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Preview Hearing Research 2004: Vol 189 Index

ee ELSEVIER Author Index Volume 189 Apoux, | ibut, N., Debruille, X. and Lorenzi, ¢ Identification of enve lope-expanded sentences hearing-impaired | Steners (1384) Magui Arnold, W., see Michaelis, C.E. ( Manle Atzori, M., Flores Hernandez, J. and Pineda spontan Interlaminar differences of sj vat ! res di t Ke iditor Marmo, I Michaelis, ¢ see Piscopo, M Op imum DPOAEs Morel, G see Krishnan D’Angek see Piscopo, M. | ittention: an ERP stud de Groot M.J., see Wolters Debruille ) Deir El-Kashlan, H.K. and Shore Effects of trigeminal ganglio (189) 25 “id i uy B., More (189) 10] Consequences of noi damages oO decarboxylase olliculus (189) 83 Gandour, J.T., see Krishnan Pratt Gehr, D.D., see Michaelis, ¢ Hamers, F.P.T., see Wolters | 3] l-Kashlan, H.K i, J.-C iang, Z.-G. (189) 9 jiang, Z.-G., Shi, X.. Zhao J.-Q. and Nuttal Al Smoot! Basal nitric oxide prod on contributes to membrane potentia vasotone regulation vodiolar arter )? Klis, S.F.1 see Wolters, F.L.« Krishnan, A., Xu, Y., Gandour, J nd Cariani, P.A Human frequency-following response: representation of pitcl in Chinese tones (189) | Smoorenburg, G.| Perilymph itic applic ition of a@-mel sumulating hormor Lambert-Xolin, A.-M., see ites hearing loss causedb y syst eI inistraotfi coisnpl a Lamm, K., see Michaelis, C.f Lewis, E.R. and van Dijk, P Erratum to “New variations on derivation fields ifoorr p{ rimary 1d1LO afferent axon (2003) 30-46] (189) 11]1 9 Lewis, E.R. and van Dijk, P ng € In an extended New variations on thI e deriva tion of spectro-tempora | receptive lds for f cel “ath « i \ ear nucleus neurons (1389) primary auditory afferent axons ( 189) 120 Lorenzi, C., see Apoux, F. (189) doi: 10.1016/S0378-59550(00064 3-2 HEARING ' RESEARCH ELSEVIER Hearing Research 189 (2004) 138-140 www.elsevier.com/locate/heares Subject Index Volume 189 Al Compound action potential Cortical circuitry; Signal processing; Synaptic summation; Layer II/III Cisplatin; Ototoxicity; Cochlea; Osmotic Protection; Deafness Layer V: Patch-clamp f (Atzori, M. (189) 101) (Wolters, F.L.C. (189) 31) Amphibian papilla Cortical circuitry Wiener kernel; Peripheral tuning; Suppression; Frog; Basilar papill Signal processing; Synaptic summation; Laye (Lewis, E.R. (189) 120) clamp (Atzori, M. (189) 101) Aragonite Deafferentation Calbindin D-28K; Otoconia; Inner ear; Podar icula (Piscopo, M. (189) Microglial activation; Neuronal death; Motheaten; Phosphatase (Zhao, J 6) (189) 63) Arteriole Deafness Nitric oxide synthase; Potassium channel; Cochlea; NO release (Jiang Cisplatin; Ototoxicity; Compound action p} otential; Cochlea; Osmotic Z.-G. (189) 92) |s ump;I Protection (Wolters, F.L.C. (189) 31) Autocomer rellaattii on Dis. torti.o n product otoacoustic. emissssi on i. nput/output functi: on Time-*v-Vaarriiaantn t pitchpitch: Voicoei ce p pitch; *Phhaassee--lloocckkiinng : Sppeeeecchh pprroossoocd y; Chhiinnee se Guinea pig; Otoacoustic emission (Michaelis, C.E. (189) 58) tones (Krishnan, A. (189) 1) . Ear advantage Autoradiography ' Hemispheric asymmetry; Handedness; Functional brain imaging (Ofek, I Trigeminal ganglion; Central auditory structure; Tinnitus (El-Kashlan (189) 107) H.K. (189) 25) ‘ , Expansion Basilar papilla Wiener kernel; Peripheral tuning; Suppression; Frog; Amphibian papilla Temporal envelope; Noise; Speech identification; Hearing loss (Apoux, I (189) 13) (Lewis, E.R. (189) 120) asia . Frog Calbindin D-28K Otoconia; Inner ear; Aragonite; Podarcis sicula (Piscopo, M. (189) - Wiener‘ kernel; Peripghse ral tuning; Sup"p ression; Amphibian ipa.p illa; Basi lar papilla (Lewis, E.R. (189) 120) Central auditory structure Trigeminal ganglion; Autoradiography; Tinnitus (El-Kashlan, H.K. (189 Functional brain imag5inbg > Ear advantage; Hemispheric asymmetry indedness (Ofek, f >) Chinese tones Glutamate decarboxylase Time-variant pitch; Voice pitch; Phase-locking: Autocorrelation; Speech Noise; Styrene; Inferior colliculus prosody (Krishnan, A. (189) 1) Guinea pig Cisplatin Distortion product otoacoustic emission input/output function; Otoacous Ototoxicity; Compound action potential; ¢ lea; Osmotic pump; Pro tic emission (Michaelis, C.E. (189) 58) tection; Deafness (Wolters, F.L.C. (189) 31) Handedness Cochlea Ear advantage; Hemispheric asymmetry; Functional brain imaging (Ofek Cisplatin; Ototoxicity; Compound action potential; Osmotic pump; Pro E. (189) 107) tection; Deafness (Wolters, F.L.C. (189) 31) Hearing Nitric oxide synthase; Potassium channel: Arteriole; NO release (Jiang Otoacoustic emission; Monitor lizard; Spontaneous otoacoustic emission Z.