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Herpetacanthus stenophyllus (Acanthaceae), a new species from Costa Rica PDF

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Preview Herpetacanthus stenophyllus (Acanthaceae), a new species from Costa Rica

Herpetacanthus stenophyllus (Acanthaceae), a New Species from Costa Rica Jorge Gomez-Laurito and. Michael H. Grayum Herbario Nacional de Costa Rica, Apartado 749-1000, San Jose, Costa Rica; Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri 63166-0299, U.S.A. With the exception of some collections made a 4- 12 mm long, appressed-pilose above. Blade linear- century ago by Henri Pittier and Adolfo Tonduz, lanceolate, 8-19 cm long, 4-10 mm wide, with 9- the entire Caribbean slope of the Cordillera de Tal- 12 arcuate secondary veins, apically acuminate, amanca of Costa Rica has remained relatively un¬ basally attenuate, glabrous but with abundant cys¬ known botanically. The species described below is toliths on both surfaces, the margins entire, undu¬ from a large collection made recently in this area. late. Inflorescence spicate, axillary (in the uppermost axils) and/or terminal, 2-7-flowered, 2-4 cm long, Herpetacanthus stenophyllus Gomez-L. & Gra¬ 1-3.5 cm wide. Bract 1, ovate, 11-15 mm long, yum, sp. nov. TYPE: Costa Rica. Limon: Re- 5- 8 mm wide, trinerved, apically acute, pale green serva Biologica Hitoy-Cerere, siguiendo el Sen- on both sides, basally asymmetrical, usually sessile. dero Espavel hasta la fila. Cordillera de Bracteoles 2, lanceolate, 8 mm long, ca. 1 mm wide. Talamanca, 9°39'15"N, 83°01'20"W, 695 m, Sepals 5, unequal, 5-8 mm long, subulate. Corolla Herrera & Chacon 2404 (holotype, CR; iso¬ types, F, MO, USJ). Figure 1. Species insignis folia lanceolata longiora atque angus- tissima, margine undulata, a species nobis notis bene dis- tincta. Fruticulus 0.75-1.5 m altus, laxus. Caules ra- mulique graciles, virides, ad nodis incrassati, pilis adpressis serialibus vestiti, cystolithis conspicuis numerosissimis. Foliae oppositae; petiolis 4-12 mm longis, supra adpressi- pilosis. Lamina linearo-lanceolata, 8-19 cm longa, 4-10 mm lata, circa 9-12 nervis secundariis arcuatis, apice acuminata, base attenuata, glabra, cystolithis copiosis, margine inlegra undulata. Inflorescentiae spicatae axillare vel terminile, 2-7-florae, 2-4 cm longae, 1-3.5 cm latae. Brae tea 1, ovata, 11-15 mm longa, 5-8 mm lata, trinervata, apice acuta, utrinque pallide viridia, inaequalis- basae, plerumque sessilis. Bracteolae 2, lanceolatae, 8 mm longae, circa 1 mm latae. Sepala 5, inaequalia, 5- 8 mm longa, subulata. Corolla bilabiata, 16 mm longa (tubus 6 mm longus, 1.5 mm latus), ore 3 mm lata, albo- viridis, ad lobulis purpurini-lineolata vel -maculata; labio superiore 6-6.5 mm longo, 3.5 mm lato, apice minute bidentato; libio inferiore trilobulato, lobulis 1.5 mm longis. Stamina 4, didynama, inclusa; stamina longiora antheris bilocularibus, loculis superpositis, 1 mm longis; stamina breviora antheris unilocularibus, loculis 0.8 mm longis; filainenta plana pilis glanduliferis munita. Ovarium gla- brum. Stylus 14 mm longus, inclusus, pilosus; stigma simplex capitatum. Fructus claviformis, 11 mm longus, glabrus, apice acutus, retinacula acuta vel rotundata. Sem¬ ina 4 irregulariter elliptica, circa 2 mm diametro, cas- tanea, complanata. Open subshrub 0.75-1.5 m tall. Stems and branches slender, green, thickened at the nodes, appressed pubescent in lines, with conspicuous and Figure 1. Herpetacanthus stenophyllus (Hammel & very numerous cystoliths. Leaves opposite; petioles Grayum 14312). Novon 1: 15-16. 