<!-- this script is designed for librarians coded by: knowledge quest--> <STYLE>BODY { 2,445 Hours of Code: What I Learned from Facilitating Hour of Code Events in High School Libraries 2,445 Hours of Code } All materials in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Association may be used for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. Address FEATURE usage requests to the ALA Office of Rights and Permissions. </STYLE> <!-- this script is designed for librarians coded by: knowledge quest--> <STYLE>BODY { <BODY onLoad=”timerONE=window.setTi meout(‘slide(120,0)’,20);”> <>2,445 Hours of Code: What I Learned from Facilitating Hour of Code Events in High School Libraries</> <>2,445 Hours of Code</> <SCRI PT LANGUAGE=”JavaScript”> <>What I Learned from Facilitating Hour of Code Events } in High School Libraries< > function slide(jumpS/paces,position) </STYLE> { <BODY onLoad=”timerONE=window.setTimeout(‘slide(120,0)’,20);”> var msg = “This JavaScript will annimate your desired message.... <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=”JavaScript”> Cool...isn’t it???Je.nni.fer .Col.by ...keep coding [email protected] and learning!” function slide(jumpSpaces,position) { var v ar mosg u= “Tthis Jav=aScr ipt w“ill” annimate your desired message.... Cool...isn’t it???.......keep coding and learning!” if (e vnar douSt =c “”roll) {return false} for ( ifv (eandrScr olli) {r=etu0rn; fa lsei} <position; i++) 1 2foKnrow l(evdgae Qru esit= | 0 Su;m mie<r Lpearoninsgition; i++) {out += msg.charAt(i)} {out += msg.charAt(i)} for (i=1;i<jumpSpaces;i++) for (i=1;i<jumpSpaces;i++) <!-- this script is designed for librarians coded by: knowledge quest--> <STYLE>BODY { 2,445 Hours of Code: What I Learned from Facilitating Hour of Code Events in High School Libraries 2,445 Hours of Code } All materials in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Association may be used for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. Address usage requests to the ALA Office of Rights and Permissions. In 2013, as a long-term substitute computer science education in my was, “Have you shared the sign-up </STYLE> school librarian at Dexter High district. My first step was submitting yet?” Why were teachers so excited School in Dexter, Michigan, I knew an enthusiastic proposal to my about this opportunity? Most that expecting my principal to give administrators. After discussing schools don’t offer computer science me the go-ahead to coordinate an the benefits of the opportunity classes (Towns 2014). Not enough Hour of Code event for the entire and the possible restrictions of our students are exposed to computer <BODY onLoad=”timerONE=window.setTi student body was wishful thinking, particular situation (including programming—at Dexter High but that is exactly what happened. computer availability, curriculum School and around the country. meout(‘slide(120,0)’,20);”> Using what I learned that fall in support, teacher participation, and Teachers were excited because I Dexter I was able to coordinate a time available) we decided to give was offering an opportunity for all larger event in 2014 at a different our teachers the opportunity to of our students to try coding. My school. volunteer their classes for a one-day hope was that through involvement event. students and teachers would see Hadi Partovi of Code.org conceived the benefits of knowing how to the Hour of Code “to get ten I was pleased with the various program a computer, and the event million students to try one hour of promotional materials—posters, would spark an interest in computer computer science” (Partovi 2013a). statistics, and videos—that Hour of programming students and staff Organized by Code.org (a non- Code provided to help introduce never knew they had. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=”JavaScript”> profit 501c3 organization supported the event. The resource webpage by Microsoft, Amazon, Google, also provided helpful answers and Students should be exposed to Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and links to help facilitators promote, computer programming (preferably others), the goal of Computer organize, and run the event. An much earlier than high school) Science Education Week (CSEd online forum for questions also because by 2020 there will be Week) is to bring awareness of the helped me understand how other one million more U.S. jobs in value of including computer science organizers were dealing with computing than people to fill in school curricula, increasing some of the same problems I was those positions. Sixty percent of future job opportunities for attempting to solve. all projected math and science function slide(jumpSpaces,position) students worldwide (CSEd Week occupations will be in computing 2013a). Many online computer One week prior to the event I jobs. Computing occupations are { programming portals, including presented the idea to the entire among the highest-paying jobs