TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan entwt Trans.tepidS,oc,Jopan 59(1):83-86,January2008 Firs trecord ofMetendothenia mesarotia (Meyric k()Lepidopt eTrbart,ricidae, Olethreutinae f)rom Japan, with descriptio nofs the immature stages YbshitsuguNAsui)* SatoruToMiNAGA!) and i' 153-2, Nakado, I'Iashimot oW,akayama, 648-O023 Japan ii251-3,Kochinda,Kochinda,Okinawa,901-0401Japan Abstrac tIn July 2005, 1arvae of tlVeietzdofhenia nzesarotFa (Meyric kf)cedin gon Dt}pete stnat- sumurae (Euphorbiac ewearee) found in Chinen-son, Okina-,a Pref . The moth is added to the Japanese moth fauna ,and description sof the last insta rlarva and pupa given for the firs ttime. The adult, larva and pupa are illustrated, Key words Tortricidae M,etendothenia mes'arotra (Meyric kl)a,rva ,pupa, Dr)petes mats"inurae, Japan. The genus Metendothenia Diakonoff .1973 is a small genus ef the tribe Olethreuti nwiidely distribut eidn the world except Australi aN,ew Zealand and South America, and seventeen species have been recorded globall y(Brow n2,005) ,The genus has a valva with a setose lobe on the posterio ernd of the costa of thc valva i'n the male genitali a(Razowsk i1,989). Three species have hithert boeen recorded from Japan (Kawabe ,1978, 1982, 1987; Jinbo, 2004-2007). In July 2005, one of us, Tbminaga discovered unfamiliar olethreuine larvae feeding on the leave sofDixpetes matsumuiue (Euphorbiace aeTh)e. emerged moths are referable to Metendthenia mesarotra (Meyrick )whi,ch previousl wyas recorded from Java and the So]omon Is . The larva ewere known to feed on MischocarpMs sundaicus (Sapindac e(aReo)binso ent at., 2001) ,In the present paper, the immature stages arc de- scribed for the fir sttime, with illustrati oofn asdult, larv aand pupa. Metendothenia mesarotra (Meyric k()Fig 1s-8) Arg.vroploc emesarotra Meyrick, 191 1: 273; Clarke, 1955: 203; Diakonoff, 1966 :20, fig 6.5 < l 'genitalia). Metendoiheni ainesarotra: Diakonoff, 1973: 450, fig s667, 668, 67e, 731 (a "\ gcnitali aw,ing venation); Robinson et aL, 2001: 264; Brown, 200S: 421. Arg.N.'rop sltoicbaeropa Meyrick, 1933: 420; Clarke ,1955 /295; Brown, 2005: 421. Olethreute sstibaropa: Clarke ,1958: 551, pl ,274, fig s3-3a (adul tX, genitalia). Diagnosis .This moth is a medium-sized tortrici d(forewi negxpanse ll-15 mm) with a dark brown fbrewing with several leaden line smargined with milky white lines ,a 1arge olive triangula rpatch en the middle of the dorsum and an irregula rolive ocelloid patch (Fig 1s-3). Scxual dirnorphism is pronounced ;the male hind wing has a protrudin ganal roil, pointed distall ya,nd a swollen dorsum between the marginal points of Cup and IA+2A (Fig ,1) .The male genital iarae characterized by a slender uncus with several thick setae on the top and blade-shape vdalva with a large curved lobe with many thick setae on the poste- rior end of the costa (Fi g7,) .The female genital iaare characteriLed by a depresse doval sterigma with a ventral groove and a circular signum in the cerpus bursae (Fi g8.) .The species is distinguishabl efrom it scongeners in Japan by the olive triangular patch on the dorsum and the blade-shaped valva with a pointe dapcx. "'Con'cspondingauthor:fwik6205@mb,infoweb, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 84 YoshitsuguNAsu SatoruToMiNAGA and / Figs 1-6. Metendothenia mesarotra (Meyric k1). .g' adult. 2, \ adult. 