:a ., ., 0 :a ... thefi lperi ort ol ast week's aruslt ihnigca.ks a ni ncihn d iameter, U.RKE.V UEFAROLE SP.ONRowT,t h ea rchidvoec umenstusr hadb eebnr okeonff s urrounding rounditnhges ighthiangv b�e en treeass h igha sthr ee metres. placeodn B ritaiMni'nsi storfy On then ighotfD ec2. 9L,t .-Col. NoTth BY PETER GOODSPEED DefenceI nterneWte b siteH alatn da t eamo fth reeo themri l (www .mod.uk). itareyx perttso uretdh es ite, After twod ecadoefss ecreacnyd Whileth eyc ontanionr eferenceeq uippwietdh a Geigecro unter alleged covBerri-tuapiMsni,n' s toa nyd ireccotn tawcitt ahl iensa,n da S tarlighnti ght visisocno pe. istryD eoffe nhcaes b eenf orcedt hed ocumendtosd epitwcot be Whent hey chetchkee dd epres tor eleaalslie t fisl eosn a r eportewidl derianngd fr ightening nisgihotnissnt heg rounadl legeldelfty UFO sighttinhgah ta sl onbge en in lat1e9 8in0 w hicahtl eassetv enb y theU FO,t hei nvestigators dubbe"dB ritaiRno'ssw ell." U.S.s ervicemene ncounterreedc ordreadd iatrieoand intghsa t As ther esulotfa ne xperimeinn t somethisntgr angaen d unexwer"es ignifichaingtlhyte hra thne moreo peng overnmeBnritt,a in'psl ainine adm istyf oressutrr oundaverabgaec kgroruenad dinognse" ParliamenOtmabruyd smahna s intgheniru clearw eaponbsa se.-wouledx petcto fi nd. ordertehdeM inistry ofD efentcoe A memod raftebdy L ieutenant"Betaam/mgare adingos f0 .mil1- openi t"sR endlesFhialme wh,i"c h ColonCehla rlHeasl otf tUh.eS . liroentgweenresr ecordweidt h detaial 1s9 8s0i ghtionfga g lowAir Forcteh,e D eputCyo mman pearke adinignts h eth redee pres ingt riangular-UsFhOa ptehda.t dero fRAF Bentwatwehris,c h w;as si onasn dn eathre c entroef th etri allegecdrlays hienda p infeo resatd jacetnoRAFt Woodbridgdee, anglfeo rmedb yt he depressions," surroundai nRogy aAl irF orce scribtehset wou nexplaisniegdh tLt.-CHoall.st a id'.'An earby tree basthea twas beinusged byN ATO ings in detail. hadm oderarteea dingosnt hes ide tos torneu cleware apons. Aroun3da .mo.n D ec2.7 1, 980o fth etr eet owartdh dee pressions." Overt hey eartsh,es ightiantg t woU .SAi.r Forcsee curity polAsi cteh em en workedt,h eya lso RAF Woodbridngeea,Ir p swichp atrolltihnepg e rimetoefRAFr tapree cordtehde ciorn vertisoans. L----------------���� ine asteErnng lanbde,c amea Woodbridrgeep ortesde eiunng Aroun1d: 3a0. m.j,usatf ttehre foarn h ou.r classcilco seen countoefrt he usually blriigghhatttt s h eb acokf bellosf a locaclh urctho lled·T he objecttot hes outhre thirkdi ndw,i tsho mep ublishetdh e base. acrosthse d arkc,o lfdo restth,e mainevdi sibfloeru p tot hree reporctlsa imiU.nSg.m ilitpaory "Thinking ana ircrmaiftg hhta ve. U.Sm.i litianrvye stignaottoerds hourhso,v erionvge RAFr Wood licset atioantet dhe airh abda scer ashoerdb eefno rcdeodw nt,h ey thatt herwee re" versyt rangeb ridgweh iliet" beameddo wna met ancdo nversweidt hi ntercalled pefromri sstioog no o utsoundso uto f the[ nearby]s treaomfl igfrhotm timteo t ime," galacatliice wnhso w ere1 .m5e sidteh eg atteo i nvestigLatt.e,f"ar mebrarn'ysar d animals." Lt.-Col. Halt satihda,t adding tretsa laln dd resseidnn ylon ColH.a ltr'esp osraty s".T heo n "Theyv'erryev, e rayc tive, makin"gn umerous indiwviitdnueaslsse d coatperde ssusruei ts. dutyflicghhitre efs pondaendda lana wful lootf n oisLet;.'