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Information Technology and Libraries Index to Volume 17 (1998) Compiled by Kieth C. Wright All-out Internet Access: The Cambridge Public Consortium for Educational Technology for Resources in a University Library, Library Model by Fidelman, Miles R., University Systems (CETUS). 198-206. (Book Review), 180. Scepanski, Jordan M. and von Wahlde, Enrichment of Bibliographic Records of Online Allen, Barbara McFadden and Hirshon, Ar- Barbara. Megasystem Collaboration: Catalogs through OCR and SGML Technol- nold. Hanging Together to Avoid Hanging Cross-Continent Consortia Cooperation, ogy, Peis, Eduardo, Fernandez-Molina, J. Separately: Opportunities for Academic Li- 30-35. Carlos., 161-72. braries and Consortia, 36-44. Constructing a Global Time Capsule: Challenges Ervin, Jane and Tunender, Heather. How to Bernbom, Gerald. Institution Wide Information in the Digital Presentation of Society's Cul- Succeed in Promoting Your Web Site: The Im- Strategies: A CNI Initiative, 87-92. tural Memory Archive, Hamid, Sarah, pact of Search Engine Registration on Re- Beyond Migration: Presenting Electronic Docu- 207-11. trieval of aW orld Wide Web Site, (Commu- ments with Digital Tablets, Kranch, Cooperative Collection Development. nication), 173-79. Douglas A., 138-48. Wolf, Milton T. and Bloss, Marjorie E. With- Eustis, Joanne, Clark, Gaylord, Hitchingham, Bibliographic Displays in OPACS and Web Cata out Walls Means Collaboration, 212-15. Eileen, Homer, Kimberley, and Taylor, logs: How Well Do They Comply with Dis- Cumulative Contents oft he Journal of Library David. Virginia Tech Report: CNI's As- play Guidelines? Cherry, Joan M., 124-37. Automation, 1968-1981, 233-41. sessing the Academic Networked Environ- Bibliographic Records—Enrichment. Cultural Preservation—Technological Prob- ment Project, 93-99. : Peis, Eduardo and Fernandez-Molina, J. lems. Facing the Challenge: Technology Training in Li- Carlos. Enrichment of Bibliographic Re- Hamid, Sarah. Constructing a Global Time braries, Marmion, Dan, 216-18. cords of Online Catalogs through OCR and Capsule: Challenges in the Digital Presen- Fernandez-Molina,J .C arlos and Peis, Eduar- SGML Technology, 161-72. tation of Society’s Cultural Memory Ar- do. Enrichment of Bibliographic Records of Bloss, Marjorie E. and Wolf, Milton T. Without chive, 207-11. Online Catalogs through OCR and SGML Walls Means Collaboration, 212-15. Demas, Samue! G., Stewart, Linda, Technology, 161-72. Cambridge Public Library Model. Weintraub, Jennifer and Walters, William Gay, Geri and Kilker, Julian. The Social Con- Hildebrandt, Darlene M. All-out Internet H. Guidelinefso r Collecting Aggregations of struction of a Digital Library: A Case Study Access: The Cambridge Public Library Web Resources, 157-60. Examining Implications for Evaluation, Model by Fidelman, Miles R., (Book Re- Digital Libraries. 60-70. view), 180. Kilker, Julian and Gay, Geri. The Social Con- GIF versus JPEG: Choosing a Graphics Compres- The Catalogs of the Future: A Speculative Essay struction of a Digital Library: A Case Study sion Format for Web Publications, (Tutorial), (Reprint), Stevens, Norman D., 183-87. Examining Implications for Evaluation, Nicholson, Scott. 109-10. CGI Scripts—Pre-built. 