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Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch Happy Birthday Sis. Alexander! We Love You The Church at Antioch Bible-based, Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-led, Mission-bound (cid:129) Fellowship, Evangelism, Doctrine, Stewardship April 2008 Volume 1, Issue 2 “He is risen” Spirit In Song Showcasing gospel music Passion Week closed with a powerful word To celebrate the rich tradition of Gospel music that uplifts and inspires, Antioch kicks off On the holiest day of the another season of an “Inspira- Christian calendar, Antioch tion Celebration Concert.” was reminded that the foun- If you thought the 2007 broad- dation of her hope is “wrapped cast was amazing, you don’t in the bodily resurrection of want to miss this year’s offer- Jesus Christ.” ing of the world’s best gospel It was a fi tting end to Pas- talent, as well as secular artists sion Week, when Antioch who welcome the chance to members participated in showcase their spiritual roots. fasting, preaching and street The 2008 “Inspiration Celebra- corner evangelism. tion Concert” kicks off at An- Passion Week, also known tioch on 5 p.m. Sunday, April as Holy Week, is the time be- 27. This year’s theme is “Spirit tween Palm Sunday and Eas- Continued on page 2 ter, when Jesus rose from the But there had to be, Pastor to do something.” grave. Alexander said, the shedding Somewhere between Friday It started with just That is, indeed, the good of blood by God’s son who’d al- and Jesus’ burial, he said to news recorded in Matthew ready said, “destroy this body applause, spirited Amens and silver dollars 28:6: “He is not here: for he and in three days I’ll raise it people standing, “faith turned is risen, as he said. Come, see up again.” into sight.” Antioch scholarship ministry the place where the Lord lay. “It sounded like just a “The tomb was empty,” Al- helps make dreams come true He is risen.” boast,” Alexander said. “No exander said. “Early Sunday “Those three words,” said one had ever died and got up morning Jesus got up with all In the 1950s, the Rev. D. T. the Rev. C. M. Alexander, “em- except by the order of Jesus power.” George would give each gradu- body the hope and foundation himself. It was a fi tting end to a ating high school student of of our faith. They counter- “Now, Jesus is dead. The week-long celebration of the Antioch Baptist Church North act three other words: He is grave is secure. Hell is having death, burial and resurrec- a silver dollar, from his own Dead.” a banquet. Heaven is poised tion of Jesus Christ. pocket. It was a way of encour- aging students to continue to Connecting pursue their education and to E 2 Words From Our Pastor reach their goals with assis- D People to Christ 6-7 Palm Sunday-Resurrection Day tance from their church fam- I S 9 Train Up A Child ily. That practice continued for N 10 Tithing Tips many years. I Continued on page 4 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch continued from cover: Spirit in Song FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK in Song,” and there’s plenty of both this year. Gospel music speaks to everyone. Tracing its Dear Brothers and Sisters: roots back to the days of slavery, Gospel music de- veloped as a uniquely American art form that has I am excited to be able to share the news of our bless- had a profound impact on faith-loving Americans ings with you through this medium, our church news- in all regions and on performers in all genres of letter, The Church at Antioch. music. And now you, too, can be moved by its grace and We have attempted to chronicle the major events of the fi rst quarter and to share with you the joy and excitement of each event. Each occasion beauty here at Antioch whenever you like. Gos- demonstrates the strength of our four pillars: Fellowship, Evangelism, Doc- pel music has its own style that encompasses solo trine, and Stewardship. singers that have stepped out from the choirs and have become popular in their own right. From Under the leadership of the Sis. Barbara Alexander and others, the Wom- these ranks comes the likes of Zeb Ellis, Carlos en’s Division has successfully led us through the implementation of the 10 Simon and the greatest director of all churches, & 10 initiative and the Birth Month Fellowships, both of which are growing Otis Byrd. steadily every week. This growth is essential to our spiritual health and Today, Gospel music remains as vibrant as ever. exemplifi es our obedience to our Lord and Saviour. Because fellowship Not only that, some of our greatest contemporary is the union of Christian believers sharing the Christian experience, it is singers acknowledge that they will always owe a every Christian’s responsibility. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we must come together to share, to learn and to gather strength from one another. debt of gratitude to Gospel music. So whatever Christians cannot grow in isolation. style you favor, there is sure to be a song here at Antioch that lifts your spirits and speaks to your Therefore, participation in the fellowships is not only our “duty to do,” it soul. is the means by which we build our relationship with God and with each Brother Otis Byrd, who directs the Adult Choir, other. Consequently, if you have not attended the Birth Month Fellow- Male Chorus and Youth Choir said members and ships, you are encouraged to do so, to get involved, and to work toward guests can expect a variety of music, including the support of this great Christian gathering. In addition, your gifts in contemporary, traditional, anthems, and hymn support of the 10 & 10 Free Will Offering serve as a testament to your faith and spiritual arrangements. This concert will and commitment to this fellowship and to our God. feature the combined choirs of the church to Dea. Calvin Booker and Bro. Darryl Speed, coordinators of the Men’s Divi- include all entities of the music ministry joining sion, are preparing to lead us through even more exciting and eventful fel- together in harmony to create glory through song, lowship activities over the next three months: Church-wide Prayer Break- dance, and other areas of the performing arts. fasts, the Spring Revival Concert and Revival, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Byrd’s mission is to create a healthy balance the Pastor’s Barbeque, the Stone Mountain Gospel Fest, the Charlie Ward of intelligent singing and sincere delivery so that Basketball Camps for Boys and Girls, the Youth Achievement Banquet, and the people of God may be ministered to and re- more. You are encouraged to attend any and all of the fellowship offerings ceive what God has for them. that are being planned for your edifi cation and spiritual growth. Should you have a desire to share some outstanding developments in your personal, spiritual, or professional lives, please contact our editor, Sis. Gracie Staples. Sharing is also an acceptance of your responsibility to this union of Christian believers. Get Ready, Thank you for your stewardship. May God continue to bless you and keep Get Ready, Get Ready you forever in His care. WHAT: Here we come – the greatest Combined And the disciples were called Christians fi rst in Antioch. Acts 11:26 Choirs of all WHO: The choirs of Antioch Yours in God’s service, WHEN: 5 p.m. Sunday, April 27 Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord; Praise Ye the Lord! 2 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch Members participate in Black History Month celebration The letter from the Federal Bureau Multi-Culturalism. about the social customs and laws that of Investigations took Sis. Mary Hicks by Her life, she said, in served as obstacles to the progress of surprise but she was relieved to fi nd the some ways, parallels “the Negro race.” agency only wanted her to share some Woodson’s life. Six decades later, Dr. Hicks would en- good news. Woodson, who gradu- ter Vanderbilt University, where all but Hicks was one of two Antioch members ated with honors in one student and the professor immedi- invited to participate in the agency’s an- Dr. Mary Hicks 1903 from Berea Col- ately left the class in protest of her pres- nual Black History Month program, also lege, a unique college in the slave state ence. The one student who remained hosted by the U. S. Government Account- of Kentucky. A year later, Hicks said, the had just transferred from the Univer- ability Offi ce, and the Bureau of Alcohol, “Day Law” was passed, which prevented sity of Mississippi. “No matter what,” the Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. white and African-American students student told her, “she was going to stick The program quickly turned into a from being in the same classroom or and stay.” spiritual experience when Sister Diane school community together. Integrated But years would pass before Hicks Williams, president of the Antioch adult schooling became illegal. The