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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Historical Epochs of the French Revolution by H. Goudemetz This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: Historical Epochs of the French Revolution With The Judgment And Execution Of Louis XVI., King Of France; And A List Of The Members Of The National Convention, Who Voted For And Against His Death Author: H. Goudemetz Translator: Rev. Dr. Randolph Release Date: October 29, 2005 [EBook #16962] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK EPOCHS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION *** Produced by Desmond Grocott HISTORICAL EPOCHS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION; WITH THE Judgment and Execution OF LOUIS XVI. KING OF FRANCE; AND A LIST OF THE MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL CONVENTION, Who voted FOR and AGAINST his DEATH. PRICE 4s. HISTORICAL EPOCHS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH OF H. GOUDEMETZ, A FRENCH CLERGYMAN EMIGRANT IN ENGLAND. DEDICATED, BY PERMISSION, TO His ROYAL HIGHNESS the DUKE of YORK, BY THE REV. DR. RANDOLPH. TO WHICH IS SUBJOINED, WITH CONSIDERABLE ADDITIONS, THE THIRD EDITION OF THE Judgment and Execution Of LOUIS XVI. KING OF FRANCE; WITH A LIST OF THE MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL CONVENTION, Who voted FOR and AGAINST his DEATH; AND THE NAMES OF MANY OF THE MOST CONSIDERABLE SUFFERERS IN THE COURSE OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, DISTINGUISHED ACCORDING TO THEIR PRINCIPLES. BATH, PRINTED BY R. CRUTTWELL FOR THE AUTHOR; AND SOLD BY C. DILLY, POULTRY, LONDON: THE BOOKSELLERS OF BATH, &c. MDCCXCVI DEDICATION. TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF YORK. SIR, WITH the design of serving an amiable and worthy man, I have availed myself of your Royal Highness's permission to dedicate to you the translation of a work, which, as a faithful narrative of events, wants no additional comment to make it interesting. A detail of facts, in which your Royal Highness, in behalf of your country, has been so honourably engaged, may not prove unwelcome in aid of recollection; and a detail of facts, built on the experimental horrors of popular power, and which, proceeding from the wildness of theory to the madness of practice, has swept away every vestige of civil polity, and would soon leave neither law nor religion in the world, cannot, either in point of instruction or warning, be unreasonably laid before my fellow-citizens at large. Under the sanction, therefore, Sir, of your illustrious name, I willingly commit to them this memorial. And if an innocent victim of oppression should thus derive a small, though painful, subsistence from a plain and publick (sic) recital of his country's crimes, I shall be abundantly repaid for the little share I may have had in bringing it into notice; and by the opportunity it affords me of subscribing myself Your ever grateful and devoted humble servant, FRANCIS RANDOLPH. BATH, July 22, 1796 ****** Contents PREFACE RESULT OF THE THIRD SCRUTINY. THE LAST WILL OF LOUIS XVI. A LIST OF MANY OF THE MOST CONSIDERABLE SUFFERERS UNDER THE FRENCH REVOLUTION List of Illustrations Frontispiece— artillery.jpg Bastille.jpg Execution.jpg PREFACE THE following sheets contain a journal of principal events of the French Revolution. The best authorities have been resorted to, and the facts are related without any comment. The reader will find a faithful outline of an interesting and momentous period of history, and will see how naturally each error produced its corresponding misfortune. Various causes contributed to effect a revolution in the minds of Frenchmen, and led the way to a revolution in the state. The arbitrary nature of the government had been long submitted to, and perhaps would have continued so much longer, if France had not taken part in the American war. The perfidious policy of VERGENNES, who, with a view of humbling the pride of England, assisted the subject in arms against his Sovereign, soon imported into his own nation the seeds of liberty, which it had helped to cultivate in a country of rebellion; and the crown of France, as I once heard it emphatically observed, was lost in the plains of America. The soldier returned to Europe with new doctrines instead of new discipline, and the army in general soon grew dissatisfied with the Monarch, on account of unusual, and, as they thought, ignominious rigours which were introduced into it from the military school of Germany. The King also, from a necessity