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index Hastings Center Report Volume 26, 1996 Following is the comprehensive index for Volume 26 of the Hastings ( enter Report covering all feature material from 1996 annotated bibliography In the Literature, Letters, and In Brief have not been included. tad complete citation for each ar ticle in the author index is listed under the name of the first author; joint authors are list ed alphabetically with a cross reference to the full citation. bed Abbreviations used include: (AL) At Law, (CR) Capital Report, (OW) Old World News, (CS) Case Studies, (R) Reviews, (SS) Special Supplement. bad In most cases, complete issues are ivailable for Volume 26 (1996) and may be purchased f; or $r8o .00 each. Whry ere comple| te issues are not avail. able, reprints will be supplied.- =Beef ore pl; acing an orde: r, pl piease contact the Publications Department, The Hastings Center, 255 Elm Road, Briarcliff YY 10510; tel.: (914) 762-8500; fax: (914) 762-2124. AUTHORS , Can Nature Serve as a Moral nologies Harm to Children, Mar. Beauchamp, Dan E., HIV and Health Guide? Nov.-Dec., 21-22 \p Care Reform: Sharing the Burden (R), , Can the Moral Commons Sur Connors, Russell B., Jr., and Martin L. May-June, 43 vive Autonomy? Nov.-Dec., 41-42 ) Smith, Religious Insistence on Medical Benjamin, Martin, No Consensus about [reatment: Christian Theology and Re ____, Does Clinical Ethics Distort the Consensus (R), Jan.-Feb., 39-40 Imagination, July-Aug., 23-30 Discipline? Nov.-Dec., 28-29 Crigger, Bette-Jane, Review Essay Blacksher, Erika, Uneasy Listening (R), , Escaping from Legalism: Is |I t May-June, 42 Where Do Moral Decisions Come From: Possible? Nov.-Dec., 34-35 Jan.-Feb., Bok, Sissela, At the Juncture of Theory _, Is Justice Enough? Ends and Daniels, Norman, Justice, Fair Proce and Practice: Remarks on Receiving the Means in Bioethics, Nov.-Dec., 9-10 Henry Knowles Beecher Award, May- dure S, und the ( :0als of Medicine, N , The Goals of Medicine: Setting Dec., 10-12 June, 5-8 New Priorities (SS), Nov.-Dec., $1-S26 Daughtery, Christopher K., Hope and Bouchard, Larry D., A Note on the Callahan, Joan C., First Steps in Preven the Limits of Research (CS), Sept.-Oct., Nuer, Jan.-Feb., 15-16 tive Ethics (R), Mar.-Apr., 45-46 20-22 Bradley, Gerard V., A New Liberal Iden- Caplan, Arthur L., The Mother of All Diller, Lawrence H., The Run on Rital tity (R), Mar.-Apr., 47 Case Studies (CS), Jan.-Feb., 23-2+4 in: Attention Deficit Disorder and Stim ulant Treatment in the 1990s, Mar.-Apr., Brenner, Paul, Word of Mouth (CS), Capron, Alexander Morgan, Between ,1¢ July-Aug., 19-20 Doctor and Patient (AL), Sept.-Oct., 23- 24 Donnelley, Strachan, Nature as Reality Brody, Baruch, Public Goods and Fair Prices: Balancing Technological Innova- , Liberty, Equality, Death! (AL), Check, Nov. Dec “9 26 Z tion with Social Well-Being, Mar.-Apr., May-June, 23-24 Dresser, Rebecca, Still Troubled: /n r 5-11 irtin (AL), July-Aug., 21-22 , Morality and the State, Law and Buchanan, Allen, Judging the Past: The Legalism, Nov.-Dec., 35-3 Dula, Annette, Welfare Mother and Case of the Human Radiation Experi- Cerfolio, Nina, see Dwyer, James Poverty Doctor (R)> , July-Aug., 39-40 ments, May-June, 25-30 Dwyer, James, and Nina Cerfolio, The Chambers, Tod, From the Ethicist’s Value of a Uterus (CS), Mar.-Apr., 28-29 © Burt, Robert A., The Suppressed Legacy Point of View: The Literary Nature of of Nuremberg, Sept.-Oct., 30-33 Ethical Inquiry, Jan.-Feb., 25-32 Emanuel, Ezekiel J., Where Civic Repub- licanism and Deliberative Democracy Callahan, Daniel, Bioethics, Our Crowd, Cohen, Cynthia B., “Give Me Children Meet, Nov.