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In memoriam Dr Agatha Gijzen (1904-1995), eminent museum historian and zoo biologist A.C. van Bruggen Bruggen, A.C. van. In memoriam Dr Agatha Gijzen (1904-1995), eminent museum historian and zoo biologist. Zool. Med. Leiden 70 (16), 31.vii.1996:235-247, figs 1-3.— ISSN 0024-0672. A.C. van Bruggen, c/o National Museum of Natural History, P.O.Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. Key words: History of zoology; history of natural history museums; Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie; zoo biology; Antwerp Zoo; Planckendael Zoo; Mammalia, Giraf fidae: Okapia. Dr Agatha Gijzen (Rotterdam *9 October 1904, Merksem/Belgium tl9 February 1995) was a remark able zoologist in more than one respect. Although her professional career, spanning more than three and a half decades, was largely spent as a staff zoologist in the service of the famous Antwerp/ Planckendael zoological gardens complex in Belgium (1947-1974), she had already made her name as a zoologist/historian by obtaining her Ph.D. degree in 1938 on an extensive first study of the history of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie in Leiden, the national museum of natural histor yof The Netherlands. She properly organized the archives of the museum for the very first time and her published doctoral thesis (unfortunately only available in Dutch; summary in English) covers the his tory from the museum's beginnings in 1820 (and its predecessors) until 1915, when the museum was completely settled in its then new and revolutionary building under the guidance of its fourth direc tor. This means that she reviews the period of the firs tthree directors (Dr C.J. Temminck, 1820-1858; Dr H. Schlegel, 1858-1884; Dr F.A. Jentink, 1884- 1913) completely (Dr E.D. van Oort, acting director 1913-1915, took over the reins in 1915, so that his tenure is hardly touched upon). Apart from the directors, the scientific staff is very fully covered. Another part of the book describes the collectors who contributed material from all over the world, but particularly from the then Dutc hEast Indies (Indonesia). The book is concluded with an annotated alphabetical index of correspondents in the period 1820-1915. Gijzen's treatise is a basic work on the museum, its policies and history ;it is still consulted almost daily by all who have to refer to material obtained before 1915. The second and longest part of Agatha Gijzen's professional career was devoted to the management, care and breeding of exotic animals in zoological gardens. After almost a decade at the Rotterdam Zoological Gardens (1938-1947, with an interruption during World War II), she enjoyed the exciting times of rebuilding the almost totally destroyed Antwerp Zoo (Belgium )after the war and the open ing and first development of its outstation Planckendael in Muizen near Mechelen. In the course of supervising the management of the mammals, she became an expert on the okapi [Okapia johnstoni (Sdater)], the at that time still elusive forest giraffid of Zaire, initiating the international studbook of specimens in captivity and publishing some authoritative papers on the subject. Finally she was appointed part-time professor of animal behaviou rat the Free University of Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1970-1975) besides her duties as senior scientist at the Antwerp/Plancken dael zoos. The obituary lists her publications, many of which were of a semipopular nature in the context of the educational duties of a non-commercial zoological gardens .The zoo journal destined for a wider pub lic was published in two editions, in Dutch and in French. Agatha Gijzen originally wrote her contri butions in Dutch, but (almost) all are also available in French - these articles are marked with an *. The edition in French was the one distributed in exchange by the Antwerp Zoo and referred to in the Zoo logical Record. Agatha Gijzen has become justly famous for her much-quoted history of the Rijks museum van Natuurlijke Historie (now Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum = 236 Van Bruggen. In memoriam Dr Agatha Gijzen (1904-1995). Zool. Med. Leiden 70 (1996) National Museum of Natural History, Leiden). Her published doctoral thesis (1938) was and is the basic treatise for the period from the foundation (1820) until the First World War (1915) in the more than 175 years' history of this important research insti tute. Subsequently, however, Agatha Gijzen became an expert on the management of wild animals in captivity, particularly as regards mammals, during her long associa tion with the Antwerp Zoo. Therefore, she represents a remarkable dual biological career worth describing in some detail. Agatha Gijzen was born in Rotterdam on 9 October 1904. She read biology at Leiden University (Rijksuniversiteit Leiden), where she obtained her Master's Degree in Biology ('doctoraalexamen') in 1928 with zoology being her main subject, and botany and geology as subsidiary subjects. It was a difficult time for people with academic degrees, in particular for biologists. In those days staff positions in univer sities and scientific institutions were strictly limited in number and hard to come by, so that most biologists had to resort to teaching in secondary schools. In 1930 Miss Gijzen was employed for a short time as a biology teacher at a school in Rotterdam. From 1930 until 15 November 1938 Agatha Gijzen acted as secretary in the Zoolo gy Department (Zoologisch Laboratorium) of Leiden University (Dullemeijer, 1976); other sources record her as an assistant ('hulpkracht', 'hulpassistente'). In that peri od, however, something happened that would have far-reaching consequences. In 1935, Agatha Gijzen was charged with the considerable task of creating some order in the archives of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden (Boschma, 1938: 5). This museum, the national institute for systematic zoology in The Netherlands, had at its disposal extensive, but, unfortunately, completely chaotic, archives dating back to its foundation in 1820. Miss Gijzen approached this comprehensive task energetically, which resulted in (1) a beautifully ordered and therefore extremely useful archive (still almost daily consulted by museum staff and visiting scientists1)/ and (2) a published doctoral the sis on the history of the museum under its first three directors. She must have worked very hard indeed as witnessed by the completion of her book in the late summer of 1938 (see also Boschma, 1943: 1). On 15 November 1938, Agatha Gijzen successfully publicly defended her doctoral thesis in the historical university build ings and thus obtained her Ph.D., having been promoted 'Doctor in de Wis- en Natuurkunde'. The title of the (published) thesis is "'s Rijks Museum van Natuurlij ke Historie 1820-1915" (fig. 1); her 'promoter' (Ph.D. supervisor) was the redoutable Prof. Dr H. Boschma, director of the museum 1933-1958 and professor of systematic zoology 1934-1963. The contents and importance of this book are far beyond that of an ordinary doc toral thesis. Miss Gijzen's work serves more or less as a guide or manual for the museum's archives; it was, and is, a source of information (almost an oracle) for everyone who has to work with the museum's material gathered in the first century JIt is entirely appropriate that the museum archives also contain documents pertaining to Agath aGij zen herself. After leaving the museum she kep tin contact through correspondence with various staff members, consulting them on data for her manuscripts. In adddition, Dr Holthuis and the present writer discovered three versions of Prof. Boschma's speech on the occasion of he rPh.D. ceremony (two in his own handwriting, the third handwritten by Miss A.J. Sleyser, at that time administrative assistant). Van Bruggen. In memoriam Dr Agatha Gijzen (1904-1995). Zool. Med. Leiden 70 (1996) 237 •SRIJKS 'SRIJKS MUSEUM VAN NATUURLIJKE HISTORIE MUSEUM VAN NATUURLIJKE HISTORIE 1820—1915 1820—1915 DOOS PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van den graad van DE AGATHA GIJZEN doctor in de Wis- en Natuurkunde aan de Rijbuniversiteit