of retrenchment, had induced his ministers to adopt some mistaken measures of economy respecting the troops, and thus increased the odium which pride had fostered, and by diminishing the splendour of the crown, stripped it of its security and protection. To this was added the wanton profusion of the Court in other expenses, and the external parade and brilliancy, which, if they impoverish, often dazzle and gratify the people, was exchanged for familiar entertainments, which gave rise to frequent jealousies among the nobles, and tended to lower that sense of awe and respect for royalty among the people, which in monarchies it is of the utmost importance to preserve. At this time, also, philosophical discussion had reached its pinnacle of boldness. Infidelity had woven the web of discord in the human mind, which was now ripe for experiment, and ROUSSEAU and VOLTAIRE were the favourite authors. Previous to the year 1789, from the extreme disorder of the finances, it became necessary to raise money by extraordinary taxes, which the common powers of the parliament were deemed insufficient to authorize; and afraid, in the present temper of the people, to impose upon them unusual burthens, ministers looked with solicitude for some other sanctions. Monsieur DE CALONNE was unwilling to adopt so dangerous an expedient as that of assembling the states- general; [Footnote: An Assembly consisting of deputies from the three orders of citizens in France, namely, the clergy, the nobility, and the tiers-etat; which last included every French citizen who was not of the clergy or nobility.] he therefore adopted the expedient of summoning an assembly of notables, or eminent persons, chosen by the King from the different parts of the kingdom. This assembly did not prove so favourable to the measures of the minister as he expected: Monsieur DE CALONNE was displaced, and the assembly was soon after dissolved, having declared itself incompetent to decide on the taxes proposed. The King then commanded the parliament of Paris to register his edicts for successive loans to the government; but his commands were rejected. [Footnote: Chiefly, as it was supposed, through the influence of the Duke of Orleans.] In the meantime, that spirit of discussing philosophical subjects, which we have before mentioned, now fixed itself on politics. The people exclaimed against the weight of taxes, and the extravagance of courtiers; they complained of peculiar exemptions from the general burthens, and of grievances which arose from lettres-de -cachet, and other despotic powers of the government. The King, desirous of yielding to the wishes of the people, recalled Monsieur NECKAR to the administration, and in conformity to his advice, his Majesty declared his resolution of convening the states-general. But in order to regulate all matters relative to the meeting of this important assembly, it was resolved to convoke the notables a second time. Among these, a diversity of opinion appeared respecting the comparative number of deputies to be sent by the Commons, and the two other orders; the cardinal point on which the whole success of the revolution eventually turned. [Footnote: The last assembly of the states-general, which had been held in France in 1614, was composed of 140 deputies from the order of the clergy, among whom were five cardinals, seven archbishops, and 47 bishops; 132, representatives of the nobility; and 192 deputies from the commons. The Cardinal de JOYEUSE was president of the clergy; the Baron SENECEY of the nobility; and the president of the commons was ROBERT MIRON, Prêvot-de-Marchands, (an officer similar to that of mayor of Paris.)] All the classes into which the notables were divided, decided for an equality of deputies, except those in which MONSIEUR and the Duke of ORLEANS presided. In these, it was agreed that the representatives of the commons should be equal in number to those of the other two states. The ministry were of opinion that this double representation was adviseable (sic), and persuaded themselves that, through their weight and influence they should be able to prevent any mischief to be apprehended from this preponderance of the tiers-etat. By their advice, the King issued an ordinance in January 1789, throughout the whole kingdom, commanding the people to assemble in their bailiwicks, and to nominate deputies to represent them in the states-general; viz. 300 for the clergy, 300 for the nobility, and 600 for the commons. HAC FONTE DERIVATA CLADES. ****** N. B. The first legislature, which was called the National Assembly, has now the name of the "Constituent Assembly." The second is called the "Legislative Assembly;" and the third legislature is called "the National Convention." HISTORICAL EPOCHS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. 