Tynker, Lightbot, Codecademy, faculty at a staff meeting. I was for new college graduates (CSEd Scratch, and Khan Academy, concerned that such short notice Week 2013c). These statistics are provide free online tutorials to wouldn’t give teachers time to adjust compelling, and after my staff teach students (ages 4–104) basic their lesson plans, but the second presentation I had fourteen out of var msg = “This JavaScript will programming concepts in one hour question I received about my event eighteen slots filled for my Hour (CSEd 2013b). annimate your desired message.... Planning and Prep Cool...isn’t it???.......keep Hacving soigned udp withi Coden.org, g > I received an e-mail in October ” t introducing the Hour of Code p and learning!” event; I immediately decided that ri c facilitating an event at my school S would provide a unique opportunity >a vv for my students to be exposed to dia var out = “” computer programming—most /J ” for the very first time. I also <= > hoped that an Hour of Code e t ng event would increase awareness ea if (endScroll) {return false} among administrators, teachers, mu students, and parents of the value ig rn of a computer science education e a p for (var i=0; i<position; i++) and create a demand for more xt lPhoto Credit: Jo Mathis, Ann Arbor Public Amira and Ali, tenth-grade students participating epScho>ol District News in the Hour of Code at Huron High School. ><cribr vs/ Volume 43, No. 5 | May/June 2015 13 {out += msg.charAt(i)} i<< d < for (i=1;i<jumpSpaces;i++) <!-- this script is designed for librarians coded by: knowledge quest--> <STYLE>BODY { 2,445 Hours of Code: What I Learned from Facilitating Hour of Code All materials in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Association Events in Highm ay be used Sfor the nonccommercihal purposeo of scientifico or educaltional adva ncement Libraries granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. Address usage requests to the ALA Office of Rights and Permissions. of Code event and a waiting list for the amount of available bandwidth through the tutorial myself multiple } some class periods. our district shared with other times in different browsers on both school districts in our county and desktops and laptops to discover whether or not the server would and fix problems before students <>Students should crash. I was more than willing to encountered them. I also asked my </STbe eYxposLed Eto > adapt my plans—and we came up student library aides to complete computer programmin g iwfith a solut(ione that nI belideve mSadec rthoe tutloriall to )see h ow lo{ng irt woueld turn false} the whole event even better. It was take individuals with varying levels (preferably much suggested that we pair students of coding experience to complete on each computer to immediately the tutorial. By having students foerarl ier( tvhana hirgh i=0; i<position; i++) cut the demand in half. Brilliant complete the selected tutorial, I was school) because by idea! Why didn’t I think of it? Not able to better prepare myself and only did the solution make sense my volunteers to effectively help 2020 there will be on the technology side, but it also students. o{neo miulliton mor+e U=.S. mmadse sengse fr.om can inhstruactionral At(i)} perspective. I had recruited a small jobs in computing Event Day group of volunteers to help me with than people to fill the event (a few students from the My introductory presentation <BODY onLUoniverasity of Mdichig=an’s Sc”hool otf iexplmained tehe Horur of COode evNent: E=window.setTi those positions.</> Information and a few of our high why learning to code is important, school’s computer science students), a quick explanation of how to work meoI uwantedt to gi(ve mo‘re studsents lthe ide(120,0)’,20);”> but giving students the opportunity through the tutorial, and how to opportunity to participate in my to help each other as they worked submit completion of the tutorial to event. This is where I ran into a through the tutorial would the Hour of Code organization so small snag. I had planned to contact reduce frustration and encourage that students’ participation would be the school district’s technology Script”> cooperation. counted. The kick-off video (Code. department to confirm that the org 2013b) created by Hour of Code server would be able to handle Another solution was to pick a single set the tone for the importance of up to ninety students logging tutorial for students to complete. the experience and was carefully into the same website at the exact Because students would have varying cast to feature people with whom es,psame omomenst to acicess tthe codiing on) { coding experience I thought each students could identify, including tutorials, but I didn’t ask the student should choose which Ashton Kutcher, Macklemore, question until the week before my tutorial to complete. The problem Shakira, and President Obama. event. This caused a problem; I did with this idea was that some tutorials Students were