TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan ee t wt Lepid(v)te rSacienca 62 (4) 1:66-174, December 201 1 Effect sof photoperio dand temperatur eon development and diapaus ein a noctuid moth, Asota iicus (Fabrici u(sL)epidopte rNao:ctuidae) o,f the Osaka population N o r i o H I RA I *' .Yoshiko SAKAMo'ro and Minoru Isml Entomo]o.cric Lalaborator Gyr,uduat eSchoo lof Lif e& Environmental Sciences,Osaka Prefectur eUniversit yS,akai, Osaka,599-8531Japan Abstract From 2008 to 2009, we investigat etdhe cfi'ects ofphetoperiod and temperaturc on thc development of a nectuid moth, Asota ficu usnd,er laborator cyonclitions ,and it sseusonal occurrencc in Osaka I)refect ucerntera,l Japan, near its current northern distributi olnimit .At 20eC, most individua lrseured under a photoperi oofd 1OL-14D ,11L-l3D or 12ii12D entcred diapuus ien the pupal stage, whereas those under 13L-1 1D, 14L-IOD or ] 6L-SD deve]oped into adults without any arrcst ot' developmcnt ,individual ast 25"C did not cnter pupal diapau sierrespect oifv pehotoperi oTdh.e critica lphotoperi foodr diapaus einductie nat 20"C was about 12.5 h. Diapause intensi tvyaried among phetopcriodic regimcs, and the timc required ft) ardult eniergence after ehilILng of diapausin gpupae was longer in individua lrsearcd undcr t2L-]2D than under ]OIi14D, Most fetnale shad mature eggs 5 days after adu]t emcrgence irrespecti voef photoperio daind temperature. Under quasi-natur aclonditions, individua lpsupatin. cbretween October and Deccmber emer.oed as adults in the fir shtal fof May next year I,n the fiel deg,g and/or ]arva lmasses were found frorn May to November except in August, Ke} r-rords pupa ]diapaus edi,stributi einn,sec ptest ,fig ,Japan. Introduction distributihoansbeen in insects of reported various such TNpiJhlnao eapCc nahtn tRnioucn(citaeuhd ,i,Tidaa.e nS wium)chswoig,rtoac iehhn,nt,, , a1 'Il uH9hA,ati8l, sia2nd9I,o0i;tz0Hea1 sa. ;f niFcfu sioNcmcu ip(s nasFap]ca., 2cIcbi0 near20sd,i02i 0ca;a s6Mu S (i)irs ,ytiiL ) aLss ledtaapianrs,ki2tvad 0ra,f o0ialon6bpdo)utd.teerdaaIcI(ts:cslM .tth,a ihU2t ne 0s1osw0g9au7ol9zl,m8o paw) 2thwta, 0uiah20sl09e ,ps0) etb8,ir u)ntdk,t ir tanba neeagudnxrogd nf ,t PNfahit ele1y ziii,maepbe rsleiszo ull imctvldheiimuronli o di7nba"}sdte' a,ei a t(t (hYlgYe bemouCis,m kisahp"asrihs woaoiria naetddte,s TcdOahehrivmicsea alss, poae pcw iiieettn s h .a sul yi.nscs, eoan2v i 0eusrr0enre1i o;ud sHa im( rpaNaegi a eseet kt t otaaafoll j. .,lt, i eh2 maa0e vnca0dee8m s ;m aKoIninkdkeu mcsi hoyfiiani, e g t ei,I1tm9ie 9aVsl4e.;,"s cmnM(eooiptcUyhhteasual,itsodlsa ae,D st a2Eopeu he0d(n6otSi;c ahsJi iLimnye,narab 2iskioa0 ,el2a21a,nm00Ldi00n) 88iAa,))c., hhA aaneamdnvordn eo Sgnlbpsteo cmidteehaotan)hpcvset ,'hemxaaer pnsat la ihieaaxensne dmdh, p(a ittwaenhk.eggt.heirdistribution 2sp0e0c8ie)s .:I na J saipnagln et haedruel th aodf bAe. e.n foinclyu w saas f efwi rres crotercdosrd oefd t hiins ndoirtshwtarrdib uitn iJoapnaanl .Trhaen agbielidLyep oefn ad sspeocinesit stol eixfpaendhi sittosrycharacteristics iJSimardaennahniic dnop1ivslr ayd9zatOen6usdrk :4oii u fan koc( tiaoy anti nFflPrtda,Aihr o.m2 r wegmIeaseo ffsi .u)etn peecgi(ererchn,cIe to of u"nu2chL ecr0 sorauci e0e rsuSgter6n ritheeu1 eonamircn9claeskee6,r