1787. March. THE Assembly of Notables first convened under the ministry of Mons. de Calonne, comptroller-general of the finances. 1788. August. Mons. Necker replaced at the head of the finances on the dismission (sic) of Mons. de Calonne; and Mons. de Lomenie, archbishop of Toulouse, made prime minister. Nov. Mons. Necker persuades the King to call the Notables together a second time. 1789. January. Letters issued in the name of the King for an assembly of the States-general. The clergy to depute 300 representatives, the nobility the like number, and the commons 600. May 5. Opening of the States-general at Versailles. June 17. The chamber of the Tiers-Etat (commons) declares itself a national assembly. 19. The Tiers-Etat takes the famous oath, known by the "serment au Jeu de Paume," not to separate until the constitution should be established. 23. The King goes in person to the assembly—but his presence, far from intimidating the members, renders them so intractable that from this epoch may be dated the first attacks upon the royal authority. 24. Forty-eight of the nobles, with the Duke of Orleans at their head, unite with the tiers-etat (third estate, or commons). A considerable number of the clergy follow their example. 28. The King, from a desire of peace, requests the whole body of nobility and clergy to unite in one assembly with the commons; which is acceded to. 29. Great rejoicings in Paris on account of this union. July 11. The King in disgust dismisses Monsieur Necker. 12. The Prince de Lambesc appears at the Tuilleries with an armed party of soldiers. 13. The city of Paris flies to arms. The Bastille is attacked, and taken by the populace; [Click on the image to enlarge to full size] 14. Mons. de L'Aulnay, the governor, falls a victim to the fury of the assailants. Bertier, intendant of Paris; Foulon, secretary of state; and de Flesselle, prêvot des Marchands, (somewhat like mayor of Paris) are massacred. From, this period the maxim was adopted, "that insurrection was the most sacred of duties." 15. The King goes to the assembly to confer with it upon the disturbances of Paris. Many considerable persons fly the country. 16. The Marquis de la Fayette, and Monsieur Bailly, are nominated, one to command the national guards of Paris, the other to be mayor of Paris. 17. In hopes of quieting the alarming tumults, the King comes to Paris. Bailly harangues him freely at the Hotel de la Ville, (sic) and the King receives the three-coloured cockade. August 1. Massacre of the mayor of St. Dennis. 4. Abolition of tithes, and of all feudal rights and privileges. Louis is proclaimed the restorer of French liberty. 7. The King is obliged to recall Necker. 27. The liberty of the press is established. Sept. 15. The person of the King is decreed to be inviolable; and the crown of France hereditary and indivisible. 29. Decreed, that it be recommended that all church plate be brought to the mint. Oct. 1. The King is forced to accept and give the sanction of his approbation to the famous "Rights of Man." 5. The Marquis de la Fayette at the head of 30,000 Parisians marches to Versailles. 6. After murdering the King's guards under the windows of the Palace, they forcibly conduct both him and the Queen to Paris amidst the insults of the populace, and with great danger of their lives. 10. Tayllerang-Perigord, bishop of Autun, proposes that the nation should seize the property of the clergy. 12. Decreed, that the National Assembly be removed from Versailles to Paris. 15. The Duke of Orleans obtains leave to go to England. 19. The first sitting of the National Constituent Assembly at Paris. 21. The people of Paris hang a baker. The Jacobin Club commenced at this time; first known by the name of the "Club de la Propagande." The name of Jacobins was derived from the house where the club met, and which had belonged to the religious order of Jacobins. Nov. 22. The commune of Paris makes a patriotic gift of its silver buckles. A general patriotic contribution is first requested, and afterwards forced. Dec. 7. Decree upon the disturbances at Toulon. Another for dividing France into 83 departments, 83 tribunals, 544 civil tribunals, 548 districts, and 43,815 municipalities. 10. Vandernoot, and the disaffected in Brabant, write to the King and to the National Constituent Assembly; but their letter is returned. 