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IEE Proceedings The Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London WC2R OBL, United Kingdom Publishing Department. Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 2AY, United Kingdom Volume 142 1995 The /EE Proceedings is published in eleven titles, as follows: IEE Proceedings — Science, Measurement and Technology IEE Proceedings — Electric Power Applications IEE Proceedings — Generation, Transmission and Distribution IEE Proceedings — Control Theory and Applications IEE Proceedings — Computers and Digital Techniques IEE Proceedings — Radar, Sonar and Navigation IEE Proceedings — Circuits, Devices and Systems IEE Proceedings —- Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation IEE Proceedings — Communications IEE Proceedings — Optoelectronics IEE Proceedings — Vision, Image and Signal Processing Six issues of each Title are published during the year. This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. Apart from any copying under the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, Part 1, Section 38, whereby a single copy of this article may be supplied, under certain conditions, for the purposes of research or private study, by a library of a class prescribed by The Copyright (Librarians and Archivists) (Copying of Copyright Material) Regulations 1989: SI 1989/1212, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Permission is, however, not required to copy individual contributions on condition that a full reference to the source is shown. Single copies may be made for the purpose of research or private study. Authorisation to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or for the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by the Institution of Electrical Engineers for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Transactional Reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $10.00 per copy is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970, USA . This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Multiple copying of the content of this publication without permission is always illegal. The telephone number of the IEE London office is 0171 240 1871; telex: 261176 IEELDN G; facsimile: 0171 240 7735. The IEE is not as a body responsible for the opinions expressed by individual authors. The IEE is a member of the Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers. © 1995: The Institution of Electrical Engineers Secretary of the IEE: J.C. Williams, PhD, FEng, FIEE Managing Editor: Gill Wheeler Typeset by: Pindar plc, York, United Kingdom Printed by: Black Bear Press Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom IEE Proceedings The Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London WC2R OBL, United Kingdom Publishing Department. Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 2AY, United Kingdom Volume 142 1995 The /EE Proceedings is published in eleven titles, as follows: IEE Proceedings — Science, Measurement and Technology IEE Proceedings — Electric Power Applications IEE Proceedings — Generation, Transmission and Distribution IEE Proceedings — Control Theory and Applications IEE Proceedings — Computers and Digital Techniques IEE Proceedings — Radar, Sonar and Navigation IEE Proceedings — Circuits, Devices and Systems IEE Proceedings —- Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation IEE Proceedings — Communications IEE Proceedings — Optoelectronics IEE Proceedings — Vision, Image and Signal Processing Six issues of each Title are published during the year. This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. Apart from any copying under the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, Part 1, Section 38, whereby a single copy of this article may be supplied, under certain conditions, for the purposes of research or private study, by a library of a class prescribed by The Copyright (Librarians and Archivists) (Copying of Copyright Material) Regulations 1989: SI 1989/1212, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Permission is, however, not required to copy individual contributions on condition that a full reference to the source is shown. Single copies may be made for the purpose of research or private study. Authorisation to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or for the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by the Institution of Electrical Engineers for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Transactional Reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $10.00 per copy is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970, USA . This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Multiple copying of the content of this publication without permission is always illegal. The telephone number of the IEE London office is 0171 240 1871; telex: 261176 IEELDN G; facsimile: 0171 240 7735. The IEE is not as a body responsible for the opinions expressed by individual authors. The IEE is a member of the Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers. © 1995: The Institution of Electrical Engineers Secretary of the IEE: J.C. Williams, PhD, FEng, FIEE Managing Editor: Gill Wheeler Typeset by: Pindar plc, York, United Kingdom Printed by: Black Bear Press Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom index IEE Proceedings Vol. 142, 1995 Author Index Bateman, A. COM p297 Butler, .C. CDS p334 Chin, M.K. OPT p109 Bates, R.A. CDS p131 Chirico, M. CDS p97 Battauscio, O. GTD p65 C Chittaro, L. CTA p420 Baudrand, H. MAP p364 Chiu, W. CDS p186 A Baxter, M.J. CTA p625 Chou, J.-H. CDS p90 Beach, K.L. RSN p252 Cacciari, M. SMT p102 Chou, L.-D. COM p158 Beaujean, D.A. SMT p162 Cai, Y. EPA p323, GTD p445 Choudhury, M.A. CDS p113 Aarnio, J. OPT p241 Beex, A.A. RSN p97, p225 Cairns, K.J. OPT p253 Chow, Y.L. MAP p81, p472, GTD p653 Abdel-halim, M.A. EPA p206 Behera, L. CTA p617 Callender, C.P. COM p165 Chu, T.-P. COM p323 Abdelwahed, S.S. CTA p88 Belcher, R.A. CDS p61 Calliger, O. OPT pi3 Chua, K.C. COM p369 Aboreshaid, S. GTD p350, p511 Belmont, M.R. CDS p217 Campbell, L.C. GTD Chun-Chang Liu GTD p317 Abrardo, A. COM p315 Ben Yacoub, S. VIS p7 Canagarajah, C.N. VIS p327 Chung, F.L. CTA p486 Abur, A. GTD p453 Benaissa, M. VIS p31, COM p345 Cantoni, A. VIS p161, p389 Chung, P.S. OPT p248 Acarnley, P.P. EPA pi91 Benelli, G.C OM p315 Caponi, E. RSN p252 Chung, R. VIS p289 Adachi, F. COM p263 Bengtsson, C. EPA p371 Cardillo, G.P. RSN p54 Chung, S.K. EPA p361 Adamski, M. CDT p263 Bengtsson, T. SMT p85 Carmichael, D.R. VIS pi Chung, W.S. COM p151 Agathoklis, P. CDS p193 Benjamin, R. RSN p130, SMT p169 Carotenuto, A.G TD p436 Ciminiera, L. CDT p15 Aggarwal, R.K. GTD p601 Bennett, D.W. COM p274 Carpentier, J.F. MAP p275 Claisse, P.R. CDS p105 Aguiar, M.W. SMT p378 Bennett, L.A.M. CDT p241 Casanellas, F. EPA p285 Clark, A.F. VIS p207, p345 Ahmad, I. CDT p65, CDS p209 Bennett, N. EPA p137 Case, S.H. EPA p323, GTD p445 Clarke, S.J. VIS p1 Ahmad, R. COM p233 Benson, T.M. OPT p66 Casinovi, G. CDS p399 Clarricoats, P_J. BeM AP pi21, p220 Ahmadi, M. CDS p27, pi09 Benzina, H. MAP p364 Castella, F.R. RSN p281 Clei, A. OPT p13 AAhhmmeadd,p anMa.hS,. CM.T AM ApP47 5 p364 BBeerrggearm,a sCc.hSi., CCT.A CDpS2 57p 339 CCaedtetrevramloll,e , M.K .WR.S N COp4M5 pii5 CClluoeettte,, WJ.HR.. MCATPA pp3256 5 Aitchison, C.S. MAP p489 Berry, D. SMT p395 Celma, S. CDS p353 Coccioli, R. MAP p183 Al-Kandari, A.M. GTD p37 Berry, G.M. OPT p66 Cerri, G. SMT p206 Coffey, J.T. COM p121 AAllddreiedng,e , M.R . CVTIAS pp314459, GTD p494 Besharati Rad, A. CTA p433 Chaaraoui, J.A. SMT p469 Colak, I. EPA p222 Betta, G.S MT p330 Chakrabarty, S.B. SMT p288, MAP p350 Coleman, N.P. CTA p315 Alengrin, G. RSN p191 Bhakta, P. GTD p503 Chakravarthy, S.K. CDS p30 Collins, O.M. COM p121 Alford, M.McN. MAP p26 Bhaskara Rao, S.V. MAP p295 Chalasani, S. CDT p177, p386 Comon, P. RSN p211 Ali, A.A. MAP p156 Bhat, I. EPA p29 Chalmers, B.J. EPA p337 Comte, A. SMT p189 Allan, R.N. GTD p343 Bhat, S.R. EPA p97 Cham, W.-K. VIS p22 Conlon, M.F. CTA p257 Allen, EM. SMT p269 Bhatoolaul, D. VIS p333 Chan, A.Y.J. RSN p105 Connelly, M.J. OPT p23 Allott, S. CDS p145 Bhuiyan, M.R. GTD p343 Chan, C.-K. COM p91 Contin, A. SMT pi02 Almaini, A.E.A. CDT p279 Biblemont, S. OPT p13 Chan, K.W. GTD p625 Cook, G.G. MAP p462 Alolah, A.I. EPA p104 Biffi Gentili, G.M AP p225 Chan, K.Y. COM p297 Cooper, C.B. GTD p202 Alwash, J.H.H. EPA p87 Bigham, J. CTA p575 Chan, Y.T. RSN p153 Coraor, L.D. CDT pi45 Amouroux, J. SMT p477 Bilinski, K. CDT p255 Chandraker, K. SMT p157 Cory, B.J. GTD pl, p17, p263 Anderson, D.K. SMT p425 Billina, S. CDT p279 Chang, C.-J. COM pl Cotsaftis, M. CTA p595 Anderson, K. EPA p113 Billinton, R. GTD p305, —. p350, p511 Coulton, P. COM p352 AAnnddeor,s sMo.n , MMA.P CDp1S4 5,p 1p 289 Binh, L.N. OPT p176, p29 Coventry, P. SMT p201 Bini, A.C OM p315 Chang, S. VIS p59 Cowan, C.F.N. COM p165, VIS p187 Andonovic, I. OPT p125, p132, p253 Binns, K.J. EPA p137 Chang, Y.