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64th Legislature SB0409 AN ACT REVISING METAL MINE RECLAMATION LAWS; ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR TAILINGS STORAGE FACILITIES; ESTABLISHING A FEE; DEFINING TERMS; CREATING INDEPENDENT REVIEW PANELS; PROVIDING FOR REVIEWS AND INSPECTIONS; PROVIDING ENFORCEMENT; AMENDING SECTIONS 82-4-301, 82-4-303, 82-4-305, 82-4-335, 82-4-336, 82-4-337, AND 82-4-342, MCA; AND PROVIDING AN APPLICABILITY DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MONTANA: Section 1. Section 82-4-301, MCA, is amended to read: "82-4-301. Legislative intent and findings. (1) The legislature, mindful of its constitutional obligations under Article II, section 3, and Article IX of the Montana constitution, has enacted this part. (2) It is the legislature's intent that: (a) the requirements of this part provide adequate remedies for the protection of the environmental life support system from degradation and provide adequate remedies to prevent unreasonable depletion and degradation of natural resources; (b) tailings storage facilities are designed, operated, monitored, and closed in a manner that: (i) meets state-of-practice engineering design standards; (ii) uses applicable, appropriate, and current technologies and techniques as are practicable given site-specific conditions and concerns; and (iii) provides protection of human health and the environment; and (c) the regulation of tailings storage facilities is not prescriptive in detail but allows for adaptive management using evolving best engineering practices based on the recommendations of qualified, experienced engineers. (2)(3) The extraction of mineral by mining is a basic and essential activity making an important contribution to the economy of the state and the nation. At the same time, proper reclamation of mined land and former exploration areas not brought to mining stage is necessary to prevent undesirable land and surface water - 1 - Authorized Print Version - SB 409 ENROLLED BILL SB0409 conditions detrimental to the general welfare, health, safety, ecology, and property rights of the citizens of the state. Mining and exploration for minerals take place in diverse areas where geological, topographical, climatic, biological, and sociological conditions are significantly different, and the specifications for reclamation specifications and tailings storage facilities must vary accordingly. It is not practical to extract minerals or explore for minerals required by our society without disturbing the surface or subsurface of the earth and without producing waste materials, and the very character of many types of mining operations precludes complete restoration of the land to its original condition. The legislature finds that land reclamation and tailings storage as provided in this part will allow exploration for and mining of valuable minerals while adequately providing for the subsequent beneficial use of the lands to be reclaimed." Section 2. Section 82-4-303, MCA, is amended to read: "82-4-303. Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context indicates otherwise, the following definitions apply: (1) "Abandonment of surface or underground mining" may be presumed when it is shown that continued operation will not resume. (2) "Amendment" means a change to an approved operating or reclamation plan. A major amendment is an amendment that may significantly affect the human environment. A minor amendment is an amendment that will not significantly affect the human environment. (3) "Board" means the board of environmental review provided for in 2-15-3502. (4) "Certification" means, with regard to tailings storage facilities, a statement of opinion by a professional engineer that the work on a tailings storage facility has been conducted in accordance with the normal standard of care within dam engineering practice. Certification does not constitute a warranty or guarantee of facts or conditions certified. (4)(5) "Completeness" means that an application contains information addressing each applicable permit requirement as listed in this part or rules adopted pursuant to this part in sufficient detail for the department to make a decision as to adequacy of the application to meet the requirements of this part. (6) "Constructor" means the company or companies constructing the built components of a tailings storage facility, including but not limited to embankment dams, surface water diversion structures, tailings distribution systems, reclaim water systems, and monitoring instrumentation. - 2 - Authorized Print Version - SB 409 ENROLLED BILL SB0409 (5)(7) "Cyanide ore-processing reagent" means cyanide or a cyanide compound used as a reagent in leaching operations. (6)(8) "Department" means the department of environmental quality provided for in 2-15-3501. (7)(9) "Disturbed land" means the area of land or surface water that has been disturbed, beginning at the date of the issuance of the permit. The term includes the area from which the overburden, tailings, waste materials, or minerals have been removed and tailings ponds, waste dumps, roads, conveyor systems, load-out facilities, leach