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Discovery of the genus Epimarptis Meyrick, 1914 (Gelechioidea: Coleophoridae s. l.) in Japan, with the description of a new species PDF

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Preview Discovery of the genus Epimarptis Meyrick, 1914 (Gelechioidea: Coleophoridae s. l.) in Japan, with the description of a new species

199 Notalepid. 27 (2/3): 199-216 Discovery of the genus Epimarptis Meyrick, 1914 (Gelechioidea: Coleophoridae s. 1.) in Japan, witli the description of a new species Kazuhiro Sugisima LaboratoryofSystematic Entomology, Faculty ofAgriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060-8589 Japan; e-mail: [email protected] Abstract.Epimarptis hiranoi sp. n. is describedonthe basis ofspecimens collectedat several localities in Honshû, Japan. The following characters are illustrated: the habitus, head appendages, wing locking system andvenation, thoracic and abdominal skeletons, abdominal vestiture, and genitalia. E. hiranoi is the fourth member ofthe genus Epimarptis Meyrick, 1914 and the first representative discovered in regions otherthan SouthAsia. It canbe distinguished from congeneric species in the colouration ofthe forewing. In the thoracic skeletons, the new species has several characters not found in other genera of Coleophoridae s. !.. Key words. Epimarptis hiranoi sp. n., Japan, head appendages, thoracic skeletons, genitalia, Epimarptis, Coleophoridae s. 1.. Introduction Meyrick (1914) established the genus Epimarptis to describe the type species, Epimarptisphilocoma Meyrick, 1914. Up until now the genus had been represented by three species (Meyrick 1914, 1917, 1931, 1936): philocoma was recorded from Bombay, India, E. septicodes Meyrick, 1917 from Maskeliya, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, and E. isoloxa Meyrick, 1931 from Assam, India. Most ofthe generic characters ofEpimarptis given inthe original description are typi- cal ofthe members ofsuperfamily Gelechioidea where the genus is currently placed. Excludingthe characters typical ofgelechioids, the generic characters giveninthe ori- ginal description are as follows: antennae in male near the base with a notch covered by an oblique tooth beneath it; pecten absent; in forewing venation Ml stalked with stem ofR4+5, R5 reaching termen instead ofcosta; in hindwing venation Rs and Ml stalked, M2 absent. The presence or absence of a pecten sometimes varies within a genus. Smaller-sized gelechioids generally have the forewing Ml stalked with the stem ofR4+5 and the hindwing with less than three M-veins. According to Meyrick (1931), E. isoloxa has the same wing venation as the type species. On the other hand, Meyrick (1917) stated that E. septicodes is different from the type species in having the forewing with CuAl absent and Ml separated from the stem of R4+5. Consequently, among the generic characters in the original description, the effective diagnostic characters ofEpimarptis are restricted to the male antennal notch covered by a tooth and the forewing with R5 reaching the termen. When establishing the genus Epimarptis, Meyrick (1914) proposed the family Epimarptidae for this genus alone, stating "Probably it is a development of the Oecophoridae." Later, however, Meyrick (1917) transferred the genus to the Epermeniidae and maintained this idea in subsequent papers (Meyrick 1931, 1936). ©Notalepidopterologica,23.12.2004,ISSN0342-7536 200 Sugisima: Comprehensive description ofanew species ofEpimarptis fromJapan Current limits of the