-H. CDS p236 Crebbin, G. VIS p15 Andreadis, I. CDS p153 Bisio, G.M. CDS p97 Chang, Y.N. GTD pS17 Crichton, G.C. SMT p29 AAnnid,r eCw.,I. JC.PO. MV ISp 23p31 33 BBllaajksizecwziackz,, GG.. ECPDAS pp310285 CChhaanut,l erY,. A.M .JC. OVMI S pp318969 CCrruysacna,, RF..A .G TCDO Mp 49p41 5 Annakkage, U.D. GTD p361, p595 Board, K. CDS p205 Chaudhuri, P.P. CDT p32 Cullen, A.L. SMT p169 Antar, Y. MAP p178 Bobbio, S. EPA p183 Chaudhury, S. CTA p617 Culshaw, B. OPT p253 Antoniou, A. CDS p41 Bodger, P.S. SMT p176, p277 Chaumette, E. RSN p211 Curatelli, F. CDS p97 Aouda, N. EPA p329 Bohme, J.F. RSN p218 Chebbo, A.M. GTD p393, p401 Curnow, J.S.H. SMT p482 Apollonskii, S.M. MAP p89 Bona, B. CTA p569 Chen, C.-K. VIS p220 AApppplleetboyn,, SC.. JC. OOMP T pip7124 3 BBooontnhe,f onTt., EPS.A OPp3T7 1 pS CChheenn,, CC..--SL.. GETPAD ,p15 SMT p459 D Appleton, S. SMT p169 Boppana, R.V. CDT p386 Chen, C.H. MAP os? Appleyard, M. CTA p123 Bornemann, J. MAP p345 Chen, C.Y.R. CDT p65 da Costa, G.R.M. GTD p33 Aragaki, S. CDS p165 Borsi, H. SMT p69 Chen, G.-L. CDT p353 Da Silva, E.A.B. VIS p14i Aragones, X. CDS p307 Bosisio, R.G. MAP p71, p477 Chen, G.P. GTD p149 Dagiuklas, A.C OM p227 Armstrong, B.C. RSN p179 Botha, I. COM p49 Chen, H. GTD p29 Dagless, E.L. CDT p255, p263 Arnold, D.V. MAP p326 Boucher, T. SMT p189 Chen, H.-L. CDT p353 D’ Agostino, S. MAP p75, p97 Arpaia, P. SMT p330 Boussakta, S. VIS p27, p381 Chen, H.-R. CDT p98 Dahono, P.A. EPA p225 Arrillaga, J. GTD p88, p109, p219 Bowler, D.J. GTD p9 Chen, J.-E. CDT p287 Dale, B.G. SMT p463 Asgari, V. COM p333 Bowling, D.R. MAP p462 Chen, J.-J. CDS p45, p186 Dallago, E. SMT p223 Asher, G.M. CTA p359, p369 Boyd, C. CDT p272 Chen, K.S. RSN p301 Damstra, G.C. SMT p125 Atherton, D.P. RSN p11 Bracho, S. CDT p360 Chen, L.-G. CDT p425 Dandachi, N.H. GTD p401 Au, T.M. MAP p485 Braham, R. CDT p152 Chen, N. EPA p345 Daniels, A.R. GTD p625 Auckland, D.W. EPA p65, GTD p97, Bratov, V. CDS p394 Chen, P.-C. CDT p170 Darnell, M.C OM p201, p210, p281, p357 SMT p157, p283, GTD p323, p549 Braun, JM. SMT Chen, S. GTD p179 Darwish, M. EPA p405 Avitzour, D. RSN p41 Brennan, P.V. RSN p130, p199 Chen, S.-H. VIS pS9 Das, B.N. SMT p288, MAP p350 Axcell, B.P. EPA p65 Bridges, M.M. CTA p508 Chen, T.-H. GTD p173, CDT p425, GTD Dash, P.K. GTD p211, p535, p560, p618 Azoulay, R. OPT p13 Brignell, J.E. SMT p244 p459 David, A.K. GTD p269, p423 Azzarelli, T. RSN p61 Brink, A.D. VIS p128 Chen, T.H. GTD p103 Davidoff, J. VIS p149 Brinson, M.E. CDS p247 Chen, W.-K. CDS p15 Davies, A.E. GTD p143 —* B BBrrooonkzeesa,d o,N .JH. . SSMMTT pp338293 CChheenn,, XX..RH.. GCTODM pp3i6816 , p193, p255 DDaawwssoonn,, DB..EM.. SEMPTA pp215153 , CTA p508 Brooks, P. OPT p149 Chen, Y. CDS p158 De Angelis, R. RSN p243 Babri, H. VIS p247 Brooks, W.A. RSN p236 Chen, Y.-H. RSN p158 de Araujo, C.S. GTD p330 Backhouse, C.J. SMT p389 Brough, R.D. GTD p219 Chen, Y.-T. GTD p225 de Castro, J.C. GTD p330 Badr, M.A. EPA p104 Broughton, M.B. SMT p449 Chen Tiangi RSN p6 De Leo, R. SMT p206 Baechtold, W. CDS p339 Brown, A.D. CDS p83, p293, CDT p377, Cheng, C.-H. CDS p364 Deb, A. CTA Bafleur, M. CDS p357 CDS p379 Cheng, K.W.E. EPA p313 Debany, W. CDT p407 Bagherzadeh, N. CDT pS Brown, M. CTA p529 Cherian, D. CDT p93 Del Pizzo, A. EPA p183 Baharova, L. CTA p51 Brown-Goebeler, K.F . — p10s Chern, T.-L. CTA Delalondre, C. SMT p189 Baister, G.C. OPT p279 Bucci, O.M. MAP Cheron, Y. EPA p329 Delgado, A. CTA p307 Baker, C.J. RSN p179 Buck, R.J. CDS ah Cherry, A.S. CTA p149 D’Elia, G. MAP p467 Baran, B. GTD p583 Budisin, P.B. GTD p233 Chester, E.G. CDT p318 Dell’Isola, M. GTD p436 Barnes, T.J.D. CTA p265 Bui, A. EPA p329 Chevrier, P. SMT pi89 Dellunde, J. OPT p17 Barrault, M.S MT p189 Bull, L. CTA p211 Chi-Wei Chang GTD p317 Demeester, P. OPT p61 Barter, J.D. RSN p252 Buonanno, G. GTD p436 Chiampi, M. GTD p65 Demiroglu, M. GTD p468 Bartlett, P.N. CDS p321 Burke, S.V. OPT p66 Chiang, H.-D. GTD p225 Deng, X. CDS p299 Barton, S.K. MAP p115 Burns, N.D. SMT p389 Chiang, S.J. EPA p275 Deravi, F. CDS p61 Bastard, P. GTD p386 Burnside, W.D. MAP p19 Chiarabaglio, D. GTD p65 Deryagin, A.G. OPT p51 Batarseh, I. CDS p200 Burton, A.W. CTA p129 Chidambaram, M. CTA p633 Dewsbury, M. SMT p463 Batchelor, J.C. MAP p151 Burton, R.R. OPT p77 Chien, J.-T. VIS p395 Dexter, A.L. CTA p545 Batchman, T.E. OPT p183 Bushehri, E. CDS p369, p394 Chikhani, A.Y. GTD p282 Dey, A. SMT p267 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 142, 1995 Dhodhi, M.K. CDT p65, CDS p209 Freeston, LL. SMT 'a d He, C. MAP p63 Itoh, R. EPA p154, p239 Di Zitti, E. CDS p97 Frezza, F. MAP Ivrissimtzis, I.P. MAP p26 Dickie, J.R. VIS p78 Friedlander, B. ESN p213 Dickin, F.J. SMT p313 Fruth, B.A. SMT p22 J Dimopoulos, N.J. CDS p313 Fu, S.-L. CDS p90 Heffernan, W.J.B. EPA p379 Dixon, J. GTD p128 Fujimoto, N. SMT p490 Heiszajn, J. MAP p67 Djurdjevic, D.Z. MAP p213 Fulton, W.S. SMT p433 Hendry, D.C. CDT p215 Jack, A.G. EPA p191 Doctor, D.P. CDS p105 Fung, A.K. RSN p301 Henri, F. EPA p329 Jain, D.L. SMT p267 Donatelli, S.C OM p75 Furber, S.B. CDT p299 Henschel, S. GTD p247 Janke, W. CDS p125 Dordevic, V. GTD p135 Hermida, R. CDS p227 Jankovic CDS p369 Dounis, A.I. RSN p195 G Hernandez-Garcia, E. OPT p17 Jaques, M.W.S. CTA p216 Du, T. EPA p71 Hertz, D. RSN p222 Jassim, A.M. MAP p452 Duan, G.-R. CTA p611 Heuser, O. CDS p394 Jayasumana, A.P. CDT p135 Duke, R.M. GTD p219 Gabidulin, EM. COM p281 Heywood, M.I. VIS p213 Jayawant, B.V. SMT p255 Duncan, A.A. CDT p215 Gaing, Z.L. GTD p167 Higgs, R.J. COM pi29 Jayne, M.G. SMT p162 Duncan, G.A. CTA p466 Ganz, A. CDT p233 Higuchi, T. CDS p165, p387 Jeng, L.-H. GTD p415 Dunlop, I. SMT p307 Garagate, C. CDT p377 Hildebrand, L.T. MAP p314 Jenkins, N. GTD p202, p545 Dunn, R.W. GTD p601, p625 Gardner, J.W. CDS p321 Hill, D.A. COM p243 Jennings, S.M. COM p349 Durrant-Whyte, H. CTA p385 Garth, S.J. OPT p115 Hill, D.C. GTD p555 Jervis, B.W. SMT p269, CDS p277 Duttagupta, P.B. GTD p503 Garvey, S.D. EPA p222 Hindman, C.L. RSN p252 Jia-You Lee EPA p255 Garzelli, A.C OM p315 Hiskens, ILA. GTD p473 Jiang, J. CDT p419 E Gatellet, J. SMT p11 Ho, C.-J. SMT p183 Jiang, Y.A. CTA p439 Gatenby, P.V. OPT p279 Ho, K.C. RSN p153 Jianwen, Y. OPT p121 Gau, J.-R.J. MAP p19 Hobson, L. EPA p35 Jin, W. OPT p253 Earles, S.W.E. VIS p351 Gaynor, P.T. SMTi e p277 Hochholzer, M. OPT p232 Jin, Y.-Q. MAP p109 Edwards, D.J. OPT p202 Ge, J.X. MAP p Hogg, B. CTA p529 Johannes, T.W. OPT p162 Edwards, J.D. EPA p355 Ge Lijia RSN ng Hogg, B.W. GTD p29 John, E. CDT pi45 Edwards, J.M. SMT p378 Georganas, N.D. COM p61 Holboll, J.T. SMT p490 Johns, A.T. GTD p119, p601 Edwin, K.W. GTD p185 German, D.M. GTD p143, SMT p442 Holt, A.G.J. VIS p27, p381 Johnstone, W. SMF p109 Ekanayake, J.B. GTD p202 Gershman, A.B. RSN p218 Honary, B. COM et p352 Jolion, J.-M. VIS p7 El Mashade, M.B. RSN p18, p259 Ghanbari, M. VIS p141, p149, COM Hong, D.-H. RSN p13 Jones, D.L. CTA p229 El-Gamel, H.E. CDS p27 P:2 27 Hong, G.S. CTA B61. Jones, G.R. SMT p201, p469 El-Guibaly, F. CDS p41, p193 Ghannouchi, F.M. MAP p417 Hong, J. OPT p44, p103, p209 Jones, M. VIS p359 El-Hawary, M.E. GTD p37 Ghelmansarai, F.A. CDS p135 Hong, L. VIS p232, CTA p459 Jones, R.P. CTA p149 El-Metwally, K.A. GTD p277 Gheri, G. MAP p41 Hong, S.-M. RSN p137 Jonsson, B. SMT p85 El-Nagar, K. GID p37 Ghosh, A. GTD p297 Hoof, M. SMT p95 Jou, H.-L. GTD p646 El-Rabaie, S. MAP p417 Gibson, A.A.P. MAP p282 Hori, N. CTA p323 Jou, M.J. OPT p237 El-Sawy Mohamed, A.M. SMT p293 Gilders, P. SMT p378 Horos, J. VIS p105 Juang, C. OPT p237 Eliseev, P.G. OPT p2 Gill, M.S. SMT p109 Hoshino, T. GTD p59 Judd, M.D. SMT p237 Ellams, P. EPA p23 Gisin, B.V. OPT p293 Hossain, M.A. CTA p625 Jullien, G.A. CDS p109 Elmirghani, J.M.H. OPT p259 Givelin, P. CDS p357 Houghton, A.W. RSN p286 Jung, Y.-S. EPA p297 Elo, P. CDS p74 Gjaerde, A.C. SMT p17 Houng, M.P. CDS p406 Jung-Fang Pern SMT p231 Elsherbiny, M.M. GTD p653 Gockenbach, E. SMT p69 Hribsek, M. CDS p273 Junkin, G. RSN p306 Ennis, M.G. SMT p201 Godfrey, K.R. CTA p247 Hristov, H.D. MAP p452 Jwo, W.-S. GTD p381 Er, M.H. RSN p1 Goel, A.M. CDT p395 Hsaio, P.-Y. CDT p72 EErreozf,e enE.k oM, AVP. T.p 2M4A5 P p89 GGooelld,m aLn., GAT.D SMp3T3 7 p11, p477 HHssiiaaoo,, PY..--YT.. CGDTTD pp135871, p293 K Eryurtlu, F. VIS p253 Goldman, M. SMT p11, p477 Hsieh, C.H. CDT p185 EEvvaanlsd,s soAn.,N . P.VAI. S CpD8S7 p105 GGoolliraas,, MN..AA.. SMMATP pp145577 HHssuu,, JY..C-.Y .C TGAT D p2p7275 1, p415, p639 KKaajlfaemz,, A.D .MG TADP pp7336 9 Evans, B.G. VIS p105, p253 Golubovic, S. CDS p413 Hsuan, Y. COM p121 Kam, P.Y. COM p292 Evans, D.C. CTA p229 Goodwin, G.C. CTA p335 Hu, J. EPA p113 Kambhampati, C. CTA p307 Evans, P.D. EPA p313, p379 Gopal, M. CTA p617 Hu, N.-C. VIS p35, p241, p319 Kamenetskii, E.O. MAP p240 Evans, R. CDS pi79 Gordon, S.D. RSN p162 Hu, S.-H. CDT p353 Kameyama, M. CDS p299 EEvvaenqsu,o z,W .AC.. CSDMTT pp111174 GGootsos,n erN,. JM.RA.P CTpA14 5,p 28p62 89 HHuu,a ngY,. H.C .