- CHoall.t thea ctivities." Thea lienwse res aidt oh ave lowetdh repea trolmteopn r oceeds aysi nthoi st ape. A MinistorfyD efencmee mo spokeinne lectroniscyanltlhye onf ooTth.e i ndividuals repoJrutstethd e nt,h et eamm emberasl l includiendt hefi les howcso n sizevdo icweist ahs trong Amesreieians gt range glowing· woibtjneecsts aei sdnu ddebnr ight lisgihdtre ablsek etpicisamb outth e cana ccenAtn.d i ns omer eportst,h ef oresTth.e o bjecwta sd e amongt het reoefst hef orest. sightinaglst,h ouigths aitdh e theA mericaanrses aitdo h ave scribaesdb einmge talliinac p "Ita' sst rangsem,a lrle dl ight,d epartmewnats" open-minded" helpetdh ea lienrse pair thpeeiarr anacnedt rianguilnsa hra pe,l ookmsa ybea quartetro a half aboutth em. damagesdp acseh ipO.v ert he approximattweol ytt hor emee milem,a ybe furthoeurt L,t". -Col." Noe videnwcaesf ounodf a ny yeartsh ei ncidheanstb ecomael treasc rotshse b asaen da pproxiHaltr eporatssh ea ndh ism en thretaott hed efenocfet heU nit mosta sf amouasm ongU FO en mateltyw om etrehsi gh. startteod m ove througthh e edK ingdoma,n dn of urthienr thusiaasstt sh ea llegesdelcyr e.t " Iitl luminattheeed n tifroer estw oodtrysi ngt og eatc losleoro k. vestigatwieorcneas r ried tohuet ," recoveorfyt heb odieosfs pacew itha w hitlei ght. ''Ar ed, sun-like sleiegnh mte mwoa ss aid. aliefnrso ma c rashsepda ceship" Theo bjeictts elfa phualds intgh routghhet reehse,r "e portleadt "Nof urtheirn formathiaosn inR oswelNl.,M .i,n1 947 . redl ighotnt opa nda b ank[so]f er".I mto veda bouatn dp ulseAdt. comet ol ighwth icha lteorusr Fort hep as2t0 y earUsF,O en blue liugnhdetrnse atThh.eo bjecto nep oinitta ppearteotd h roowff viewt hatth es ightionfgt sh ese thusiahsatvsie n undatBerdi tiswha sh overionrog n l egs. glowipnagr ticalnedts h ebnr oke lighwtass o fn od efenscieg nifi officiawlist rhe quefsotmrso rei n ·� thep atrolmaepnp roacheidn to five separoabtej ecwthsci taen cNeo.u nidentiofibejde wcats formatiroeng arditnhega llegetdh oeb jecittm, a noeuvretdh roug·h a ndt hedni sappeared. seeonn r adadru rintgh ep eriod sightinogn,lt yo b er epeatetdollyd thet reaensd d isappeared:' "Immediattehleyr eafttehrr,e e inq uestiaonndt, h erwea sn oe ·li thei ncidehnatdb eend ismissedT hes ecurdiettya rielp orted thsatta r-olbijkeecw tesr e notiinc theed dencoef a nythinhga vinign trud afte"rn oe videnwcaes f ounodf asth eUF O departaendi,m aolnsa sh'Y, twoo bjecttots h en ortha nd edi ntUo. Ka.i rspaacnedl, a nded anyt hretaott hed efenocfet he nearbfya r"mw enitn taofr enzy:' onet ot hes outahl,ol f w hicwhe re neaR.rA:F '\Voodbridge." UniteKdi ngdom:' The nedxatya ,s U .So.ffi ciailns about1 0d egreoeffsth eh orizon:' British oftfihceioarlistz headt Lastw eekh,o weveBrr,i t'aPsiarn vestigattheeUd F O site, theyT hdeio sbjec"tmso verda pidilny , theU .Sa.i rmeanc tuaslalwyt he liamentaOrmyb udsmanA nn covertehdr edee pressiiontn hse sharapn gulmaorv ementasn d beamo ft heO rforNde ssl ight Abrahaomr dertehdeM inistorfy grounadp proxima"t1e.ilny5c hesd isplayreedd g,r eeann db lue housel,o cataebdo u1t1 k ilome Defentcoer eleasiet" sR endleshadme eapn d7 i nchiensd iameter:'l ights,r"e ptohrseta ysT.h et wo tresu p thec oasftr omR AF Filneam;e'd afterth ef oreosutt sideT he grounda ppearetdo be objecitnts h en ortahp pearteod Woodbride-"ew.i tdhi stortions theb asea,f tceorn cluddienfge nce" blas·otres dc ruffed-aunpdt" r eesb e elliptiwchaeln viewed beincg au·bsy �tbdheea mh aving officiahlasdr epeatesudplpyr esseidnt he vicinbietye snhc aadr roend througbhi noculatrhse,nt hey beens eetnh rought rtehees ." documetnatioonnth e case. ones idien,a c ircalleal,r ounthde turneidn tfuol lc ircalnesdd isap Fewetrh an2 0p eoplhea ds een landisnigt Ter.e ber anchseosm,e peared, haaftnegri nignt hes ky ·Continuoednt hef ollowpiangge · I Bigfootb g hoax:F ableNdATI ONAL POSTF,R IDADYE,CE MBER 6,2 002 a i �tof� :o:ITiia nywheTrhee.i cweo uld eltingalolvetrheplanehte; ') ag<:>risluliat M ARGSOI TT S·. apa·e�f� _iri Baseodn t hee rosifoena tures NATION.AP LOSTS,A TURDADYEC,E MBER 7,2 002 W,Ar· RER fOMonM· ars r,e se:cah�rse stimated A thaatft er maaJ oIrm pacmto,r e BY MICHAEL HIGGINS nal traicnk1 s9 58w hen.h e than4 5m etreosfw atewro uld askeadf rietnodc arv4e0 -cen- ' timetre-lfoenegt . ASTERO��I:rD��S:,: r.