dumps, and all similar excavations or coverings that result from the operation and that have not been previously reclaimed under the reclamation plan. (10) "Engineer of record" means a qualified engineer who is the lead designer for a tailings storage facility. (11) "Expansion" means, with regard to tailings storage facilities, a change in the size, height, or configuration of or a contiguous addition to an existing tailings storage facility that increases or may increase the storage capacity of the impoundment above the currently permitted capacity. (8)(12) "Exploration" means: (a) all activities that are conducted on or beneath the surface of lands and that result in material disturbance of the surface for the purpose of determining the presence, location, extent, depth, grade, and economic viability of mineralization in those lands, if any, other than mining for production and economic exploitation; and (b) all roads made for the purpose of facilitating exploration, except as noted in 82-4-310. (13) "Independent review engineer" means a licensed engineer who is a recognized expert in tailings storage facility design, construction, operation, and closure. (14) "Material deviation" means a failure to follow a condition in a design document, corrective action plan, schedule, or tailings operation, maintenance, and surveillance manual that could reasonably be expected to substantively impair a tailings storage facility from performing as intended. (15) "Maximum credible earthquake" means the most severe earthquake that can be expected at a site based on geologic and seismological evidence, including a review of all historic earthquake data of events sufficiently nearby to influence the site, all faults in the area, and attenuations from causative faults to the site. (9)(16) "Mineral" means any ore, rock, or substance, other than oil, gas, bentonite, clay, coal, sand, gravel, peat, soil materials, or uranium, that is taken from below the surface or from the surface of the earth for - 3 - Authorized Print Version - SB 409 ENROLLED BILL SB0409 the purpose of milling, concentration, refinement, smelting, manufacturing, or other subsequent use or processing or for stockpiling for future use, refinement, or smelting. (10)(17) "Mining" commences when the operator first mines ores or minerals in commercial quantities for sale, beneficiation, refining, or other processing or disposition or first takes bulk samples for metallurgical testing in excess of the aggregate of 10,000 short tons. (18) "Observational method" means a continuous, managed, and integrated process of design, construction control, monitoring, and review enabling appropriate, previously defined modifications to be incorporated during and after construction. (19) "Operator" means a person who has an operating permit issued under 82-4-335. (11)(20) "Ore processing" means milling, heap leaching, flotation, vat leaching, or other standard hard-rock mineral concentration processes. (21) "Panel" means the tailings storage facility independent review panel created for each new or expanded tailings storage facility. (12)(22) "Person" means any person, corporation, firm, association, partnership, or other legal entity engaged in exploration for or mining of minerals on or below the surface of the earth, reprocessing of tailings or waste materials, or operation of a hard-rock mill. (13)(23) "Placer deposit" means: (a) naturally occurring, scattered, or unconsolidated valuable minerals in gravel, glacial, eolian, colluvial, or alluvial deposits lying above bedrock; or (b) all forms of deposit except veins of quartz and other rock in place. (14)(24) "Placer or dredge mining" means the mining of minerals from a placer deposit by a person or persons. (25) "Practicable" means available and capable of being implemented after taking into consideration cost, existing technology, and logistics in light of overall project purposes. (26) "Professional engineer" means a registered professional engineer licensed to practice in Montana under Title 37, chapter 67, part 3. (27) "Qualified engineer" means a professional engineer who has a minimum of 10 years of direct experience with the design and construction of tailings storage facilities and has the appropriate professional and educational credentials to effectively determine appropriate parameters for the safe design, construction, - 4 - Authorized Print Version - SB 409 ENROLLED BILL SB0409 operation, and closure of a tailings storage facility. (15)(28) "Reclamation plan" means the operator's written proposal, as required and approved by the department, for reclamation of the land that will be disturbed. The proposal must include, to the extent practical at the time of application for an operating permit: (a) a statement of the proposed subsequent use of the land after reclamation, which may include use of the land as an industrial site not necessarily related to mining; (b) plans for surface gradient restoration to a surface suitable for the proposed subsequent use of the land after reclamation is completed and the proposed method of accomplishment; (c) the manner and type of revegetation or other surface