally, it should be borne in mind that no technology transfer program is specifically dedicated to least developed countries as such. EU initiatives are usually specific to countries/groups of countries/regions, since the EU strongly supports regional integration, which fosters better understanding and political and economic links between neighbouring countries. Consequently, some countries, which are not LDCs, also appear on the list, but under the "Targeted LDC Members" point it is clarified which are LDCs and which are not. However, the EU's approach to the allocation of aid and incentives pays particular attention to the situation of the least developed and other low income countries. IP/C/W/616/Add.7 - 3 - III. EUROPEAN UNION THE LOWER MEKONG REGION 1. Title of project/programme: Addressing ecosystem challenges through the support to the Climate Change Adaptation Initiative (CCAI) of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) http://www.cc.cec/EUROPEAID/cris/saisie/decision/decision.cfm?action=showfromlist&key=23089 2. Policy objective and/or purpose: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam, the four countries of the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) are recognized as among the most vulnerable countries to climate change in the world because they rely heavily of natural resources and have low capacity to deal with climate change impacts. There is a high demand for better understanding of the potential impacts from climate change and variability and in particular the options for adaptation to these changes. The scope of the Climate Change Adaptation Initiative (CCAI) is climate change impact assessment and adaptation planning and implementation of adaptation interventions. It is cross-cutting touching on almost every aspects of water management (flood and drought, irrigation, hydropower development, etc.) and includes institutional, planning, environmental and socio-economic issues, as well as coping strategies including building resilience and enhancing adaptive capacity. A major result is the adaptation of a regional climate change adaption strategy and action plan. 3. Government agencies or institutions eligible in the provision of incentives for technology transfer in developed member: the Mekong River Commission. 4. Enterprises or other institutions eligible for incentives in LDCs (Transferor): 5. Targeted LDC Members (Transferee): Lao PDR and Cambodia. Not LDC beneficiaries; Thailand and Viet Nam. 6. Type of incentives measures for technology transfer: Use of knowledge in national adaptation strategies submitted to COP 21. 7. Field or sector of technology transfer activities: Climate change adaptation measures. 8. Type of technology transferred: Know-how, best practises, climate change adaptation pilot schemes. 9. Expected output related to technology transfer: Continued and broader geographical use. 10. Outcomes/impact: Increased capacity; improved national strategies for climate change adaptation, a regional climate change adaptation strategy and action plan. 11. Budget or funds allocated: €5 million 12. Duration 5 years (2012-2017) 13. Status: Under implementation 14. Contact point for information: [email protected] ASEAN MEMBER STATES 1. Title of project/programme: EU-ASEAN Project on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights. 2. Policy objective and/or purpose: The specific objective is ''to support ASEAN regional integration and further upgrade and harmonize the systems for IP creation, protection, administration and enforcement in the ASEAN region, in line with international IP standards and with the ASEAN IPR Action Plan 2011-2015''. IP/C/W/616/Add.7 - 4 - Improving the capacity of the productive sector in the ASEAN region, especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), to create, protect and manage their own brands by using IP as a tool for development, in line with Strategic Goal 3 of the ASEAN IPR Action Plan 2011-2015. The activities envisaged under this project component are grouped in five activity clusters, focusing on the following areas: (a) Enhancing SME; (b) Capacity Building of IP Professionals; (c) Information Tools for IP Users; (d) Enhanced Use of GIs as a Marketing Tool; (e) Creative ASEAN. 3. Government agencies or institutions eligible in the provision of incentives for technology transfer in developed member: ASEAN Secretariat; ASEAN IPOs. 4. Enterprises or other institutions eligible for incentives in LDCs (Transferor): ASEAN IPOs in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar and SMEs. 5. Targeted LDC Members (Transferee): Myanmar, Cambodia and Lao PDR. 6. Type of incentives measures for technology transfer: Strengthening the capacity of the IP administrations in the ASEAN countries to deliver quality registration services and enhancing the enforcement of IP rights in the ASEAN region. Enhancing the legal and policy frameworks enabling the participation of the ASEAN countries in the global protection systems for brands at the appropriate time. Improving the capacity of the productive sector in the ASEAN region, especially Small and Medium Sized enterprises (SMEs), to create, protect and manage their own brands by using IP as a tool for development. Enhancing IP integration within the ASEAN region and strengthening IP collaboration among the ASEAN Member States and with the ASEAN Secretariat. 7. Field or sector of technology transfer activities: IPRs. 8. Type of technology transferred: Know-how, best practices, legal and regulatory framework, ICT tools/databases. 9. Expected output related to technology transfer: proper registration services in ASEAN; enforcement of IP rights in the ASEAN region so the ASEAN countries can participate in the global protection systems for brands; ASEAN SMEs can create, protect and manage their own brands. 