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Doubly CKM-suppressed corrections to CP asymmetries in $B^0 \to J/ψ K^0$ PDF

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Preview Doubly CKM-suppressed corrections to CP asymmetries in $B^0 \to J/ψ K^0$

TECHNION-PH-2008-39 EFI 08-33 arXiv:0812.4796 December 2008 Doubly CKM-suppressed corrections to CP asymmetries in B0 J/ψK0 → Michael Gronau 9 Physics Department, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology 0 0 32000 Haifa, Israel 2 Jonathan L. Rosner n a Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics J University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 3 1 ] A doubly CKM-suppressed amplitude in B0 J/ψK leads to correc- h S → p tions in CP asymmetries S = sin2β,C = 0, which may be enhanced by - p long-distance rescattering. It has been suggested that this enhancement e may lead to several percent corrections. We calculate an upper bound of h [ order 10−3 on rescattering corrections using measured branching ratios for charmless ∆S = 1 B0 decays. 4 | | v 6 PACS codes: 12.15.Hh, 12.15.Ji, 13.25.Hw, 14.40.Nd 9 7 4 . I Introduction 2 1 8 The success of the Kobayashi-Maskawa (KM) model of CP violation [1] in predicting 0 : correctly CP asymmetries in B meson decays has been recently recognized by the v i Nobel committee [2]. The large asymmetry measured in B0 J/ψKS(L) [3, 4] given X → by sin2β, where β φ = arg( V∗V /V∗V ), proved unambiguously that the KM r ≡ 1 − cb cd tb td a phase is the dominant source of CP violation in B decays. This test involves an interference between B0-B¯0 mixing and a B0 decay ampli- ¯ tude [5], consisting of a dominant color-suppressed b c¯cs¯ tree amplitude and a ¯ → small contribution from a b s¯uu¯ penguin amplitude [6, 7, 8]. (We use the unitarity → of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa [1, 9] (CKM) matrix, V∗V = V∗V V∗V , tb ts − cb cs− ub us and will not discuss order 10−3 effects due to CP violation in B0 B0 mixing [10] and − K0 K0 mixing [11].) The magnitude ξ of the ratio of these two amplitudes, which − determines the theoretical precision of this test, involves three suppression factors: A ratio of CKM matrix elements, V∗V / V∗V 0.02 [12], small Wilson coeffi- | ub us| | cb cs| ≃ cients of penguin operators in the effective Hamiltonian, c 0.04 (i = 3,4,5,6) (or i ∼ a QCD loop factor), and a suppression by the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) rule [13]. The parameter ξ is expected to be somewhat larger than the product of these three factors due to color-suppression of the dominant tree amplitude which normalizes ξ. Thus, with ξ 10−3, it has been commonly accepted that the measurement of sin2β ∼ in B0 J/ψK may involve only a very small uncertainty at a level of 10−3, S(L) → 1 or at most a fraction of a percent [6]. This estimate was supported by calculations of ξ using QCD factorization [14] and perturbative QCD [15]. These perturbative calculations are based on the absorptive part of the u-quark loop, assuming a suffi- ciently large momentum transfer in the loop, and applying rather crude methods for evaluating the four quark operator matrix element J/ψK0 (c¯Tac) (¯bTas) B0 . V V−A h | | i The absorptive part of the quark loop was proposed thirty years ago as a mechanism producing a strong phase leading to CP violation in charged B decays [16]. The introduction of a small penguin amplitude, carrying a weak phase γ and a strong phase δ relative to the dominant tree amplitude, affects the time-dependent CP asymmetry in B0 J/ψK , S → Γ(B0 J/ψK ) Γ(B0 J/ψK ) S S A (t) → − → = Ccos(∆mt)+Ssin(∆mt) , (1) CP ≡ Γ(B0 J/ψK )+Γ(B0 J/ψK ) − S S → → where, dropping terms quadratic in ξ [6], C = 2ξsinδsinγ , ∆S S sin2β = 2ξcos2βcosδsinγ . (2) − ≡ − In the