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GILDAS COMMUNICATES The Story and the Scripts by Ruth White and Mary Swainson LONDON NEVILLE SPEARMAN First published in Great Britain by Neville Spearman Limited Publishers 112 Whitfield Street, London, W1P 6DP © Ruth White and Mary Swainson 1971 To the Readers SBN 85435 141 8 Set in 11 point Baskerville, 1-1/2 point leaded, and printed and bound by The Garden City Press Limited Letchworth, Hertfordshire, SG6 1JS CONTENTS Page Foreword By Sir Ronald Fraser, K.B.E., C.M.G. 9 Part I The Story Chapter 1 Introductory: Who is Gildas? 15 Chapter 2 The Subjective Experience of Medium- ship By Ruth 24 Chapter 3 Simple Beginnings (i): Gildas' Training of Ruth and Mary from 1962 to 1964 33 Chapter 4 Simple Beginnings (ii): 1965 47 Chapter 5 Group Experience (i): 1966 60 Chapter 6 Group Experience (ii): 1967 onwards 76 Part II The Teachings Chapter 7 The Changes 91 Chapter 8 Time, D cash, Reincarnation and Karma 109 Chapter 9 Some Special Aspects of Karma 124 Chapter 10 Contact and Communication 139 Chapter 11 Individual Work on the Personality 152 Chapter 12 Building and Linking Groups and Centres 168 Chapter 13 Preparation for the New Age 186 Part III An Evaluation 201 Chapter 14 Psychology and the Gildas Scripts: A Technical Chapter 203 Conclusion By Gildas 219 Glossary 221 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FOREWORD We are grateful to all who have helped in the preparation of this By Sir Ronald Fraser, K. R E., C.M.G. book: the inner group, the new group, and all those readers who have allowed us to use the teachings given first to them; Ronald Surely the most significant development of our time is the growing Fraser for his Foreword and comments on the text; Paul Beard realization that 'spirits' communicate; that in fact our inspirations and insights are forms of such communication. This book is an for advice on arrangement and on source material for Chapter important and exciting contribution to the literature of the Fourteen; Alan Mayne for expert help with the Glossary; Phoebe Carter for the time she gave in editorial advice and for subject. her never-failing encouragement; and—above all—Gildas. Who is Gildas? it will be asked. Read Chapter One, which will We thank Julian Duguid, Editor of Light, for permission to be of special interest to those who already have some inkling of use some of the material which has appeared in three articles: their essential duality, their incompletion as male or female; to those also who conceive of their affinity with a companion of ‘The Gildas Scripts' by Mary Swainson in Winter 1969; 'Gildas opposite sex without whom they are only half-conscious. and Ruth: An Experience of Mediumship' by Ruth White in The difficulties of communication are in any case considerable, Winter 1970; and 'The Changes and the Golden Age to Come' by Gildas in Summer 1971. on both sides. 'We must communicate,' Gildas says, 'through a finite and necessarily Limited channel information or guidance for an audience with a different understanding, perception and perspective from ours.' As to the difficulties on this side, see in particular Chapter Two on the subjective experience of medium- ship. Who, it will be asked, are Mary and Ruth? Mary Swainson, who has a D.Phil. in Psychology, practises psychotherapy as psychological counsellor at a provincial univer- sity. Ruth White is a young married woman with one child. She is a teacher and was a patient of Mary's at one time; now the two work together in the psycho-spiritual field. Their preparation for this work has been severe and this is fitting; for we are at the threshold of change, perhaps the most drastic in human history; and it is urgent that we should receive information and advice from the 'other side' through those who have themselves been thoroughly, even drastically, trained. Time will come, for those who accept the necessary disciplines, when we shall have developed a subtler conscience or consciousness, subtler means of 8 9 perception; when we shall live in communion with our sun-self, Golden Age, as it were an initiation of mankind into light and reality. There is no 'proof' of this otherwise than in experience of truth. Or as a now dimension, of thought and experience. identity with the real. But the technical chapter (Fourteen) shows Happy indeed will be the Wise Virgins who have seen to it the value of a technically trained-mind approach to this subject, that there is oil in their lamps. especially when the mind is intuitive and insighted. In a series of pronouncements that are nothing if not dramatic The special difficulties of a woman trained in the methods and Gildas says that the Changes have begun, that our vibrations processes of science and of all those engaged in the work whose and Earth's have begun to be raised. 'Age and time,' he says, mental component is strongly developed will be readily imagined. ‘will cease to exist. There will be instant communication by It is interesting to see how Gildas (who likes to proceed by thought-waves. This world and what is so often called "the question and answer although there are questions to which a other" will intermingle. Meantime, carry on with your lives. complete answer can't be given in terms of human thought as it is Your bodies will change. Their needs will be less. There will be today) handles the challenges that are thrown at him, with no death, no decay. Travel by physical means will be courtesy and good humour. superseded.' It is now widely known that mediumship, at various levels Utopian? Why not? Must we always expect the worst? Our admittedly, is a fact of experience. Nothing could be further from part is to imagine and think the best into actuality. All goes, and the disciplined and accomplished 'sensitive' than what Browning can only go, according to the cosmic law of cause and effect, called Mr. Sludge the Medium. The clarity, common-sense and continuing action. Has there not been enough patience, courage wisdom of what Gildas says and its relevance to the questions put and faith among