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Preview International Journal of American Linguistics 2008: Vol 74 Index & Table of Contents

CONTENTS OF VOLUME 74 (2008) | David Beck: Ideophones, Adverbs, and Predicate Qualification in Upper Necaxa Totonac Stephen A. Marlett: The Form and Use of Names in Seri Nicholas A. Hopkins, Ausencio Cruz Guzman, and 7J. Kathryn Josserand: A Chol (Mayan) Vocabulary from 1789 Lynn Nichols: Zuni Accusative Intransitives + Jane H. Hill: Northern Uto-Aztecan and Kiowa-Tanoan: Evidence of Contact between the Proto-Languages? Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald: Multilingual Imperatives: The Elaboration of a Category in Northwest Amazonia Carolyn J. MacKay and Frank R. Trechsel: Symmetrical Objects in Misantla Totonac Anthony K. Webster: A Note on Plains Apache Warpath Vocabulary David W. Fleck: Coreferential Fourth-Person Pronouns in Matses . . Susan Steele: Situating Morphology Enrique L. Palancar: Juxtaposed Adjunct Clauses in Otomi: Express- ing Both Depictive and Adverbial Semantics Stephen A. Marlett: The Seri—Salinan Connection Revisited 4 Donna B. Gerdts and Stephen A. Marlett: Introduction: The Form and Function of Denominal Verb Constructions Willem de Reuse: Denominal Verbs in Apachean Languages Jason D. Haugen: Denominal Verbs in Uto-Aztecan Stephen A. Marlett: Denominal Verbs in Seri Donna B. Gerdts and Thomas E. Hukari: Halkomelem Denominal Verb Constructions John Stonham: Verb—Argument Composition in Nuuchahnulth: A Special Case of Denominal Verb Formation Editorial Note Announcements Language Index for Volume 7 REVIEWS Sharon Hargus: Making Dictionaries: Preserving Indigenous Lan- guages of the Americas (Frawley, Hill, and Munro, eds.) . . Grazyna J. Rowicka and Jan van Eijk: When I Was Small—I Wan Kwikws: A Grammatical Analysis of St’at’ime Oral Narratives (Matthewson) Lilidn Guerrero: Relativization in Shipibo-Konibo: A Typologically- Oriented Study (Valenzuela) RAMA TEARS GINA SER ES o5 08S Ps ap eses 7S IGTP LR staTS ae)s h Lieh al ne ana ro umneunna eines 5 Zarina Estrada Ferndndez: Diccionario tehuelche—espanol/Indice espanol—tehuelche (Fernandez Garay) Willem F. H. Adelaar: Quechua—Spanish Bilingualism: Interference and Convergence in Functional Categories (Sanchez) Regina Pustet: Lakota (Ingham) Katharina Haude: What’s in a Verb? Studies in the Verbal Morphology of the Languages of the Americas (Rowicka and Carlin, eds.).... Tim Thornes: Timbisha (Panamint) (McLaughlin) Brad Montgomery-Anderson: {La titz awach? Introduction to the Kaq- chikel Mavyauanpuace (Brown etal)... 2.S6e ee eae a ors SI ihe hac hind toes oe Rie as yn eee ENEK pou + > Joseph E. Grimes: Gramatica Wixarika I (Iturrioz and Gomez L6pez) Rosa H. Ydfiez Rosales: Nahuatl Theater, vol. 1, Death and Life in Colonial Nahua Mexico (Sell and Burkhart, eds.) PR MRNR UNEASET E Se Oh yaso ly RPI orC6 oes ie Sots o o eale oe LANGUAGE INDEX FOR VOLUME 74! Ahtna 145 Chichewa 247, 248 Algonquian 282 Chickasaw 152 Alutor* 43 Chinook Jargon 415 Amazonian Portuguese* 216 Chiricahua Apache 257-61, American Indian English* 216 423-38 American Spanish* 88 Chol 83-1137 Andean 282 Ch’ol 83 Apache 257-61, 415, 423-38 Chontal 394 Apachean 181, 412-15, 