n o,ks F2tse1kl. ru dayo9cuonf h8dm Ibt 2 a s deh)si2liae ,0nHKsarn s0oyO nnpriwu dekae,acesp giniovhtdee nrheusbt ui rey Its dww, hsaastea snplPi hoeaCrrnci rtni hwseehee sdupEwsfspo,gatheer reocitwdrcikeaLnedstusnuere (kuOoionnnnhend oemc.tirw ahgltgBn oessup ai, nadhdal geboeeit o t dvunaetto iteg. dp a al(ieoplov,s2rae, ptiur02wr mos100iid ee)n 0ahbi tnn2oreuucdfetr;sv ti p BAeonis ngra.yos e netpnef.cotxh aripatri]eanoccsndnls tyu i2 i dbots0,niui 0,,wat]8 iepett) 'athhi .leuH'n erpsocc ctel wltg aoeaurrfevadnt ieeitpntmrn oph sl,.Ae enra.l r anme.itpoooufttrrhlitte sscoliuegssy. has a] so appeared in the Nnki distri (cte. Igk.emiya et al,, We therefore performed experiments on the effects of 2008; Pl ant Protection Div {sion 2,0 1 0), photoperi oond 1arva plu,pal and ovarian development of Rwoercldewnitd eyl, ch a(ngees. gP irnnesseac ndt iansdt rYOibbeu, t h2ia0ov0ne3 sb; eHeicn rkeploiitned get Aenco, cr,utrhfreiercnncu e siln it mihin e totflh aieb tf osciurrerale ntdtio n ar ncOyldiss atirkinbauv tiePosnr,teifgeactt euidrt essn.eeaasrona lthe ai., 2006; Parmesan, 2006). In J apan, northward expansion kemail: [email protected],ac,jp NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan PupaldiapauseinAsotajicL{s 167 Materials and methods or O"C under 10L-14D for 2 months, In addition, some Rearingoftarvae diapausin gpupae rearect under 12L-12D at 20'C were and pupae kep tunder the same conditions unti1 adult emergence, In Larvae fi'obmoth the 3 ofA. ,ficu wsere collected cultivated and other experimental groups , months after pupation, wildfigtreesonthecampusofOsakaPrefecturcUniversity the diapausi npgupae were transferred direct tloy 25aC (OPU) ,Saka iCity (34032' Nce)nt,ral Japan in June of under 16L-8D or after chilling at 1O"C for 2 months; they 2008 and 2009. Eggs and newly hatched larva eof the Fl were then kept under these conditions undl adult emergence, generatio wnere reared under two photoperio ( d1 6sL-8D Ovariandevetopsnenl or 12L-12D) at 25 and 300C, under seven photoperiods (10L-14D,1IL-13D,l2L-12D,12.5Ul1.5D,13ALd-ul1t1 fDe,males were kept individual liyn 120-ml clear 14L-lOD, or 16L-8D) at 20 or 25OC, and devetopmental plast iccups and fed 1O% sugar water ad 1ib tium every day period sof eggs, larvae a,nd pupae were recorded. Newly under the same conditions as the egg, larva land pupal emerged larvae (abo u2t0) were reared in a 480-ml clear conditions, and the abdomen was dissect eOd, 5 or 1O days plasti ccup on fres hleave osf the wild fig I,ilcu esrecta. after adu]t emergence, We define dmature eggs as those Afte rthe fourt ihnsta lra,rva wecre individua rlealryed in about O.8 mm 1ong whichis the same size as eggs lai don 120-m lclear plast iccups. Pupae were kept under the same the leave isn the field. ctohned pituipoansl st aasg et hwea s1 a2r8v da asltyasg eor flber sa stu nldeeras t13 6mLon-t8hDs. at S2i0necCe, Ovenvinterin gunder quasi-natur acolnditions individua lisn which the pupal stage laste dmore than 1 Fifty-s ithxird-insta lrarva eofA, jic uansd fou rfinal-instar month were regarded as diapausin gF.urthermore ,those larva ecollected from an orchard at OPU on 21 October, individua lksept at 200C under 12L-12D for 3 months 2008 were kept individual