25. Mons. de Favras, knight of St. Louis, arrested. 1790. January 1. The King is stripped of most of his royal prerogatives. 4. The assembly desires him to fix the amount of his civil list. 6. The castle of Kéralier burnt by plunderers. The three orders of the clergy, nobility, and commons, suppressed as distinct orders of the monarchy. 7. Decree for the form of a civic oath to be taken by the national guards. 13. Decreed that Paris shall form one department. Decree in favour of Jews; another to remove the prejudices which are attached to the families of criminals. Feb. 1. The King, after a long speech to the assembly, takes the civic oath, together with all the members. 19. De Favras executed. 20. Death of Joseph IId. emperor of Germany. March. Massacres and fires in Lower-Languedoc. 7. Grand review of the national guards in the Elysian fields. The scarcity of specie induces the necessity of issuing paper money called assignats. 8. Decreed, that the colonies form a part of the French empire. 11. Insurrection at Meaux. 12. The red-book (book of court-accounts) made publick.(sic) 14. Insurrection at the national theatre. 18. Sale of the property of the church decreed, by which the government is enabled to abolish the duty on salt. April. The Prince of Conti takes the civic oath in the municipality of Paris. 11. The Abbé‚ Maury and Viscount Mirabeau attacked by the populace on coming out of the assembly. The assembly refuses to acknowledge the Roman Catholick (sic) religion as the religion of the state; and this resolution is followed by forbidding all particularity of dress or form in ecclesiastics. 22. General Paoli, at the head of a deputation from Corsica, presents himself to the national assembly. 24. Insurrection at Marseilles. May. Report and decree upon the disturbances at Mount Auban. Monastic vows prohibited in future. 17. Orders of knighthood and military decorations abolished. 22. Decreed, that the right of making peace and war belongs to the people. 25. The Parisians occupied with hanging several robbers. June. Public Seminaries and academies of instruction suppressed. 9. The King goes to the assembly, and requires 25 millions of livres for his civil list. 10. The Queen's dower fixed at four millions. One million is voted for the King's brothers. 16. Massacres and disorders at Nismes (sic). 19. Suppression of nobility, of all titles and orders, of armorial bearings, and of livery-servants. July 3. Justices of the peace appointed throughout the kingdom. 14. Ceremony of a general federation, at which the King is obliged to assist, to commemorate the destruction of the Bastille. Trial by jury introduced in criminal matters. Judges to be chosen by cantons and districts; one for the former, and five for the latter. 26. The constituent assembly publishes a civil constitution for the acceptance of the clergy, which they refuse to admit. August. Affair at Nancy—five regiments revolt. Insurrection at Martinico (sic) announced. Désilles shot at Nancy by the Swiss. Mons. Necker, whose popularity declined, is obliged to leave the kingdom precipitately. The assembly, having declared the property of the Crown to be that of the nation, grants to the King the sum he required for his civil list. Sept. Horrid massacres in the colonies. Oct. 28. Fourteen castles are burned and plundered in Dauphiny. 30. Outrageous conduct of two regiments at Béfort. Nov. 2. The clergy propose to raise four millions of livres in their own body for the exigence of the state. The assembly seizes the whole ecclesiastical revenue, without any respect of persons or property. 13. Pillage of the house of the Marshal de Castries at Paris. 21. Duport-du-Terre appointed keeper of the seals. 27. The assembly requires that every ecclesiastic, doing duty, shall swear to maintain with all his power and interest the constitution, and every thing that had been or should be ordained by its decrees. 1791. Jan. The debts of the church decreed to be national. The King refuses to sanction the above decrees respecting the clergy, but is at length forced to it by threats and terror. 4. The clergy in the national assembly refuse to comply with the foregoing decree, and in consequence of their refusal a law passes that their benefices shall be filled by such of the clergy as will take the oaths of allegiance to the state. Abolition of all the parliaments and sovereign courts of France. The Count d'Artois finds it prudent to quit the kingdom. Out of 138 prelates only four take the constitutional oath, namely, the archbishop of Sens, the bishops of Viviers, Orleans, and Autun. The latter alone carries his apostacy (sic) so far as to consecrate other bishops, who were presented to the vacant sees. Horrid treatment at Chateau-Gouthier of Mad'lle de la Barne de Joyeuse. 