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375 - 380 AD The Apostolic Constitutions (or Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, lat. Constitutiones Apostolorum) By Clement, Bishop And Citizen Of Rome (Pseudonym) The Work Claiming To Be The Constitutions Of The Holy Apostles, Including The Canons; William Whiston's Version, Revised From The Greek; Irah Chase, OttoKrabbe D. Appleton and company, 1848 Link on Google Book Table of Contents  BOOK I. Concerning The Laity  BookII. Concerning Bishops,Presbyters, And Deacons  BookIII. Concerning Widows  BookIV. Concerning Orphans  Book V.Concerning Martyrs  Book VI. Concerning Schisms  Book VII. Concerning Deportment, And The Eucharist, And Initiation Into Christ  Book VIII. Concerning Gifts, And Ordinations, And Ecclesiastical Canons BOOK I. Concerning The Laity Chapters I. ConcerningCovetousness II. That we ought not to return injuries, nor revenge ourselves on him that doeth us wrong III. Concerningtheadornmentofourselves,andthesinwhichariseththence IV. That we ought not to be over curious about such as live wickedly, but to be intent uponourownproperemployment 1 of 211 V. WhatbooksofScriptureweoughttoread VI. Thatweoughttoabstainfromallthebooksofthosethatareoutofthechurch VII. Concerningabadwoman VIII. Concerningthe subjection ofa wife toher husband, andthat she must be lovingand modest IX. Thatawomanmustnotbathewithmen X. Concerningacontentiousandbrawlingwoman Book II. Concerning Bishops, Presbyters, And Deacons Chapters I. InwhatthingsaBishopistobeexaminedbeforeheisordained II. Thatcharitabledistributionsarenottobemadetoeverywidow,butthatsometimes a woman who has a husband is to be preferred; and that no distributions are to be madetoanyonewhoisgiventogluttony,drunkenness,andidleness III. ThataBishopmustbenoaccepterofpersonsinjudgment;thathemustbegentlein hisconversation,andtemperateinhisdiet IV. ThataBishopmustnotbegiventofilthylucre,norbeasurety,noranadvocate V. Whatoughttobethecharacteroftheinitiated VI. Concerningapersonfalselyaccused,or,ontheotherhand,apersonconvicted VII. ThataBishopoughtnottoreceivebribes VIII. ThataBishop,who,bywrongjudgment,sparethanoffender,ishimselfguilty IX. HowaBishopoughttojudgeoffenders X. AnInstruction,howaBishopoughttobehavehimselftothePenitent XI. Thatweoughttobewarehowwemaketrialofanysinfulcourse XII. Concerning those who affirm that a Penitent is not to be received into the church. That a righteous person, although he converse with a sinner, Avill not perish with him. That no person is punished for another; but every one must give an account of himself.Thatwemustassistthosewhoareweakinthefaith;andthataBishopmust notbegovernedbyanyturbulentpersonamongthelaity XIII. ThatthePriestmustneitheroverlookoffences,norberashinpunishingthem XIV. OfPenance.Themannerofit,andrulesconcerningit XV. ThataBishopmustbeunblamable,andapatternforthosewhoareunderhischarge XVI. That a Bishop must take care that his people do not sin, considering that he is a watchman XVII. That a shepherd who is careless of his sheep incurreth penalty; and that a sheep whodothnotobeytheshepherdispunished XVIII. HowthegovernedaretoobeytheBishopswhoaresetoverthem 2 of 211 XIX. That it is a dangerous thing to judge without hearing both sides, or to determine punishmentagainstapersonbeforeheisconvicted XX. That David, the Ninevites, Hezekiah, and his son Manasseh are eminent examples of repentance XXI. Amonmaybeanexampletosuchassinwithahighhand XXII. ThatChristJesusourLordcametosavesinnersbyrepentance XXIII. Of first-fruits and tithes; and after what manner the Bishop is himself to partake of them,ortodistributethemtoothers XXIV. AccordingtowhatpatternanddignityeveryorderoftheclergyisappointedbyGod XXV. That it is a horrible thing for a man to thrust himself into any sacerdotal office; as didCorahandhiscompany,Saul,andUzziah XXVI. Of an entertainment; and