-Dec., 12-14 and Ideology, Nov.-Dec., 3-4 or I Shall Die!” New Reproductive Tech- SUPPLEMENT March-April 1997 Committ Lauritzen, Paul, Ethics and Experience: Palca, Joseph, A New National Bioethics Faden, Ruth, he Advisory on Human Radiation Experiments: Re [he Case of the Curious Response, Jan.- Commission—Maybe (CR), Jan.-Feb., 5 f1i ections on a Pp residentieael Commisssae ion = Braelb 1 | , Institutional Review Boards: A 5-10 Lipson, Abigail, see | Michael Net Too Thin (CR), May-June, 4 ipson, : , see Kass, Nan ' ayer Michael, and Abigail Lipson, Psy- , Scientific Misconduct: Ill-De Fox, Renée C., More Than Bioethi chotherapy and the Ethics of Attention, fined, Redefined (CR), Sept.-Oct., \ Nov.-V: ec.,5 ~~ 7 in.-re¢ ™ | r 994 Parens, Erik, ‘Taking Behavioral Genetics Lock, Margaret, Organs - Donation or Seriously, July-Aug., 13-18 | Retrieval? (R), Jan.-Feb., 41-42 Preston, Thomas, Protection or Paternal- Marshall, Patricia A., see Thomasma, ism? (R), Jan.-Feb., 42-43 Reverby, Susan M., E, eryday Evil (R) Gaylin, Willard, Wo May, William F., Daniel Callahan: On Sep.-Oct., 3 8»- 329¢ Nov.-D IAs & 5 with1 in Limits, Nov.-Dec., Rosenthal, Miriam B. see Murray, Geller, Gail Thomas H. McGee, Ellen } Ross, Judith Wilson, The Screwd Observ Gifford, Fred, Outcomes Research and ' 19 er Encounters the Bioethics Advocate, Practice asuidelll Nov.-Dec., 32-33 Downstream | Meilaender, G tilbert, Less I AJOWTLISLICAIL 4 Nov.-Dec. Rubenstein, Robert A., see Lane, Sandra Goldstein, Jared, The } D. Studie Ss CmSc) , Jan | Meslin, Eric M., Adding to the Cz anon: Final Report (R), Sees -Oct., 34-36 Saxton, Marsha, Society's Diseases (CS), Grodin, Michael A., May-June, 21-22 Mohrmann, Margaret E., History: Prece- 1l ogue (RRK ), Sep.-Oct., { Ayn ecdotes? (R), July-Aug., 38-39 Schneider, Carl E., Moral Discourse, Jennings, Bruce, Bey: Bioethics, and the Law, Nov.-Dec., 37-39 eit Ral lic Moréjon, Diana Pufiales, Society's Dis- it iI aith) mCTOrinT 4 ses (CS), May-June, 21-22 Schoch-Spana, Monica, see Kass, Nancy E. Jonsen, Albert R., Moreno, Jonathan D.., Che Only Feasi- Smith, Martin L., see Connors, Russell (ff.r owd ] and W 7 - ; | Means : TheC Pre eir itagon’s Ambivalent a ik lationship with the Nuremberg Code, Steinbock, Bonnie, Liberty, Responsibili- Kass, Leon R., 1-19 and the Common Good, Nov.-Dec., Nature as a Moral Guide, sae 4 Muraskas, Jonathan, see Thomasma, 45-4 Sugarman, Jeremy, Talking About Futili- Kass, Nancy E., Jeremy Sugarman, Ruth Faden, and Monica Schoch-Spana, Trust: *“USTAy Thomas H., and Miriam B. (R), May-June, 41 Che Fragile Foundation of Contemporary Rosenthal, The Value of a Uterus ( (CS), e ; Sa » see Kass, Nancy E. Biomedical iT Research, Sept.-Oct., 2- 5-24 \ VAaE.-Li\ pnEy. , 20Q- 2 Thomasma, David C., Jonathan Koenig, BarbaraA Murray, Thomas H.., Attending to Partic- Muraskas, Patricia A. Marshall, Thomas Lim its) of Proximity 1 Ye (0-32 ulars, INOV Dec., 29-30 Myers, Paul ace and James A Kuczewski, Mark G.. Reconceivineg th Myers, Thomas, see Thomasma, David C. O'Neill, Jr.” he Ethics of Caring for Conjoined Twins: The Lakeberg Twins, Family: The Process of Consi ent int e} c Nicholson, Richard H., This Little Pig July-Aug., 4-]2 ical 1 Decc isionmaki| ngn,g iar.-Apr., 30-3 Went to Market (OW)r , July- Aug., 3 : Tomich, Paul, see Thomasma, David C. Lane, Sandra D. d Robert A. Ruben- U.K. Moves toward Compulsory stein, Judging tl Veatch, Robert M., Which Grounds fo: / es OW), Mar.-Apr., 4 [raditional | ; Overridi ling cae Are Legitimate? | Norton, Bryan G., Moral Naturalism and Nov.