10. Decree about stamps. 14. Decreed, that bishops and parsons shall be elected by the people. 23. A violent meeting at the Jacobin club. 24. Massacres at the village de-la-Chapelle near Paris. 26. Decree to enforce the oath by priests. 29. Mirabeau president of the constituent national assembly. February. Deputation of Quakers to the assembly. Decree to admit the free cultivation of tobacco. Disorders in Le Querci. 21. The King's aunts stopped at Arnay-le-Duc, and forced to shew their pass, and permission to retire to Rome. With difficulty they obtain leave to proceed. Insurrection at Vincennes near Paris. March 4. The pope issues two letters against the ecclesiastical constitution of France, and the clergy who had taken the oath to it. He deprives the archbishop of Sens, the Cardinal de Lomenie de Brienne, of his cardinal's hat. Massacres at St. Domingo. 5. Indisposition of the King. 9. Decreed, that the prisoners charged with treason (lêze-nation) shall be conveyed to Orleans. Gobet, a member of the assembly, appointed bishop of Paris. Insurrection and massacres at Douai. 22. Decree excluding women from the regency. 25. The majority of the Kings of France fixed at eighteen years. Discussion on the fate of the invalids. Mons. de M'Nemara massacred at l'Isle-de-France. 26. Public functionaries compelled to residence. 28. The monarchical club at Paris attacked by the populace with stones, and dispersed. 29. Report upon an insurrection at Toulon. The minister of the church of St. Sulpice, who had not conformed to the national oath, escapes with great difficulty from the violence of the populace. April 3. The death of Mirabeau announced to the assembly: decreed, that he shall have the honours of the Pantheon, (formerly the beautiful church of St. Genevieve). 7. Decreed, that no deputy to the national assembly shall be admissible into the ministry until four years after the expiration of the legislature of which he is a member. 8. Decreed that no deputy to the assembly shall accept any favour from the executive power for four years. Several nuns in Paris and elsewhere were publicly whipped for persisting to adhere to the old forms of worship. 10. Insurrection at Cevennes. Report on the insurrection of a regiment in Languedoc. 13. Engagement between the officers and garrison of Weissembourg. 14. Riot at Nantz (sic) on account of the inauguration of the three-coloured flag. 17. The sale of the property of the church is decreed. 18. The King proposes to go to St. Cloud; the people oppose and stop him. The King complains of this violence to the national assembly, but with little effect. 20. Report of massacres in the county of Venaissin. The King's ministers, through the influence or fear of the national assembly, write to all the foreign courts, that the King had placed himself at the head of the revolution—from this epoch may be dated the great emigrations of the nobility and other considerable persons. The Abbé Maury, the most intrepid defender of the cause of the church and the King, retires precipitately to Rome. 23. Sad recital in the assembly of distresses in St. Domingo. 26. Assignats of five livres are issued. 27. Massacres in the Limousin. 28. Decreed, that soldiers may frequent jacobin societies. May 1. The barriers are thrown open—all duties in the interior parts of the kingdom abolished. Civil war in the Venaissin. 3. The effigy of the pope (sic) burnt in the Palais-Royal. 7. Decree permitting priests, who have not conformed, to officiate in private. Mons. de Massei massacred at Tulle. Decree upon the people of colour. 19. Massacre in the Vivarais. 26. Decreed, that the Louvre and the Tuilleries united shall be the habitation of the King, and that all monuments of science and art shall be collected and kept there. 31. Decreed, that the punishment of death shall be inflicted without torture. From thence came the use of the guillotine;-an instrument of death so called from its author, a member of the national assembly. June. Letter of the Abbé Raynal to the assembly. Persecutions against non-conforming priests. Their tithes given to the proprietors of the estates. 5. The King deprived by decree of the power of granting pardons. 7. A law against regicides. Conforming priests are everywhere put in possession of the benefices of those who would not conform. A general sale of ecclesiastical property. 