Etienne Forest From Tracking Code to Analysis Generalised Courant-Snyder Theory for Any Accelerator Model From Tracking Code to Analysis Etienne Forest From Tracking Code to Analysis Generalised Courant-Snyder Theory for Any Accelerator Model 123 EtienneForest KEK,HighEnergy Accelerator ResearchOrganization Tsukuba Japan ISBN978-4-431-55802-6 ISBN978-4-431-55803-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-55803-3 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2016932319 ©SpringerJapan2016 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor foranyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerJapanKK Conscience doth make cowards of us all. —William Shakespeare Foreword Sincethediscoveryofthestrongfocusingprinciplebetween1949and1952,many acceleratorsfromseveraltensofmetersincircumferencetotensofkilometershave been proposed and constructed based on this principle. As in many other areas of physics and engineering, computer simulations became an accurate and efficient tool for accelerator design and operation. It is essential for designing any modern high-performance accelerator where engineering tolerance is involved in an early stage. The earlier generation of accelerator simulation codes, limited by computing capabilities, tended to use a simple matrix for so-called linear magnets—solenoid, dipole,quadrupole—andthinlenskicksforsextupolesandhighermultipoles.These codes were symplectic by design. Attempts to improve them initially went in the directionofimprovingthematrixbyderivinghigher-ordercorrections.Icannamea few codes: Karl Brown’s Transport (second-order), Dragt’s Marylie (third-order), Berz’s Cosy 5.0 (fifth-order), and Cosy-Infinity (arbitrary order). All these codes producemapsaccuratearoundasingleorbit,usuallytheso-calleddesignorbit.They emphasizemodelaccuracybutlackself-consistencysincetheysingleoutonespecial orbit.Whenanalyzingthedynamicswithawiderrangeofenergy,orbits,andeven design1orbits,some matrix-basedcodes need special care or are even notusable. Ron Ruth proposed a different approach: to improve the matrix code using integrationtechniquesthataresymplectic.ItturnsoutthatformostHamiltoniansin ring dynamics, this solution is feasible. When a simulation code is developed following Ruth’s methods, it is more self-consistent, and most extra dynamical effects can be included with ease. Calculations of lattice functions stay closer to tracking and to first principles. In the final analysis, it is a more reliable model for thering.Ofcourse,intheearly1980s,theRuthapproachlostthenonlinearmatrix representation of the map. This state of affairs changed drastically with the advent of truncated power series algebra (TPSA, also called differential algebra by Berz and others). 1Recirculatorsrequireseveraldesignorbitsthroughthesamemagnet. vii viii Foreword Etienne Forest’s pioneer work on normal form analysis has provided a general, clean, and unified framework for single-particle beam dynamics simulations that includeRuth’sintegrationwhileprovidingmapswiththeappropriateanalysistools. All these are realized in his PTC program which is used for the examples in this book. In the PTC framework, brute force tracking is still possible because it is a Ruth-inspired integrator. However, a transfer map can be obtained around any closed orbit and normalized to an arbitrary order. The lattice function calculations are then performed in a form close to their definition: βx ¼hx2i=Jx and νx, @νx=@ðdp=pÞ, ξx are coefficients of the Taylor expansion of νx and higher-order quantities correspond to high-order coefficients in the properly defined version pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ofthesequantities.Coupledlatticefunctionslikehxyi= JxJy areeasiertocompare with measurement. My own experience with spin dynamics is limited, but I can see that the spin tunes and phase advances can be calculated under the same framework in a clean andunifiedway.After all,thenormalizationprocesshasnoassumptionsaboutthe details of the dynamics. When I realized the existence of this modern framework, I developed a TPSA package in C++ and was introduced to Etienne by my then group leader David RobinattheLawrenceBerkeleyLaboratory.Withinlessthanaweek,hisPTCwas abletorunwithmyTPSApackage.However,formostacceleratorphysicistsdoing single-particle dynamics simulations, it is not necessary to develop a TPSA or normal form library. Just as it is for the users of singular value decomposition (SVD), fast Fourier transformation (FFT), or the popular frequency analysis of Laskar,theonlyessentialthingistoknowhowtousethesemathematicaltoolsand