excited. So was I! not follow the chain of command. var msgin cluded= an exp lanator“y videTo, his JavaScript will Word got back to the head of the which used too much bandwidth. During each class period technology department, and I It became my task to choose one throughout the day of my event, anneixplainmed howa manyt studeents wou ld ytutorioal that uwould rbe appr opriated eat anys one tiime, 3r3 to 8e2 ninthd- message.... be logging in at the same time. He for all students regardless of their through twelfth-grade students told me that it wouldn’t work. I coding experience. This limitation worked together in pairs. Every Coolneede.d to .come. up wiith as remedny— ’t it???.......keep coding also turned out to be a good thing, time a new class entered the school two school days before my event. not only for reducing bandwidth library with their teachers, I gave and learniusagen, but aglso for! my s”mall group my presentation, and then asked There is nothing like someone of volunteers. After I had picked a students to find a partner and go saying that something can’t be tutorial, I experimented to ensure to the tutorial’s website to begin. done to motivate me to figure out that my volunteers and I would Knowing that I had a student to a way to make it work. To decide if be able to troubleshoot issues for teacher ratio of up to 30 to 1, I vmay evenrt could even prooceed,u my t = “” students. The chosen tutorial taught encouraged students to do three wonderful tech-support person students how to code in JavaScript things before they raised their was sent to discuss options with me. to write a program that would hands for help: check their code During our discussion we talked animate a word (Codecademy 2013). for typos, look at the instructions ifa bout( wayes to lnimit dthe sStress con roTlo unlder)stand the r{oadrbloceks tuprrovinded o n thef tutoarial,l ands thene } the district’s server. The concerns students would experience accessing ask someone nearby. This strategy of the technology department were and completing the tutorial I ran worked extremely well. Students first for (var i=0; i<position; i++) 14 Knowledge Quest | Summer Learning {out += msg.charAt(i)} for (i=1;i<jumpSpaces <!-- this script is designed for librarians coded by: knowledge quest--> <STYLE>BODY { 2,445 Hours of Code: What I Learned from Facilitating Hour of Code All materials in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Association Events in High School Libraries may be used for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. Address usage requests to the ALA Office of Rights and Permissions. } </STYLE> if (endScroll) {return false} for (var i=0; i<position; i++) {out += msg.charAt(i)} <BODY onLoad=”timerONE=window.setTi meout(‘slide(120,0)’,20);”> > v i d / < > > Script”> r v e i t d u / p < m > > r o ” es,position) { e c k ut e n p h a m t l b co as ”_ var msg = “This JavaScript will ur t”> ge et= op a g annimate your desired message.... yri u r Cool...isn’t it???.......keep coding ntrol vaSc lang pt” <a ta co”Ja me cri ”> and learning!” o = aaS ma w tage e sav ho ou h”J a hg t= T var out = “” rn an > akpt =” leapt l /br spescri ace <i < << f if (endScroll) {return false} >cr > t The author assisting students with a line of code. vs v n i< i o d d f < < < for (var i=0; i<position; i++) Volume 43, No. 5 | May/June 2015 15 {out += msg.charAt(i)} for (i=1;i<jumpSpaces <!-- this script is designed for librarians coded by: knowledge quest--> <STYLE>BODY { 2,445 Hours of Code: What I Learned from Facilitating Hour of Code All materials in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Association Events in JuniorHs Laura iand Jessgica take hm ay be used Sfor the nonccommercihal purposeo of scientifico or educaltional adva ncement Libraries granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. Address their first programming lesson. usage requests to the ALA Office of Rights and Permissions. helped participants to understand that there are many ways to tell } a computer what to do, but some options are simpler and more elegant than others. Students thought through the process: “What am I telling the computer to do?” “What </STYLE> is the tutorial asking me to do?” if (endScroll) {return false} “What can I do differently to tell the computer to do what the tutorial is asking me to do?” for (var i=0; i<position; i++) There were a few glitches with the tutorial I chose. It worked well, but sometimes the instructions were <div><problem solve></div> misleading. Students consistently {out += msg.charAt(i)} <script language=”JavaScript”> had a problem with an instruction that encouraged them to use the “length” command to measure the helped themselves before asking for Though computer programming <BODY onLoad=”tinummber ofe chararcters inO a strinNg E=window.setTi assistance from others. But as high aligns best with the curricula of (data that is usually represented school students are reluctant to raise the math