18. Decreed, that all military men take an oath of fidelity to the nation. Insurrection at Bastia. 21. The King and royal family make their escape 22. from Paris; they had nearly reached the frontiers, when they were stopped at Varennes, 25. and brought back ignominiously to Paris. Count Dampierre is massacred under the King's eyes. The Marquis de Bouillé writes a menacing letter to the assembly on the subject of the King. An order is intimated to the King to disband his body guards. All the royal functions are suspended. The King is kept a close prisoner. Monsieur, the King's brother, escapes to Coblentz. July 9. M. de Cazelés resigns his place as a deputy. 10. The national guards ordered to the frontiers. 11. The body of Voltaire transferred to the Pantheon. 14. Grand celebration of the anniversary of this day. 17. Insurrection in the Champ de Mars—the red flag (the signal of danger) continues flying a long time. Disorders in the Pays-de-Caux, and at Brie-Compte-Robert. 23. Violent decree against emigrant nobles. The assembly proceeds rigorously against those who accompanied the King in his flight. The King himself is not considered so culpable. All distinctions of nobility, and all titles, are wholly abolished. The ministers are required to give an account every ten days to the assembly of the execution of its decrees. The decree on people of colour spreads consternation at St. Domingo. August. Money is coined from the metal of the bells in churches. One hundred thousand livres voted to the academy of science for the purpose of bringing weights and measures to one uniform standard. The title of Dauphin changed to that of Prince Royal. Rewards are decreed to all those who stopped the King. A committee is appointed to manage national domains; that is, the confiscated property of the King and clergy. Decreed, that if within a month the King do not take the oath to the nation, or if he retract it, he shall be adjudged to have forfeited the crown. Decreed, that the guard for the King shall not exceed 1200 foot, and 600 horse. Those who may be placed in succession to the throne to have no other title than that of French princes. Registers of the births, marriages, and burials, of the royal family to be deposited in the archives of the national assembly. Suppression of the payment of a mark of silver, which was heretofore required from such as were deputed to the legislature. Decreed, that every law relative to taxes shall be independent of the royal sanction. The ceremony of marriage to be considered hereafter as a civil contract only. Rousseau admitted to a place in the Pantheon. The national assembly declares, that it will not revise the constitution which it has just established, before the expiration of thirty years. Sept. The completion of the constitution announced to the people, and that it will admit of no change. The departments are all occupied in electing new deputies to represent them in a second assembly. Sixty members are appointed to carry the act of the constitution to the King. 4. The King restored to liberty. Suppression of the order of St. Esprit; the decorations of the blue ribband to be appropriated to the King and the Prince-royal only. The King declines to retain a distinction which he cannot communicate. Decreed, that the Rhine and Rhone be united by a canal. 14. The King accepts the constitution in form; he takes the oath in presence of the assembly; and is crowned by the president with a constitutional crown. Great rejoicings throughout all France. The national guard to take place of the King's. Whipping, and burning in the hand, annulled. Three days allowed to every person under accusation to defend himself and repel the charge. In consequence of the acceptance of the constitution, all criminal proceedings are stopped; all persons confined on suspicion of anti-revolutionary principles set at liberty; no more passports required; a general amnesty takes place; and the decree against emigrants is revoked. Disturbances at Arles—suppression of the high national court of Orleans—and of all royal notaries—national notaries appointed. Prohibitory or commanding clauses in wills to be of no avail henceforward. Every sort of property dependent upon, or connected with, churches or charities, is confiscated. All the world admitted to the title and rank of French citizen, without any distinction of country. Decree to unite Avignon and the county of Venaissin to France. Certificates of catholicism suppressed, which hitherto were required before admission into any office. Severe penalties against introducing titles of nobility into any public document. All the chambers and societies of commerce abolished. Jews admitted to the rights of French citizens. The constituent assembly prepares to lay down its powers, without rendering any account of its proceedings. Violent remonstrances against this. Decree against clubs and popular associations. 