THE HOBO-DYER MAP Can a map challenge your assumptions about the world? Falkland The Hobo–Dyer map reorients the world, placing south at the Islands (U.K.) top and, like the Peters map that follows, uses an equal-area New a presentation, presenting accurate proportions of countries, Zealand n continents, and oceans in relation to one another, rather than i t emphasizing shape or compass bearings. What do you see n e Uruguay ge hil differently from this new perspective? r A C SOUTH New Parag PACIFIC Cal(eFdr.o)nia u ay OCEAN B Fiji ol Vanuatu iv ia S Samoa Brazil P e Solomon r u E W Islands N Ecuador Equator Kiribati G French Guiana u Colombia Suriname yan Trinidad and Tobago a Venezuela Panama Costa Rica Grenada Nicaragua St. Vincent and El Salvador the Grenadines Barbados Caribbean Honduras St. Lucia Guatemala Sea (Fr.) Martinique Jamaica Belize Dominica (Fr.) Guadeloupe Haiti AntiguSat .a (KnUdi.St Bt.)s a P&rub euNrdteaov iRsico DRoempB.a.hamaCsuba MGuelxfi ocof Mexico Ha(Uw.aSi.i) NORTH NORTH ATLANTIC PACIFIC United States OCEAN OCEAN Canada Hudson Bering Labrador Bay Sea Sea Alaska (U.S.) Greenland Beaufort Sea ARCTIC OCEAN A n t a r c t i c a SOUTH South Lesotho Africa ATLANTIC Swaziland OCEAN A u s t r a l i a (Fr.) Réunion ascar que Botswana Mauritius dag mbiZimbabwe Namibia East Timor IONCDEIAANN ComoMaros MozaMalawi Zam bia Angola Papua Tanzania New Seychelles Democratic Guinea I n d o n e s ia Equator BRuwraunnddai Roepf uthbelic ongoGabon Sanado TPorimnceipe Kenya Congo C Singapore Maldives Uganda Equatorial MicronPeasliaau Philippines MBCarualanmyeibsioadia BaLya onSkfrai DSjiboomuatilEiathiopia SSuoduathn RCAefeprnuictbraalnilc CamNerooigneria BeninGBTogouuFinrGhanaakesiaonaGuinLSeiCaibeeôrrrtaiea L deGGB'oIiauvnsmsioenaibueriaea- CSohuinthaVietnTLhaaoisland Bengal Arabian Seaman YemeEnriRtrea Sudan Chad Niger Mali MauriSteanneigaalCape Taiwan Sea am Myanmar BIanngldadieash QatOUar.A.E. ASraaubdieiad Sea WesternVerde Egypt Sahara JapaJSnaepaa onfSKCNKooEuSorohetarreihaetanshata MCohngionliaa BhutanNepalKyrgyTzasKjtiakPanaiskAziftsgAtUaahanrazknanbTilshet uSkasrienskattmaaBnnePanheirrsIGastriiaCuananAnlnaSfszepeairabnGaiKIjearouJanrowqAgrSMaidrayiBmatoTrnilleaduanocrivkUakaL keSIeCrsybearayaaipnneGroeBlRurnueoseMlcmgeS.e.erbMd.LHSiaAvtiucbeknl.KCrb..MyCro.AzaasrBo.u.o nRn..sTHeStteI..ualp.tonSn.a.wli ysSiitazeA.FalrgLaenurcxSei.apainMoPorortcucgoal OSkehao otsfk BaLiakkael Russia EstoniaBelaFrLinulaLsatinvtiPdhao.laSndwedenGNDoreerw.nay.NNeSoterhat.hBUe.lKg.iumIrelandIceland Kara Sea Barents Sea Laptev Sea Beaufort Sea ARCTIC OCEAN Laptev Sea Alaska (U.S.) Canada HBudasyon LabSreaador Greenland IcelaInrdeland U.DK.NeNSnoe.reatthh. er. SNPwooerldLawLenanaidttyhvFBii.anlealnadrEusstBoanrieants Sea Kara Sea Russia BaLiakkael OSkehao otsfk HawPNOaAiiOC (CUER.SI.)FATINHC UGnMuieaxBtticeeeomldizael aSMGtuealxfi tocoJfeCasmubaCaBiaachraaimbHbaeasaitDnRi Soeempa.. PSuAte.rG nKDtMtouiiSStoB AtgaRhttatmuade..sri ra VeLctTiG&bNn Oiloaiunoanri n ( anSseBvdAet. ()i aEiR Fa(snrFnrNeb.rd)s.AuT) rcdsSeBua..ylTealiMsaAnpaRncueedkrot mS ErSlSeadkreyeGioartAneJLrSvioeiaeyaaIearroabrdarauaagbnqnYdiCoAeainiaamzSseKIeperairnUubaBawna.TaAinaUjuhOKaQi.mrAzrtEannkbaaam.eirtAnzkSaa.irraAsfeabtgkaalhi anSPnhaiasetkanasinsttanaInnTdaNjiKeikpBayBairslagtanaygnyzls aBMotdaThfenyusahCMthnaamniLohlaanarnigoVdniosetnlamiaaCSSohueiantha CNKTEShSKooaaeioirroawnseturthaaaethnaJSaepaa onf MJiacproannesiaPNOAOCCERIFATINHC Equator El HSNaColivnocaasddtruaaor gRrausiPacEaacnuaamdaorColombiaVenezuela nayauGTSGruinFrreiirndneaaanmddc ahae nGdu TiaonbaagoGSBuiieinsrseraaau -CELqôeLutoieGanb