how each distinct order of the clergy is to be treated by thosewhoinvitethemtoit XXVII. WhatisthedignityofaBishopandofaDeacon XXVIII. AfterwhatmannerthelaityaretobeobedienttotheDeacon XXIX. ThattheDeaconmustnotdoanythingwithouttheBishop XXX. ThattheDeaconmustnotmakeanydistributionswithouttheconsentoftheBishop, becausethatwillturntothereproachoftheBishop XXXI. After what manner the Priests are to be honored and to be reverenced as our spiritualparents XXXII. ThatthePriestsaretobepreferredbeforetherulersandkings XXXIII. ThatboththeLawandtheGospelprescribeofferings XXXIV. MentionoftheTenCommandments;andafterwhatmannertheyprescribe XXXV. Concerning accusers and false accusers; and how a judge is not rashly either to believethemortodisbelievethem,butafteranaccurateexamination XXXVI. That they who sin are to be privately reproved, and the Penitent to be received accordingtotheConstitutionofourLord XXXVII. Examplesofrepentance XXXVIII. Thatwearenottobeimplacabletowardshimwhohathonceortwiceoffended XXXIX. HowweoughttoreceivethePenitent,andhowtobearwiththemthatsin,andwhen tocutthemofffromthechurch XL. Thatajudgemustnotbearespecterofpersons XLI. Howfalseaccusersaretobepunished XLII. That the Deacon is to ease the burden of the Bishops, and to order the smaller mattershimself XLIII. ThatcontentionsandquarrelsareunbecomingChristians XLIV. That believers ought not to go to law before unbelievers; nor ought any unbeliever tobecalledforawitnessagainstbelievers XLV. ThatthejudicaturesofChristiansoughttobeheldontheseconddayoftheweek 3 of 211 XLVI. That the same punishment is not to be inflicted forevery offence, but different punishmentsfordifferentoffenders XLVII. Whataretobethecharactersofaccusersandwitnesses XLVIII. Thatformeroffencessometimesrendersubsequentonescredible XLIX. Againstjudgingwithouthearingbothsides L. The caution observed at heathen tribunals before the condemnation of criminals, affordethChristiansagoodexample LI. ThatChristiansoughtnottohavecontentionsonewithanother LII. That the Bishops must, by their Deacon, put the people in mind of the obligation theyareundertolivepeaceablytogether LIII. An enumeration of several instances of divine Providence, and how, in every age, fromthebeginning,Godhathinvitedallmentorepentance LIV. That it is the will of God that men should be of one mind, in matters of religion, like theheavenlyPowers LV. An exact description of a church, and the clergy: and what things in particular, everyone is to do in the solemn assemblies of the clergy and laity for religious worship LVI. Of commendatory letters in favor of strangers, lay-persons, clergymen, and bishops; and that those who come into the church-assemblies, are to be received without regardtotheirquality LVII. That every Christian ought to frequent the church diligently both morning and evening LVIII. ThevainzealwhichtheheathenandtheJewsshowinfrequentingtheirtemplesand synagogues is a proper example and motive to excite Christians to frequent the church LIX. Thatwemustnotprefertheaffairsofthislifetothosewhichconcerntheworshipof God LX. ThatChristiansmustabstainfromalltheimpiouspracticesoftheheathen LXI. That no Christian who will not work must eat; as Peter and the rest of the apostles were fishermen, Paul and Aquila, tentmakers; and Jude the son of James, a husbandman Book III. Concerning Widows Chapters I. Thatthosewhoarechosenwidowsoughttobenotundersixtyyearsofage II. Thatwemustavoidthechoiceofyoungerwidows,becauseofsuspicion III. in. Of what character the widows ought to be, and how they ought to be supported bytheBishop 4 of 211 IV. Thatweoughttobecharitabletoallsortsofpersonsinwant V. Thatthewidowsaretobeverycarefuloftheirdeportment VI. That women ought not to teach, because it is unseemly; and what women followed ourLord VII. Whatarethecharactersofwidowsfalselysocalled VIII. That a widow ought not to accept of