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Preview effectiveness of aquaponic and hydroponic gardening to traditional gardening

International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 2 No. 12; December 2015 EFFECTIVENESS OF AQUAPONIC AND HYDROPONIC GARDENING TO TRADITIONAL GARDENING Ezekiel Okemwa 1 1 Technical University of Mombasa (TUM), Faculty of Applied Science, Department of Environment & Health Sciences Tom Mboya Avenue P.O. Box 90420-80100, Mombasa, Kenya 1 National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI), P. O. Box Number 30623-00100 Nairobi, Kenya. Research was supported by: TUM and NACOSTI 21 International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 2 No. 12; December 2015 Abstract Aquaponics is the integration of aquaculture and hydroponics. There is expanding interest in aquaponics as a form of aquaculture that can be used to produce food closer to urban centers. Commercial aquaponics uses methods and equipment from both the hydroponics and aquaculture industries. There have been few studies of commercial-scale aquaponics production. Traditional farming contributes to household food security by providing direct access to food that can be harvested, prepared and fed to family members, often on a daily basis. Even very poor, landless or near landless people practise gardening on small patches of homestead land, vacant lots, roadsides or edges of a field, or in containers. Traditional farming may be done with virtually no economic resources, using locally available planting materials, green manures, “live” fencing and indigenous methods of pest control. Our survey findings provide a better understanding of the business of aquaponics, which may enhance future commercial operations. Keywords: Aquaponic, hydroponics, traditional gardening, soil based, soil-less, urban farming; water scarcity, land problem, fish, plants, vegetables INTRODUCTION The paper is based on a thorough review of the scientific literature on aquaponics, hydroponics and traditional gardening, discussions with specialist aquaponics researchers and producers; analysis of web resources; an online survey of aquaponics initiatives and traditional gardening; and visits to operating aquaponics initiatives. By 2050 world population is projected to increase to 9 Billion and by the same time it has been estimated that as much as 50% of the world's arable land may be unusable. In order to feed this burgeoning population food production will have to increase by 110%. Clearly this is not possible without a radical rethink of production techniques and dietary needs. The western diet needs to change away from its dependency on high protein meat sources and over consumption. The West has to address our wanton wastage of food where we are currently throwing away 30% of the food we buy. Governments will also have to address the thorny subject of land tenure. China and the Gulf States are already looking at purchasing land in other countries in order to feed their own populations. It may well be time for us all to look at the consequences of nationalising productive land in order to ensure an equitable distribution of food, Griffith, P. et al., 2015. Unnatural roots of the food crisis Feeding the world requires healthy ecosystems and equitable governance. The current model of market-driven food production is leaving people hungry. It has turned food into a commodity subject to all the market failures that create inequities and negative impacts on the environment. There is a global food crisis. A myriad of events are convening the international community to reflect on the urgent situation. Just in the past month, the UN Commission on Sustainable 22 International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 2 No. 12; December 2015 Development and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity focused considerable attention on agriculture and food security. But this crisis has been long coming. Unsustainable agricultural policies and technologies, inequitable trade rules, agricultural subsidies that distort the markets, and the systematic marginalisation of small producers lie at the heart of the problem. In addition, there is chronic under-investment in agriculture in developing countries, and a real neglect of the basic premise that ecosystems have to be in good shape in order to provide good food. Costs of production The past 50 years have seen massive expansion of agriculture, with food production more than doubling in order to meet demand. But it has left us with 60% of all ecosystem services degraded, accelerated species extinction, and huge loss in genetic diversity. Neglecting ecosystems concerns has provoked a fisheries crisis too. Currently, four plant species - wheat, maize, rice and potato - provide more than half of the plant-based calories in the human diet, while about a dozen animal species provide 90% of animal protein consumed globally. We have already lost three-quarters of the genetic diversity of agricultural crops. As the agricultural frontier has expanded, those farmers previously dependant on a more diverse source of livelihood have converted to cash crops. As traditional varieties and breeds die out, so too do the traditional knowledge and practices of local farmers. Those same practices could now be critical in adapting to climate change. The focus on agricultural commodities rather than on food production to meet the basic needs of people has undermined diversity and self-reliance, and left farmers vulnerable to volatile markets, political instability and environmental change. Increased food production in some parts of the world has been at the expense of natural and semi-natural ecosystems that provide us greater long-term security. Amazingly, there is very little attention being paid to what fundamentally underpins all of our food systems – biodiversity and the services provided by ecosystems. In Britain, studies have shown that hay production is higher in meadows with a greater number of species. In Australia, crop yields are higher in regions where native biodiversity has been preserved. In the seas, too, areas with a higher number of conserved species generate more fish for humans to catch and eat. There are many other examples from land and sea to show that a healthy environment means more food and a greater capacity to survive natural disasters. The current food crisis, meanwhile, will only be exacerbated by climate change, with southern Africa and South Asia expected to be particularly badly affected. 