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International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 27, 339-341 (2004) Author Index to Volume 27 (2004) Aaron, A. See Manigandan, C., 229 Chan, F. See Da Silva Cardoso, E.., on spasticity, range of motion and Ahlgren, A. et al. Work resumption 333 gait patterns in children with or not after rehabitation? A de- Charles, J. See Manigandan, C., 229 spastic diplegic palsy: an Egyptian scriptive study from six social Charles, J. See Sathishkumar, S., 71 study, 275 insurance offices, 171 Chase, S. See Colantonio, A., 209 El-Kahky, A.M. See El-Etribi, M.A., Ahlquist, M. See Bohannon, R.W., Cheing, G.L.Y. See Tam, S-F., 65 v4 151 Chiu; P-P-F. et -al. Validation of Elliott, T.R. See Grant, J.S., 105 Allen, C.A. See Da Silva Cardoso, the Chinese general self-efficiency El-Mahboub, S.M. See El-Etribi, M.A., E., 333 scale among individuals with schi- 275 Amick III, B.C. See Durand, M-J., zophrenia in Hong Kong, 159 El-Shakankiry, H.M. See El-Etribi, 261 Chow, S.M.K. See Mak, F.I.F., 237 M.A., 275 Amsters, D. See Maugham, L., 309 Coetzer, B.R. See Roberts, C.B., 145 Etohu, S. See Kawahira, K., 323 Andries, F. et al. Working with a Colantonio, A. ef al. Aging with Eyal, P. See Weiss, Z., 119, 155 chronic disorder the develop- traumatic brain injury: long-term ment of the Work and Handicap health conditions, 209 Fan, G. See Moroz, A., 75 Questionnaire, 37 Cooper, R.A. See Crane, B.A., 85 Fange, A. et al. Statistical assessment Arar, E. See Duvdevany, I., 289 Cox, R. See Maugham, L., 309 of changes in ADL dependence: Aras, M.D. et al. Functional out- Crane, B.A. et al. Development of a three-graded versus dichotomised come following traumatic brain consumer-driven Wheelchair Seat- scaling, 303 injury: the Turkish experience, 257 ing Discomfort Assessment Tool Floyd, M. et a/. Vocational rehabili- Arendzen, J.J. See van Weert, W., 27 (WcS-DAT), 85 tation: what works and in what Asha, T. See Sathishkumar, S., 71 circumstances, 99 Ashburn, A. See Kersten, P., 59 Avraham, I. See Weiss, Z., 119 Da Silva Cardoso, E. et al. Life skills Gagnon, C. et al. Autosomal reces- and subjective well-being of peo- sive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix- ple with disabilities: a canonical Barf, H.A. et al. Educational career Saguenay: upper extremity apti- correlation analysis, 333 and predictors of type of educa- tudes, functional independence Desrosiers, J. See Gagnon, C., 253 tion in young adults with spina and social participation, 253 Divya, I. See Manigandan, C., 229 bifida, 45 Garner, K. See Floyd, M., 99 Dlamini, P.J. See Yousafzai, A.K., Barrett, P. See Floyd, M., 99 George, S. See Kersten, P., 59 247 Basar, P. See Yilmaz, S., 327 Giger, J.N. See Grant, J.S., 105 Dou, Z.L. et al. Community-based Bassett, H. See Tse, S., 269 Gisel, E.G. See Yilmaz, S., 327 cognitive rehabilitation services Battistutta, D. See Maugham, L., 309 Glandon, G.L. See Grant, J.S., for persons with traumatic brain Bergroth, A. See Ahigren, A., 171 105 injuries in China, 81 Blackwell, H.C. See Roberts, C.B., Gokkaya, K.O. See Aras, M.D.., Durand, M-J. et al. The cross-cultur- 145 257 al adaptation of the Work Role Blalock, K. See Da Silva Cardoso, E., Gooskens, R.H.J.M. See Barf, H.A., Functioning Questionnaire in 333 45 Canadian French, 261 Bohannon, R.W. et al. Measurement Govinda Rao, L. et al. Organiza- Duvdevany, I. et a/. Leisure activities, properties of ithe short form (SF)- tional aspects of special schools friendships, and quality of life of 12 applied to patients with stroke, for mental retardation in India, persons with intellectual disability: 151 127 foster homes vs community resi- Bohannon, R.W. et al. Test-retest Grant, J.S. ef al. Caregiving prob- dential settings, 289 rehability of short form (SF)-12 lems and feelings experienced by Dynia, A. See Weiss, Z., 119, 155 component scores of patients with family caregivers of stroke survi- stroke, 149 vors the first month after dis- Brodin, J. See Lindstrand, P. Edward, S.J. See Manigandan, C., charge, 105 229 Groce, N. See Yousafzai, A.K., 247 Cakci, A. See Aras, M.D., 257 Ekholm, J. See Ahlgren, A., 171 Grol, B.M.F. See van Weert, W., 27 Caulfield, B. See Shaughnessy, M., Eldar, R. See Weiss, Z., 119, 155 Guntupalli, V.K. See Kalinowski, J., 297 El-Etribi, M.A. et al. The effect of 167 Cevik, R. See Nas, K., 181 botulinum toxin type-A injection Giir, A. See Nas, K., 18! 