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© Kamla-Raj 2009 J Soc Sci, 18(2): 81-93 (2009) A Paradox of Corporate Perception and Perpetuation of Corruption Arup Kanti Konar Department of Economics, A.M. College, University of Burdwan, Jhalda, Purulia 723202, West Bengal, India E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] KEYWORDS Corruption. Corporation. Sustainability. Morality. Credibility. Lawlessness ABSTRACT Conventionally the corruption perception index (CPI) of a country is assumed to be the true reflection of the concerned country’s public (government) sector corruption on the ground that government is of the people, for the people and by the people. Country’s public sector corruption (PSC) is still being evaluated by the perception and interpretation of the corporate sector firms (CSFs), which determine the frequency, volume and speed of inflow or outflow of corporate investment, domestic or foreign. So the corporate perception about PSC acts as a signal, green or red, for encouraging or discouraging the flow of investment of the CSFs. But unfortunately and surprisingly the paradox is that most of the CSFs are gravely involved in various names and nuances of corruption, for which they are convicted and fined by the courts of law in such a way that they are compelled either to close down or to subsist on break-even point. So the corruption of CSFs can indirectly reduce the country’s level of investment. Hence as high PSC hinders or curbs country’s level of investment via the red signal of CPI, similarly the same effect is realized via the red signal of the courts of law. Then what is the significance of the construction of CPI on the basis of the perception or judgment of the CSFs that are devoid of corporate ethics. This paper also questions the credibility of the government’s credibility index (GCI) based on the perception of the CSFs. Is CPI itself free from corruption? INTRODUCTION 1991, he would be surprised with the erosion of USSR socialism by corruption. Beyond doubt, Corruption can be defined as the deliberate USSR was the corrupt society (Simis 1982). If and intentional exploitation of one’s influence, Rostow were surviving today, he would realize power, position, resources or status for personal that his “Age of high mass consumption” has or private gain. Corruption is the “abuse of public been substituted with the “Age of high mass power for private gain” (WDR 1997). We are living corruption”. If Socrates (469-399 B.C.) would be in a world threatened by global unsustainability- accused of the baseless charge of “Corrupting syndrome, which is represented by the coexis- the Athenian Youths” today, he would never be tence of ecological instability and social insta- compelled to drink a cup of hyper-poison to end bility, given the exogenously and autonomously his life. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) rightly said that determined natural instability indicated by natural “It is only upon this earth that death and catastrophes or calamities. Corruption is one of corruption occur” (Stace 1972). No country is free the oldest but rival and common indicators of from corruption irrespective of her degree of social instability. Corruption is as old as it is development, size and social structure. It is an widespread. If there were any doubt, it was all-embracing term. It has multitude of names and dispelled in 1997 when a team of Dutch nuances. It is constantly being redefined by our archaeologists at an excavation site in Rakka, society. There is a sustained search for defining Syria discovered cuneiform inscriptions, an corruption (Philip 1987; Gardiner 1992; Johnston archive from the thirteenth century B.C., that 1996; Philip 1997). The attitudinal definition of included data about an Assyrian princess corruption (Gibbons 1988) is also existent in the accepting bribes. Corruption not only distorts fair literature. In the theory of firm, land, labor, capital competition, it makes it impossible for millions of and organization are conventionally assumed as people, especially in developing countries, to earn the four factors of production. But there are an honest living (Eigen 2002). If Kautiliya (4th countries (e.g. Sudan) in which corruption is century B.C) were writing his treatise Arthasastra treated as the “fifth factor of production”. The today, 40 ways of corruption would be substituted preferred list of the various names and nuances with the 40 billion ways. If Marx were alive up to of corruption is given by bribery, graft, 82 ARUP KANTI KONAR embezzlement, kickback, nepotism, favouritism, or transaction, then such corruption is called dirty extortion, bending of rules on one’s own behalf, corruption. Noteworthy that “give-and-take” on the party’s behalf, on group’s behalf, gift trans- policy is almost always violated by the second action, consideration, commission, sinecures, party. If corruption becomes transparent, when gratuitous emolument, pluralist holding of office will we hear “corrupt corruption” or “corruption by leading officials, patronage, perquisite, vena- is corrupt itself” by the principle of reflexivity? lity, adulteration, forgery and undue profiteering. The dirty corruption is synonymous with the Perception and identification of corruption are corrupt corruption. Philadelphia judges had “a much easier than its definition and interpretation. rich history of corruption” that called into Historically corruption is succeeded by non- question how fairly city laws are enforced (Fund corruption. Culture-specific corruption has been 2006). Is “globalization of corruption” impossible substituted with cultural corruption. It is both like “globalization of terrorization” in the era of ancient and global phenomenon. It is not static, “globalization”? Corruption