department, I stressed in text rather than numbers and meothueir hatnds an(d I w‘anteds everylone tio dto my perinci(pal, th1e teac2hers, a0nd ,i0s encl)osed’ in q,uotati2on ma0rks). );”> complete the tutorial, I encouraged my students that learning how Instructions were written in full my volunteers to keep an eye out for to program a computer teaches sentences, and, sometimes, when the students who looked like they were you how to think. Knowing how code to be entered was at the end of having difficulties. It was surprising to communicate with a computer the sentence, students thought the Script”> how few students had trouble in the language it understands period to complete the sentence was completing the tutorial. I would teaches you how to work step- part of the code. Another problem estimate that the completion rate by-step through a problem until was that even if a student’s code for for the tutorial was about 95 percent your goals are achieved. This idea a specific command was correct for most classes, and this was among was tested by the tutorial I chose. es,position) { (that is, it would work), it might students who had little to no coding During one step of the tutorial the not have been what the tutorial was experience. student was asked to write code for asking for. Another minor issue an “if/else” statement. This step was that sometimes students tried to Once students finished the tutorial gave me the opportunity again and coast through the tutorial without vI eancourraged th em to tmry anotsher gag ain to =encour age stud“ents toT try his JavaScript will following the instructions. The tutorial from the Hour of Code’s different solutions that would end tutorial would prevent this from website. I was pleased at how many up with the same result. This process annimate your dehappsening,i but srome steudents d message.... students actually did this. During accidentally found themselves the course of the entire event I <>During the course starting a different tutorial. These Coodlid no.t see. one .grouip of stsudentsn ’otf th e enitiret ev?ent? ?pr.oblem.s we.re ea.sily r.ectifi.ed, a.s I keep coding on a webpage that was unrelated was able to adjust my presentation to the Hour of Code. Many I did not see one to address these issues as the day and learning!” times throughout the day I heard group of students progressed. However, having “Woo!” “Yes!” “Bam!” and “This is volunteers was extremely valuable to cool!” The experience of working on a webpage that provide extra hands-on help to keep through the tutorial helped students was unrelated to the everyone progressing through the vunaderstarnd tha t they woere theu ones t = “” tutorial. telling the computer what to do. The Hour of Code. Many tutorial’s preview window showed the times throughout the One of the most interesting computer’s response to the changing moments was when a Spanish class code as it was input by the students. day I heard “Woo!” if (endScroll) {returcamen to th e librfary. aAs I lwas asboute } My students had fun doing the “Yes!” “Bam!” and to present my introduction to the tutorial as they realized the power of students, their Spanish teacher a few simple keystrokes. “This is cool!”</> reminded her students that the next for (var i=0; i<position; i++) 16 Knowledge Quest | Summer Learning {out += msg.charAt(i)} for (i=1;i<jumpSpaces;i++) <!-- this script is designed for librarians coded by: knowledge quest--> <STYLE>BODY { 2,445 Hours of Code: What I Learned from Facilitating Hour of Code Events in High School Libraries <!-- this script is designed for librarians coded by: knowledge } quest--> </STYLE> <STYLE>BODY { if (endScroll) {return false} for (var i=0; i<position; i++) 2,445 Hours of Code: What I Learned from Facilitating Hour of Code {out += msg.charAt(i)} All materials in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Association Events in High School Libraries may be used for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement granted by Sections 107 and 108 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. Address usage requests to the ALA Office of Rights and Permissions. <BODY onLoad=”timerONE=window.setTi day they would be required to tell were able to code to direct the Angry Jennifer Colby is her “en Español” about their coding Bird through the maze. the school librarian at } experienmce. Remeemberoing thaut somet (‘slide(120,0)’,20);”> Huron High School in tutorials are available in different My biggest takeaways from facilitating languages I told the class that we Hour of Code events will be to focus Ann Arbor, Michigan. were going to try a different Hour next year on recruiting participants She is the author of the of Code tutorial and they would from one subject area, most likely </STYLE> Script”> elementary-level informational text series be completing it in Spanish. The math. Also, now that all students if (endScroll) {return false} Plants from Cherry Lake Publishing. At the “Angry