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The Fine Art of Speaking Adventese Lindy and Michael Vindicated A Quarterly Journal of the Association of Adventists Forums Volume 19, Number 3 INSIDE ADVENTIST COLLEGES EnrollITlents Are Up, But How Long? Sexuality on SDA Campuses Outstanding Student Poets Who Were the Best Teachers of 1988? Spectrum Editorial Board Charles Scriven Edward Lugenbea! Senior Pastor Health Care Administration Sligo Church Kettering, Ohio Editor Beverly Beem Roy Branson EWnaglllias Wh alla College Consulting Editors SDeonnioalrd V Ric.e M PrceAsdidaemnst American Productivity Center Roy Benton Earl W. Amundson Margaret Mcfarland Senior Editor Mathematical Sciences Church Administration Asst. Attorney General Columbia Union College Tom Dybdahl Karen Bottomley Annapolis, Maryland Roy Branson HIstory Ronald Numbers EthiOl, Kennedy Institute Calgary, Alberta HIstory of Medicine Georgetown University News Editor Bonnie L Casey University of Wisconsin MolleurllJl Coupen. . Bonnie Dwyer PAhnygswiciina,n C alifornia WWaristheirnI Egtdointo, Dr .C. AEdttworanredy E . Robinson Raymond Cottrell Chicago, Illinois Book ReVieio Editor PFGrheeyndseeirc Diicaaknf, f Meranr yland LTohemoalo Lgiyn da, California PGseyrchhairadtr Sisvt rcek-SeUer Beverly Beem GerlFoIIer Vienna, Austria Bonnie Dwyer Public Relations Carolyn Stevens Shultz Journalism Washington, D.C. English Folsom, California Production Lawrence Geraty Walla Walla College Bany L. Casey ETdoimtoDr ybdah1 APrtelasnidtiecn Ut nion College HVieclee-nP rWesairdde nTth ompson Allentown, Pennsylvania Brown Communications Fritz Guy Loma Linda University AlVin L Kwlram Group VUinciev Perrsoivtyo ostf Washington LTohemoalo Lgiyn da University EL dEu.c Tatriaodne r F. E.J. Harder Marleheehe Gymnasium Editorial Assistants HGIasrtyo rLya nd Educational Administration West Germany Christopher Cassano Andrews University CEodlnleag Me aPyla Lceo,v Welaesshs ington SLeonuiiosr V Peasntdoern Scott Sanchez Rennie Schoepflln English Loma LInda University Church Hlstory Columbia Union College Loma Linda University Association of Adventist Forums Officers Directors Regional Representatives Northern Padllc Lester Wright President OfI nternational Relations Atlantic Physician GlennE.Coe WaIter Douglas GaryGUbert Gresham, Oregon Attorney Church HIstory Physician Hartford, Connecticut Andrews University Melrose, Massachusetts Southern Laura Gladson Vice President Of Promotion Central PSychology Lea Pitton Richard B. Lewis, Jr. Joseph Bozovlch Atlanta, Georgia Manor Care, Inc. Advertising Business SUver Spring, Maryland Boston, Massachusetts Denver, Colorado Southern Padfic Jim Kaatz Executive Secretary Of Campus Relations Central Padfle Education VhSlnia Murray Mendoza IrlsYob Michael Saucedo Lakeside, California Administration Education Legal Analyst SUver Spring, Maryland Harvard University Sacramento, California Staff Treasurer Of Membership Columbia Legal Consultant Richard C. Osborn Connie Saxton Susan Sickler Bradley Litchfield Superintendent of Education Long-term Care Admlnlstratlon Kettering, Ohio Attorney Columbia Union Conference St. Joseph, MIsscurl Eastern Canada Washington, D.C. Editor Beverley Conno", Office Manager Roy Branson Oshawa, Canada Scott Sanchez EthlOl, Kennedy Institute Lake SUver Spring, Maryland Georget~ University Duane McBride Sociology Andrews University SPECTRUM is a journal established to encourage Seventh-day Advent Editorial Correspondence: SPECTRUM is published by the Association ist participation in the discussion of contemporary issues from a Ouistian of Adventist Forums. Direct all editorial correspondence to SPECTRUM, viewpoint, to look without prejudice at all sides. of a subject, to evaluate the 7710 Carroll Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland 20912. Manuscripts should be merits of diverse views, and to foster Ouistian intellectual and cultural typewritten, double spaced (submit the original and two copies), or on either growth. Although effort is made to ensure accurate scholarship and disaimi mM and IBM-compatible single-sided floppies or Apple Macintosh disks. natingjudgment, the statements of fact are the responsibility of contributors, Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. In matters of style and and the