te Leiden, op gezag van den Rector Magnificus Dr P. C. Flu, hoogleeraar in de fa- culteit der geneeskunde, voor de feculteit der Wis- en Natuurkunde te verdedigen op Dinsdag 15 November 1938, des namiddags te 4 uur, door AGATHA GIJZEN geboren te Rotterdam. Rotterdam 1938 Rotterdam 1938 W. L. & J. Brusse's Uitgeversmaatschappij N.V. W. L. & J. Brasses Uitgeversmaatschappij N.V. Fig. 1. Frontispiece of the published doctoral thesis (left) and of the commercial edition of the thesis (right) of Agatha Gijzen (reduced; original size 8°). of its existence. The book covers a lot more ground than simply reflecting the history of the museum in the period 1820-19152. Not only are the first three directors (Dr C.J. Tenuninck, 1820-1858; Dr H. Schlegel, 1858-1884; Dr F.A. Jentink, 1884-1913; the fourth director, Dr E.D. van Oort, acting director 1913-1915, director 1915-1933, is hardly touched upon), their museum policies and their staff, expertly covered in detail, the thesis also describes the, unfortunately never quite completed, 'new' pur pose-built, building in the Raamsteeg, in those days a pioneering and to a certain extent leading innovation in the museum world. Few zoological doctoral disserta tions of the late thirties are still consulted almost daily... Unfortunately, Miss Gijzen's treatise is almost wholly in Dutch, so that it is little- known internationally; it may even be considered a decidedly rare book in foreign scientific libraries. There is a summary in English on pp. 282-287. The full contents of the book are as follows (translated; there is no index). 2 Comprehensive literature on the history of the museum is quite rare, in fact, apart from Gijzen (1938), there is only one title. Readers are referred to Holthuis (1995), who covers the period 1820- 1958; his valuable and highly interesting contribution is wholly in Dutch. It is very fully indexed as regards personal names, but it only treats directors, scientific and technical/administrative staff. In addition, it contains a wealth of portraits. 238 Van Bruggen. In memoriam Dr Agatha Gijzen (1904-1995). Zool. Med. Leiden 70 (1996) I. Introduction (4 pp.). II. The founding of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie (17 pp.). HI. The collections at the time of the founding of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlij ke Historie (21 pp.) (Cabinet of the Stadtholder = Paris collection; Cabinet of the Uni versity; Trippenhuis collection = National cabinet of natural history; Temminck col lection; Brugmans collection; acquisitions of the Leiden cabinet before the founding of the museum; geological-mineralogical- palaeontological department). IV. Opinions as regards the composition of a natural history (systematic zoology) collection in the period 1820-1915 (30 pp.) (Temminck; Schlegel; Jentink; separation of zoological and palaeontological collections). V. The development of the collections in the period 1820-1915 (122 pp.). Ways and means to expand the collections (Commissioned collecting: Reinwardt and the 'Natuurkundige Commissie' [natural history committee, mainly for collecting in the Dutch East Indies]; other collectors during Temminck's directorate; collectors during Schlegers directorate; collectors during Jentink's directorate. Material acquired from private persons and dealers: existing collections; relations with dealers. Exchange). VI. Some particulars on the techniques of preparation, labelling, preservation and display of specimens (10 pp.). VII. Use made of the material in the museum (44 pp.) (The museum and univer sity teaching; the museum and secondary education and its relation to other Dutch institutions; loans of material; use made of material by other scientists; publications on the museum's material; the museum and the public). Vm. The building (11 pp.) (Historical review; the new museum building). DC. The significance of the natural history museum (5 pp.). X. The scientific staff of the museum (17 pp.) Summary [in English] (6 pp.). Literature (12 pp.). List of correspondents (36 pp.) Curiously, after 1938 Agatha Gijzen never again dealt with