=�::��B�·�::!�� The famoiftl hye m anw hofi rsIt He andh isb rotheWri,l bur, - · . brought Bitgopf uoboltai tct en �cu�l�a�tito:ehnes<!:sy,a': i:dt::,h e:ere� could thenw oret hemt oc reatteh e tiohna sr evealheodwh ef ooled n e falolf Bigfoporti nts. STDUVS AYS thew orlfdo dre cadweist who od' s ITh em ostf amous evifdoern ce carvi·nt gosc reate "footprints" Betweeinm pactTso,o ns aid, Bigfooetxi'sst entchee,s o-called andb yfi lminhgi wisf ei na na pe1 Marsw ouledv entucaloollturny,- Pattersfiolnm a,g raincyi,n efilm UNLITKOSE ULPYPL OIRFTE suit. ! inagg aiinnt oa dry, chillpelda net imagoef a ne recatp e-lcirkeea mRoanyt Wfrhao lml haeca8erf4,ta, id liauerndedlhis as/,t t u rwea,s t akebny R ogePra tter- BY PAUL RECEI\. swuirftahc ei wceap.tr eers eonntl ays s ub .famihlayv en owr evealed· that "Web elietvhee seev enctasu sed Bigfoowas t nothibnugt h ao ax. short peorfia ow dasr ma ndw et . "Ther ealiitsy,B· i gfojouts t :umRICA GOTI TS WASHINGTON• Marsn evehra d clmiateb,u t overawlel ,t hink diSed,o"mhise e sxopneM,rio tcnsht aheeAsl ma,ei rdi. can OWN MONSTER• •. oclcaeiamnaebsssdu o,tim ners etseieasaad c r oclhhdrydae, vr e·s Mt ahrems ah jaosbr eioetfnciy ot hlsaid ns dtd orrsyfya o,ir"d AbominabSlneo wmanh adf or plantehta wta sp oundebdyw a-co-autTheorers Sae gura. yaemaarzqsiu negcslltyoi soreMner el.daW tailolnatscohe i'ps THANKS TO te�rre-dwb ietahras iscntagel rdoiarinnadgdiss n ht oh-wat.a T nodwarmo ns apitedrh iasotwid ensrc tseehh emo rottih,se t RAYWALLA CE' carvedv asgtu lliaensdv alleycso.n ditiwoenrse nfoatv ourable thec reature. In Augus1t9,5 8a,b ulldoozpe·- r Talh eissstsu h gagfnea tsvtohuseRr eapdPbl llaaecfn eoew lrtai sf' sfe uo rflrai cfete.oe volovnet hep lanet's llheHeauruagcamdefetbcwi o'ooaohnoslrwngot d asw ptyfrtor orurciCmckinhiso tertC ufcidcsranooo l iMltyramnigri, np nf..f daWgto . na hui,ylenn 11 nd fCs PMhooaronota.rv,ttWr i e aonnrldsesleskyraoaoa irnc Cid erdeBt iwe.rlonhh1es s,u ee9Ckap fftr 6a,io oe7l datl .i B MMd firr .g.., liraTsniewth s geheehoks ej atnnt oar o uu ccwdirnahao ytabaSepn,,nlo rptc e useihiwt anso e rtuwsqmnitui henhudncclebgicygaewda sh n iwes,t }) ema.we ey s- k: .ca wz Pavaoelarntlimpa"eSylt ltrm,aahah i bn netldeMynlhae tao iU, s arun·qchors io uiany vwniev ealdneaerty t psseo piwiiarfrAsetys i erti roydtt-i,fed i ThHeu mbolTditm enesw spa�Thef acits t,h erwea sn oB ig tetrh erwea so nM arsw,h eriet g loompyi ctufroelr i fe." peri nE urekCaa,l icfo.i,n etdh e fooitn p opulcaorn sciousnewsesn tan d hovi.rft o rmethde pla-n ButS mitsha dit herwee roet her terBmi gfoionat fr ont-pasgteo befo1r9e5 8,M"r .C horvinskye t'isn tricpaattet eorfcn a nyonsf,o rcoenst hep lanepta,r ticyu larl rya boutth ep henomenaonnd a said. rivbeerd asn dd elt.a s volcanaicct iotnh,a t may have mythw asb orn. ''Amerigcoati tosw nm onster, UsinMga rsp hotoasn dc omputc-reated subsurfoafcw ea pools Overt hey earMsr,. W allacei tosw nA bominabSlneo wman, ers imutliaonrse,s earcahteth res tewrh ermei croscolpiifcceo uld toopki cturaensd1 6mm filmo f thanktsoR ayWallace." UniversoifCty o loraadto o Buldehra vlei ved. Bigfoeontg ageidn n umerous" Hed idi tf otrh ej okaen dt hen concludtehda itm mensaes