perni- discovered like Woodson that she was choir, opened with “Precious Lord.” cious “Day Law” was actually enforced also experiencing the enforcement of Hicks followed with a presentation on for nearly half a century, a fact that “The Day Law.” Carter G. Woodson and the Origins of was not lost on Woodson in his writings APRIL BIBLE QUIZ The Church At Antioch is looking for you! Proud of the job you do or want to nominate your sister Pick one of four in each of these questions. or brother in Christ to be featured in an upcoming issue 1. The robe Jesus wore as the Roman soldiers taunted him was? of The Church At Antioch? E-mail your story idea to Sis. A. scarlet or purple Gracie Staples at [email protected]. B. red C. many coloured S. Dixon Law Offi ces, LLC D. black 2. According to Proverbs, the beginning of knowledge is? A. fear of the Lord B. knowledge of the Lord C. knowledge of thyself D. concern for all mankind (cid:129) Estate Planning 3. “The living know that they shall die,” but what do the dead know? (cid:129) Personal Injury A. “that they shall be reborn” (cid:129) Family Law B. “the presence of God” C. “what the living knoweth not” (cid:129) Corporate/Business Law D. “not any thing” (cid:129) Criminal Defense (cid:129) Entertainment Law 4. Judas indicated to the crowd who Jesus was by? A. pointing to him (cid:129) Traffi c Violations B. kissing him C. kicking him Stephanie D. Dixon, Esq. D. laying fi gs at his feet [email protected] 5. “There is no peace, saith my God, to the?” 2 locations to serve you A. warriors 1170 Peachtree St. 34 Peachtree St. NW B. wicked Suite 1200 Suite 2280 C. weary Atlanta, GA 30309 Atlanta, GA 30303 D. Israelites 404.962.4450 404.688.9668 3 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch continued from cover: Sending Antioch members to college When the Rev. C. M Alexander became has led both the scholarship ministry donation. The Deltas encouraged other pastor in 1969, he formed a Scholarship and advisory board into a brighter future members of Greek letter organizations Committee that offered scholarship as- as they work to assist our youth in their to join in raising funds for the Schol- sistance to high school students and challenge to reach higher goals. arship Committee. The men of Kappa honored all graduates and retirees at a Scholarship Sunday was celebrated on Alpha Psi and Alpha Phi Alpha have al- banquet. the second Sunday in March. At both ser- ready pledged to match or exceed their Today, the Scholarship Committee has vices, members were encouraged to give donation. become the Antioch North Scholarship generously and unselfi shly to support The ministry has seen a lot of growth Ministry. Though the name has changed, the scholarship ministry. On the fourth over the years. God has brought the the goals have remained the same: to Sunday in May, during the 11 a.m. ser- church from silver dollar gifts to gener- provide fi nancial assistance to church vice, graduates, retirees and members ous awards and scholarships through the youths trying to further their education. completing requirements at the Chris- general church budget, donors of Memo- Alexander’s vision for the Scholarship tian Mini-Congress will be recognized rial Scholarships, and the newly added Ministry to do more than present scholar- and honored for achieving personal, pro- Book Scholarship Fund supported by ships to graduating high school seniors, fessional and Christian Education goals. members, groups and organizations of with funds from the general budget, led Recently, members of Antioch who are the church. to the birth of the Scholarship Advisory also members of Delta Sigma Theta So- High school seniors interested in ap- Board. rority, Inc., connected as a means to get plying for a scholarship from the church The purpose of the advisory board is to know other members of the church. may contact a member of the Antioch to work with the scholarship ministry in It was then that the sorority decided to Scholarship Ministry. Sister Wendy Har- its efforts and initiatives to expand the do something for the youth of the church ding encourages students to take ad- ministry, and to make it more inclusive and provide scholarship assistance. vantage of the scholarship program and of all the young adults in the church On March 9, the Deltas presented the attend the meetings scheduled for stu- pursuing higher education goals. God Scholarship Committee with a $1, 100 dents and parents. 