their processed data. That is the focus of this book. Symplectic integrators, TPSA, the unique beam-line structure of PTC that fully exploits the lens description of beam dynamics, although an integral part of Etienne’s general framework, are not covered in this book. The emphasis here is on the structure of the analysis tools irrespective of the simulation code one ends up using. SinceIfirstmetEtienne,Irecommendedthathewrite anewbookfortheusers ofbeamdynamicssimulation.Manyreadersofhislastbookmaysharewithmethe impression that the simplicity of the framework is overshadowed by the mathe- maticaldetails.Theexample-orientedapproachinthisbookisabetterintroduction to his framework. Despite its small size, this book contains new results: new parameterization of the linear map, discussion on spin and spin resonances and, surprisingly, a numerically general method to compute correctly the Hamiltonian that enters into the standard perturbation theory found in traditional textbooks: the methods of Guignard. Less is more. When a simulation is based only on fundamental principles, its results are more precise and general and lead to new discoveries. Upton, New York Lingyun Yang January 2015 Preface Pre-BoardingAnnouncement Alltheexamplesofthisbookarederived fromacodeinwhichIdeliberatelyput bugs and nonphysical Hamiltonians: the drifts are wrong, the magnets have mis- takes,physicalconstantsarewrong,thespinequationsarewrong,etc… Actually I did not have the cojones to confuse readers who might actually comparetheexamplesofthisbookwithastandardacceleratorcode.Butitmustbe the conclusion of the reader who understands this book, that the exactness of the modelistotallyirrelevanttothegeneralstructureofacceleratortheory. Garbagein;garbageout! If the style of this book is more akin to the pamphleteer style of V.I. Lenin’s “StateandRevolution”orThomasPaine’s“CommonSense,”itisnotanaccident. I am describing shamelessly my own position and conviction. ThroughmostofthebookItalkinthefirstpersonsingular.Iavoidthescientific “we”orJuliusCaesar’s“he/one.”Myreasonsaresimple:themainideaofthisbook —theexistenceofanaturalhierarchy—ismineandIwillnotbeacoward.Itisnot a review article. I am not interested in giving credit to people whose work is irrelevant to mine or, as it is often the case, antithetical to my work. I do not care thattheyaregreatacceleratorphysicistsorhavecontributedvaluableinsightstothe field.IdescribehereaverynarrowandspecifictopicasIseeit.Somepeoplehave hadsomeinfluenceonmeinrelationtothisbook.Icannamethemrighthere:Alex Dragt, Martin Berz, Richard Talman, Ron Ruth, and recently, Desmond Barber. Other people have contributed to the software I used: Martin Berz (again), David Sagan,FrankSchmidt,andEricMcIntosh.Finally,AlexanderMolodozhentsevhas actuallyusedmyworkinphysicalapplicationswhichinsomewayshavemotivated me to go further. When I use the collective “we” in this book, it really means “the reader and I.” OfcourseIamsurethatIoccasionallyusethepassiveandthe“we”whosepurpose istodiffuseresponsibility—afterallIliveinJapanwherediffusingresponsibilityis a cultural imperative! I apologise in advance. ix x Preface This book originates in my conviction that, since 1980 at least, computer sim- ulations of accelerators are ubiquitous and unavoidable. Therefore, as soon as I entered the field I decided that theory and simulation should be adapted to each other. Acceleratortheory,whichinitssimplestincarnationiscalled“Courant-Snyder” theory, should be designed with the simulation code in mind. Integrators in accelerator physics, often called “kick codes,” simply push particles around the machine.However,circa1986,thetoolsoftruncated powerseries algebra(TPSA) havebeenmadeavailabletotheacceleratorcommunityprimarilythroughthework of Berz. Thanks to operator overloading, available in C++ and Fortran90, it is possible to write an integrator which can produce automatically2 not only brute force tracking but approximate Taylor maps. Taylor maps can be analyzed by a process called normalization. This process allowstheCourant-Snydertheorytobeextendedeffortlesslytononlinearities,spin, radiation, modulated magnets, etc., provided that a normalization library, akin to a diagonalization library, exists and is available. Oncethesetoolsareinplace,itispossibletocovertheentirefieldofaccelerator perturbation theory, provided one respectsand abides by a strict hierarchical code. The word code here means “computer program” and well as behavior. In this book I display with examples, runnable on any computer platform, the full gamut of this hierarchy: one-turn maps, normalization