423-387 Chukotka-Kamchatkan* 208 Apurina 152 Chumash 393-95 Arabic* 218 Classical Nahuatl 447, 464-67 Arapaho 282 Coatepec Totonac 14, 233 Arawak 189-225 Colonial Chol 8&3 Athabascan 181, 412, 423 Colonial Spanish* 88 Athabaskan 143-44, 258, 423 Colville 504 Austronesian* 182, 228 Comanche 159-84, 444, 449-54 Aymara 282 Cora 463-64 Aztecan 440, 468 Corachol 440, 463-64, 468 Azteco-Tanoan 155 Cubeo 219 Bajau* 228 Cupan 159-84, 454 Baniwa_ 189-225 Cupeno 159-84, 446, 454 Bantu* 215, 228, 235, 239, 247, Cuzco Quechua 152 248 Desano 190, 204, 206, 221 Barasano 190, 204, 209, 214, 218 Diegueno 152 Bella Coola 504, 505 Downriver Halkomelem 490 Blackfoot 982 Dyirbal* 218 Cahitan 180 East Tucanoan 189-2257 Cahuilla 159-84, 454 English* 37, 38, 52, 54, 67, 93, Carib 216 121, 132, 134-36, 139, 147, 148, Carrier 144 206, 208, 216, 228, 283, 284, Central Alaskan Yupik IQ9d 287, 309, 316, 368, 409, 415, aOL Central Pomo 282 420, 425, 431, 436, 466, 492, Central Salish 415, 504-7 502, 519 Chemehuevi 159-84 Eskimo 282, 477 Cherokee 145 Eskimoan 282, 412, 413, 420, Eudeve 65 An asterisk follows languages in this list Filomena Mata Tepehua 2, 12 that are not American Indian languages. The Finnish* 137 numbers refer to pages in volume 74 (2008) French* 3 of JJAL. Numbers followed by a dagger in- dicate that the language is the main topic of Gabrielino 159-84, 454 that article, review, or note Galician* 19] BE,3~ 1] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAI . OF AMERICAN LINGUISTICS German* 206, 409, 523, 526 Korean* 182 Gitonga* 239 Koyukon 144, 145 Gosiute Shoshone 444, 446, Kulina-Pano 309 449-54 Kumandene Kurripako 210 Greek* 49 Labrador Inuttut 413 Greenlandic 412, 477 Lakhota 143-44 Guarijio 163, 410, 459-62 Lakondé 270-72 Gusii* 215 Lakota 268-707 Halkomelem 410-17, 419-20, Latin*® 283 489-5107 Leko 270-72 Hebrew* 218, 410 Lillooet 147-507, 270-72, 504 Hnahiu 365 Lipan 423 Hokan 393-99, 412, 415 Luisefo 159-84, 313, 317, Hopi 15941-3, 84144, 44,0-4 3, 327-28, 454 445, 449, 457, 468 Lushootseed 504-7 Huallaga Quechua 152 Macuna_~ 190, 209, 218, 221 Huehuetla Tepehua 2, 9-12 Makah 513 Huichol 179, 401-474,6 3 Maltese* 216 Hup 216, 217 Maricopa 152 Icelandic* 138, 282, 284 Martuthunira* 228 Indo-European* 21, 22, 43, 44 Matis 309 Interior Salish 504 Matses 279-3117 Irish* 126 Mawayana 216; 217 Iroquoian 412 Maya 275-76 Island Halkomelem 489-510 Mayan 2, 83-113, 248, 412 Italian* 216 Mayo 179, 459 Itonama 270-72 Mayoruna 308-9 Jaminjung* 38 Mescalero 423 Jagaru§ 282 Mesoamerican 1-46, 227-55, Jicarilla 423 365-92 Kalispel 505 Metzontla Popoloc 270-72 Kannada* 208 Mexican Spanish* 68 Kaqchikel Maya 275-76+ Mezquital Otomi 365, 367 Kashaya 282 Middle English* 216 Kawaiisu. 159-84 Misantla Totonac 227-557 K’ekchi 152 Mixe-Zoquean 368 Keresan 157, 181 Modern Chol 89-92 Kiowa-Apache 423 Modern Hebrew* 218, 410 Kiowa-Tanoan 155-887 Modern Icelandic* 284 Kitanemuk 159-84, 454 Modern Irish* 126 Kitharaka* 235, 239 Mohawk 417-18 Klallam 504 Mongolian* 208 LANGUAGE INDEX FOR VOLUME 74 Mono 164, 171, 172 Piratapuya 190, 204 Muskogean 412 Plains Apache 257-617, 423 Nahuatl 49, 145, 163, 404-77, Plains Cree 270-72 410, 447, 464-67 Pomo 282 Nandi* 215 Pomoan 284 Navajo 143-44, 282, 423-38 Portuguese* 