1991 16 Novon bilabiate, 16 mm long (tube 6 mm long, 1.5 mm stenophyllus is distinguished by its linear-lanceolate wide); tbroat 3 mm wide, whitish green, the lobes leaves, 8-19 cm long and only 4-10 mm wide, with purple-lined or -spotted; upper lip 6 6.5 mm long, undulate margins; it is further differentiated by hav¬ 3.5 mm wide, apically minutely bidentate; lower lip ing greenish white corollas with purple lines or spots, trilobulate, the lobes 1.5 mm long. Stamens 4, di- glandular-pubescent staminal filaments, and gla¬ dynamous, included; anthers of the longer stamens brous capsules. All of the remaining Herpetacan¬ 2-loculed with the locules superposed, 1 mm long; thus species described to date are accounted for in anthers of the shorter stamens 1-loculed, the locules Nees von Esenbeck (1847) or Lindau (1904); none 0.8 mm long; filaments flattened, glandular-pilose. are reported as exhibiting the distinctive, narrowly Ovary glabrous. Style 14 mm long, included, pilose; elongate leaf shape of H. stenophyllus. stigma simple, capitate. Fruit claviform, 1 1 mm Herpetacanthus stenophyllus is presently known long, apically acute, the retinacula acute or rounded. only from the mountainous region between the Rio Seeds 4, irregularly elliptical, ca. 2 mm diam., cas- Estrella (Valle de La Estrella) and the Rio Telire taneous, compressed. (Valle de Talamanca), from about 100 to 700 m. Here it may be locally abundant, growing in patches Additional specimens examined. COSTA RICA. LIMON: in slightly disturbed sites in primary forest. Although Cordillera de Talainanca, Valle de las Rosas, Miramar, afluentes del Rio Moin, margen izquierda, 9°38'20"N, its extremely narrow leaves give H. stenophyllus 83°00'30"W, 350 m, Herrera & Chacon 2390 (CR, the aspect of a rheophyte, it does not grow along MO); Hitoy Cerere Reserve, SW of Valle La Estrella, streams. along Rio Cerere to ca. 1 km upstream from Quebrada Barrera, 9°40.5'N, 83°02'W, 90 200 m, Grayum & Fieldwork resulting in the discovery of this species Hammel 5778 (CR, MO); Hitoy Cerere Reserve and was partially funded by National Geographic Society vicinity in Valle La Estrella S of Finca Concepcion, from Grant 3317-86 to the second author. The manu¬ station to top of ridge Mirador or Los Jabillos, 9°42'N, 83°02'W, 140-500 m, Hammel & Grayum 14312 (CR, script was thoughtfully reviewed by L. H. Durkee, DUKE, GRI, MO). to whom we express our gratitude. Herpetacanthus Nees is a small genus of about 10 species, mostly Brazilian. It is distinguished by Literature Cited its bilabiate corollas and didynamous stamens (the long pair 2-celled, with one of the cells superposed; Durkee, L. H. 1978. Acanthaceae. In: Flora of Panama, Ann. Missouri Bot. Card. 65: 155-283. the shorter pair 1-celled). Only one species, Her¬ -. 1986. Acanthaceae. In: W. C. Burger (editor). petacanthus panamensis Leonard, has been known Flora Costaricensis, Fieldiana, Bot. n.s. 18: 1-92. from Costa Rica and Panama (Durkee, 1978, 1986). Lindau, G. 1904. Acanthaceae ainericanae III. Bull. This differs markedly from H. stenophyllus in its Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 4: 313-328, 401-418. Nees von Esenbeck, C. G. 1847. Acanthaceae. Pp. 46- ovate to ovate-elliptic leaves 4-14 cm long and 2.5- 519 in A. de Candolle (editor), Prodromus Systematis 6 cm wide, plain white corollas, glabrous stamen Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis, Vol. 11. V. Masson, filaments, and pubescent capsules. Herpetacanthus Paris.

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