0342-5282 © 2004 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Higashihara, K. See Kawahira, K., Li, E.P.Y. Self-perceived equal op- propulsion using one arm and portunities for people with intel- both arm patterns, 319 Hobson, D. See Crane, B.A., 85 lectual disability, 241 Muilaart, R.A. See Barf, H.A., 45 Hoekstra-Weebers, J.E.H.M. See van Lindstrand, P. ef al. Is information Weert, W., 27 and communication technology Nas, K. ef al. The relationship Holm, M.B. See Crane, B.A., 85 an opportunity for parents between physical impairment and Hong, Q.N. See Durand, M-J., 261 of children with disabilities?, disability during stroke rehabili- Hoogendoorn, W.E. See Andries, F.., 113 tation: effect of cognitive status, 4 Lloyd, C. See Tse, S., 269 18] Hui-Chan, C.W.Y. See Dou, Z.L., 81 Loisel, P. See Durand, M-J., 261 Ng, K-L. See Mak, F.I.F., 237 Hui-Chan, C.W.Y. See Tam, S-F.., Low, J. See Kersten, P., 59 65 Lundiilv, J. Self-reported experiences Otter, R. See van Weert, W., 27 of incidents and injury events in Imbeau, D. See Durand, M-J., 261 traffic among impaired people as Penman, M. See Tse, S., 269 Iwai, K. See Miyazaki, Y., 233 pedestrians and cyclists. A follow- Piirainen, K. See Juvonen-Posti, P., Iwarsson, S. et al. Alternative data up study of mobility and use of 215 treatment principles for categori- hearing equipment, 79 Pilling, D. See Floyd, M., 99 cal ADL data, 195 Post, M.W.M. See Barf, H.A., 45 Iwarsson, S. See Fange, A., 303 Postema, K. See van Weert, W., 27 Mak, F.I.F. et al. Job satisfaction Pradeep Poonoose, P. See Sathish- of childcare workers for children kumar, S., 71 Jennekens-Schinkel, A. See Barf, H.A., with developmental disabilities in Prevo, A.J.H. See Barf, H.A., 45 45 Juvonen-Posti, P. et a/. The reality of Hong Kong, 237 returning to work and training: Maljanian, R. See Bohannon, R.W., Ratcliff, G. See Colantonio, A., 209 experiences from a long-term un- 149, 151 Reddy, S.H.K. See Govinda Rao, L., employment project, 215 Man, D.W.K. See Dou, Z.L., 81 127 Manigandan, C. ef a/. Construction Redstone, F. The effects of seating of exercise attitude questionnaire- position on the respiratory pat- Kaindnen-Kiukaanniemi, S. See 18 to evaluate patients’ attitudes terns of preschoolers with cerebral Juvonen-Posti, P., 215 toward exercises, 229 palsy, 283 Kalinowski, J. et al. Self-reported Manigandan, C. See Sathishkumar, S., Reed, M.P. See Crane, B.A., 85 efficacy of an ear-level prosthetic 71 Reid, D. Accessibility and usability device that delivers altered audi- Martz, E. Do post-traumatic stress of the physical housing environ- tory feedback for the management symptoms predict reactions of ment of seniors with stroke, 203 of stuttering, 167 adaptation to disability after a Roberts, C.B. et al. Is performance Kallanranta, T. See Juvonen-Posti, P., sudden-onset spinal cord injury?, on the Wechsler Abbreviated 215 185 Scale of Intelligence associated Kawahira, K. ef al. New functional Mathieu, J. See Gagnon, C., 253 with employment outcome follow- vibratory stimulation device for Matsumoto, S. See Kawahira, K.., ing brain injury?, 145 extremities in patients with stroke, 323 Rubin, S.E. See Da Silva Cardoso, E., 323 Kaya, A. See Aras, M.D., 257 Matumura, S. See Miyazaki, Y., I2S22S 2353 Kersten, P. ef al. The Subjective Maugham, L. et al. Reducing inpa- Salem, M.E. See El-Etribi, M.A., 275 Index of Physical and Social Out- tient hospital usage for manage- Saltuklaroglu, T. See Kalinowski, J., come: