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Handbook of the Organisation Todt (OT) PDF

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ERRATA (1) Page i, Table of Contents, Part IB should read pp. 16-24 (not 16-124). (2) Chart 10 (8) will be found to precede Chart 10 (1). TABLE OP CONTENTS (See also LIST OP PARAGRAPH TITLES, pp. iv ff•) TEXT i ••$ MAP OP OT AREAS IN GERMANY (EINSATZGRUEPEN AND E$mT?&&] ry FOREWORD pp. 1-2 BASIC PACTS ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION TQDT pp. 3-4 Part I HISTORY OP THE OT (paras 1-22) pp. 5-24 A. 1938 to D-Day (paras. 1-14) pp. 5-16 B. After D-Day (paras 15-22) pp. 16-124 Part II ORGANIZATION, ADMIMISTHATIQH AND OISRATION pp, 25-115 (paras 23-106) A. Organization (paras 23-31) pp. 25-42 (a) "Permanent" Organisation (paras 24-31) pp. 25-32 ("M "Current" Organization (paras 32-39) pp. 32-38 (c) Structure of OT HQ*s on various levels (paras 4O-42) PP. 38-42 B. Chain of Command and 11Q Sections (paras 43-46) pp. 42-45 C. Tasks and Methods of Operation (paras 47-53) pp» 45-52 (a^ Activities of the OT (paras 47-48} pp, 45-49 ib J Methods of Operation (paras 49-50; pp. 49-51 (c; Construction Specifications (paras 51-53) PP. 51-52 D. Finns and Contracts (paras 54-65) PP. 53-74 (&) Pirms (paras 54-60) pp. 53-60 (b) Contracts (paras 61-65) pp» 6o-74 S. Personnel Administration Policy (paras 66-68) PP. 75-76 P. Service Brashes of the OT (paras 69-85) pp. 76A-89 Supply (para 69) PP. 76A-77 Transport (para3 70-75) pp, 77-84 Signals Communications (para 76) PP 84 Health and Medical Services (paras 77-78) pp. 85-86 Security Administration and Units (paras 79-85) pp. 86-89 Go Liaison (para3 86-106) pp. 90-115 a) Military Liaison (paras 36-91) pp. 90-100 b) Economic Liaison (para3 92-93) pp. 100-101 Political Liaison (paras 94-95) pp. 101-105 Operational Liaison (paras 96-97) pp. 106-108 (e) List of Liaison Agencies (paras 98-106) pp. 108-115 Part III PERSONNEL (Paras 107-157) pp. II6-I64 A. Composition of Personnel (paras 107-114) pp. 116-120 B. Classification of personnel (paras 115-128) pp. 121-134 (a) General Classification (para 115) pp. 121-122 (bj Construction Personnel (paras 116-124) pp. 122-131 (c; Administrative personnel (paras 125-128) pp. 131-134 raining (paras 129-332) pp. 135-137 D. Uniforms, Insignia, Personal Equipment and Decorations (paras 133-136) pp. 137-141 E. Pay, Allowances, Allotments, Insurance, Benefits and Deductions (paras 137-157) pp. a^ Introduction (para. 137) pp. 141-142 b) OT-Eigenes Personal (OT Organic Personnel) (paras, 138-139) pp. 143-144 c) Firmenangehflrige (OT Firm Personnel) (paras 140-144) pp. 145-153 d) Zugewiesene Auslftnder (Forced Foreign Labour) (para 145) PP. 153-156 e) Special Regulations Affecting OT Pay PP. 157-164 (paras. 146-157) Part IV MANPOWER (paras 158-185) pp. 165-181 A. General Manpower Statistics and Occupational Percentages g (paras 158-160)) pp. 165-166 B. Regional Manpower Recruitment and Allocation (paras 161-185) pp. 166-181 a) German Manpower (paras 161-167) pp. 166-170 b) French Manpower (paras 168-173) pp. 170-177 c) Belgian and Dutch Manpower (para i74) p. 177 Englishmen In the OT (para 175) p. 177 Norwegian and Danish Manpower (para 176) p.177 Italian Manpower (para 177) pp. 177-178 Spaniards in the OT (para 178) p.178 Baltic Manpower (para 179) p. 179 Russian Volunteers (para 180) P.179 Balkan Manpower (paras 181-182) pp. 179-180 Ostarbeiter (para 183) p. 180 m Colonials (para I84) p. 180 n Zwangsarbeiter (Forced Labour) (para 185) pp. 180-181 Part V ORDER OPBATTIB pp. 182-227 ANNEXES A. CLASSIFICATION OF OCCUPATIONS pp. A1-A15 B. PERSONAL DOCUMENTS OFTHE OT pp. Bl-Bll C. OT PERSONALITIES pp. C1-C78 D. OTFIRMS pp. D1-D20 E. ABBREVIATIONS pp. E1-E9 F. DEFINITION OF TE3MS USED INTHE OT pp. F1-F27 G» OT BIBLIOGRAIHr pp. G1-G2 H. DAS