treatment of disturbed areas; (d) procedures proposed to avoid foreseeable situations of public nuisance, endangerment of public safety, damage to human life or property, or unnecessary damage to flora and fauna in or adjacent to the area; (e) the method of disposal of mining debris; (f) the method of diverting surface waters around the disturbed areas when necessary to prevent pollution of those waters or unnecessary erosion; (g) the method of reclamation of stream channels and stream banks to control erosion, siltation, and pollution; (h) maps and other supporting documents that may be reasonably required by the department; and (i) a time schedule for reclamation that meets the requirements of 82-4-336. (16)(29) "Rock products" means decorative rock, building stone, riprap, mineral aggregates, and other minerals produced by typical quarrying activities or collected from or just below the ground surface. (17)(30) (a) "Small miner" means a person, firm, or corporation that engages in mining activity that is not exempt from this part pursuant to 82-4-310, that engages in the business of reprocessing of tailings or waste materials, that, except as provided in 82-4-310, knowingly allows other persons to engage in mining activities on land owned or controlled by the person, firm, or corporation, that does not hold an operating permit under 82-4-335 except for a permit issued under 82-4-335(3) or a permit that meets the criteria of subsection (17)(c) (30)(c) of this section, and that conducts: (i) an operation that results in not more than 5 acres of the earth's surface being disturbed and unreclaimed; or (ii) two operations that disturb and leave unreclaimed less than 5 acres for each operation if the - 5 - Authorized Print Version - SB 409 ENROLLED BILL SB0409 respective mining properties are: (A) the only operations engaged in by the person, firm, or corporation; and (B) at least 1 mile apart at their closest point. (b) For the purpose of this definition only, the department shall, in computing the area covered by the operation: (i) exclude access or haulage roads that are required by a local, state, or federal agency having jurisdiction over that road to be constructed to certain specifications if that public agency notifies the department in writing that it desires to have the road remain in use and will maintain it after mining ceases; and (ii) exclude access roads for which the person, firm, or corporation submits a bond to the department in the amount of the estimated total cost of reclamation along with a description of the location of the road and the specifications to which it will be constructed. (c) A small miner may hold an operating permit that allows disturbance of 100 acres or less. The permit may be amended to add new disturbance areas, but the total area permitted for disturbance may not exceed 100 acres at any time. (18)(31) "Soil materials" means earth material found in the upper soil layers that will support plant growth. (19)(32) (a) "Surface mining" means all or any part of the process involved in mining of minerals by removing the overburden and mining directly from the mineral deposits exposed, including but not limited to open-pit mining of minerals naturally exposed at the surface of the earth, mining by the auger method, and all similar methods by which earth or minerals exposed at the surface are removed in the course of mining. (b) Surface mining does not include the extraction of oil, gas, bentonite, clay, coal, sand, gravel, peat, soil materials, or uranium or excavation or grading conducted for onsite farming, onsite road construction, or other onsite building construction. (33) "Tailings" means the residual materials remaining after a milling process that separates the valuable fraction from the uneconomic fraction of an ore mined by an operator. (34) (a) "Tailings storage facility" means a facility that temporarily or permanently stores tailings, including the impoundment, embankment, tailings distribution works, reclaim water works, monitoring devices, storm water diversions, and other ancillary structures. (b) The term does not include a facility that: (i) stores 50 acre-feet or less of free water or process solution; - 6 - Authorized Print Version - SB 409 ENROLLED BILL SB0409 (ii) is wholly contained below surrounding grade with no man-made structures retaining tailings, water, or process solution or underground mines that use tailings as backfill; or (iii) stores dry stack or filtered tailings. (20)(35) "Underground mining" means all methods of mining other than surface mining. (21)(36) "Unit of surface-mined area" means that area of land and surface water included within an operating permit actually disturbed by surface mining during each 12-month period of time, beginning at the date of the issuance of the permit. The term includes the area from which overburden or minerals have been removed, the area covered by mining debris, and all additional areas used in surface mining or underground mining operations that by virtue of mining use are susceptible to erosion in excess of the surrounding undisturbed portions of land. (22)(37) "Vegetative cover" means the type of