60-70. Graphic Compression Formats. Nackerud, Shane A. The Potential of CGI Lewis, David. W. What if Libraries Are Arti- Nicholson, Scott. GIF versus JPEG: Choosing Using Prebuilt CGI Scripts to Make Inter- fact-Bound Institutions?, 191-97. a Graphics Compression Format for Web active Web Pages, (Tutorial), 222-29. Digital Preservation. Publications, (Tutorial), 109-10. Cherry, Joan M. Bibliographic Displays in Hamid, Sarah. Constructing a Global Time Green, David. The National Initiative for a Net- OPACS and Web Catalogs: How Well Do Capsule: Challenges in the Digital Presen- worked Cultural Heritage, 107-8. They Comply with Display Guidelines? tation of Society’s Cultural Memory Ar- Guidelines for Collecting Aggregations of Web 124-37 chive, 207-11. Resources, Walters, William H., Demas, Clark, Gaylord, Hitchingham, Eileen, Digital Tablets. Samuel G., Stewart, Linda and Homer, Kimberley, Taylor, David and Kranch, Douglas A. Beyond Migration: Pres- Weintraub, Jennifer, 157-60. Eustis, Joanne. Virginia Tech Report: CNI's enting Electronic Documents with Digital Guidelines for Statistical Measures of Usage of Assessing the Academic Networked Environ- Tablets, 138-48. Web-Based Indexed, Abstracted, and Full ment Project, 93-99. Display Guidelines—OPACS. Text Resources, International Coalition of Coalition for Networked Information. Cherry, Joan M. Bibliographic Displays in Library Consortia, 219-21. Bernbom, Gerald. Institution Wide Informa- OPACS and Web Catalogs: How Well Do Hamid, Sarah. Constructing a Global Time Cap- tion Strategies: A CNI Initiative, 87-92. They Comply with Display Guidelines? sule: Challenges in the Digital Presentation of Eustis, Joanne, Clark, Gaylord, Hitching- 124-37. Society's Cultural Memory Archive, 207-11. ham, Eileen, Homer, Kimberley, and D’Angelo, John and Little, Sherry K. Succ Hanging Together to Avoid Hanging Separately: Taylor, David. Virginia Tech Report: CNI'’s ful Web Pages: What Are They and Do They Opportunities for Academic Libraries and Assessing the Academic Networked Envi- Exist?, 71-81. Corsortia, Allen, Barbara McFadden and ronment Project, 93-99. Electronic Resources—Academic Libraries. Hirshon, Arnold, 36-44. Green, David. The National Initiative for a Webb, John. Managing Licensed Electronic Helmer, John F. Editorial: Inhaling the Spore, Networked Cultural Heritage, 107-8. Resources in a University Library, 5-6. Kopp, James. J. Library Consortia and Infor- 198-206. Hildebrandt, Darlene M. Internet Tools of the mation Technology: The Past, the Present, Electronic Documents—Preservation. Profession: A Guide for Information Profes- the Promise, 7-12. Kranch, Douglas A. Beyond Migration: Pres- sionals by Tillman, Hope N. (Book Re- Lippincott, Joan K. Introduction, Special enting Electronic Documents with Digital view), 230. Section: Coalition for Networked Infor- Tablets, 138-48. ———. Reference Sources on the Internet: Off mation, 82. Electronic Information—Policy. the Shelf and Onto the Web, ed. Diaz, Karen Lippincott, Joan K. Working Together: Build- International Coalition of Library Consor- R. (Book Review), 180. ing Collaboration between Librarians and tia. Statement of Current Perspective and . All-out Internet Access: The Cambridge Information Technologists, 83-86. Preferred Practices for the Selection and Public Library Mode! by Fidelman, Miles Tompkins, Philip, Perry, Susan, and Purcohf Ealesctreoni c Information, 45-50. R., (Book Review), 180. Lippincott, Joan K. New Learning Com Electronic Resources—Management. Hirshon, Arnold and Allen, Barbara munities: Collaboration, Networking, and Webb, John. Managing Licensed Electronic McFadden. Hanging Together to Avoid Information Literacy, 100-6. 242 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | DECEMBER 1998 Information Technology and Libraries Index to Volume 17 (1998) Compiled by Kieth C. Wright All-out Internet Access: The Cambridge Public Consortium for Educational Technology for Resources in a University Library, Library Model by Fidelman, Miles R., University Systems (CETUS). 