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ERIC ED373670: Cuanto vale Estudiar un Postgrado en America Latina? (How Much do Post-Graduate Studies Cost in Latin America?). PDF

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Preview ERIC ED373670: Cuanto vale Estudiar un Postgrado en America Latina? (How Much do Post-Graduate Studies Cost in Latin America?).

DOCUMENT RESUME HE 027 656 ED 373 670 Franco Arbelaez, Augusto AUTHOR Cuanto vale Estudiar un Postgrado en America Latina? TITLE (How Much do Post-Graduate Studies Cost in Latin America?). Panamerican AssoCiation of Educational Credit INSTITUTION Institutions, Bogota (Colombia). ISBN-958-95478-2-4 REPORT NO PUB DATE [93] NOTE 76p. Panamerican Association of Educational Credit AVAILABLE FROM Institutions (APICE), Carrera 11 No. 77-20 Interior 3, Apartado Aereo 17388, Santafe de Bogota, D.C. Colombia ($10). Research/Technical (143) Reports PUB TYPE Spanish LANGUAGE MF01/PC04 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE Comparative Analysis; Enrollment; Foreign Countries; DESCRIPTORS *Foreign Students; *Graduate Study; Higher Education; *International Educational Exchange; *Student Costs; *Tuition; *Universities Europe; *Latin America; United States IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT This study, conducted by the Panamerican Association of Educational Credit Institutions (APICE), examined the cost of graduate education in nine Latin American countries. The study was intended to promote graduate and educational exchange within the region, as opposed to exchanges between Latin America and the United States or Europe. Institutions in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela were surveyed concerning the costs of tuition, housing, meals, and other expenses. The study found costs to be relatively low in Ecuador and Venezuela, and relatively high in Brazil. Comparisons with representative institutions in the United States and Europe were also made. The bulk of the report is in Spanish, with the introduction and conclusion in both Spanish and Englis-1. (MDM) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** LCuanto vale E$tudiar Po$tgrado un America Latina? en "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS U S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY 01!ice of Educabonel Research and Improvernon: EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES . _ Points of view or opinions stated in this INFORMATION CENTER (Et11C).- document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy LCUANTO VALE ESTUDIAR UN POSTGRADO EN AMERICA LATINA? AUGUSTO FRANCO ARBELAEZ 3 Direccion Jorge Tellez Fuentes Coordinador de Proyectos Francisco Rodriguez Orostegui Coordinacion Amaury Arturo Arrazola Edicion APICE. Carrera 11 No. 77-20 Interior 3 Apartado Aereo 17388 Santafe de Bogota, D.C., Colombia Telefonos: 211 28 75 - 217 95 60 FAX: 210 32 36 ISBN: 958-95478-2-4 DigitaciOn Consuelo Luengas Prieto Portada Jorge Tellez Fuentes Edgar Tellez Fuentes Impreso por: EDITORA GUADALUPE LTDA. FAX (571) 2685308 - Apartado 029765 Santafe de Bogota, D.C., Colombia BIOGRAFIA Dr. Augusto Franco Arbeldez Estudi6 Filosofia y Letras en la Universidad Javeriana y Economia en la Universidad de los Andes; es Master en Desarrollo Economic° de Williams College y Doctor en EducaciOn de la Universidad de California, E. E.U.U. Estuvo vinculado durante siete arios al ICFES; fue Director del ICETEX durante ocho aims; Rector de la Univer- sidad Pedagogica Nacional durante seis arios y Rector del Colegio Anglo Colombiano. Le correspondi6 organizar la primera sede de APICE y fue su Primer Director Ejecutivo y su Segundo Presidente. Ha consagrado su vida al servicio de la EducaciOn en el pais y es considerado tambien uno de los fundadores del Credit° Educativo. Actualmente es Decano Division Formaci6n Avanzada de la Univer- sidad de la Salle; Profesor Universitario; Asesor, Consultor e Inves- tigador de APICE. "Esta investigacton se llev6 a cabo con la ayuda de una donacton otorgada por el Centro Internactonal de InuestigaciOn para el Desarrollo (CIID-III RC), Ottawa, Canada". JUNTA DIRECTIVA APICE Dr. Roberto E. Liz Castellanos Presidente FUNDAPEC, Republica Dominicana Dr. Elias Ortiz Mejia Primer Vicepresidente CIDEP, Bolivia Dr. Leopoldo Lopez Gil Segundo Vicepresidente FUNDAYACUCHO, Venezuela Dr. Mynor Cordon y Cordon Primer Vocal DIFOBE, Guatemala Dr. German Guerrero Lopez Segundo Vocal ICETEX, Colombia Ing. Edwin Salas Cardenas Tercer Vocal IECE, Ecuador Dr. Gabriel Betancur Mejia Presidente Honorario Colombia Lic. Mario Zaldivar Rivera Miembro Honorario CONAPE, Costa Rica Asesores Dr. Daniel Juckowsky FUNDAPLUB, Brasil Dr. Adolfo Fortier Ortiz Puerto Rico Administracion Dr. Jorge Tellez Fuentes Director Ejecutivo APICE, Colombia CONTENIDO Pag. PRESENTATION 7 INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY 9 CONCLUSION 19 PRESENTACION 21 INTRODUCCION Y METODOLOGIA 23 I. LOS POSTGRADOS EN AMERICA LATINA: Su gestacion y razOn de ser 33 2. LA ORGANIZACION DE LOS POSTGRADOS 37 3. LOS DOCENTES Y LOS ESTUDIANTES 39 4. LOS COSTOS DE LOS ESTUDIOS DE POSTGRADO 45 4.1 Costos de sostenimiento 45 4.2 Costos Directos 50 4.3 Componentes de los Costos Academicos 56 4.4 Estimativo de Costo Total de los Postgrados 57 5. LOS COSTOS EN ESTADOS UNIDOS Y EUROPA: Una vision parcial 59 6. CONCLUSION 61 ANEXO No. L. COSTOS DE LOS ESTUDIOS DE POSTGRADOS EN NUEVE PAISES LATINOAMERICANOS 63 A. IMPORTANCIA DEL TEMA 63 B. OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS 63 C. DEFINICIONES 63 D. LIMITACIONES 66 ANEXO No. II. LAS UNIVERSIDADES MAS COSTOSAS DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS 67 ANEXO No. III. UNIVERSIDADES EUROPEAS COSTOS DE MATRICULA 69 PUBLICACIONES 71 PRESENTATION he undergraduate and graduate levels