alms from the unworthy, nor ought a Bishop, noranyotherofthefaithful IX. Thatwomenoughtnottobaptize;becauseitisimpious,andcontrarytothedoctrine ofChrist X. That a layman ought not to perform a priestly work, baptism, or sacrifice, or laying onofhands,orblessing XI. That none but a Bishop or a Presbyter, none even of the inferior ranks of the clergy arepermittedtodotheofficesofthePriests;thatordinationbelongethwhollytothe Bishop,andtonootherperson XII. Therejectionofalluncharitableactions XIII. Howthewidowsaretoprayforthosewhosupplytheirnecessities XIV. That she who hath been kind to the poor ought not to boast, and tell abroad her name,accordingtotheConstitutionoftheLord XV. That it doth not become us to revile our neighbors, because cursing is contrary to Christianity XVI. Concerningthedivineinitiationofholybaptism XVII. What is the meaning of baptism into Christ 5 and on what account everything thereinissaidanddone XVIII. Ofwhatcharacterheoughttobewhoisinitiated XIX. OfwhatcharacteraDeaconoughttobe XX. That a Bishop ought to be ordained by three or by two Bishops, but not by one; for thatwouldbeinvalid Book IV. Concerning Orphans Chapters I. Thatitishighlycommendabletoreceiveorphanskindly,andadoptthem II. HowtheBishopoughttoprovidefortheorphans III. Whooughttobesupported,accordingtotheLord'sConstitution IV. Concerningtheloveofmoney V. WithwhatfearmenoughttopartakeoftheLord'soblations VI. Whoseoblationsaretobereceived,andwhosearenottobereceived VII. That the oblations of the unworthy, while they are such, do not only not propitiate God,but,onthecontrary,provokehimtoindignation 5 of 211 VIII. That it is better to present to the widows from our own labors, though it be inconsiderable and few contributions, than to presenfthose which are many and large, receivedfromthe ungodly. Forit isbettertoperishbyfamine, than toreceive anoblationfromtheungodly IX. That the people ought to be exhorted by the Priest to do good to the needy, as saith Solomonthewise X. A Constitution, that if anyone of the ungodly by force will cast money to the Priests, theyspenditinwoodandcoals,butnotinfood XI. OfParentsandChildren XII. OfServantsandMasters XIII. Inwhatthingsweoughttobesubjecttotherulersofthisworld XIV. OfVirgins Book V. Concerning Martyrs Chapters I. That it is reasonable for the faithful to supply, according to the Constitution of the Lord,thewantsofthosewho,bytheunbelievers,areafflictedforthesakeofChrist II. That we are to avoid intercourse with false brethren, when they continue in their perversity III. That we ought to afford a helping hand to such as are plundered for the sake of Christ,althoughweshouldincurdangerourselves IV. ThatitisahorribleanddestructivethingtodenyChrist V. ThatweoughttoimitateChristinsuffering,andwithzealtofollowhispatience VI. That a believer ought neither rashly to run into danger, through security; nor to be over-timorous, through pusillanimity; but to fly away for fear; yet, if he fall into the enemy'shand,tostriveearnestlyonaccountofthecrownthatislaidupforhim VII. Severaldemonstrationsconcerningthe resurrection, concerningthe Sibyl, andwhat theStoicssayconcerningthebirdcalledthePhoenix VIII. ConcerningJamesthebrotheroftheLord,andStephenthefirstmartyr IX. ConcerningfalseMartyrs X. A moral admonition, that we are to abstain from vain talking, obscene talking, jesting,drunkenness,lasciviousness,andluxury XI. Anadmonition,instructingmentoavoidtheabominablesinofidolatry XII. That we ought not to sing a heathen or an obscene song 5 nor to swear by an idol, becauseitisanimpiousthing,andcontrarytotheknowledgeofGod XIII. A catalogue of the feasts of the Lord which are to be kept; and when each of them oughttobeobserved 6 of 211 XIV. Concerning the Passion of our Lord; and what was done on each day of his sufferings; and concerning Judas; and that Judas was not present when the Lord deliveredthemysteriestohisdisciples