vegetation, grass, shrubs, trees, or any other form of natural cover considered suitable at time of reclamation." Section 3. Section 82-4-305, MCA, is amended to read: "82-4-305. Exemption -- small miners -- written agreement. (1) Except as provided in subsections (3) through (11), the provisions of this part do not apply to a small miner if the small miner annually agrees in writing: (a) that the small miner will not pollute or contaminate any stream; (b) that the small miner will provide protection for human and animal life through the installation of bulkheads installed over safety collars and the installation of doors on tunnel portals; (c) that the small miner will provide a map locating the miner's mining operations. The map must be of a size and scale determined by the department. (d) if the small miner's operations are placer or dredge mining, that the small miner shall salvage and protect all soil materials for use in reclamation of that site and shall reclaim all land disturbed by the operations to comparable utility and stability as that of adjacent areas. (2) For small-miner exemptions obtained after September 30, 1985, a small miner may not obtain or continue an exemption under subsection (1) unless the small miner annually certifies in writing: (a) if the small miner is an individual, that: (i) no business association or partnership of which the small miner is a member or partner has a - 7 - Authorized Print Version - SB 409 ENROLLED BILL SB0409 small-miner exemption; and (ii) no corporation of which the small miner is an officer, director, or owner of record of 25% or more of any class of voting stock has a small-miner exemption; or (b) if the small miner is a partnership or business association, that: (i) none of the associates or partners holds a small-miner exemption; and (ii) none of the associates or partners is an officer, director, or owner of 25% or more of any class of voting stock of a corporation that has a small-miner exemption; or (c) if the small miner is a corporation, that no officer, director, or owner of record of 25% or more of any class of voting stock of the corporation: (i) holds a small-miner exemption; (ii) is a member or partner in a business association or partnership that holds a small-miner exemption; (iii) is an officer, director, or owner of record of 25% or more of any class of voting stock of another corporation that holds a small-miner exemption. (3) A small miner whose operations are placer or dredge mining shall post a performance bond equal to the state's documented cost estimate of reclaiming the disturbed land, although the bond may not exceed $10,000 for each operation. If the small miner has posted a bond for reclamation with another government agency, the small miner is exempt from the requirement of this subsection. (4) If a small miner who conducts a placer or dredge mining operation fails to reclaim the operation, the small miner is liable to the department for all its reasonable costs of reclamation, including a reasonable charge for services performed by state personnel and for state materials and equipment used. If the small miner posts a surety bond, the surety is liable to the state to the extent of the bond amount and the small miner is liable for the remainder of the reasonable costs to the state of reclaiming the operation. (5) If a small miner who conducts a placer or dredge mining operation fails to commence reclamation of the operation within 6 months after cessation of mining or within an extended period allowed by the department for good cause shown or if the small miner fails to diligently complete reclamation, the department shall notify the small miner by certified mail that it intends to reclaim the operation unless the small miner commences reclamation within 30 days and diligently completes the reclamation. The notice must be mailed to the address stated on the small miner exclusion statement or, if the small miner has notified the department of a different address by letter or in the annual certification form, to the most recent address given to the department. If the - 8 - Authorized Print Version - SB 409 ENROLLED BILL SB0409 small miner fails to commence reclamation within 30 days or to diligently complete reclamation, the department may revoke the small miner exclusion statement, forfeit any bond that has been posted with the department, and enter and reclaim the operation. If the small miner has not posted a bond with the department or if the reasonable costs of reclamation exceed the amount of the bond, the department may also collect additional reclamation costs, as set forth in subsection (6), before or after it incurs those costs. (6) To collect additional reclamation costs, the department shall notify the small miner by certified mail, at the address determined under subsection (5), of the additional reasonable reclamation costs and request payment within 30 days. If the small miner does not pay the additional reclamation costs within 30 days, the department may bring an action in district court for payment of the estimated future costs and, if the department has performed any reclamation, of its reasonable