DIENSTBUCH (PAY AND IDENTITY" BOOK) pp. H1-HH CHARTS For Text see: 9 1. General Organization of the OT IIA II Ac 2 . OT HQ Structure on Varioui Levels OT Mobile Units as Activated for the Seventh Army IA13 3 (18 May 1944) 4a. OrganizSferiy %f Sfciw t>T& ^ ^to^&nfef 1944) IlAa2k 4b. •Current11 Organization of Amt Bau-OTZ IIAb32 5a. Organization of an Einsatzgruppe HQ (Example: HAa26 EGW comprising France, Belgium and the Netherlands in Summer 1944) 5b. "Current" Organization of an Einsatzgruppe HQ H£b34 (Example: EG Deutschland V, comprising the Rhine region) 5c • Organization of an Einsatz HQ in Germany IIAJ>35 6a. Organization of an Oberbauleitung HQ in German IlAa28 Occupied West (June 1944) 6b. "Current" Organization of an Oberbauleitung HQ tn II£b36 Germany 7* Organization of a Frontfflhrung (OBL Level) in IIXBo German Occupied West (June 1944) 6* Status of the German Building Industry in the HDa Reich Economic System. 9* Personnel Administration of an OT-finn or OT-firm IIIBb & IIDa Combine (Arge) 10. Ihsigaia of Hanky Brassards and Occupational HID Shoulder Patches 1* Collar Insignia and Chevrons of E^/CR's and NCO's 2. Collar Insignia of Higher NCO fs 3* Collar Patches for Officers (Ftthrer and Stabsfflhrer) 4* Collar Patches for Officers (HBhere Ffihrer) 5* Brassards Worn on Left Upper Arm above Swastika Brassard 6. Specialist Insignia Worn on Lower Right Arm 7* Branch of Service Insignia Worn on Lower Right Arm 8. Classification Insignia Worn on Left Upper Arm below Swastika Brassard, here shown in Colour denoting Construction Branch 11. Organization of an OT-finn HQ (Example: IHBb & IIDa Arbeitsgemeinschaft (Arge) Schiffer) TABIES For text, see: I Classification of OT Personnel according to military and OT Service Status HIB II Construction Personnel IIIBb Ilia Comparative Table of OT Ranks IHB nib Comparative Table of NSKK-OT Ranks IHB & IIEfe IIIc Comparative Table of OT Transport Personnel IIIB & HFb (Legion SEEER and NSKK) IV OT Ranks and Equivalent Assignments, Uniforms and HID Insignia 7 Classification of OT Personnel according to IIIA & JIB Nationality Via OT Manpower Data: Calling up for National Labour Service in France by Classes VIb OT Manpower Data: Labour Conscription IVB Ifeasures in Prance for the Benefit of the OT Vic OT Manpower Data: National Labour Conscription IVD Regulations in Germany and in Genaan Occupied Europe (under Over-all Control of G3BA. Fritz SAUCKEL) VId OT Manpower Data: Estimate of Manpower IVD Distribution in German Occupied Europe on 6 June 1944 Vie OT Manpower Data: Estimate of Present Manpower IVD Distribution in Germany PLATES I NCO in OT-Dienst Uniform Wearing Overseas Cap facing p* 138 II NCO in OT-Dienst Uniform Wearing Mountain Cap facing p. 138 LIST OF PARA(5UBI TITI£S (inasmuch as the followingparagraph titles are listed independently of the Table of Contents, a few explanatory words have, in some cases, been added for the sake of logical sequence) No* Page !• Definition 5 2. Fritz TGDT»s Career to 1938 5 3. Westwall (Siegfried Line) 6 4. Fritz TODT 1939 - 1941 7 5* War Employment of the OT 7 6. OT 1940 - 1941 8 7* SHEER*s Innovations 8 8. OT 1942 - 1943 10 9» SHSER's Career 10 10, Comparison of TQDT with SHSER 11 11. OT Construction Activities 1942-1943 12 12» OT in the West before D-Day 12 13* Preparations for Allied Landings 13 14* Evacuation of the OT from France 15 15* Manpower and personnel in Autumn 1944 16 16. Effects of Allied Landing 17 17. "OT Special Brigades" reported in October 1944 19 18. Evaluation of OT "Special Brigades" 19 19. Ant Bau-OTZ 20 20. Significance of Front-OT 21 21. HITLERfs Decree of 24 August 1944 22 22. SEEER*s Decree of 16 October 1944 22 23» Introduction to OT organization 25 24. "Permanent Organization11 The OT High Command 25 25* "Permanent Organization" Chain of