creates negative rather dynamic. Like headache it is not confined externality which inflicts uncompensated costs only to a particular orbit of the society. Rather to the society. It is the inevitable and eventual like alcohol, cancer or oil-slick, it transmits over consequence of “lawlessness-syndrome” of the the whole body of the society. It is self-perpe- government. On March 15, 2002 the US President tuating and does generate a vicious cycle of Mr. George W Bush said (Press Trust of India, poverty. Corruption is a powerful enemy of good The Statesman, March 15, 2002) that “The USA governance and the absence of corruption is an will reward …….. nations where people can start important element of an environment conducive and operate a small business without running the to development (Eigen 1996). The formula of gauntlets of bureaucracy and bribery”. Bush also corruption (Sen 2003) invented by Klitgard can said that “Countries that live by these three broad be given by: Corruption = (Monopoly + standards— ruling justly, investing in their people Discretion – Accountability).Central Vigilance and encouraging economic freedom will receive Commissioner of India, N. Vittal said that more aid from America”. The “survey on “Corruption is like AIDS. AIDS comes out of corruption” [Editor, Anandabazar Patrika uncontrolled sexual behaviour and corruption (Bengali), April 26, 2004] conducted by the World comes about due to uncontrolled financial Bank Institute (2004) reveals that any country behaviour” (Kidwai 1999). Many are interested irrespective of whether it is developing or to know: What is the problem about corruption? developed bears the cost of corruption amounting (Leys 1965); When is corruption harmful? (Rose- to one billion per year. Corruption brings about Akerman 1996); Is eruption of corruption cimmeria or perpetual dark to the society. Honest possible? (Naim 1995) Corruption may be peoples are suffering from claustrophobia living unilateral (when corrupt-outcome is enjoyed only in the dent or tent of corruption. Corruption- by the concerned party), bilateral (when two consternation is running after the society. People parties enjoy the corrupt-fruit) and multilateral are trying to find out the correct chemotherapy (when corrupt-output is shared by many of crescent corruption-carcinoma of the society. parties).Further corruption may be clean (or transparent?) and dirty (or unclean!). If bilateral SUSTAINABILITY corruption occurs on the precondition that the first party (say, bribe-giver) will be satisfied with Dynamic human life is three-dimensional the realization of the task or transaction for which (Konar 2007). The three human dimensions are the pre-agreed price was given to the second party natural dimension (ND), ecological dimension (say, bribe-taker) such corruption is called (ED) and social dimension (SD). Each dimension transparent corruption. In other words, if bilateral interacts with the humans. The unique criterion corruption occurs smoothly obeying the “give- by which humans rank highest in the scale of and-take” policy, such corruption is treated as species is “socialization” which is of two types transparent. On the other hand, if the first party such as (i) “internal or societal socialization” or (bribe-giver) is fed up and tired of with the “socialization of SD” and (ii) “external sociali- iterative request, approach or appeal to the second zation”. The sole objective of this criterion is to party (bribe-taker) to whom pre-bargained price arrange such “actions” which can enhance the was prepaid for the realization of pre-agreed task awareness and ability of humans to conduct their A PARADOX OF CORPORATE PERCEPTION AND PERPETUATION OF CORRUPTION 83 lives better than they are still doing now (or a arrange such precautions, preconditions, princi- more sustainable way of living). The SD is stuffed ples and policies so that both the ecological with the non-exhaustive and indicative set of stability and social stability can be materialized, various sub-social dimensions (SSDs). The given the non-anthropogenic natural stability or preferred names of SSDs are economic, political, instability. In fine, sustainability is both sociological, cultural, religious, ethical, moral, euphemism and euphuism for survival of human spiritual, familial, sexual, marital, gender, scientific, species which is an enlightened self- interest technological, philosophical, commercial, public, (Konar 2007), as opposed to destructive self- private etc. The interaction among the humans interest. If sustainability is to be renewed (as themselves within the human species is called return to pristine sustainability is impossible), internal socialization. In other words, the intra- “socialization of sustainability” backed up by SD or inter-SSDs interaction is called internal human trinity indicated by “rationality, socialization. The primary means of internal consciousness and morality” vis-à-vis socialization are intellectuality and knowledge. “sustainability of socialization” is inevitable. The secondary means of internal socialization are cooperation and competition which are treated OBJECTIVES as complementary opposites without which human society can not survive. But the action Today we live in a world which is under the (not interaction) of SD with the ND and ED is emerging threat of global unsustainability- called external socialization. External socialization syndrome. Unsustainability refers to the is of two types such as (i) socialization of nature coexistence of ecological instability (EI) and social and (ii) socialization of ecology. The reactions instability (SI), given the non-anthropogenic (or feedbacks) of ND and ED toward the SD are natural instability (NI). There are as many types