liyn 120-ml clear plast iccups al'ter pupatio wnere either transferred direct ltoy 25eC in a room at OPU with mesh window screens and no under 16L-8D, transferred to 250C after chi]ling at 1O, 5 urtificial illuminati oonr heating T.he larva ewere fed on 110・E i]so 14PP L 3e" tfge i ww 1962-2000 i ee 20012005 ." pt ・ " 2006-2010 , 1 Fig .1.Distributj oonf prefectu rwheesre the occurrence ofA. fic "wass tirst lryecorded in 1962-2000, 2001- 2005 and 2006-2010 dTawn from tnoue (1982 )Mi,yata (2006 )an,d special reports forecasti npgcst occurrence in each prefectur eC.lose dcircles indica tleocalit wiheeres a single adult was captured with a ligh ttrap, An open circle Lndicat etshe locati oofn Osaka Prefectur Ueniversi twhyer,e female ussed in this study wcre collected. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 168 N. HIRAI et al. Ie! gt rfW,,i fres hleave sof E eieeta, and pupation ,adult emergence O',`,6LsD andmortalitywererecorded.Airtemperaturewasmeasured once an hour during the rearing perio dwith a dat alogger Larva (HOBO, OnsetComputerCorporationP,ocasset, o20 Lr:'ipi Massachuset tUSsA,) placed near the plasti ccups, i' 4L"OD 10 n=20 Seasonal occuri?nce qfA, ficu isn Osaka Larva Fiel dresearch was perfbrmed in the OPU orchard twice o50t,g. a month from April to November 2009 to clarify the seasonal fluctuati einn spopulati doennsit Ay .census route 25 Lanva Pu was set up in the orchard to include 197 trees of the gN]p .o-4)0v-[H-oLooE==o2ru]LE=o cultivated common fig ,E carica, and we counted the i2.5L-tl.5D numbers of egg and 1am'a mlasses ofA. jic uons the leaves ,,[t n=39Adult of the E carica along the route. Two hundred and one La:va Pupa trees of wild fig ,E erecta, on the OPU campus were o50・t- checked in the same way, 12L-12D 25 n=45 ResultsLan'al LaL.. , .i(lpupa . " st Adult de}Jetopm eanndtpupal diqpause 40 t'11!11L-13Dvpe Larvae pussed through fiv eto seven insta rbsefor epupation, 20 tE sL. n=35 At 300C under 16L3-,8lD1, the me1a0n d aeyggs,, larva land pupal o50 La,rva ./ . .L-.-- AmhthJ stages were about and respectively, w']th the mean whole immature stage (i. et,he, stage from 10L-a4D oviposition to adult emergence) about 24 days and no 25 n=47 arrested developmen twas observed (Fi g2), . At 25OC, they -LLarva Pupa .....pmAdujlt.....- o were about 3, 17 and 12 days, respectively under both o 20 40 60 80 Days after oviposltion 30eC 16L-8D n=48 50 Fig .3. Development 16L-8D, ]4I,-10D ,13L-] 11), 12.5L-11.5D ,12L-10D, l IL-13D or 10L-14D at 200C, oo=v>2vc5YFokoAE=cm>・--tu3E=o o 16L-8D and 12L-12D and no arrested development was observed in any stages (Fi g2.). At 20eC, the whole 250C 16L.8D n=49 iTnmatur setage was about two months with the mean pupal 50 stage al]ou 2t4 days under a ]ong day o{' 1 6L-8D, 14L- 1 OD or l 3L- 1 1D, but few individua elmserged as adults within 25 3 months a['ter pupatio nunder a short day of 12L-12D, 11L-13D or 10L-14D (Fig, 3U)nd,er an intermedia dteay length 12.5L-11.5D,20 39individuals o of of emerged as 25'C 12L-12D n=41 adults within 3 months aftcr pupation .The results show 50 that A, .ficu sof the Osaka populuti oennters diapaus ein the pupal stage in response to the short day. Seven of 25 fiftee inndividua tksept continuously under l2L-l2D