3, Adult ,resting postur e4.. Mature lai'v a5.. Pupal case. 6. Pupa. Last insta rlarv a(Fi g4.). Length ]3-14 nun. Head somewhat longe rthan broad, brown; galea and stemmatal area black ,adfrontal areas extending nearly to epicranial notch; six stemmata in a semi-circle; spinneret, short, tapering dista]l yB,ody greenis hbrown, becom- ing reddish before pupating ;integumen tspinulose. Prothoracic shield blackis hbrown. Prothoraci clegs blackish brown, mid- and hind-thoraci clegs concolorous with body. Pinacul apale ,except dark brown pinacula of L and SV groups on prothora x.Setae pale. Anal plat econcolorous with body. Small circular plat epresen tantero-dorsally from ventral proleg on abdominal segments 3-6. Crochet son ventral proleg sin a uniordinal circle, 40-44, Anal fork present ,five -or six-fOrked. Chaetotaxy :On head, Pl closer to AFI than to AF2, A2 distinct cllyoser to Al than to A3. 0n abdominal segments 1-7, SDI and SD2 antero-dorsad to spiracle, l. group trisetose, Ll and L2 on a common pinaculum .On ab- dominal segment 8, SD1 and SD2 antero-ventrad to spiracle. SV group on abdomina] seg- ments 1-9 consisting of 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2 and2 setae, respectively. On abdorninal seg- ment 9, D2s on a common pinaculum, D1 and SDI on a separate pinaculum, L group trise- tose on a common pinaculum. Pupa (Fi g6.) ,Length about 6 mm. Color greenish brown. Frons somewhat protruding. Clypeus with two pair sof setae. Maxilla enot reaching tips of prothorac iIcegs ,Antennae reaching tips ofmesothoracic legs .Mesothoraci clegs not reaching tips of forewings, Tips of metathoracic legs exposed. Forewings not reaching posterio rmargin of abdominal seg- ment 4. Hindwings concealed by fbrewing sat anterior margin of abdominal segrnent 4. Spiracle sslightly protrudin g.Proleg scars discemib leen abdoininal segments 5 and 6. TXsv opair sQf hooked setae present on both sides of anus. Abdominal segment 1O somewhat NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Metendethenia fromJapan 85 mesarotra pti' .t/ sx s, 't・1 tt 1+.Z':tt4i' l.,tt.,).,.ou,・., ・g;.-.l-k..lj Figs 7, 8, Genital iaof Metendothenia mesarotrez l'1'"1/'//'/'1''t"i'''t' ,,i,/1,ltl(・1,111・i,ii,,-,llit・,Iil,,i・i, (Meyric k7), .g' ,genitali aslide no, YN1206. 8, gege8 9, genital islaide no. YN1207. Sca]e line :O.5 t,tvL.e'vtYr.,-.t'ttd.'et.'"tte.'.t. ".-t.t-,',"-/tl',"t.,f.,.,,t".At,'tt.T..t.t-t,"-r-'t-tt mm. .aJ・J protrudin gwi,th four pair sof hooked setae and spinules on the surface. Material examined. Adult, JAPAN; Okinawa Pref. :Chjnen-son ,Seifa-Utak L283?, emerged 28. V-10. VI. 2005 (S .[[bminaga leg,) ,5 84 9, emerged 20. VII-22 .VIII .2005 (Y Nasu leg.) .All adults were reared from larva efeedin gon Drypetes matsumurae, Larva. The same locali tays adult, 2 exs, fixe don 9. VII. 2005 (I LNasu leg. ),Pupa, The same lo- cality as adult, 1 9, fixed on 19. VIL 2005 (Y lNasu ]eg. )and 5 g pupal skins. AII speci- mens are in the privat ecollection o'fY] Nasu. DistributioJna.vaIs.,SolomonIs,J,apan(Okinawa). Host-plan t.Sapindacea eM:ischocarpus sundaic"s Blume (Robins oetn al., 2001); EuphorbiaceaeD:rmpetes (Koidz.K)anehira. matsumL{rae Biology. In Okinawa, larvae span or fblded the leave sof Dr:ypetes matsumuvae, feedin gon the surface, Under laborator yconditions, fully-grown larvae cut a leaf edge transversel yat one or two point sand folded it over, constructing a pupal case (Fig 5.). Pupatio ntook place in the case. The rearing data