respectively called naturalization and of sub-social instability (SSI) as there are ecologization of SD. Now the future fate of human circumstances in the human SD. Each SSI has a society is determined by the mode or way of intra- particular set of indicators. All the sets of SD (or inter-SSDs) and inter-dimensional indicators of SSIs are not necessarily mutually interaction (or interaction among ND, ED and SD) exclusive. Corruption is one of the common of three dimensional human life. Hence sustain- indicators of SI. Deliberately bypassing all other ability or unsustainability means simultaneous common indicators of SI, we shall now concentrate stability or instability of ED and SD, given the only on the single common indicator of SI namely ND (Konar 2007). The stability and instability of corruption. This paper has been designed to ND are indicated by natural life-support system examine the sixteen sub-sections which are and natural catastrophes respectively which are observed and discussed below. non-anthropogenic. But there is a part of ND over which human mastery has created natural stability OBSERVATIONS AND DISCUSSION (e.g. regeneration of renewable natural resources) and natural instability (e.g. exhaustion of non- Genesis of Origin of Corruption renewable natural resources) that are anthro- pogenic. The indicators of ecological stability can In every country both the private sector and be reduced to equilibrium or homeostasis of the the public (government) sector mutually coexist. ecology, while the indicators of ecological Corruption persists both in the private and public instability can be described by the disequilibrium sectors. But the people are more interested in the or disharmony of the ecology. The most frigh- public (government) sector corruption, since tening common indicators of social instability are “government is of the people, for the people and poverty, inequality, terrorism, warfare, mascu- by the people”. Government is generally consist- linized “war against women” (French 1992), ed of three separate sets of powers and each set civilizational clash, corruption, child-labor, militari- of power has its assigned role. These three zation, assassination, inhuman trade of people divisions are (i) legislative, which is assigned the etc. But the examples of common indicators of role of enacting the law, (ii) executive (the core social stability are too few to need reiteration. government), which is assigned the role of The sole objective of inchoate sustainability implementing the law and (iii) judiciary, which is revolution that started life since the 1970s is to assigned the role of interpreting and applying 84 ARUP KANTI KONAR the law. In the public sector, corruption occurs satisfying the purpose of his family (private gain), owing to the existence of common domain which is called public sector corruption. Similarly between the private man’s private life and the if the same reasoning is applicable to a manager public life. The public life of most private men is of a company, corporate sector corruption will not what it seems, and seems what it is not. The occur. Private sector firms or corporations are also dual nature of dual faced private man is involved in corruption. Corporate corrup-tion responsible for the public sector corruption. Most occurs for satisfying the interest of either of of the public sector corruption is confined to corporate owners and corporate managers (or bureaucratic and political corruption. In any (non- officials) or the both. The essential distinction socialist) country, every individual’s first identity between the public sector corruption and private is that he/she is a citizen of that country and his/ sector corruption is that while in the former case her second qualification is that he/she is still being corruption is brought about by the private man’s brought up under the direct influence of private publicness only to satisfy his private interest, in sector comprising of households and firms, the latter case it is brought about by the managers though public sector’s indirect influence can not or officials to satisfy the interest of either of the be denied. If private sector is treated as mother, managers and the owners or the both of the the public sector will be conceived as the father corporation. When corporate corruption is or guardian of a citizen. Privateness is innately brought about by the managers only for the ingrained in human social dimension. His/her satisfaction of their own gain, no distinction is recognition as a private individual remains intact found between the public sector corruption and unless and until he/she interacts with the public corporate corruption in the sense that the dual sector as an official, employee or politician. Once face of the corporate managers coincides with a private individual introduces himself in the the dual face of the public sector’s private men. public sector, his life is dichotomized into private Human everywhere is assumed to be an ins- life and public life. tinctively a grabber and is ever on the lookout for The interests of private life and public life are opportunities to make acquisitions. This instinct conflicting, which act as the origin of corruption becomes intensifying when the environment for in the public sector. In truth, public sector dishonesty and “under-the-table transactions” corruption occurs due to existence of common is favourable. On the other hand, some (Gill 1998) interest or the intersection between the private say that “It is not a characterological problem individual’s private life and public life as shown either. The same Indians, when they go abroad, in the figure 1. For example, suppose Mr. A is the become very disciplined and honest workers. heath minister of a state in India. He