4 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch Deacon’s ministry committed as leaders, past and present The Bible ordains only two offi ces in the recently ordained deacons and their wives of Antioch was laid out, and many in atten- church: pastor and deacons. The Deacon’s were introduced followed by bringing the dance could be heard humming a few bars Ministry at Antioch, chaired by Deacon junior deacons, those who will carry the of one of the favorite hymns or calling out a William Harding, is a model of service and torch forward, to the forefront. favorite phrase or saying. leadership. The highlight of the program was the Who can forget Deacon Lemuel Bowie’s At the beginning of each year, the Dea- historical perspective Deacon Harding pre- favorite word, “OBEY” and favorite phrase, con’s Ministry combines both leadership sented on the deacons and their families “We’re together,” and Deacon J.D. Wide- and one of the four pillars of Antioch: fellow- and how this leadership role — much like man’s, “WALK” ringing out whenever some- that of the tribe of the Lev- one was making his/her way to the front of ites, the priestly tribe in the church? Some of those who grew up in the Bible — has genera- the community, became junior deacons and tional roots. later ordained deacons were infl uenced by No one becomes a deacon Deacon Willis Flemming who would say to just because his father or the boys when they got in trouble, “I am grandfather served as a gonna tell your daddy and make him burst deacon, but because these your britches.” men have been beacons There are many connections between the to their families, their godly men who have served and are serv- church, and their commu- ing as sons and deacons of this church and ship, by hosting a gathering in which they nities. Their male offspring follow in their members of the congregation who are serv- honor their wives. The men make all the ar- footsteps to become upstanding, spiritually ing the Lord in various ways. rangements and bring everyone together for mature men who also become ordained dea- One historical note: The Rev. Timothy H. fellowship. This year, the ministerial sons cons or, in some cases, ministers, and their George, second pastor of Antioch, was fol- and their wives, the Mother’s Ministry, and female offspring have become part of the lowed in the pastorate by his son, the Rev. the families of deceased ministers and dea- Mother’s Ministry and Missionary Ministry. Dormitory T. George. The late Deacon Lu- cons were included in the celebration, held In his unique way, Deacon Harding framed ther Cain was the father of the Rev. Herman in the 590 building. the presentation by recalling the favorite Cain and brother of Deacon Nesbit Cain. The fellowship began, of course, with de- hymns of our present and the former pas- Deacon Eddie Wilburn was granduncle of votion, the duty with which Antioch mem- tors of Antioch, sons of the church, and the Deacon Keith Morton. bers most associate the deacons. The 13 deacons. As he called the roll, the history Visitors Ministry welcomes all April Calendar at a glance Churchwide Prayer Breakfast Saturday, April 7 Since the beginning of the year, Antioch’s Visitors Ministry has Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting Wednesday, April 9 greeted more than 600 visitors to the church. The ministry Youth Dance Clinic Saturday, April 12 meets once a month on the Tuesday after the third Women’s Spring Retreat April 19-20 Sunday at 6:30 p.m. The group does more than welcome guests to Antioch; mem- bers also foster fellowship within their own ministry. One way of doing this is by having monthly meetings and quar- terly functions and fellowships. There are currently 30 active members in the ministry and the group is always ex- cited to get new members. In addition to supporting church-wide functions and initiatives, the ministry is a faith- ful supporter of Antioch’s Ruth’s Place ministry and provides sustainable sup- port to Ruth’s Place year-round. 