plowing through this somewhat chaotic book. A must for anyone
interested in English Catholics, the Catholic revival, Sheed & Ward,
etc. The first-hand look we get at Frank Sheed and Maisie Ward is
absolutely fascinating and of more interest than what we learn about
Wilfrid the son. They seemed like a combination of the Mitford sisters,
the Marchmain family from Brideshead, and a little bit of Dorothy Day
thrown in. (Frank was Australian, but I can't think of a famous
Australian that he resembles.) Frank and Maisie were wonderful,
brilliant, and eccentric. Although the author does not set out to drop
names, drop them he must (such as telling us that Chesterton was his
godfather!). My favorite glimpse of an author, and the longest such
description, is a two-page section on Caryll Houselander. I can't give
the book five stars, because it is too full of colloquialisms (even for
me), and a little choppy and confusing - not linear enough. But it's an
awful lot of fun.