at 200C emerged as adults 156.3 ± 6,9 (mea n± S.E. )days o after pupatio nal,though the remaining eight die dbefbre o 10 20 30 40 adult emergence, The critical daylengt hfor inductio onf Days after eviposition ppeurpiaol dd firaopma utsr eawnassf ear btoou t2 5102C. 5 tho aadtu l2t0 0eCm er(g.enFcie 4g). .Twahse Fig. 2. Development of Asota ,fic tutndser 16L-8D aL 30"C, significantly shorter under lOli1 4D (16. ±7 O.47 and l4,O 16L8D or 12L-12D at 25'C. ± I,54 days with and without chjlling, respectively) than NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan PupaldiapausienAsota.ficus 169 n=47 35 45 39 46 20 48 n=49 41 n=48 O 250C C 50atsElo 10 "12 13 14 15 16 12 16 16 Photoperio(dhlday) };i g4.. Effec tof photoperiod on pupal diapuus ienducti ionn A. jict att s20, 25 and 30'C D2eocuL-i2Dpm2etwwClIeOeLC-w1a4D secge eecA pupation A] n=13 Lafva til II n=t3 III n=i2 2 adults with cripp]ed wlng$ IVLanrva n=t5 no aciul tobtained 4se t2e 6go 5 to l5 2e 25 Bv n=13 Vl n st 14 ris o t2e 6o o s Go as 2o 2s Days of treatmefi ts Days after transte tro 25eCt6L-8D Fig. 5.EfTec tosf chilling on the timing of adult emergence tn A. .fici Etasc.h gray square ipdicate esmergence of an individua uldult, A: Larvae were reared in 20thC-12I" 12D a]d pupae were kep tunder the same conditions as the larva efor 3 months. B: Larvae were reared in 200C-10L-14D and pupae were kept underthesarnecondltiensasthe1umraefor3months.Afterward,pupaefromgroupsIandVwered{rectly "C-1 transferred to 25"C-16L-8D, and thosc from group sII I,II ,IV and VT were transferred to 25 6Lr8D after a chi]]ing for 2 months at O, 5 and 1OOC (se teext). under 12L-12D (19. 9± O,86 and 20.3 ± O,83 days), Ovarian develqpment inNorenrmpaeersnapmyeeitc rtitecis tvQ)f e ( T2Fu-kim ego5yn,)-t .tMhy ocpshet Mmi udnlgitaipp laaetu s1cioOnm OppgaCur ip(saPo en< sc, hO i. l0ul5se i, fbdngoyr Nefmioevrngeefe neocmfea 2l o eris (n 3e2 af0ceh%m )cakoenldpei ttdsiions2s5 hOeaCcdt imeamtdumree1d 2ieLgag-ts1,e2 laDanfydht aeor dnaedu ulft 2c1r 2im peipnltnehddsi v wiiantd gu1s,aOl O scaChn midaldl eneod apadutu pl5ta0 ee Cc( leon ms=ei rog1ne,5d) wchh eiraleslae sdad u aoltnt OlsyO C w2i ft ehofr na2ol5 Imf aetumr2ea0l0e Ces gh gasd Sma tdura e1y6s La -fetg 8aegtrsD e m(5er Tgdeaan ]ea1rfl)tee. r TO henmee rtghenec oeth er ha taa l3ns0od,, 2 mo n th s er n eraoed as adults. of moart ure e gugnsder was smalle r under 12 L-12 Dme a(n38 n, u±m8b e2r4.1 NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 170 N. HIRAI et at, and 125.3 ± 17.2 (rne a±n S.E. )5 and 10 days after adult the critical photoperi woads about 12, 5h, equivalent to emergence, respectively) than 16L-8D (72, ±O 18.9 and the natural day]engt h(includ ai n1.g0- htwilight period) 152.0 ± l3.2 )at 20DC, theugh there was no significant in mid October in Sakai City .Since this species is o'f difference(P>O.05,bynonpararnetricl[Ukey-typemu[ttirpolpeical origin, it sdiapaus emight have evotved in the comparisons, using Nemenyi test). tropics or subtropics. Shimizu and Fajisak (i200 2re)ported thatmalesofanoctuid,Helicoveipaartnigeru,oftropical The results indicat tehat ovarian development appeared origin were more ]ikel tyo enter diapaus ethan female sin slowerat1owtemperaturesandundershertdaysinAficLfs