5 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch FROM PALM SUNDAY The “Seven Last Words” Street corner preaching reaches many Their meaning to us, for us, in us 100 Bibles, the Word went out; two Souls came to Christ These were the seven topics covered in the last words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ before His death on the “Ye Must Be Born Again.” Cross. The seven last “words” of Jesus Christ on the Cross are That was the message spread through the area of Atlanta actually seven phrases that he spoke before his death. Seven known as “The Bluff”. sons of Antioch delivered powerful accounts of these last On March 22nd at 11 a.m., 10 ministers, the Antioch S.W.A.T. words of Jesus Christ during Passion Week. (Saints With A Testimony) Team, and other members took to the streets of “The Bluff.” Minister: Rev. Craig Johnson At 10 sites, each minister preached from John 3:7, “Ye Must Word: FORGIVENESS Be Born Again.” At the corner of Griffi n and Meldrum Streets Scripture: Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they where Minster Lester Dun- can preached, a mother, who know not what they do. Luke 23:24 lives in the community said, Message: Forgive them was Jesus’ fi nal prayer and petition for “I needed this word from the all mankind. Even though Jesus was wounded for our trans- Lord today. This is my son’s gressions and bruised for our iniquities, he still asked God to birthday, and I didn’t have FORGIVE THEM! any money to send him a card.” She related how her Minister: Rev. Scott Copeland son had multiple problems Word: SALVATION when he was born and wasn’t Scripture: And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when expected to live. Through thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Ver- many surgeries and the ily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise. prayers of the righteous, he was healed. He still needs Luke 23: 42-43 prayer as he is confi ned to a Message: Jesus was saving souls all the way to the cross and maximum security prison in even while on the cross when the thief asked, “Lord, remem- Alabama. She was thankful ber me.” And Jesus, while on the cross, acknowledged the for the Bible that she car- sinner and told him that he will be with Him in paradise. We ried away to feed her spiritu- need to ask, and He will answer! ally and for the sack lunch to feed her physically. A total of Minister: Rev. Terry Ladd 100 Bibles and sack lunches Word: AFFECTION were distributed that day. Rev. Eddie Bright Scripture: Now there stood by the cross of Jesus with his moth- When everyone gathered at the corner of Kennedy Street and James P. Brawley Drive, a man in a brown Chevrolet driv- er and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and ing through with blaring music, immediately turned it down Mary Magdalene. When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and in respect for the spirit-fi lled, “I Love to Praise Him.” Pastor the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his C.M. Alexander reported that when he and Deacon Ronald mother, Woman behold thy son! Then saith he to the disciple, Smith drove through the neighborhood about two hours after Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her the ministers and SWAT Team left, The Bluff was quiet; there unto his own home. John 19-25-27 was no one hanging on the corners and no sign of drugs being Message: Here Jesus depicted the deep love and affection of sold. a mother for her child. Jesus recognized his mother’s pres- Standing in front of the shell of an old A.M.E. Church, Min- ence at the cross and made provisions for her before He died. ister Rodney Reese led the circle of ministers, SWAT Team Jesus transitioned from being her son to being her Savior. members, and neighborhood residents in “At the Cross” and God will also take care of us! Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch TO RESURRECTION DAY Minister Bryan Mitchell took the group to the throne of grace Minister: Rev Herman Cain in prayer. Word: ANGUISH It was observed that as the group encircled an old wooden Scripture: And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud cross that even in the midst of destruction and destitution, the voice saying, Eli, Eli, La’ma sa-bach-tha-ni? That is to say, cross still stands. The fact that two souls came to Christ during My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Matthew 27:46 the Street Corner preaching is testimony to the fact that if we Message: Here we get a glimpse of the difference between the lift Jesus up, He will draw all men. man on the cross and Jesus in the man. The man on the cross experienced anguish and cried out to God, “Why hast thou Light in your darkest hour forsaken me?” But the Jesus in the man was able to endure and know that the Will of God was being fulfi lled … Yet not Passion week’s Communion Service draws a large crowd my will, but your Will be done, Jesus prayed. Luke 22:42 The lights dimmed as the Rev. C. M. Alexander