has been Rajni Kothari says: ….it is not corruption that offered a car among other things only for has brought us to where we are, but rather a social ministerial movement. But if this car is used by and political vacuum arising out of large scale his family members to satisfy their own purposes, erosion of both institutions and values that has this usage of car implies the exploitation of given rise to the growing incidence of corruption”. minister’s resources (public resources) for But who will bell the cat? Bible says that “If the Public life Private life Human social dimension Corruption Fig. 1. Common interest or the intersection between the private individual’s private life and public life A PARADOX OF CORPORATE PERCEPTION AND PERPETUATION OF CORRUPTION 85 salt has lost his savour, wherewith shall it be one for the tax authorities and one for the salted?” If corruptibility is assumed to be one of management. Most private firms do not last long, the many sub-social instabilities of SD in three with the average duration being three years. The dimensional human life, the possibility of law of the jungle prevails: you do what you can “correction of corruption” should not be ruled get away with. China is the counterfeiters’ out in the same way as other woeful social paradise, where intellectual property rights are instabilities are being tamed, since “men can neither respected nor enforced. Inevitably, the change what men have made” (Piggott 1962). private sector devotes much of its strategy to currying favor with the Communist Party and key Illegal and Corrupt Activities of CSFs officials, who are only too willing to trade privileges for bribes. An inadequate, soft public infrastructure “Corporate world” should be renamed as of auditing, banking and corporate governance had “corrupt world”. Evidences reveal that the sizeable interacted with the dynamics of Leninist members (or firms) of the Fortune 500 (Kesner et corporatism and de facto state control — with the al. 1986) — the largest and the most profitable firms result being the company’s destruction. in the USA are also involved in various kinds of Enterprises are accountable to no one but the illegality, violation and corruption. In USA an Communist Party for their actions. There is no impression persists that big business will “do network of civil society, plural public institutions whatever it can get away with”, violating the law like a free press or representative government and not to cope with environmental pressure but to property rights to create pressure for enterprises take advantage of opportunity. Corporate to become more environmentally efficient. There wrongdoing, violation, illegality, corruption etc. is also evidence on corporate corruption as an occur owing to the erroneous assumption that incentive for foreign direct investment (Egger and optimization of interest through running corporate Winner 2005). business is not possible without illegality or What is the significance of pre-conditional corruption. To satisfy the objective of optimization, hubbub for preparing prerequisite precautions, corporate can adopt any kind of illegal or corrupt principles and polices for inchoate sustainability means which are the denial of corporate social revolution that started life since the 1970s when responsibility, corporate value, ethics, societal corporate managers are guided by the “myopic standard of fairness or justice. Some corporations behaviour” in which “manager’s morality” is have such intrinsically embedded cultures that missing? Myopia means that when a corporate reinforce illegal or corrupt activity. Further firm optimizes his own interest through corrupt corporate illegality or corruption is still persisting corridor, he assumes that other firms will not follow owing to the significant deficiency of proscription suit i.e. his micro-corruptibility is too insignificant and punishment for the convicted corporations. (i) compared to the vast spectrum of corporate firms The current standard of punishment does not to induce the other firms to resort to corrupt custom deter illegal or corrupt behaviour, rather committing and (ii) compared to the impact on the global illegal or corrupt activities teach the corporations sustainability to impact the micro-sustainability. how to execute further illegality or corruption. But if all the firms suffer from myopia i.e. if they act The literature on corporate crime, wrongdoing, independently and identically but simultaneously, illegality, violation and corruption is stuffed with can any firm imagine the potential status of global various works (Lane 1953-54; Conklin 1977; sustainability? Myopia also implies that Clinard and Yeager 1980; Bhagwati 1982; Vaughan irrespective of global sustainability, the sustain- 1982; Szwajkowski 1985; Wall Street Journal 1989; ability of any firm is secured. An analogy is that if Baucus and Near 1991; Ades and Di Tella 1997; one spoonful of water is drawn out from the vast Hisamatsu 2003). Corporate corruption has ocean, the water level of the ocean will remain recently reached the apex point in China (Hutton intact. 