t-er"Inm y opiniotnh,e yh aven't activiatimeosn,gt hema preghew asa fratiodt elaln yonbee oidpso unded Msaormse3 .b6i -lclostehdeb ooko nt hep rospects nantB igfosoitt tionnag l oga, causteh eyb'eds om ada th im," lioyne ars bargnigion,g v asqtu an- fotrh eev olutioofnl ifoenM ars," Bigfotohtr owisntgo neasn da saiMdr .W allacnee'psh ewD,a le titieosfw atetrot hey ounpgl anehte s aid. Bigfoeoatti nfrgo gs. LeeW allace. and releasipnogw erfuslh ock Smitahp plaudtehdes tudsya,y � Mark Chovrinskeyd,i toorf ButJ effMeldruamn,a ssociatwea veosfh eathta tm elteexids ting ing·,� sumingt heicra lculations Stramnaggea zinien,v estigaptreodf esosfoa rn atomayn da n undergroduenpdo soifti sc e. arec orretchti,s mhuasvthe a p- the" pregnant Biagnfdio noa t "t hropolaotgI yd ahSot atUen i OwenT oon,s eniaourth oorf t hep eneodn ¥ ars." skepti1c9a9l4a rtipcolsee tdh e versistya,ih de h asc astosf4 0t o studsya,i adt l ea2s5tc rateorns RonalGdr eelaep yl,a netraery questi"oInts,h e' creatiuntr hee' 50f ootprihnetb se lievweesr e Mi.rs wergeo ugeodu tb ya steroisedasr chaetArr izonSat atUen iver photograa'p rhe Bailg fooorta ' made abuyt henutnikcn ownp ri aboutl OOt o2 50ki lometreinsdi " sity; saithde s tudbyyTo on,S egura 'guy-in-?a'"- suit mates. amete.Tr hei mpacotfs uclha rgaen do ther's'h ast hep otenttiotia el Itn ow appearistw asm ost "Tos uggeasltl t hesaer e exspacreo ckwso ulhda vper opel.lt eodg ethseerv erlaolo seen dsr e likeal" yg al-iuni-ta.-"s plainbeyds implcea rvefde et inttoh ea tmosphemriel lioofn sg ardiMnargs s urface history." Wa Mr.W allacfea'msi lrye vealesdt rappteodb oots jduosets n'tt onneso fs uperahteerdo cvka poru teerj ecdti entthoe atmosprhebe y manyo ft hep hotograwpehrsei n washM,r". M eldrusma icdi,t inga ndm elteidc eI.ta lswoo ulhda vea steriomipda cthses, a i"dc,o uld facrte lati-vuessu alhliyws i fe',1 9th-cenatcucroyu notfs su_ac l. unleashaeb dl awsat veh eatetdo accmmtf omra nyo fth ea pparent Elna- dressienda hairayp e creature. moret ha2n, 20C0 a ndb lanketlewatyd er-erofdeeadt ures:' suiwti thgi anfte estt uctkot he NationaPlo st, wfiiltehs thee ntirep lanwietht heaterdo ck. HoweveGri,e· elesya itdh es tuyd bottom. fromT heD ailyT elegrha p hundreodsfm etrthiecsk "doespnu'tatn aiinl t hec offinf"or Mr.W allaccree attehdeo rigi- and TheA ssociatPerde ss "Thaet mosprhewe oulbde h o-tevolutoifol ni foen M arsL.i ke tert han sae lf-ncilnegoav en," Smithh,es aihdy drotrhmeasly s QUEBEC saiTdo o n." Whent h'ew atewra s ternsp owerebdyv olcaancitcn i o releasferdo mt hea tmosphee,itr ands ubsurfbaricneep oolcso Jud UFiOn forcmeansttuirfo$efn1 e 0r0is,dn·0a 0m0a gewo ulfda lalss caldrianign :' stille xisatn dw oulbde f avourable Theb lankoefht o tr ock"sw ould .fthoere volutiooflni fe! tMcrd aamuAlrVInb i-�I o-�ybRti m t'"c:lvp hnaoi eJeRp r1r ea iet c-rec h•ow slkAaue iunn$rRrap i 1eTedn n0l a tf0imaro,ganurw0igdcama0oTeb kw 0asnhvdy,h. tt,ea ci ih nettoebdnerun uakt �c ilsdnrcklis y oee.dzeewn iccsnatn�uot dsrgUnme ae,gFtmy WJaOyu,t_t l m_ heatywd cn aaekdwsmnn,h ato igarcctenoiekh ds e d<C o":eoTha nha ettgr:filiweroenafe tbrcubhraet8ie loilpn dmvcalmgri la s i,etysuug osvghe gitipxren opisagluvt gaeiseirom dn ns"ie f Inn ntdcT heheaeaed,NAb b aslosstt'uetoih�tn.coeo oic�rn DfaPeeeaas ts Pmnoliereay gsdhe ih asrnotsr spi ed env ngi-s." NATIONAL POST,F RIDAY,N OVEMBER 8,2 002 someo ft hel ightosne, "d epart-pgoodspeed@nariona?post.corn mentarle poSrtR �Vt;, NATIONAL POST,W EDNESDAY,D ECEMBER 4,2 002 - - - ------------------' r �g§ � g. § g �� � �� J3r;§ �� �ft � � § l"bVll:l�::r1-1•g.('b�rDg!!.