XV. Of the great week; and on what account they enjoin us to fast on Wednesday and Friday XVI. An enumeration of the prophetical predictions which declare Christ; whose completion though the Jews saw, yet out of the evil temper of their mind they did notbelievehewastheChristofGod,andcondemnedtheLordofglorytothecross XVII. HowthePassoveroughttobecelebrated XVIII. AConstitutionconcerningthegreatPassoverweek XIX. Concerning the watching all the night of the great Sabbath, and concerning the day oftheresurrection XX. ApropheticpredictionconcerningChristJesus Book VI. Concerning Schisms Chapters I. Whotheywerethatventuredtomakeschisms,anddidnotescapepunishment II. Thatitisnotlawfultoriseupagainsteitherthekinglyorthepriestlyoffice III. Concerning the virtue of Moses, and the incredulity of the Jewish nation, and what wonderfulworksGoddidamongthem IV. That he maketh schism, not who separateth himself from the wicked, but who departethfromthegodly V. On what account Israel, falsely so named, is rejected, a demonstration from the propheticpredictions VI. That even among the Jews there arose the doctrine of several heresies, hateful to God VII. Whencetheheresiessprang,andwhowastheringleaderoftheirimpiety VIII. WhowerethesuccessorsofSimon'simpiety,andwhatheresiestheysetup IX. HowSimon,desiringtoflybysomemagicalarts,felldownheadlongfromonhigh,at theprayersofPeter,andbrokehisfeet,andhands,andankle-bones X. Howtheheresiesdifferfromeachother,andfromthetruth XI. Anexpositionofapostolicalpreaching XII. TothosethatconfessChrist,butaredesiroustojudaize XIII. Thatwemustseparatefromheretics XIV. Whowere the preachersofthe catholic doctrine, andwhichare the commandments givenbythem XV. Thatweoughtneithertorebaptize,nortoreceivethatbaptismwhichisgivenbythe wicked;whichisnotbaptism,butapollution 7 of 211 XVI. Concerningbookswithfalseinscriptions XVII. Matrimonialpreceptsconcerningclergymen XVIII. Anexhortationcommandingtoavoidthecommunionoftheimpiousheretics XIX. TothosewhospeakeviloftheLaw XX. Which is the law of nature, and which is that afterwards introduced, and why it was introduced XXI. That we who believe in Christ are under grace, and not under the servitude of that additionallaw XXII. Thatthelawforsacrificesisadditional;whichChrist,whenhecame,tookaway XXIII. How Christ became a fulfiller of the law; and what parts of it he caused to cease, or changed,ortransferred XXIV. That it pleased the Lord, that the law of righteousness should be manifested also by Romans XXV. How God, on account of their impiety towards Christ, made the Jews captives, and placedthemundertribute XXVI. Thatweoughttoavoidtheheretics,asthecorruptersofsouls XXVII. OfsomeJewishandGentileobservances XXVIII. Oftheloveofboys,adultery,andfornication XXIX. How wives ought to be subject to their own husbands; and husbands ought to love theirownwives XXX. That it is the custom of Jews and Gentiles to observe natural purgations, and to abominatetheremainsofthedead;butthatallthisiscontrarytoChristianity Book VII. Concerning Deportment, And The Eucharist, And Initiation Into Christ Chapters I. That there are two ways; the one natural, of life, and the other introduced afterwards, of death; and that the former is from God, and the latter of error, from thesnaresoftheadversary II. Moral exhortations of the Lord's Constitutions agreeing with the ancient prohibitions ofthe divine laws. The prohibition ofanger, envy, corruption, adultery, andeveryforbiddenaction III. Prohibitionofconjuring,murderofinfants,perjury,andfalsewitness IV. Prohibition of evil speaking, and wrath, of deceitful conduct, idle words, falsehood, covetousness,andhypocrisy V. Prohibition of malignity, acceptation of persons, prolonged anger, misanthropy, and detraction VI. Concerningauguryandenchantments 8 of 211 VII. Prohibitionofmurmuring,arrogance,pride,andaudacity