the history of biology. Her career took a remarkable turn on 21 November 1938, when she was appointed assistant and secretary to Dr K. Kuiper, director of the Rotterdam Zoological Gar dens. Here she lived through turbulent years, inclusive of the traumatic experiences of the short and tragic, but extremely fierce, World War II battles in Rotterdam in May 1940. At that time the zoo was in a transition-stage; the old site on the Kruis- straat in the centre of the city was already closed to the public and the new zoo in Blijdorp (at that time at the edge of the city) was still in the process of being built, although a lot of progress had already been made. The old zoo premises were almost completely destroyed by the German air raid, but a limited number of animals sur vived; the large carnivores had already been killed at the opening of hostilities by order of the military authorities. This difficult time, with poor prospects and severe financial restrictions, was her apprenticeship in the zoo world and she thereby received a thorough grounding for her future work in Belgium. During the German occupation, she was suspended from 1942-1945 because of her anti-German attitude; she was not the only one, the same applied to her director, Dr Kuiper. She survived by assisting the veterinarian J.C. Peters (who acted as veterinary consultant to the zoo) and running clandestine courses in zoology for medical and biology students Van Bruggen. In memoriam Dr Agatha Gijzen (1904-1995). Zool. Med. Leiden 70 (19%) 239 after the universities had been forced to close. She was re-instated in May 1945; when she left the (new) Rotterdam zoo on 1 April 1947, her staff position was defined as Iriological assistant'. On 1 May 1947, Agatha Gijzen was appointed zoologist to the 'Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Dierkunde van Antwerpen' (Royal Zoological Society of Ant werp). Here she worked until 1974; initially she was charged with the management of all animal groups, later restricted to the mammals, but ending her career as head of the Biology Section. The Antwerp Zoo was in niins after World War II and the exciting task of build ing up a premier collection housed in at least adequate, but usually good to even exemplary, accommodation mainly fell to Agatha Gijzen. In the late forties and fifties it was still possible to obtain many rare species without too much trouble; the close relationship of Belgium with the former Belgian Congo (now Zaire) offered eagerly- seized opportunities to import rarely-seen denizens of the African tropical rainforest. She introduced a number of measures initiating a type of animal-management based on sound scientific principles. Her multifarious responsibilities and duties included, inter alia, keeping animal records, performing necropsies, overseeing international animal transports, and organizing supplies of food animals through in-house breed ing. She was a spontaneous and deeply-motivated worker not eschewing personal intervention in even the lowliest tasks. Many of the great successes in keeping and breeding delicate wild animals in Antwerp (and later also at its outstation Plancken dael at Muizen near Mechelen) are due to Agatha Gijzen's persistent and patient handling of sometimes difficult individual animals. A large measure of personal cou rage led her, in times of need, to carry out the medical treatment of supposedly dan gerous animals herself in close cooperation with the veterinary consultants. In many respects, she was right when others thought she was wrong; this led to conflicts with staff at times, but she always had the welfare of the animals at heart. In the course of this work, she developed a specialism in the management of the okapi [Okapia johnstoni (Sclater)], at that time a still-elusive denizen of the east-cen tral African rainforest. Okapis in captivity are fragile animals, needing specialist hus bandry. Agatha Gijzen devoted a lot of time to this rare giraffid and finally solved a number of problems, resulting in regular breeding of the species (fig. 2). She initiated an international studbook