2007). In China almost all private companies hide Corporate corruption inflicts three-fold cost revenues, cash and profits from outsiders’ eyes to the society such as natural cost, ecological and from potential political direction. Only 1% of cost and social cost which are not reflected in the private Chinese companies subject themselves prices of the commodities. If these costs are to independent audit. Most Chinese companies included in the total cost of production, the have three sets of accounts — one for the banks, socially optimal level of corporate production will 86 ARUP KANTI KONAR be much below the corporate optimum level. But (iii) Firms operating in a heterogeneous environ- “More production of material goods and services ment will be more likely to commit violations conducive to comfort may be detrimental to the than firms in a homogeneous environment. satisfaction of ‘higher’ needs such as love, friend- (iv) Firms with poor financial performance will ship, silence, solitude, contemplation, aesthetic be more likely to commit violations than firms and religious experience”(Weisskopf 1970). that are performing well. Further business associations of formal or (v) Large firms will be more likely to commit informal firms are much interested in safeguarding violations than small firms. the interest of the member-firms at the cost of (vi) Firms with low levels of slack resources will illegality, violation and corruption. Compared to be more likely to commit violations than firms business associations of formal sector firms, those with high levels of slack resources. of the informal sector firms are more efficient in (vii) Firms with a history of violating the law will wrongdoings. In a word, business associations— be more likely to commit violations than firms formal or informal are least interested in socially without prior convictions. beneficial functions, which means that business associations act as an inducement to corporate Creators of Inter- or Intra-Country CPI illegality or corruption. Various national and international organi- Relation between Illegality and Corruption zations are engaged in the construction of intra- country and inter-country corruption-indexes “Not all illegal transactions are corrupt, nor (CIs). The preferred examples of such inter- are all instances of corruption or bribery illegal national organizations are (i) Transparency and there are transactions which may be neither International (TI) (Berlin based non-profit NGO illegal nor corrupt” (Bardhan 1997). Bardhan’s and the founder of CPI), (ii) Business International remark does not mean that no CSF is corrupt. If a (BI), (iii) World competitiveness Report (WCR) significant portion of the American Fortune 500 (EMF Foundation), (iv) Impulse (a German Business corporations are involved in rampant illegality and Publication), (v) International Country Risk Guide corruption, can one imagine the position of other (ICRG) (a Publication of Political Risk Services) small and medium corporations or firms in the and (vi) A private sector survey conducted for countries known as “lawless states” or “soft World Development Report (WDR) 1997. Most of states” (Myrdal 1985). Apart from formal the organizations construct CIs on the basis of corporations or firms, every country is stuffed with the perception and interpretation of CSFs. For surprisingly innumerable informal firms that hardly example, the private sector survey conducted for obey law, business ethics and social responsibility. the WDR 1997 considered the perception of 3685 Irrespective of whether corruption is legal or illegal, responding firms from 69 countries in the world. it should be acknowledged that corruption is not Besides, there are countries which have different consistent with the label “civilized human values”, variants of CI. For example, the Central Vigilance which is based on “morality, consciousness and Commissioner (CVC) of India, N. Vittal (The rationality”, since “human beings retain a moral Statesman, April 06, 2002) prepared the “Probity value which is irreducible” (Wilkie 1993). Perception Index”(PPI), comprising of (i) “Vigilance Intensity Index”(VII), (ii) “Meta Perception Index” Determinants of Corporate Illegality (MPI) and (iii) “Field Study Index” (FSI) in 2002. Here we assume that the value of CPI is positively Among many the following seven deter- related with the level of corruption. minants of corporate violations or wrongdoings are significant (Baucus and Near 1991): Examining the Consistency between PSC and (i) Firms operating in an environment with CPI scarce resources will be more likely to commit violations than firms in munificent In Arthasshastra Chanakya or Kautilya, the environments. minister of King Chandragupta Maurya (321-297 (ii) Firms operating in a dynamic environment B.C) said (Shamashastry 1961): will be more likely to commit violations than Just as it is impossible not to taste the honey firms in a stable environment. or the poison that finds itself at the tip of the A PARADOX OF CORPORATE PERCEPTION AND PERPETUATION OF CORRUPTION 87 tongue, so it is impossible for a government of PSC through the perception of the corrupt servant not to eat up, at least a bit of the king’s CSFs, either of the two kinds of outcome may revenue. Just as fish moving under water can not appear as follows: (i) the CPI will be biased in possibly be found out either as drinking or not favour of the CSFs which will encourage them to drinking water, so the government servants accentuate corruption and (ii) the CPI will be employed in the government work can not be unbiased just as the “task of catching a thief by found out (while) taking money. another thief” is justified. Hence the CPI should The Chinese assign each year with an animal’s be constructed on the perception of the different name. If it is so, the year 2007 should be marked as groups of people according to the pre-assigned the “Year of Rat”. For the fittest “actors” of both weights to safeguard or revive corporate ethics, public and corporate sectors of China are “eating values and social responsibility. For example, CSFs at its very vitality like rodents”. Great historian should have 20% weight, public sector officials Edward Gibbon described corruption as “the most or bureaucrats 10% weight, social scientists 40% infallible symptom of constitutional freedom”. weight, NGO 10% weight, general citizens 20% When somebody wanted Edward