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Highway Noise Abatement: Planning Tools and Danish - Caltrans PDF

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May 2010 Reprint Report: UCPRC-RP-2010-03 HHHiiiggghhhwwwaaayyy NNNoooiiissseee AAAbbbaaattteeemmmeeennnttt::: PPPlllaaannnnnniiinnnggg TTToooooolllsss aaannnddd DDDaaannniiissshhh EEExxxaaammmpppllleeesss Author: Hans Bendtsen, Danish Road Institute—Road Directorate This report is based on research performed by the Danish Road Institute-Road Directorate on behalf of the University of California Pavement Research Center for the California Department of Transportation, and is reprinted here in its original form. Work Conducted as Part of the “Supplementary Studies for Caltrans QPR Program” Contract PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: California Department of Transportation The Danish Road Institute— (Caltrans) Road Directorate and University of California Division of Research and Innovation Pavement Research Center Danish Road Institute DOCUMENT RETRIEVAL PAGE Reprint Report UCPRC-RP-2010-03 Title: Highway Noise Abatement: Planning Tools and Danish Examples Author: Hans Bendtsen Prepared for: FHWA No.: Date Work Submitted: Date: Caltrans CA101735C July 2009 May 2010 Contract/Subcontract Nos.: Status: Version No: Caltrans Contract: 65A0293 Final 1 UC DRI-DK: Subcontract 08-001779-01 Abstract: This report presents a series of methods implemented in Denmark and other European countries for the assessment and control of the impacts of highway noise on the neighboring public. It introduces Danish guidelines for the assessment of noise impact. Also described are examples of noise abatement planning for three different cases: planning of new highways, planning of highway widening projects, and noise abatement on existing highways. Experience shows that there is no single approach that can remove all noise problems along highways. It will be necessary for more effective noise abatement to take different approaches together, including noise-reducing pavements, noise barriers, facade insulation, and proper land use strategies. Harmonized public-private partnership is also critical for successful implementation of public policy and regulations related to noise abatement. Keywords: Highway noise, Noise abatement, Noise-reducing pavements, noise barriers, facade insulation Proposals for implementation: No recommendations Related documents: • H. Bendtsen, H., Q. Lu, and E. Kohler. 2009. Temperature Influence on Road Traffic Noise: Californian OBSI Measurement Study. Reprint Report: UCPRC-RP-2009-02 • Bendtsen, H. 2009. Noise Barrier Design: Danish and Some European Examples. Reprint Report: UCPRC-RP- 2010-04 • H. Bendtsen, H., Q. Lu, and E. Kohler. 2009. Acoustic Aging of Asphalt Pavements: A Californian/Danish Comparison. Reprint Report: UCPRC-RP-2010-01 Signatures: Hans Bendtsen John T. Harvey John T. Harvey S. David Lim 1st Author Technical Review Principal Investigator Contract Manager DRI-DK UCPRC UCPRC Caltrans ii UCPRC-RP-2010-03 DISCLAIMER This report is based on a subcontract research study performed by the Danish Road Institute-Road Directorate (DRI-DK) on behalf of the University of California Pavement Research Center (UCPRC) for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors and DRI- DK who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the UCPRC, the State of California or the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. The content of the original is unchanged in this version and has been reprinted with the consent of DRI-DK. For more information: University of California Pavement Research Center, Davis One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 University of California Pavement Research Center, Berkeley 1353 S. 46th St., Bldg. 452, Richmond, CA 94804 www.ucprc.ucdavis.edu UCPRC-RR-2010-03 iii Highway noise abatement Planning tools and Danish examples Hans Bendtsen Danish Road Institute Report 173 2009 xx Contents Executive summary.......................................................................................................5 Sammenfatning..............................................................................................................7 Preface ..........................................................................................................................9 Forord ........................................................................................................................10 1. Introduction.............................................................................................................11 1.1 Methods for noise abatement............................................................................11 1.2 Organisation of noise abatement.......................................................................12 1.3 Structure of the report.......................................................................................15 2. Good governance in noise abatement......................................................................17 3. Guidelines, prediction and evaluation.....................................................................19 3.1 Noise guidelines................................................................................................19 3.2 Noise prediction................................................................................................20 3.3 The Noise Exposure Factor...............................................................................22 3.4 Socio-economic assessment of noise................................................................25 4. Planning of new highways.......................................................................................27 4.1 An example.......................................................................................................27 4.2 General measures of noise abatement...............................................................30 