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First Virginia Records for Two Boreal Species of Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) PDF

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Preview First Virginia Records for Two Boreal Species of Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS 85 Shorter Contributions Banisteria, Number 38, pages 85-86 (VMNH 1 ?). © 2011 Virginia Natural History Society The North Carolina record has never been formally documented. Dr. David Kavanaugh informs me that the FIRST VIRGINIA RECORDS FOR TWO California Academy of Sciences collection contains a BOREAL SPECIES OF LONGHORN BEETLES single specimen labeled only “Black Mtns. NC”. Dr. (COLEOPTERA: CERAMBYCIDAE). — In contrast E. C. Van Dyke collected at Mount Mitchell in June with many other large families of insects, and July of 1902, and is almost certainly the source of the cerambycid fauna of Virginia is relatively well- this record, although he did receive further samples of known, with 241 species now documented (VMNH beetles from the Black Mountains collected by his unpublished files). This figure is of course inadequate friend William Beutenmuller, who conceivably might in the sense that many of these species have been found have obtained the specimen. Inquiries addressed to only once (and then often decades in the past), and other museums likely to have material from western incomplete insofar as many species remain to be North Carolina disclosed no further material of P. discovered in the Commonwealth, being known either collaris, which must be accounted very rare in the from adjoining states or from sites both north and south southern Appalachians. of our boundaries. This occasion is taken to increase the present roster by two species of northern affinities, Ropalopus sanguinicollis (Horn) neither of them frequently collected in the southern Appalachians. Despite its moderate size and conspicuous black and red colors, this species has appeared in the literature Tribe Callidiini only a few times since its description 151 years ago (Horn, 1860) from specimens collected in “northern This predominantly Hoi arctic group is closely New York”. The New York state list (Leonard, 1928) associated with coniferous and northern hardwood provided several localities in the mountainous part of forests. Eleven genera were listed for North America that state and Linsley (1964) summarized the range as by Linsley (1964), five of them represented in the “Eastern Canada and northeastern United States to Ohio Virginia fauna. Two additional genera are herewith and West Virginia.” Knull (1946) cited only two Ohio added from material incidentally discovered by field localities. work conducted during the summer of 2011. Grayson County: Grayson Highlands State Park, picnic area at Massie’s Gap, 4650 ft. (1417 m), 20 June Pronocera collaris collaris (Kirby) 2011, R. L. Hoffman (VMNH 1$). The specimen was under attack by an asilid fly when noticed. In its broad sense, this beetle occurs The species is not listed for North Carolina by transcontinentally from Newfoundland to Alaska, Brimley (1938, 1942) and Wray (1950, 1967) nor extending southward through the Cordilleran and represented in the collection of North Carolina State Appalachian mountains and northward to the edge of University. However, the National Museum of Natural the Arctic Ocean in Yukon Territory. A localized History contains a specimen labeled “Mt. Mitchell, subspecies, P. c\ lecontei Chemsak, occurs in the June 24, 1939” which constitutes a new southernmost Sierras of northern California. In eastern North locality for Ropalopus sanguinicollis as well as a new America, the species has been found southward only to record for North Carolina. Michigan, New York, and New Hampshire, with a notably disjunct record for western North Carolina (cf. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Fig. 5 in Linsley, 1964). The existing nearly 700 mile (1125 km) hiatus can now be partly bridged by the Robert S. Anderson, Patrice Bouchard, Lee H. discovery of this rare species in extreme western Herman, Jr., Robert L. Blinn, Steven Lingafelter, and Virginia. David Kavanaugh searched through collections under Highland County. Unnamed headwater tributary of their care for relevant records; Steven M. Roble Laurel Fork, ca. 0.5 mi/0.8 km west of Va. Rt. 642 [ca. donated the specimen of Pronocera collaris. Their 5.6 mi/9.0 km NW Hightown], 3600 ft. (1100 m), collective aid during preparation of this note is Malaise trap, 17 June-5 August 2011, S. M. Roble gratefully acknowledged. 