views individual authors express are not necessarily those of the documentation articles should conform to the SPECTRUM style sheet which editorial staff as a whole or as individuals. will be sent, upon request, to prospective authors. Letters to the editors may The Association of Adventist Forums is a non-subsidized, non-profit be shortened before publication. organization for which gifts are deductible in the report of income for Subscription Infomtalion: In order to receive SPECTRUM, enclose a purposes of taxation. The publishing of SPECTRUM depends on subscrip membership fee ($20 per 5 issues, $25 in Canada and in other fOreign tions, gifts from individuals, and the voluntary efforts of the contributors and countries, $18 for students) by check made to the Association of Adventist the staff. Forums, Box 5330, Takoma Park, Md 20912. Phone: (301) 270-0423. Single copies are $4. For address changes, send old address label along with the new address. © 1989 All rights reserved Litho USA In This Issue Vol. 19, No.3, February 1989 Inside Adventist Colleges A dventism is culturally diverse. part of Adventism most startled by the hostility Even a single division, such as expressed in the media toward the Chamberlains, North America, includes not only a rainbow of including bizarre, grotesque misconceptions of ethnic and language groups, but quite distinct Adventists and their beliefs. The symposium in Adventist subcultures. For example, there are this issue reporting the most recent response of the Adventists-many from small, rural churches media-in print and film-to the Chamberlains who each year faithfully congregate at confer should be reassuring. At the same time it is worth ence-wide campmeetings. A quite different Ad remembering what Justice Michael Kirby said ventist subculture is comprised of Adventists (according to the South Pacific Division Record) who are drawn to denominational institutions in a lecture at Avondale College: There may be and their large churches. other, unknown Lindy Chamberlains, who "have The special cluster of this issue of Spectrum no church supporters, family, or others to look to. explores that part of the subculture of institutional They may have criminal convictions. They may Adventism gathered at Adventist colleges. even be outcasts. But if they have suffered an Perhaps college communities have been the injustice, it should be equally our concern." -The Editors Articles Church Growth Bloweth Where It Listeth Steve Daily 2 Adventese Spoken Here Andrews Scholars 5 From the Little Flock to Little Debbies: Roy Benton and Roy Branson 9 A Cultural History of Adventism Michael, Lindy, and Adventists Symposium 11 Exonerated At Last Special Cluster: Inside Adventist Colleges Enjoy This Year's Increased Enrollment While it Lasts Charles T. Smith, Jr. 24 Sexual Attitudes on SDA Campuses, Circa. 1978 Leonore Johnson 27 Adventist Standards: The Hinge of Youth Retention Roger L. Dudley and Janet L. Kangas 35 A Calliope of Student Poetry 42 Excellence in Adventist College Teaching Recognized Symposium 46 News Update ----.-------------------------------------------------------------------- North American Academies Refuse to Die Bonnie Dwyer 53 Reviews Hardinge on Leviticus: Where Few Have Dared to Go Douglas R. Clark 56 Knight on A. T. Jones: Biography Without Hagiography Frederick G. Hoyt 58 Knight Falls On Brother A. T. Jones Wayne Willey 61 Responses 62 Church Growth Bloweth Where It Listeth by Steve Daily y ou begin to realize that something is uncommon in Adventist worship. is different when you drive into Dan Simpson, who pastors the Azure Hills the church parking lot. There are no spaces avail Church, is a man with a vision. He recognizes the able. Not just during the 11 o'clock hour, but diverse cultural and spiritual needs that exist - during all three church services held every Sab today, and seeks to minister to those needs in the - bath morning at the Azure Hills Seventh-day broadest possible framework provided by the Adventist Church, 10 minutes from the Lorna gospel. When Simpson came to Azure Hills just Linda Medical Center. After finding a place to over two years ago there were 400 to 500 people park down the street or in a field, you enter a attending the worship service. Today, a typical circular sanctuary that