-VTI.S GpT3D3 9 p225 KKaanpelvans,k i,B .ZJ.. S. ECPAD T p2p619 Everett, D. RSN p206 Graebe, S.F. CTA p335 Huang, F. MAP p389 Karafyllidis, Y. CDS p153 Exposito, A.G. GTD p453 Gramm, K. EPA p371 Huang, H.-M. GTD p251 Karamitsos, N. MAP p282 F GGGrrraaantyetslaolnni,,, KGM...TP. .V C. GOTMODP Tp p355p87892 HHHuuuaaannnggg,,, SWS...CN-..P . ECnPTAAa ppA227g752e e* ame p209 KKKaaarrrvnweyol,iw ss,Mk .i G,. CAT.A .A ESPpMA2T 2 3p p228193 Greer, N.P.J. CDS p263 Huang, X.-Z. MAP p Kaski, K. CDS p74 Fabre, A. CDS p140 Greest, M.C. CDS p345 Huang Xiangfu RSN es Kaszkurewicz, E. GTD p583 Fairhurst, M.C. VIS p121 Grewal, G.S. CTA p23 Hubele, N.F. GTD p45 Kataoka, T. EPA p225, p246, GTD p487 Falcao, D.M. GTD p583 Griffiths, HD. SMT p169, RSN p179 Hucker, T. SMT p89 Kawachi, M. OPT p219 Falkowski, B.J. CDT p325, p345 Grimble, M.J. CTA p295, p515 Hudson, N. SMT p269 Kawamata, M. CDS p387 FFaann,, CB.. OGPTTD pp9440 6 GGrroiemnb,l ebFy.,H . JO.BP. TE PpA6 1 p5 HHuuil,i naS,. Y.PR..T. ECPDAT pp5174 5 KKaazzmmiieerrsskkii,, CT..J .O PCTD T p1p33 77 Fan, P.Z. COM _— p281 Groll, V.V. CDT p299 Hum, P.J. MAP p379 Ke, J.-Y. MAP p357 FFaanng,, ZW.. -MH.A P CpD5T7 p201 GGruo,s sY,. -DY.. W.C DSTM Tp 40p12 2 HHuunmgp,h reJ.y-sH,. RJ.SFN. CpO2M77 p129 KKeemmppe,l , I.JL. .CS.M TM APp4 p233 Faraji-Dana, R. MAP p81, p472 Gudvangen, S. VIS p47 Hunter, D.K. OPT p132 Kendall, P.C. OPT p66, p77 Fargues, M.P. RSN p97, p236 Guey, R.J. EPA p79 Hunter, G.P. EPA p169, p176 Kenington, P.B. COM p274 Farhang-Boroujeny, B. COM p216 Guglielmi, M. MAP p41, p47 Hunter, I.C. MAP p265 Kennis, P. MAP p275 Farina, A. RSN p243 Guillaume, P. CTA p241 Huret, F. MAP p275 Kersten, P. OPT p241 Farish, O. SMT p237 Guillemin, F. COM p87 Hussein, K.H. GTD p59 Kertesz, V. SMT p125 FFaatrhmye,r , M.E .DV.I SG TpD29 7 p1, p263 GGuulos,k i,T .-EY.. SCMTTA pp5315 1 HHwwaanngg,, CC.. L.C TCAT Ap 35p12 77 KKhhaaimrausd,d inS,. K.I .UM. AMPA Pp 46p22 65 FFaauullkknneerr,, DM..J . GCTDDS pp7234 7 GGuuoo,, WY..J . MMAAPP pp215175 HHwwaanngg,, JH..--HS.. CCTTAA pp355317 KKhhaann,h MD.oEa.n GGTTDD pp310955 FFaewlcsetteta,d , GE.. B.S MCTO Mp1 0p92 43 GGuupotgau,a nAg.,K . M.C DOTP Tp 81p 121 HHwwaanngg,, ML..-SC.. ECPOAM p7p9i KKhhoedmra,i ssMi.aF,. SO. PCTT Ap 18p33 78 FFeenngg,, CG.. OCPTTA pp9443 9 GGuurpdtaal,, NO.. MEAPPA pp431515 HHwwaanngg,, RS..--HY.. CCDDTT pp212057 KKihaonsgr,o wJb.e-Fy.g iM, APA. p430 p169 Fenn, S.T.J. COM p345 Guven, A.N. GTD p468 HHwwaanngg,, TY.. -SC.D TC DSp 31p33, 7 p370 Kiely, P.A. CDS ar Fernandes, P. SMT p299 Kiernan, P. VIS p169 Fernandez, M. CDS p227 H Kingsley, S.P. RSN p306 Fernando, P.N. GTD p269 I Kinniment, D.J. CDT p318 Ferrara, G. MAP p441 Kisworo, M. VIS p304 Ferrari, A. RSN p191 Haddad, A. SMT p442 Kit Po Wong GTD p195 Ferreira, H.C. COM p49 Hajji, R. MAP p417 Idris, F. CDT p55 Knaell, K.K. RSN p54 Fievet, C. SMT p189 Halsall, F. COM p233 Ifeachor, E.C. SMT p482 Ko, J.S. EPA p361 Filipovic, D.M AP p492 Hamalainen, J.J. CTA p51 Ikhwan, S.H. EPA p87 Kochhar, A.K. SMT p411 Fisher, A.J. RSN p71 Hamdi, M. CDT p87 Iliades, P. CDS p153 Kolar, J.W. EPA \p63, p285 Fitzgerald, W.J. VIS p174 Hampton, B.F. SMT p237 Inatani, J. MAP p339 Konda, N. EPA p123 Fleming, P.J. CTA p625 Hands, D. VIS p149 Indri, M. CTA p569 Kondoz, A.M. VIS _. p253 Fleury, M. VIS p207, p345 Hannaford, C. COM p352 Infield, D.G. GTD p555 Kooi, P.S. MAP Flockton, S.J. VIS p47 Hanselman, D.C. EPA p131 Ingersoll, T. SMT p114 Koppelman, D.M. COM p285 Flower, J.O. CTA p247 Hanyu, T. CDS p165, p299 Inkol, R.J. RSN p153 Kot, A.C. VIS p247 Floyd, G. CDS p179 Hariri, S. CDT p407 Inoue, Y. OPT p219 Kottick, D. EPA p269 Fogarty, T.C. CTA p211 Harn, L. CDT p237, p376 Iravani, M.R. GTD p613. Kouki, A.B. MAP p417 Forghani, B. SMT p133 Harth, W. OPT p162, p232 Irgens, C.S. SMT Ppp 345 Koumbouiis, F.N. CTA p119 Fornaro, G. RSN p313 Hasegawa, H. MAP p251 Irving, M.R. EPA p323, GTD p393, Kouvaritakis, B. CTA p286 Fouad Hanna, V. MAP p364 Hashimoto, Y. EPA p123 p401, p445 Kozlowski, T. CDT p263 Fouda, S.S. GTD p282 Hassan, E.E. MAP p168 Irwin, G. CTA p529 Kranz, H.-G. SMT p89 Foulon-Belkacemi, N. SMT p477 Hassan, M.F. CTA p88 Irwin, G.W. CTA p31 Krebs, V. CTA p103 Fox, M. CTA p Hassani, H.R. MAP p7 Irwin, M.J. CDT p332 Krishna, C.M. CDT p233 Franceschetti, G. RSN p313 Hawksford, M.O. CDS p345 Ishibashi, Y. CDS p49 Kropatsch, W.G. VIS p366 Franz, G. OPT p162 Hayat, L. VIS p207, p345 Ishizaka, K. EPA p154, p239 Kuchinskii, V.I. OPT p51 Fraser, M.E. EPA p410 Haydon, J. GTD p73 Ismaeel, A.A. CDS p209 Kuivalainen, P. CDS p1 5 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 142, 1995 Kuksenkov, D.V. OPT p51 Liu, B.-D. CDT p170 Mohan, P.J. CDT p93 Pandya, K.V. SMT p371 Kumar, T.R.V. MAP p295 Liu, C.-C. GTD p381, p429 Mohanna, Y. OPT p313 Panescu, D. VIS p339 Kumble, C.S. GTD p361 Liu, C.-K. SMT p183 Moll, F. CDS p307 Paoloni, C. MAP p75, p97 Kundu, D. VIS p181 Liu, C.-W. GTD p355, p381 Monk, A.D. MAP p121, p220 Paoloni, F.J. VIS p133 Kung, C.-P. CDS p53 Liu, D.Y. CTA p493 Monorchio, A.M AP p183 Papadimitriou, G.I. CDT p306 Kunicki, J.S. COM p250 Liu, J.C. MAP p192 Montagna, M. GTD p589 Papadopoulos, M. GTD pé6: Kuo, H.-C. CDS p282 Liu, L.-Y. CDT a Montanari, G.C. SMT p102 Papalexopoulos, A.D. GTD p45 Kuo, H.-Y. GTD p103 Liu, P.T.S. MAP p373 Montuschi, P. CDT p15, p431 Paraskevopoulos, P.N. CTA p119 Kurdahi, F.J. CDS p158 Liu, S.-I. CDS p37,| p186, p223 Moo, C.S. GTD p517 Park, S.-S. CDT p225 Kurian, L. CDT p145 Liu, T.Z. CTA p493 Moodie, D. SMT p109 Parker, E.A. MAP p193 Kwan, K.S. SMT p453 Lo, K.-T. VIS p22 Moon, G.-W. EPA p297 Parker, M.G. VIS p31 Kwiat, K. CDT p407 Lo, K.L. GTD 024, p190, p367, p523 Moore, J. MAP p14 Parnaby, J. SMT p338 Kwong, W.C. COM pi41 Lo, W.L. CTA p433 Moore, P.J. GTD p119 Parniani, M. GTD p613 Kyung, C.-M. CDT p225 Lo, Y.-K. EPA p43 Mora, E. GTD pi28 Patrick, W. CDS p339 Lochtie, D. COM p179 Moraes de Azevedo, M. CDT pS Patsch, R. SMT p95 L Lockhart, G.B. VIS p155 Moran, L. GTD p128 Paul, A. MAP p93 Loffler, F. EPA p371 Morinaga, M. OPT p55 Pawlak, R.J. RSN p225 Lombardo, P. RSN p33, p167 Moriyama, T. EPA p123 Peach, N. CTA p73 Ladouceur, F. OPT p288 Long, D. CTA p197 Morris, A.J. CTA p551 Peake, W.H. EPA p131 LLaaih,e uArt.eK,. Y.J .MM. AMPA Pp 28p54,2 1p 300 LLoovzee,s -JD.uDp.u yO,P TF . pO2P8T8 pS MMoorrrsihsu,i s,A .SP.. HC.FT.A SMp3T7 8 p62 PPeeaatr,s onB,J . D.S MVTI S pp315409 Lai, C.-S. CDT p49 Lu, C.-F. GTD p429 Mosca, E. CTA p647 Pedersen, A. SMT p29 Lai, F. CDT p107 Mosig, J.R. MAP p269 Pejovic, M. CDS p413 Lai, M.F. CDT p185 Lu, F.-C. GTD p639 Mozaffari, S. GTD p247 Pelosi, G. MAP p183 Laih, A.-S. COM p386 Lu, F.-F. VIS p35 Mozos, D. CDS p227 Pennock, S.R. MAP p57 Laih, C.-S. CDT p165 Lu, M.F. OPT p237 Mrearica, Z. CDT p377 Peponis, G. GTD p631 Laithwaite, E.R. EPA p215, p262 Lu Yue CDS p263 Munir, A. RSN p11 Perera, B.L.P.P. GTD pl, p263 Lake, B.M. RSN p252 Luff, A.C. EPA p65 Murgatroyd, I.S. SMT p378 Perng, M.-H. CTA p7 Lakhtakia, A. SMT p262 Luk, K.M. MAP p189, p285, p300, p485 Murtaza, G. OPT p225 Petermann, K. OPT p29 Lam, W.-H. COM p91 Luo, Y.L. MAP p414 Muta, I. GTD p59 Petersen, I.R. CTA p95 Lampariello, P. MAP p47 Luo, Z. CTA p575 Petkov, R. EPA p35, p145 Lancaster, M.J. MAP p26 Luoh, S.-W. VIS p319 N Petlin, O.A. CDT p299 Langella, A.S MT p330 Lyaw, I.-P. COM p285 Petrou, M. VIS p228 Langley, L.N. OPT p157 Lye, K.M. COM p369 Pfutzner, H. EPA p371 Langley, R.J. MAP p151, p193 Lynch, A.C. SMT p169 Nabiev, R.F. OPT p2 Pham, D.T. SMT p350 Lapoulos, T. CDS p357 Nahman, J. GTD p135 Philips, B. MAP p193 Lapovok, A. SMT p151 M Naim, M.M. SMT p395 Phillips, A.J. COM p15 LLLLLLaaaaaatssurrit,,ssf, sis ,oToF Jn.n.., S-DC .ES.. d PMMCe..RTf D SoC TrNCO sp D,M3pS p7 S 2 P 0.pp 623C 27D13 T p77 MMMMaaaackkkiish,naa orm,oSr v.e ,ThM .,A D OP. PI .CIT.pT 2CA2pO 54,4Mp ,3 p8p35p29 60919 NNNNNNaaaaaasnnrnkaddegariid,n,,,o o ,,J S AS..-..JAFM K....LC. . D CECTVGDPDI TTASTD p 3 ppp2p712p 187088 1015 PPPPPPiiiiiiteanectrztcksrzeh,ueel ,p,so ,J in ML,,B. ..I .PRCE.O..C D PDMO.TCT A MT GPA ppT i1Dp 3pp3 227429p159 7, p323, p549 LLeaaucchk,n erG,. R.J . SOMPTT pp224419 MMaallaaimyuad, , Y.IK. .C DCSD Tp 39p41 35 NNaavuam,o vC,. CR.TMA. pG6T4D7 p233 PPloahtjteo,n enW,. HO.P TC DSp1 9p71 Lebey, T. EPA p329 Malik, O.P. GTD p149, p179, p277 Navarro, E.A. MAP p495 Poljak, D. MAP p43 Ledwich, G. GTD p297, CTA p329 Mallick, A.K. SMT p288 Nayar, C.V. CDS p30 Poo, A.N. CTA p562, p661 LLeeee,, CB..J-.C . OPCTO Mp 23p72 1 MMaallym,g reD.nK,. GS. MCTO Mp4 53p 99 NNearyil,o r,F . PC. OSMM T p7p54 42 PPoorptonvoiic,, E.BL..D . OMPTA P p5p12 07, p213 LLLeeeeee,,, CGC...--YLY... CCCODDMTS ppp2658947 MMMaaannniadarasal,,, SJG...NK ..M AGEPTPAD pp1p2828389 9 NNNeeevwwebc,eo rmyMb,.eJ ., P .MGI.A. VP.SF .M pTR4 4S7pN 1 62p2 11 PPProrasasaba,hd u,,F . MKM..VAM.P.SM. .N p.4 V4IM1S A Pp 65p 295 LLLLeeeeeeee,,,, JJJJ.... ---CDHY...D SCVC IDDSpTT 9 0p p2p24201011 MMMMaaaannnnsonneli,lan lkg,iL, s. ,A SC..DMDD..T. E .E EpPPR4AAS0 4 N p p223p0 169,5 p410 NNNNeiiggcnuwhgyio,erl nasJ,,,. H.STK ...MTGC...D SGCC TDDpDTS2 54ppp 522149,93 , p2p4307 3 PPPPrrrraiiitbtmtecr,th oiascrKehd.,,,F .EPPT.... 1 L..MC ADCGSPDT S D p p3_22p7195 LLLLLeeeeeeeeee,,,,, JJKKL.....HYFC-....M .EC MRPOVASAIMNP S ppp3pp33646091876 55 MMMMMaaaaarrrroicii,ghca ne,net iWtt .Sti .i,PV, rC. i SDm.FiTC .a MOnEiAMp,PP 2 A7 2pV p2p.471S 218M1 3 T p206 NNNNNioioouexga,roku pnece,shXl ,i., ,-M M.P.AS.T ..D.R . E. M VPVAIAMISP SA pPp1p 8p4273 1p 3399 3 PPPPPruruuonron,uzky dyoafnpsEos,e.ok Ysti.hG,,Bu. . d JCuC..,TO .TC PDAcO.T M bp M pr1 A4_p0 3 P1 p29p53 73 Lee, N.