AAggoorràà MMoobbiillee oorr:: HHooww II LLeeaarrnneedd ttoo SSttoopp WWoorrrryyiinngg aanndd PPuutt oouurr IInnttrraanneett oonn tthhee IInntteerrnneett Guglielmo Bondioni Manager of ICT Security Fastweb S.p.A. Milan, 2015-03-11 PG. 1 FFaassttwweebb 22001155 2.1 Mln Customer Base wireline customers EoY2014 3 Leader in broadband net adds years in a row from 2012 to 2014 ~30% Main competitor of the incumbent in Corporate/PA segment Market Share Corporate +3% The only operator with sales and margins growing YoY Revenue in 2014 PPGG.. 22 LLeeaaddiinngg tthhee uullttrraa--bbrrooaaddbbaanndd mmaarrkkeett ~310K FTTH ~400K FTTC ~710K UBB Customers Customers of which FASTWEB of which FASTWEB of which FASTWEB ~300K ~200K ~500K (~70%) With 500k customers connected at speed up to 100 Mbps, FASTWEB has a 70% share of the UBB market 3 PPGG.. 33 AArrrriicccchhiirree llaa vviittaa ee iill llaavvoorroo aattttrraavveerrssoo IInntteerrnneett Enrich life and work through the Internet PG. 4 SSoo,, lleett’’ss ttaakkee oouurr iinnttrraanneett ttoo tthhee IInntteerrnneett!! IN OUT Create a digital work environment to foster communication, cooperation and interaction within the company anywhere, at any time and with any device. PPGG.. 55 SSeeccuurriittyy’’ss ttyyppiiccaall rreessppoonnssee:: PPGG.. 66 ...... nnoott aann ooppttiioonn.. Enrich life and work through the Internet PG. 7 DDiilleemmmmaa How do we take sensitive internal web sites to the Internet, safely? PG. 8 ?? PG. 9 ...... wwee ddoonn’’tt.. Not that sensitive. PG. 10