Command 26 26. "Permanent Organization" Einsatzgruppe (EG: Area Control Staff, Army Group Level) 26 27» "Permanent Organization" Einsatz (E: Area Control Staff, Army Level) 28 28. "Permanent Organization" Oberbauleitung (QBL: Basic OT Construction Sector and Administrative 33 29 29» "Permanent Organization" Bauleitung (BL: Sub-sector of an OBL) 30 30. "Permanent Organization" Abschnittsbauleitung (ABL: Local Supervisory Staff) 31 31* "Permanent Organization" Baustelle (Construction Site) 31 32. "Current Organization" The OT High Command 32 y^. "Current Organization" Chain of Command 35 34* "Current Organization" Einsatzgruppe (EG: Area Control Staff, Army Group Level) 35 IV Page 35. "Current Organization" Einsatz (E. Area Control Staff, Army Level 36. "Current Organization" Oberbauleitung (OBL: Basic Construction Sector and Administrative HQ 37 37* "Current Organization" Bauleitung (BL: Sub-sector of an OBL 38 38. "Current Organization" Abschnittsbauleitung (ABL: Local Supervisory Staff) 38 39. "Current Organization" Baustelle Construction Site 38 40. Nomenclature of OT Units 38 41* Structure of OT Headquarters 39 42» Functions of OT Headquarters 40 43* Chain of Command in EGW 42 44* Chain of Command in Russia 44 45* Chain of Command in the Balkans 44 46» Chain of Command in Germany 44 47* Activities of the OT in General 45 48. Activities of the OT according to location 45 49« "Stationftreinsatz" or Static Method of Operation 49 50 50. "Mobileinsatz" or Mobile Method of Operation 31* Standardisation of assembly parts 51 52. Technical Data 52 53» Present State of Research 52 54» Definition, Origin and Development of OT-Firms 53 55« Organization of OT-Firms 54 56* Firm Reports and Records 56 37* Construction Programme, Material and Equipment 58 58* Foreign Firms in Occupied Europe, Summer 1944­ 59 59* German Building Associations and Corporations 60 60. Current Status of German OT-Firms 60 61. General Contract Regulations 60 62. Relation between the OT and Contracted Parties in Legal Matters 61 63. T^ypes of Contracts 62 64* Main types of Contracts 63 65. Samples of Leistungsvertrag (Efficiency Output Contract) 63 66* Multiple factors involved in OT personnel administration 75 67* Adaptations of policy to local and immediate situations 75 68. OT personnel administration defined in terms of Ion. range policy 76 76A 69. Services of Supply 70. NSKK-Transportbrigade TCDT and early SFEER Transport 77 organizations 78 71* Legion SFEER 72. Transportgruppe TQDT 80 73» Other Transport Organizations 83 71K Requisitioning of Private Vehicles 83 75* lypes of Motor Vehicles 83 76* Signals Communications Services 84 77* Medical Services 85 78* Sanitary Conditions 86 79. Rechts-und Disziplinarstelle (Legal and Disciplinary Sub-section) 80* Schutzkommando (Security Guard) 8U SS-Verbindungsfahrung (SS-CT Liaison) 82. Feldgendarmerie (Military Police) 83* SS-Polizei Regiment TCDT (SS Police Regiment TODT) 84. Technische Nothilfe (Technical Bnergency Corps) 85. Sicherheitsdienst (SD: Security Service) 06. Wehrmacht-OT (Germany) Liaison 87» Army-OT Administrative Channels of Liaison 88. Army-OT Operational Channels of Liaison 89. Air Force-OT Liaison 90. Navy-OT Liaison 91. SS-OT Liaison 92. Economic Liaison, German Agencies 93. Economic Liaison, Collaborationist Agencies 94* Political Liaison, German Agencies _ _. _ 95. Political Liaison, Collaborationist Agencies lO5 96. Operational Liaison, German Agencies 106 97. Operational Liaison, Collaborationist Agencies 108 98. List of Wehrmacht-OT Agencies 108 99. List of Air Force-OT Agencies 109 100. List of Navy-OT Agencies 110 101. List of Economic Liaison Agencies, German 110 102. List of Economic Liaison Agencies, Collaborationist 111 103. list of Political Liaison Agencies, German 111 104. List of Political Liaison