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DTIC AD1018718: Maximizing Space Investment: Tightening Link between Warfighters and Materiel for Space-Based Information PDF

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Preview DTIC AD1018718: Maximizing Space Investment: Tightening Link between Warfighters and Materiel for Space-Based Information

AIR WAR COLLEGE AIR UNIVERSITY Maximizing Space Investment: Tightening Link between Warfighters and Materiel for Space-Based Information by Janet W. Grondin, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF A Research Report Submitted to the Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Graduation Requirements 24 January 2011 Distribution A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited Disclaimer The views expressed in this academic research paper are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the US government or the Department of Defense. In accordance with Air Force Instruction 51-303, it is not copyrighted, but is the property of the United States government. ii Contents Page Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................................... ii Illustrations .................................................................................................................................... iv Biography ........................................................................................................................................ v Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Current Processes ............................................................................................................................ 4 Process Link - Governing Regulations ....................................................................................... 5 Process Link - Systems Engineering........................................................................................... 6 Process Link - Decision Process ................................................................................................. 9 Current Effectiveness ...................................................................................................................... 9 Recommendations ......................................................................................................................... 10 Regulation Updates ................................................................................................................... 10 System Engineering Updates .................................................................................................... 11 Formal Decision Process........................................................................................................... 13 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 16 Endnotes ........................................................................................................................................ 18 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 23 iii Illustrations Page Figure 1 - Capability Documents and Acquisition Milestones Relationship .................................. 4 Figure 2 - Systems Engineering Process ......................................................................................... 7 Figure 3 - Decision Process for Baseline Change ......................................................................... 15 iv Biography Lieutenant Colonel Janet W. Grondin is a student at Air War College, Maxwell AFB, AL. Her leadership assignments include Commander of the Global Positioning System (GPS) Advanced Control Squadron and Program Manager for the Operational Control Segment in the GPS Wing at Los Angeles AFB, California. Lt Col Grondin served 17 of her 21-year career in space systems acquisition. As a Lieutenant, she served at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma providing engineering support for E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft. After earning her master’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology, Captain Grondin led development of subsystems for both the Delta II and Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle space launch rockets at Los Angeles AFB. She transferred to Schriever AFB, Colorado in 1998 where she led an engineering team fielding a new launch control system and operating center for the National Reconnaissance Office. In 2001, Major Grondin was reassigned to the Pentagon as Program Element Monitor for space situation awareness and classified programs. In 2006, Lt Col Grondin returned to Los Angeles AFB to lead a team fielding two new GPS ground systems worth $1B. Most recently, she led a prototype competition and successful source selection evaluation for a new, $1B, net-centric GPS ground segment development contract. v Introduction At $9-10B per year,1 Air Force unclassified space funding represents roughly eight percent of the Air Force budget.2 Recent Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) messages leave no question the entire Department of Defense (DoD) enterprise, including space, will be scrutinized for warfighter relevancy3 and cost-efficiency.4 Air Force investments in next-generation space systems will provide significantly enhanced warfighter capabilities over the next two decades that must respond to SECDEF Gates’ dual challenges. Today’s military, economic, and political influences constrain programmatic action. The SECDEF’s position reflects America’s economic situation that is driving the need to rein in acquisition costs.5 The warfighter, however, is engaged in military operations worldwide and wants the acquisition system to respond more rapidly to evolving needs.6 At the same time, the Air Force is trying to re-establish credibility with Congress and is focused on stabilizing programs, not necessarily accelerating programs, to ensure delivery on time and on budget.7 Most importantly, President Obama envisions space as a key economic sector where America’s best and brightest reign. President Obama’s charge to the space community is expansive: ―Reduce programmatic risk through improved management of requirements and by taking advantage of cost-effective opportunities to test high-risk components, payloads, and technologies in space or relevant environments.‖8 The need for continued US leadership in space affects not only military capability but the US economy and diplomatic relations as well. This paper analyzes a critical segment of the Air Force’s space capability, particularly the ability to link the ultimate user of space information with the warfighter’s ability to extract and leverage that information for military operations. This paper considers economic, political, and 1 military pressures on fielding space capability for the warfighter and proposes small changes, coupled with a small investment, to manage change in today’s warfighting and acquisition environments. The recommendations in this paper align with Gen Kehler’s vision, as Commander of USSTRATCOM, for the military space community to ―exploit electrons instead of spending money.