Japanese but differenciendiapause of the Osaka population. inciden cp ewoapsu] aftoiuonnds ,in A .n of isexcua ulofs the Osaka po pulalion Oveiwinteringunderquasi-natttralcondition in this study, Like the fal w1ebworm El)vhantr ci"naea Under thefourfinal-{nsta(rMasa k1i9,77 )and Hl armige,zi (Qure seth ait,, 1999, lOaibdacneurtslttvotwsaba e eer1qocenrao unl2Nr alM3vose acaiva tye-nceeodd nlm1la eb1to2c tenu5aendr r, dcO2a2oc5l 0n t1do0ion38tb , i, O2oenaDc0rsn te0,d2o9c1 bte,a( ewlm2Flro b0o2i f0ef1 g 86re, .1)m2p .a60 uO]0,p2fe8a 0s t,t e0 h2em8e9ed r5 ,bgp6eeu dttpwhaei treaedsnd- 2i2t2n5h50 0eOAe CC.tO ijw) wmanai,esos c cr sheu ehiqioos1uf'rlieft ircetnetrhgdi e vwi e aOnf s isoF nanro dek arciaddeu vsi]psiataodp rpuyaeumau e]ultsrnaos gde tebtenreircroee m 1naitO, nhkt Laoah-tufe itpg1 4eohurnDp ,ttaM trTlo hdaaranninessa otffpheeva orr ettusrooes,e t]hae rrvemaaien ing 8 and 1 9an din dividuOains ld yi'efd oaus(r 4fi nwha elirenasstar uAn,d efri c1u 2oVsfl 2tDh,e OTshaiks 'sa upggoepsutsla tthiaot ndvairaipesa ubs eeitnwteeenns it thiyen o2]f0Ot0hOe9C. f2Tarn9hd oepm up mpereaaaernepl yue m pdeDaraegeie c,lrdeey smmpi benaecistmr iua,vmd eu2llyt0.s 0 tb8e emttpo wel reaaettn u MeMr aeay r wmca a9shl e,a s nb)2de0 lo01uo92tw,, psAth aosgtieom iip]es arsrhi ooprdthsee rdn iuonrm iiennndg otinhv ehi ladasn rab tvlehase alsntt poabgusepe,ar vatenedd dl taihtna e dti ritn haaeup tapuumunsp,ianlg eggsofthestripedgroundcricket,AUonemohiusfasciat"s w6Jh)ae r,nTeuahsae rm 2yoi0n, tt0wah9sl(y 3a mb.ionv3lemeu Cfm1b)5l,0l Ct eamfpteberrya teDuaerreclye m Awbapcsrri ,tl2 h,02e0 0l80o(9w e4(s.Ft 2iinDgC.)(hoTwaenveark,a a,1lm9os8t4) . aIln 1 iAn.d ifviicdu uoaf stl hstahte p uOpsaatkead bpeotpwuelena ]taitoen, and Feb ruary ,2009 ( 4.6 owDedC) . Osycntchorboenoru salnyd mi din mDidec eMmabye ri n etmheer gneedxt yaesa ard uulntdser a qlumaossit- Seasonal occttrreizce ofA .ficu sin Osaka natural conditions. No egg and larva mlasses were fbund on April 3, 1 O, and Ohmasa et aL C2001 )suggested tha tthe overwintering 27 Emd May 14 in 2008 (Fi g7.) .After thre eegg and two stage of A, jic titn tshe Shikoku disttr iwchctr,e thi sspecies larva lmasses of A. fic "wsere found on E carica on 28 was fir sftbund in 1999, was the pupa lstage. In th{s study, May, 1arva mlasses were then continually found until late the survival rate ol' pupae was low at 5"C and al 1individuais July M,ost 1arva mlasses were also found between early die dat OOC ,whereas most of the individua lksept at 10 OC September and lat eNovember except in August .Larval success'ful]y emerged as adults. Furthermore s,urvival in masses were foun don E erecta in June ,Jul yand October, quasi-natur caolnditions in Osaka ,near the range limi otf though the densit wyas lowe rthan thos eon E carica. this species, was low. Some of the geographi rcange shifts in insect dsirect lryeilect climate change, whereas others are secondary responses to changing bioti cconditions Discussion (Crozi e20r0,3) Y.bshio and Ishi i(]99 8s)uggested that The Osaka populatio nof A. .ficu sentered a facultativethe cause of northward expansion of the papilioni dR, diapau saes pupae in response to short-day conditions and memnon, was not changes in diapatt sterait sbut climatic Table 1. Numbers ± S. E, (media rnan,ge) of mature eggs per femalc 5 and ] O days al'ter aduk emergence Condi.tion 5days n 1OLI L,- 30℃ 16LrSD 86. 