198-206. (Book Review), 180. Scepanski, Jordan M. and von Wahlde, Enrichment of Bibliographic Records of Online Allen, Barbara McFadden and Hirshon, Ar- Barbara. Megasystem Collaboration: Catalogs through OCR and SGML Technol- nold. Hanging Together to Avoid Hanging Cross-Continent Consortia Cooperation, ogy, Peis, Eduardo, Fernandez-Molina, J. Separately: Opportunities for Academic Li- 30-35. Carlos., 161-72. braries and Consortia, 36-44. Constructing a Global Time Capsule: Challenges Ervin, Jane and Tunender, Heather. How to Bernbom, Gerald. Institution Wide Information in the Digital Presentation of Society's Cul- Succeed in Promoting Your Web Site: The Im- Strategies: A CNI Initiative, 87-92. tural Memory Archive, Hamid, Sarah, pact of Search Engine Registration on Re- Beyond Migration: Presenting Electronic Docu- 207-11. trieval of aW orld Wide Web Site, (Commu- ments with Digital Tablets, Kranch, Cooperative Collection Development. nication), 173-79. Douglas A., 138-48. Wolf, Milton T. and Bloss, Marjorie E. With- Eustis, Joanne, Clark, Gaylord, Hitchingham, Bibliographic Displays in OPACS and Web Cata out Walls Means Collaboration, 212-15. Eileen, Homer, Kimberley, and Taylor, logs: How Well Do They Comply with Dis- Cumulative Contents oft he Journal of Library David. Virginia Tech Report: CNI's As- play Guidelines? Cherry, Joan M., 124-37. Automation, 1968-1981, 233-41. sessing the Academic Networked Environ- Bibliographic Records—Enrichment. Cultural Preservation—Technological Prob- ment Project, 93-99. : Peis, Eduardo and Fernandez-Molina, J. lems. Facing the Challenge: Technology Training in Li- Carlos. Enrichment of Bibliographic Re- Hamid, Sarah. Constructing a Global Time braries, Marmion, Dan, 216-18. cords of Online Catalogs through OCR and Capsule: Challenges in the Digital Presen- Fernandez-Molina,J .C arlos and Peis, Eduar- SGML Technology, 161-72. tation of Society’s Cultural Memory Ar- do. Enrichment of Bibliographic Records of Bloss, Marjorie E. and Wolf, Milton T. Without chive, 207-11. Online Catalogs through OCR and SGML Walls Means Collaboration, 212-15. Demas, Samue! G., Stewart, Linda, Technology, 161-72. Cambridge Public Library Model. Weintraub, Jennifer and Walters, William Gay, Geri and Kilker, Julian. The Social Con- Hildebrandt, Darlene M. All-out Internet H. Guidelinefso r Collecting Aggregations of struction of a Digital Library: A Case Study Access: The Cambridge Public Library Web Resources, 157-60. Examining Implications for Evaluation, Model by Fidelman, Miles R., (Book Re- Digital Libraries. 60-70. view), 180. Kilker, Julian and Gay, Geri. The Social Con- GIF versus JPEG: Choosing a Graphics Compres- The Catalogs of the Future: A Speculative Essay struction of a Digital Library: A Case Study sion Format for Web Publications, (Tutorial), (Reprint), Stevens, Norman D., 183-87. Examining Implications for Evaluation, Nicholson, Scott. 109-10. CGI Scripts—Pre-built. 60-70. Graphic Compression Formats. Nackerud, Shane A. The Potential of CGI Lewis, David. W. What if Libraries Are Arti- Nicholson, Scott. GIF versus JPEG: Choosing Using Prebuilt CGI Scripts to Make Inter- fact-Bound Institutions?, 191-97. a Graphics Compression Format for Web active Web Pages, (Tutorial), 222-29. Digital Preservation. Publications, (Tutorial), 109-10. Cherry, Joan M. Bibliographic Displays in Hamid, Sarah. Constructing a Global Time Green, David. The National Initiative for a Net- OPACS and Web Catalogs: How Well Do Capsule: Challenges in the Digital Presen- worked Cultural Heritage, 107-8. They Comply with Display Guidelines? tation of Society’s Cultural Memory Ar- Guidelines for Collecting Aggregations of Web 124-37 chive, 207-11. Resources, Walters, William