-Y. CDT p370 Maritsas, D.G. CDT p306 Nordgren, R.E. CTA p23 Lee, P.H.Y. RSN p252 Markarian, G. COM p201 Norgren, M. MAP p52 Q Lee, T. CTA p486 Markazi, A.H.D. CTA p323 Norris, W.T. SMT p142, p495 Lee, T.-T. CTA p638 Marley, W.A. SMT p442 Nosratinia, A. CDS p109 LLeeee,, YY..--PC.. CCDDTT pp49285 MMaarrtsia,n ,J .RM.. AG.T DC OpM8 1 p75 NNoutmanroosn,d a,B. MT.. MGATPD pp529057 QQii,a n,Z .ZJ.. X.G TCDT A p3p6277 2 Lee, Y.D. VIS p247 Martinez, M. CDT p360 Nwokah, O.D.I. CTA p23 Quigley, S.F. CDS p173 Legay, H. MAP p173 Martinez, P.A. CDS p353 Nyongesa, H.O. CTA p161, p177 Quweider, M. VIS piii Leijon, M. SMT p85 Martinot, H. OPT p5 Quweider, M.K. VIS p193 Leisten, J. EPA p145 Marttinen, A. CTA p51 O Leithead, W.E. CTA p58 Mason, J. VIS p313 R Leonard, R. GTD p9 Maswood, A.I. EPA p233 Leoncini, M. MAP p399 Matsuda, T. EPA p123 Oakley, J.P. VIS p359 Leong, M.S. MAP p379 Matthews, J.J. CDS p217 O’Dowd, R.F. OPT p23 Rabach, G. SMT p102 Lepkowski, S.P. OPT p82 Mattia, F. MAP 1 Oei, Y.S. OPT p61 Rabinovici, R. EPA p1 Leviatan, Y. MAP p245 Matveyev, A.L. RSN p218 Oglesby, J. VIS p313 Raczkowycz, J. CDS p145 Levit, C. CTA p186 Mawby, P.A. CDS p205 Ogunbona, P.O. VIS p133 Ragheb, H.A. MAP p168 Lewin, P.L. GTD p143 Mazumdar, R. COM p87 Ohishi, T. GTD p569 Rahardja, S. CDT p345 Lewis, J. OPT p279 Mazumder, P. CDT p208 Ohnishi, T. EPA p390 Rahman, B.M.A. OPT p82 Leymarie, H. OPT ps McAllister, 1.W. SMT p29 Oishi, H. EPA p154, p239 Rahman, M. EPA p65 Li, E.H. OPT p97 McCallion, K. SMT p109 Ojala, P. CDS p74 Rahman, S. GTD p535 Li, N. GTD p185 McCanny, J.V. CDS p179 Ojo, O. EPA p29, CTA p401 Ramakrishna, G. GTD p535, p560 McCormack, A.S. CTA p247 Okada, H. EPA p154, p239 Ramanathan, P. CDT p177 McDonald, D. COM p61 Okamoto, T. SMT p75 Ramesh, N. VIS p271 Lian, 3 RSN p158 McDonnell, J.T.E. VIS p375 Oke, S. SMT »269 Ramsden, V.S. EPA p169, p176 Liao, T.W. SMT p404 McLernon, D.C. CDS p120 Oksman, J. COM p255 Ranaweera, D.K. GTD p45 Liaw, C.M. EPA p79, ee p397 McNab, A. SMT p307 Oldham, K. SMT p411 Ranheim, A. COM p393 Liceaga-Castro, J. CTA McNamara, D.A. MAP p314 Olgac, N. CTA p451 Rao, D.N. MAP p295 Liew, A.C. GTD p211, P35, p560, p618 Mecha, H. CDS p227 Oliver, C.J. RSN p33, p167 Rao, M.M. VIS p65 Lightbody, G. CTA p31 Medova, E.A. COM p238 Oliver, TJ. CTA p216 Raol, J.R. CTA p114 Lim, C.M. CTA p526, p562 Mehler, M.J. COM p179 Olver, A.D. MAP p394 Rappaport, S.S. COM p31, p323 Lim, N.C. COM p193 Mehta, P. EPA p405 O’Mahony, M.J. OPT p190 Rashid, A. SMT p283 Lim, Y.-C. CDT p293 Menon, S.M. CDT p135 Onishchenko, A.I. OPT p2 Rast, A. OPT p162 Lim, Y.S. GTD p523 Menyennett, C. COM p49 O'Reilly, J. CTA p58 Ravikumar, C.P. CDT p81, p395 Lin, C.-S. CDT p41, CDS p53 Metaal, E.G. OPT p61 O'Reilly, J.J. OPT p143 Ray, P.S. GTD p503 Lin, F.J. EPA p79, p397 Metwally, L.A. SMT p442 Osakada, M. GTD p59 Rayner, P.J.W. VIS p327 Lin, I.C. CTA -p654 Metz, M. EPA p329 Outram, N.J. SMT p48 Reddy, G.P. CTA p633 Lin, K.-C. VIS p241 Meunier, M. GTD p386 Owens, R.M. CDT p332 Reddy, K.K. MAP p295 Lin, W. MAP p63 Michalski, K.A. MAP p269 Ozay, N. GTD p468 Rees, D. CTA p229 Lin, W.-Y. CDT p287 Mihalic, R. GTD p257 Reeve, C.D. OPT p149, RSN p286 Lin, Y. COM p135 Milanovic, J.V. GTD p473 P Regal, H. GTD p386 Lin, Y.T. GTD p167 Miller, J.F. CDT p279 Riabi, M.L. MAP p364 Linkens, D.A. CTA p161, p177, SMT Milne, K. RSN p199 Riblet, G.P. MAP p384 p 362 Ming, L. SMT p85 Pagano, E. EPA p183 Ristic, G. CDS p413 Linnett, L.M. VIS p1 Mirasso, C.R. OPT p17 Pahalawaththa, N.C. GTD p361, p595 Ritcey, J.A. RSN p162 Linsdall, D.K. RSN p206 Mirshekar-Syahkal, D. MAP p7 Pammu, S. CDS p173 Robein, D. OPT p13 Lipezynski, R.T. SMT p433 Mishra, S. GTD p618 Pan, K.-C. CTA p7 Robert, J. CTA p595 Litva, J. MAP p78, RSN p105, MAP Mittal, R. CDT p93 Pan, Y. CDT p87 Roberts, J.H. RSN p123 p495 Moazzam, M.R. MAP p489 Panchanathan, S. CDT p55 Robin-Jouan, P. SMT p189 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 142, 1995 Robson, P.N. OPT p77 Siskos, S. CDS p357 Tsai, J.S.H. CTA p585, p654 White, N.M. SMT p244, p249 Roca, M. CDS p307 Siu, W.-C. VIS p262 Tsai, W.K. CDS p158 White, R.G. RSN p179 Rofail, S.S. CDS p8 Sivakumar, R. CDS p313 Tsalides, P. CDS p153 Whittard, R. GTD p119 Rojas, R. EPA a Siy, P. VIS p40 Tsang, K.M. CTA p433 Whorlow, R.J. SMT p255 Roje, V. MAP p435 Siyal, M.Y. VIS p297 Tsao, H.-W. CDS p186 Widjaja, 1. COM p7 Romankevich, A.M. CDT p299 Sliva, R.J. MAP p233 Tsaptsinos, D. CDS p277 Wilkes, D.M. RSN p97 Romito, G. MAP p467 Sluss, J.J., Jr. OPT p183 Tsiboukis, T.D. MAP p457 Wilkinson, R.J. COM p274 Rosenberg, C. COM p87 Smartt, C.J. OPT p66 Tso, S.K. GTD p190 Williams, R.A. SMT p313 Rosin, P.L. VIS p280 Smirnitskii, V.B. OPT p51 Tsounis, B. MAP p67 Williamson, S. EPA p50 Rosolowski, E. GTD p310 Smit, M.K. OPT Tsuduki, K. CDS p49 Wirth, W.D. RSN p145 Rossiter, J.A. CTA p286 Smith, B.C. GTD p109 Tsuji, H. CTA p15 Witalis, EA. SMT p197 Rouff, M. CTA p595 Sng, Y.H. RSN p1 Tsutsumi, M. MAP p251 Wong, J.-S. CTA p444 Rousta, M. MAP p421 Soares, S. GTD p569 Tureli, A.G TD p468 Wong, K.P. GTD p372, p406 Rowe, G.B. MAP p447 Soderstrom, T. CTA p1, RSN p45 Turner, D.R. SMT p201 Wong, S.-K. VIS p289 Rowland, D.R. OPT p305 Soh, Y.C. RSN pi Turovets, S.1. OPT p157 Wong, S.C. CDS p83, p379 Rowland, J.R. CTA pi11 Soliman, S.A. GTD p37 Tye, B.J. COM p227 Wong, T.C. COM p369 Roy, L. GTD p289 Soilms, F. COM p250 Tzeng, S.-J. COM p158 Wong, Y.W. GTD p372 Ruan, C. MAP p63 Soltis, J.J. CDS p27 Tzeng, Y.-S. EPA p345 Woo, K.-B. CTA p537 Rubino, U. COM p75 Some, Y.K. COM p292 Wood, A.R. GTD p88, p109 Rubio, A. CDS p307 Song, J. OPT p94 U Wood, J.K. SMT p201 Ruiz, E.E.S. VIS p121 Soudack, A.C. GTD p81, p247 Wood, K. CDS p179 Rungaldier, H. RSN p252 Spencer, J. SMT p201 Woods, R.F. CDS p179 Spencer, J.W. SMT p469 Umanand, L. EPA p97 Wright, M.T. EPA p222 S SSppoioenkemra,n , E.L .EHP. A OPpT33 7p 61 UUnn,k auCf.,K . E.CJ.O ME PAp 54p,i 4p 67, p151 WWuu,, CC..- JM. AGPT Dp 78p,4 2p94 95 Sreeram, V. CTA p186, p603 Wu, D.-S. CDS p37 Saad-Saoud, Z. GTD p545 SSrtiavraosstealvsak,y , S.VC.. CGDTSD p3p9547 6 vV WWuu,, JJ..--LL.. C.C TCAO Mp 63p81 58 SSaaaatrcihnie,n , M.J.R .C DSSM Tp 74p 269 Stasi, S. EPA p161 Wu, K. MAP p71 Sabatini, A.M. RSN p81 Steele, R. COM p21 Valasek, M. CTA p451 Wu, K.-L. MAP p78 SSaaffia,v iS-.NKa.e inEiP,A S.p 1M91A P p472 SStteervne,n , M.FS..L . OCPDTT pp7273 vVaann dBernu ntB,o s,R .JA.. SCMTTA pp3275 3 WWuu,, MM..- FV. ISV IpSi 7p49 5 Saifuddin, A.C OM p341 Steven, G.B. CDT p23 Van Eetvelt, P.W.J. SMT p482 Wu, R.-N. EPA p345 Saint Cricq, B. OPT p5 Stoica, P. CTA pl, RSN p45 van Rooyen, P.G.W. COM p250 Wu, T.-C. CDT p367 SSSaaalllaear,mi ,aT ,. EE..M .VOMIP.SAT . p 1p1G317T, Dp 19p238 2, p653 SSStttrroeinecetk,,l aGAn.d.,CM .. P.SO MCPTTT A pp42p902021 6 VVVaaannnaghc,oo ernTea.,cA k.e Mr.C- JDaSSnM vTipe 1r0,p5 3 3D0. MAP p102 WWWuuu,,, TWW...-- SC.E. PCACD DTpT 3 3p7p3 26877 SSSaaallmvvpaastdooornre,,, CDL... G M.E APVPAI S pp12p621154 1 SSStttrrrooonnmaa,cc hhS,,. AFM..A F.EP P CApT 4Ap2 791 p 411 VVVaaansrn,le olwPl,.i ,E BP.ARA. . G pST7M1D,T Cpp2T18A52 7 ,p 4p1218 3 WWWuuu,,, XXX... BQ..M AMRPSA NP p 2p5p2715 6 3 SSSaaannndcgeahrroys,,o nJ,N. M..TH .. OMVPIATSP pp11p754 95 SSStuuudebdnbl,se ,,A .M-MN... R .M VAIVPSI S pp5p7211 0 5 VVVaeesnnskkeaauttre,as shw,H a. mSyM., A VPISS . pEp13P00A24 p29 WWWuuu,,, YYY...--PPT.. . CCGDDTTSD pp1p389757 Sangster, A.J. MAP p1 Sule-Koiki, A. MAP p93 Venkatesh, Y.V. VIS p71 Wu, Z.Q. GTD p24 SSSSSaaaaarnnsnktosnao,oars n,,,e A ,.A GA ... GC, . CTC JDATrS.T A M G TpT1p p54D4 p3 421 2p33 3 SSSSSuuuuultznntaudaankedntira,o,,, , MNSK.E....A L.CO.M DPACSSTP TM ATpp 4 p5135p p3 84981 7 VVVVVieieelrbrnliedkatteace,,c,t i e,CsCJ ...w C a.CDrC Ta.TSGnA A,MT TDp p R5.59p p851C4 83D96T p208 WWWWyyyyasrntozntcy,,kk ao-HLwS..sPcRk..h ii,lRC lSDaNSRk., CppiF2D.39 13Tv i ps p237 Sate, Y. GTD p487 Suzuki, T. EPA p390 Virkkunen, J. CTA p51 X Sato, Y. EPA p225, p246 Suzuki, Y. EPA p123 Vishnevsky, A. SMT p151 Saul, J.M. CDT p255, p263 Swanson, J. GTD p481 Vo, B. VIS p161, p389 Sava, H.P. VIS p375 Swidenbank, E. CTA p529 Volakis, J.L. MAP p233 Xia, Z. CDS p1 Savoji, M.H. VIS p237 Swift, F.J. GTD p29 Voles, R. MAP p498 Xiang, Y.Q. EPA p201 SSecbhaoku,k enAs., MJA. PC TpA1 78p 241 SSzyaefdr,a nJ,. U.IJ.. GMTAD P p3p1309 4 vVoonl scGhleanhkn,, AP.. F.S METP Ap 3p75 0 XXiiano,, J.D .C TGAT Dp 1p53 67 Sebak, S. MAP p319 Szajna, J. CDT p263 Vucinic, M.M. GTD p233 Xiong, F. COM p40 See, C.M.S. RSN p90, COM pi65 Vukelja, P.I. GTD p233 Xu, S. MAP p257 Seker, S.S. MAP p201 T Xu, Y. MAP p477 Selfridge, R.H. MAP p326 Ww Sen, S.K. CTA p44 Y Senani, R. CDS p208 Tachikawa, Y. OPT p219 Seneviratne, L.D. VIS p351 Taiwo, O. CTA p103 Wade, G. VIS p333 Seng, Y.K. CDS p8 Tam, W.Y. MAP p285, p300 Wales, S.W. COM p106 Yacamini, R. SMT p323 Senior, JM. COM p15, OPT p225 Wallace, R. GTD p128 Yacoub, M.D. COM p115 Septien, J. CDS p227 p405 Wan, J.