�nIl� l l"bl"b sS ::rro � R-g-�,.'"d< 1-1"'"+)c'�<'.. l:ll:l 0 "<' ::;.c:t:t.,_.g�Il..0toJ ..gl.. . ::� l:l � l:l �= ,._,"e ..�0.t:t.::! �,. .. VlVl !.Vloq.. l:l�l:l::r 0c;q0.7· S0 Il. ..l· g.l"b Vl � . g. �Il�;:.. '" ::....t:l:le:l:l"'"+) 0.l"+l.. !'J,:J ::! ..�. l:l.::rro �0 • .. (I') ..rD"sg' �..g<;o.<' ... . _l"b ::r c'ro::rcr s t;..t;0. .. 'gn..··�l"b oVlC2l:lo::r ()q a ..>....0.n;,.0 p .. - o l:l ':{ ...g-9��g,Q�,_.... .. , s.� VlVl�.. .Ero VPJ�l"'�..�§��� .. R .. --''Vl Vl ..l:l::r � ..· o�t:tIl:4o�'" f- ()q l .."+l�. '"d '"dl:l�::r 0 0· g;..(I')� � :40.s.!_. _ Ml"bl"b ro()q >! � --��1-1l:l.. : 9ze l"bst Vl-. rQ... rr-T"..ww-r-T"•�0..�_.o.. a ·.,_Q. ._ .. 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('!)� s:- 31� a.s:.et) ��t/) §(")� ��:: ('!)�:r'-Jg g I.g s:- �('!)�t-+, ��('!) :: 0,. ::�§:!� I�l:l� ��0,. ��• ('!) §s:- s& I �t-+, � gl:l� q� . a�::S �� 1 g.�tl ·l� =rttl l �I S"�1-i ('!)"l:ls:- s:-1-1 ('!)� Ja('!) o; Se;.... ..('!). ()Cls� ·'<:�� - ('!)�§s:- ·�t:d :: <I � r+�::s� I ro�l:l - C'1 0 0C' l' v)C'l ·Majno imnasc hicnoen:n ehcutmianntgio sty i lliicffooenr mS 0:: � p:) andc ellular tecwhinlcolrl eogmya chi�na endc hargpeesrc opy,t heifro rtubnyes uccessfullyc oeuxltde ltlh eiorw nerwsh en � � atnee wb usiness marketsl.o semso neye vertyi maec opierp loitiinnngo vatiioncn osm mu theryu no uto fc hangoer h ave :> Gettmiancgh itnoe s 0 "Theb iggeosptp ortunwiitlyl i so uto fo rder. nicatiaonnd,t haotu rl ives atrhee iprr icmeosd ifierde motely. z communicatbeec omtceo hnneectimianrngw ith th"eI magihnoew m uchm orem on inextriclaibnlkye wdi thm a Personal daisgsiitsatlcao nutlsd � silicloinff eo rmosn t hep lanete:y i tc oulmda kei fe vertyi mae chine-s withm achinecsu r.a lsboa ctkh emseluvpeb sy c om Q neetdous s z vendimnagc hineasi,r crcaaftr,s ,m achinwea so uto f ordiets re,n t rentoluyt numberhiunmga nbsy municatwiitnhga P Co vernight. 0 personcaolm putearnsd homea mobile textt otm hees ssaegaret l eafsotu r-to-one. Thimsa ys ounfudt uristbiuct, � H� applianBcye2 s0.0 5m,o sta ppliviccee ntdrees cribtihnefg a ult Mr.L ees aytsh ec orpel ayeirns alrea4d%y o fv endimnagc hines U)0 BY JOIAS HILLINGFORD ancewsi lble s uppliweidt ihn teandt hen ewp artn eedeAdn. thee mbeddemdo bilien dustrayr ea lreamdoyb ile-enasbalyesd , p......:l gratemdob ilceo nnectosrasy,s" e ngineceoru lbded ispatcihmed will ben etwoorpke ratcoerlsl,ul atrh eU nited Kingdom-based Arc Iti s9 p .m.y,o uh avjeu satr riveWdo lfgaGnrgu lkceh,a irmaonf mediatweiltyth h er ight opra,r dte vicvee ndorosr,i gienqauli pGroupw,h icehx pectthsit soi n- 0� homea ftewro rka,n dt hep hone Future-Wotrhlebd u,s ineasnsd ·ins omec asetsh,ep roblecmo uldm entm anufactu(rOeEMrss) a nd .c reatsoe3 8%,g eneratUiSn$g3 - � ringIst:i sy ourc ars ayinygo u technoltohgiynt ka nikn I rvingfi,x erde moteolvyet rh ea ir." 's peciasleirsvtip croev iders. billiinor ne venbuye2 006. havlee ftth el ighotns.B y2 005., Tex." Them arkeits h ugeA:l MrHeatehs timaetmebse dded But whkaitn odf c ommunicaOnet hintgoc onsidiesar p re . them ust-hagvaed gewtisl l norte adtyo daoyu rp laniesti nhabitchipasn ds oftwarceu rrenttliyo wni ltlh ebye e nabliAncg? diction Uf.roS-m.b aseFdo r b,ec eplhl onetsh,e wyi lblee veryedb ys ome5 0b illmiaocnh in"e s.cost abUoSu$t1 0b utw ilclo me corditnogD eloitte, carrse sctoeurl dR esearchw:i lbl"e T here .d ayd evicweist hm obilceh ips Martin Heath, a dmiandaogwinni gnp rice. Howheebv eer,a utomaticdailaflloy hr e lipn a n morei nvisibly connected [corn · .b,uiilnt. rectoofAr t oKsP MG Consultinlgi,e vtehsa wti despraedaodp tioenm ergenocryi, na