H., Demas, Clark, Gaylord, Hitchingham, Eileen, Digital Tablets. Samuel G., Stewart, Linda and Homer, Kimberley, Taylor, David and Kranch, Douglas A. Beyond Migration: Pres- Weintraub, Jennifer, 157-60. Eustis, Joanne. Virginia Tech Report: CNI's enting Electronic Documents with Digital Guidelines for Statistical Measures of Usage of Assessing the Academic Networked Environ- Tablets, 138-48. Web-Based Indexed, Abstracted, and Full ment Project, 93-99. Display Guidelines—OPACS. Text Resources, International Coalition of Coalition for Networked Information. Cherry, Joan M. Bibliographic Displays in Library Consortia, 219-21. Bernbom, Gerald. Institution Wide Informa- OPACS and Web Catalogs: How Well Do Hamid, Sarah. Constructing a Global Time Cap- tion Strategies: A CNI Initiative, 87-92. They Comply with Display Guidelines? sule: Challenges in the Digital Presentation of Eustis, Joanne, Clark, Gaylord, Hitching- 124-37. Society's Cultural Memory Archive, 207-11. ham, Eileen, Homer, Kimberley, and D’Angelo, John and Little, Sherry K. Succ Hanging Together to Avoid Hanging Separately: Taylor, David. Virginia Tech Report: CNI'’s ful Web Pages: What Are They and Do They Opportunities for Academic Libraries and Assessing the Academic Networked Envi- Exist?, 71-81. Corsortia, Allen, Barbara McFadden and ronment Project, 93-99. Electronic Resources—Academic Libraries. Hirshon, Arnold, 36-44. Green, David. The National Initiative for a Webb, John. Managing Licensed Electronic Helmer, John F. Editorial: Inhaling the Spore, Networked Cultural Heritage, 107-8. Resources in a University Library, 5-6. Kopp, James. J. Library Consortia and Infor- 198-206. Hildebrandt, Darlene M. Internet Tools of the mation Technology: The Past, the Present, Electronic Documents—Preservation. Profession: A Guide for Information Profes- the Promise, 7-12. Kranch, Douglas A. Beyond Migration: Pres- sionals by Tillman, Hope N. (Book Re- Lippincott, Joan K. Introduction, Special enting Electronic Documents with Digital view), 230. Section: Coalition for Networked Infor- Tablets, 138-48. ———. Reference Sources on the Internet: Off mation, 82. Electronic Information—Policy. the Shelf and Onto the Web, ed. Diaz, Karen Lippincott, Joan K. Working Together: Build- International Coalition of Library Consor- R. (Book Review), 180. ing Collaboration between Librarians and tia. Statement of Current Perspective and . All-out Internet Access: The Cambridge Information Technologists, 83-86. Preferred Practices for the Selection and Public Library Mode! by Fidelman, Miles Tompkins, Philip, Perry, Susan, and Purcohf Ealesctreoni c Information, 45-50. R., (Book Review), 180. Lippincott, Joan K. New Learning Com Electronic Resources—Management. Hirshon, Arnold and Allen, Barbara munities: Collaboration, Networking, and Webb, John. Managing Licensed Electronic McFadden. Hanging Together to Avoid Information Literacy, 100-6. 242 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | DECEMBER 1998 Hanging Separately: Opportunities for Aca- rithm MViilss matches, Missed-Matches, Examining Implicatio demic Libraries and Consortia, 36-44. Overlap in Israel’s Union List, 116-23 60-70 Hitchingham, Eileen, Homer, Kimberley, Lewis, David. W. What if Libraries are anaging Licensed Ele ( Taylor, David, Eustis, Joanne and Clark, fact-Bound Institutions?, 191-97 University Library We bb, John Gaylord, Virginia Tech Report: CNI’s As- Libraries—Purpose. Marmion, Dan. Facing the Challenge sessing the Academic Networked Environ- Lewis, David. W. What if Libraries are Arti- ogy Trainingi nL il s, 216-18 ment Project, 93-99. fact-Bound Institutions?, 191-97. Measuring the Performance of a Merging