23 International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 2 No. 12; December 2015 Market transformation So what are the solutions to feeding a growing world population in the face of climate change? There is information about a Green Revolution for Africa, major irrigation and fertilisation programmes, genetically modified seed varieties, as well as banning the use of crops for biofuel production. Amazingly, there is very little attention being paid to what fundamentally underpins all of our food systems - biodiversity and the services provided by ecosystems, such as soil, water and resilience to disasters. There is need to attack market failures and change the economic rules of current food production systems. There is need to eliminate agricultural and fisheries subsidies that support elites in the North, and get rid of protectionist measures in OECD countries for agricultural products. There is urgent need to allow for value-added trade for the benefit of the South, and expand fair trade and labelling processes that create incentives and add benefits to producers in the South. We must change food production systems, moving from the existing model based on high inputs (such as fertilisers) accessible through markets, to systems based on locally available and more environmentally- friendly inputs. Developments such as aquaponics and hydroponics can reduce farmer’s use of resources. There is need to create alternative trade rules and circuits that reduce the payout to middlemen and big agribusinesses. There must be greater investment, including by bilateral and multilateral development co-operation, to support food production systems that feed the poor and supply local markets. The governance model related to natural resources has to change. There is need to expand small farmers' and landless peasants' access to productive assets in countries of the South - lands, water sources and fisheries. There needs to be a shift away from the prevailing model of concentration of land in small groups of big landowners who are dropping food production for local markets and moving to big industrial production of commodities that produce no local benefits, Gonzalo Oviedo, 2015. Differences between Aquaponics and Traditional Foods The differences between aquaponics, hydroponics and traditional foods stem directly from the farming methods that were used during the food’s production. Many people are unaware of some of the differences between the two practices. Agriculture has a direct effect on our environment, so understanding what goes into our agriculture is important. Below is a diagram showing some of the key differences between soil-based traditional system and recirculating aquaponic system. 24 International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 2 No. 12; December 2015 Figure 1. Diagram showing some of the key differences between soil-based agricultural system and re- circulating aquaponic system One of the biggest differences that is seen time and time again across all research between the two farming practices is the effect on the land. Aquaponics combines fish farming (aquaculture) with the practice of raising plants in water (hydroponics). It’s organic by definition: instead of using chemical fertilizers, plants are fertilized by the fish poo (and pesticides/herbicides can’t be introduced to kill pests because they could harm the fish). Since the plants don’t need dirt, aquaponics allows gardeners to produce more food in less space. And in addition to the vegetables they can grow, most aquaponics gardeners cultivate edible fish as well. 25 International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 2 No. 12; December 2015 Aquaponics Systems the Ideal Today, modern aquaponics is a viable resource to sustainability that combines aquaculture (growing fish and p lants in a controlled environment) and hydroponics (growing plants without soil). The system relies on fish w aste to provide organic food and nutrients to help the plants grown; in turn, the plants clean, filter, and recycle the water back to the fish creating a symbiotic relationship (Dunn, 2012). Aquaponics may be regarded as the integration of two relatively well established production technologies: recirculating aquaculture systems in which fish tank effluent is treated and cleaned before being returned to the fish tank; and hydroponic (or soil-less) nutrient solution based horticulture systems. Bringing the two together allows for the plants to utilize the waste nutrients produced by the fish. In principle it is very similar to a freshwater aquarium in which both plants and fish are grown. Fish produce ammonia (among other things) as a waste product of respiration and their general metabolic processes. While ultimately deadly to fish, this chemical is a potential boon for plants. All they require to is a little help from naturally occurring and largely omnipresent nitrifying (meaning they convert the ammonia to nitrates) bacteria, which reside in a porous, inert growing medium, inside a plant grow-bed. Nitrifying bacteria convert fish wastes into plant-available nutrients. The plants use these nutrients as their main nutrient supply. The fish benefit from this process also, as the water is filtered by the plants, giving the fish clean water to live in. With Aquaponics, both the fish and the plants not only grow well, they flourish. Water from the fish reservoir is pumped into the grow-bed, where the bacteria process the ammonia into a form available to plants, which then take it up and flourish. The water, now ‘biologically filtered’, is returned to the fish tank, gaining oxygen along the way. The ideal of Aquaponics systems came from combination of Aquaculture and Hydroponic systems. It came as the best solve for the negative sides for both Hydroponic and Aquaculture. 