superfamily Gelechioidea were generally accepted in the late 1960's, and since the late 1970's, rearrangements ofthe gelechioid family-group taxa have been attempted repeatedly. Minet (1986) was the first author to include Epimarptis in the superfamily. Later authors, when taking the genus into account, regarded it as forming solelythe familyEpimarptidae (Minet 1990; Sinev 1992) orthe subfamily Epimarptinae of the family Batrachedridae (Hodges 1998). Kaila (2004) implemented a cladistic analysis of 143 gelechioidtaxausing 193 morphological cha- racters in order to estimate phylogenetic relationships within Gelechioidea. He stated that Epimarptis would fall in his expanded Coleophoridae comprising Coelopoeta Walsingham, 1907, Stathmopoda Herrich-Schäffer, 1853, and Batrachedrinae of Hodges (1998) in addition to Coleophoridae in the traditional sense, while abundant missing entries for Epimarptis prevented him from including the genus in his final analysis. In spite of many recent studies on the taxonomic system within Gelechioidea, little morphological information is available for Epimarptis in the literature. The genitalia have never even been described and there are no available illustrations except for the figures of the moth and hindwing venation of the type species given by Hodges (1998). In the higher classification ofthe microlepidoptera, the head appendages and thoracic skeletons often offer some phylogenetic evidence, but these characters have not yet been examined in Epimarptis. Epimarptis is currently accepted as the type genus of a nominal family-group taxon, and current lack of information must be improved in order to obtain a more reliable hypothesis of its relationships within Gelechioidea. On recent examination ofsome personal and institutional collections in Japan I found several Japanese specimens apparentlyreferable toEpimarptis. These specimens have the male antennae with a notch near the base and the forewing with vein R5 reaching the termen. In addition, they agree with the original description ofE. philocoma in many aspects ofwing markings and also with a moth photo ofthe species in Hodges (1998). By courtesy of Mr K. Tuck and H. Taylor ofThe Natural History Museum, London (BMNH), I was able to compare my Japanese specimens with images of Epimarptis specimens in the BMNH, i.e. moth images of the type specimens of all described species and genitalia images of one male and two female non-type speci- mens ofE. philocoma. Then I concluded that the Japanese specimens represented an Epimarptis species distinct from all described ones. Discovery ofEpimarptis in Japan had not been expected because the genus has never been recorded even in Southeast Asia. The SoutheastAsian fauna is generally much more similar to that ofSouthAsia than to that ofJapan. In the present paper, I describe the Japanese Epimarptis species as the fourth member ofthe genus. For a better understanding ofthe genus and also ofthe Gelechioidea as a whole, I give illustrations not only of the habitus and genitalia, but also of some A other characters that are usually neglected in species descriptions. discussion is given on the morphology ofthe Japanese species mainly from the viewpoint ofcom- paring it with that ofsome other genera placed in Coleophoridae by Kaila (2004). 201 Notalepid. 27 (2/3): 199-216 Figs. 1-2. Moths ofEpimarptis hiranoi sp. n. 1. Holotype (a: Whole moth, with abdomen removed for dissection, b:Antennal notch). 2. 