-L. CDS p15 Yamaguchi, H. GTD p487 Ser, P.-K. VIS p262 Tanaka, T. SMT p46, p75 Wan, K.C. CTA p603 Yan, J.-T. CDT p72, p157 Seron, M.M. CTA p335 Tancevski, L. OPT p125 Wang, C.-H. CDT p313 Yang, D.-L. CDS p364 Serres, E. SMT p189 Tang, G. GTD p29 Wang, G.-J. CTA p459 Yang, G.-C. CDT p337, COM p363 Sethi, LK. VIS p271 Tawfik, A. cps.p 193 Wang, H. MAP pl Yang, G.C. COM pl141 Sewell, J.1. CDS p263 Taylor, D. CDS $334, COM p345 Wang, H.-C. VIS p395 Yang, J.-F. RSN p277 Shafai, L. MAP p173 Taylor, G.W. CDS p105 Wang, H.F. GTD p29 Yang, J.-M. CDS p399 Shah, S.A.H. VIS p187 Taylor, V. GTD p73 Wang, J. EPA p137 Yang, R.-Y. CDS p69 Shahidul Hassan, M.M. CDS p113 Tekletsadik, K. GTD p608 Wang, J.-C. GTD p225 Yang, W.-L. CDT p332 Shaibon, H. GTD p523 Tell, B. CDS p105 Wang, J.-F. VIS p52, CDT p411 Yang, X. CDS p387 Shanmukh, K. VIS p71 Temeltas, H.C TA p359, p369 Wang, J.S. SMT p469 Yang, Y.Y. SMT p362 Shao, H.H. CTA p272 Teo, C.L. CTA p562 Wang, L. CDT p23, CTA p265 Yanxin, Z. OPT p121 Shao, Z. CTA p111 Teo, K.L. VIS p161, p389 Wang, M. SMT p313 Yao, T.-C. VIS p52 Sharp, R.S. CTA p140 Texier, V. SMT p189 Wang, R.-J. CDT p411 Yao, Y. OPT p94 She, Z.S. RSN p25 Thacker, S.M. SMT p411 Wang, S.-C. SMT p459 Ye, Z.R. RSN p25 Sheen, J.-N. GTD p157 Thanailakis, A. CDS p153 Wang, S.-W. GTD p459 Yeh, C. CDT p401 SShheelntgo-n,N iaJn.C . YRehS N SMpT25 2 p231 TThheeordoonr,i d1i.sP,. MS.A PC OMp3 5 p165 WWaanngg,, TS..-RY. . VGIST Dp 40p 157 YYeenn,, SV.. -MC.T AC DTp4 93p 165 Shengquan, G. OPT p121 Thesling, W.H. COM p40 Wang, W.M. CTA p585 Sheu, H.-T. VIS p95, CDS p236 Theys, C. RSN p191 Wang, X. CDT p233 Shew, P.-W. CDT p293 Thiede, A. CDS p394 Wang, Y.H. CDS Yioultsis, T.V. MAP p457 Shi, S.C. MAP p339 Thomson, P. CDT p279 Warner, E.S. RSN p206 Yip, P.C. RSN p115 Shieh, J.-J. CDT p98 Thorp, J. GTD p355 Warnick, K.F. MAP p326 Yongacoglu, A.C OM p307 Shieh, L.S. CTA p315, p585, p654 Thursby, G. SMT p109 Warrington, E.M. MAP Pp p136 Yoo, J.-H. VIS p271 Shieh, Y.S. EPA p79 Ting, K.L. CTA p257 Warwick, K. CTA p223, p307, SMT York-Yih Sun EPA p255 Shimasaki, H. MAP p251 Tirado, J.F. CDS p227 p417 Youn, M.-J. EPA p297 Shimmin, D.W. EPA p137 Titze, W.A.U. RSN p130, p199 Waters, R.T. SMT p442 Youn, M.J. EPA p361 Shin, H.-J. RSN p137 Toccafondi, A.M AP p399 Watkins, L.R. OPT p271 Youssef, R.D. GTD p527 Shiva, M. COM p333 Tokhi, M.O. CTA p625 Watson, N.R. GTD pi09 Yu, A. OPT p165, p190 Shmilovitz, D. CDS p21 Tompkins, W.J. VIS p339 Webb, J.P. SMT p133, MAP p373 Yu, K. VIS p313 Shore, K.A. OPT p157 Tong, K.F. MAP p485 Websper, S.P. GTD p601 Yu, S.F. OPT p97 Shridhar, M. CDS p109 Tong, Y.K. GTD p143, SMT p442 Wei, C.-H. CDS p282 Yu-Ming Chang EPA p255 Shuguang Chen MAP p145, p289 Torrent, M.C. OPT p17 Wei, H.C. CDS p406 Yuan, J.S. CDS p254 Shum, S.M. MAP p189 Torrey, D.A. EPA p14 Weiglhofer, W.S. SMT p262 Yuan, M. CTA p661 Shuttleworth, R. EPA p65, GTD p97, Tough, R.J.A. RSN p33 Weiss, A.J. RSN p213 Yuan, N. MAP p63 Pp3 23 Tournier, E. CDS p357 Wells, B.M. EPA p410 Yuan-Lin Chen GTD p317 Siddiqui, A.S. OPT pi65 Towers, M.S. CDS p205 Wellstead, P.E. CTA p123, p129 Simon, G.P. OPT p176 Towill, D.R. SMT p395 Wen-Inne Tsai EPA p255 Z Simons, N.R.S. MAP p319 Tozer, R.C. SMT p425 Wenzel, D. SMT p69 Simonyte, V. CTA pl Trabelsi, C.C OM p307 West, G.A.W. VIS p280, p304 Simpson, T.E. CTA p216 Tranquilla, J.M. RSN p267 West, M.A. MAP p14 Zach, F.C. EPA p63, p285 Singer, S. CDS p21 Trinh, H. CTA p345 Westcott, B.S. MAP p129 Zalapa, R.R. GTD p17 Singh, M. MAP p411 Tripathi, V.K. MAP p71 Weston, R.H. SMT p378 Zalzala, A.M.S. CTA p501 Singh, S.N. GTD p576 Truscott, A.J. CTA p129 Wey, C.-L. CDT p193 Zander, J. COM p99 Sinha, A.K. GTD p289 Tsai, J.-J. CDT p313 Wey, C.-T. CDT p49 Zaporozhets, A.A. MAP p129 4 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 142, 1995 ZZeendgd,a mJ,. CAD. SS MpT20 5p 213 ZZhhaenngg,, ZS.. OVIPST pp318796 ZZhhuu,, TY..X .V IGS TDp3 51p 190 ZZiirsiklliin,d ,F . I.R RSSNN p2p4233 2 Zeng, Q.Y. GTD p190 Zheng, W.X. VIS p161 Zodhi, M.E. SMT p404 Zervas, C.J. CTA p119 Zhou, C. GTD p97, p323, p549 Zou, Q. SMT p404 Zhang, J. EPA p169, p176, CTA p551 Zhou, Y. RSN p115 Zhuang, Y. MAP p78 Zou, X. CTA p315 Zhang, J.-P. OPT p29, p87 Zhou, Y.R. OPT p271 Zhuanyun, G. OPT pi21 Zunko, P. GTD p257 Zhang, S.D. VIS p155 Zhu, J. EPA p57 Ziauddin, S.M. CTA p501 Zuo, W. CTA ps p81 Zhang, W. MAP p481 Zhu, N.H. OPT p248 Zin, A.A.M. GTD p523 Zwolinski, M. CDS p293, CDT p377 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 142, 1995 Subject Index Modelling studies of microstrip reflectarrays MAP p78 Moment method analysis of a horizontally polarised omnidirectional slot array antenna MAP pi Partially adaptive array design using DOA estimation and null steering RSN p1 ADAPTIVE CONTROL Phase efficiency of the reflective array antenna MAP p115 Power synthesis of conformal arrays by a generalised projection method MAP p467 Predicted performance of a symmetric-pair direction finding system in low signal-to- Adaptive control of discrete systems using neural networks CTA p526 noise environments RSN p199 Adaptive control of dominant time delay systems via polynomial identification CTA Radiation by cavity-backed antennas on a circular cylinder MAP p233 33 Spherical shell and volume arrays MAP p498 Pad null formation with a reconfigurable reflector antenna MAP p220 Supergain printed arrays of closely spaced dipoles made of thick film high-T. super- Analysis, modelling-and control of an advanced automotive self-levelling suspension conductors MAP p26 system CTA pi29 Verification of spatial domain integral-equation analysis of microstrip wire-grid BPD computation and model reference adaptive control (MRAC) of Hammerstein arrays MAP p314 plants CTA p475 Damping of subsynchronous oscillations using adaptive controllers tuned by artificial neural networks GTD p415 ANTENNA THEORY Developing a neurocompensator for the adaptive control of robots CTA p562 Direct neural control system: nonlinear extension of adaptive control CTA p661 Analysis of a coupled patch antenna with application in personal communications Genetic algorithms for fuzzy control.2. Online system development and application MAP CTA p177 Analysis of aperture-coupled microstrip antenna and array with an airgap MAP Heterogeneous and homogeneous parallel architectures for real-time active vibration p485 control CTA p625 Analytical expressions for reflection coefficients of artificially soft and hard surfaces: Inversion of RBF networks and applications to adaptive control of nonlinear systems dielectric slab loaded with a periodic array of strips over a ground plane MAP CTA p617 p145 Model-based compensation and comparison of neural network controllers for uncer- Boundary-element approach to calculation of wire antenna parameters in the pres- tainties of robotic arms CTA p501 ence of dissipative halfspace MAP p435 Multivariable adaptive control for a space station using genetic algorithms CTA p81 Cylindrical rectangular microstrip antennas with coplanar parasitic patches MAP TStraabclkei nagn dc ofnassttr anienuerdo coandtarpotlilveer pfoowre rr obsoyt staermm smtaobvielimseern t GTCDT A p1p4397 8 DuaPl.3- r0e0f lector synthesis based on analytical gradient-iteration procedures MAP Variable-speed drives incorporating interacting multiloop adaptive controllers CTA 129 11 Entire-domain analysis of thin-wire antennas near or in lossy ground MAP p213 variable structure based decentralised adaptive control CTA p439 Improved frequency domain analysis of microstrip circuits by the method of moments MAP p421 AEROSPACE SYSTEMS Improving efficiencies of superdirective arrays of monopoles over lossy ground- planes by using superconducting disc overlays MAP p462 Input impedance of spherical microstrip antenna MAP p285 Detailed inherent bias analysis in ground referenced aircraft height monitoring RSN Linear phase arrays based on slitted asymmetric ridge waveguides MAP p47 Moment method analysis of a horizontally polarised omnidirectional slot array Helicopter flight control using individual channel design CTA p58 antenna MAP pl ICA-based technique for radiating sources estimation: application to airport surveil- Phase efficiency of the reflective array antenna MAP p115 lance [and reply] RSN p211 Power synthesis of conformal arrays by a generalised projection method MAP p467 Multivariable adaptive control for a space station using genetic algorithms CTA p81 Predicted performance of a symmetric-pair direction finding system in low signal-to- Super-resolution range-Doppler imaging RSN p25 noise environments RSN p199 Radiation by cavity-backed antennas on a circular cylinder MAP p233 AMPLIFIERS Radiation characteristic