FM 17-30 MHI Copy 3 WAR DEPARTMENT ARMORED FORCE FIELD MANUAL TANK PLATOON October 22, 1942 . . , REGRADEDUNCLASSIFIED ay AUTHOOFDORD sgODQ BY X/oigJONA 3 0 FM 17-30 01 ARMORED FORCE FIELD MANUAL TANK PLATOON CHAYNGES 1 WAR DEPARTMENT, No. 1 | Washington 25, D. C., 8 July 1944. FM 17-30, October 22, 1942, is changed as follows: *I 10. DEscaIPTION. d. (3) (Superseded.) (a) Base emission smoke shell M89 is a blunt-nose projectile with a maximum effective range of 1,600 yards. Its shape makes it difficult to control for deflection and range. It bounces on firm terrain from 100 to 300 yards from the point of strike. Each round burns about 3 minutes. A platoon can screen a 400-yard frontage of average terrain within the effective range of the shell. (b) Smoke ammunition is fired by the section or platoon to screen or blind an enemy position during the maneuver or as- sault of attacking tanks. It is used on small areas at the com- mand of and controlled by the unit commander. It is not effec- tive when fired by a single tank. Since it takes from 1 to 2 minutes to build a satisfactory screen, suspected areas are smoked before the start of the attack. After the attack is under way, high explosive is used against antitank guns which open fire on assaulting or maneuvering tanks. Tank smoke is not used on missions which properly belong to the organic assault guns or mortars. (c) The section or platoon fires three or four rounds per gun in about 11/2 minutes to screen a suspected area. With a flank wind, the screen is built up to windward of the target, so that it will drift onto and just in front of it. When firing into a head wind, tanks place smoke on or close behind the target. A crosswind of from 3 to 6 miles velocity is ideal. When the wind velocity is high (15 mph), the rate of fire is faster than in a slow wind (3 to 5 mph). AGO 150D 5956304--44 ARMORED FORCE FIELD MANUAL - - - -- When the wind is blowing from the side, do not aim smoke shell at the front of the target. j ... a… Aim the shell to the windward side. The wind will blow the smoke in front of or over the target. FiGuR 40.-Use of smoke shell, fank wind. 2 AGO 1t.nT' TANK PLATOON When the wind is blowing from your front, do not place the smoke shell in front of the target. This does not blind the antitank gun. In this cose, place the shell on or behind the target; then the wind will screen It completely. FIGURE 41.-Use of smoke shell, head wind. AGO 160D ARMIAORED FORCE FIELD MANUAL Do not use smoke shell against definitely located infantry weapons Destroy infantry weapons by machine gun and high explosive ricochet fire. FlaURm 42.-Do not use smoke against infantry weapons. 4 AGO 150D TANK PLATOON Destroy definitely locoted observation posts with high explosive Blind suspected observation posts with smoke shell when fire from other weapons is not available. FIGURE 43.-Use of smoke shell to blind an observation point. Figure 44, Use of smoke shell to cover maneuver, is rescinded. Figure 45, Use of smoke shell to blind an observation point, is rescinded. [A. G. 300.7 (28 Jun 44).] AGO 150D 5 ARMORED FORCE FIELD MANUAL BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. OF1rICIAL: J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. DISTRIBUTION: As prescribed in paragraph 9a, FM 21-6 except D2, 7 (5), 17 (20); B 17 (10); B 17 (10); Bn 17 (10); I Bn 2, 5-10 (8); C 17 (20); IC2,5-11 (5). I Bn 2: T/O &E 2-25, Rcn Sq (Mecz); I Bn 5: T/O 5-215, Armd Engr Bn; I.Bn 6: T/O & E 6-165, Armd FA Bn; I Bn 7: T/O 7-25, Armd Inf Bn; I Bn 8: T/O 8-75, Med Bn Armd; I Bn 9: T/O &E 9-65, Ord Maint Bn, Armd Div; I Bn 10: T/O &E 10-35, Sup Bn, Armd Div; IC 2: T/O & E 2-27, Rcn Tr (Mecz); IC 5. T/O 5-216, HEq & HEq Co, Armd Engr Bn; 5-217, Co, Armd Engr Bn; IC 6: T/O & E 6-160-1, Hq & Hq Btry, Div Arty, Armd Div; 6-166, HEq & Eq Btry, Armd FA Bn; 6-167, Btry Armd FA Bn; 6-169, Sv Btry, Armd FA Bn; IC 7: T/O 7-22, Eq & HEq Co, Armed Inf Regt; 7-23, Sv Co, Armd Inf Regt; 7-27, Rifle Co, Armd Inf Regt, Rifle Co, Armd Inf Bn; T/O & E 7-26, Hq & Hq Co, Armd Inf Bn; 7-29, Sv Co, Armd Inf Bn; IC 8: T/O & E 8-76, Hq & Hq Co, Med Bn, Armd; 8-77, Co, Med Bn, Armd; IC 9: T/O 9-66, HEq & Hq Co, Maint Bn, Armd Div; T/O & B 9-67, Co, Maint Bn, Armd Div; IC 10: T/O 10-36, Hq & Hq Co, Sup Bn, Armd Div; 10- 37, Trk Co, Sup Bn, Armd Div; IC 11: T/O 11-57, Armd Sig Co; T/O & E 11-86-S, Iq & Eq Co, Armd Sig Bn; 11-87S, Sig Information and Monitoring Co; 11-88-S, Co, Armd Sig. Bn, (Oper); 11-89-S, Armd Sig Bn (Cons) (Oper). For explanation of symbols see FM 21-6. 6 AGO 150D U. S. GOVERNMENTP RINTING OFFICEII t944 FM 17-30 ARMORED FORCE FIELD MANUAL TANK PLATOON UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1942 WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, October 22, 1942, FM 17-30, Armored Force Field Manual, Tank Platoon, is published for the i iformation and guidance of all concerned. [A. G. 062.11 (9-18-42).] BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL: J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. DISTRIBUTION: D 2. 7 (5), 17 (20); Bn and H 17 (10); IBn 2, 5-10 (3); C 17 (20); IC 2, 5-11 (5). (For explanation of symbols see FM 21-6.) H TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraphs Page CHAPTER 1. General --------------------------- 1-4 1 CHAPrE 2. Training. SEcION I. General-.. ..... __--------___------ 65 II. Terrain- ______---_.-_-________-- 7-8 8 III. Weapons and ammunition ------- 9-11 30 CHAPTIE 3. Control, orders, and reconnaissance___ 12-14 54 CHAPT 4. Marches ---------------------------. 15-18 59 CHAPTE 5. Security ---------------------------- 19-29 70 CHArPa 6.. Offensive action. SECTION I. General __-_-___ . ________________ 30-32 121 II. Tank crew -. ..............3...3. -35 t125 ID. Tank platoon -------------- ..... 36-42 135 Cnrrr. 7. Defense ._.-------_--. . _---------- 43-45 156 IN.. ......X... ................................ _159