9 paratype from Inekoki. Epimarptis hiranoi sp. n. (Figs. 1-20) Material. All specimens collected in Honshû, Japan. Holotype: cT, 'Japan; Honsyû <underlined> Kamasawa[-onsen] <35°30'N, 138°06'E> Oosika Vill.[age] Nagano Pref.[ecture] 24,vi,2001 K.| Sugisimaleg.', 'cT genitalia slideno. 0910 |K. Sugisima,2001',| depo—sitedinEntomolog|ical Laborato|ry, Osaka Prefecture University|, Sakai-si, Osa|ka-hu, JAPAN (OPU). Paratypes: IcT, 'Fujihara-Dam <36°48'N, 139°03'E> Minakami Machi Gunma Pref. 12.V1.1999 U. Jinbo <leg.>'; IcT, 'Ikezawa <36°24'N, 137°57'E> | Ikusaka mura Nag| ano-ken 29.V| II.1995 N.|Hirano leg.'; I9, 'Ookuchizawa <36°17'N, 137°57'E>,| Toyo- shina| T. Nagano | pref. 13 JU|L 1979 N. HIRANO leg.'; IcT, 'Ohkuchizawa<36°17'N, 137°5|7'E>, To- yoshinaN|agano pref. 10 VI 198|3 N. HIRANO leg.'; IcT, 'Japan; Honsyû <underlined> Ookuti-zaw| a <36°17'N, 137|°57'E> |Toyosina|Town 19,vii,2003 K. Sugisimaleg.'; I9, 'Shimashim|avalley<36°irN, 137°46'E> Naganopref. 9VII 19|81 N. HIRA|NO l'eSgh.'i;ma1s9h,i'mSa-hdiamnaish<i3m6a°viarlNle,y1<3376°°4116''NE,> 1A3z7u°4m6i-'Em>ur|aNagNaangoanpo|r-efk.en| 261V9I.V1I9.81|298|7N.NH.IHRIAR|NAONlOeg.['l;egI.c]T',; Icri9, 'Inekoki <36°09'N, 137°46'E> A| zumi-mura |Nagano-ken |9.VII.1988 |N. HIRANO [leg.]'; 1er, ' [Kiso]Hukusima <Kawanisi> <36|°50'N, 137°4|rE> Nagano-| ken Honsy|u Japonia', '8/VII 1975 T. KUMATA [leg.]'; I9, 'JAPAN HONSYU, NA| GANO: Ka|masawa[-o|nsen] <35°30'N,| 138°06I 'E> (Osika-mura) 30.VI.2001 T. |SAITO [leg.]'; Icri9 (I9| whole insect mounted on slide 1737 of K.ISugisima), '13|-JUL-1996 |JAPAN Aichi-pre. <underlined> Asahi-highland <35°13'N, 137°24'E> Asahi-cho T. Mano leg.'; 2|cr (IcT whole insectmountedonsli|de0614ofK. Sugisima), '5- JUL-1997 I JAPAN Aic|hi-pre. <underlined> Asahi-highland <35°13'N, 137°24'E> Asahi-cho T. Mano leg.';I Icf, 'JAPAN: Mie-pre. <underline|d> Hijiki [34°42'N, 136°irE] [alt.] 250| m Ueno-cit| y 27-VI-1997 T. Mano leg.'; IcT, 'Yase Kyoto[-|city] 26.vi.1952 A. Mutuura [leg.]'; |Icf, 'Japan;| Honsyû <undIerlined> Tyôzya-hara <34°|4rN, 132°ir|E> Geihoku-|tyô 10,vii,2001 Ohshima-Issei leg. (Paratypes deposi|ted in OPU, SEHU (Systematic Ent| omology, Hok|kaido Univer|sity, Sapporo, Japan),andBMNH(TheNaturalHistoryMuseum,London)).-2cf29,Ôkuchi-zawa,Toyoshina,Nagano Pref. (inpersonal collection ofN. Hirano). Description. ]V[ale (Fig. 1) and female (Fig. 2) withno differences in size andcoloration. mm Forewing length 5.3-6.0 (holotype 5.7 mm). Head yellowish with a row of dark brownish scales above dorsal margin of eye. Antenna 4/5 as long as forewing; basal notch and covering tooth of male due to modification ofthird segment (Figs, lb, 3); coloration yellow-ochreous, scape paler, 202 Sugisima: Comprehensive description ofanew species ofEpimarptis fromJapan Figs.3^.HeadappendagesofEpimarptishiranoisp.n. (cf paratypefromAsahihighland,sHdeno. 0614 ofK. Sugisima). 3. Basal segments ofantenna. 4. Maxillarypalpus. flagellum annulated with dark brownish except on apical flagellomeres. Labial palpus yellowish, mediallypaler, densely mottledwith darkbrownish scales onthird segment and often also at apex ofsecond segment dorsally. Proboscis well developed, scale on basal 3/4; maxillary palpus (Fig. 4) composed offive segments, second and third segments cylindrical, fourth spherical, fifth bullet-shaped. Thorax yellowish, mottled with dark brownish scales on cephalic partof tegula. Legs pale ochreous, densely mottled with dark brownish scales on outer surface offore tibiae, sparsely elsewhere; hind tibia dorsally ornamented with long soft hair-like scales. Abdomen pale ochreous dorsally, ivory ventrally. Forewing moderately lustrous, yellowish from base to 2/5, where a dark brownish triangular patch extends outwards obliquely from hind margin just beyond R-stem, 203 Notalepid. 