limit ξ = 0 one has C = 0,∆ = 0. Current measurements of the two asymme- tries [3, 4, 17] (based on all charmonium decays), C(J/ψK0) = 0.005 0.019 , S(J/ψK0) = 0.671 0.024 , (3) ± ± involve experimental errors at a level of 0.02. This error is considerably larger than ± the theoretical uncertainty introduced by the above estimate of the parameter ξ. The estimate ξ 10−3 has been questioned and challenged in Refs. [18] and [19], ∼ arguing that the u-quark penguin amplitude in B0 J/ψK0 may be enhanced by → long distance rescattering effects from intermediate S = 1 charmless states to J/ψK0. A sizable enhancement of a penguin amplitude beyond a perturbative calculation, ar- gued to be due to a large “charming penguin” contribution [20], has been observed in B Kπ. It was therefore argued [18, 19] that similar nonperturbative rescat- → tering effects of intermediate charmless states may enhance ξ, leading to a hadronic uncertainty in ξ at a level of several percent. An uncertainty in ξ at this level implies theoretical uncertainties in the asym- metries C(J/ψK0) and S(J/ψK0) which are comparable to or even larger than the currentexperimentalerrorsinthesemeasurements. ItwaspointedoutinRefs.[18,19] that CP asymmetries C and ∆S inB0 J/ψπ0, proportionaltoξ inthe flavor SU(3) → limit, are enhanced by a factor (1 λ2)/λ2 = 18.6 (λ = 0.2257 [12]) relative to C and − ∆S in B0 J/ψK . Thus, it was suggested to study ξ in B0 J/ψπ0. Unfortu- S → → nately, the decay rate for this process is suppressed by 2λ2/(1 λ2) relative to that − of B0 J/ψK . Consequently one expects errors in the B0 J/ψπ0 asymmetries S → → to be correspondingly larger than in the B0 J/ψK asymmetries. Indeed, current S → measurements [17, 21, 22], C(J/ψπ0) = 0.10 0.13,S(J/ψπ0) = 0.93 0.15, are − ± − ± not sufficiently accurate for providing useful information about ξ. Values of ξ as large as a few percent cannot be ruled out by the two asymmetries. The purpose of this Letter is to calculate upper bounds on ξ in B0 J/ψK0 from → long distance rescattering effects mediated by charmless intermediate states. This 2 provides a re-evaluation of the contribution of the absorptive part associated with cutting the u-quark penguin loop [14, 15, 16] by computing explicitly contributions of charmless intermediate states. Using the rich amount of data for numerous charmless B meson decays obtained in experiments at e+e− B factories, we will show that the estimate ξ 10−3 ismuch more reasonable thanvalues ofξ at a level of a fewpercent. ∼ II Upper bounds on rescattering in B0 J/ψK0 → We write the S matrix in terms of S , which includes strong and electromagnetic 0 interactions, and T, taken to be Hermitian, which corresponds to the effective weak Hamiltonian at a low energy scale, S = S +iT . (4) 0 Unitarity of the S matrix S†S = 1 implies to first order in T, T = S T S . (5) 0 0 Taking matrix elements of the two sides between a B meson state and a final decay state f , and inserting a complete set of intermediate states f, one has 0 f T B = Σ f S f f T B , (6) 0 f 0 0 h | | i h | | ih | | i where we used the fact that B is an eigenstate of S . The matrix elements f T B 0 0 h | | i and f T B are weak decay amplitudes, often denoted A(B f ) and A(B f), 0 h | | i → → while f S f represents a rescattering amplitude from f to f . 