-Dec., 42-4 Lantos, John D., \\ daptive Managemen , Nov. Dec., 24-26 Whitbeck, Caroline, Ethics as Design: ol BB iology and Medic O’Neill, James A., Jr., see Thomasma, Doing Justice to Moral Problems, May- Richard DP owers May David C. June, 9-16 SUBJECTS Goals of Medicine, Norman Daniels, 10- The Mother of All Case Studies, com- 12;Where Civic Republicanism and De- mentary by Arthur L. Caplan, Jan.-Feb., At Law liberative Democracy Meet, Ezekiel J. 2 ‘ ee 24 Between Doctor and Patient, Alexander Emanuel, 12-14; Beyond Distributive Society's Diseases, commentaries by Morgan Capron, Sept.-Oct., 23-24 Justice in Health Reform, Bruce Jennings, rae Diana Pufiales Moréjon and Marsha Sax- Liberty, Equality, Death!, Alexander 14-1) ton, May-June, 2711- 2”2” Morgan Capron, May-June, 23-24 Daniel Callahan: On Living (Well) with- The Value ofa Uterus, commentaries by in Limits, William E May, Nov.-Dec., Still Troubled: Jn re Martin, Rebecca James Dwyer and Nina Cerfolio and 16-19 Dresser, July-Aug., 21-22 Thomas H. Murray and Miriam B. Rosenthal, Mar.-Apr., 28-29 Biomedical & Behavioral Bioethics Word of Mouth, commentaries by Paul Research Bioethics, Our Crowd, and Ideology, The Advisory Committee on Human Ra- Rprreennnne l and Ellen M. McGee, July-Aug., Daniel Callahan, Nov.-Dec., 3-4; 1| 9-20 diation Experiments: Reflections on a Bioethics, Whose Crowd, and What Ide- Presidential Commission, Ruth Faden, ology? Albert R. Jonsen, 4-5; More Than Death & Dying 5-10 Bioethics, Renée C. Fox, 5 Liberty, Equality, Death! (AL) Can the Moral Commons Survive Au- Institutional Review Boards: A Net Too Word of Mouth (CS Thin (CR) tonomy? Daniel Callahan, Nov.-Dec., 41 +2; Which Grounds for Overriding Au- “The Only Feasible Means”: The Penta- Drugs tonomy Are Legitimate? Robert M. gon’s Ambivalent Relationship with the Veatch, 42-43; Worshiping Autonomy, Nuremberg Code, Jonathan D. se . Public Goods and Fair Prices: Balancing Willard Gaylin, 43-45; Liberty, Responsi- vioreno, Technological Innovation with Social Sept.-Oct., 11-19 bility, and the Common Good, Bonnie Well-Being, Baruch Brody, Mar.-Apr., Steinbock, 45-47 Outcomes Research and Practice Guide- 1] lines: Upstream Issues for Downstream Can Nature Serve as a Moral Guide? The Run on Ritalin: Attention Deficit Users, Fred Gifford, Mar.-Apr., 38-44 Daniel Callahan, Nov.-Dec., 21-22; The Disorder and Stimulant Treatment in the Troubled Dream of Nature as a Moral Scientific Misconduct: Ill-Defined, Rede- 1990s, Lawrence H. Diller, Mar.-Apr., Guide, Leon R. Kass, 22-24; Moral Nat- fined (CR) 1L9Z -1d5 uralism and Adaptive Management, The Suppressed Legacy of Nuremberg, Bryan G. Norton, 24-26; Nature as Real- Ethics, Theoretical & ity Check, Strachan Donnelley, 26-2 +— Robert A. Burt, Sept.-Oct., 30-33 Applied Trust: The Fragile Foundation of Con- At the Juncture of Theory & Practice: Does Clinical Ethics Distort the Disci- temporary Biomedical Research, Nancy Remarks on Receiving the Henry pline? Daniel Callahan, Nov.-Dec., 28- 29; Attending to Particulars, Thomas H E. Kass, Jeremy Sugarman, Ruth Faden, Knowles Beecher Award, Sissela Bok, and Monica Schoch-Spana, Sept.-Oct., May-June, 5-8 Murray, 29-30; The Power (and Limits) 5.99 of Proximity, Barbara A. Koenig, 30-32; Ethics as Design: Doing Justice to Moral The Screwd Observer Encounters the Problems, Caroline Whitbeck, May-June, Bioethics Advocate, Judith Wilson Ross, Capital Report 9-16 one 32-33. Institutional Review Boards: A Net Too Ethics and Experience: The Case of the Escaping from Legalism: Is It Possible? Thin, Joseph Palca, May-June, 4 Curious Response, Paul Lauritzen, Jan.- Daniel Callahan, Nov.-Dec., 34-35; A New National Bioethics Commis- Feb., 6-14 Morality and the State, Law and sion—Maybe, Joseph Palca, Jan.