of okapi in zoological gardens and published (both scien tifically and semi-popularly) regularly on the subject, frequently also in cooperation with colleagues (1958,1959,1962,1972,1974,1977). A scrutiny of her list of publica tions, however, shows that she intensely studied other animals (mainly mammals) as well. At scientific meetings, national and international, she was always a welcome guest and she usually had interesting data to communicate. At one time, she formed a famous trio with the formidable Dr Erna Mohr (well-known German mammologist and translator of Gijzen's okapi book) and Dr A.C.V. van Bemmel (director of the Rotterdam Zoo) at various meetings of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Saugetierkunde (D.G.S., the German mammal society). In 1970 she was appointed part-time professors of animal behaviour (officially: 3 Although Agatha Gijzen carried the title of Professor, her persona lfile (kindly copied by Prof. Polk) shows that her official title was "docent categorie C". In the most recent of the papers in her file recei ved (dated 28 March 1975), she is recorded as "buitengewoon docent" [extraordinary docent]. 240 Van Bruggen. In memoriam Dr Agatha Gijzen (1904-1995). Zool. Med. Leiden 70 (1996) Fig. 2. Agatha Gijzen with the female okapi calf Lipumbe [Okapia johnstoni (Sclater)], born in Antwerp on 22 January 1958), 23 January 1958. Photograph courtesy Antwerp Zoo. ethology of the vertebrates in the context of conservation) at the Free University, Brussels ('Vrije Universiteit Brussel'), besides her duties as head of the biology sec tion of the Antwerp Zoo. She served the university with distinction and supervised various theses; in 1975 she was retired on pension because of the official age limit. Personally, she loved classical music and she kept dogs for many years. Agatha Gijzen was a strong personality and a born leader, naturally commanding respect, but also quite spontaneous. She was totally dedicated and devoted to her job and its attendant, at times irksome, responsibilities. She was also blessed with a sense of humour. Her conversation was positively witty at times and she was a linguist in more than one respect which decidedly impressed all those who knew her. Miss Gij zen was particularly admired by her Belgian colleagues for her unmitigated master ship of her own mother tongue. The following list of publications has been compiled with the assistance of an enumeration in the archives of Antwerp Zoo and a list submitted by Agatha Gijzen Van Bruggen. In memoriam Dr Agatha Gijzen (1904-1995). ZooL Med. Leiden 70 (19%) 241 Fig. 3. Agatha Gijzen on the occasion of the celebration of her silver jubilee in Antwerp (1 June 1973, detail of a group photograph, extracted by A. 't Hooft). Photograph courtesy Antwerp Zoo. herself when applying for the position at the Free University in Brussels. There is no claim to completeness, although one hopes and expects that little has been missed. The articles in the semi-popular periodical Zoo were originally written in Dutch. Almost all of these were translated into French for the French edition of the journal, which is the one that has been distributed in exchange throughout the world by the Antwerp Zoo and, incidentally, also the edition referred to in the Zoological Record. She also served on the editorial board of the prestigious Winkler Prins Encyclopedie van het Dierenrijk (in which she wrote the article on the okapi in vol. 4), published by Elsevier (Amsterdam-Brussels) in six volumes in 1973-1975. Acknowledgements Acknowledgements are due to Dr L.B. Holthuis (Leiden) and to Dr & Mrs G.F. Mees (Busselton, W.Australia) for checking through the manuscript, to Mr F. Schre- vens ('Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Dierkunde van Antwerpen') for reading 242 Van Bruggen. In memoriam Dr Agatha Gijzen (1904-1995). Zool. Med. Leiden 70 (1996) through the manuscript, supplying data on the period 1947-1974 and the photos, and to Prof. Dr P. Polk ('Vrije Universiteit Brussel') for supplying details of the career of Agatha Gijzen at the Free