0 0 0 h | | i Let us first consider the matrix element between B = B0 and f = J/ψK0 for the 0 effective ∆S = 1,∆C = 0 operator Tu involving a CKM factor V∗V , | | ub us J/ψK0 Tu B0 = Σ J/ψK0 S f f Tu B0 . (7) f 0 h | | i h | | ih | | i Because B is a spinless particle the J/ψ and K0 are in a P-wave. Consequently the states f are all J = 0,P = 1 S = 1 states. Since we are replacing the absorptive − part associated with cutting the u-quark penguin loop by contributions of physical intermediate states, we consider only charmless states. This includes a long list of states,suchasf = K∗+π−,ρ−K+,K∗0π0,ρ0K0,ωK0,K∗0η,K∗0η′,andK∗+(1430)π−, 0 but excludes K+π−,K0π0 in an S-wave state and K∗+ρ−,K∗0ρ0 in S and D waves which have P = +1. Parity and time-reversal symmetry of S imply a reciprocal detailed-balance rela- 0 tion (we are assuming a single polarization state because J = 0), J/ψK0 S f = f S J/ψK0 . (8) 0 0 |h | | i| |h | | i| Upper bounds on matrix elements f S J/ψK0 for each of the above states, f = 0 |h | | i| K∗+π−,...,K∗+(1430)π−, may be obtained using the following considerations. 0 3 We apply Eq. (6) to matrix elements between B0 and the above charmless final states f for the effective ∆S = 1,∆C = 0 operator Tc involving a CKM factor | | V∗V , cb cs f Tc B0 = Σ f S k k Tc B0 . (9) k 0 h | | i h | | ih | | i The left-hand-side is dominated by a penguin amplitude which obtains a sizable “charming penguin” contribution [20]. Assuming that a single intermediate state k = D∗−D+ can at most saturate the sum on the right-hand-side, one has s f S D∗−D+ D∗−D+ Tc B0 f Tc B0 . (10) |h | 0| s i||h s | | i| ≤ |h | | i| On the left-hand-side of (10) we can replace the D∗−D+ state by J/ψK0. One ex- s pects f S J/ψK0 < f S D∗−D+ becausethefirstamplitudeisOZI-suppressed. |h | 0| i| |h | 0| s i| To calculate the ratio of B0 decay amplitudes into D∗−D+ and J/ψK0 we use the s expression for decay rates, p∗ Γ = f f T B0 2 , (11) 8πM2|h | | i| B where p∗ is the momentum of one of the two outgoing particles in the B0 rest frame. f The measured branching ratios and the corresponding momenta are [12] (B0 D∗−D+) = (8.3 1.1) 10−3 , p∗ = 1735 MeV/c , B → s ± × Ds+ (B0 J/ψK0) = (8.71 0.32) 10−4 , p∗ = 1683 MeV/c . (12) B → ± × K0 This leads to D∗−D+ Tc B0 / J/ψK0 Tc B0 = 3.04 0.21. Using the central |h s | | i| |h | | i| ± value, Eq. (10) may be replaced by 1 f Tc B0 f S J/ψK0 < |h | | i| . (13) |h | 0| i| 3 J/ψK0 Tc B0 |h | | i| We denote f Tu B0 r |h | | i| , (14) f ≡ f Tc B0 |h | | i| and note that f Tc B0 is approximately the total B0 decay amplitude into f, h | | i f T B0 ; similarly J/ψK0 Tc B0 J/ψK0 T B0 . Combining Eqs. (8) and (13), h | | i h | | i ≈ h | | i one then obtains the following upper bound on each of the terms contributing to the sum in (7), normalized by the B0 decay amplitude into J/ψK0: J/ψK0 S f f Tu B0 1 f T B0 2 0 ξ |h | | ih | | i| < r |h | | i| . (15) f f ≡ J/ψK0 T B0 3 J/ψK0 T B0 ! |h | | i| |h | | i| This upper bound is a central result in our analysis. It should be considered a strong inequality (in which the factor 1/3 may be replaced by 1/10) because it is based on a conservative inequality (10) and on presumably strong OZI-suppression of f S J/ψK0 relative to f S D∗−D+ . |h | 0| i| |h | 0| s i| 4 Table I: Expressions for matrix elements f Tu B0 and f Tc B0 in B0 VP in h | | i h | | i → terms of graphical amplitudes. Final state f Tu B0 f Tc B0 h | | i h | | i K∗+π− T′ P′ − P − P ρ−K+ T′ P′ − V − P K∗0π0 C′ /√2 (P′ P′ )/√2 − V P − EW,V ρ0K0 C′ /√2 (P′ P′ )/√2 − P V − EW,P ωK0 C′ /√2 (P′ +2S′ + 1P′ )/√2 P V P 3 EW,P K∗0η C′ /√3 (P′ P′ S′ 2P′ )/√3 − V V − P − V − 3 EW,V K∗0η′ C′ /√6 (2P′ +P′ +4S′ 1P′ )/√6 V V P V − 3 EW,V III Numerical upper bounds on rescattering We now study numerical bounds on rescattering parameters ξ for numerous interme- f diate states f in B0 f J/ψK0. We start by discussing S = 1 charmless states → → f = VP consisting of pairs of vector and pseudoscalar mesons. We use f T B0 2 (B0 f) p∗ |h | | i| = B → K0 . (16) |hJ/ψK0|T|B0i|! B(B0 → J/ψK0) p∗f ! Values for the parameter r , the ratio of two amplitudes in B VP involving f → CKM factors V∗V and V∗V , are extracted from a study applying broken flavor ub us cb cs SU(3) to these decays and decays into corresponding S = 0 charmless states [23]. In thelanguageofRef.