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Imaam Abu Hanifah -- Rahmatullah alayh PDF

145 Pages·2016·1.19 MB·Indonesian
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ABU HANIFAH Rahmatullah Alayh By: Mujlisul Ulama of South Africa PO Box 3393 Port Elizabeth 6056 IMAAM A’ZAM ||||||| ABU HANIFAH (RAHMATULLAH ALAYH) MUJLISUL ULAMA OF S.A. PO BOX 3393 PORT ELIZABETH 6056 SOUTH AFRICA 1 IMAAM A’ZAM Contents INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 4 WHAT AL-HAAFIZ IBN HAJAR AL-HAITAMI ASH- SHAAF’I SAID ABOUT IMAAM ABU HANIFAH ........ 6 The glad tidings of Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) .................................................................................. 12 Imaam Abu Hanifah was a Taabi’ee ........................ 13 The accusation of Raai’ (opinion) ............................ 14 THE BESTOWAL OF ACCOLADES ......................... 17 Respect of the Ulama for Imaam Abu Hanifah ....... 30 Refutation of those who criticized Abu Hanifah ..... 32 Refutation of the Criticism of Imaam Abu Hanifah in the Compilation of Khateeb ...................................... 37 Refutation of the charge that Abu Hanifah baselessly rejects the authentic Ahaadith ................................... 39 IMAAM ABU HANIFAH WAS A TAABI’EE .............. 44 Some baseless contentions ........................................ 55 The Fallacy of Imaam Abu Hanifah’s Paucity of Hadith ....................................................................... 56 The Status of Musnad Abi Hanifah .......................... 67 IMAM ABU HANIFAH AND THE SUNNAH .............. 69 THE TALAAMIZAH (STUDENTS) OF IMAAM ABU HANIFAH ........................................................................ 71 WHAT IMAAM JALAALUDDIN AS-SUYUTI SAYS ABOUT IMAAM ABU HANIFAH ................................. 74 The Shuyookh of Abu Hanifah ................................. 78 The Students of Imaam Abu Hanifah ....................... 78 2 IMAAM A’ZAM Glad tidings of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) regarding Abu Hanifah ........................... 79 Some Manaaqib of Abu Hanifah .............................. 79 THE SLANDER THAT ABU HANIFAH WAS AMONG THE MUR’JIYAH ........................................................... 83 WHAT ALLAAMAH ATH-THAHABI SAYS ABOUT ABU HANIFAH............................................................... 86 Note by Allaamah Muhammad Zaahid Al-Kauthari: .................................................................................. 86 Imaam Abu Hanifah’s Akhlaaq (Character) and Wara’ (Piety) ............................................................ 87 The Shuyookh and Students of Abu Hanifah ........... 89 The Ibaadat of Abu Hanifah ..................................... 90 Imaam Abu Hanifah’s Fiqh ...................................... 94 ABU HANIFAH AND RAAI’ (OPINION) .................... 96 WHAT IMAAM GHAZAALI SAYS OF ABU HANIFAH .......................................................................................... 99 MALFOOTHAAT OF IMAAM ABU HANIFAH ........ 103 STUDENTS OF THE SAHAABAH AND THE POSITION IMAAM ABU HANIFAH .......................... 127 CRITICISM AGAINST IMAAM ABU HANIFAH ..... 135 THE TAQWA AND ADAALAT OF IMAAM ABU HANIFAH ...................................................................... 144 WHAT ALLAAMAH SHA’RAANI SAID ABOUT IMAAM ABU HANIFAH ............................................. 141 3 IMAAM A’ZAM INTRODUCTION Among the great, illustrious and noble Warathatul Ambiya – the Heirs and Representatives of the Ambiya – the most and much maligned is Imaam A’zam, Imaam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullah alayh). The haasideen (the jealous ones) and the haaqideen (the malicious ones) had left no stone unturned in their satanic attempts and endeavours with their slanders, falsehood and calumnies to ruin the glittering reputation of Imaam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullah alayh). When Allah Azza Wa Jal projects His Khalifah on earth, then the entire mankind and jinkind together cannot succeed in their pernicious efforts of slander and vituperation. Despite the nefarious