Birds” tutorial had an option at my high school have experienced to choose one of twenty-four other an Hour of Code I intend to invite Michigan Association of Computer Users in languages (Code.org 2013a). This only ninth-grade students to next Learning Conference in March she presented a for (var i=0; i<position; i++) suggestioen resuslted in, the cpollectivoe syear’si eventt. Becaiuse thoe goal onf the )Lig htning Ta{lk about how to facilitate an Hour groan of thirty-three Spanish 3 Hour of Code is to introduce students of Code event. She is a member of AASL. students who were hoping just to to computer programming, both play around for an hour. After a of these changes would limit repeat few false starts and a group effort to participants during an event and, {out += msg.charAt(i)} var msg = “This JavaScript will understand the initial instructions, thus, retain the element of novelty Works Cited: every student was able to complete the and keep excitement building. Code.org. 2013a. “Code.Org—The Spanish aversionn of the ntutoriail and mate youMraze #1.” <http://ldearn.coede.org/sired message.... <BODY onLoad=”timerONE=wtheiir teachner anndouncedo that twhey .Tso datee over 1t00,00T0,00i0 students hoc/1> (accessed December 11, 2014). would not have to report on their worldwide have participated in experienCce “en oEspañool” durling ..th.e Hoiur of sCode (nCSEd’ Weetk —i——. 2t013b. “?The H?our of ?Code. ......keep coding meout(‘slide(120,0)’,20);”>the next class after all. Afterward, 2014). The movement became so Is Here.” <www.youtube.com/ watch?v=FC5FbmsH4fw#t=11> the teachaer askend me tod provid e her lpeowerfual that Arpple annnouniced ng!(Decem”ber 8, 2013). with more tutorials that could be that every Apple retail store in the ———. 2013c. “President Obama completed in Spanish because she U.S. would host “Hour of Code Asks America to Learn Computer Science.” <www.youtube.com/ had never before seen her students Youth Workshops” for children and Script”> watch?v=6XvmhE1J9PY> (accessed so engaged in an activity. Overall, teenagers during Computer Science December 11, 2013). teachers were so pleasedv with tahe rE ducatioon Weeku (Partotvi 2013 b). = “” Codecademy. 2013. “Hour of Code.” experience that I extended the event President Barack Obama encouraged <www.codecademy.com/courses/ an extra three days. all students to not just “play on hour-of-code/0/1> (accessed December 5, 2014). es,position) { their phone,” but to “program it” CSEd Week. 2013a. “About.” <http:// More Su cces ses if (etono (Cdode.Sorg 2c013cr). It ois myl hople ) cs{edwerek.oreg/abotut> (auccesserd n false} that my events sparked an interest December 5, 2013). As a result of my initial experience in my students, encouraging 2,445 ———. 2013b. “Learn.” <http:// facilitating an Hour of Code event, I participants to continue learning csedweek.org/learn> (accessed var msg = “This JavaSchad nro q ualim s askpifng moty prirnci pa l w(covmipuaterl prroglra mmii ng to= beco0me ; iDec<emberp 5, 20o13).sition; i++) last fall to allow me to facilitate highly qualified for a job in computer ———. 2013c. “Promote Computer annimate your desired mean Hsour osf Codea event agt my neew ..scie.nce.. Science.” <http://csedweek.org/ promote> (accessed December 1, school, H uron Hig h Sch ool in{ Anon ut += msg.charAt(i)} 2014). Arbor, Michigan. My first Hour I encourage all school librarians to CSEd Week. 2014. “Try an Hour Cool...isn’t it???.......keeof Cpode ev ent (at cDextero) had 5d80 iinntroducge their students to computer of Code.” <http://csedweek.org> participa nts, a nd thfis paost yerar my (pirogr=amm1ing; in ainy c<apacjity. Cuheckm pS(accespsed Feabruarcy 12, 2e015)s. ;i++) second Hour of Code event (at out the CSEd Week Hour of Code Partovi, Hadi. 2013a. “The Hour Of and learning!” Huron) had 1,865 participants. At website this summer <csedweek. Code Is Here!” <www.linkedin.com/ pulse/article/20131209083800- both schools most students were org> and consider hosting your own 1287-the-hour-of-code-is-here> {out += “ “} trying computer programming Hour of Code event next year in (accessed December 11, 2013). for the very first time. Computer December. I know I will. ———. 2013b. “The Hour of Code var out = “” programming can be taught at any Is Here!” Personal e-mail correspondence. December 11. grade lev el—an d theo soonuer thte += msg.charAt(position) better. Last spring, through the Towns, Steve. 2014. “Most Schools Don’t Teach Computer Science.” Hour of Code website, I introduced Governing (April) <www.governing. if (endScroll) {return false} coding to kind ergawrten situdennts dow.status =com /columons/teuch-tatlk/gov-a-time- at Deerfield Elementary in Novi, for-code.html> (accessed August 30, 2014). Michigan—and to my delight most of those five- and six-year-old students for (var i=0; i<position; i++) if (jumpSpaces <= 1) { Volume 43, No. 5 | May/June 2015 17 {out += msg.charAt(i)} position++ for (i=1;i<jumpSpaces;i++) if (msg.charAt(position)