of one-turn maps, uni- versal Twiss3 loop and Fourier transform of the Hamiltonian (or Lorentz force) expressed in approximate Floquet variables. This final Hamiltonian is the Hamiltonian often found in standard accelerator textbooks. Here you are told how to really compute it in a complex and arbitrary ring; better, you are given some tools that exemplify that power. I will review the normalization of linear maps in n-degrees of freedom under most regimes: symplectic, radiative, spin, and modulated magnets. I will then proceed to the nonlinear normalization. This will include some examples with a singleresonanceandalimitcycle.Ihavealsoadiscussiononspin.Iwillfinishthe book with Guignard theory which is the final output of the universal Twiss loop. It is notable that Guignard theory, which is often the starting point of pertur- bation theory, is here a final product and thus at the bottom of the hierarchical structure.Thisisnotamatteroftaste:anyseriouscalculationwhichincludeserrors, fringe fields, and the effect of earthquakes must follow that hierarchy. Of course if one pontificates from a throne in the rarefied air of pure mathematics, then it is a matter of taste. But here I provide real examples, not hot air. This book is novel in two respects. First, I made an effort to produce examples on which the reader can check his understanding. Unlike most books where examplesaretrivialorsimplyabsent,hereallthetoolsinthebookareavailableto thereaderwith16examplesintheappendicesthatcanberunwithfreelyavailable 2Almostautomatically! 3Somewouldprefertheterm“universallatticefunctionloop.” Preface xi compilers. The actual ring used is an old design of the Advanced Light Source at theLawrenceBerkeley NationalLaboratorywhereIonceworked.Thelattice isin Appendix A. Secondly,there arenovel topicsthat arenotfoundintheliterature.Thechapter onspin containsa fewnovel ideas mostly duetoDesmond Barber andDan Abell. The chapter on Guignard-like Hamiltonian is totally new and is based on one’s ability to take the logarithm of a nonlinear map. The idea is not new to me but I took the time and trouble to implement enough of it for the sake of this book. OfcourseIhopethatsomeacceleratorphysicistswillreadthisbookandtrythe examples; they are the intended audience. ThereaderisinvitedtojumptoChap.9andreadtheconclusionofthisbook.It mirrors this preface and it is a good way to avoid reading a book! Finally,IwouldliketostatethatIaminspiredbythelinguistNoamChomskyin my approach to this field. First of all, and this is mostly pure coincidence, Chomsky is famous in science for the concept of a universal grammar and the concept of the Chomsky Normal Form(CNF)appliedtocontextfreeformalgrammars.Thesecontextfreegrammars are a little akin to our integrable systems and the CNF to our normal forms. Ofcoursetherealuniversalgrammarwhichispostulatedtoexistinachild’sbrain is more complex as is the real dynamics of a symplectic map. Secondly, and more importantly, I am inspired by Chomsky’s political analysis methods.Inparticular,onecandeducealotofthingsbylookingatthestructureofa system4 from far above. And, when our logical deductions are wrong, it is instructive since it is often the sign of specific human manipulations. Accelerators are man-made after all. It is logical to assume generically, if we look far above them,thattheyhavelinearstability.Withoutanyadditionalknowledge,Icanderive all of Courant-Snyder theory. The details are irrelevant: a marble in a frictionless gutter or a proton in a synchrotron all lead to the same theory. So if one discovers that the stable system is linearly unstable, it teaches us a lot about human manip- ulations.Also,therearemanynumericalmethodsthatarebasedonthequasi-failure ofintegrability:Laskar’sfrequencyanalysisisperhapsthemostfamous.Generally, there is a lot to learn from discovering that certain naive expectations are usually wrong. Politicallythesameistrue.Iexpectacceleratorlaboratoriestoproducegraduate students who are partial slaves simply because of the purpose of accelerator phy- sics. Graduate students are assigned easily to supervisors on the basis of needs because we are a glorified service station. When it is not the case, we can expect that some special mechanism was put in place to prevent exploitation. AveryrespectedJapanesecolleagueofmineoncetoldmethat“myapproachto thetheory”isnotgoodbecauseitdoesnotpermitthestudenttojumpimmediately into useful thesis work. I thought that students are supposed to learn and not to be 4Tolookfromfarabove,keepinglesserdetailsaway,isalsoamethodpreachedbyFeynman,who, withChomsky,ismyintellectualhero.