lesser amccuinicatint;gn]a chinaens d Sos ays DelRoeistetaer icnha sayhse i sa lreatdayl kitnocg o m isa f ewy earasw ayb ecauistei s dentb,ed iagnosaenddfi xedo n physicoablj ectthsa nv is}>ile ;n ewr eporMto,b ilitzhiMena g panieasb ouwta yst oc utc ostosr muchc heapetrob uilidn t he them ove;p atienctosu ld wehaurm anfsr o2m0 05o nward." chi(ndeet aaitwwl ws .dc.coImt) .i ncrearseev enubeyes m beddingc hipwsh ena machiniesm ade monitoring dtehvacitoc memsu Leth'osp -teh ehya vfee wemri s isn ota lonienp redictaic nogm mobilceh ipisn tthoe irp roductst.h atno a ddt hemo nl ater. nicawtiet thh ed octoirns teoafd understandtihnagnhs u man binatiooftn e lemat(iscesn dinFgo re xamplhee,s ays"a,p hotoPauLle ea,u thoorft heD eloittbee inrge stricttoea dh ospitable indgos. telecom sifgrn'1amml asc hinesc)o piecro mpantyba tl easietss reporsta,y msa nyh avem ade bed;a nd vendinmga chines FinanciTailm es I :Metro NATIONAPLO STF,R IDANYO,V EMBE2R9 2,0 02 .i TUESNDOAVYE,MR B1 9,E2 002 -Zleda stronomefrsod re cadheoswS: a turn Blachko lhee ading andJ upitwehri,ca hr heu gbea lolfcs o n A fsepwi ndenssgeadcs o ntai9n3i%no gft hpel ane tary mass in ousro lsysart emw,e re formed. -i-nEartdhi'rse ction· Then ewr eseasrucghg etswtops l anet formipprgo ceasraset w orikn t heer e arouasn tda r , atioonfs olsyasrt emOsn.eg eneragtaess A blachko lies s treaking Stilla,st rnoomers in· planestusca,hsJ upitaenrda, n othcerre througthh eM ilkWya y Francea nd Argenti,n a aterso cpkyl anestusca,hsE arth. galaxayt4 00,00k0m /h, usintgh eo rbitinHgu bbl·e anadp lanThee gagista n:tfso rme arillthlye s olsayrs draggiannga ginsgt aarl ong SpaceT elescotpoe t rack teme volufrtoimod ni scc�ou>lfgd a lse ft tos nacokn a si th eadisn theb lachko leG,R Oj 16ss- afteStmr for:mW,a dsleysay§_ �:.. Earthg'esn erdailr ection,4 0,a ree xcited aibtob,ue t Ther ocpkyl anfeotsl lot4o�wm orter a astronomsearisyd e sterdacya.u sietg ivetsh emt heb es:t ibso rn· ditimo{:>ndael�l· c osm:�hii.s�ta ndg_a s evidenyceett haitt w ase re.- �oundW. e st,a�rl�wlfyo rimn to ·n�w Howevert,h em atter-sucaktedw hen a stars everal ·r ockwsh,i cchl umtpo getthoem ra ke ingd raiwni lgle tn oc losert imetsh em asso fo ur sun. BY MARGARET MUNRO planetesr inthoanr ea ,inWiony ears. aft to ours olasry stetmh an blewu pi na vasetx plosoin The faotfthe erocky planf.rt"S .iSv erym uch 1,000l ig-hytearasn,d t hat knowans a usperonva. Theb iblsitcoarly E atrhtawhta sc reateadff ectbeythd e g ase�opulsab, eWtasd,s ley will noth appen for ·2 00 The hole'cs ompanioni na w eeikss tilabl i otfa s tretscashyc, i -saynso,til lgth. e incred.gi rbalveitation millioyne arosr s o.R ight starwh,i chr evolves areounntdi bsutntse ,w r esearch itnhdaitfc oartceeexsse rtl>eydp laniiJ(eeJtuSp itheerl p now,i ti sb etwee6n ,oooi te ver2y. 6 damyasn,a ged gianptl aneltiskJ eu pitaenrdS aturcnl enaerw s olsary st-eo.mf"� junlki;k'e andg ,ooliog ht-yaewaarys. tos urvitvhee b lasotn lyt o· formienjd u saft e hwu ndryeeda -rnso t comettsh,a t moitghhetrw issleai mn to A light-yiesaa bro ugt. 6 spendi tsd eclinidnagy s, millioofyn esa arsps r eviobueslliye vepdl.a ne(tIistsb. e liesvoemde thaibnogu t triilolnkm , thed istancbee inngi bbletdod eath. TheC anadiaanndU .Sa.s ttophysthiecs iisoztfes M asrsm ackedi iittohEarth e at light trianva e ylesa r. Reuters used commpoudteetlross hohwo wd e,- onpoeiil tki,ckifl g upt4 ed ·_� thariste ven- brissw irling arofuonrdm sentdea :wr ,tuallslyy createdthmeoon.) ··. . creahtuegspe l aneTthse.ifi rn dinagp:s- Whilethe newsimulatiotrthb:eio riioth f I .D arks trearkusn