10. Outcomes/impact: increased capacity; improved national regulatory framework on IPRs: support to the implementation of the ASEAN IPR Plan. 11. Budget or funds allocated: €4.5 million 12. Duration: 5 years (2012-2017) 13. Status: Under implementation, closing phase. 14. Contact point for information: [email protected] CAMBODIA, LAO PEPOLES'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 1. Title of project/programme: Sustaining and Enhancing the Momentum for Innovation and Learning around the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in the Lower Mekong River Basin. 2. Policy objective and/or purpose: To contribute to enhance resilience of rainfed farmers of LMB region confronting climate change. To increase crop yield, productivity and profitability on sustainable basis at smallholders' farmers' field in rainfed areas of LMB region. 3. Government agencies or institutions eligible in the provision of incentives for technology transfer in developed member: ASEAN Secretariat; ASEAN IPOs 4. Enterprises or other institutions eligible for incentives in LDCs (Transferor): Government agencies at national and local/district level, academia and Rainfed smallholder farming households and communities and their local organizations. IP/C/W/616/Add.7 - 5 - 5. Targeted LDC Members (Transferee): Cambodia and Lao PDR. Not LDC beneficiaries: Thailand and Viet Nam. 6. Type of incentives measures for technology transfer: Increased crop yield, productivity and profitability on sustainable basis at smallholders farmers' field in rainfed areas of LMB region. 7. Field or sector of technology transfer activities: Sustainable agriculture 8. Type of technology transferred: Know-how, best practises, better national policies; research-extension capacity strengthened. 9. Expected output related to technology transfer: Science-based, pro poor profitable crop management practices developed, demonstrated and disseminated on larger scale in 4 LMB countries; co-generated knowledge and learning disseminated and pro-poor policy briefs with emphasis on women and landless developed and shared with policy makers; national research- extension capacity strengthened and training capacity of farmer trainers, national trainers and local, involved in smallholder farmer extension programme, improved. 10. Outcomes/impact: Increased capacity; innovative agro-ecologically-based crop management practices; System of Rice Intensification embedded in national policies; higher yields, higher net returns, and less inputs used ensuring food security and resilience to climate change in rainfed areas. 11. Budget or funds allocated: €2.9 million 12. Duration: 5 years (2012-2017) 13. Status: Under implementation. 14. Contact point for information: [email protected] ASEAN 1. Title of project/programme: ASEAN Air Transport Integration Project (AATIP) - Contract No. 295-925 2. Policy objective and/or purpose: AATIP will facilitate the development of the institutional frameworks to strengthen institution capacities within ASEAN with a view to support the achievement of a safe, secure, and sustainable ASEAN Single Aviation Market, based on high regulatory standard. 3. Government agencies or institutions eligible in the provision of incentives for technology transfer in developed member: EU-ASEAN Technical Cooperation Programmes 4. Enterprises or other institutions eligible for incentives in LDCs (Transferor): Implementing Body: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Consortium members from EU Member States are: EUROCONTROL The UK Civil Aviation Authority French DGAC (Civil Aviation Authority) 5. Targeted LDC Members (Transferee): ASEAN Secretariat ASEAN Member States' Civil Aviation Authorities IP/C/W/616/Add.7 - 6 - 6. Type of incentives measures for technology transfer: Institutional development and capacity building Legislative framework 7. Field or sector of technology transfer activities: Civil aviation 8. Type of technology transferred: Awareness and impact of Single Aviation Market Process to develop future mutual recognition of certificates, approvals and licence 9. Expected output related to technology transfer: Harmonized ASEAN Air Traffic Management Master Plan Procedures of ASEAN Aviation Regulatory Monitoring System Term of Reference of ASEAN Foreign Operators Safety Assessment 10. Outcomes/impact: Preparation for the ASEAN Single Aviation Market Strengthen capacity of the ASEAN Secretariat and ASEAN Member States Authorities 11. Budget or funds allocated: total EC contribution: €4.7 million 12. Duration: 2012-2016 13. Status: Project will end in November 2016 and the next phase of this EU-ASEAN cooperation in civil aviation will resume in 2017. 14. Contact point for information: [email protected], EU Delegation to Thailand _______________ 1. Title of project/programme: Promotion and Deployment of energy efficient air conditioners in ASEAN (under SWITCH-Asia Programme) 2. Policy objective and/or purpose: To increase the market share of higher efficient Air Conditioners (ACs) in ASEAN through harmonization of test methods and energy efficiency (EE) standards, adoption of common Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), and changing consumer purchasing attitudes in favour of energy efficient ACs. The Action will therefore result in a market transformation in favour of higher efficient ACs across the ASEAN region, which will materialize progressively after the end of the Action. 