of slots on conducting circular cylinder covered by eccentric dielectric cylinder MAP p168 Ray tracing analysis of the transmission performance of curved FSS MAP p193 Comparison between MMIC matrix and distributed amplifiers MAP p75 Reconfigurable reflector antenna producing pattern nulls MAP p121 Determining the power rating of a multichannel linear amplifier COM p274 Resonance properties of cylindrical rectangular patch with composite ground plane High-gain microwave amplifier tuneable over a decade bandwidth MAP p489 MAP p307 High-swing, high-drive CMOS buffer CDS p109 Simplified analysis of coated wire antennas and scatterers MAP p14 Innovative power distributed amplifier using the Wilkinson combiner MAP p97 Spherical shell and volume arrays MAP p498 Insensitive voltage-mode and current-mode filters from transimpedance opamps Study of electromagnetically coupled stacked rectangular patch antennas MAP p7 CDS p140 Verification of spatial domain integral-equation analysis of microstrip wire-grid Load-independent behavioural model for CMOS operational amplifiers CDS p399 arrays MAP p314 Modified determinations of stability criteria for accurate design of the linear two-port amplifiers MAP p192 Multiphase sinusoidal oscillator using the CFOA pole CDS p37 ARRAY SIGNAL PROCESSING New approaches to measurement of operational amplifier common-mode rejection ratio in the frequency domain CDS p247 ‘Almost blind’ signal estimation using second-order moments RSN p213 Parasitic-capacitance-insensitive current-mode filters using operational transresis- Detection of spread-spectrum signals using the time-domain filtered cross spectral tance amplifiers CDS p186 density RSN p286 Simple allpass sections with complex poles and zeros CDS p273 Maximum likelihood estimation of signal power in sensor array in the presence of Transformation of sinusoidal oscillators using universal active elements CDS p353 unknown noise field RSN p218 ANALOGUE ELECTRONICS AUDIO EQUIPMENT Concurrent error detection in array multipliers by BIDO CDT p425 Digital optical microphone and digital transducer CDS p135 Effects of response quantisation on the accuracy of transient response test results CDS p334 Macromodelling series-resonant convertor circuits CDS p83 AUTOMATA THEORY Novel analogue CMOS defuzzification circuit CDS p173 Realisation of analogue divider using current feedback amplifiers CDS p45 Efficient state encoding algorithm based on hypercube construction CDT p225 Square-rooting and vector summation circuits using current conveyors CDS p223 Lower bound study on interconnect complexity of the decomposed finite state machines CDT p332 ANTENNA ACCESSORIES Self-adaptive random-access protocols for WDM passive star networks CDT p306 SOLIiT: An automated system for synthesising reliable sequential circuits with mul- tilevel logic implementation CDT p49 Analysis and design of circularly polarised series fed planar subarrays MAP pi73 State assignment of finite state machines using a genetic algorithm CDT p279 Cavity feed technique for slot-coupled microstrip patch array antenna MAP p452 Discrete complex image MPIE analysis of coax-fed coupled vertical monopoles in grounded dielectric substrate: two formulations MAP p269 AUTOMATIC TEST SYSTEMS ———— Dual-band slot-loaded patch antenna MAP p225 Microstrip ring antennas operating at higher order modes for mobile communications Computer-aided transducer calibration system for a practical power system SMT MAP pi5i Moment method analysis of a horizontally polarised omnidirectional slot array Design of a virtual LCR component meter SMT p114 antenna MAP pl —— global strategy for designing and testing scanned sequential circuits CDT Phase efficiency of the reflective array antenna MAP p115 pl Reconfigurable reflector antenna producing pattern nulls MAP p121 New approach in partial discharge diagnosis and pattern recognition SMT p89 Variable beamwidth reflector antenna by feed defocusing MAP p394 Novel approach to alternator field winding interturn fault detection GTD p97 Optical fibre investigation of the arc dynamics of a spiral arc current limiting inter- ANTENNA ARRAYS rupter GTD p608 Pulse-sequence analysis: a new method for investigating the physics of PD-induced ageing SMT p95 Analysis and design of circularly polarised series fed planar subarrays MAP p173 Weighted BIST structures in the arithmetic unit of a communication processor CDT Analysis of aperture-coupled microstrip antenna and array with an airgap MAP p360 p485 Cavity feed technique for slot-coupled microstrip patch array antenna MAP p452 Detection of spread-spectrum signals using the time-domain filtered cross spectral BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SYSTEMS density RSN p286 Direction finding system using symmetric-pair antenna arrays RSN p130 Analytic solution of the forward problem for induced current electrical impedance Improving efficiencies of superdirective arrays of monopoles over lossy ground- tomography systems SMT p425 planes bv using superconducting disc overlays MAP p462 Balloon model of biological cell electropermeabilisation in relation to the radius Linear phase arrays based on slitted asymmetric ridge waveguides MAP p47 dependence of membrane dielectric breakdown SMT p277 Measurements of direction of arrival of HF sky wave signals by means of a wide Electrofusion processes: theoretical evaluation of high electric field effects on cellu- aperture antenna array and two super resolution direction finding algorithms MAP lar transmembrane potentials SMT p176 136 Improved approach to boundary location in two-dimensional echocardiographic i sc ring antennas operating at higher order modes for mobile communications images VIS p121 MAP pi51 Mode filtering to reduce ultrasound speckle for feature extraction VIS p87 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 142, 1995 Modified forward-backward overdetermined Prony method and its application in — design of ladder-based transconductor-capacitor filters and equalisers CDS modelling heart sounds VIS p375 P. Optimising the time to solution in electrical impedance tomography SMT p433 Efficient functional verification algorithm for Petri-net-based parallel controller Signal processing of the contingent negative variation in schizophrenia using multi- designs CDT p’ layer perceptrons and predictive statistical diagnosis SMT p269 — global strategy for designing and testing scanned sequential circuits CDT Techniques for optimal enhancement and feature extraction of fetal electrocardio- Pp gram SMT p482 Efficient height reduction over-the-cell channel router CDT p293 FIDIAS: an integral approach to high-level synthesis CDS p227 BROADCASTING Frequency dependence of AC-interference susceptibility in digital ICs SMT p183 — high speed CBiCMOS digital circuit for low-voltage applications CDS Measurements of direction of arrival of HF sky wave signals by means of a wide Generic circuit response interpolation for robust design CDS p131 aperture antenna array and two super resolution direction finding algorithms MAP High-level synthesis of data paths for easy testability CDS p209 p136 High-level synthesis of DSP datapaths by global optimisation of variable lifetimes CDT p215 CABLES AND OVERHEAD LINES = fast fault simulator with efficient simulation of hypertrophic faults CDS P Innovative power distributed amplifier using the Wilkinson combiner MAP p97 Digital simulation of fault location on EHV lines using wideband spread spectrum Integrated scheduling, allocation and module selection for design-space exploration techniques GTD p73 in high-level synthesis CDT p65 Discrete complex image MPIE analysis of coax-fed coupled vertical monopoles in Issues in the design of a logic simulator: an improved caching technique for event- grounded dielectric substrate: two formulations MAP p269 queue management CDS p293 Earth fault currents and potentials distribution in composite systems GTD p135 Layout driven logic synthesis system CDS p158 Eddy-current effects in slot-bound conductors EPA p131 Load-independent behavioural model for CMOS operational amplifiers CDS p399 Effect of radiative and convective heat transfer on thermal transients in power cables Lower bound study on interconnect complexity of the decomposed finite state machines CDT p332 Evaluation of cut-off frequencies of higher order modes in eccentric coaxial line Macromodelling series-resonant convertor circuits CDS p83 50 Modelling of acoustic transfer functions for echo cancellers VIS p47 Frequency-independent circuit model of earth return effects in transmission systems Multiple-valued logic network using quantum-device-oriented superpass gates and its GTD p143 minimisation CDS p299 Magnetic fields from transmission lines: comparison of calculations and measure- Novel technology independent neural network approach on device modelling inter- ments GTD p481 face CDS p74 Modelling and control of thyristor-controlled series compensators