[24],matrixelements f Tu B0 involve combinationsofgraphical h | | i amplitudes representing color-favoredand color-suppressed tree amplitudes T′ and V(P) C′ , while f Tc B0 involve penguin amplitudes P′ , singlet penguin amplitudes V(P) h | | i V(P) S′ (corresponding to SU(3) singlet mesons in the final state), and electroweak V(P) penguin amplitudes P′ . The subscript V or P denotes the final-state meson EW,V(P) (vector or pseudoscalar) incorporating the spectator quark. We are neglecting color- suppressed electroweak penguin contributions. SU(3) breaking is included in T′ and V T′ in terms of ratios of pseudoscalar and vector meson decay constants, f /f and P K π fK∗/fρ, respectively. Expressions for the above matrix elements are given in Table I for B0 decays into seven VP states. Note that that while f Tu B0 involves color- h | | i allowed tree amplitudes T′ and T′ for f = K∗+π− and f = ρ−K+, it is governed by P V color-suppressed amplitudes C′ and C′ for all other final states. Consequently the P V values of r in the first two processes are expected to be considerably larger than in f the others. We calculate numerical values for r using entries in the third column of Table V f in Ref. [23], updating some values by fitting to more recent measurements of (B0 B → K∗0π0), (B0 K∗0η)and (B0 K∗0η′). BranchingratiosforthesevenB0 VP B → B → → decays [17], corresponding center-of-mass momenta p∗ [12], and values of r are used f to calculate from Eqs. (15) and (16) upper bounds on ξ for the these intermediate f 5 TableII:Branchingratios[17], center-of-massmomenta[12], parametersr andupper f bounds on ξ for seven charmless intermediate VP states. f Mode p∗ r Upper bound on ξ f f B f (10−6) (MeV) (10−4) K∗+π− 10.3 1.1 2563 0.31 0.03 7.9 1.1 ± ± ± ρ−K+ 8.6 1.0 2559 0.26 0.03 5.6 1.0 ± ± ± K∗0π0 2.4 0.7 2562 0.09 0.04 0.6 0.3 ± ± ± ρ0K0 5.4 1.0 2558 0.04 0.03 0.5 0.4 ± ± ± ωK0 5.0 0.6 2557 0.04 0.03 0.5 0.4 ± ± ± K∗0η 15.9 1.0 2534 0.04 0.02 1.6 0.7 ± ± ± K∗0η′ 3.8 1.2 2471 0.08 0.04 0.8 0.4 ± ± ± VP states. Input values and resulting upper bounds on ξ are summarized in Table f II. The largest upper bounds, ξ < (7.9 1.1) 10−4 and ξ < (5.6 1.0) 10−4, f f ± × ± × are obtained for f = K∗+π− and f = ρ−K+, respectively. Much smaller values, at a level of 10−4, are calculated for all other VP states. Because rescattering effects of the form B0 f J/πK0 increase with (B0 → → B → f), we search for charmless intermediate states f for which this branching ratio is particularly large. We note that the three-body decay mode B0 K0π+π−, with → = (44.8 2.6) 10−6 isdominatedbythequasi-two-bodydecayB0 K∗(1430)+π−, B ± × → 0 involving a scalar and a pseudoscalar meson in a P = 1 S-wave [12]: − [B0 K∗(1430)+π−] = (50+8) 10−6 . (17) B → 0 −9 × The fact that this branching ratio seems to exceed that for the three-body final state indicates strong destructive interference with other amplitudes including B0 → K∗+π−, ρ0K0, f (980)K0, and a non-resonant amplitude [25]. 0 In order to evaluate an upper bound for ξ based on the u-quark amplitude’s f contribution to the K∗(1430)+π− intermediate state, we must obtain an estimate 0 of the value of r for this state. This quantity (the subscript P denotes the final f pseudoscalar meson incorporating the spectator quark), T′ (B0 K∗+π−) r | P → 0 | , (18) f ≡ P′ (B0 K∗+π−) | P → 0 | is the ratio of the u-quark tree amplitude and the c-quark penguin amplitude in B0 K∗(1430)+π−. While the latter amplitude dominates this process, the former → 0 maybeestimatedtoagoodapproximationassumingfactorization. Asimilarsituation occurs in B0 K+π−, where the ratio of tree and penguin amplitudes has been → determined within a global