5. Planning of widening existing highways.................................................................33 5.1 Environmental Impact Assessment...................................................................34 5.2 Evaluation of noise reducing pavements...........................................................36 6. Noise abatement on existing highways....................................................................39 6.1 Façade insulation...............................................................................................39 6.2 Noise action plan...............................................................................................41 6.3 System for tendering noise reducing pavements...............................................43 6.4 Other measures of noise abatement...................................................................45 7. New housing along exiting highways......................................................................49 8. References...............................................................................................................53 3 4 Executive summary When constructing new buildings or roads in Denmark, special consideration is given to traffic noise. A new national noise map indicates that around 30 % of Danish homes are exposed to noise levels that exceed the threshold value of 58 dB (L ) and DEN that noise problems are concentrated in cities. This report presents a series of methods and strategies for noise abatement. There is no single method that can remove all noise problems along highways and in cities. It will be necessary to address the noise abatement on several different levels: • At the source: this covers vehicles, tire, pavements, traffic and speed. • Along the propagation path: in the form of noise barriers etc. • At the receiver: in the form of façade insulation and local barriers. The background for the report is experiences and ideas from the Danish Road Direc- torate as well as from other European countries. As an introduction, fourteen recom- mendations to National Road Administrations for good governance regarding noise management and abatement are presented. In Denmark dwellings with road traffic noise of more than 58 dB (L ) are consid- DEN ered exposed to noise. When planning of new residential areas the national metric of guideline for outside noise exposure is 58 dB (L ). The Nordic prediction method, DEN Nord2000, is used for road traffic. The Noise Exposure Factor (NEF) is the basis of all cost-benefit analyses of noise from road traffic. NEF is an expression of the accumu- lated noise load on all the dwellings in an area. It is calculated as the sum of the weighted noise loads on the individual dwellings in the area, so that dwellings with high noise levels weigh more than dwellings with less noise. The economic valuation of noise effects are based on market prices of dwellings as well as health effects. As an important part of planning new highway sections in Denmark, an Environ- mental Impact Assessment (EIA) study is performed. Noise is one of the environ- mental components included in the EIA. When planning of new highways the noise guideline of 58 dB as L is used whenever possible. The guideline is used when a DEN group of houses/dwellings are exposed to road traffic noise. For single houses in rural districts the noise guideline is normally not taken into account, instead façade insula- tion is offered if the noise exceeds 63 dB. Different measures of noise abatement can be considered in the planning of new highways. If it is possible and realistic to locate an alignment of the new highway that maximizes the distances to residential areas, this is normally a preferable solution. Noise reducing pavements are normally used when a new highway passes group of houses/dwellings. Like in new highway projects noise is also taken into consideration when enlarge- ments of existing highways are planned. 5 During the last decade the Danish Road Directorate has used around 20 mill DKK (2.7 mill € or 3.6 mill USD) every year for noise abatement along the existing high- ways and other state roads. Noise barriers have been the primarily tool applied for noise abatement. In some situations where it has not been possible to use noise barri- ers to achieve sufficient noise reduction, façade insulation has been used instead, typi- cally by changing windows and doors to new and better noise reducing types. In spring 2009 the Danish Road Directorate published a proposal for a new noise ac- tion plan for the existing state road network. The purpose of the plan is to describe ini- tiatives that are planned to reduce road traffic noise along the state road network where the noise is considered unacceptable. The plan also describes noise initiatives in relation to maintenance of the road network as well as the improvement and enlarge- ment of the state road network. Since the mid 1980´s noise has been integrated in municipal land use planning. In the planning process of new residential areas a land use plan has to be developed and ap- proved by the local municipality. A noise guideline at dwellings of 55 dB (L ) has Aeq,24h to be respected. In 2007 the noise indicator L was introduced to replace L and DEN Aeq,24h the noiseguideline was changed to 58 dB (L ) to ensure the same protection level. DEN This report is produced by the Danish Road Directorate/Danish Road Institute for the California Department of Transportation. For comprehensive guidance on traffic sound issues in California please reference Caltrans’ Technical Noise Supplement and Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol manuals. 6

Also described are examples of noise abatement planning for three different that there is no single approach that can remove all noise problems along .. influence on which solutions that will be chosen and give them a realistic picture of.
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