Homer, Kimberley, Taylor, David, Eustis, Jo- Library Catalo; ure Developments. rithm: Mismatches, Missed-Matches, and anne, Clark, Gaylord, and Hitchingham, Stevens, Norman D. The Catalogs of the Fu- (L veriap in Israel's Linion List, Meir, David Eileen. Virginia Tech Report: CNI’s As- ture: A Speculative Essay (Reprint), DU . and Lazinger, Susan S., 116-23. sessing the Academic Networked Environ 183-8 Meir, David D. and Lazinger, Susan S sject, 93-99. Stevens, Norman D. Looking Back at Looking suring the Performance How to Succeed in Promoting Your Web Site: The Ahead, or The Catalogs of the Future Re- rithm: Mismatche Impact of Search Engine Registration on Re visited” with Additional Speculation, verlap in Isra trieval of aW orld Wide Web Site, Tunender, 188-90 Metadata Schemes. Heather and Ervin, Jane, 173-79. Library Consortia. Qin, Jian and Wesley, Kathryn Illinois Library Computer Systems Organi- Allen, Barbara McFadden and Hirshon, Ar- vith Meta Fields: A Survey zation (ILCSO). nold. Hanging Together to _— Hanging in Polymer Cl emistry, 149-56 Sloan, Bernie. Testing Assumptions about Re- ly: Opportunities for Academic Li- Neiniianiieliale Documents source Sharing, 18-29 Obraries and Co mnsortia, 36—44. Kranch, Douglas A . , Beyooen d oMyi Sg Institution Wide Information Strategies: A CNI Helmer, John F. Editorial: Inhaling the Spore entiny Electronic Documents Initiative, Bernbom, Gerald, 87-S »>—H Tablets, 138-48. International Coalition of Library Consortia. Scepanski, ann M. and von Wahlde, Mutiple aes Library Catalogs Guidelines for Statistical Measures of Usage Barbara. Megasystem Collaboration: Cross- Stevens, Norman D. The Catalogs of th of Web-Based Indexed, Abstracted, and Full Continent Corn ite Cooperation, 30-35. Future: A Speculative Essay (Reprint) Text Resources, 219-21. Library Consortia and Information Technology 183-87. ———. Statement of Cur Perspective and The Past, the Present, the Promise, Kopp, —— Shane A The Potential of CGI Preferred Practices for the Selection and Pur- James. J., 12 Using Prebuilt CGI Scripts to Make Interac- chase of Electronic Informat 1, 45-50. Library Consortia—Case Histories. , Welb Pages, | Tutorial), 222-29. Internet Reference Resources. Allen, Barbara McFaddeannd Hirshon, Ar- The National Initiative for a Network Reference Sources on the Internet: Off the Shelf nold. Han Together to Avoi i langin Heritage, Green, David, and Onto the Web, ed. Diaz, Karen R., New Learning pera asaee (Book Review), 180. braries and C“eo nsortia, king, and Informu Internet Tools of the Profession: A Guifodr Ienfo r- Library Consortia—History. kine, |h ilip, Perry, Susan, anc1 d LI ippincott mation Professionals by Tillman, Hope N. Kopp, James. J. Library Cor isortia and Infor- Joan K., 100-6 (Book Review), 230. mation Technology: The Past, the PD resent Nicholson, Scott. GIF versus [PEG The Internet Unplugged by Michael Banks f romise, 7-12 Graphics Compression Format (Book Review), 51. Library Consortia—Models. cations, (Tutorial), 109-10 Israel’s Research Library Network—Union Payne, Lizanne. The Washingtor 1 R-e sea. rcvhol e Li- Nicholson, Scott. The Internet Unplugged | List. ary Consortium: A Rete al Organi zation for Michael Banks, (Book Rev iew), 51 Meir, David D. and Lazinger, Susan S. Mea- a v,ir tual Library, 13-17 Online Public Access Catalogs (OPACS)— suring the Performance of a Merging Algo Library Consortia—Policy. Displays. rithm: Mismatche s, Missed-Matche s, and International Coalition of Library Consor- Cherry, Joan M. Bibliographic Displays in Overlap in Israel's Union List, 116-23. tia. Statement of Current Perspective and Journal of Library Automation. Preferred Practices for the