ordinary, obscure, inexpressive men and to him and the facts of human life out of which they arise, speak women to earn such hopeful consequences? Did men not pass clearly for themselves. There are indeed now many who owe what through the years of fire? Are we not now in tribulation? But no is valuable in their daily effort to what they constantly hear from death ... this doesn't mean that we shall be earthbound in the such as Gildas or their own subtler selves, having body we have for ever and ever. It means that there will be become clairaudient to their own integrity. It is all a question another mode of transition between world and world. of means. Those who have developed the etheric centres, certain brain-areas, and methods of protecting themselves from intrusion As to reincarnation, the main thing is that we should stop by dark forces and the dangers of self-esteem are on the way to thinking in terms of sin, guilt and punishment; we must think in clear-sight, clear-hearing; to the realization of their own identity terms of the soul's progress. What happens at whatever level with the Source of Light. There has been a breakthrough and happens by choice of the real self, with a view to its ultimate before long there will be another, on a still broader front, of initiation into Light. The sequence of cause and effect isn't a psycho-spiritual fact, in time perhaps to rescue a world from death system of rewards and punishments but a series of steps onward. in agnosticism. Meanwhile the 'dead', those with very limited Guilt, Gildas says, is a waste of energies that might be used means of awareness, are given to mocking those who are endowed creatively. There is a part of each Adamic man, neither male nor with them. But very many, especially among the young, who seem female, that never incarnates but supervises the activities of its to have brought with them into incarnation the gifts that arise incarnate agent, so that we are in a manner of speaking one of a from prolonged effort in past lives, are exploring the worlds of collectivity of selves. Our aim is reunion of male-female with psycho-spiritual experience for themselves, often misguidedly. this golden Flame. Meanwhile, all we do, all we suffer, all we Among such it is common to hear talk of the great changes to accomplish, is done, suffered and accomplished for mankind. come. Gildas speaks of the Changes as a mode of entry into a It remains to be said that Mary 'and Ruth have carried through in entire self-giving a work of high importance in the 10 11 preparation of mind and consciousness for what is to come. Every now and then in a lifetime one reads a book after which nothing is the same again. This is such a book. Many will respond to it with all their soul. They will know what it is helpful and necessary to know:—indeed, they will feel they knew it all along. The incarnate agent of the soul is free to accept or reject the will of its true self. What Gildas has to say will inspire Part I: The Story many with the desire to know what their true self asks of them and it will put them in a way to find out. 12 CHAPTER 1 Introductory: Who is Gildas? Introductory This book is one form of response to an ever-growing demand. To many people, life appears to be both increasingly testing and increasingly meaningless, with resultant stress symp- toms, neuroses, drug-taking, suicide, and other ways of escape. Those of us who work in the field of psychotherapy and counselling find that at the root of most problems lies a sense of basic non-significance, and the question: 'What is the point of it all?' comes not only from the young but also from those in middle and later life. Much of this frustration and despair is due to the present challenge of rapid change. In the same way as a snake cannot grow until it has shed its old skin, people cannot develop further in their search for meaning until they have broken through their limiting conceptual bonds: our attitudes are too tight for us. Thus psychological, psychic and spiritual research into fuller degrees of consciousness is actually one way through to the future, and not, as so many have suggested, the sign of a split mind or of world-shunning escapism. For, when we explore this field with honesty, we find that unless our view is whole— bringing a higher dimension of insight, thought, feeling and perception consistently into action in the here-and-now the balance of findings is not true. Such experimental work, though not always published, is developing so rapidly to day that the authors of this book do not feel at all 'special'. Much of the more personal material is presented here with some reluctance, but, since it can be helpful to share experience, these' records are offered as being 15 possibly of general interest, more specifically for those building reply, he displaces the issue to another level, causing the similar groups to 'compare notes', and mainly as one more questioner to challenge the framework of his own contribution to New Age research. thinking. Some questions, such as those outside the scope of his Our particular work-problem, it will be noted from Part I, particular work, or stemming from purely intellectual curiosity, stems from a still unresolved conflict (though we are working Gildas has refused to answer. Thus head-learning alone is of hard on this!) about time and pressures. From our knowledge little value in human change and growth; we must learn of other groups and committed individuals, it would seem that with the whole being. For example, in both Parts I and II, each, in relating to the apparent dichotomy of 'God' and but particularly the latter, it is obvious that we all start by ‘Caesar', must find his own pattern of adjustment. Thus, some asking 'head' questions from within the boundaries of feel they ought to be financially independent, yet resent traditional basic assumptions. At first we judge the answers to the time and energy lost to spiritual work through an be unsatisfying; later we realize that we have not ourselves exhausting job, and especially so if they are potentially gifted