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International Journal of Behavioral Development © 2002 The International Society for the 2002, 26 (1), 91-93 Study of Behavioural Development http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/pp/01650254.html International Journal of Behavioral Development Volume 25, 2001, Contents list Issue 1 Melhuish, E.C., The quest for quality in early day care and preschool experience continues 7 Serbin, L.A., Poulin-Dubois, D., Colburne, K.A., Sen, M.G., & Eichstedt, 7.A., Gender stereotyping in infancy: Visual preferences for and knowledge of gender-stereotyped toys in the second year 16 Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., & Sagi, A., Mothers’ empathic understanding of their preschoolers’ internal experience: Relations with early attachment 27 Low, 7., & Durkin, K., Individual differences and consistency in maternal talk style during joint story encoding and retrospection: Associations with children’s long-term recall 37 Bradmetz, F., & Amiotte-Suchet, H., The acquisition of a theory of action and the dissociation between action intention and outcome intention in children aged 2—6 years 50 Rodrigo, M.J., Fanssens, F.M.A.M., & Ceballos, E., Reasoning and action complexity: Sources and consequences on maternal child-rearing behaviour 60 Bowes, 7.M., Flanagan, C., & Taylor, A.7., Adolescents’ ideas about individual and social responsibility in relation to children’s household work: Some international comparisons 69 Moller, K., & Stattin, H., Are close relationships in adolescence linked with partner relationships in midlife? A longitudinal, prospective study 78 Morra, S., Vighocco, G., & Penello, B., M capacity as a lifespan construct: A study of its decrease in ageing subjects 88 Gili, G., Marchetti, A., Siegal, M., & Peterson, C.C., Children’s incipient ability to distinguish mistakes from lies: An Italian investigation Book reviews Levy-Shiff, R., Psychological adjustment of adoptees in adulthood: Family environment and adoption-related correlates 105 = Pickens, F., Field, T., & Nawrocki, T., Frontal EEG asymmetry in response to emotional vignettes in preschool age children 113 Crystal, D.S., Parrott, W.G., Okazaki, Y., Watanabe, H., Examining relations between shame and personality among university students in the United States and Japan: A developmental perspective 124 Schoon, I., Teenage job aspirations and career attainment in adulthood: A 17-year follow-up study of teenagers who aspired to become scientists, health professionals, or engineers 133 ~=Lanz, M., Scabim, E., Vermulst, A.A., & Gerris, ¥.R.M., Congruence on child rearing in families with early adolescent and middle adolescent children 140 Arab-Moghaddam, N., & Sénéchal, M., Orthographic and phonological processing skills in reading and spelling in Persian/ English bilinguals 148 Van Tul, C., Leseman, P.P.M., & Rispens, F., Efficacy of an intensive home-based educational intervention program for 4- to 6-year old ethnic minority children in the Netherlands 160 Elischberger, H.B., & Roebers, C.M., Improving young children’s free narratives about an observed event: The effects of nonspecific verbal prompts 167 Zevalkink, 7., & Riksen-Walraven, M., Parenting in Indonesia: Inter- and intracultural differences in mothers’ interactions with their young children 176 dela Ossa, 7.L., & Gauvain, M., Joint attention by mothers and children while using plans 184 Itoigawa, N., The role of individuals in the history of a free-ranging group of Japanese macaques: Some thoughts on the relevance for human behavioural research 187 Book reviews List of reviewers 92 VOLUME 25 CONTENTS LIST Issue 3 Schaie, K.W., Nguyen, H.T., Willis, S.L., Dutta, R., & Yue, G.A., Environmental factors as a conceptual framework for examining cognitive performance in Chinese adults Eronen, S., & Nurmi, 7.-E., Sociometric status of young adults: Behavioural correlates, and cognitive-motivational antecedents and consequences Sharabany, R., Mayseless, O., Edri, G., & Lulav, D., Ecology, childhood experiences, and adult attachment styles of women in the kibbutz Druyan, S., A comparison of four types of cognitive conflict and their effect on cognitive development Little, T., Lopez, D.F., Oettingen, G., & Baltes, P.B., A comparative-longitudinal study of action-control beliefs and school performance: On the role of context Ardila-Rey, A., & Killen, M., Middle class Colombian children’s evaluations of personal, moral, and social-conventional interactions in the classroom Punamdki, R.