its usefulness in a younger ment of pressure sores after spinal 167 stroke population, 59 cord lesions, 309 Samanta, A. See Mukherjee, G., 319 King, R. See Tse, S., 269 McLellan, L. See Kersten, P., 59 Sarac, A.J. See Nas, K., 181 Klein, B. See Weiss, Z., 119, 155 Miwa, T. See Miyazaki, Y., 233 Sathishkumar, S. et al. A cost-effec- Kremer, A.M. See Andries, F., 37 Miyazaki, Y. et al. Serial changes in tive, adjustable femoral socket, independent sitting in adults with temporary prosthesis for immedi- Landers, M. Treatment-induced neu- severe cerebral palsy, 233 ate rehabilitation of above-knee roplasticity following focal injury Moroz, A. et al. Convalescence care amputation, 71 to the motor cortex, | for seniors of lower Manhattan: Schoeb, V. See Moroz, A., 75 Landes, M. See Bohannon, R.W., an interdisciplinary outreach, re- Selz, B., See Valach, L., 135 149 habilitation, and education model, Shani, R. See Weiss, Z., 119 Lanke, J. See Fange, A., 303 iS, Shaughnessy, M. ef al. A pilot study Lanke, J. See Iwarsson, S., 195 Mukherjee, G. ef al. Arm crank to investigate the effect of lumbar Lee, M. See Moroz, A., 75 propelled three-wheeled chair: stabilisation exercise training on Lee, N. See Bohannon, R.W., 151 physiological evaluation of the functional ability and quality of International Journal of Rehabilitation Research (2004) 27(4) life in patients with chronic low ployment of persons with disabil- Weaver, M. See Grant 58... back pain, 297 ities in Slovenia, 315 105 Shimodozono, M. See Kawahira, K.., Weiss, Z. et al. Allocation and pre- 323 ference of patients for domiciliary Vachon, B. See Durand, M-J., 261 Signer, S., See Valach, L., 13 or institutional rehabilitation after Valach, L. et al. Length of stay in Snir, D. See Weiss, Z., 119, 155 a stroke, 155 the rehabilitation center, the ad- Stadelmeier, S. See Crane, B.A., 85 Weiss, Z. et al. Effectiveness of mission functional independence Stankovic, I. The effect of physical home rehabilitation after stroke in measure and the functional inde- therapy on balance of patients Israel, 119 pendence measure gain, 135 with Parkinson’s disease, 53 Wevers, C.W.J. See Andries, F., 37 van der Schans, C.P. See van Weert, Stuart, A. See Kalinowski, J., 167 Wirz, S. See Yousafzai, A.K., 247 W., 27 Sueyoshi, Y. See Kawahira, K., 323 van Putten, D.J. See Andries, F., 37 van Weert, E. et al. Physical func- Yanagi, H. See Miyazaki, Y., 233 Tam, S.F. See Dou, Z.L., 81 tioning and quality of life after Yanagisako, Y. See Miyazaki, Y.., Tam, S-F. ef al. Predicting osteo- cancer rehabilitation, 27 233 arthritic knee rehabilitation out- come by using a prediction model Verhoef, M. See Barf, H.A., 45 Yilmaz, S. et al. Assessment of Vernich, L. See Colantonio, A., 209 feeding performance in patients developed by data mining techni- Vidmar, J. See Ursic, C., 31 S with cerebral palsy, 327 ques, 65 Vitale, K. See Moroz, A., 7:5 Yousafzai, A.K. ef al. Knowledge, Tanaka, N. See Kawahira, K., 32: Vogel, H. et al. Rehabilitation in personal risk and experiences Tomura, S. See Miyazaki, Y., 23: Germany: new challenges of a of HIV/AIDS among people Tsang, H.W.H. See Chiu, F.P.F., 159 Tse, S. et al. Evidence-based practice structured social security scheme. with disabilities in Swaziland, 93 247 and rehabilitation: occupational therapy in Australia and New Zealand experiences, 269 Watanabe, Y. An assessment of Zdrahal-Urbanek, J. See Vogel, H., osteoporosis in stroke patients 93 Ursic, C. et al. The right to equal on rehabilitation admission, Zetler, H. See Weiss, opportunity and treatment: em- 163 Zohar, R. See Weiss, International Journal of Rehabilitation Research (2004) 27(4) International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 27, 343-344 (2004) Keyword index to Volume 27 (2004) Above-knee prosthesis, 71 Employment, 241, 315 Low back pain, 297 Achievement, 45 Empowerment, 241 Lower limb, 323 Adaptation, 185 Equal opportunity, 241 Lumbar stabilisation, 297 