flavor SU(3) fit to all B Kπ and B ππ decays [26], → → T′(B0 K+π−) 0.281(16.1 2.0) | → | = ± = 0.094 0.012 . (19) P′(B0 K+π−) 48.2 1.0 ± | → | ± 6 The ratio of the two penguin amplitudes dominating B0 K+π− and B0 → → K∗(1430)+π− is obtained from the corresponding partial rates, 0 P′(B0 K+π−) Γ(B0 K+π−) p∗(K∗+) | → | → 0 = 0.60 0.05 . (20) P′(B0 K∗+π−) ≈ vΓ(B0 K∗+π−) p∗(K+) ± | P → 0 | uu → 0 t Herewehaveused(17)with[12] (B0 K+π−) = (19.4 0.6) 10−6, p∗(K+,K∗+) = B → ± × 0 (2615,2445) MeV/c. In the factorization approximation the tree amplitudes T′(B0 K+π−) and → TP′ (B0 → K∗+π−) involve respectively the K and K0∗ decay constants, fK and fK0∗, and the B to π form factors at q2 = m2 and m2 which are assumed to be approxi- K K∗ 0 mately equal. Thus, |TP′(B0 → K∗+π−)| fK0∗ . (21) T′(B0 K+π−) ≈ f K | → | Note that the scalar K∗ couples to the weak vector current through a coupling pro- 0 portional to the K0∗ decay constant fK0∗ which vanishes by G-parity in the SU(3) symmetry limit [27, 28, 29]. SU(3) breaking leads to a nonzero value, expected to be of order (m m )/Λ relative to the K meson decay constant. Theoretical s d QCD − calculations of fK∗ lead to values in the range [30, 31, 32, 33] 0 fK∗ = 40 6 MeV , (22) 0 ± to be compared with f = 155.5 0.8 MeV [34]. K ± Taking a product of the three factors in (19), (20), and (21), we find r = 0.015 0.003 , f = K∗(1430)+π− . (23) f ± 0 An upper bound on ξ for f = K∗(1430)+π− is then obtained using Eqs. (15) and f 0 (16) while taking into account correlated errors, 1 [B0 K∗(1430)+π−] p∗(K0) ξ < r B → 0 f 3 f (B0 J/ψK0) p∗(K∗+) B → 0 = (1.9 0.4) 10−4 , f = K∗(1430)+π− . (24) ± × 0 Thus, in spite of the large branching ratio measured for this decay mode, this upper bound is about four times smaller than the largest value obtained for the correspond- ing VP state K∗+π− in Table II. There are good prospects for replacing the theoretical estimate (22) with an ex- perimentally determined value. The partial width for the decay τ− M−ν, where → M is a strange scalar or pseudoscalar meson, is f2 (m2 m2 )2 Γ(τ− M−ν) = G2 V 2 M τ − M . (25) → F| us| 16π m τ With G = 1.16637(1) 10−5 GeV−2, m = 1.77684(17) GeV/c2, m = 0.493677(16) F τ K × GeV/c2, V = 0.2255(19), and f = 0.1555(8) GeV [12] (for the last two, see Ref. us K | | 7 [34]), this yields a prediction Γ(τ− K−ν) = (1.59 0.03) 10−14 GeV. The → ± × lifetime of the τ is (290.6 1.0) 10−15 s [12], implying the prediction (τ− ± × B → K−ν) = (7.02 0.14) 10−3, in satisfactory agreement with the experimental value ± × [12] (6.95 0.23) 10−3. ± × The prediction (25) can be applied to the K∗(1430) in the narrow-width approxi- 0 mation, permitting onetoobtainthe ratioofscalar andpseudoscalar decay constants: fK0∗ = m2τ −m2K B(τ → K0∗ν) . (26) f m2 m2 v (τ Kν) K τ − K0∗uu B → t With the experimental upper limit [35] [τ K∗(1430)ν] < 5 10−4 (95% c.l.) and B → 0 × using the central value of m[K∗(1430)] = 1425 50 MeV/c2 [12], this ratio is less 0 ± than 0.69, entailing fK∗ < 107.5 MeV if the predicted value of (τ− K−ν) is used. 0 B → The large width Γ[K∗(1430)] = 270 80 MeV leads to a small positive correction of 0 ± 1.127 to the predicted partial width for τ K∗(1430)ν, reducing this upper bound → 0 slightly to fK∗ < 101 MeV. This is about a factor of 2.5 larger than the theoretical 0 estimates summarized in Eq. (22). Using those estimates and including the finite- width correction, we predict [τ K∗(1430)ν] = (7.8 2.3) 10−5. As stressed in B → 0 ± × Ref. [28], this should be accessible in present experiments. The intermediate state f = K∗(1430)0π0 is fed by a color-suppressed u-quark tree 0 amplitude. Its penguin-dominated branching ratio is expected to be about half of that measured for B0 K∗(1430)+π−. Consequently the upper bound on ξ for → 0 f f = K∗(1430)0π0 is considerably smaller than (24). 