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image VISION COMPUTING Index to Volume 13 (1995) 1 (February 1995) pp 1-76 No 5 (June) pp 317-460 No 9 (November) pp 661-708 2 (March) pp 77-156 No 6 (August) pp 461-532 No 10 (December) pp 709-780 3 (April) pp 157-236 No 7 (September) pp 533-596 4 (May) pp 237-316 No 8 (October) pp 597-660 Article index Motion-based recognition: a survey Medical computer vision, virtual reality C. Cedras and M. Shah 129 and robotics Number 1 N. Ayache 295 Epipolar curves on surfaces Number 3 P.J. Giblin and R.S. Weiss 33 Finding grey-skeletons by iterated Number 5 Fitmtoindge lgsr eyt o laenveilm aplosi nti n dsicsetrniebsu tion pC.i xeAlr cerlelmio vaanld G. Ramelia_ 159 Relief: pictorial and otherwise J.A. Marchant and C.M. Onyango 3 Edge detection by curve fitting J.J. Koenderink and A.J. van Motion estimation method using a 3D A. Goshtasby and H.-L. Shyu 169 Doorn 321 sC.t-eLe.r aHbulea ngfi ltaern d Y.-T. Chen 21 Locmaalt cfheiantgu rea ndde tdeyctnoarm icus ipngr og3-rpaominmti ng Optsaitmiiszfaatcitoino n apprporbolaecmhse s int oc ocmopnusttreari nt Patgtrearpnh rmeactocgnhiitnigo n usbiyn gh oHmoopfmioerlpd hic RelP.aCt.i veY ue3nD paonsdi tiPo.nWi.nMg. aTnsda n3gD co1n7v9 ex vK.i siYoan mamoto 335 neural networks hull computation from a weakly Image registration using multi-scale P.N. Suganthan, E.K. Teoh and calibrated stereo pair texture moments D.P. Mittal 45 J. Sato and R. Cipolla 341 L. Robert and O.D. Faugeras 189 Self-organizing Hopfield network for From inspection to process Viewpoint invariant representation of attributed relational graph matching understanding and monitoring: a generalized cylinders using the nP.eNt.w oSrukgsa nthan, E.K. Teoh and vmiaenwu faonc tucroimnpgu ter vision in sN.y mPmielltorwy, Ss.e tU tcke and D.P. Mittal 61 J.A. Noble 197 A. Zisserman 355 Syntactic pattern recognizer for Active/space-variant object Skeletonization using an extended Jv.eRh.i clCeo weildle ntif1i3c ation numbers rM.e coTginsitatrieolnl i 157 EMu.cWl.i dWeraing htd,i stRa. ncCei potlrlaan safnodr m P.J. Giblin 367 Discontinuous MRF prior and robust 3D shape recovery using a deformable Number 2 statistics: a comparative study model S.Z. Li 227 Intentional control of camera look X. Shen and D. Hogg 377 direction and viewpoint in an active Combination of HMMs for the Number 4 vision system representation of printed characters P. Ramagnino, J. Illingworth, Probabilistic and non-probabilistic in noisy document images J. Kittler and J. Matas 79 Hough transforms: overview and A.J. Elms and J. Illingworth 385 Cooperative strategy for matching comparison Automatic face identification system multi-level edge primitives H. Kalviainen, P. Hirvonen, L. Xu and using flexible appearance models M. Xie 89 E.Oja 239 A. Lanitis, C.J. Taylor and Continuous principal distance change Fractals: a fast accurate and T.F. Cootes 393 for binocular depth perception illuminating algorithm Combining point distribution models A. Francisco 101 A.B.M. Bell 253 with shape models based on finite Motion analysis via interframe point Vision and Lie’s approach to element analysis correspondence establishment invariance T.F. Cootes and C.J. Taylor 403 V. Shapiro, |. Backalov and L. Van Gool, T. Moons, E. Pauwels Relational matching by discrete V. Kavardjikov 111 and A. Oosterlinck 259 relaxation Radar image processing for ship-traffic Nonlinear scale-space R.C. Wilson, A.N. Evans and control L.M.J. Florack, A.H. Salden, B.M. ter E.R. Hancock 411 A. Mecocci, G. Benelli, A. Garzelli Haar Romeny, J.J. Koenderink and Assessing the completeness and S. Bottalico 119 M.A. Viergever 279 properties of pairwise geometric Image and Vision Computing Volume 13 Number 10 December 1995 775 histograms Method for matching general stereo Elms, A.J. 385 N.A. Thaker, P.A. Riocreux and planar curves Evans, A.N. 411 R.B. Yates 423 Y. Zhang and J.J. Gerbrands 645 Active region modules for segmenting Faugeras, O.D. 189 textures and colours Number 9 Fermiller,C. 725 J. Ivins and J. Porrill 431 Florack, L.M.J. 279 Colour-based object recognition under Symmetry detection through local spectrally non-uniform illumination skewed symmetries Gerbrands, J.J. 645 J. Matas, R. Marik and J. Kittler 663 T.