30. The King goes in state to close the session of this first or constituent assembly. CHAPTER II. 1791. Oct. 4. The second assembly takes the name of the Legislative Assembly, and is opened by the King in person. It consists of 700 members. An oath is taken to observe the law. An administrator in one of the departments flies with a large treasure. 17. Massacre at Avignon, with unusual horrors. Jourdan and his people destroy 600 victims in an ice-house. Insurrection at Paris on account of religious worship. The Marquis de la Fayette resigns the command of the Parisian guard. The expressions "sire" and "majesty," applied to the King, suppressed by decree. Twenty-one committees formed out of the legislative assembly to transact all business. Riots at Montpellier. The pictures of the Palace-royal sold for a million eight hundred thousand livres. 27. Insurrection in Alsace. 29. Notice given to Monsieur the King's eldest brother, to return to France, on pain of forfeiture of all his rights, and confiscation. One hundred millions of assignats issued. Disturbances in Artois and Lower Normandy on account of religious worship. The archbishop of Ausch, and several bishops, brought before the tribunals. 30. Insurrections in almost all parts of the kingdom, on account of the prohibition of religious worship. Charrier, ex-constituent, and nominated by the people as successor to the Cardinal de Rochefoucault, in the archbishoprick (sic) of Rouen, ashamed of his usurpation, abdicates the archiepiscopal dignity. Violent decree against emigrants; the King opposes his veto to it. The King refuses his assent also to another equally violent decree, for the banishment of all the catholic priests who had not taken the oath prescribed. Guimper, the first constitutional see, is taken possession of by D'Expilly, an ex-constituent, i.e. a member of the last assembly, which had taken the name of the constituent assembly. Violent insurrection in the colonies, supposed to be excited by some of the leading members of the assembly. Nov. New decree for a civic oath. In the legislative assembly the answers are read from foreign powers, relative to the King's acceptance of the constitution. Massacres at Caen in Normandy; horrid treatment of Mons. de Belsunce, a lieutenant-colonel. Eighty-four persons of consideration thrown into prison. 10. The Dunkirk carrier assassinated at Paris, and his letters stolen. 15. The King confined to his apartment, under the guard of a corporal. 17. Varnier denounced by Bazire, is sent to prison at Orleans. Pethion elected mayor of Paris. 18. He goes to the jacobins to thank them for having obtained his election. Manuel is appointed procureur syndic of the commune of Paris (a place next in importance to that of mayor). 20. Disorders at Montpellier. 25. Delatre committed to prison at Orleans. 26. Chabot enters the King's apartment with his hat on his head. Decreed, that non-conforming priests shall not make use of the churches. Dec. 1. Three hundred millions of small assignats issued. 2. Insurrection at Brest. 6. Malvoisin, and twelve others, imprisoned at Orleans. 16. Decreed, that every member of the Bourbon family shall quit France in three days. M. Loyauté sent to prison at Orleans. 20. Several castles burnt at Sens. 24. Insurrection in the departments of Loir et Cher. The King goes to the assembly to discuss the subject of war with foreign powers. 27. Lucknor and Rochambeau made marshals of France, and with La Fayette appointed to command the armies. M. de Narbonne goes to visit the frontiers. Forty soldiers, who had been sent to the galleys, are set at liberty. Establishment of a new high national court. Manuel causes the letters of Mirabeau, which were found in the mayor's office, to be printed and sold. 28. The Queen goes to the opera, and is much applauded. 29. Manifesto proposed by M. Condorcet, to acquaint the world with the sentiments of the French nation, if it should be forced into war. 31. Decreed, that the ceremonies of New-year's day shall be abolished. 1792. Jan. 1. Egalité (duke of Orleans) ill received at the Tuilleries. 5. Massacre of the minister of Chateau-neuf. Motion of Herault, that foreign powers be required to forbid the white cockade to be worn by emigrants. 