8± 18.4 ab(86, 34-144)5126.4 ± 27.7 ab(112, 62r226)s 2S℃ 16L-8D12L-12D 72.0 ± lg. 9ab (71,5-112) ± 132a 124r202) 38, 8± 24.1 b (8 ,or128)55152.0 125.3 ± 17. 2ab(143, (126,88-l61)54 20-C16Lm8D 28.8 ± 2.9b (2g,24-40)5119.8 ± 10.6ab{112,92-146)5 r[inkey-type Means fo11owe bdy the same tette arre pot significantly differe natt 5% Ievel sby nonparametric multiple comparisons, using Nemenyi tes t(P = O.05), NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan PupaldiapausicnAsotajicus 171 30 AUo-・ 202,g2 iog o ts 30 f:'Y 20 IE-.-"voc- t-) 10 5・6 ・ o oct.2008Nov.Dec,Jan.2009 Feb.Mar,Apr,May Fig. 6.Changes in mean weekly maximum (epe nsquares) and minimum (sol siqduares) temperature (s± S.E,) from November 2008 to May 2009 under quasi-natur caolndi tions at Osaka Prefectur UenivcTsit (yOPU) in Sakai O,saka ,Japa n(uppe ra)nd, cumulative numbers of pupatio (ncircl aends )adult emergence (triangl oefs A), fic u(slowe crol)lected at OPU on Octobe r21 ,2008 (arro win) thir d(sol iandd) sixth (open)instars. 8$tsE,2-tu co 24pmg9292 oMar. Apr.MayJun.JuLAug.Sep. Oct.Nov,Dec. Fig ,7,Numbers of egg and [ai' vmaaslses of A. ,fic ufsound on the eommon fi gtree ,Flctt scarica, and a wild fig E, erecta, at OPU in Sakai City ,Osaka, Japan in 20e9. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 172 N.HIRAT et al, pao, I]oeE 135' 14oe .../ttt.t/t.t .tt,・ttt・ , ttt 6789to{1d213i4ri5t5t7tet92e212223242526;g::13"3233M353S3738394S4a4243 -・Iil'i,i./,//,,//1/ i .i/i./ilI.ttttIl3,l,'i/' ..ijijll/tltt/t.. ±/,gi ,Q,: 3,5 0N 29,iiil,1,i}g.111'26//I.・/#・tl/tee1wl dsta yb ' tttt.t1t11it"ap1.pitl.,,., ShizuokaNchiMie ,il'gl,'・,pxl・gg's'ia'・/ 3gaxfp' Klnkl Shiga bg tctkytOS"XS・2sl・I2ekxogs""Ns・De l t KNvacFtao Qsake 429""op"eN WEkayama Heo /IChugoku Tgott,orikai\ Qg o 2.oekrrL Hiroshima 3eo Yama uehi Shikoku Kagemnya t TekushirRa Ehime DOday1-5days Koehi 0"ct43 KyushL/ FukuokaohaSagawagasakiM[yazakiOkinavvaKagoshima l・l] wa6-{Odays Kurnamoto >11days t Fig .8.Distribut iofo pnrefectur ewshcre thei rnumbcr of days on which the temperatur eof prcfeetu rcaap"laLs (circl essta)ys below 50C was O, 1-5, 6-10 and >11 between November 2008 and Apri] 2009 frodn AMeDAS data .Dottcd line indicatc sthe limi tof economic cultivation of a host plan tE, carica <see text). warming, especiaiEy rising winter temperatures. Moreover, 5 days after adult emergence, The reasons for the summcr Crozie r(200 32,004) pointe dout that winter temperatures absence of imrnatur estages remain unclear, but Tbyosalci di¢rctly affoct the persisten cofe the skipper, Atalopedes et al, (2009 p)ointc odut that this species sufi'ers high campestris, at the edge of it nsorthern range, Experiments mortality from predatio bny ants and hornet sin surruner. falT(neoid2akc0 suf ut s0oiAnsh9cee i.c)tl mooh,dafriPw t dsroshi peerine Jickng iitmteehospci of ts hsriutarteusedal y o.ndsfb usctaceoccrnevfetaidtroeim droanfs sft ehica tnb tj ontyvg ee[m rdIpwbieinryataoeptrsuaianrukge sie lite n s aAaitt.,n Raptreohespe cuuaobllnldtaei stto iift oootn nThp .ohiafsu s sfsst O, umtodihydl epd mdli enwaiminmnou ttnimesrsn setarr