-J. Cham and R. Cipolla 439 Giblin, P.J. 33, 367 Inferring the 3D shape formed by plane Non-linear generalization of point Goshtasby, A. 169 surfaces from isoluminance distribution models using polynomial Graham, J. 623 T. Tsukiyama_ 671 regression Griffin, L.D. 543 Determination of optimal general edge P.D. Sozou, T.F. Cootes, C.J. Taylor detectors by global minimization of a and E.C. Di Mauro 451 Hancock, E.R. 411, 637 cost function Hirvonen, P. 239 S. Jalali and J.F. Boyce 683 Number 6 Hogg, D. 377 Real-time corner detection algorithm Computer vision on a colour blindness for motion estimation Holt, M.J.J. 755 Hsu, Y.-C. 463 plate H. Wang and M. Brady 695 Y.-S. Chen and Y.-C. Hsu 463 Hu, Y.-H. 745 Neural network-based inspection of Number 10 Huang, C.-L. 21 solder joints using a circular Hunter, J.J. 623 illumination Image normalization for pattern J.H. Kim and H.S.Cho 479 recognition Illingworth, J. 79, 385, 629 Improved mirroring and rotation S.-C. Pei and C.-N. Lin 711 Ivins, J. 431 functions for linear quadtree leaves Vision and action L.M. Wilke and G.F. Schrack 491 C. Fermiiller and Y. Aloimonos 725 Jalali,S. 683 Polarization camera sensors Automated entry system for Chinese Jeng, B.-S. 745 L.B. Wolff and A.G. Andreou 497 printed documents Eyes in the interface B.-S. Jeng, T.-M. Shieh, C.-S. Miou, Kalviainen, H. 239 F.K.H. Quek 511 C.-J. Lee, B.-S. Chien, Y.-H. Hu and Kim, J.H. 479 G.-H. Chang 745 Kittler, J. 79, 663 Number 7 Fuzzy state machines to recognize Koenderink, J.J. 279, 321 totally unconstructed handwritten Gabor function-based medical image strokes Lanitis, A. 393 compression |.S. 1. Abuhaiba, S. Datta and Lee, C.-J. 745 M.P. Anderson, M.H. Loew and M.J.J. Holt 755 bi: Sz. Zaz D.G. Brown 535 Li, X. 559 Superficial and deep structure in linear Lin, C.-N. 711 diffusion scale space: isophotes, Lindsey, P. 585 critical points and separatrices Loew, M.H. 535 L.D. Griffin and Author index Lombardi, L. 599 A.C.F. Colchester 543 Fast image region growing Abuhaiba, |.S.1. 755 Marchant, J.A. 3 Y.-L. Chang and X. Li 559 Aloimonos, Y. 725 Marik, R. 663 New segmentation techniques for Anderson, M.P. 535 Matas, J. 79, 663 document image analysis Andreou, A.G. 497 Mauro, E.C. 451 N.B. Venkateswarlu and Arcelli, C. 159 Miou, C.-S. 745 R.D. Boyle 573 Ayache, N. 295 Mittal, D.P. 45, 61 Real-time tracking of surfaces with Moons, T. 259 structured light Bastian, F.L. 609 P. Lindsey and A. Blake 585 Bell, A.B.M. 253 Noble, J.A. 197 Blake, A. 585 Number 8 Boyce, J.F. 683 Oja, J. 239 Shape description and recognition by a Boyle, R.D. 573 Onyango,C.M. 3 multiresolution approach Brady, M. 695 Oosterlinck, A. 259 L. Cinque and L. Lombardi 599 Brown, D.G. 535 Characterization of optical, electronic Pauwels, E. 259 and topographic images in fatigue Cans, M. 609 Pei, S.-C. 711 research Cham, T.-J. 439 Pillow, N. 355 G. Savary, M. Cans and Chang, G.-H. 745 Porrill, J. 431 F.L. Bastian 609 Chang, Y.-L. 559 User programmable visual inspection Chen, Y.-S. 463 Quek, F.K.H. 511 J.J. Hunter, J. Graham and Chen, Y.-T. 21 C.J. Taylor 623 Chien, B.