nidnogw n scientibsetlsi eMvaer sw as p"eWatero' hdvinaae dtya h smje ao nurnyaaS sl1cienc 3ep .l anfeotrsim . gW aadsselposelusathya ye n nm eeodteesfurthlds ise cro nsreervfiantiaevnmede nt, thes lopeosfe qu_atorial once wet and warm arounad s ingsltea rs,a"yc so -aut, haobridbeyts h lea wosfp hysiScots h.oe u t canyonasn dc rateorns enough to supporlti feJ,a meWsa dslaep yo,s t-dofcetlolraoatwl c om-efasfto rmatioofgn a seopulsa nets Marsc oulbde s igntsh at though itss urfaciesn ow McMastUenri verrseifteyr,tr oit nhge - isn olti kteolc yh anagset hmeo deilm undergrowuantde irs s eepcoldd,r ya ndi nhospitabtleea.m c'osm putseirm ulation thatp rovheess ,a ys. mimics, ingt ot hes urfaac mee,m The researcbhy Ferriasn dg reastpleye udpsw, h atth ebye lievWea dslheayus s etdh dea tfrao mt hnee w bero fa scientific resaenadsr ccihe ntaitst thseU niverhappeinnrs e ality. . simulattiopo rno duicmea gaensdv ideos teams aiyde sterday. sitoyf A rizonuas edh igh. Hea ndh icso lleaagttu heUesn iversoiftt hype l anet:fporromcitenhsgasw t o uld resolutiimoang eso fM ars ofW ashingatnodUn n iverosfVi ityc tor.di oHa o llywporooduO dn.e2 5-seccloinpd, This doesn otm eant heries. thats how darks treakuss emdi llioofbn isto sfi nformaotn,i ownh iccanh bed ownloaodffheidWs e bs ite waterc losteo t hes urfacmeo ret hans ooy ardlso ngw haitsk nowanb outthf eo rcaetws o rk at htt/pi:m/ p.mcmaster.ca/images/, i of Marsi n a form thartu nnindgo wnt hew allosf int hhee avetnocs r eatthee ciorm put· esrh owssip xl anets frfoomrrm iipnpgil ne s wouldb e usefult ol ivingc ratearnsd c anyons. modeTlh.e tyh esna bta cakn dw atch.e dad isocfg assw irlairnogu ans dt ar. thingosr p otenthiuamla n Ferrainsd hcio-sa uthorsT hewiorr sku ggegsatsssw irlarionugn d Ina b itdo b ettuenrd ersttahnuedn i- visitoscrise,n tistjFuesrtibne lievteh e streakasr e news ta-risfi i ts c oledn ou-ghc rea.t vese rsheei, sa lssoi mulatainndgp r-o . rissa id. signso f movement ohfu grei ppanlde startss top roducpel aneit sd uci-nvgi deoofcs o lligdailnagxi es. "Peoplweh o havvei super-swaaltteyr untdheer a ftejru saft e swp ianrso utnhdstare . Whilaes tronodmoen rosyt e hta vteh e sionosf g ointgo M ars andMa rtiasnu rfaacned i tis n-;T hefi ndincgosu ledx plawihny s oi technaibciallti ost eype l anestmsa ller drillidnogw na ndh ittintge ractiwiotnh m oltesnu bmanyg iapnlta nheatvsbe e efno unodr: - thaJnu piitnoe rt hseorl ar systems, Wads water. .. we'rgeo ingt o surfarcoec cka llmeadg ma. bitiontgh esrt arAss.t ronomhearvise l esya yhset hiniktis s" increldiikbe�lyy " havet o invensto meb ig Reutm spotted1 a00bs oou-tc a"lelxterda -sotlhaasrtm" a llreorc,eky x tra-psloalnaderot s technloogifeosr t hats,a"i d l.p la netthsse,i zoefJ upiotrebr i ggienr ,e xis"tT.h atth'Heso lGyr aoilfal lt hihse; ' Ferrias r,e searchaett rh e thel ast yfeeawrT sh.e woarlskgo o eas says,s eif"e wt eocan detescotls ayrs tems U.S.G eolgoicaSlu rveyi n lo-nwga yt owaerxdp laiwnhiahntag p� uz - liokueor wn witEha rth-lpilkaen ets:' P Colorado. ButF errissa idt her e 1G oinug ?S paceel evawtionrss upport searcphr,e senttehdiw se ek ata meetinogf t heA meri can GeophysicUanli on, ish ostiacn ogn fertehniwcsee e k "Witahs ystaesmi nexpensive compabnuyi lds tom eewti tihn vesatnodor ts hera so uresv,e nrya tiocno uhladv ae was excitinbge causiet U.S. hinteadt s ub-surfwaactee r ona R ussiidaena p artipeost entiinaltleyr eisnat esdp apcreo grMaoms.ut n iversities devitcheac to ulodp etnh fien alc ouhladv aes papcreo grAanmd. movinga rounMda rsm'i d fronttiote hrme a ssweist h1i5n a fewc orporatcioounlhsda