11. Carra proposes at the Jacobin club, that the crown of France be offered to the Duke of York. 15. Plan of a decree for declaring war against the Emperor. 16. Decreed, that Monsieur has forfeited the regency. Three hundred millions of small assignats issued. 17. Fire and ravages at Port-au-Prince. Great tumult at Paris on account of the monopoly of of sugar and coffee. 19. Fire of La-Force. 21. A conforming priest, his wife, and children, presented to the assembly, and loaded with caresses. 27. Summons to the Emperor, to declare whether or not he is willing to live in peace with France. 31. Decreed, that all travellers in France must supply themselves with a passport. Feb. 1. Decreed, that all those shall be imprisoned who travel under a false name. Eighty-four prisoners, who were confined in the castle of Caen, set at liberty. 2. Letter of Manuel to the King beginning with these words, "I do not love kings". 5. Fires and massacres at St. Domingo. 6. The Abbé Fauchet preaches at the Pantheon. 7. Riots at Paris on account of a false rumour of the King's flight. Great fires in the town of Haquenau. Decreed, that the property of emigrants belongs to the nation; order for its sequestration. Riots at Noyon about corn. Insurrection at Dunkirk. 14. The red bonnet becomes the general fashion. Assassination at Mount Héri. Insurrection at the Fauxbourg (sic) St. Marceau, on account of the scarcity of sugar. Struggle between the clubs of the Jacobins, and the Feuillants; the latter so called from a religious society of that name, at whose house they met. 17. De Lessart denounced by Fauchet. 22. Motion, that no deputy be permitted to go to the clubs of Jacobins or Feuillants. 28. Treaty of Pilnitz between the Emperor and Prussia. March 1. Death of the Emperor Leopold II. 3. Seditions at Etampes; Simoneau, the mayor, assassinated. De Lessart, minister for foreign affairs, sent to the prison of Orleans. 15. Death of Gustavus III. king of Sweden. Total change of the King's ministers. Decreed, that the King shall pay taxes like all other persons. 19. Jourdan, and his accomplices at Avignon acquitted. A new guard begins to do duty about the King. Roland appointed by the King minister of the interior department. Insurrection at Poitou. The Swiss Cantons demand from France the regiment of Ernest. Alienation of the domains of St. Lazare, and of Mount-Carmel, two orders of knighthood, of which Monsieur was president. April 1. Troubles in Provence and Dauphiny. On the motion of Torne, constitutional bishop of Bourges, all peculiar religious dresses are abolished, and all secular congregations. 6. Pethion writes to the 48 sections, inviting them to give a fête to the liberated soldiers of Chateau-vieux. 15. A civic fête is given to the above soldiers, who had been imprisoned for crimes. 16. Riots at the Hotel de Ville in Paris, on account of the statues of la Fayette and Bailli. 20. The King goes to the national assembly to demand whether it is willing to declare war. War declared against the King of Bohemia and Hungary. M. de Castellane, bishop of Mendes, sent to prison at Orleans. 29. The army of Dillon routed near Tournay, and that general massacred by his own soldiers near Lisle (sic). The French routed near Mons under the command of General Byron. May 2. Suppression of the military houses of Monsieur and the Count d'Artois. 6. Desertion of the royal German regiment. 8. Report of the murder of several commissaries. 10. Pethion, in the commune of Paris, presents a silver sword to Réne Audu, a heroine of the 6th of October 1789. Decree concerning prisoners of war. 11. New disorders at Avignon. 12. Desertion of the regiment of Berchini. 13. M. Brival, a deputy, writes to the King to desire that his cane may be restored to him, which was taken from him at the gate of the Tuilleries. Abbé Maury elevated to the dignity of an archbishop, and appointed nuncio extra-ordinary of the holy see, to the diet of Ratisbon. Decree, depriving the brothers of the King of the million which had been voted to them. Renewal of the decree for the transportation of priests, which the King still refuses to sanction. 14. Massacre of the Abbé Figuemont at Mentz. 16. Bavai taken by the Austrians. 24. Much pains taken to prove the existence of a committee in favour of the Austrians. 27. Discontent in Paris on account of the King's having a guard. 28. The King is forced to dismiss it. 29. Mareschal (sic) de Brissac, who commanded the King's guard, sent to prison at Orleans. 30. The first column of the Prussian army arrives at Frankfort....

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