-L., Qouta, S., & El-Sarraj, E., Resiliency factors predicting psychological adjustment for political violence among Palestinian children Galati, D., Miceli, R., & Sini, B., Judging and coding facial expression of emotions in congenitally blind children Manetti, M., Schneider, B.H., & Siperstein, G., Social acceptance of children with mental retardation: Testing the contact hypothesis with an Italian sample Hartup, W., & Slot, N.W., In memoriam Jan de Wit: 1928-2000 Silbereisen, R.K., Editorial announcement Issue 4 Special Section: Emotional development in interpersonal relationships (edited by Maria von Salisch and Carolyn Saarni) von Salisch, M., & Saarni, C., Introduction to the Special Section on Emotional development in interpersonal relationships Denham, S., Mason, T., Caverly, S., Schmidt, M., Hackney, R., Caswell, C., & DeMulder, E., Preschoolers at play: Co- socialisers of emotional and social competence Kienbaum, F., Volland, C., & Ulich, D., Sympathy in the context of mother-child and teacher-child relationships von Salisch, M., Children’s emotional development: Challenges in their relationships to parents, peers, and friends Underwood, M.K., & Bjornstad, G.F., Children’s emotional experience of peer provocation: The relation between observed behaviour and self-reports of emotions, expressions, and social goals Zimmermann, P., Maier, M.A., Winter, M., & Grossmann, K.E., Attachment and adolescents’ emotion regulation during a joint problem-solving task with a friend Becker-Stoll, F., Delius, A., & Scheitenberger, S., Adolescents’ nonverbal emotional expressions during negotiation of a disagreement with their mothers: An attachment approach Saarni, C., Epilogue: Emotion communication and relationship context Verkuyten, M., Global self-esteem, ethnic self-esteem and family integrity: Turkish and Dutch early adolescents in The Netherlands Grigorenko, E.L., Geissler, P.W., Prince, R., Okatcha, F., Nokes, C., Kenny, D.A., Bundy, D.A., & Sternberg, R.J., The organization of Luo conceptions of intelligence: A study of implicit theories in a Kenyan village Oyserman, D., Harrison, K., & Bybee, D., Can racial identity be promotive of academic efficacy? Martin, M., & Schumann-Hengsteler, R., How task demands influence time-based prospective memory performance in young and old adults Klumb, P.L., Action regulation in old age: Time samples from everyday contexts VOLUME 25 CONTENTS LIST Issue 5 401 Pasupathi, M., & Staudinger, U.M., Do advanced moral reasoners also show wisdom? Linking moral reasoning and wisdom-related knowledge and judgement 416 Davison, K.K., & Susman, E.#., Are hormone levels and cognitive ability related during early adolescence? 429 Hagekull, B., Bohlin, G., & Hammarberg, A., The role of parental perceived control in child development: A longitudinal study 438 Durbrow, E.H., Pena, L.F., Masten, A., Sesma, A., & Williamson, I., Mothers’ conceptions of child competence in contexts of poverty: The Philippines, St Vincent, and the United States 444 Wachs, T.D., & McCabe, G., Relation of maternal intelligence and schooling to offspring nutritional intake 450 Muller, A.M., & Harwood, R.L., Long-term socialisation goals and the construction of infants’ social networks among middle class Anglo and Puerto Rican mothers 458 Salisbury, A., Minard, K., Hunsley, M., & Thoman, E.B., Audio recording of infant crying: Comparison with maternal cry logs 466 Matsuda, F., Development of concepts of interrelationships among duration, distance, and speed 480 List of reviewers Issue 6 481 Silbereitsen, R.K., Comment from the Editor 482 Hess, T.M., Ageing-related influences on personal need for structure 491 Reese, H.W., Lee, L.-F., Cohen, S.H., & Puckett, 7.M., Fr, Effects of intellectual variables, age, and gender on divergent thinking in adulthood 501 Bereczkei, T., & Csanaky, A., Stressful family environment, mortality, and child socialisation: Life-history strategies among adolescents and adults from unfavourable social circumstances 509 Mahoney, 7.L., Stattin, H., & Magnusson, D., Youth recreation centre participation and criminal offending: A 20-year longitudinal study of Swedish boys 521 Sturgess, W., Dunn, F., & Davies, L., Young children’s perceptions of their relationships with family members: Links with family setting, friendships, and adjustment Granot, D., & Mayseless, O., Attachment security and adjustment to school in middle childhood Lohaus, A., Keller, H., & Voelker, S., Relationships between eye contact, maternal sensitivity, and infant crying Bornstein, M.H., & Cote, L.R., Mother-infant interaction and acculturation I: Behavioural comparisons in Japanese American and South American families Cote, L.R., & Bornstein, M.H., Mother-infant interaction and acculturation II: Behavioural coherence and correspondence in Japanese American and South American families

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