Gibbon to tell in weight or the like in the construction of CPI. The one word the cause of the fall of Roman Empire, he monopolistic perception of the corrupt CSFs for said, “Corruption” and added, “yes, corruption, the construction of CPI should be ruled out. amorality and lust for power ……..destroyed the Roman Empire which ruled almost the entire known Rationale behind the Construction of CPI by world for more than 300 years” (Gill 1998). An old the Perception of CSFs proverb says that “Wherever government exists, there is also corruption”. But it should be An impression (WDR 1997) persists that CPI remembered that the converse is not true. If any based on the perception of the CSFs acts as the one, two or all of the three divisions of the signal to the firms for encouraging or discourag- government (legislative, executive and judiciary) ing the investment of the CSFs in the country. If are corrupt, who will fight against corruption — this is so, CPI and the investment of CSFs should one of the common indicators of SI and thereby to be negatively related to each other, since higher rule out the threat of unsustainability? Can a corrupt value of CPI indicates higher level of corruption. individual fight against corruption? Will the That is why government should come forward perception of a corrupt individual be transparent equipped with adequate measures to reduce or about the corruption of another individual? Will a rule out PSC to attract more corporate investment thief be entrusted with catching another thief? for the growth of the country. For the growth of a Another old proverb says that “a thief can catch country positively depends on the level of another thief” with minimum time, toil and trouble, investment. Thus CPI is treated as one of the since he/she possesses much experience of theft. determinants of investment of CSFs. But are we So the CPI should be constructed on the basis of sure that CPI constructed on the perception of the corrupt activities of public sector only provided corrupt CSFs is unbiased or just? In other words, that the private sector is transparent. But if private can the perception of corrupt CSFs determine the sector is corrupt while public sector is not, CPI “true value” of CPI? My opinion is that should be constructed on the basis of the corrupt corruptibly biased CSFs can never determine the activities of private sector alone. But if both unbiased value of CPI. If CPI is based on the sectors are corrupt, CPI should be based on the perception of the corrupt CSFs, there is every both sectors, not on either of the two sectors. possibility that CPI will exhibit “upward bias”, which means that the “face value” of CPI will be Examining the Compatibility of the higher (which means higher level of corruption) Construction of CPI on the Perception of than its “true or intrinsic value” and in conse- CSFs only quence private investment will largely be discouraged. But if the CPI has “downward bias”, No question regarding the consideration of which means that the “face value” of CPI is lower the perception of CSFs for the construction of (which means lower level of corruption) than its CPI should arise if the firms are transparent or “true value”, private investment will be much uncorrupt. But since they are not so, this question encouraged. But the possibility of the latter is should be raised. If CPI is measured by the level ruled out owing to the upward bias of CPI based 88 ARUP KANTI KONAR on the monopolistic perception of the corruptibly The CSFs induce and persuade the bureaucrats biased CSFs. including excise officials, tax officials, law enforcement agencies and the like as well as the Relation of Corruption of CSFs with the politicians to deal with corruption. For the CSFs Country’s Level of Investment possess adequate monetary power but no legal or political power, while the bureaucrats and Earlier it has been stated that the PSC reflected politicians have the opposite. Hence the only way in the CPI based on the perception of the (corrupt) by which both parties can gain is corruption as CSFs determines the level of private corporate the custodian of mutual gain that can occur only investment of that country. Thus higher value of through tacit collusion between the two CPI (which means higher level of corruption) complementary opposites. detracts private corporate investment. But are we sure that if the PSC is nil or least, the level of Consistency of the Perception of Foreign private corporate investment will not fall if the CSFs in the Construction of CPI CSFs are corrupt? No, the existing level of private corporate investment must fall if the country’s Sometimes the perceptions of foreign law and order are rigid or lawlessness-syndrome individuals (firms, consumers or citizens) are is non-existent. For the corrupt, illegal or criminal conceived for the construction of CPI. This CSFs will be convicted by the courts of law and criterion is also unjust. For the foreign individuals then be fined or punished. Evidences reveal that are almost ignorant of the various SSDs of SD of owing to the very high degree of corporate another country. So the distorted perception and illegality or corruptibility, they are punished or interpretation of foreign individuals may distort fined by the courts of law to such an extent that the CPI of a country. they are compelled either to close-down or to subsist at break-even point. Does closing- down How Credible is the GCI? or heavy cost of punishment not indicate the fall in existing level of private corporate investment? We may now question the credibility of the Thus we find that as the PSC hinders the inflow WDR 1997 in which the GCI has been constructed of private corporate investment through the on the basis of the perception of the corrupt