Selection and Cumulative Contents of the Journal of Library Purchase of Electronic Information, 45-50 124-37 Automation, 1968-1981, 233-41. Lippincott, Joan K. Introduction, Special Sec- Payne, Lizanne. The Washington Research Kilker, Julian and Gay, Geri. The Social Con- tion: Coalition for Networked Informa- brary Consortium: A Real Organization struction of a Digital Library: A Case Study tion, 82. Virtual Library, 13-17 Examining Implications for Evaluation, ——. Working Together: Building Collabora- Peis, Eduardo and Fernandez-Molina, J 60- tion betu Librarians and Information Carlos. En ase lila 1ic Records Kopp, James J. Coalition for Networked Infor- Technologists, 83-86. of Online Catalogs through OCR and SGML mation, (Editorial), 59. Lippincott, Joan K., Tompkins, Philip and Technology, 161-7 . Decision Points—Past, Presenantd ,Fu - Perry, Susan. New Learning Communities: Perry, Susan, Lip gett Joan K. and ture, (Editorial), 182. Collaboration, Networking, and Information Tompkins, Philip. New Learning Commu- —e rary Consortiaan d Information Tech- Literacy, 100-6. nities: Collaboration, Networking, and Infor nology: The Past, the Present, the Promise, 7- Little, Sherry K. and D’Angelo, John. Success- mation Literac 100-6. Pa ful Web Pages: What Are They and Do They Che Potential of CGI: Using Prebuilt CGI Scripts —_—. Penultimate Views, (Editorial), 115 Exist?, 71-81. to Make Interactive Web Pages, (Tutorial), Kranch, Douglas A. Beyond Migration: Pres- Looking Back at Looking Ahead, or “The Catalog Nackerud, Shane A., 222-29. enting Electronic Documents with Digital of the Future Revisited” with Additional Qin, Jian and Wesley, Kathryn. Web Indexing Tablets, 138-48 Speculation, Stevens, vei D., 183-87. with Meta Fields: A Survey of Web Objects in Lazinger, Susan S. and Meir, David D. Mea- Making of America (MOA) Project. Polymer Chemistry, 149-56. suring the Performance of a Merging Algo- Kilker, Julian and Gay, Geri. The Social Con- Reference Sources on the Internet: Off the Shelf struction ofa D igital Library: A Case Study INDEX TO VOLU17M (E199 8) | 243 and Onto the Web by Diaz, Karen R. (Ed.), Gaylord, Hitchingham, Eileen, and Web Indexing—Polymer Chemistry. (Book Review), 180. Homer, Kimberley. Virginia Tech Report: Qin, Jian and Wesley, Kathryn. Web Indexing Resource Sharing—Assumpptions. CNI’s Assessing the Academic Networked with Meta Fields: A Survey of Web Objects Sloan, Bernie. Testing Assumptions about Re- Environment Project, 93-99. in Polymer Chemistry, 149-56. source Sharing, 18-29. Technology Training—Libraries. Web Page—Design. Scaning Technology—Table of Contents. Marmion, Dan. Facing the Challenge: Tech- Nicholson, Scott. GIF versus JPEG: Choosing Peis, Eduardo and Fernandez-Molina, J. nology Training in Libraries, 216-18. a Graphics Compression Format for Web Carlos. Enrichment of Bibliographic Re- Testing Assumptions about Resource Sharing, Publications, (Tutorial), 109-10. cords ofO nline Catalogs through OCR and Sloan, Bernie, 18-29. Web Page—Design—CGI Scripts. SGML Technology, 161-72. Tompkins, Philip, Perry, Susan, and Nackerud, Shane A. The Potential of CGI: Scepanski, Jordan M. and von Wahlde, Lippincott, Joan K. New Learning Commu- Using Prebuilt CGI Scripts to Make Inter- Barbara. Megasystem Collaboration: Cross- nities: Collaboration, Networking, and Infor- active Web Pages, (Tutorial), 222-29. Continent Consortia Cooperation, 30-35. mation Literacy, 100-6. Web Page—Design Guidelines Research. Search Engine—Registration. Tunender, Heather and Ervin, Jane. How to D’Angelo, John and Little, Sherry K. Suc- Tunender, Heather and Ervin, Jane. How to Succeed in Promoting Your Web Site: The Im- cessful