ADL Staircase, 195 Evaluation, 303 Altered auditory feedback, 167 Evidence-based practice, 269 Measurement, 149 Ambulation, 45 Exercise, 65 Mental retardation, 127 Arm crank propulsion, 319 Exercises, 229 Mobility, 79 Artificial neural networks, 65 Multidimensional, 303 Assessment, 159 Family caregivers, 105 Ataxic disorders, 253 Fatigue, 27 Attitude, 229 Feeding, 327 Neuromuscular disorders, 253 Fluency, 167 Neuroplasticity, | Balance, 53 Follow-up, 215 Barriers, 247 Friendships, 289 Occupational therapy, 195, 269 Bone mineral density, 163 Functional independence measure, Ordinal data, 303 Botulinum toxin type-A, 275 PSS, 257 Organizational effectiveness, 127 Brain injury, 81, 145 Organizational structure, 127 Gait speed, 323 Osteoarthritic knee, 65 Cancer patients, 27 Geriatric, 75 Osteoporosis, 163 Capacity building, 127 German rehabilitation, 93 Outcome assessment, 59 Caregiving problems, 105 Guttman scaling, 195 Outcome, 45, 159, 215 Cerebral palsy, 275, 283, 327 Cerebral vascular accident, | Health related quality of life, 151 Paired observations, 303 Children with multiple disabilities, Hearing impaired, 79 Parents’ expectations, 113 113 HIV/AIDS knowledge, 247 Parkinson’s disease, 53 Children, 45, 275 Home environment, 203 Persons with disabilities, 315 Chronic disorders, 37 Home rehabilitation, 119, 155 Physical therapy, 53, 229 Clinical research, 269 Hong Kong, 237 Physiological evaluation, 319 Cognitive, 81, 181 Housing, 203 Physiological variables, 27 Collaboration, 269 Human rights, 315 Physiotherapy, | Community health services, 309 Hydrocephalus, 45 Position, 283 Community outreach, 71 Predictors, 45 Community, 81 Impairment, 181 Preference of patients, 155 Continence, 45 Incidents and injury events in traffic, Preschooler, 283 Cortical reorganization, | 79 Pressure sores, 309 Cross-cultural adaptation, 261 Independent sitting, 233 Professional development, 237 Information and communication Psychosocial reactions, 185 Decision to discharge, 135 technology, 113 PTSD, 185 Design, 203 Inhibition, 167 DDiesvaibciel,i ty1 67c reation proce IInntteellrevcetnuatli ond/isparboilgirtaym, me2,4 1, 21258 9 QQuuaelsittiyo nnoafi rleif,e , 3z54 ./77 , 149, 289, 297, 333 Disability pension, 171 Intra-county differences, 171 Disability rehabilitation, 127 Disability, 85, 181, 185, 215, 247 Job demands, 37 Realistic evaluation, 99 Disabled persons, 319 Job satisfaction, 237 Rehabilitation measures, 17] Discomfort, 85 Rehabilitation outcome, 333 Drooling, 327 Leisure activities, 289 Rehabilitation, 1, 27, 71, 75, 81, 215, Length of stay, 135 229, 257, 315 Education, 45 LIFE-H, 253 Reliability, 151 Effectiveness, 119 Longitudinal, 303 Respiration, 283 Efficacy, 167 Long-term outcome, 209 Resuming work, 171 Employers, 315 Long-term unemployment, 215 Return to work, 145 0342-5282 © 2004 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Schizophrenia, 159 Stroke outcome, 59 Vibratory stimulation, 323 SCI, 185 Stroke survivors, 105, 119 Vocational rehabilitation, 99 Self-efficacy, 159 Stroke, 1, 149, 151, 155, 163, 181, Vulnerability, 247 Self-report, 167 323 Serial changes, 233 Stuttering, 167 Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intel- Severe CP, 233 Swaziland, 247 ligence, 145 Short Form (SF) 12, 151 Wheelchair seating, 85 Sick listed, 171 Theories, 99 Wheelchair, 85, 319 Slovenia, 315 Third world nations, 71 Women, 247 Social security scheme, 93 Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Work adjustments, 37 Spasticity, 275 Stimulation, 65 Work capacity, 215 Special education, 127 Trauma, 185 Work handicaps, 37 Special schools, 127 Traumatic brain injury, 209, 257 SpeechEasy, 167 Triangulation, 215 Work outcome measure, 261 Work rehabilitation, 261 Spina bifida, 45 Spinal cord injuries, 309 Validation, 159 Statistics, 195 Validity, 151 Young adults, 45, 59 International Journal of Rehabilitation Research (2004) 27(4)

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