means of CPI (when CPI is higher ), similarly corporations. The CPI is one of the five constituent private corporate investment is hampered or indexes of the GCI. So is it possible to realize the curbed through the means of conviction by the credible GCI in which the “corrupt index of courts of law owing to their own embedded corruption” is embedded? Thus the critical review culture of corruption. of WDR 1997, in which even the “Foreword” page is devoted to the discussion of state’s credi-bility Can Corporate Corruption Induce the PSC? and corruption, is implicit in this paper. The credibility of WDR 1997 is questionable, since it Corporate corruption can not keep the public has been prepared on the basis of the “corrupt sector transparent. For like corrupt corporate perception and interpretation” of the “corrupt managers or officials, the public men including corporations” and hence the WDR 1997 should be officials, bureaucrats and politicians are also renamed as “Woeful Development Report 1997” humans, not super-humans, who are assumed to in which world-wide corporate corruption is remain independent of the corrupt practices. Thus corruptibly reported. transparent public sector may be corrupt owing The development index of a country is positi- to corrupt culture of CSFs and hence corporate vely related with the inducement or propensity corruption may perpetuate the country’s to invest of the existing and potential investors corruption. How public sector and corporate or firms, which in turn is positively related with sector are correlated relating to corruption will be the government’s credibility index (GCI). The obvious if one shifts through the recent China’s GCI is constituted with the following five sub- alluring path of corrupt development (Hutton indexes: 2007). The PSC is brought about by the CSFs (i) Index of unpredictable changes in laws and only through official, bureaucratic and political policies of the government. nexus, interrelationship or interconnectedness. (ii) Index of instability of the government. A PARADOX OF CORPORATE PERCEPTION AND PERPETUATION OF CORRUPTION 89 (iii) Index of insecurity of persons and property (i) Coupling of corruption with inflation gives in the country. rise to “corruptflation”. (iv)Index of unreliable judiciary in the country. (j) Corruption intensifies terrorism and their (v) Corruption perception index (CPI). mutual interaction constitutes “corrupte- On the assumption that higher value of each rrorism”. index implies higher level of that variable, each of the foregoing five sub- indexes is inversely related What is the Paradox? with the GCI. In World Development Report 1997 (WDR 1997) it has clearly been stated that the But the surprising paradox appears in the GCI and its five sub-indexes were constructed episode when the CSFs, who are tired of and fed by the private sector survey sponsored by an up with the higher value of CPI, are rampantly international organization with considerable name involved in the diverse names and nuances of and recognition in the developing countries on corruption. Thus the CSFs possess dual face or the basis of the perception of the 3685 responding role: one is to perceive the PSC and the other is firms from 69 countries in the world. The survey to produce and perpetuate corporate corruption. findings indicate that the responding firms are The PSC perceived by the CSFs is treated as dissatisfied or satisfied with the higher or lower awfully bad, but corruption produced and values of sub-indexes of the GCI. For the latter perpetuated by the CSFs is treated as blissfully acts as the discouraging or encouraging catalyst good. Now I can not refrain myself from the witty for the investors. Deliberately bypassing the GCI question: “Should corporate thief be entrusted and its other four sub-indexes if we concentrate with the duty of catching the public thief?” One on CPI, it becomes obvious that the CPI may answer in positive. For the CSFs have much constructed on the basis of the perception of the experience in the act of theft (here corruption). CSFs informs whether investment decision should be undertaken or not. If the CPI is higher Is Corruption not Embedded in CPI? or lower, private investment should be rejected or accepted. Since CSFs are corrupt, so their In truth, the tacit collusion between the perception can not bring forth unbiased nature corrupt officials of both the corporations and the of any kind of index. If the whole WDR 1997 is government organizations has created such a distorted due the distorted perception of CSFs, vicious cycle of corruption by which the CPI has so no index embodied in it can be credible. become an elusive concept and hence the significance of the nomenclature of the CPI is How is CPI related with Major Macro Variables? wittily consistent, since it should be treated as the “corrupt index of corruption”, in the sense How major macro variables are related with that it is the “index of country’s corruption” in the CPI will be obvious from the following which the corrupt practices of the corrupt officials epitome: of both the public and corporate sectors are (a) Government’s credibility index is inversely intrinsically and subtly congealed. Further CPI related with the CPI. has Northern-bias beyond doubt. The CPI should (b) Government’s policy distortion index is be constructed on the basis of the perception of positively related with the CPI. various groups of peoples assigning a given (c) Country’s predictability of judiciary index is distribution of weight, since there are as many inversely related with the CPI. groups as there are types of need or interest of (d) Country’s growth is inversely related with humans in the society. So CPI is not free from the CPI. corruption. (e) Country’s level of