Web Pages: What Are They and Do Succeed in Promoting Your Web Site: The pact of Search Engine Registration on Re- They Exist?, 71-81. Impact of Search Engine Registration on trieval of aW orld Wide Web Site, 173-79. Web Resources Aggregations—Guidelines. Retrieval of a World Wide Web Site, Union Lists. Walters, William H., Demas, Samuel G., 173-79. Meir, David D. and Lazinger, Susan S. Mea- Stewart, Linda and Weintraub, Jennifer. Sloan, Bernie. Testing Assumptions about Re- suring the Performance ofa M erging Algo- Guidelines for Collecting Aggregations of source Sharing, 18-29. rithm: Mismatches, Missed-Matches, and Web Resources, 157-60. The Social Construction of a Digital Library: A Overlap in Israel’s Union List, 116-23. Web Page—Evaluation. Case Study Examining Implicationfso r Eval- Virginia Tech Report: CNI’s Assessing the Aca- D’Angelo, John and Little, Sherry K. Suc- uation, Kilker, Julian and Gay, Geri., demic Networked Environment Project, cessful Web Pages: What Are They and Do 60-70 93-99. They Exist? 71-81. Social Construction of Technology (SCOT). Virtual Libraries. Web Site—Promotion. Kilker, Julian and Gay, Geri. The Social Con- Payne, Lizanne. The Washington Research Li- Tunender, Heather and Ervin, Jane. How to struction ofa D igital Library: A Case Study brary Consortium: A Real Organizatiofno r Succeed in Promoting Your Web Site: The Examining Implications for Evaluation, a Virtual Library, 13-17. Impact of Search Engine Registration on 60-70. von Wahlde, Barbara and Scepanski, Jordan M. Retrieval of aW orld Wide Web Site, (Com- Statement of Current Perspective and Preferred Megasystem Collaboration: Cross-Continent munication), 173-79. Practices for the Selection and Purchase of Consortia Cooperation, 30-35. Webb, John. Managing Licensed Electronic Re- Electronic Information, International Co- Walters, William H., Demas, Samuel G., sources in a University Library, 198-206. alition of Library Consortia, 45-50. Stewart, Linda and Weintraub, Jennifer. Weintraub, Jennifer, Walters, William H., Stevens, Norman D. The Catalogs of the Future: Guidelines for Collecting Aggregations of Demas, Samuel G. and Stewart, Linda. A Speculative Essay (Reprint), 183-87. Web Resources, 157-60. Guidelines for Collecting Aggregations of ———. Looking Back at Looking Ahead, or “The The Washington Research Library Consortium: Web Resources, 157-60. Catalogs of the Future Revisited” with Addi- A Real Organization for a Virtual Library, What if Libraries are Artifact-Bound Institu- tional Speculation, 188-90. Payne, Lizanne, 13-17. tions?, Lewis, David. W., 191-97. Stewart, Linda, Weintraub, Jennifer, Walters, Web Catalogs—Displays. Without Walls Means Collaboration, Wolf, Mil- William H. and Demas, Samuel G. Guide- Cherry, Joan M. Bibliographic Displays in ton T. and Bloss, Marjorie E., 212-15. lines for Collecting Aggregations of Web Re- OPACS and Web Catalogs: How Well Do Wolf, Milton T. and Bloss, Marjorie E. Without sources, 157-60. They Comply with Display Guidelines? Walls Means Collaboration, 212-15. Successful Web Pages: What Are They and Do 124-37. Working Together: Building Collaboration be- They Exist? D’Angelo, John and Little, Web Indexing with Meta Fields: A Survey of Web tween Librarians and Information Technolo- Sherry K., 71-81. Objects in Polymer Chemistry, Qin, Jian and gists, Lippincott, Joan K., 83-86. Taylor, David, Eustis, Joanne, Clark, Wesley, Kathryn, 149-56. index to Advertisers Blackwell’s cover 4 Library Tech, Inc. cover 2 Public Library Assn. cover 3 Ten X Technology, Inc. 218 244 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | DECEMBER 1998 a ~-

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