plots and endeavours of the malicious detractors, Imaam Abu Hanifah stood out as the greatest Beacon of Islam after the Sahaabah. All great Ulama and Mujtahideen after the era of the Sahaabah paled into insignificance in the radiant and dazzling Noor of Ilm, Taqwa and Ma’rifat of Imaam A’zam. This irrefutable fact has been vigourously acknowledged and emphasized by innumerable Aimmah, Fuqaha and Muhadditheen of the Salafus Saaliheen era and of the Muta-akh-khireen era. In this treatise we present the testification of the illustrious authorities of Islam whose unequivocal praise and respect for Imaam Abu Hanifah debunk the slanderous contentions of the detractors of this great Mujtahid Imaam. Some short-sighted Muhadditheen have also been dastardly affected by the malady of slander which the envious detractors had spread. However, despite all the 4 IMAAM A’ZAM evil machinations of the detractors, the brilliant Star of Uloom outshone everyone. All Fuqaha and Muhadditheen after Imaam Abu Hanifah were his Students directly or via the Chain of his Students. The lofty realm of Fiqh occupied by Imaam A’zam, constrained Imaam Shaafi’ (Rahmatullah alayhi), who was Imaam Abu Hanifah’s Student via Imaam Muhammad, to say: “We are the children of Abu Hanifah in Fiqh.” Imaam Abu Hanifah was the very first Mujtahid Imaam who had codified and arranged the Shariah in systematic form – a form which all Fuqaha of all Math-habs after him adopted. The worst and the hypocritical enemies of Imaam Abu Hanifah in our age are the moron Salafis who peddle the satanic theme that Imaam Abu Hanifah’s methodology is to override Hadith with opinion. This is furthest from the truth as will become clear in the ensuing pages. There is consensus of the Ulama and Fuqaha on the claim that according to Imaam Abu Hanifah even a Dhaeef (Weak) Hadith has precedence over Qiyaas (Analogical Reasoning) and Raai’ (Opinion). This is the first part of the treatise to show who was this illustrious personality, Imaam A’zam Abu Hanifah whose Math-hab two thirds of the Ummah follow. Insha-Allah, the second and perhaps a third part, shall also be published. Mujlisul Ulama of S.A. 5 IMAAM A’ZAM WHAT AL-HAAFIZ IBN HAJAR AL-HAITAMI ASH- SHAAFI’ SAID ABOUT IMAAM ABU HANIFAH Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Haitami Ash-Shaafi’ (died 973 Hijri) is among the great and illustrious Authorities of the Shaafi’ Math-hab. Ibn Hajar Al-Haitami (Rahmatullah alayh) wrote in refutation of the vituperation of the enemies and detractors of Imaam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullah alyh), the Kitaab, Al-Khairaatul Hisaan fi Manaaqibil Imaamil A’zam Abi Hanifah An-Nu’maan. In his Kitaab, Ibn Hajar Al-Haitami adequately refutes and disposes of the evil vituperation concocted by the haasideen (the jealous ones) and the haaqideen (the malicious ones) against Imaam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullah alayh). Even other illustrious Shaafi’ Fuqaha before Al- Haitami had written elaborate refutations of the enemies of Imaam Abu Hanifah. All of them highlighted the wonders and virtues of Imaam Abu Hanifah. All those who are just, fair and devoid of bigotry and malice will not fail to fall in love with Imaam A’zam after being made aware of this great or greatest Representative of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) after the Sahaabah. In this chapter are extracts from Al-Khairaatul Hisaan of Haafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Haitami Ash-Shaafi’. In the introduction of Al-Khairaatul Hisaan, Ibn Hajar Al- Haitami writes: “Some misguided bigots presented to me a book whose authorship is attributed to Imaam Ghazaali. The book contained the vilest vituperation, bigotry, denigration and disparagement of the unique, incomparable Imaam of the 6 IMAAM A’ZAM Aimmah Mujtahideen, Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullah alayh). The vituperation in the book in reality deafens the ears........... In reality, Hujjatul Islam, Imaam Ghazaali is not the author of that book. In fact, Imaam Ghazaali speaks glowingly of Imaam Abu Hanifah and lauds accolades on him in his