University, Brussels. Summary obituaries of Agatha Gijzen that have come to the knowledge of the present author, are Anonymous (1995), van Bruggen (1995), and S. [De Smet] (1995). List of publications List of publications by Agatha Gijzen (not all publications have been personally scrutinized; papers marked with an * were also published in French in the French edition of the journal of the Antwerp zoological gardens) 1938 -'s Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie 1820-1915: I-XII, 1-335, 4 plates (3 portraits and 1 photograph of the new building), 1 drawing (new building), 2 graphs, 3 facsimiles (handwriting), 2 folding plans.— W.L. & J. Brusse's Uitgeversmaatschappij, Rotterdam (doctoral thesis Rijksuni- versiteit Leiden, promotor Prof. Dr H. Boschma, professor of systematic zoology 1934-1963, museum director 1933-1958)4. 1938 - Wetenschappen — Nieuwe Rotterd. Courant, avondblad 15.xi.1938. 1946 - (A. Gijzen & J.C. Peters) Overzicht van geboorten, ziekten en sterfgevallen in diergaarde Blij- Dorp van Augustus 1940-Augustus 1942.— Tijdschr. Diergeneesk. 71:655-663. 1949 - *Onze aanwinsten.— Zoo Antwerpen 15 (Nov. 1949): 20-25,15 figs. 1952 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen.— Zoo Antwerpen 17 (Jan. 1952): 52-55,7 figs. 1952 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen. Geboorten, giften, aanwinsten.— Zoo Antwerpen 18 (Oct. 1952) : 48-53,15 figs. 1953 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen. Giften, aanwinsten en . . . verliezen.— Zoo Antwerpen 18 (Jan. 1953): 85-89,7 figs. 1953 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen. Giften, geboorten, aanwinsten.— Zoo Antwerpen 19 (May 1953) : 16-19,8 figs. 1953 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen. Aanwinsten - giften - geboorten.— Zoo Antwerpen 19 (Sept. 1953): 32-39,17 figs. 1953 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen. Giften, geboorten, aanwinsten.— Zoo Antwerpen 19 (Oct. 1953) : 54-56,4 figs. 1954 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen.— Zoo Antwerpen 19 (Jan. 1954): 77-78,4 figs. 1954 - *Poema lief en leed.— Zoo Antwerpen 19 (Jan. 1954): 79-80,3 figs, [puma, Felis concolor L.]. 1954 - *Een zebra-veulen geboren in de Zoo.— Zoo Antwerpen 20 (May 1954): 20 (photo on cover). 1954 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen. Giften, aanwinsten, geboorten.— Zoo Antwerpen 20 (Oct. 1954) : 38-44,10 figs. 1954 - *Onze zoo-bewoners met taaie levenskracht. . . Een Japanse reuzensalamander ruim drie en veertig jaar in ons aquarium.— Zoo Antwerpen 20 (Oct. 1954): 45-46,1 fig. [Japanese giant sala mander Andrias javonicus (Temminck)]. 1955 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen. Giften, aanwinsten, geboorten.— Zoo Antwerpen 20 (Jan. 1955) : 76-79,5 figs. 1955 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen. Giften, aanwinsten, geboorten.— Zoo Antwerpen 20 (Apr. 1955): 102-104,3 figs. 1955 - *Achter de schermen. Zoo-gebeurtenissen, die men niet ziet.— Zoo Antwerpen 20 (Apr. 1955): 105-106,1 fig. 4The official sales price of the commercial edition of the book at that time was Hfl. 4.90. This made Gij- zen's thesis a fairly expensive book; e.g., in those days an unemployed man received benefits of only Hfl. 11.00 per week (fide Dr C. van Achterberg). Prof. Boschma obtained a large stock of the commer cial edition of Agatha Gijzen's thesis and liberally presented copies to many interested people. The only difference between the thesis and the commercial edition is in the title page (fig. 1). Van Bruggen. In memoriam Dr Agatha Gijzen (1904-1995). Zool. Med. Leiden 70 (19%) 243 1955 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen.— Zoo 21 (1): 18-22,8 figs. 1955 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen.— Zoo 21 (2): 40-41,2 figs. 1955 - *Zeldzame gasten in de Antwerpse zoo.— Zoo 21 (2): 44-45, 2 figs. [Philippine or monkey- eating eagle Pithecophaga jefferyi Ogilvie-Grant, spiny anteater Tachyglossus aculeatus (Shaw)]. 1956 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen.— Zoo 21 (3): 85-89,5 figs. 1956 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen.— Zoo 21 (4): 118-121,4 figs. 1956 - •Robben (Pinnipedia).— Zoo 22 (1): 4-38,35 figs. 1956 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen.— Zoo 22 (2): 52-56,8 figs. 1957 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen.— Zoo 22 (3): 84-87,5 figs. 1957 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen. Een praatje over antilopen.— Zoo 22 (4): 127-130,6 figs. 1957 - *(A. Gijzen & M. Palmans) Een heel grote hond, vermomd als kat. De jachtluipaard.— Zoo 23 (1): 26-28,2 figs, [cheetah Acinonyx jubatus (Schreber)]. 1957 - *De eerste vijftien minuten uit het leven van een bizon.— Zoo 23 (2): 40-41, 6 figs. [American bison Bison bison (L.)]. 1957 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen.— Zoo 23 (2): 42-47,8 figs. 1958 - Notice sur la reproduction de l'okapi Okapia johnstoni (Sclater) au Jardin Zoologique d'Anvers.— Bull. Soc. Roy. Zool. Anvers 8:1-61, pi. I-XX, 1 tab. 1958 - Quelques observations concernant la naissance et la croissance de girafes (Giraffa camelopardalis antiquorum (Swainson)) au Jardin Zoologique d'Anvers.— Mammalia 22:112-120, figs. 1-2, pi. V. 1958 - (A. Gijzen & H. Wermuth) Schildkroten-Pflege in offentlichen Schau- Aquarien nach biologi- schen Gesichtspunkten.— Bull. Soc. Roy. Zool. Anvers 6:1- 65, pi. I-iH, 2 tab. 1958 - *Onze zoologische zeldzaamheden.— Zoo 24 (1): 6-38,33 figs. 1958 - Zoologische inventaris op 30 april 1958.— Appendix to Zoo 24 (1): 1-24. 1959 - Das Okapi Okapia johnstoni (Sclater): 1-120, fig. 1-63.— Die Neue Brehm- Bucherei Heft 231, A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt (translated into German by Dr Erna Mohr). 1959 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen.— Zoo 24 (3): 82-84,6 figs. 1959 - *Wonderen der zee in het aquarium.— Zoo 24 (4): 106-115,24 figs. 1959 - *Het kweken van zeldzame dieren in de dierentuin. Een rechtvaardiging van zijn bestaan.— Zoo25(l):26-32,17figs. 1959 - Enkele gegevens over de geboorte van hoefdieren in de dierentuin te Antwerpen.— Lutra 1 (19): 196-197. 1959 - Korte mededeling over geboorte en groei van giraffen in de dierentuin te Antwerpen.— Lutra 1 (19): 197-198. 1960 - Liste des mammiferes ayant figure' ou figurant dans les collections du Jardin Zoologique de la Soci€t6 Royale de Zoologie d'Anvers, depuis sa fondation en 1843 jusqu'au mois de juin 1960 (inclus), avec en regard l'annee la plus reculee au cours de laquelle leur presence fut 6tablie.— Bull. Soc. Roy. Zool. Anvers 16:1-18. 1960 - *Levende reuzenslakken in de Zoo.— Zoo 25 (4): 103-114, 21 figs, [giant land snails: Achatini- dae]. 1960 - Boekbespreking5 (Allemans vriend olifant, by R. Carrington, translated by H. Rensenbrink).— Zoo 26 (2): 39. 1961 - A propos de l'elevage en captivity de jeunes phoques (Phoca vitulina Linnaeus, 1758).— Bijdr. Dierk.31:4S47,figs. 1-8 1961 - *Okapi "Nduku" is geboren.— Zoo 26 (3): 77,1 fig. 1961 - Boekennieuws (Hoe dieren vliegen, lopen, zwemmen, springen, kruipen, by J. Gray).— Zoo 26 (3): 99. 1961 - "Onagers (Equus onager Pallas).— Zoo 26 (4): 113-117,5 figs. 1961 - *Het dozijn is vol!— Zoo 27 (2): 40,1 fig. [giraffe breeding]. 1961 - *De muskusos (Ovibos moschatus (Zimmermann)).— Zoo 27 (2): 41-48,11 figs. 1962 - (A. Gijzen & J. Mortelmans) Notice complementaire sur l'okapi Okapia johnstoni (Sclater), sur sa reproduction et ses maladies au Jardin Zoologique d'Anvers.— Bull. Soc. Roy. Zool. Anvers 30:1- 62,10 figs. 5Boekbespreking = book review. Boekennieuws - news about books. 244 Van Bruggen. In memoriam Dr Agatha Gijzen (1904-1995). Zool. Med. Leiden 70 (1996) 1962 - *Elsie en Ornita hebben een baby!— Zoo 27 (3): 88-90, 2 figs. [l'Hoests guenon Cercopithecus Ihoesti Sclater]. 1962 - *Bevers op stap.— Zoo 27 (4): 128-129,5 figs. [Canadian beaver Castor canadensis Kuhl]. 1962 - *Geboorte van drie tijgertjes (Felis tigris Linnaeus).— Zoo 27 (4): 130,1 fig. 1962 - Boekennieuws (Aspecten van de modeme biogeografie, by S.G. Kiriakoff; Geen plaats in de ark, by A. Moorehead, translated by M. Gerritsen).— Zoo 27 (4): 134. 1962 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen/Zoogdieren. PoolvossenCA/opex lagopus (Linnaeus))/ Geboor ten in gevangenschap.