86 BANISTERIA NO. 38,2011 LITERATURE CITED Banisteria, Number 38, pages 86-87 © 2011 Virginia Natural History Society Brimley, C. S. 1938. The Insects of North Carolina, Being a List of the Insects of North Carolina and their AN ENSIGN WASP (HYMENOPTERA: Near Relatives. North Carolina Department of EVANIIDAE) NEW TO VIRGINIA. — Five species Agriculture, Raleigh. 560 pp. of Evaniidae have been recorded in Virginia, Prosevania fuscipes (Illiger), Evaniella semaeoda Brimley, C. S. 1942. Supplement to Insects of North Bradley, Hyptia harpyoides Bradley, H. thomcica Carolina. North Carolina Department of Agriculture, (Blanchard), and H. reticulata (Say) (Smith, 1998). A Raleigh. 39 pp. sixth species, Evania appencligaster (Linnaeus), no doubt occurs in the state. I have seen records from the Horn, G. H. 1861 (“I860”). Descriptions of new North District of Columbia, but as yet none from Virginia. American Coleoptera, in the collections of the Prosevania fuscipes and E. appendigaster are Entomological Society of Philadelphia. Proceedings of introduced species and are found only in buildings in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia for urban situations. In extensive collections in Virginia, 1860 [vol. 12]: 569-571. I have never collected either of these species in field conditions. The other species are native and occur Knull, J. N. 1946. The long-horned beetles of Ohio throughout the state. All are cockroach egg predators. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Bulletin of the Ohio Little is known of the host association of native species, Biological Survey 39: 133-353. but they are probably Parcoblatta spp. or other wood roaches common in the eastern forests (Smith, 1998). Leonard, M. D. 1928. A list of the insects of New York Here I record an additional species for Virginia, with a list of the spiders and certain other allied groups. Hyptia floridana Ashmead (Figs. 1, 2). Specimens were Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station taken in Malaise traps in Sussex and Isle of Wight Memoir 101. 1,021 pp. counties, with the following data (number of specimens in parentheses): VA: Sussex Co., Chub Sandhill Natural Linsley, E. G. 1964. The Cerambycidae of North Area Preserve, N36.7513500 W077.4899290, 25 May- America. Part V. Taxonomy and classification of the 28 June 2011, A. V. Evans, D. T. Loomis, Malaise trap subfamily Cerambycinae, tribes Callichromini through (5), 28 June-18 July 2011 (2), 19 July-19 August 2011 Ancylocerini. University of California Publications in (1); VA: Isle of Wight Co., Blackwater Ecological Entomology 22: 1-197. Preserve, site 1, N36.823280, W076.852290, 30 June 2010, pine/oak sandhills, A. V. Evans, D. T. Loomis Wray, D. L. 1950. Insects of North Carolina. Second (1), 9 July 2010 (4), same data except site 2, Supplement. North Carolina Department of Agriculture, N36.822610, W076.855320, 18 June 2010 (1), 9 July Raleigh. 59 pp. 2010 (1), 28 July 2010 (1). Townes (1949) examined specimens of H. floridana only from Florida, Georgia, Wray, D. L. 1967. Insects of North Carolina. Third Louisiana, Guatemala, and Panama. Subsequently, it Supplement. North Carolina Department of Agriculture, has been recorded from St. Pauls, Robeson Co., in Raleigh. 181 pp. southeastern North Carolina (Ahlstrom, 1995; Deans, 2005). Thus, this is a new northern record for the species as well as the first state record for Virginia. Richard L. Hoffman Chub Sandhill Natural Area Preserve features a Virginia Museum of Natural History series of low sand hills and adjacent riparian wetlands Martinsville, Virginia 24112 along the Nottoway River (VDCR, 2010; Roble & Hoffman, 2011). The Blackwater Ecological Preserve consists of dry to mesic sand ridges (Frost & Musselman, 1987). Both areas support some rare and unusual plants and animals for Virginia and northern records for southern species. Hyptia floridana is separated from other Nearctic evaniids by Townes (1949). In the key to evaniids of the mid-Atlantic states by Smith (1998), it will go to other Hyptia species but can be separated by its tiny size, only about 2.0-2.3 mm long, the punctures on the

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