seems to resonate with Sabbath sees more than double that number- life. Instead of organ music and hymnals, each 1,100 or so-attending church. Simpson imple service features lively Christian music with the mented the three-service idea not for reasons of words projected on a huge, overhead screen. The space, but because of his commitment to provid second service, which is filled with high-school ing different worship options to a diverse congre and college-aged young people, includes a con gation. temporary Christian band with drums, synthesiz The first service, which begins at 8: 15 a.m., is ers, and electric guitars. Praise and celebration designed particularly for families with children. dominate the service; members worship God by It is similar to the third service, except that it raising their hands, clapping, and spontaneously includes a children's story and more family shouting for joy. oriented emphasis. The youth service at 9:45 a.m. As the music takes on a more meditative flavor displaced the senior Sabbath school from the main each service also features "the garden of prayer." sanctuary, causing considerable trauma in the When a special appeal is made from the front, minds of some longtime members. At the begin large numbers come forward to present their in ning, only 60 to 70 individuals came to the 9:45 dividual concerns before the Lord. As the con service. Today, the average attendence at the gregation kneels in prayer, some members come youth service is approximately 400 and growing. to the front to present their requests to God. The During both second and third services, a number elders leave the platform to lay hands on those of other Sabbath school and education classes are who have come forward. There is a sense of in offered: Pastor's Bible class, spiritual gifts, total volvement and participation in these services that healing, and healing damaged emotions. The rich diversity of worship and growth op Steve Daily, chaplain of the La Sierra campus of Lorna portunities, and what he firmly believes is the Linda University, is one of the founding leaders of its New work of the Holy Spirit, are reasons Simpson Life Church. He received his M.Div. from the SDA Theo gives for Azure Hills' attendance more than dou logical Seminary and his D.Min. from the Claremont School of Theology. In addition to pastoring in California, bling in the past two years. he has written widely for Adventist publications. More significantly, the church's vision is not Volume 19, Number 3 3 limited to what happens on Sabbath morning. a phenomenon that today is virtually unheard of in Associate pastor Dave Bottroff says, "Our goal is North American Adventist churches. to provide the kind of caring, Christ-centered Snyder attributes this growth and influx of ministry that will allow us to minister to the young people to a number of factors, including thousands of former Adventists who live right in contemporary music and bouyant praise in wor our community." To do this, Azure Hills has ship services; emphasis on a self-conscious com focused on the importance of lay pastors, and mitment to love, acceptance, and forgiveness; small groups, called "T.L.e. Groups" that meet Christ- centered preaching; and a persistent em each week in their homes. The goals of this phasis on prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit. program are explicitly spelled out in the church's He says, "Our goal has been to revive the statement of vision: To contact a minimum of worship service by making it relevant, meaning two former SDAs every week; to have 200 lay ful, exciting, and Christ-centered." After wor pastors by the year 1990; and to have at least 1,000 shiping with the congregation, the conference people praying every day that God's Spirit will president observed, "in this church you sing to use this ministry to accomplish these goals. God, not just about God." During the congrega- Simpson, or Pastor Dan as he is called, points out that there has been significant resistance by The Azure Hills and Milwaukie some to these changes. For many it is a difficult congregations provide dramatic task to move an established congregation of examples of what the Spirit is Adventists through this kind of transformation. doing in Adventist worship today. First, Adventists