-S. 745 Ramagnino, P. 79 Optimal parameter selection for Cho, H.S. 479 Ramella, G. 159 derivative estimation from range Cinque, L. 599 Riocreux, P.A. 423 images Cipolla, R. 341, 367, 439 Robert, L. 189 A.J. Stoddart, J. Illingworth and Colchester, A.C.F. 543 T. Windeatt 629 Cootes, T.F. 393, 403, 451 Salden, A.H. 279 Feature tracking by multi-frame Cowell, J.R. 13 Sato, J. 341 relaxation Savary,G. 609 N.G. Sharp and E.R. Hancock 637 Datta, S. 755 Schrack, G.F. 491 776 Image and Vision Computing Volume 13 Number 10 December 1995 Sharp, N.G. 637 Basis functions Binocular depth perception 101 Shen, X. 377 Motion estimation, Steerable Derivative estimation Shieh, T.-M. 745 filters 21 Curvature, Computer vision 629 Shyu, H.-L. 169 Binocular depth perception Diffusion process Sozou, P.D. 451 Depth information, Continuous Shape description, Stoddart, A.J. 629 principal distance 101 Multiresolution 599 Suganthan, P.N. 45, 61 Digital processing Camera control Radar image processing, Drift-angle Taylor, C.J. 393, 403, 451, 623 Active vision, Performance 79 detection 119 Teoh, E.K. 45, 61 Camera sensors Discontinuities ter Haar Romeny, B.M. 279 Polarization vision, Image Markov random fields, Robust Tsang, P.W.M. 179 understanding 497 Statistics 227 Thaker, N.A. 423 Character recognition Discrete relaxation Tistarelli, M. 157 Hidden Markov models, Shallow Relational matching, SAR Tsukiyama, T. 671 contextual knowledge 385 images 411 Circular illumination technique Distance transform Utcke, S. 355 Solder joint inspection, Learning Symmetry, Skeleton 367 vector quantization 479 Document analysis van Doorn, A.J. 321 Clustering Document entry system, Optical Van Gool,L. 259 Segmentation, Thresholding 573 character recognition 745 Venkateswarlu, N.B. 573 Colour Document entry system Viergever, M.A. 279 Computer vision, Recognition 663 Optical character recognition, Colour blindness plate Document analysis 745 Wang, H. 695 Image segmentation, Pattern Drift-angle detection Weiss, R.S. 33 recognition 463 Radar image processing, Digital Wilke, L.M. 491 Compression methods processing 119 Wilson, R.C. 411 Image compression, Gabor Dynamic programming Windeatt, T. 629 function 535 Motion analysis, Particle tracking Wolff, L.B. 497 Computer vision velocimetry 111 Wright, M.W. 367 Image segmentation, Edge detection 169 Edge detection Xu, L. 239 Manufacturing, Algorithms 197 Computer vision, Image Optimization, Constraint segmentation 169 Yamamoto, K. 335 satisfaction 335 Edge detection YYauteens,, PR..CB.. 147293 Dreecfoovremrayb le 37m7o del, Shape oGpltoibamli zamtiinoinm iza6t8i3o n, Numerical Human-computer interaction 511 Epipoiar constraint Zhang, Y. 645 Derivative estimation, Surface reconstruction, Epipolar Zisserman, A. 355 Curvature 629 curve 33 Recognition, Colour 663 Epipolar curve Constrained optimization Surface reconstruction, Epipolar Keyword index Pattern recognition, Hopfield neural constraint 33 network 45 Face recognition 3-point matching Constraint satisfaction Shape and grey-level modelling, Feature detection, Object Computer vision, Optimization 335 Active shape models 393 recognition 179 Continuous principal distance Fatigue 3D positioning Depth information, Binocular depth Fractured, Damaged and deformed 3D reconstruction, visibility 189 perception 101 surface imaging 609 3D reconstruction Convex edge Feature detection Visibility, 3D positioning 189 Inferring 3D shape, 3D world Object recognition, 3-point 3D vision model 671 matching 179 Volume image processing, Medical Cooperative strategy Feature detection images 295 Stereo/motion correspondence, Motion estimation, Parallel 3D world model Multi-level edge primitives 89 algorithm, Corner finding 695 Inferring 3D shape, Convexedge 671 Corner finding Feature tracking Feature detection, Motion Inter-frame relaxation, Multi-frame Active region models estimation, Parallel algorithm 695 relaxation 637 Image segmentation, Snakes 431 Curvature Finite element models Active shape models Derivative estimation, Computer Shape models, Image search 403 Face recognition, Shape and vision 629 Finite elements grey-level modelling 393 Curve detection