GTD p297 Orientation assignment of standard cells using a fuzzy mathematical transformation New technique for the accurate location of earth faults on transmission systems CDT p157 GTD pi119 Parallel resonant converter as a circuit simulation primitive CDS p379 Pre-equaliser cancellation of sinusoidal phase jitter COM p216 Performance prediction of third-order series resonant convertor EPA p29 Simulation of transients on transmission lines with corona via the method of charac- Scattering matrix approach for frequency and time domain crosstalk analysis in mul- teristics GTD p81 tilayer PCBs SMT p206 Water treeing in insulating liquids SMT p157 SEPIC-derived three-phase sinusoidal rectifier operating in discontinuous current conduction mode EPA p239 CALIBRATION Simple allpass sections with complex poles and zeros CDS p273 State-plane approach for the analysis of half-bridge parallel resonant converters CDS p200 Backscattering study on non-orthogonal trihedral corner reflectors MAP p441 Steady state model of the AC/DC convertor in the harmonic domain GTD p109 Computer-aided transducer calibration system for a practical power system SMT Study of carrier transport effects on quantum well lasers using a SPICE simulator 59 OPT p237 Method for array calibration in high-resolution sensor array processing RSN p90 Synthesis and RC-active simulation of an LR terminated LC filter CDS p49 Stereo calibration from correspondences of OTV projections VIS p289 Transformer matrix of some transmission lines topologies CDS p21 Unified theory of compatible impedances CDS p15 CAPACITORS VLSI architectures for computing X mod m CDS p313 Design of a virtual LCR component meter SMT p114 CLOSED LOOP SYSTEMS CIRCUIT BREAKERS Design of PWM controller for sampled-data system using digitally redesigned PAM controller CTA p654 Digital control system design for a unique nonlinear MIMO process using QFT tech- An investigation into breaker reclosure strategy for adaptive single pole autoreclos- nique CTA p466 ing GTD p601 Line conditioning system with simple control strategy and fast dynamic response Arc modelling in SF, circuit breakers SMT p189 p128 Current limiting properties of an expanding helical arc SMT p201 Modelling and control of thyristor-controlled series compensators GTD p297 Determination of M-effect diffusion parameters in high breaking capacity fuses Optimal control with regional pole constraints via the mapping theory CTA p638 SMT pi62 Parametric approach for eigenstructure assignment in descriptor systems via output Development and application of a 10 MHz digital system for current-zero measure- feedback CTA p611 ments SMT p125 New approach in partial discharge diagnosis and pattern recognition SMT p89 RPeWalM ticmoen triodle ntmieftihcaotdi onf oro fa rfoobuort- ledvyeln amiincve rtpearr amEetPeAr s pu3s9i0n g parallel processing. 2. Optical fibre investigation of the arc dynamics of a spiral arc current limiting inter- Implementation and testing CTA p369 tupter GTD p608 Simple algorithm for closed-loop control of stepping motors EPA pS Optical-fibre monitoring of high frequency parasitic arcs in a puffer circuit breaker SMT p469 Varpi4ab1l e-speed drives incorporating interacting multiloop adaptive controllers CTA Variable structure based decentralised adaptive control CTA p439 CIRCUIT CAD CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Accurate and efficient CAD tool for the design of optimum packaging for (M)MICs MAP p FIDIAS: an integral approach to high-level synthesis CDS p227 Analysis and modelling of parasitic substrate coupling in CMOS circuits CDS p307 Application of a CMOS current mode approach to on-chip current sensing in smart power circuits CDS p357 CIRCUIT COMPONENTS Design and VLSI implementation of a new ASIC for colour measurement CDS P 153 Design of a virtual LCR component meter SMT p114 High-swing, high-drive CMOS buffer CDS pi09 Determination of M-effect diffusion parameters in high breaking capacity fuses High-throughput data compressor designs using content addressable memory CDS SMT p162 9 Excitation of thick-film resonant sensor structures SMT p244 Load-independent behavioural model for CMOS operational amplifiers CDS p399 Frequency characteristics and bandwidth enhancement of artificially soft and hard Novel analogue CMOS defuzzification circuit CDS p173 surfaces MAP p289 VLSI architectures for computing X mod m CDS p313 High-frequency current transducers in a control system for quasiresonant power con- vertors SMT p223 CODES AND DECODING Performance and analysis of an aluminium nitride isolation resistor MAP p282 Adaptive frequency hopping in HF communications COM p99 CIRCUIT THEORY AND DESIGN Aperiodic autocorrelation of Frank sequences COM p210 Autocorrelation of Golomb sequences COM p281 Accurate and efficient CAD tool for the design of optimum packaging for (M)MICs Bandwidth requi for bit- e codes used in fibre optic multiplexing sys- MAP p81 tems OPT p202 Analysis and optimisation of a fiyback convertor with a nondissipative snubber EPA Bit-error-rate performance for asynchronous DS-CDMA over multipath fading chan- 35 nels COM p307 Analysis of conduction losses in inverters EPA p225 Block multiplexing codes for incoherent asynchronous all-optical CDMA using lad- Anatomy of a simulation backplane CDT p377 tas der network correlators OPT p125 Application of a CMOS current mode approach to on-chip current sensing in smart Channel coding for VSAT systems COM p333 power circuits CDS p357 Cheating detection and cheater identification in secret sharing schemes CDT p367 CHiRPS: a general-area parallel multilayer routing system CDT p208 ne Coding for both protection and synchronisation COM p352 Compact Si;-.Ge,/Si heterojunction bipolar transistor model for device and circuit Coding gain and spatial localisation properties of discrete wavelet transform filters simulation CDS p1 for image coding VIS p133 Computer application in the analysis of rectifiers and inverters EPA p233 : Concurrent error detection in array multipliers by BIDO CDT p425 CONVERGE: a circular-assignment-based switchbox router with via reduction Construction of 2" prime-sequence codes for optical code division multiple access CDT p72 COM pl41 Design aa test generation of C-testable high-speed carry-free dividers CDT p193 Decoding double-error-correcting Reed-Solomon codes COM p345 Dynamic modelling of battery energy storage system and application to power sys- Decoding of multilevel block modulation codes COM p341 tem stability GTD p429 Decoding the ternary (23, 12, 8) quadratic residue code COM p129 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 142, 1995 Design and hardware architectures for dynamic Huffman coding CDT p411 COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY Design and simulation of an efficient adaptive delta modulation embedded coder VIS p155 CHiRPS: a general-area parallel multilayer routing system CDT p208 Development of simple orthogonal transforms for image compression VIS p22 Efficient method for the identification of optimum disjunctive decompositions of Dynamic partial search scheme for stochastic codebook of FS1016 CELP coder VIS complex logic functions CDT p249 p52 Efficient parallel algorithms on optically interconnected arrays of processors CDT Efficient computation of quaternary fixed polarity Reed-Muller expansions CDT ps 7 345 Efficient state encoding algorithm based on hypercube construction CDT p225 Efficient sharing (broadcasting) of multiple secrets CDT p237 Low-complexity trellis decoding of linear block codes COM p201 Enhancing the security of El Gamal’s signature scheme CDT p376 Network flow algorithms for routing in networks with wavelength division mul- Erasing gains for concatenated codes COM pi21 tiplexing COM p238 Extended analysis of word synchronisation using sequence correlation techniques Parallel multigrid algorithms on CM-5 CDT p177 COM p357 Realisation of morphological operations CDS p364 Fast algorithms for LUC digital signature computation CDT p165 Two-dimensional median filter algorithm for parallel reconfigurable computers VIS p345 Fractional central moment method for movement-invariant object classification VIS VLSI architectures for computing X mod m CDS p313 p213 Generalised Barker-like PN sequences for quasisynchronous spread-spectrum multi- ple-access communication systems COM p91 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Grobner basis view of Welch-Berlekamp algorithm for Reed-Solomon codes COM p349 Accurate and efficient CAD tool for the design of optimum packaging for (M)MICs Image segmentation for compression of images and image sequences VIS p15 MAP p81 Low bit-rate video coding using wavelet vector quantisation VIS p141 Anatomy of a simulation backplane CDT p377 Low-complexity trellis decoding of linear block codes COM p201 Application of a CMOS current mode approach to on-chip current sensing in smart Low-frequency suppression of baseband coded sequences