27 (2/3): 199-216 Figs. 5-6. Wingvenation ofEpimarptis hiranoi sp. n.; dots indicate positions ofcampaniform sensillae. 5. cT paratype from Inekoki, slide no. 0580 ofK. Sugisima. 6. 9 paratype from Shimashima-dani, wing- locking scales omitted, slide no. 0583 ofK. Sugisima. thence wing becoming orange-brownish to brownish near termen; another dark brownish triangular patch present around tomus, half as wide as first one; with another dark brownish patch ofvariable size and shape near apex ofwing; each dark brownish patch almost unicolourous, with no gradation; costa thinly edged with dark brownish scales; cilia orange brownish, darker around tomus. Wing structures (Figs. 5, 6). Forewing elongate lanceolate, 1/4-1/5 as wide as long, widest around 1/3, apically pointed; Sc reaching costal margin slightly beyond middle; cell almost closed around 1/8 because CuA-stem closely approaching R-stem, rudimentarybetween base ofR3 andbase ofCuAl; Rl and R2 twice to three times as distant from each other as R2 and R3 are; Ml stalked with stem ofR4+5; one ofM2 or M3 absent (or M2 and M3 fused); CuP recognised as vein distally, as fold basally; anal vein bifurcate basally. Hindwing half as wide as forewing, linear-lanceolate, widest beyond 1/3; costal margin slightly projecting beyond 1/3; Sc+Rl nearly parallel to costa, ending at 2/3; Rs very weak in basal half, one branch arising caudally 204 Sugisima: Comprehensive descriptionofanew species ofEpimarptis fromJapan Figs. 7-9. Denuded prothorax ofEpimarptis hiranoi sp. n. 7. CephaUc view ofprothorax (9 paratype fromAsahi highland, sHde no. 1737 ofK. Sugisima); parapatagia omitted. 8. Caudal view ofprothorax (cT paratype from Asahi highland, slide no. 0614 ofK. Sugisima). 9. Foreleg (cT paratype fromAsahi highland, slide no. 0614 ofK. Sugisima). from Rs, three branches arising from CuA-stem. Subcostal element ofretinaculum in male arising from stalk of Sc; caudal element composed of a row of stout hooked scales along CuA-stem; frenulum with two acanthae in female; supplementary wing- locking system as a group of elongate scales around hind margin offorewing and a group oflong needle-like scales arising from projection ofcostal margin ofhindwing. Thorax (Figs. 7-12). Preepistemum without a membranous window in its lateral projection (Fig. 7). Parapatagium as a distinct pad-like sclerite, with sockets (Fig. 8). Fore tibia without epiphysis (Fig. 9). Cephalic margin of metascutellum round and totally margined by its internal folding (Figs. 10, 11a). Caudal margin ofmetathorax with a medial ridge (Fig. 11a). Caudal suture of inner sclerite of metacoxa present (Figs. 10, 12a). Intercoxal lamella forming a simple keel (Fig. lib). Margin ofinfra- 205 Notalepid. 27 (2/3): 199-216 Fig. 11. Metathoracic skeleton ofEpimarptis hiranoi sp. n. in caudal view (cT paratype from Asahi highland, slide no. 0614 ofK. Sugisima). a: Structures ofdorsal half, b: Structures ofventral half 206 Sugisima: Comprehensive descriptionofanew species ofEpimarptis fromJapan Fig. 12. Metathoracic furca in dorsal view (9 paratype from Asahi highland, slide no. 1737 of K. Sugisima). a: Whole furcal structures and articulationwith coxa, b: Furcal apophysis. epistemum strongly sclerotised, except for less sclerotised medial halfofcaudal part (Fig. 1lb). Apophysis ofmetafiirca (Fig. 12b) bluntlyY-shaped, cephalicallybifurcate; each