and more specifical- ly, the master, doctorate and investigation courses should be a permanent analysis subject of the governments in order to design policies according to the countries' needs. There is someone who asserts that the hope for development for Latin America resides in the graduate courses and in all the processes that lead to the iden- tification, creation, systematization and application of knowledge. But how much does it cost to take a graduate course? The Panamerican Association of Educational Credit' Institutions, API- CE, decided to face the theme giving it a serious thought and being aware that analyzing the case of nine countries, even though it is a valid and interesting sample, does not involve the totality. Even more, it indicates, as Dr. Augusto Franco Arbelciez, author of this document suggests, "...to expand the study to all the countries and to maintain a periodical and analytical publi- cation with the totality of the best graduate programs of studies of the region". APICE expects to assume this challenge. The collection of the data was possible thanks to the sup- port of all the nine participant institutions in the investigation. In this way you can appreciate in practice, how the Latin American integration is afact that overflows and goes further than conven- tions, treaties and other mechanisms of legal character. Certain- ly, studies like this depend on the permanent disposition of co- peration of the countries and institutions involved. Another advantage of deepening into the theme of cost is to offer a realistic reference frame on the possibilities of establishing ex- change programs among the Latin American countries. As we will see later on, it is clear that many universities and centers that offer graduate programs have qualified their level and are real difussion centers of academical knowledge. In this way, carrying out graduate programs with excellence in Latin America is a valid alternative for all the students and professionals be- 8 that cause of its comparative benefits in relation to the programs language, the are offered in Eruope and the United States: the closeness and also the cultural identity, less costs, shorter dis- tances, and above all, a good quality in programs perhaps in agreement with the characteristics and needs of the country. APICE offers the International Community the result of this first study of postgraduate costs in nine Latin American countries with the intention of facilitating the definition of national and international policies, stimulating a serious thought on the theme and creating a conscience of the urgence to value the Latin Ame- rican achievements in the subject of quality postgraduate courses and at a highly competitive cost/benefit ratio. It is essential to thank in a special way thefinancia/ support of the International Center of Investigationfor Development (CIID/ IDRC) without which it would not have been possible to move ahead in this investigation. It is evident that the information delivered from the participant institutions' investigators was essential, andfor this reason we also express to all our permanent recognition. Given the interest that the theme raises and in order to ease the access to this documentfor our readers notfamiliarized with the Spanish language, the Presentation, Introduction and Conclusions are included in the English version. Finally, our association invites to continue the analysis and expects, with a scientific curiosity and total satisfaction, the contribution of all the students and reserchers in order to enrich the debate around the theme of cost for the Higher Education. ROBERTO LIZ President of the Board of Directors JORGE TELLEZ FUENTES Executive Director 8 INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY The present study complements a wider investigation denomi- nated "Institutions of Educational Credit for the Scientific Training in Latin America"' that tends to identify the types of credit that are granted for carrying out advanced formation studies or of gra- duate courses in Latin American countries with their respective result analysis. Besides, it searches for the comparison of the di- verse educational credit models in order to gather criteria to select those plans that are more adequate for each country in the finan- cing of its superior education. APICE has wanted to add to this study the data on costs for graduate courses. A selection of nine countries has been taken2 in which the support cost has been studied for a student of postgraduate courses by cities and the respective academical costs for programs. The data obtained is preceded by a schematic vision of graduate studies in some Latin American countries and are followed by some cost information in the United States and Europe. In this way, a scenery is obtained for its analysis, and some countries of comparison. In order to study these costs in the nine countries, a metho- dology was adopted. Some formats were used and some common definitions were agreed upon for the institutions of educational cre- dit so that the nine countries could offer the pertinent information (a purpose that has been obtained in the great majority of the cases).3 It is not superfluous to note that the effort propitiated by APICE is only partial, and that it would be worth to expand the study to all the countries and maintain a periodical and analytical publica- tion with the totality of the best graduate studies in the region. Educational Credit has the meaning of loans forst wients (student loans). 1 AP10E, 1992. Analisis del Credlto Educativo para postgrados. El caso de 2 America Latina. Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Perti, Republica Domtnicana, Uru- 3 guay and Venezuela. 9 1 0

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