Minister: Rev. Eddie Bright began his sermon. Word: SUFFERING The congregation stared Scripture: After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now at the ceiling, wondering accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfi lled saith, I what went wrong. thirst. John 19:28 It was not an accident. Message: Why is it that Jesus had to suffer but Christians feel Pastor Alexander was try- they should not? Suffering equals love and produces pa- ing to make a point. “This is a special Thursday. God’s son is getting ready to give tience, perseverance, and faith. Rejoice in our own suffering. all. His life,” the pastor said, referring to the Last Supper, when Jesus was delivered into the hands of the Romans. Minister: Rev. Darrell Arnold Pastor Alexander used the dimmed lights to deliver a Passion Word: VICTORY Week Communion service message of hope, even at the dark- Scripture: When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he est hour. said, It is fi nished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the “It was dim that night and those of us here tonight, we’ve ghost. John 19:30 been through some dim days,” the pastor said. Message: This was the fi nished assignment. Jesus endured Suddenly, the lights became brighter. and completed it. This one time sacrifi ce of Jesus, the son “Thanks be to God because Jesus is the light of the world,” of God, is all that is needed for us to be saved from sin. The said Pastor Alexander. “He turned dark days into the light. Just sit there and wait on him and your dark days will get brighter shedding of His blood was the only way. and brighter.” With that, the deacons marched through the aisles and led Minister: Rev. John Byrdsell communion. Word: CONTENTMENT For the body of Christ. Scripture: And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he For the blood of Christ. said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and hav- After communion, Pastor Alexander asked the congrega- ing said this, he gave up the ghost. Luke 23:46 tion a question: “Do you know the man?” referring to the son Message: Jesus Christ’s life was not taken, but He commend- of God. ed his spirit into the hands of the Father and “gave up the Seconds later, the deacons led the congregation in song. “Do ghost” voluntarily for man’s sin debt was about to be recon- you know the man? Do you know the man? Do you know the man from Galilee-e-e?” ciled. “Contentment is internal, not external.” At the end of the song, Pastor opened the doors of the church. Three people accepted the invitation to come to Christ. (Recordings of the service may be obtained through the An- “My, my, my. What about that!” the congregation said. tioch Audio/Video Tape Ministry. Get a copy for yourself and your friends!) 7 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch Were you there?: Passion play examines relationships with Christ Easter Sunday morning is special for followed their brother’s crucifi xion and three times, Judas who regretted his be- many reasons in the life of the Christian. resurrection. trayal too late to make a difference, Pi- It’s a celebration of the resurrection of The Junior Verse Speakers, Youth late as he washed his hands of innocent Christ. Choir, and individual characters were blood, the thief as he realized that Jesus Antioch North celebrated Resurrec- exceptional in their dramatization, but is truly the Son of God, Mary Magdalene tion Sunday and it was an unforgettable the messengers, the nursery children as she found there was no need to pre- morning — full of unforgettable perfor- may have stolen the show when the pare Jesus’ body for the tomb because mances. rushed out and tugged on Pilate’s arm He was no longer there, and doubting The Adult M.A.D.D. (Music, Art, Dance, and loudly proclaimed: “We brought you Thomas who believed Christ had risen Drama) for Christ presented “Were You a message from your wife. Your wife told when he touched the nail-scarred hands There?” at the culmination of Passion us to tell you to leave this innocent man and then told others not to doubt Jesus’ Week. alone.” The performance climaxed with love. And for those who missed this year’s a heartfelt interpretation of the song Assisted by the Anthem/Acappella Easter play following 8 a.m. Easter ser- “What Love” by the Youth Dancers. Choir and the Vessels of Praise danc- vice, you missed a treat. The Adult M.A.D.D. for Christ pre- ers, this unique look at the resurrection Following 8 a.m. Easter