26 International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 2 No. 12; December 2015 Figure 2: Simple small-scale aquaponic System (courtesy Cook Islands Aquaponics Pilot Project) Aquaponic systems come in a wide variety of forms, ranging from a simple fish tank set below a gravel filled vegetable bed (which also serves as a simple biofilter), with water from the fish tank pumped up and through the grow bed; to highly sophisticated systems incorporating multiple fish tanks, solid waste removal systems, aerobic and anaerobic biofilters, intensive aeration systems for both plants and fish, and sophisticated water quality monitoring and backup (i.e. fail-safe) systems. Aquaponic systems are dominated by vegetable production in terms of area and quantity of product. This is biologically determined by the quantity of plant production required to absorb the waste nutrients generated by fish. In some of the more commercial systems, the fish are simply regarded as a source of high quality organic nutrients, rather than as marketable product in their own right. The technology of aquaponics has been with us since the 1960’s, but interest has increased rapidly in recent years due to widespread interest in local sustainable food initiatives, and awareness amongst development agencies that aquaponics may allow for the production of both vegetables and fish in water-deficient or soil- deficient zones. The technology is also of particular interest to aquaculture scientists as a possible tool for the reduction/remediation of nutrient waste from intensive aquaculture production. Scientists, educators and community or development NGOs are, furthermore, particularly attracted to a technology that represents a small managed “ecosystem” comprising a highly productive balance of fish, bacteria and plants. All operations appeared to rely on a niche market and price premium, associated in most cases with a local farm shop, visitor attraction or café outlet. Others were able to sell into more mainstream but high value markets (e.g. in Hawaii) and generate a small “sustainability” or organic premium. 27 International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 2 No. 12; December 2015 Table 2: Types of aquaponic enterprise Type Key characteristics Funding/profitability/motivation Kitchen window Very small scale household systems suitable for Convenience/quality of life/interest growing a few herbs and salad rather than profitable Backyard/smallholder Small scale enthusiasts system Primarily a hobby activity but yielding similar to owning a greenhouse significant production for home for home vegetable production consumption and sharing with neighbours. Research/demonstration Small-medium and medium large Primarily research funding; may sell systems designed for research and demonstration some produce to contribute towards purposes running costs; excellent education/training tool Community initiative Varied in character but typically Usually public investment from local, medium scale enterprise built using public funds national, regional and international and operated by local community NGOs. Often social and economic development combined with waste funds recycling initiatives, work placements, and/or organic and local food initiatives Sustainable food outlet More commercial and Funding for the aquaponic system is entrepreneurial either cross subsidy from the food outlet, or enhanced margins related to sustainability image Sustainable research, training, Selling “sustainability” – ideas, Primarily from sales of equipment supplies and consultancy products, services, training, and services rather than from services research fish/vegetables Organic hydroponics Primarily a hydroponics vegetable production Primarily from sales of vegetables in system using fish a source of organic fertilizer and premium gourmet, organic and local sustainability image markets booster Organic re-circulating Primarily intensive fish production in recirculation Intensive aquaculture has a mixed aquaculture system with fertilization of reputation with regard to input use vegetables as secondary waste and waste generation, and this is an treatment attempt to minimise waste from intensive production systems while at the same time benefitting from organic or sustainability credentials/image Smallholder integrated fish Fish grown in ponds; vegetables Primarily subsistence systems, still agriculture grown in ponds; pond sludge common in S and SE Asia, but systems used to fertilize plants generally in decline and being replaced by more specialist intensive systems Global experience Aquaponics initiatives can be found throughout the world, from deserts to northern cities to tropical islands. The industry is dominated by technology and training suppliers, consultants, “backyard” systems and community/organic/local food initiatives. There are very few well established commercial systems (i.e. competing profitably in the open market) and most of those that are have been cross-subsidized by other economic activities, at least in the start-up phase. Many initiatives in temperate zones appear to be struggling. High capital, energy and labour costs on the one hand, and lack of flexibility in meeting market demand on the other, along with constraints on pest management, have been the major problems to date. 28 International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 2 No. 12; December 2015 It is notable that those that are commercial or near commercial are located primarily in Hawaii - because it has a relatively stable temperature regime; a long history of demonstration and research; significant constraints on more conventional forms of horticulture; high food import costs; and significant demand for “sustainable”, organic and other niche food products. Could aquaponics be used by farmers in developing countries? “Aquaponics has huge potential to be used by developing countries - both as commercial