Image interpretation, Active vision Hough transform, Random Model-based 3 Camera control, Performance 79 mapping 239 Fractured Object recognition, Space-variant Fatigue, Damaged and deformed sensing 215 Damaged and deformed surface surface imaging 609 Affine transformation imaging Texture moments, Multi-scale 341 Fatigue, Fractured 609 Gabor function Image normalization, Pattern Deformable model Compression methods, Image recognition 711 Shape recovery, Computer compression 535 Algorithms vision 377 Global minimization Computer vision, Depth information Edge detection, Numerical Manufacturing 197 Continuous principal distance, optimization 683 Image and Vision Computing Volume 13 Number 10 December 1995 Graph grammars Local symmetries analysis 745 Syntactic pattern recognition, Skewed symmetry, Symmetry Optimization Vehicle identification numbers 13 axis 439 Computer vision, Constraint Grey-scale image satisfaction 335 Ridge, Hollow 159 Machine vision Visual inspection, User Pairwise geometric histogram Handwritten strokes configurability 623 Object recognition, Shape Stroke representation, Stroke Manufacturing descriptor 423 features 755 Computer vision, Algorithms 197 Parallel algorithm Hidden Markov models Markov random fields Feature detection, Motion Character recognition, Shallow Discontinuities, Robust estimation, Corner finding 695 contextual knowledge 385 statistics 227 Parameter estimation Hollow Medical images Stereo matching, Planar Grey-scale image, Ridge 159 Volume image processing, 3D curves 645 vision 295 Particle tracking velocimetry Hopfield neural network Pattern recognition, Constrained Metric transform Motion analysis, Dynamic optimization 45 Scale-space, Nonlinear programming 111 Hough transform scale-space 279 Pattern recognition Curve detection, Random Mirroring Hopfield neural network, mapping 239 Linear quadtree leaves, Constrained optimization 45 Human-computer interaction Rotation 491 Self-organizing Hopiield neural Computer vision 511 Model-based network, Liapunov stability 61 image interpretation, Finite Colour blindness plate, Image elements 3 segmentation 463 image compression Motion analysis Performance Compression methods, Gabor Particle tracking velocimetry, Active vision, Camera contro! 79 function 535 Dynamic programming 111 Pictorial relief image interpretation Motion-based recognition Surfaces, Visual perception 321 Model-based, Finite elements Object recognition, Motion Planer curves Image normalization information 129 Stereo matching, Parameter Affine transformation, Pattern Motion estimation estimation 645 recognition 711 Steerable filters, Basis functions 21 Point distribution models Image processing Motion estimation Polynomial regression 451 Tesseral, Iterated function Feature detection, Parallel Polarization vision system 253 algorithm, Corner finding 695 Image understanding, Camera Image search Motion information sensors 497 Shape models, Finite element Motion-based recognition, Object Polynomial regression models 403 recognition 129 Point distribution models 451 Image segmentation Motion tracking Computer vision, Edge Real-time, Structural light 585 Radar image processing detection 169 Multi-frame relaxation Digital processing, Drift-angle Snakes, Active region models 431 Feature tracking, Inter-frame detection 119 Colour blindness plate, Pattern relaxation 637 Random mapping recognition 463 Multi-level edge primitives Hough transform, Curve Region growing, Selection Stereo/motion correspondence, detection 239 policy 559 Cooperative strategy 89 Real-time image understanding Multiresolution Motion tracking, Structural Polarization vision, Camera Shape description, Diffusion light 585 sensors 497 process 599 Recognition Inferring 3D shape Multi-scale Invariance, Lie theory 259 3D world model, Convex edge _ 671 Texture