investment is inversely related with the CPI. How are Sustainability and Corruption Related? (f) Merit-based recruitment index is inversely related with the CPI. As corruption of a country is measured by its (g) Sustainability index is inversely related with index, called corruption index (CI), similarly the CPI. sustainability of a country is measured by its (h) The poverty index of a country is positively index, called sustainability index (SI). There are related with the CPI. many variants of both the SI and CI. Of various 90 ARUP KANTI KONAR corruption indexes the CPI is the invention of performance (Morse and Fraser 2005) as well as the Transparency Internal (TI) [http://www. corruption. There are many works (Lopez and transparency.de]. The CPI is published every year Mitra 2000; Robbins 2000; Levy 2001; Damania by the TI. The CPI is based upon a perception of et al. 2003; Welsch 2004; Morse and Fraser 2005; corruption amongst a particular group (mostly Esty et al. 2005; Liu and Diamond 2005; Morse Northern-based business people, albeit described 2006; Hutton 2007) which show that corruption in the TI reports as ‘well-informed people’) and sustainability are inversely related with each towards countries with which they have other. Thus higher or lower level of corruption experience (Lambsdorff 2002). The TI, the founder leads to lower or higher level of sustainability. It of the CPI, is said to be “the prime global source is worthy to note that no SI is free from limitations. of information on, and analysis of, corruption in The ESI can be criticized on the following all of its forms” (Davies 2004). The way in which grounds: (i) it has various sub-indexes, the the survey results are combined into the CPI is selection of which depends on the discretion of complex. The result is an aggregated index in the their creators and (ii) it also suffers from sense that it is composed of other sub-indexes of fundamentalism, which means tradition defended corruption. The CPI is assumed one of the best in traditional way. Tradition refers to the customs, measures of corruption currently in place largely beliefs, practices, ceremonials, rituals etc. by because it utilizes such a wide range of sources which the past can be substituted for the present. rather than relying on just one (Wilhelm 2002). Fundamentalism can arise wherever traditions are Here we shall assume that higher or lower value under threat (or challenge) or are being eroded. of CPI indicates higher or lower level of Fundamentalism can be created or reinvented in corruption, though TI treats the inverse relation all the dimensions and SSDs of SD in three between the value of CPI and the level of corrup- dimensional human life. Sustainability index tion. should be constructed on the basis of the Recently “Environmental Sustainability equitable distribution of weights among the three Index” (ESI) is being used to measure the sustain- dimensions and various SSDs. Most of the ESIs ability. There is a multitude of works ( Khanna attach much emphasis on natural and ecological 2000; Esty 2001; Bisbort 2003; Ekins et al. 2003; factors with assigning least weight on SD in three Ekins and Simon 2003; Isaksson and Garvare 2003; dimensional human life. From the inverse Parris and Kates 2003; Ebert and Welsch 2004; relationship between the sustainability and Krajnc and Glavic 2005) on the SI in the literature. corruption it can be argued that the countries, The ESI was first published in 2001. Since its like Finland, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden etc. inception ESI has gained much popularity at least which are eulogized for the possession of lower in the popular media (Morse 2004; Morse and level of corruption, must be labeled with higher Fraser 2005). The true value of the ESI is the ability growth generating countries. This inverse relation to break down the score on an issue by issue between sustainability and corruption is derived basis (Esty 2005).The increase or decrease in the from the two hypotheses: (i) Growth of a country value of ESI means increase or decrease in the indicated by per capita income is inversely status of sustainability. The ESI methodology dependent on corruption and (ii) Sustainability can be found in the various reports of the ESI of a country is positively dependent on per capita (http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/es/esi/). The income. In consequence, what we get is that ESI is by no means the only index or indicator of sustainability inversely depends on corruption. sustainability (Sutton and Costanza 2002). The Theses two hypotheses can be criticized with increasing popularity of the ESI is due to the fact definite empirical findings. These two hypotheses that it is backed up by the powerful World can be falsified by the presently social and Economic Forum (WEF), and its release coincides ecological status of China (Liu and Diamond 2005; with high-profile WEF meetings. The ESI is a Hutton 2007). China’s higher rate of growth has thorough index in the sense that the rationale, been coupled with unprecedented social methodology, and component data sets are care- instability indicated by extreme lawlessness fully laid out in widely available documentation syndrome, corruption (corporate, bureaucratic (http://www.ciesin.columbia.edu/indicators/ESI/). and political), gender instability (that leads to This greatly facilitates the use of the ESI for declining woman-man ratio), secular supremacy relating environmental sustainability to economic of the Communist Party backed up by kleptocracy

minister of King Chandragupta Maurya (321-297. B.C) said (Shamashastry 1961) : .. Shamashastry 1961. Kautilya's Arthashastra (English translation) Mysore:
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