3. Government agencies or institutions eligible in the provision of incentives for technology transfer in developed member: ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE), ASEAN Secretariat, Energy Division, Prime Minister's Office (Brunei Darussalam); Ministry of Industry and Energy (Cambodia); Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Indonesia); Ministry of Energy and Mines (Lao PDR); Ministry of Industry No.2 (Myanmar); Department of Energy (the Philippines); Energy Market Authority (Singapore); Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) (Thailand); Ministry of Trade and Industry (Viet Nam). 4. Enterprises or other institutions eligible for incentives in LDCs (Transferor): Grant contract: European Copper Institute, with partners: United Nations Environment Programme - Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE), Energy Branch Copper Development Center South East Asia Electrical and Electronics Institute, Thailand SIRIM QAS International, Malaysia Integrated Institute of Electrical Engineers, the Philippines IP/C/W/616/Add.7 - 7 - Research Center for Energy and Environment, Viet Nam 5. Targeted LDC Members (Transferee): Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar. Not LDC Members: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam. 6. Type of incentives measures for technology transfer: Capacity building / training / workshop / study visit. 7. Field or sector of technology transfer activities: Air conditioners (ACs) 8. Type of technology transferred: Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), Test methods, EE. 9. Expected output related to technology transfer: The standards for testing methods related to the energy performance of ACs are harmonized in ASEAN. Energy Performance Standards developed and harmonized in ASEAN countries and a regional policy roadmap for MEPS and HEPS adopted at the ASEAN level. National policy roadmaps for increase of MEPS developed and adopted in 8 ASEAN countries. ASEAN domestic AC manufacturers increase their production/commercialization of higher efficiency ACs. 10. Outcomes/impact: Reduction in the electricity consumption from the residential sector against business-as- usual scenario by 5,373 GWh per year, to be achieved within 3 years after the end of the Action; A corresponding reduction in GHG emissions in the magnitude of 2.7 million tonnes of CO2 per year, to be achieved within 3 years after the end of the Action. Consumers in ASEAN are educated on the economic benefits of higher efficient ACs and change their purchasing behaviour in favour of higher efficiency ACs. Increased market share of higher efficient ACs in ASEAN through harmonization of test methods and energy efficiency (EE) standards, adoption of common Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), and changing consumer purchasing attitudes in favour of energy efficient ACs. 11. Budget or funds allocated: €1,749,000 12. Duration: 29/12/2012-26/12/2016 13. Status: Ongoing, entering into the final phase of implementation 14. Contact point for information: [email protected] _______________ 1. Title of project/programme: Sustainable Freight and Logistics in the Mekong Region (SFL Mekong) (under SWITCH-Asia Programme) 2. Policy objective and/or purpose: To increase sustainable freight and logistics in the Mekong Region, specifically: To improve fuel-efficiency by better management, cooperation, and driving behaviours in the Mekong region. IP/C/W/616/Add.7 - 8 - To improve the safety of dangerous goods transport within the Mekong region. To increase access to finance for SME in the logistics sector in greening and freight and logistics. To promote modal shift, labelling, and other SCP incentive measures in freight, transport and logistics. 3. Government agencies or institutions eligible in the provision of incentives for technology transfer in developed member: Ministry of Transport in the 5 targeted countries, SMEs, Associations, networks. 4. Enterprises or other institutions eligible for incentives in LDCs (Transferor): Grant contract: European Copper Institute, with partners: Mekong Institute; Greater Mekong Sub-region Business Forum (GMS-BF) / Greater Mekong Sub-region Freight Transport Association (GMS-FRETA). 5. Targeted LDC Members (Transferee): Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar. Not LDC Members: Viet Nam (CLMV) and Thailand. 6. Type of incentives measures for technology transfer: Capacity building/training/workshop/study visit. 7. Field or sector of technology transfer activities: Freight/transportation 8. Type of technology transferred: "Fuel efficiency": capacity building/training - implement measures to increase fuel efficiency to 500 micro and small freight and logistics companies "Safety of DG transport": Introduce guidelines for dangerous goods transport to administrative bodies and companies. Facilitate cross-border agreements and train on safety of DG transport. "Access to Finance": Support green loan initiatives and develop investment plans "Awareness & Policy Actions": Support awareness and policy actions 9. Expected output related to technology transfer: Fuel efficiency measures are introduced to at least 500 companies Guidelines for dangerous goods (DG) transport are in place in relevant administrations in CMLV following the Thai example. 80 companies are trained on dangerous goods transport and draft agreements on safety standards of cross-border DG transport. 30 investment plans have been developed for micro and SMEs for selected larger measures derived from WP1 and WP2. Green freight labelling criteria introduced, recommendations to improve selected feasible SCP incentives and other policy actions. 10. Outcomes/impact: (expected) Fuel efficiency is improved in at least 400 micro and SMEs. Dangerous goods transport is improved via at least 80 SMEs. Investment for fuel efficiency and safety measures has increased. Larger SMEs are in the process of green freight labelling and improved SCP promoting incentives and regulations in the transport sector focusing on higher fuel-efficiency and safety. 