tdeueao'rinInrievdaiSaao Pali orGre iTnuFocianimGhanaspeoTeeaoBeningoNigeria nCoaomreConRgoCAefeproDnRuifctb eeratmalhpnilc.e.SSuoduatUgahnndaREwtKehnayainodpaiaSDomajliiabouti MaldivLesanSkrai SBinegnapgoarle CaMmbaBolraduyinaseiiaPhilippines Palau Equator Kiribati Gabon Congo T Burundi INDIAN I n d o n e s ia Papua P anz New Solomon eru Bo B r a z i l Angola ZambiMaalawaniaueCoSmeryocrhoeslles OCEAN East TimorGuinea Islands Samoa liviaParag SOUTH NamibiaBotswanaZimbi. Mozambiq Madagasca RMéuanuiorint i(uFsr.) W N E VanuatuNew Fiji SOUTH uay Swaziland A u s t r a l i a Caledonia le na ATLANTIC S (Fr.) PACIFIC i South h ti OCEAN Africa Lesotho OCEAN C n e Uruguay THE PETERS WORLD MAP g r How do maps shape the way you think about the world and its A people? The Earth is round. So every flat, rectangular map involves New distortions. But which distortions? The Peters world map is an Zealand equal-area map, showing countries and continents in accurate Falkland proportion with one another and reducing the visual dominance of Islands (U.K.) the Northern Hemisphere by shifting the equator to the middle of the map, both in sharp contrast to the more familiar Mercator projection. A n t a r c t i c a OCEAN Laptev Sea NwoerdwenayFinland Barents Sea Kara Sea Russia S Estonia Latvia Lake Lith. Baikal Sea of Poland Belarus Okhotsk rcsSeBua..ylTeliMsaAnpacuekrotm rSlSdkeyeGoarneJLSvioiaeyaIearoabrdrauaagnqndiCoAaniazSseKIeprairubaBawnaTainaUjuhKaQirzrtnkbaaameitAnzka.irraAsfatgkalh anSPnhiasetkaasinsttananTaNjKeikpyairslgtaynzsBtahnuCMtanohnignoliaa CNKEShSKooaeiorroanseturthaaethaJSaepaa onf Japan NORTH RedArabia U.A.En. Bangladesh Taiwan PACIFIC S ma India Myanmar OCEAN e O Laos Chad SudanEaritrea Ye m e n ArSaebaian Bay oTfhailanVdietnaCSohuintha Micronesia m Sea Bengal Cambodia Djibouti Philippines n CoaomreRgoCAefeprDnuictberamalnilc.SSuoduatUgahnndaEtKehnyaiopiaSomalia MaldivLesanSkrai Singapore MaBlrauynseiia Palau Equator Kiribati n Rep. o C of the Rwanda I n d o n e s ia Congo T Burundi INDIAN Papua an New Solomon z Angola ZambiMaalawaniaueCoSmeryocrhoeslles OCEAN East TimorGuinea Islands Samoa i q a NamibiaBotswanaZimb. Mozambi Madagasc RMéuanuiorint i(uFsr.) W N E VanuatuNew Fiji Caledonia Swaziland A u s t r a l i a (Fr.) S South Lesotho Africa THE PETERS WORLD MAP How do maps shape the way you think about the world and its people? The Earth is round. So every flat, rectangular map involves New distortions. But which distortions? The Peters world map is an Zealand equal-area map, showing countries and continents in accurate proportion with one another and reducing the visual dominance of the Northern Hemisphere by shifting the equator to the middle of the map, both in sharp contrast to the more familiar Mercator projection. A n t a r c t i c a WORLD • POLITICAL NATIONAL BOUNDARIES While humanity’s impact is quite evident, and even striking, on many remotely sensed scenes, sometimes, as in the case with most political boundaries, it is invisible. State, provincial, and national boundaries can follow natural features, such as mountain ridges, rivers, or coastlines. Artificial constructs that possess no physical reality— for example, lines of latitude and longitude— can also determine political borders. This world political map represents the results of humanity’s efforts to slice and divide Earth into discrete spheres of influence. The National Geographic Society recognizes 192 independent states in the world as represented here. Of those nations, 185 are members of the United Nations. Winkel Tripel Projection Essentials of Cultural Anthropology Second Edition