-G. (189) 92) (Manley, G.A. (189) 41) doi: 10.1016/S0378-5955(04)00064-4 Subject Index Volume 189 Hearing loss Otoconia Temporal envelope; Expansion; Noise; Speech identification (Apoux, I Calbindin D-28K; Inner ear; Aragonite: Podar (189) 13) (189) 76) Hemispheric asymmetry Ototoxicity Ear advantage; Handedness; Functional brain imaging (Ofek 18* Cisplatin; Compound action potential 107) ti Deafness (Wolters, F.L.C. (189) Inferior colliculus Patch-clamp Noise; Styrene; Glutamate decarboxylase; Plasticity (Pouyatos, B. (189) Cortical circuitry; Signal processing; Synaptic summation 8 ) ayer V; Al (Atzori, M. (189) 101) Inner ear Peripheral tuning Calbindin D-28K; Otoconi ragot de a (Piscopo, M Wiener kernel; Suppressiot ro Amnpph ibian (189) 76) (Lewis, E.R. (189) 120) Layer IVI Phase-locking Cortical circuitry; Signal processing; Synaptic summation; Layer V; Al Time-variant pitch e ’ utocorrelation; Speech pri Patch-clamp (Atzori (189) 101) nese tones (Krishnan Layer \ Phosphatase Cortical circuitry; Signal processing; Synaptic summation aye Deafferentatiotr Microglial activati« Al; Patch-clamp (Atzori, M. (189) l (Zhao, J. (189) 63) Microglial activation Plasticity Deafferentation; Neuronal death eaten; Phosphatase (Zhac Noise; Styrene; Inferior colliculu (189) 63) B Monitor lizard Podars icula Hearing: Otoacoustic en 1; Sponts ‘ Oustic emission (Mar Calbindin D-28K; Otoconia: Inner ea ley, G (189) 41) Potassium channel Motheaten Nitric oxide synthase; Cochlea riol NO release (Jiang Deafferentation: Microglial vation; Neuronal death; Phosphatase )2) (Zhao, J. (189) 63) Protection Neuronal death Cisplatin; Ototoxicity; Compound action potential; Cochlea; Osmotic Deafferentation; Microglial activati Motheaten;: Phost é hac imp: Deafness (Wolters, F.I (189) 63) Signal processing Nitric oxide synthase Cortical circuitry; Synaptic summation; Layer II/II1; Layer \V Potassium channel; ¢ lea teriole ‘ ig ‘ lan M. (189) 101) NO release Speech identification Nitric oxide synthase; Pot ! h ‘ rteri ang Temporal envelope; Expansion ise ng loss (Apoux, F. (189) 7.-G. (189) 92) Speech prosody Noise lime-variant pitch; Voice pitch; Phase-locking; Autocorrelation; Chinese Temporal envelope; Expansion; Speech identification; Hearing tones (Krishnan, A. (189) 1) (Apoux, F. (189) 13) Spontaneous otoacoustic emission Styrene; Inferior colliculus; Glutamate decarboxyla lasticity Hearing; Otoacoustic emission: Monitor lizard (Manley tos, B. (189) 83) Styrene Osmotic pump Noise; Inferior colliculus; Glutar decarboxylase; Plasticity Cisplatin; Ototoxicity ompound actior tentiz otecti B. (189) 83) Deafness (Wolters. I Suppression Otoacoustic emission Wiener kernel; Peripheral tuning; Frog; Amphibian papilla; Basilar pa Hearing; Monitor lizard; Spontaneous otoacoustic emission (Manley pilla (Lewis, E.R. (189) 120) G.A. (189) 41) Synaptic summation Distortion product otoacoustic emission input/output function; Guinea Cortical circuitry; Signal processing; Layer II/II1; Layer \ pig (Michaelis, C.E. (189) 58) clamp (Atzori, M. (189) 101) 140 Subject Index Volume 189 Temporal envelope Trigeminal ganglion Expansion; Noise; Speech identification; Hearing loss (Apoux, F. (189) Autoradiography; Central auditory structure; Tinnitus (El-Kashlan, H.K 13) (189) 25) Time-variant pitch Voice pitch Voice pitch; Phase-locking; Autocorrelation; Speech prosody; Chinese Time-variant pitch; Phase-locking; Autocorrelation; Speech prosody tones (Krishnan, A. (189) 1) Chinese tones (Krishnan, A. (189) 1) Tinnitus Wiener kernel Trigeminal ganglion; Autoradiography; Central auditory structure (El Peripheral tuning; Suppression; Frog; Amphibian papilla; Basilar papilla Kashlan, H.K. (189) 25) (Lewis, E.R. (189) 120)

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