developed the level of understanding which would enable us psychics or psychical researchers. They may believe that to receive what could be given. Through self-awareness they should be aided by the community as justifiably as those and meditation we must first grow. In the process—and this researching in conventional science; perhaps, as the New is Gildas' chief aim as a teacher—we discover the necessity Age approaches, grants for such work will be forthcoming. to depend, not on him, but upon our own inner source. Others, refusing to be ‘seduced' by the rat race, live as the In presenting a book for one type of readership only, it hippies do. A few apparently fortunate people find a suitable would have been possible to eliminate some of the niche in which their psychic and spiritual gifts can be more credulous or ingenuous questions with their answers. But, employed directly in their careers; yet here the problems are following Gildas' principle of linking differences and likely to be those of lack of freedom, and possibly over-strain or including all things, in this introductory volume (which misuse of their gifts due to financial need or pressure of is admittedly elementary) we have attempted to write for a policy. Among the most courageous are those communities wide readership. The fact is that these questions have been which, with complete faith in the spirit, have dared to live with asked, and people who are committed are being trained for no outer-world work, trusting in divine supply; if they remain work with those as yet unprepared for the coming changes. faithful to New Age laws, the supply is forthcoming. Each So, a problem to put to the more sophisticated intellectuals and pattern provides a different challenge. In our own case, up occultists is this: how would you deal with such questions if to the present we have tried, not always successfully, to they came to you from the general public or from members of work full-time in the outer world and also to do the work your own groups? with our teacher, Gildas; operating in this way we have Our Readers' Group of between three and four hundred discovered both the advantages and corresponding lessons to be people, ranging from adolescence to old age, has shown learned. that interest in the scripts comes from a wide cross-section of Gildas' unique contribution, as we see it, is not the society. There are academics engaged in psychic research, conceptually-presented occult information issued by some educationists, psychologists of various schools, hippies, schools. His is a more truly educational approach; he does not occultists, housewives, spiritualists and many others. Where ‘teach about', he teaches. He accepts the level of the questioner, presentation and language are concerned, each stab-group has starting where his pupils are, no matter how elementary the its own preferences—and even prejudices. So we have tried stage. However naive, prosaic or personal the question, by to keep 'jargon' to a minimum, the main difficulty being means of an often deceptively simple or apparently generalized that, although each profession or cult tends to have its own 16 vocabulary, there are as yet few, if 17 any, universally recognized terms for so-called paranormal ex- thirties, married with one child, and a full-time teacher in a periences. Thus, a symbolic image such as 'light', which can be Primary School. Ruth is able to function, in full consciousness, in significant on many different levels, is open to criticism as both the inner and outer worlds, and since 1957 she has worked ‘vague' and 'non-specific'. Therefore a short glossary describes closely with her inner guide and teacher whose main concern is some terms as we use them pending more universal definition. to help her and those of us who are in touch with him to raise Part I is told mainly in narrative form. Ruth tells her own our level of awareness and so to adjust progressively to the story in Chapter Two; (although we both edited the scripts, conditions and values of life in the next dimension. the rest is written or compiled by Mary). Chapters Three to Six On a request from me, the guide gave his name as Gildas. The describe the development of the work including our struggles, name is pronounced with a very soft G as is the French J in 'Je': failures, tests and achievements on the path. So many teachings 'Jildass'. A few historically–minded readers have been anxious to from the 'other side', however helpful, seem to come from 'on establish Gildas by identifying him with some famous high', ignoring the correlative depths and the human experience personage, he has denied any connection with the mediaeval involved in 'earthing' them, nor is one always made sufficiently historian of that name, or with the Saint Gildas whose name is aware of the constant creative give and take of true recorded both in Somerset and France. cooperation between the two levels. So, Gildas' training ‘You must understand,' a reader was told firmly, 'that "Gildas" scripts and comments on our problems are cited at each stage. is merely a name by which you may know me; it was Part II is a more systematic collection of further scripts and quite commonly used in France at one time and may still be replies to readers' questions, classified under subjects. Gildas' found in occasional use today. If it were advisable to tell you actual words have been quoted as far as possible so as not to more of myself then I would do so, but you must wait distort by summarizing or even by using much reported speech. patiently. In the work it is the messages which are given that Some may wonder why there is so little reference to healing. matter. Try to resist the temptation to inquire after the nature Gildas is a healer as well as a teacher, and he has begun to give of the teacher. If the words given "suit your condition", then listen and follow and learn; if not, then seek diligently for your scripts on this important subject. Because there is still much own right path, for in so doing you will eventually reach your more to come, all material on