11. Budget or funds allocated: € 2,040,000 12. Duration: 01/02/2016-31/01/2019 (36 months) 13. Status: Ongoing, first year of implementation 14. Contact point for information: [email protected] IP/C/W/616/Add.7 - 9 - COMOROS 1. Title of project/programme: Creation of six photovoltaic micro-grids in rural areas of the island of Moheli, Comoros 2. CRIS number: FED: 2011/232-482 3. Policy objective and/or purpose: Renewable energy electrification of six villages on the island of Moheli to meet household, social and economic needs. Project rationale: Electricity coverage in the Union of the Comoros is still insufficient and inefficient, combined with strong external energy dependency, linked to the importation of petroleum products (the largest item in the country's import bill). The national electricity generation and distribution company (MAMWE) – a public industrial and commercial establishment (EPIC) – hopes to expand its subscriber network while diversifying its power generation in favour of cheaper and greener renewable energies. The decision to invest in the installation of six photovoltaic micro-plants in the west of Moheli is explained as follows: inhabitants of the western region of the island of Moheli do not have access to electricity because of a complete lack of networks; solar energy is widely available in these tropical islands; the use of solar energy reinforces the green agenda of this rural, agricultural region, located in the protected area of the marine park, which is home to a preserved biodiversity; access to electricity should allow support for the development of wealth-generating economic activities (agro-processing, tourism, etc.). At the end of 2015, the project was refocused in order to adapt it to changes in: demographic and socio-economic data, thereby satisfying demand quantified as being above the initial offer; and photovoltaic power generation technology, now directed towards injecting greener power into the grid – with limited battery storage in isolated circuits – and in line with the current strategy to expand the local electrical network. The project therefore now involves the entry into service of two pilot photovoltaic generation plants – including a "demonstration" micro-plant in the form of a parking shelter at the regional headquarters of MAMWE, and a main production site in the rural area to inject power into the network – coupled with an expansion of the medium- and low-voltage electricity grid, for the benefit of eight villages in the Moheli marine park. This project comes with: a component for capacity building at MAMWE – setting in motion its first photovoltaic plant to inject into the network, the transfer of skills being ensured by experienced technical assistance; a component for outreach to the local population on photovoltaic energy and the workings of the plant; a component to secure the electricity supply of several key infrastructures / notably the installation of solar street lamps. IP/C/W/616/Add.7 - 10 - 4. Government agencies or institutions eligible in the provision of incentives for technology transfer in developed member: The enterprise awarded the contract to supply and install the plants in the eight villages and install the network. 5. Enterprises or other institutions eligible for incentives in LDCs (Transferor): MAMWE, which is a public industrial and commercial establishment. 6. Targeted LDC Members (Transferee): Comoros 7. Type of incentives measures for technology transfer: Grant contract under the Energy Facility. 8. Field or sector of technology transfer activities: Renewable energies 9. Type of technology transferred: Photovoltaic energy 10. Expected output related to technology transfer: Electrification and connection of eight villages on Moheli to the network. 11. Outcomes/impact: Improved living standards for the population of these eight villages / long-term reduction in the national energy bill and mitigation of MAMWE's carbon emissions. 12. Budget or funds allocated: €2,283,000 13. Duration: 60 months from November 2012 14. Status: In progress 15. Contact point for information: Cellule d'Appui à l'Ordonnateur National des Comores. LESOTHO 1. Title of project/programme: Technical Assistance for Integrated Catchment Management CRIS 366084. 2. Policy objective and/or purpose: Contribute towards effective implementation of Integrated Catchment Management in Lesotho through an improved coordination among relevant stakeholders in line with the Long-term Water and Sanitation Strategy through setting-up a framework for a coordinated approach in catchment management activities; support the implementation of Integrated Catchment Management through the delineation of catchments and development of a first pilot catchment management plan; identification of relevant stakeholders in integrated catchment management and set up a plan and road map for the implementation of future catchment management plans. 3. Government agencies or institutions eligible in the provision of incentives for technology transfer in developed member: Department of Water Affairs of Ministry of Water 4. Enterprises or other institutions eligible for incentives in LDCs (Transferor) Note: what is meant with this? Same actually applied for c., nowhere explained. 5. Targeted LDC Members (Transferee): Same 6. Type of incentives measures for technology transfer: Same 7. Field or sector of technology transfer activities: Integrated Catchment Management / Integrated Water Resources Management 8. Type of technology transferred: knowledge on Integrated Catchment Management / Integrated Water Resources Management