cephalic branchpointingtoward cephalo-ventral anddorso-caudal comers; apair ofsmall projections directed dorso-caudally near caudal end ofapophysis; secondary arm of furca and its lamina forming chiasma (Figs. 10, 11a, 12a); stem of furca composed ofpair oflongitudinal stout bars and less sclerotised lamina supported by these bars, with a relatively weak part around caudal 1/5 (Figs. 10, 12a). Abdomen (Fig. 13). Abdominal supporting system ofsame structure in both sexes: ventral element composed of heavily sclerotised sub-pentagonal area with pair of short apodemes arising from cephalic comers and indistinct venulae forming margins. Second to seventh tergites each ornamented with pair ofpatches ofspine-like scales. cT genitalia (Figs. 14-17) and associated stmctures (Fig. 13b). Eighth stemite (Fig. 13b) sclerotised more strongly than third to seventh stemites, with pair of apophyses arising sublaterally on cephalic margin. Uncus down-curved, abmptly narrowed near base and slightly tapering towards acute apex, with pair of setae present before apex. Gnathos (Figs. 15, 16b) articulated with tegumen, evenly tapering towards apex, strongly sclerotised along caudal margin, moderately so elsewhere; apex with a shortpoint extending towards head. Tegumentaperingtowards uncus, strongly sclerotised along margins of round cephalo-lateral comers. Inner 207 Notalepid. 27 (2/3): 199-216 13a Figs. 13-14. Male abdomen andvesica ofEpimarptis hiranoi sp. n. 13.Abdominal segments ofholoty- pe (a: Cephalic foursegments, showing structuresofabdominalbase andarrangementof'spines'onter- gites. b: Caudal two segments, showing modified eighth stemite). 14. Vesica, paratype from Ookuti- zawa, slide no. 1295 of K. Sugisima (a: Whole vesica, largest comutus surrounded by a square, b: Magnifiedview ofsquared area in Fig. 14a). surface ofvalva (Fig. 16b) divided by a suture into equally long caudal and cephalic areas; caudal area sclerotised strongly along margin and weakly so elsewhere, with short setae scattered sparsely; cephalic area sclerotised moderately, with caudal margin medially projecting and forming strongly sclerotised club-shaped rod apically bearing one short seta. Outer surface of valva (Fig. 17) sclerotised strongly along dorso-cephaliv margin nearjoint with tegumen and weakly to moderately so elsewhere, with dense gioup of very long hairs on cephalic part, with huge scales sparsely scattered on remaining part. Juxta (Figs. 15a, 16c) sub-triangular, on caudal margin 208 Sugisima: Comprehensive description ofanew species ofEpimarptis fromJapan Fig. 15. cf genitalia ofholotype ofEpimarptis hiranoi sp. n. situated in standard position (a: Whole genitaliawith ductus ejaculatorius omitted, b: Whole aedeagus). with pair ofthumb-shapedprojections separatedby distance equal to theirbasal width and apically adorned with six to ten setae; with dorsally concave pouch-like sclerite connected with cephalo-ventral comerofjuxta. Diaphragmawith group ofa few setae dorsad from lateral comers ofjuxta. Vinculum narrow, U-shaped, with dorsal ends fused with dorso-cephalic margin of outer surface of valva. Aedeagus obliquely tmncate apically, membranous on dorsal side and on ventro-cephalic area (Fig. 15a); ductus ejaculatorius very long (Fig. 15b); vesica (Fig. 14) over three times as long as aedeagus, lined with group of numerous minute spines near caudal opening of aedeagus and bearing thom-like sclerite (considerably reduced in some individuals) distant from the opening.

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