tend to be quite individualistic in their approach to life. Secondly, members not only have to consider the traditions of the local tional prayer it is not unusual for a quarter of the church, but must contend with various interpreta congregation to come down to the altar to offer tions of Ellen White's writings and the larger their individual petitions to God. There is also an system of denominational structure. Finally, as emphasis in this congregation on reclaiming in the Adventist church becomes increasingly pro active Adventists. Snyder estimates that approxi fessional in nature, the time, energies, and priori mately 100 of those who have joined the church ties of church members are increasingly sucked in the past six years are former Adventists. away from volunteerism and church life. These Transforming change never comes easily. As are the challenges that face so many Adventist in Azure Hills, Snyder was faced with strong churches today. Simpson and his Azure Hills resistance by a vocal minority of the congrega congregation seem to be providing a successful tion when he first attempted to implement new model for how these challenges can be met. directions in worship. He observes that Advent ists generally do not know how to praise and A nother congregation that is pro worship God. When they are taught to worship, viding new directions in Advent members can be threatened. Some resistance ist worship is the Milwaukie SDA Church in must be expected. But with prayer and patience Portland, Oregon. Six years ago it was a tradi change can come, and the barriers of opposition tional Adventist congregation with 135 mem can be gradually broken down. As these barriers bers. With the arrival of Pastor David Snyder, slowly disappeared in the Milwaukie Church, things began to change. Today, on a typical Sab rapid growth followed. "On any given Sabbath it bath, 800 people attend the worship service. The is not unusual for nine or ten pastors from other congregation has been forced to rent the 3,000- churches to visit our congregation just to observe seat sanctuary of the New Hope Church, a fast what is happening," says Snyder. growing evangelical congregation in Portland. The Azure Hills and Milwaukie congregations More impressive is the fact that half of Snyder's provide dramatic examples of what the Spirit is congregation each Sabbath is under the age of 30, doing in Adventist worship today. But desire for 4 Spectrum alternative forms of worship within the church, younger generation. For example, Vineyard particularly by the younger generation, can also Christian Fellowship, which presently has more be seen in the growing popularity of small cam than 50,000 members and more than 200 congre pus churches beginning to sprout up at Seventh gations, started just 12 years ago (in October .~ day Adventist colleges and universities. 1976) as a home Bible study group of only 12 During the past four years Lorna Linda Univer people. Today, the original congregation in sity has given birth to two such congregations. Anaheim, California, has approximately 6,000 Chapel Church on the Lorna Linda campus is an members. Young people (and older people who alternative worship service that ministers pri are young at heart) seek and find in the Vineyard marily to young adults and graduate students. Christian Fellowship a Christ-centered, Bible Sponsored by the University Church, it has grown centered, and Spirit-centered form of contempo rapidly with its emphasis on small groups, fel rary worship. In fact, the Vineyard supplies a lowship, and outreach. network of more than 150,000 Christians nation Creation of the New Life Church, sponsored wide with music and worship materials, including by the Collegiate Church on the La Sierra campus the New Life Church at Lorna Linda University. of Lorna Linda University, has succeeded in more Other fast-growing Christian congregations - than tripling the attendance of college students that have had a significant influence on Advent- at Sabbath morning worship services. The New ist churches described above include "The New Life congregation features very contemporary Hope Church" in Portland, Oregon, whose sanc styles of Christian music, Christian drama, per tuary the Milwaukie Seventh-day Adventist sonal sharing, and other experimental