actual costs. The court shall order payment of costs that it determines to be reasonable and shall retain jurisdiction until reclamation of the operation is completed. Upon completion of reclamation, the court shall order payment of any additional costs that it considers reasonable or the refund of any portion of any payment for estimated costs that exceeds the actual reasonable costs incurred by the department. (7) A small miner who intends to use a cyanide ore-processing reagent or other metal leaching solvents or reagents shall obtain an operating permit for that part of the small miner's operation in which the cyanide ore-processing reagent or other metal leaching solvents or reagents will be used or disposed of. The acreage disturbed by the operation using cyanide ore-processing reagents or other metal leaching solvents or reagents and covered by the operating permit is excluded from the 5-acre limit specified in 82-4-303(17)(a)(i) 82-4-303(30)(a)(i) and (17)(a)(ii) (30)(a)(ii). (8) (a) Except for a small miner proposing to conduct a placer or dredge mining operation, a small miner who intends to use an impoundment to store waste from ore processing shall obtain approval for the design, construction, operation, and reclamation of that impoundment and post a performance bond for that part of the small miner's operation before constructing an impoundment. The small miner shall post a performance bond equal to the state's documented cost estimate of reclaiming the disturbed land. If the small miner has posted a bond for reclamation of that site with a federal government agency, the small miner is exempt from the requirements of this subsection (8)(a). (b) The department shall conduct a review of the adequacy of the bond posted by a small miner using an impoundment pursuant to this section at least once every 5 years and adjust the bond if necessary to ensure - 9 - Authorized Print Version - SB 409 ENROLLED BILL SB0409 reclamation of the impoundment. The acreage disturbed by the portion of the operation that uses an impoundment to store waste from ore processing is included in the 5-acre limit specified in 82-4-303(17)(a)(i) 82-4-303(30)(a)(i) and (17)(a)(ii) (30)(a)(ii) and is subject to the provisions of this subsection (8). (c) If a small miner under this subsection (8) fails to reclaim the operation, the small miner is liable to the department for all its reasonable costs of reclamation, including a reasonable charge for services performed by state personnel and for state materials and equipment used. If the small miner posts a surety bond, the surety is liable to the state to the extent of the bond amount and the small miner is liable for the remainder of the reasonable costs to the state of reclaiming the operation. (d) If a small miner under this subsection (8) fails to commence reclamation of the operation within 6 months after cessation of mining or within an extended period allowed by the department for good cause shown or if the small miner fails to diligently complete reclamation, the department shall notify the small miner by certified mail that it intends to reclaim the operation unless the small miner commences reclamation within 30 days and diligently completes the reclamation. The notice must be mailed to the address stated on the small miner exclusion statement or, if the small miner has notified the department of a different address by letter or in the annual certification form, to the most recent address given to the department. If the small miner fails to commence reclamation within 30 days or to diligently complete reclamation, the department may revoke the small miner exclusion statement, forfeit any bond that has been posted with the department, and enter and reclaim the operation. If the small miner has not posted a bond with the department or if the reasonable costs of reclamation exceed the amount of the bond, the department may also collect additional reclamation costs, as set forth in subsection (8)(e), before or after it incurs those costs. (e) To collect additional reclamation costs, the department shall notify the small miner by certified mail, at the address determined under subsection (8)(d), of the additional reasonable reclamation costs and request payment within 30 days. If the small miner does not pay the additional reclamation costs within 30 days, the department may bring an action in district court for payment of the estimated future costs and, if the department has performed any reclamation, of its reasonable actual costs. The court shall order payment of costs that it determines to be reasonable and shall retain jurisdiction until reclamation of the operation is completed. Upon completion of reclamation, the court shall order payment of any additional costs that it considers reasonable or the refund of any portion of any payment for estimated costs that exceeds the actual reasonable costs incurred by the department. - 10 - Authorized Print Version - SB 409 ENROLLED BILL

(1) "Abandonment of surface or underground mining" may be presumed .. and appurtenances design drawings in both hard copy and electronic
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