moments, Affine Computer vision, Colour 663 inter-frame relaxation transformation 341 Region growing Feature tracking, Multi-frame Image segmentation, Selection relaxation 637 Nonlinear scale-space policy 559 Invariance Scale-space, Metric transform 279 Relational matching Lie theory, Recognition 259 Numerical optimization Discrete relaxation, SAR Iterated function system Edge detection, Global images 411 Tesseral, Image processing 253 minimization 683 Ridge Grey-scale image, Hollow 159 Learning vector quantization Object recognition Robust statistics Solder joint inspection, Circular Motion-based recognition, Motion Discontinuities, Markov random illumination technique 479 information 129 fields 227 Liapunov stability Feature detection, 3-point Rotation Pattern recognition, Self-organizing matching 179 Linear quadtree leaves, Hopfield neural network 61 Active vision, Space-variant Mirroring 491 Lie theory sensing 215 Invariance, Recognition 259 Viewpoint-invariant representation, SAR images Linear diffusion Symmetry 355 Relational matching, Discrete Structural stability, Scale Shape descriptor, Pairwise relaxation 411 space 543 geometric histogram 423 Scale space Linear quadtree leaves Optical character recognition Structural stability, Linear Mirroring, rotation 491 Document entry system, Document diffusion 543 778 image and Vision Computing Volume 13 Number 10 December 1995 Scale-space Solder joint inspection Symmetry axis Metric transform, Nonlinear scale- Circular illumination technique, Skewed symmetry, Local space 279 Learning vector quantization 479 symmetries 439 Segmentation Space-variant sensing Thresholding, Clustering 573 Object recognition, Active Tesseral Selection policy vision 215 Iterated function system, Image Image segmentation, Region Steerable filters processing 253 growing 559 Motion estimation, Basis Texture moments Self-organizing Hopfield neural functions 21 Affine transformation, Multi-scale 341 network Stereo matching Thresholding Pattern recognition, Liapunov Planar curves, Parameter Segmentation, Clustering 573 Stability 61 estimation 645 Shallow contextual knowledge Stereo/motion correspondence User configurability Character recognition, Hidden Cooperative strategy, Multi-level Visual inspection, Machine Markov models 385 edge primitives 89 vision 623 Shape and grey-level modelling Stroke features Face recognition, Active shape Handwritten strokes, Stroke Vehicle identification numbers models 393 representation 755 Syntactic pattern recognition, graph Shape description Stroke representation grammars 13 Diffusion process, Handwritten strokes, Stroke Viewpoint-invariant representation Multiresolution 599 features 755 Symmetry, Object recognition 355 Shape descriptor Structural light Visibility Object recognition, Pairwise Motion tracking, Real-time 585 3D reconstruction, 3D geometric histogram 423 Structural stability positioning 189 Shape models Linear diffusion, Scale space 543 Visual inspection Finite element models, Image Surface reconstruction Machine vision, User search 403 Epipolar constraint, Epipolar configurability 623 Shape recovery curve 33 Visual perception Deformable model, Computer Surfaces Pictorial relief, Surfaces 321 vision 377 Pictorial relief, Visual Volume image processing Skeleton perception 321 Medical images, 3D vision 295 Symmetry, Distance transform 367 Syntactic pattern recognition Skewed symmetry Graph grammars, Vehicle Symmetry axis, Local identification numbers 13 Calendar. 75, 235, 315, 458, 527, symmetries 439 Symmetry 593, 657, 705, 775 Snakes Viewpoint-invariant representation, Image segmentation, Active region Object recognition 355 models 431 Skeleton, Distance transform 367 Editorial. 319 Image and Vision Computing Volume 13 Number 10 December 1995 779

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