0 IV Conclusion We have calculated upper bounds on contributions to the doubly-CKM-suppressed parameter ξ from rescattering B0 f J/ψK0 through charmless S = 1 inter- → → mediate states f. We have derived in Eq. (15) a general conservative upper bound on ξ which increases with (B0 f) and with the ratio r of tree and penguin f f B → amplitudes in B0 f. The actual upper bound may involve a factor 1/10 instead of → 1/3 because OZI suppression in f J/ψK0 has not been included in (15). → The highest upper bounds on ξ , somewhat below 10−3, were obtained for f = f K∗+π− and ρ−K+, while other intermediate states with neutral vector and pseu- doscalar mesons involve much smaller rescattering contributions. This applies also to the state K∗(1430)+π−, which has the largest quasi-two-body decay branching ratio 0 measured so far in B0 decays, [B0 K∗(1430)+π−] = (50+8) 10−6. We noted de- B → 0 −9 × structive interference between B0 K∗(1430)+π− and other modes contributing to → 0 B0 K0π+π−. Thisindicates potentialdestructive interference between rescattering → contributions to ξ of these intermediate states. One may wonder whether larger contributions to ξ may originate in charmless intermediate states with multiplicity larger than three. Only two S = 1 charmless branching ratios comparable to that of B0 K∗(1430)+π− have been measured [36], → 0 (B0 K∗0π+π−) = (54.5 5.2) 10−6, (B0 K∗0K+K−) = (27.5 2.6) 10−6. B → ± × B → ± × 8 These involve quasi-three-body decays leading to four particles in the final state. P = 1 projections of these states, with smaller branching ratios, may rescatter into − J/ψK0. Although it is difficult to calculate or measure the tree-to-penguin ratio r for these states, we expect it to be no more than 0.1. The isospin relation [37] f Γ(B0 K∗0π+π−) = Γ(B+ K∗+π+π−) which holds within 1.5σ [17] is consistent → → withr = 0intheseprocesses. Wedonotanticipateconstructive interference between f rescatteringcontributionsoftheintermediatestatesK∗0π+π− andK∗0K+K− andthe above calculated contributions of K∗+π− and ρ−K+ which are probably larger. Rescattering from intermediate states with two vector mesons in a P = 1 P- − wave state, including K∗+ρ−,K∗0ρ0 and K∗0φ, involve branching ratios considerably smaller than those of B0 K∗0π+π− and B0 K∗0K+K− [12] and very small → → u-quark tree amplitudes. For instance, the tree amplitude in B0 K∗+ρ− is related → by flavor SU(3) to the amplitude dominating B0 ρ+ρ−. Approximately 100% → longitudinal polarization has been measured in this process [17], corresponding to a combination of S and D waves but no P wave. This implies a negligible u-quark P wave amplitude in B0 K∗+ρ−. Similarly, the tree amplitude in B0 K∗0ρ0 is → → color-suppressed, while the one in B0 K∗0φ is both color and OZI-suppressed. The → contributions of two vector meson intermediate states to ξ are therefore negligible. Thus, we expect a value of ξ which is at most a few times 10−3, in agreement with an early estimate [6] and in contrast to a suggestion for an order of magnitude larger enhancement of ξ by long distance effects [18, 19]. Acknowledgments We thank Robert Fleischer, Thomas Mannel, Blazenka Melic and Misha Vysotsky for useful discussions. The work of J. L. R. was supported in part by the United States Department of Energy through Grant No. DE FG02 90ER40560. References [1] M. Kobayashi and T. Maskawa, Prog. Theor. Phys. 49 (1973) 652. [2] http://nobelprize.org/nobel-prizes/physics/laureates/2008/. [3] K. F. Chen et al. [Belle Collaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 031802 [arXiv:hep-ex/0608039]. [4] B. Aubert et al. [BABAR Collaboration], arXiv:0808.1903 [hep-ex]. [5] A. 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