VIII. Oflong-suffering,simplicity,meekness,andpatience IX. That it is our duty to esteem our Christian teachers above our parents; the former beingthemeansofourwell-being,theotheronlyofourbeing X. Thatweoughtnottoseparateourselvesfromthesaints,buttomakepeacebetween thosethatquarrel,tojudgerighteously,andnottoacceptpersons XI. Concerninghimthatisdouble-minded,oroflittlefaith XII. Ofdoinggood XIII. Howmastersought tobehave themselvestotheirservants;andhow servantsought tobesubject XIV. Concerninghypocrisy,andobediencetothelaws,andconfessionofsins XV. Concerningtheregardduetoparents XVI. Concerningthesubjectionduetothekingandtorulers XVII. Concerningthepureconscienceofthosethatpray XVIII. Thatthewaywhichwasafterwardsintroducedbythesnaresoftheadversary,isfull ofimpietyandwickedness XIX. Thatwemustnotturnfromthewayofpiety,cithertotherighthandortotheleft,is theexhortationofthelawgiver XX. That we ought not to despise any of the sorts of food that are set before us, but gratefullyandorderlytopartakeofthem XXI. Thatweoughttoavoidtheeatingofthingsofferedtoidols XXII. AConstitutionofourLord,howweoughttobaptize,andintowhosedeath XXIII. Whichdaysoftheweekweoughttofast,andwhichnot,andforwhatreasons XXIV. What sort of people they ought to be who'offer the prayer that was given by the Lord XXV. Amysticalthanksgiving XXVI. Athanksgivingatthedivineparticipation XXVII. Athanksgivinginrespecttothemysticalointment XXVIII. Thatweoughtnottobeindifferentaboutfellowship XXIX. AConstitutionconcerningoblations XXX. How we ought to assemble together and celebrate the festival day of our Saviours resurrection XXXI. Whatqualificationstheyoughttohavewhoaretobeordained XXXII. Apredictionconcerningeventswhicharetooccur XXXIII. AprayerdeclarativeofGod'svariousProvidence XXXIV. AprayerdeclarativeofGod'svariouscreation XXXV. AprayerwiththanksgivingdeclarativeofGod'scareoverthebeingsHehathmade XXXVI. Aprayercommemorative ofthe incarnation ofChrist;andhisvarious Providence to thesaints 9 of 211 XXXVII. A prayer containing a memorial of Providence, and an enumeration of the various benefitsaffordedtothesaintsbytheProvidenceofGodthroughChrist XXXVIII. Aprayerfortheassistanceoftherighteous XXXIX. HowtheCatechumensaretobeinstructedintheelements XL. A Constitution, how the Catechumens are to be blessed by the priests in initiation j andwhatthingsaretobetaughtthem XLI. Therenunciationoftheadversary,andthededicationtotheChristofGod XLII. Athanksgivinginrespecttotheanointingwiththemysticaloil XLIII. Athanksgivingconcerningthemysticalwater XLIV. Athanksgivingconcerningthemysticalointment XLV. Aprayerofthenewlyinitiated XLVI. WhotheywerewhomtheHolyApostlessentandordained XLVII. Amorningprayer XLVIII. Aneveningprayer XLIX. Aprayeratdinner Book VIII. Concerning Gifts, And Ordinations, And Ecclesiastical Canons Chapters I. Onwhoseaccountthemiraculouspowersareputforth II. ConcerningunworthyBishopsandPresbyters III. That to make Constitutions concerning those things which are to be performed in the churches,isofgreatconsequence IV. ConcerningOrdinations V. FormofprayerfortheordinationofaBishop VI. TheDivineliturgyinwhichisthebiddingprayerfortheCatechumens. VII. PrayerfortheEnergumens VIII. Prayerforthepersonsabouttobebaptized IX. Theimpositionofhands,andprayerforthePenitents X. Thebiddingprayerforthefaithful XI. Formofprayerforthefaithful XII. AConstitutionofJames,thebrotherofJohn,thesonofZebedee XIII. Thebiddingprayerforthefaithful,aftertheDivineoblation XIV. Thebiddingprayeraftertheparticipation XV. Formofprayeraftertheparticipation XVI. ConcerningtheordinationofPresbyters,aConstitutionofJohn,whowasbelovedbythe Lord XVII. ConcerningtheordinationofDeacons,aConstitutionofPhilip 10 of 211

The Apostolic Constitutions (or Constitutions of the Holy. Apostles, lat. Constitutiones Apostolorum). By Clement, Bishop And Citizen Of Rome
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