forms of Church rents, and the "The Church on the Way" worship. All are designed to give the Holy Spirit in Garden Grove, California, whose lay ministry freedom to open up new directions in Adventist program, worship music, and "Garden of Prayer" worship. Last year, Walla Walla College also worship segment have been borrowed by the ~ sponsored an alternative worship service, led by a Azure Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church. number of faculty and supported by the pastoral Some Adventists would argue that we do not staff, that enjoyed great popUlarity with students. need to learn anything from other congregations These new directions in Adventist worship to facilitate our worship services. But the fastest reflect an increasing openness to what the Spirit growing, most youthful congregations in Ad is doing outside of Adventism. The last decade ventism believe they are led by God's Spirit to has produced a spiritual renewal in Christian break out of the old wineskins of formalism and worship that has had an impact on America's to worship God in dynamic, contemporary forms. The Seventh-day Adventist Subcultural Literacy List Adventese Spoken Here "To acknowledge the importance of minority and local cultures of all sorts, to insist on their protec tion and nurture, to give them demonstrations of respect in the public sphere are traditional aims that should be stressed even when one is concerned, as I am, with national culture and literacy." -E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Seventh-day Adventists take a certain familiar to North Americans enculturated into the pride in the ready acceptance they ex Adventist community that it would not need to be de perience whenever and wherever they meet fellow fined or explained to them to be understood. We tried members. One reason for this immediate camaraderie to avoid terms of a limited, regional familiarity and is a shared vocabulary. To learn how extensive this those known only to experts within a particular disci vocabulary is, FOCUS asked a group of University pline. faculty to compile the Seventh-day Adventist Subcul If an item is known by more than one form, the tural Literacy List. most common is given first with other forms follow The inspiration for such a compilation came from ing a slash. the list published in the book Cultural Literacy, by When Adventists refer to cities or towns well E. D. Hirsch, Jr. The two lists differ, however, in pur known to their group, they seldom name the state. For pose. such cities and towns, we have included the state ab Hirsch's list is prescriptive. He believes that "a breviations in brackets. Some place names serve mastery of national culture is essential to mastery of multi -purposes, referring to a place, an institution and/ the standard language in every modem nation." He or a concept. Examples: Battle Creek and Madison. claims that his list of 5 ,000 items is a "preliminary list" Words commonly used by those outside the Ad of what literate Americans know. He implies that ventist subculture are included if they have a unique anyone wanting to be a literate American should meaning or connotation to us. Examples of such know his listed items. words: Temperance -total abstinence of tobacco, al Our list is descriptive. We are not saying that North cohol and drugs. Health joods-commercially pro American Seventh-day Adventists should know these duced meat substitutes. Millennium-refers to our items; we are merely guessing that these are the items unique scenario of what will occur during the 1,000 they do know. Its purpose is to show the large body of years following Christ's return. common knowledge we share with others in our sub This list was compiled in good humor by a group of cultural group, a knowledge that is not shared by those Andrews University faculty chosen from among outside our group. many disciplines and from various geographic areas. Developing a definition to determine what should Those participating were Wesley Amundson, Stella be included and what should be excluded [rom the list Greig, Herald Habenicht, Bill Hughes, George proved to be difficult. We concluded that a term must Knight, Robert Johnston, Ronald Knott, Gary Land, have significance to Seventh-day Adventists or must Duane McBride, Norman