— Zoo 28 (1): 13-18,7 figs. 1962 - Boekennieuws (Goma, das Gorillakind, by E.M. Lang).— Zoo 28 (1): 45. 1962 - *De Nederlandse Blauwe-Cirkel Organisatie opgericht door de Stichting "Dierenrampenfonds" demonstreert in de dierentuin.— Zoo 28 (1): 48,2 figs. 1962 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen/Zoogdieren. Zij kwamen uit het land van de koude!— Zoo 28 (2): 69-72,7 figs, [southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina (L.)]. 1962-1963 - Schilderkunst, biologie, voedingsleer en gastronomie.— Jaarb. Kon. Mus. Schone Kunsten Antw. 1962-1963:1-39, figs. 1-3. 1963 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen/Zoogdieren. Klein duimpje en de reus.— Zoo 28 (3): 152, 2 figs- [gorilla Gorilla gorilla (Savage & Wyman) and pygmy marmoset Cebuella pygmaea (Spix)]. 1963 - *Snel ingrijpen voorkwam een ramp... Aankomst van vissen en hogere [SIC: lagere] dieren uit de Atlantische Oceaan.— Zoo 28 (3): 157-158,2 figs. 1963 - *Het domein "Planckendael". De belangstelling van het publiek tijdens het voorbije seizoen.— Zoo 28 (3): 170-171,2 figs. 1963 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen/Zoogdieren. De Zoo in de ban van koning winter.— Zoo 28 (4): 190-194,11 figs. 1963 - •Voorjaar.— Zoo 28 (4): 199,1 fig. 1963 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen/Zoogdieren. Onze kleine acrobaat [gibbon Hylobates lar (L.)]/Dieren en hun verzorgers in de dierentuin.— Zoo 29 (1): 8-14,15 figs. 1963 - Boekennieuws (Jonge dieren, by M. Burton).— Zoo 29 (1): 40. 1963 - *Hoeden af voor onze caissieres.— Zoo 29 (2): 48-49,2 figs. 1963 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen/Zoogdieren. Gorilla-kroniek.— Zoo 29 (2): 50-51,3 figs. 1963 - Boekennieuws (Over dieren, door A.F.J. Portielje; Onze zoogdieren, door M.A. IJsseling & A. Scheygrond).— Zoo 29 (2): 80. 1963 - Zoologische inventaris op 30 april 1963.— Appendix to Zoo 29 (2): 1-28. 1964 - Croisement accidentel entre deux especes de Cercopitheques, Cercopithecus mona mona (Schre- ber) et Cercopithecus mitis doggetti Pocock.— Zool. Meded. Leiden 39 (volume dedicated to Prof. H. Boschma on the occasion of his retirement): 522-525, pis. XXVm-XXXIX. 1964 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen/Zoogdieren. Eindelijk weer dwergnijlpaarden in onze zoo/ In en om de Egyptische tempel/Een Antwerpse zeehond-pup.— Zoo 29 (3): 99-105, 13 figs, [pygmy hippopotamus Choeropsis liberiensis (Morton), common seal Phoca vitulina (L.)]. 1964 - Boekbespreking (Aspecten van de moderne biogeografie, by S.G. Kiriakoff).— Zoo 29 (3): 137. 1964 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen/Zoogdieren. Stoeterij van Shetland pony's "Antwerpzoo".— Zoo 30(1): 8-14,13 figs. 1965 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen/Zoogdieren. Behandeling van wilde dieren in gevangen schap.— Zoo 30 (3): 73-78,13 figs. 1965 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen/Zoogdieren. Een ongelijksoortige vriendschap in het apen- gebouw.— Zoo 30 (4): 142,1 fig. 1965 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen/Apen, een groep van zoogdieren, varierend in lichaamsge- wicht van 95 g tot meer dan 200 kg.— Zoo 31 (1): 8-26,35 figs. [Primates]. 1965 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen/Zoogdieren. Reuzengordeldieren Priodontes giganteus Geof frey en hun kleine verwanten — Zoo 31 (2): 48-51,8 figs. 1965 - *Onze zoologische verzamelingen/Zoogdieren. Enkele belangrijke geboorten/Grootte-verhou- ding moeder-kind in het dierenrijk.— Zoo 31 (3): 108-110,2 figs. 1966 - (A. Gijzen, J. Mortelmans & J. Vercruysse) Notes on the Zanzibar red colobus Colobus badius kirki at Antwerp Zoo.— Intern. Zoo Yearb. 6:69-71, pi. 6.

In memoriam Dr Agatha Gijzen (1904-1995), eminent museum historian and zoo biologist. Zool. Med. Dr Agatha Gijzen (Rotterdam *9 October 1904, Merksem/Belgium tl9 February 1995) was a remark- . Blijdorp (at that time at the edge of the city) was still in the process of being built, although a lot o
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