service, dur- sentation was based on the poem “Were made people think about what role they ing the regular Sunday School hour, the You There?” from “God’s Trombones,” by might have taken in the events unfold- youth members of the Sunday School James Weldon Johnson. The play looked ing around the crucifi xion and resurrec- presented the play “Oh, What Love!” at the crucifi xion through the eyes of tion, but more importantly, what role Matthew 13:55 mentions Jesus’ broth- those who took an active part in the they are taking in their relationship to ers and sisters, and the youth play pre- events surrounding it. Jesus today. sented how his brothers might have We heard from: Black Simon as he car- reacted to the events that led up to and ried the cross, Peter as he denied Christ Egg’stra special fun — Easter egg hunt draws crowd to 590 building It was a day that a lot of the children of You had to watch your step as Antioch had been waiting for during the you walked through the grass Easter weekend — the annual Easter to avoid crushing them. It was Egg Hunt. all over in about 10 minutes The March 22 hunt proved to be full — everyone’s basket full, and of excitement and fun for nearly 30 chil- the children were happy. dren who came with baskets, bags and whatever they could get their hands on to collect as many eggs as possible. This event was held all over the metro Atlanta area, but you can bet most of them pro- vided only plastic eggs containing candy that the kids usually take home and never eat. Antioch’s hunt outside the 590 Building was full of real eggs. Even a few of Antioch’s teens wanted to join in on the egg hunt, but this event ca- tered to the little ones only. Parents were only allowed to point out the eggs. The children had to pick them up themselves. Children scrambled over the large grassy area after the “ready, set, go” command was given. There were eggs everywhere. 8 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch Saving lives — one colon screening at a time Early screening saves lives. ethnic group. You or a close relative have had colorec- That’s the major message Dr. Doro- The good news, said Wiggins, who tal polyps or colorectal cancer; or thy P. Wiggins, chairwoman of Antioch’s has served as chair of Antioch’s Health You have infl ammatory bowel disease. Health Ministry, hopes will stick with Ministry for more than fi ve years, is that “Speak with your doctor about when people when it comes since colorectal cancer almost always you should begin screening, and about to colorectal cancer. develops from precancerous polyps (ab- how often you should be tested,” said Colorectal cancer normal growths) in the colon or rectum, Wiggins. — cancer of the colon early screening saves lives. Not only can The Health Ministry, which ministry or rectum — is the screening tests fi nd precancerous pol- meets at 6:30 p.m. on the fi rst Thursday second leading cause yps so that they can be removed before of each month, is comprised of church of cancer-related they become cancer, they can also fi nd members who use their God-given tal- Dr. D. P. Wiggins deaths in the United colorectal cancer early, when treatment ents to preserve and promote members’ States, according to the Centers for Dis- works best. health and well-being. ease Control and Prevention. Men and women should begin screen- “Our goal is to ensure that Antioch And, according to the American Can- ing for colorectal cancer soon after and the community has critical informa- cer Society, African-American men and turning 50, and then continue getting tion on health issues and health-related women are diagnosed with and die from screened at regular intervals. However, resources so that they can make positive colon cancer at higher rates than men you may need to be tested earlier or life style choices and realize their poten- and women of any other U.S. racial or more often than some other people if: tial for personal health,” Wiggins said. Carpenter, 10, lands fi rst big role You could say that Joshua Carpen- role,” said his mother, Judi Rawls. Youth Verse Speaker. He also is a mem- ter was discovered in Antioch’s fel- The show runs April 18 through ber of the Boy Scouts of America Atlanta lowship hall. May 10 at the Blackwell Play- 5th Ward-Troop & Pack No. 359. It was there that he waited on house, 3378 Canton Road, Rawls said her son has always been a Tuesday nights while his mother Marietta; 8 p.m. Fridays and 2 character but it wasn’t until he accepted