ventures and a way to provide food,” Leslie Ter Morshuizen, owner and founder of Aquaculture Innovations. Aquaculture advocates also say it is sustainable and eco-friendly. “Water is a precious commodity in developing nations, and because the majority of the water used is recycled through the aquaponics system, significantly less water is consumed than in traditional farming,” explains Tony Abuta, founder of Amsha Africa Foundation. According to Ken Konschel, project founder of Aquaponics Africa, the possibilities are limitless. “Fish grow their own food, so the system is self-supporting. It could improve people in developing countries’ lives by increasing food security, employment opportunities and economic growth.” As nutrition is a key issue for developing nations, who rely mainly on staple crops such as wheat and rice, the fish farmed could also provide a valuable source of protein. Abuta adds: “By building Aquaponic systems in developing nations like those in Africa, there would be more food for the population, and it would be more nourishing.” Strengths/advantages of aquaponics Efficiency of water use. Aquaponic systems use 10% or less of the water used in conventional soil based horticulture systems. Water use efficiency in hydroponic systems is probably comparable to that of aquaponics, but more variable, depending on the frequency with which nutrient solution is discarded or dumped. Independence from soil. These systems can be established in urban or harsh rural environments where land is very limited or of very poor quality. This advantage applies also to hydroponics and recirculating aquaculture systems. High levels of nutrient utilization. This is the core rationale for aquaponics and a significant advantage in those countries or locations where nutrient enrichment 1 is a problem (as for example in some Pacific lagoons). The fish and plants in most aquaponic systems capture roughly 70% of the nutrients input in the form of fish feed; and the residual solid waste is relatively easy to manage and may be applied to fruit trees or conventional horticultural crops. 29 International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Technology ISSN: 2313-3759 Vol. 2 No. 12; December 2015 Although hydroponic systems also capture a high proportion of nutrients most operators dump the system water periodically to prevent the accumulation of salts and pathogens and allow for thorough cleaning and sterilization. In most cases this relatively dilute waste will not be a problem, and may be used for conventional crop irrigation; on a large scale in sensitive locations treatment may be required in an open pond or lagoon. The requirement or otherwise for this will depend on local conditions and regulations. A further possible advantage lies in the complex organic nature of the aquaponic nutrient solution compared with the relatively simple chemical based solutions used in hydroponics. There is some evidence that this has pro-biotic properties, promoting nutrient uptake and protecting against some disease. There is also some limited evidence of improved product flavour and extended shelf life. Higher levels of anti-oxidants have been observed in aquaponically grown plants. Not surprisingly these benefits will depend on the quality of the nutrients entering the system – and it has been shown for example that higher concentrations of anti-oxidants are related to the quality of the fish food. Reduced labour & improved working conditions. Labour inputs to conventional horticulture are hugely varied dependent on the degree of mechanisation and chemical usage. Aquaponic and hydroponic systems usually use raised beds and do not need weeding. Some of those involved say that there is less work, and the work involved is of a higher quality than that required in more conventional systems. The lack of well established specialist commercial aquaponics enterprises makes comparison difficult. Two for the price of one. There is a widespread belief in aquaponic circles that growing fish and vegetables together must save money – you get two products for your investment, labour, and other operating costs. The indications are that this assumption is false. Keeping fish in aquaponic systems adds significantly to both capital and operating costs when compared with a hydroponic system, and some producers have explicitly stated that the fish lose money. The cost is regarded as necessary in order to generate complex dissolved organic nutrients, and produce a product which can be sold at an “organic” premium. Weaknesses/disadvantages It is unfortunate that the essential and desirable characteristic of aquaponics – closely integrated production of plants and fish to maximise nutrient utilization – also introduces significant disadvantages from both production and marketing perspectives. Compounding of risk. Intensive aquaculture production may be subject to losses or reduced productivity related to water chemistry, temperature, lack of oxygen, and disease. Intensive horticulture (including hydroponics) may also be subject to losses from system failure (water supply), pests and diseases. Integration of intensive horticulture with intensive aquaculture compounds these risks since problems or failure of one component are likely to reduce performance of the other. Some risks may even be increased – biosecurity (exclusion of pathogens) is a key issue for intensive recirculating aquaculture systems and may be compromised by recirculation through a large outdoor vegetable production facility. Furthermore, the range of management responses (such as pest or disease management) for each component is constrained by the sensitivities of the other, and it may take some time to restore the whole system to optimal performance. These 30

1 National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI), Aquaponics is the integration of aquaculture and hydroponics. Clearly this is not possible without a radical rethink of production plant health, and some advice on how to make the most of the plant growing space.
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