ilatynet mseAtpp.hre iarfn atgidt iuwc iar u1epoi sifa bnu etws ihiinemtn epOgprosu raaptnkadaaent determinant sof the northern distributi olnimi tof this Shikoku Islan din recent years ;they estimated that there species, One of thc host plants t,he common fi gE carica, had been ibur or fiv egeneration as,lthoug noh adults were grows throughout the islan dof Honshu, and the northern found in August S.imilar lwey, fbund tha tther ewere no limit of it seconomic cultivation is around Niigata, eggs or larva ien the fiel idn Osaka in Augast A,dults of Fukushimu, and Miyagi prefectur eisn eentral to fiorthern some noctuid moths enter a summer reproductive di apause Honghu (Sat eto aL, 1972) .Furthermore, the northero limit usllally indnced by long days andprevented oT terminated of distribut ioofn another host plant E, erecta, is the Kanto by short days (Masak i19,80) .However, inA, fic tofttshe distr iicn tcentral Honshu (Sata ekteal., 1989) .Since the Osaka populatio no,vurian development was not arrested suryival rate of pupae was low bclow 50C in A, ,ficu osf in any photoperiodi candfor temperature conditions theOsakapopulation,weanalyzedtheircun'entdisrribution examined in thi sstudy, and most females had matuTe eggs in terrn sof the number of days when the air tempcrature NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan PupaldiapauseinAsotaficus 173 staysbelow5OC(Fig,8).Asaresult,thecurrentdistribution Masalc iS,. ,1977 Lif ecycle pregrammin gI.n Hidaka ,T. (ed.) (Fig ,1) is prove dto coincide well with the areas where Adaptatio nand speciation in the fa1 w1ebworm. Kodansha, the numbers of such days were les sthan 1O in the western fokyo, pp 31 r60. part of Japan .Areas such as Mie and Shizuoka prefectures Matsuzawa, T, ,2008 ,Recen ttrend of dragonf tlhya it sgoin gnonh and the whole Kanto digtri cwthe,re occurrence ofA. ficus frem the trepics to the temperate zone, Nt].tt tanrde insect has not yet been recorded and the number of days with 43(12) :4-8. (I nJapemiese) the temperatur ebelow 5"C was 1-3 ,are considered as Miyata A,, ,2006 ,The insec sttories in Kokonee. Kanpo, Tbkyo. potenti dailstribut iaorenas for this species. N tt ka(jIi nJmaa Yp,.a naneds eK). Kikuchi ,1994. 0ccurrence ofAsota,ficus in MiyazakiPrefecture.thteham()doki(30):19-30,(InJapanese) Acknowledgments Ohmasa,Y/,T,NakataandR.Ohnishi,2001.Bio]ogyandcontro] ofAsota.ficus (Fabric iPulsan)t .Pivt .55(4) 1:50-153. (ln We express our sincere thanks to Dr T. 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Yamaguchi 時間であっ た.休眠深度は1]長によっ て異なり,低温処理 aspnodci Ses.K,a Nmeiztaarna,i 2vi0r0id7u. lDais tar且idb Nut. ia orntnaenngne sαhtiaft (oHfe tlwnoi patl[eirea;d 後た,.羽どの化温ま度で日の長目条数件は下1に2Lお−]2いDてでも1羽OL化−154D日よ後りにもは長ほかとんっ Y kaP鋤wean,ワtJ1a・.,EtKon.mtKioidrraine)to, aZLin,n‘ TiioJ.lKa,ap4wa2an,:s 2pa0ows5a−s2,iY1bHl5i .ydgue thく)iuglr,eaNb.aS lwaarwmajnmgura,. ど12の月雌に成蛹虫化がし成た熟個卵体をが有翌し年てのい5月た上.準旬野に外羽条化件しでたは,野,外10〜で 」 KN 磁ad a , N. Gyou toku,A. Tanaka, S認.K it an,jK, Matsuo, は,卵塊や幼虫の集団は8月を除く5〜ll月に.見られた. eSx.paYnsama孟ognu bcyhハ i「aenzda rYa v iTraidkueiamat(Hseum,i2〔p}0t9e,r 二NaPoeintthwaatrodm riandg)aeien (Receivc Odctobe rl 2,2011.Acccpte dNovember]5.,201D 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic LLiibrbarryary Service