suggest tha tthe moth has several generatio npser year in Okinawa. Remarks. Metendothenia organica (Meyric k1,920) has been regarded as ajunior synonym of M. mesarotva (Diakono f1f9,73; Brown, 2005) .This treatment was originally adopted by Diakonoff (1973) h;owever, he (1982 )late rcorrected this, concluding that M. onganica is an independent species because of difTerence sin the structures of the female genitalia. Judging from the figure of female genital iofa M. organica by Diakonoff (1982 )i,t is clearly distinguisha bflreom those of M. mesarotiu in the sterigma and signum, Acknowledgment We thank Mr M. Higa, the South-eas Btotanica lGardens O,kinawa, for identificat oifo nthe host plant. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical SSoooiceityety ooff JJaapapnan 86 Yoshltsug uNAsu and Sator uToMINAGA References BrownJ , W .,2005. Tortriuid(aLeepidoptera). In Landry, B .〔Ed.), WO 澀 ω αlogμ8 ρズlnsects 5;1−74L Apollo Books, Stenstrup. Clark,e J. E G .,1955. Ca talogue of the 7L. ,tx)e Specin:en、s cf Mic厂olepidoptera in the Britis Mhuseum (ノVat‘tral History)ゴθ∫c厂め8面 y E4閲 アゼ漉 y厂敏 1.332 pp,,4pls. BMNH , London . Hi st」or>9,)5d8e・scCraitbael bodgy uEedw(ゾar漉d θMeT.yvrpiec kS 3pe.c6i0m0e npsp .O,2f 9M8i cprlosl, eBpMi‘NlHopte, rLCotn加dotnhe. Briti’hh Museum (Natural DiakQnolf, A.」966. Notes on the Olethreutin iand on some Tortricina efrom the Papuan region in the Meyrlck Collecti,o Bnriti sMhuseum , with seleetion of lectotype(LsepiClopter, aTortricida)e. Zoo♂.、ノ餉 . (85):3−85,pLl. ,1973,Tho SQuth Asiati Oclethreuti. nZioθ’. Monvg 厂, Rijksmus. nat . Hist.1:1−700,1−15pls. (1 93,)1139−8122,40,npl as 1co−l1le8c.【ion of some familie sof MicrGlepidoptera ffom Sr iLanka(Ceylon), Z‘κ丿置. Verh. 亅Khalwbaob,e U, ,A2.0,0149−7280. 0M7o. L廿iユss to−Mf tノh;eA O cghaecskaliwsatra{)f(BJoanpina)nTess〃lmeaotnhdss, p. ahl’tt tlp :〆T/o隔rstt両 o1m0:163一互72. 」982.Tortricid. aeIn Inoue, H . et al.,ルfoths qブノap αn l;62−151,2:]58一璽81,pls 14−30,227, 279−293.Kodansya, Tokyo ,(ln Japancsc). ,1987.Descriptjo onfs four ncw species of the Olethreut.inae(Lepidopしcra :Tortricida)efr〔}ln Japan. Tineα 12(suppt .):139−144. Meyrick, E.,19n. Revisio nof Australi aTnortricin.a P厂oc .ム廨 .∫‘丿c. N.5. Wヒ1嬬 36;224−303. ,1933(reprinted in l 969). Exotic Microlepidol,tera 4;353−448. E. W .Classe yLtd.,Hampton . R az owCsrkaico, vJ..,3129:8190. 7−T3h2e8 g.enera of Tortricidae(Lepidoptera). Part II:Palaearcti cOlethreutinae,.4αα、 z‘丿ot. R ob in惚sonハ,4 0Gt,h San,,d A rBkuetrtye, nPj7, yRCα., teKripitlclahrin,sg’ ,(〜1f. tJh.,e BOcrciceanlotna iRl, eGg.i Won.. a7ll4d4 Lp.p M. T. hHeer Nnaitnudreazl, H2i0s〔t〕o1r, y HMousstepulmaf tat nsQdf Southdene Sdn Bhd , Kuala Lumpur . 摘 要 日本新記録の ツ ゲモ ドキ ヒメハ マ キ (新称)Metendothenia mes αrotra (Meyrick)とその幼生期 ・ の記載 (那須義次 富永 智) 2005年7月,第者の.一人富永は沖縄県知念村で ツゲモ ドキを摂食してい る見慣れない ヒメハ マ キガ幼 虫を発見 した 羽化成虫を検討したところ,凵本新記録のツゲモ ドキ ヒメハ マ キ (新称)Metendothenia ’ meh arotra (Meyrick)である ことが判明した.本種の 幼生期の形態が初めて 報告された. ー . 本種は 口本の 同属の種とは,前翅後縁中央部に大きなオリ ブ色の三角紋をもつ こ と,バ ルバ 先端が尖 るこ とで 区別で きる, 分布.ジャバ 島,ソ ロ モ ン 諸島,口本(沖縄). 寄主植’物,ム クロ ジ科:Mischocarpus se〃ndaicus Blume(Robinson et at.,200 D;トウダイグサ科:ッゲモ ド キDr.ypetes m ‘ltsumurae (Koidz.)Kancbira. 幼虫は寄主植物の葉を合わせるかあるい は1枚の葉を折 り曲げて,その 中に潜み,葉の表面を摂食す る.沖縄ではおそらく年数化すると思われ る, 〔Accepte dSeptembe r20,2007) Published by the Lepidopterologica lSociet yofJapan , 5−2〔,, Motoyokoyuma 2, Hachi〔’ji, Tokyo,192−0063 Japan 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic LLiibrbarryary Service