Agencies, Collaborationist 113 105. List of Operational Liaison Ager»ies, German 114 106. List of Operational Liaison Agencies, Collaborationist 115 107. Composition of personnel. Early period: 1938/39 116 108. DAF/Prontftthrung 117 109. "Mobile" period: 194O/42(a) 117 110. "Mobile" period: 1940/42(b) 117 111. "Stable" period: 1942/44 118 112. Current developments (Front-OT, OT Legion&re, Special Brigades, Russian Units) 119 113. Composition of OT personnel, with the exception of Manual Labourers, in an OBL sector U9 114. Other special units in the OT 120 115* Classification of OT personnel 121 116. Supervisory Field Staffs, under Normal Conditions 122 117* Modifications in Supervisory Field Staffs due to shortage of German Personnel 123 118. The New Chain of Command in the Supervision of Labour 124 119. The Arbeitsbereitschaft 128 120. Specially guarded Formations 128 121. Hundertschaft and Abteilung 128 122. Bautrupps (Construction Detachments) and Arbeitstrupps (Labour Detachments) 129 123. Front-OT Brigades, Regiments, Battalions and Companies 129 124. Personal Lager (Camps) 130 125. Referat Frontfflhrung (Front Area Personnel Section) Definition, Origin and Development 131 126. Referat Frontftthrung. Present Organization and Functions 133 127. Referat Technik (Technical Section) 134 128. Einsatz, Einsatzgrappe and Amt Bau-OTZ 134 129. Military Training 135 130. Schools for Leadership Training and other Schools 135 131. Special Unit Training (Schutzkoianando) 137 132. Trade Training in the OT 137 133. Uniforms 137 134* Insignia 138 135. Personal Equipment 139 136. Decorations 140 137. General Pay principles 141 138. OT-Eigenes Personal pay Principles 139 139. Pay Scales 143 140. Pay Classifications 144 141. Firmenangestellte Wage Scales 145 142. Tariffs for Firmenangehfirige in France I48 343. Tariffs for Frontarbeiter 151 144, Miscellaneous Tariffs 152 145. Pay tor Forced Labour 153 146» List of Pay Additions 157 147. OT-Sold for Employees 157 148. OT-Sold for Workers 159 149. Frontzulage (Front Line Allowances) and Leistungslohn (Pay for Output) *159 150. Overtime 159 151* Srschwerniszulage (Allowance for Dangerous Work) 160 152. Lohnausfallentschadigung (Compensation for Time Lost other than througi Worker's fault) 153. Leistungszulage (Special Premiums) 154. Lohnnebenkosten (Allowances) 155» Miscellaneous Deductions and Allotments 156* Rations Lodging and Clothing Allowances 163 157* Urlaub (Leewe) I64 158. General Manpower Statistics 165 159* Occupational" Percentages 165 160, Women 166 I6l» German Manpower 166 162. Firmenangehorige (OT-Firm personnel) 167 163» QT-Eigenes Personnel (OT Organic Personnel) 167 164. Military and Manpower Priority Status of OT German personnel 167 165« Enlistment Procedure 168 166. Processing of Recruits 169 Discharge and Withdrawal from the OT 169 Integration of French Industry and Manpower into the German System 170 169. Regulations governing Manpower Recruitment In France 171 170. Three Phases of German Manpower Policy in France 171 171» AJction Frankreich 173 172. G-erman Counter-Intelligence Organization of the GBAF 176 173 • Conclusion 176 174* Belgian and Dutch Manpower; Age Groups and Emphasis on Racial Kinship 177 175* Englishmen in the OT: Guernsey, Jersey and Alderney Islands 177 176. Proportion of Norwegians and Danes in the OT and their Assignments 177 177» Italian manpower; Fascists and Anti-Fascists 177 178. Spaniards in the OT; "Insurgents" and "Republicans" 178 179* Baltic Manpower; Proportion and Status 179 190. "Vlassov* Russian Units 179 181» Balkan Manpower; Collaborationist 179 182* Balkan Manpower; Enemy 180 183. Ostarbeiter Hilfswillige and Others 180 184. Indo-Chinese and North Africans 180 185. Communists, Partisans, Jews, Special Convict Units 180 vii

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