healing has been kept for another full potential.' To another inquirer he explained that the name book. Gildas (or Gildus as some have received it) is a general name Part III is a more technical psychological study of the and other teachers may use it. It does not apply specifically to identity and nature of the personality manifesting as Gildas, him. The name means 'The Messenger of Truth'. and of the process of communication. The Conclusion has been dictated especially for this book by Such an attitude is in character, for the mark of the true teacher Gildas himself. is that he avoids identification with high-sounding personalities; indeed, the further we penetrate into higher levels of Who is Gildas? consciousness, the less we find sharp and distinct ego- In these difficult days of transition, many non-professional boundaries, and the more the messages are given forth sensitives are to be found working privately, some alone, some impersonally to be assessed by their quality alone. In his scripts, with the support of a small group, each in his or her own way Gildas uses both 'I' and 'We', and it is interesting to compare the helping to bring through from a higher source teaching, healing levels of communication on which each of these pronouns is and information about the New Age. used. 'As you know,' he told us, ‘in the inner world we work in One of these is Ruth. She is a young woman in her early groups, and sometimes have links with other groups. The group to which I belong is engaged in a 18 19 work of importance (as are others in their different ways). Even- far-seeing, deeper in judgement and knowledge, and this is the tually, of course, when all is One, each will be known to each, influence of the higher self manifesting in daily living and earth guides and earthlings alike.' experience. This higher self is the stem of the soul, and the Right from the beginning Gildas explained to us that, al- personality is the tiny floweret on that stem. There may be many though guides can relate in different ways to the incarnate soul flowerets but only the stem contains the higher knowledge and they guide, Ruth and he are 'twin souls' or, as he prefers wisdom pertaining to that soul, and inasmuch as the ego to call it, 'perfect partners'. (For a fuller analysis of this relation- can contact that stem or source, so shall his journey through ship see p. 207.) Much later, in 1970, in response to incarnation become ever more meaningful. questions from several readers concerning the ‘Incarnation is a progressive process, and eventually there is relationship between ‘,conscious ego', higher self', 'guide', and no longer any need to become incarnate, but there is still work to progressive unification in the ‘group soul', Gildas gave the be done (also with some advanced souls this sort of work may following script: betaken on between incarnation) and much of this work involves helping those who are in in-carnation. So you become aware—as Wholeness of being you grow spiritually and the field of awareness develops of ‘The question of wholeness of being leads one into great guides and teachers, and these seem separate from the ego in complexities; you must remember that the final truth will be a way in which the higher self is not separate. Usually, learned only after the appropriate experience. Ultimately, all is perhaps almost without exception, the guides you are able to one; this you mostly know, but find hard, perhaps, to imagine or contact will be members of your group—part of that group of visualize. All is one, and all is truth, and this really is the entities which belong to the group soul which is working for a sum total of what ultimate knowledge will be, but always it is specific purpose in relation to world and national karma. All the experience that counts. souls belong to a group soul, and will eventually experience ‘Thus, eventually, you will come to know that all personalities, a unity with that group soul; when all parts are ready an souls, higher selves, guides, are one, but this is the highest level of ultimate group unity will be attained so that all that has been all, and before reaching this level there is much which needs to seen as separate shall know itself to be whole and one. This is a be understood through experience. It is very difficult to stage of unity which comes long before the final awareness of explain the various levels, and keep them separate, yet allow you the complete unity to which I referred at the beginning. Thus, to see that they lead also to that ultimate knowledge and when in incarnation, and also between incarnations, until your experience of unity, but I will do my best. field of awareness alters in order to be able to take in the ‘Mostly you will see and experience the guide as being experience of the greater unities, you will see your guides and separate from the higher self. The higher self you will teachers as separate and outside understand to be—and experience as—a part of the being yourselves—and so they are except when the greater experience which is whole within the scope of your awareness. It is this brings the understanding that they, too, are part of the group scope or field of awareness which is so important to take into on the path to unity. account when thinking on this subject. Many are aware only of ‘Twin souls are souls with a very close affinity, separate parts the day-to-day ego, and live quite adequately thus, feeling no of an original spark from God. They grow and need to widen the field of awareness at all. Those who become experience separately, but eventually came together in unity; it more interested in the nature of being and of life and existence is all part of the great progress towards final unity and fulfilment. begin to reach out further, and so perhaps come to the knowledge Some twin souls develop at immensely different speeds; one that there is that within—and yet beyond—them which is so may progress for various reasons much beyond the other, and often wiser, more then often the 20 21

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