191, 216 Nevome 459 Proto-Arawak 191, 213 Nilotic* 215 Proto-Athabascan 181 Nootka 412, 511-28 Proto-Cholan 89-90 North Arawak 189-225 Proto-Cupan 159-84 Northern Athabascan 424 Proto-East-Tucanoan 198 Northern Interior Salish 504 Proto-Kiowa-Tanoan 155-887 Northern Paiute 444, 449-54 Proto-Mayan 90 Northern Pomo 282 Proto-Northern-Uto-Aztecan Northern Sierra Miwok 155-887 Northern Straits Salish Proto-Numic 165, 170, 171, 179, Northern Tepehuan 315, 459 180 Northern Tiwa_ 158 Proto-Salish 505, 508 Northern Uto-Aztecan 155-887, Proto-Tariana-Baniwa 20 440, 446, 456 Proto-Tepehua 229 Norwegian* 282 Proto-Totonac 229 Numic 161, 172, 175, 449-54, Proto-Totonac-Tepehua 229 460, 468 Proto-Tucanoan 198 Nuuchahnulth 412-15, 418, Proto-Uto-Aztecan 155-88, 511-287 439-70 O’odham 59, 169, 313-64, 413, Proto-West-Tucanoan 198 444, 457-58, 471 Quechua 152, 265-687, 270-72, Okanagan 504, 505 282 Olutec 368 Retuara 218, 219 Opata 65 Romance* 410 Otomanguean 365-92, 395 Rumanian* 193, 218 Otomi 365-927 Salinan 393-997 Otomian 49 Salish 147-50, 412, 414, 415, Otopamean 365-92 489-510 Panamint 272-757 Salishan 414, 415, 503 Pano 309 San Carlos Apache 260 Panoan 150-52, 279-311 Sateré-Mawé 270-72 Papantla Totonac 24, 30, 254 Seri 47-817, 393-997, 410, Piapoco 189-225 414-19, 471-887 Pima Bajo 315, 459 Serian 415 Piman 181 Serrano 159-84, 454-5 Piraha 152 Setswana* 38 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AMERICAN LINGUISTICS Shipibo-Konibo 150-52+ Tok Pisin® 218 Shoshone 159-84, 444, 446, Tongan* 411 449-54 Totonac 1-46, 227-55 Shuswap 504, 505 Totonac-Tepehua 227-5 5 Slave 282, 424 Totonacan 1-46, 227-5 5 Sonoran 440 Towa 158 South Slavey 144 Trio 270-72 Southeastern Tepehuan 445, 459 Tiibatulabal 162-63, 165, Southern Athabascan 423 456, 468 Southern Interior Salish 504 Tucano 189-225 Southern Numic_ 161 Tumbala Chol 86, 89 Southern Paiute 159-84, 444, Tiimpisa Shoshone 159-84, 444, 449-54 446, 450-54 Southern Tepehuan 315 Turkish* 218 Southern Tiwa_ 158, 163, 416-17 Tuyuca 190, 200, 204, 214 Southern Uto-Aztecan 440, 446 Tzotzil 248 Southern Wakashan 511-28 Uchumataqu 270-72 Spanish* 3, 33, 50, 53, 54, 59, 60, Upper Chehalis 270-72 63, 65, 67-69, 71, 74, 76-78, Upper Necaxa Totonac 1-467 7-89, 91-93, 169, 191, 193, Upper Piman 181 215, 216, 263-65, 265-687, 368, Ute 152, 159-84 379, 388, 401, 415, 431, 471 Uto-Aztecan 59, 65, 155-88, Spokane 504, 505 313-64, 412-15, 439-707 St atvime 147-507 Uzbek* 208 Subtiaba 395 Waiwai 217 Takic 454-55, 468 Wakashan 412, 414, 415, 511-28 Tanoan 158 Wanano_ 190, 200, 203, 204, 209, Taracahitan 415, 459-62, 468 218, 220-21 Taracahitic 464 Wappo 282 Tarahumara 163, 445, 459, 460 West Greenlandic 216, 282, 414, Tariana 189-2257 418 Tarma Quechua 270-72 Western Apache 257, 423-38 Tatar* 208 Western Apachean 415 Tehuelche 263-657 Western Mono 145 Tepehua 1-46, 227-55 Western Tarahumara 445, 460 Tepehuan 445, 459 White Mountain Apache 415 Tepiman 180, 315, 457-58, 468 Wixarika 401-47 Tewa 158 Yagua 228 Tila Chol 83-113 Yaqui 179, 415, 417, 442-43, 272-15% Timbisha 446-48, 459-62 Tiwa 158 Yucatec Maya 87 Tlapanec 395 Yucuna 218 Tohono O’odham 169, 313-647, Yuman 395 444, 457--58 Zuni 115-407, 411

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