attended rehearsal with the An- p.m. Saturdays. the role in “Raisin” that she realized he them Acapella Choir. Tickets are $14 for youth was a professional. One night while watching the and seniors; $16 for all “I love acting,” he said. MADD for Christ Drama min- other adults. istry rehearse two years Joshua, a fi fth grad- Following is a list of activities and ago for its annual Black er at Berkeley Lake rehearsal times for Antioch youth: History Month production, Elementary School (cid:129) Children’s Church - (Ages 5 -12) Carpenter was tapped to in Duluth, also has – Sundays both services (except 3rd play the role of Travis in “A starred in “The Sunday is Family worship) - MUSIC Raisin in the Sun.” Seduction of ROOM (cid:129) Nursery - (Ages 2 - 4) - Sundays Thus began a budding acting King Solomon” both services career for the 10-year-old. with Americolor (except 3rd Sunday is Family wor- Carpenter, an avid football Opera Alliance and ship) - ROOM 5 player, gave up the gridiron “The Church of the (cid:129) Youth Church - (ages 13-18) - 4th for the stage. Fruit” with Pneuma Sunday, 8am in the CHAPEL (cid:129) Choir Rehearsal - Tuesday, 7pm He recently landed the Entertainment and - SANCTUARY role of Edmund in “Nar- Production. (cid:129) Youth Verse Speakers Rehearsal nia the Musical” at the At Antioch, he - Tuesday, 6:30pm – ROOM 8 Blackwell Playhouse is active in the (cid:129) Dance Rehearsal - Tuesday, 8pm Theater. Youth M.A.D.D for (cid:129) Orchestra Rehearsal - Sat., 9:30am (cid:129) Toastmasters - Sat., 10am “It’s his fi rst big Christ Choir and the 9 Antioch Baptist Church North • Rev. C. M. Alexander, Pastor The Church At Antioch Tithing Tips S “Bring ye all the Tithes into the storehouse…” (Malachi 3:10) 23 RLast month, Antioch added We here at Antioch are all familiar with that members, including 11 Baptism can- biblical scripture. It is printed on the church didates. The following names were envelopes; we talk about it during service; Baptized: E and, many have come before you to share the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon them, Autumn Glencamp, June myself included. However, some of us are still Bridgette Carson, December B Mescal Ann Hunt a little afraid of becoming a Tither. David Dickens, March Becoming a Tither is like a child learning to walk. When Danielle Dickens, June a child is learning to walk, he holds on to a table, a chair, the Shanay Long, February M wall, another person or anything he feels will keep him from Borquaye Thomas, January falling. One day he looks up and sees a person standing in front Skylar Pocock Golen, October of him with outstretched arms ready to catch him if he should LaShaun D. Singleton, January fall. What does he do? He lets go and takes those fi rst steps as Taira Bigsby, October E he rushes into the arms of the person in front of him. Brittany Bigsby, November We as adults have our own tables, chairs, walls, other people Benjean Cropper, December and things we hold to that prevent us from becoming Tithers, M because we too are afraid that we will fall. If you are that adult holding on to things and still taking those baby steps; lift your The following members came head, look in front of you and know that the Lord is there right through Christian Experience. in front of you and has always been there with outstretched arms ready to catch you if you should fall. DGino Fitzpatrick, August If you are not a Tither; I encourage you today to “Let Go,” “Let Mary L. Cullins, August God,” “Trust God” and become a Tither … today. Chives Demiris, April EBrenai Dickens, May )12:75 .haiasI( B .5 ;)84-74:22 Shurby Copeland, August ekuL ,64-44:41 kraM ,94-84:62 wehttaM( B .4 ;)5:9 setsaiselccE( D .3 ;)7:1 sbrevorP( A .2 ;)2:91 nhoJ ,71:51 kraM ,82:72 wehttaM( A .1 Sonya Spurlock, May :SREWSNA ZIUQ ELBIB LIRPA D Jonathan Diamon, December Cheriese Rice, October Kasim Qayyoom Smith, Jr., June DWilliam Wayne Howard, November Joe Richards, December Ronald D. Beedle, April AA-Accounting and Tax Service, Inc. A BUSINESS SOLUTIONS (cid:129) ACCOUNTING (cid:129) PAYROLL (cid:129) TAX The next Baptism and Right Hand of Fellowship will be held on April 16. Thera Warner Accountant/Consultant 770.943.1054 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB: ACCOUNTINGANDTAX.COM 10

Apr 27, 2008 On March 22nd at 11 a.m., 10 ministers, the Antioch S.W.A.T. the ministers and SWAT Team left, The Bluff was quiet; there . Seduction of.
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