‖9 In the following paragraphs, two historical cases are reviewed, current requirements and enabling concept development processes described, an analysis of the links between these processes presented, and a summary of the effectiveness of these processes is presented. Several recommendations for improving the link between system developers and warfighters are proposed to be consistent with senior leader visions for space operations and acquisition. The value of space-based information to the US military is well understood.10 Space systems underpin successful global operations by providing communication, navigation, weather, reconnaissance, and other data. The first Gulf War, dubbed the first ―space war‖ by Generals McPeak and Fogelman, was clearly a success in adapting strategic space assets to the tactical fight.11 The Air Force learned valuable lessons from that experience including the importance of space to the warfighter. For example, during the first Gulf War, satellite operators and engineers adjusted Defense Support Program (DSP) satellite support to meet warfighter needs. DSP was originally built to detect strategic Soviet intercontinental and submarine ballistic missile launches in sufficient time for US missile crews to be alerted and launch a retaliatory attack, thereby assuring destruction of the Soviet Union should it initiate a nuclear attack on America. During the first Gulf War, however, DSP performance requirements were updated to detect Saddam Hussein’s smaller tactical scud missiles. Hussein used scuds to harass coalition troops and antagonize Israel in an 2 effort to break up the coalition against Iraq. To counter the scud threat, warfighters identified theater information needs for missile warning to provide adequate time to defend against attack and take cover.12 From theater requirements, the DSP team ―tweaked the system‖13,14 so Patriot missile units received early warning of incoming Scud missiles, enabling sufficient time to launch defensive missiles and alert personnel to take cover. The space community’s innovative, responsive approach to warfighter feedback contributed to a strategic win for Coalition forces.15 As a direct outcome of lessons from the Gulf War, the Air Force created the 11th Space Warning Squadron and outfitted the unit with a prototype system to experiment with new concepts for using DSP data. The lessons learned from this prototyping effort fed the follow-on development program, Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS),16 with new warfighter requirements for improving missile warning from space-based platforms. This pattern of developing prototype systems, enabling warfighter experimentation, obtaining feedback from simulations, then developing requirements to update the baseline system is an example of a tight, controlled feedback loop between warfighter and developer. Another example of successful prototyping is the Talon NAMATH system, developed through the Air Force Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities (AFTENCAP), to provide extremely high accuracy Global Positioning System (GPS) data to the theater. Talon NAMATH receives near-real-time GPS data, reformats the data to be compatible with joint forces, then pushes the final product to theater for operations requiring more accuracy than the signal-in- space currently provides.17 Identified as a ―good prototyping approach‖18 by (then) GPS Wing Commander Col Dave Madden, Talon NAMATH was developed and fielded in just over one year for only three million dollars.19 Because of Talon NAMATH, warfighters executed bombing missions with minimum collateral damage and America reduced negative publicity 3 resulting from civilian casualties. The prototype data continues to be available for theater operations today. Both DSP and GPS prototypes successfully adapted space system products to meet warfighter tactical needs, thus demonstrating the relevancy of space information to warfighters. However, both examples reflect unique approaches rather than a routine prototyping method. Efficiency favors repeatability; devising an efficient approach requires understanding current processes and the key links into those processes. Current Processes When warfighters need new materiel, high level documents are produced to describe the capability gap that exists and identify desired system performance to fill the gap (e.g., system availability, accuracy, event reporting timelines). These capability requirements documents are approved by the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC). An updated JROC-approved document accompanies each acquisition milestone decision (Figure 1) to ensure warfighter requirements remain aligned with materiel as development progresses. Capability document development and staffing is nominally one to two years, depending on the maturity of the document.20 Figure 1 - Capability Documents and Acquisition Milestones Relationship21 4 The Enabling Concept (EC) is typically developed by the same team responsible for the JROC requirements documents. The EC documents how the system will be used in operations, thus providing context for warfighter requirements. An EC is expected to require several iterations and a lengthy staffing process unless changes are only administrative in nature.22 The two processes, requirements and EC development, produce foundational documents that define the characteristics required of a system and expected operational use of that system. These processes are largely linked through governing regulations, systems engineering and key personnel. Each link will be separately analyzed in the following paragraphs. Process Link - Governing Regulations Air Force space ECs are developed in accordance with Air Force Space Command Instruction (AFSPCI) 10-102 to: ―explain an idea of how to produce warfighting effects [and] lead the requirements and acquisition processes by articulating—in operational terms—the necessary and supporting capabilities to produce these effects [emphasis in original].‖23 Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) envisions ECs will evolve in parallel with system development until sufficient design maturity allows an initial operating concept to be developed. The initial operating concept will be used to develop tactical procedures, generate operational test scenarios, and define operator tasks. Conversely, acquisition leaders emphasize the need to stabilize requirements and eliminate sources of requirements creep.24 The space acquisition community, in particular, is concerned with the enormous up-front investment required to develop, build, and launch satellites.25 As a result, space acquisition rules are geared toward ensuring early requirements stability, calling for an initial, partially complete EC at Milestone A followed by a final EC at Milestone B.26 While the policy 5

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