Miles, Patricia Mutch, have a meaning unique to its subculture and be so Lynn Sauls, Rilla Taylor, Jane Thayer and Craig Willis. The list was distributed to several non-de This feature is reprinted with the permission of the editors of nominationally employed alumni [or their editing. FOCUS, The Andrews University Magazine (Winter, 1988/ We hope you enjoy it. 89), pp. 19-21. -Jane Thayer 6 Spectrum 457BC Battle Creek [MI] WMC 538 Battle Creek College combined budget 1755 beast communion service 1780 Bedtime Stories Community Services/Dorcas Society 1798 Belden, F. E. company 1833 believer, a conference October 22,1844 Bell, G. H. conference men 1863 Berrien Springs [MI] Conflict of the Ages series 1888 Bible worker/Bible instructor constituency meeting 27 fundamental beliefs Bible Readings/Bible Readingsfor continuing employment 70 weeks the Home Circle cooking schools 666 Bible Story, The cradle roll 1260 years Blessed Hope, the creationism 1888 message blueprint, the Crews, Joe 2300 days Board of Higher Education 144,000 Bogenhofen Daniel and Revelation Seminars Bradford, Charles E. Daniel and Revelation/ D&R AAW / Association of Adventist Braley, Brad Daniells, A. G. Women branch Sabbath School dark county ABC/Adventist Book Center/Book Breath of Life dark day, the and Bible House Brethren, the Davenport affair, the academy BRI/Biblical Research Institute Davis, Clifton ADRNA dventist Development and Brinsmead, Robert deadly wound, the Relief Agency Brooks, C. D. Delker, Del Advent Movement Desire ofA ges Advent Truth CABL/Collegiate Adventists for Detamore, Fordyce Adventist Horne Better Living Dick, Everett Adventists call, a Doss, Desmond alpha and omega camp meeting amalgamation camp pitch E.G.w. book abbreviations: AH, Amazing Facts Campion Academy DA, GC, PK, PP, 2T, SM, SG, Anderson, Harry Canadian Union College etc Andreason, M. L. Canwright, D. M. early and latter rains Andrews, J. N. Carcich, Theodore Early Writings Andrews University/AU cause, the Edwards, Josephine Cunnington Angwin [CAl CBs/concerned brethren efforts/soul winning Annual Council Chamberlain, Lindy elder AS DAN/Association of Seventh children's divisions, the Elmshaven day Adventist Nurses Choplets Emmanuel Missionary College/EMC ASI!A dventist Self-supporting In Christ in Song entering wedge stitutions Christian Lifestyle Magazine Evil Angels Association of Adventist Forums/ Christian Record Braille Foundation AAF church school Fagal, Sr., William Atlantic Union College/AUC Cleveland, E. E. Faith For Today Aunt Sue and Uncle Dan close of probation family altar Avondale College CME/College of Medical Figuhr, R. R. A WR/A dventist W orId Radio Evangelists finishing the work A YS/A dventist Youth Service College Place [W A] Five Day Stop Smoking Plan College View [NE] Florida Hospital Baby Fae Collegedale [TN] fomentations Babylon collegiate quarterly foot washing/ordinance of humility Bacchiocchi, Samuele Collonges Ford, Desmond backsliders colporteur/literature evangelist Forest Lake Academy Bailey, Leonard Columbia Union College/CUC/ Foss, Hazen Bates, Joseph Washington Missionary College/ Foy, William Volume 19, Number 3 7 Friday night vespers Jones, A. T. Miller, William junior camp Ministry of Healing G. Washington broth Ministry GC session Keene [TX] Minneapolis Conference GC/General Conference Kellogg affair, the mission reading, the/mission Geoscience Research Institute Kellogg, John Harvey quarterly Glacier View [CO] Kettering College "missionaries and colporteurs" Glendale [CAl Kettering [OH] Montemorelos University gluten Kings Hemlds, the Monterey Bay Academy Gorham,ME Moore, Raymond and Dorothy great controversy La Sierra College Morning Star, the Great Controversy. The La Sierra [CAl Mountain View [CAl great earthquake Lake Titicaca Mover.nentofl)estiny Great Disappointment, the Laodicean message MY/young people's society guarding the edges LaRue, Abram my favorite author Guide/Junior Guide last day events/end of time lay activities Newbold College Halliwell, Leo and Jessie leaves of autumn Nichol, F. D. hands across the gulf lesser light pointing to greater light non-Adventist Hare, Eric B. lesson helps, the noncombatants Harvest90 Liberty Noorbergen, Rene Haskell, S. N. Life and HealthlVibrant Life Haynes, Carlyle B. Life Sketches Oakwood College health