COM p49 power circuits CDS p357 Multiple-inputs systolic priority queue for fast sequential decoding of convolutional Arc modelling in SFs circuit breakers SMT p189 codes CDS p282 Artificial intelligence-based machine-learning system for thermal generator schedul- New class of t-error correcting and all unidirectional error detecting (t-EC/AUED) ing GTD p195 codes CDT p32 Artificial neural network-based method for transient response prediction GTD p323 Novel design of arithmetic coding for data compression CDT p419 CHiRPS: a general-area parallel multilayer routing system CDT p208 Combined active reactive despatch. Part 2: test results GTD p401 Peano scanning based classified vector quantiser VIS p111 Compact Si;..Ge,/Si heterojunction bipolar transistor model for device and circuit Peano scanning based fast encoding algorithm for vector quantisation VIS p193 simulation CDS p1 Performance-bound analysis of the new DS/SSMA protocol for wireless data net- Computer-aided transducer calibration system for a practical power system SMT works COM p255 Pragmatic approach to soft-decision decoding of linear block codes COM p40 Computer application in the analysis of rectifiers and inverters EPA p233 Proposed UPC meeting both packet video and network goals COM p227 Controlled series compensation for improving the stability of multi-machine power Pulsed residual excited linear prediction VIS p105 systems GTD p361 Recursive relationships, fast transforms, generalisations and VLSI iterative architec- CONVERGE: a circular-assignment-based switchbox router with via reduction ture for Gray code ordered Walsh functions CDT p325 CDT p72 Some new families of optical orthogonal codes for code-division multiple-access Design of a virtual LCR component meter SMT p114 fibre-optic networks COM p363 Determination of M-effect diffusion parameters in high breaking capacity fuses The security of He and Kiesler’s signature schemes CDT p370 Very low-bit-rate segmentation-based video coding using contour and texture predic- Digital interval model conversion and simulation of continuous-time uncertain sys- tion VIS p253 tems CTA p315 Distribution system service restoration using the artificial neural network approach and pattern recognition method GTD p251 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM THEORY DSP based integral variable structure control for DC motor servo drivers CTA Efficient functional verification algorithm for Petri-net-based parallel controller designs CDT p255 Adaptive traffic-load shedding and its capacity gain in CDMA cellular systems Efficient global strategy for designing and testing scanned sequential circuits CDT COM p186 Alternative routing strategies for adjacent cells in mobile radio systems COM p115 Efficient height reduction over-the-cell channel router CDT p293 Analysis of an output-buffered ATM switch with speed-up constraints under corre- Expert system for the optimum design of measurement systems SMT p330 lated and imbalanced bursty traffic COM p61 FIDIAS: an integral approach to high-level synthesis CDS p227 Frequency dependence of AC-interference susceptibility in digital ICs SMT p183 Analysis of banyan networks offered traffic with geometrically distributed message Full-swing high speed CBiCMOS digital circuit for low-voltage applications CDS Bitl-eenrgrotrh-sr atCe OpMer fopr2m8a5n ce for asynchronous DS-CDMA over multipath fading chan- FuzPzp8 y -logic-based VAr stabiliser for power system control GTD p618 nels COM p307 Generic circuit response interpolation for robust design CDS p131 Block multiplexing codes for incoherent asynchronous all-optical CDMA using lad- Genetic algorithms for fuzzy control.1. Offline system development and application der network correlators OPT p125 CTA p161 Cell-rate modelling for accelerated simulation of ATM at the burst level COM p379 Genetic algorithms for fuzzy control.2. Online system development and application Collision resolution algorithm for M-priority users COM p151 ‘A p177 Construction of 2" prime-sequence codes for optical code division multiple access Heterogeneous and homogeneous parallel architectures for real-time active vibration COM pl41 control CTA p625 Construction of optimal frequency hopping sequences for minimising bit errors in High-level synthesis of data paths for easy testability CDS p209 selective fading channels characteristic to digital cellular systems COM p271 High-level synthesis of DSP datapaths by global optimisation of variable lifetimes Cost-performance analysis of cascaded crossbar interconnected multiprocessors CDT p215 CDT pi17 Hybrid expert system and simulated annealing approach to optimal reactive power Design and performance analysis of an asynchronous banyan network switch with planning GTD p381 window policy COM p54 Hybrid knowledge-based system/multilayer perceptron approach for the post-assem- Diversity for noncoherent DPSK direct-sequence CDMA over a shadowed Rician- bly tuning of electronic filters CDS p277 fading satellite channel COM p386 HyHOPE: fast fault simulator with efficient simulation of hypertrophic faults CDS Dynamic polling orders in multiserver multiqueue systems COM p75 p53 Estimating the cost of a telecommunications network using the fractal structure of the Intieng rhaitgehd- lesvcehle duslyinntgh,e siasl locCaDtiTo n pa6n5d moduie selection for design-space exploration human population distribution COM p172 Issues in the design of a logic simulator: an improved caching technique for event- Generalised Barker-like PN sequences for quasisynchronous spread-spectrum multi- queue management CDS p293 ple-access communication systems COM p91 Layout driven logic synthesis system CDS p158 Maximum entropy and minimum relative entropy in performance evaluation of digi- Load-independent behavioural model for CMOS operational amplifiers CDS p399 tal communication systems COM p250 Lower bound study on interconnect complexity of the decomposed finite state Modified stochastic gradient algorithm using nonquadratic cost functions for data machines CDT p332 echo cancellation VIS p187 Macromodelling series-resonant convertor circuits CDS p83 Multiple call hand-off problem with queued hand-offs and mixed platform types Modelling and control of thyristor-controlled series compensators GTD p297 COM p31 Multiple-valued logic network using quantum-device-oriented superpass gates and its Narrowband interference rejection in direct-sequence spread-spectrum system using minimisation CDS p299 time-frequency decomposition COM p393 Neural network-based algorithm for power transformer differential relays GTD Network flow algorithms for routing in networks with wavelength division mul- tiplexing COM p238 New approach in partial discharge diagnosis and pattern recognition SMT p89 New approach for traffic characterisation in ATM networks COM p87 Novel approach to alternator field winding interturn fault detection GTD p97 Performance analysis of an input and output queueing packet switch with a priority Novel technology independent neural network approach on device modelling inter- packet discarding scheme COM p67 face CDS p74 Performance analysis of burst admission-control protocols COM p7 Numerical modelling and simulation of hysteresis effects in magnetic cores using Performance-bound analysis of the new DS/SSMA protocol for wireless data net- transmission-line modelling and the Preisach theory EPA p57 works COM p255 Online PCBN tool failure monitoring system based on acoustic emission signatures Schemes for equalisation of communication channels with nonlinear impairments MT p404 COM pi65 Optimal phase angles of booster transformers in HV and EHV in power systems TD p185 Sigtneamls- to-CinOtMer fepr2e1n ce calculations for modern TDMA cellular communication sys- Optimising individual control rules and multiple communicating rule-based control systems with parallel distributed genetic algorithms CTA p211 Some new families of optical orthogonal codes for code-division multiple-access Orientation assignment of standard cells using a fuzzy mathematical transformation fibre-optic networks COM p363 157 Subspace approach to channel assignment in mobile communication networks COM Parallel resonant converter as a circuit simulation primitive CDS p379 p179 Partial discharge pulse distribution pattern analysis S Technique for cochannel interference suppression in TDMA mobile radio systems Performance of a single-phase to three-phase cycloconvertor drive EPA p169 COM pi06 Pulse-sequence analysis: a new method for investigating the physics of PD-induced Triple-receiver-based code protocol for unslotted DS/SSMA packet-radio networks ageing SMT p95 and its performance analysis COM p193 Radar tomography for the generation of three-dimensional images RSN p54 Window-based surveillance strategies CDT p233 Reactive reserve management GTD pi7 8 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 142, 1995

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