kitaab, Ihyaa-ul Uloom. Furthermore, in the vituperative kitaab which was presented to me, the name of the author is stated as Mahmood Al-Ghazaali. This Mahmood is not Hujjatul Islam, Imaam Ghazaali. It is also recorded in the haashiyah (commentary) of this book that Mahmood Al-Ghazaali was a Mu’tazili and that he is not Hujjatul Islam.” Shaikh Shihaabuddin Ahmad Bin Hajar Al-Haitami, Al- Makki As-Shaafi’ (Rahmatullah alayh), who flourished in the 9th Islamic century, goes on to say in his Kitaab: “In a dream it was heard that Allah Baari Ta’ala said: “I am by the Knowledge of Abu Hanifah.” That is, Allah Ta’ala has accorded protection and Maqbooliyat (Acceptance) to the Knowledge of Imaam Abu Hanifah. Allah Ta’ala is well-pleased with his Knowledge. He has infused barkat in it, and in those who have adopted his Math-hab. The adversaries of Imaam Abu Hanifah acknowledge that he had taken precedence in Fiqh, hence Imaam Shaafi’ (Rahmatullah alayh) said: “The people are the children of Abu Hanifah in Fiqh.” He also said: “Whoever intends to acquire Fiqh, should cling to Abu Hanifah and his Companions.” 7 IMAAM A’ZAM Imaam Shaafi’ said to Imaam Maalik (Rahmatullah alayh): “What is your opinion of Abu Hanifah?” Imaam Maalik responded: “I saw a man (i.e. Abu Haniah) if he claims that this pilar is of gold, he will prove it (rationally).” When Imaam Shaafi’ went to Baghdaad, he went to make ziyaarat of Imaam Abu Hanifah’s Qabr. He performed two raka’ts without raising his hands (i.e. Rafa’ Yadain as the Shaafis do). In another narration it is mentioned that he had performed the two raka’ts of Fajr and did not recite the Qunoot. When he was questioned regarding this omission, Imaam Shaafi’ said: “For the respect of this Imaam (it is not appropriate) to act in conflict in his presence.” Fudhail Bin Iyaadh (Rahmatullah alayh) said: “Abu Hanifah was born for Fiqh and Wara’ (Taqwa of a very lofty status).” Nadhr Bin Shumaill (Rahmatullah alayh) said: “With regard to Fiqh, the people (i.e. the Ulama) were asleep until Abu Hanifah woke them.” Once Imaam Abu Hanifah was in the presence of Khalifah Al-Mansoor. Isaaa Bin Musaa who was an Aabid and Zaahid, said to the Khalifah: “This (i.e. Imaam Abu Hanifah) is the Aalim of the dunya.” Al-Mansoor said to Imaam Abu Hanifah: “From whom did you acquire Knowledge?” Imaam Abu Hanifah responded: “From the Companions of Umar(Radhiyallahu anhu) who acquired it from Umar(Radhiyallahu anhu), from the companinons of Ali(Radhiyallahu anhu) who acquired it from Ali (Radhiyallahu anhu)and from the companions of Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood (Radhiyallahu anhu) who acquired it from 8 IMAAM A’ZAM Ibn Mas’ood (Radhiyallahu anhu).” The Khalifah commented: “Indeed you have acquired (Knowledge) from a powerful source.” The Khalifah had instructed Imaam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullah alayh) to assume the post of the Chief Qaadhi. Imaam Abu Hanifah declined. He was therefore imprisoned and flogged a hundred lashes. Ultimately he passed away in prison. He was resolute in his refusal to accept the post of the Chief Qaadhi. Imaam Abu Hanifah used to say: “When there is a Hadith from Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam), then we totally submit to it. Or we act according to the statements of some Sahaabah (i.e. in the absence of a Hadith), and we do not traverse beyond that. Or the statements of the Taabi-een with whom we debate.” He used to pass the entire night in Salaat after initially spending half a night in Salaat. Once while Imaam Abu Hanifah was walking outside, someone pointed at him and commented: “He spends the entire night in ibaadat.” Thereafter, Imaam Abu Hanifah would pass the entire night in Salaat. He said in this regard: “I am ashamed of being praised for an ibaadat which is not in me.” In a dream, Imaam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullah alayh) while inside the Ka’bah, heard a Voice saying: “O Aba Hanifah! You have acquitted yourself with sincerity in My service, and you have beautifully recognized Me. Verily, you have been forgiven.” 9

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