foods Light Bearers to the Remnant old landmarks, the health reform Lindsay, Kate One in 20,000 health message, the/right arm of the Listen ordinances, the message Little Debbies organized work, the Hegstad, Roland little flock, the original diet, the Heppenstall, Edward little hom, the Our Firm Foundation Heshbon Lorna Linda labels our hospitals Hinsdale [lL] Lorna Linda Foods our schools home and school Loma Linda University/LLU Our Little Friend Home Study Institute Lorna Linda [CAl outpost evangelism Hooper, Wayne Lord's work, the outsiders Hom, Siegfried loud cry, the Huntsville [AL] Loughborough, J. N. Pacific Press hydrotherapy Loveless, William Pacific Union College/PUC pantheism "I saw" M.C.C./Medical Cadet Corps Pathfinders image to the beast Madison College peanut eater in the work Madison [TN] pen of inspiration, the in the Truth Malamulo Philippine Union College in the field Maranatha Flights International Phipps, Wintley ingathering/harvest ingathering Marienhoehe Seminary Pierson, R. H. Insight mark of the beast pillars of the faith inspired pen Master Guide Pine Forge Academy Institute of World Mission Media Center Pitcairn investigative judgment Merikay Postum investiture Message Potomac University investment message, the prepamtion day It Is Written Messages to Young People Prescott, W. W. messenger of the Lord present truth Jail bands midnight cry, the Primary Treasure JMY milk, sugar and eggs progressive classwork (Busy Bee, Johnsson, William millennium Helping Hands, etc.) 8 Spectrum publishing work Signs/Signs 0/ the Times truth mingled with error PUC Prep signs of the end truth, the singing band Tucker, J. L. Questions on Doctrines Sister White two meals a day Quiet Hour Sligo Smith, Uriah Uncle Arthur/Arthur S. Maxwell Rea, Walter Smith, Annie unequally yoked red books, the Solusi Union College/UC regional conferences South Lancaster [MA] regular channels Southern Pub/Southern Publishing Vandeman, George religious liberty/soul liberty Assn./SPA Vegelinks remnant/remnant church Southern College/Southern Mission Vegeburger Revelation Seminar ary College/SMC vegemeat Review and Herald Publishing Assn. Southwestern Adventist College/ Venden, Morris Review, The/Review and Herald/Ad- SAC vespers ventist Review/Advent Review soy meat Voice of Prophecy and Sabbath Herald, The special music Richards, H. M. S., Sr. Spectrum Waggoner, E. J. right arm of the message Spicer Memorial College Walla Walla College/WWC righteousness by faith Spicer, W. A. Warren, Luther Riverside Hospital Spirit of Prophecy, the Washington, N. H. Rock, Calvin St. Helena [CAl Wayne, Jasper Ruskets Stahl, Fernando and Anna Week of Sacrifice Stanborough (press and school) Week of Prayer Sabbath School expense state of the dead/conditional immor- Weimar Institute Sabbath School quarterly/quarterly/ tality West Coast Adventist lesson quarterly Steps to Christ White Memorial Sabbath vespers student missionary/SM White, Willie Sabbath School Sunday laws/blue laws White, James Sabbath afternoon walk sundown worship White, Ellen G./ Sabbath afternoon napf'lay activi- Sunnyside E. G. W./Ellen Harmon ties" sunset calendar White, Edson Sabbath potluck sunshine band White, Arthur Sabbath, the sustentation White Lie, The sacrificial giving Sutherland, E. A. White Estate San, the systematic benevolence Wildwood sanctuary doctrine Wilson, Neal SAWS/Seventh-day Adventist World Takoma Park [MD] Wittschiebe, Charles Service tarrying time, the Wood, Miriam SDA Theological Seminary, the temperance work work, the SDA Church Manual Testimonies/or the Church worker, a seal of God testimony meeting workers'meeting second coming/second advent These Times world field self-abuse Thirteenth Sabbath world budget offering self-supporting work Thousand Oaks [CAl Worthington Foods servant of the Lord three angels' message(s), the seven natural remedies time of Jacob's trouble Young people's meeting shaking time time of trouble Youth Congress Shenandoah Valley Academy tithes and offerings Youth's Instructor Shepherd's Rod, the translation shut door, the/open and shut door traveling mercy

Bradford, Charles E. Braley, Brad .. an armed bodyguard. Naturally, they tried to .. a certain John Wroe, founder of the Chris- tian Israelites, who
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