-Feb., 5 From the Ethicist’s Point of View: The Legalism, Alexander Morgan Capron, 35 Literary Nature of Ethical Inquiry, Tod 37; Moral Discourse, Bioethics, and the Scientific Misconduct: Ill-Defined, Rede- Law, Carl E. Schneider, 37-39; Less Law? fined, Joseph Palca, Sept.-Oct., 4 Chambers, Jan.-Feb., 25-32 Or Different Law? Gilbert Meilaender, Judging the Past: The Case of the 39-40 Case Studies Human Radiation Experiments, Allen Buchanan, May-June, 25-30 Is Justice Enough? Ends and Means in Hope and the Limits of Research, com- Bioethics, Daniel Callahan, Nov.-Dec., 9 mentaries by Christopher K. Daugherty Judging the Other: Responding to 10; Justice, Fair Procedures, and the and Gail Geller, Sept.-Oct., 20-22 Traditional Female Genital Surgeries, SUPPLEMENT rch-April 1997 3 Old World News History: Precedents or Anecdotes? (re- Th is Little Pig Went to Market, Richard view of Medicine, Society and Faith in the Ancient and Medieval W orlds), Margaret A Note on the Nuer H. Nicholson, July Aug., 5 E. Mohrmann, July- Aug., 38-39 yUuC rd, jal I U.K. Moves toward Compulsory Vacci- Psychotherapy and the Ethics of Atten- nation, R>i chard H. N IC holson, Mar. HIV and Health Care Reform: Sharing the Burden (review of Seeking Fair Treat- tion, Michael Lips nd Abis Li ment), Dan E. Beauchamp, May-June, 43 Proxy Decisionmaking The Japanese Analogue (review of Facto- Review Essay —Stories of Biology and ¢ i] Troubled: Jn re Martin (Al f Death), Michael A. Grodin, Sept. Medicine: The Novels of Richard Pow- ers Religion Bioethics No Consensus about Consensus (review Review Essay—Where I Yo Moral Deci Religious Insiste nce on Medical Treat- of The Concept of Moral Consensus and sions Come From? B nent. Christian Theology and Re- ae ing Together ), Martin Benjamin, nation, Russell B nn ; 1 Mar Jan.-Fe b.. 39-40 Organs - Donation or Routine Retrieval? Family Reconceiving the Family: The Process of DR espe tful Service and Reverent Obedi- review of ] he Most l 5 ful Gift), Mar ence: A Jewish View on Making Deci- garet Lock, Jan.-Feb., 41-42 Consent in Medical Decisionmaking sions for Incompetent Parents, Ben Protection or Paternalism? (review of Ethical Iys sues in Drug Testing), Thomas Genetics Preston, Jan. Feb , 42-43 Reproductive Issues Taking Behavioral Genetics Seriously Talking About Futility (review of Wrong Give Me Children or I Shall Die!” New I Reproductive Technologies and Harm to Medicine), jeremy Sugarman, May-June, 4] Children, Cynthia B. Cohen, Mar.-Apr., Ti Health Care Practice Uneasy Listening (review of Reshaping Delivery the Female Body), Erika Blacksher, May- U.K. Moves toward Compulsory Reviews June, 42 Vaccination (OW A New Liberal Identity (review of Private Welfare Mother and Poverty Dector (re- History Philosophy of d Public Rease ns), ( serard view of Mama Might Be Better off Dead Medicine Mar.-Apr., 47 and Not All of Us Are Saints), Annette Between Doctor and Patient (A Adding to theC anon: The Final Report Dula, July-Aug., 39-40 The Goals of Medicine: Setting New OT i fI inal ! Report: White House Ad- Priorities mittee ¢ n Human Radiation Special Supplement M. Meslin, Sept.-Oct., The Goals of Medicine: Setting New IP ICT Priorities, Daniel Callahan, Special Sup- plement, Nov.-Dec., $1-S26 Neonatal Issues Everyday Evil (review of Subjecte d to Sci- The Ethics of Caring for Conjoined Susan M. Reverby, Sept.-Oct., 38- Transplantation Twins: The Lakeberg Twins, David ¢ This Little Pig Went to Market, (OW) homasma Muri ra ska Di. atrici: First Steps in Preventative Ethics (review Mairuy!] lom™i ct or £pf h1 in Obstetrics and Gynecology), JoanC . Callahan Mar.-Apr., 45-46

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