ve section. BY DAN RowE yeabresc auosfte h sep aceel evatheoiwrn s pacper ograsma,i"d Watesre archfeodr torr'esl atilvoewc loysa tnsde xMichael Ltahiecn oem,p any's Thef antastico fna os ptiaocenel tremelytr ahffiicvg ohl ume. president. Astronomehrasv el ong evat-oarc oncetphtafi tr st apNASA hasg iveHnig hLiaft "We'brrei ngiitdn ogw nt ot he searchfeodr s ignosf w ater peareidna Russitaenc hnicUaSl$ 570,g0r0a0n tto· co_ntinlueeve l mwahyebrneeo etv erybody, on andb elotwh eM artian journiantl h ee ar1l9y60 sa nd research eilnetvoaa tntodthr he e buta na wfull ootf p eopclaen surfacsei,n cwea te-r not then cirnettpoht we o rkosfs cicompahnaysr eceiavnie ndd ichaavaec cetsoss p aicnea r ealistic ice- iss ee:q.a sa require encfiec tiaount hAorrt huCr. tioonfs uppofrrto tmh Eeu roway.." mentt os upportilnigfa es Clariknte h 1e9 70-sc oulbdea peaSnp acAeg en,cw yhichha s iti sk nowno nE arthM.a ny NATIONAPLO ST, realbietyf olroen g. representaatttievnedsti hneg Seattle-HbiagsheLdSi yfts temSse attcloen fere·n ce. TUESDAAYU,GU ST 13,2 002 NATIONAPLO STT,U ESDAJYU,L Y9 .,2002 thoornt hree ptos,ra ihdi sst arsktr oph�idc p robaabrlmeyu ch. Ecologultiimaitsscu lme taornls-eys i d;:e Idongei:"tihrifuett ou raen dm uc.h peoplees,p eciWaelsltye rnleerslssi, k ehley ,s"a id. • I • muscto nsulmees s. · Ther epocrotm ejsu swte ekbse- says11tmte"N obodsyu'gsg estthiaantng -y fornee xmto nthE'asr tShu mmit Hubblsep ies onem artyrt hemselhvese asi,d"i. nJ ohannuersgSb,o uth a "Onsei mpilsyn g'oti ntgot urnm ajomre etidnogg gAfriebcadyf, ears birtohfg alaxy theen tirpeo pulaotifto hnWe e stt hanto thisnugb stawnitliblae l SPACEA tinyl,a tbel-oom- ·toc oloninteioc olzogimecianld leayds cetiaccsc omipslhaenddt h aGte orWg.e .i ngg alax-y a_d istorted overnighityf,o ucb aungt ep teq -Bushth,Pe r esiodfet nhtUe n ited clumpo f gaasn d stars piteo r egisttheairtt n'osat fr eeS,t atmeisg hftat ioal t tend. whose developmelnatg s Othpelra ntreitph etny ous'sltl a rgte tti·n Drg. � nJkinpsr'o jencsoti nob io behinidt gsa lactciocu sins there." diverfsaiiltynll inwei tthh deo e- - has beenc aptureidn Anotheerx perotn climautmee ntedde cliinnte h peo pula HubbleS paceT elescope chansgaei d "tdhoeo ms"dp aryet-ioonfsm anys pecsiienstc hee imagerse leasyeeds terday. WORWLIDL DFLUINFDdE ic �ti isno otth J:>ee stta ctfiocr" LivPilnagn Inedte xa,r "e presen Known asP OX 1.86,t he fostenrnegs pon.ss itbelwea.rt da-tinvuem becro mputfreodm infantg alaxyp robably shiopfo ure nvironmaenndjst ,t hpeo pulatoif3o 5n0ss pecies, ·formewdh ent wos maller BY JOSEPH BREAN onloyn eof m anyc ompetipnrge - firsrte codr.d e cosmiccl umpsc ollidteod was dict�if oonoru rfu tureen viro"nF-ora nyg ivtehni onugtt h ere, creatae b ursotf stfaorr Theh umanr acmeu ste ithe�re ntramlp act.. . i.t pso pulathiaosdn e clibnye d matio.lne stsh an1. 00m il abandon its waosrfi tnedfu lF rwoamyas na cademsicci,e nt3i0fi%cs in1c9e7 [0o na ver]a'"g e li6ny earasg ot,h e� pace tw2o0 5m0ot,rhp eWel o arnlWtediot cl sod llFoiunfbnieydz eps oaiiI�ond ft vB iur:teoiwnt,a,a'p sobcys li ii�tm eperl�dtit�.,j fi .DFr oJ.re cki nondiss nt a hi�edo .r tAht la�cn,t Tsealiiedns a c soStpcaeit eenmIcenens tt.i tute ..• T.h-we!.iarnall u ttodhaooiyrnf asLr ievpioPnrlgta .n et!tuh t,eUef m ovEren rVI�sr oiofTn onmrteoaoSnsl tlnt � u��sti.-oa mvoe:fisnrthghe wsedop relcssmdi ,soe tsohtce hkVIaalsvy e e.lM uodstil oanurggr oeg raw lna.Mxi imleksy, ,2 00s2t udgileodb eanlv ironmeIntsb aseodn t hea ssumiopnt fallefnr oma n estiemda t Way,a ret houghtto h ave :t �dla taan dp egg2e0d5 a0s t he tht�n oc hang"?elsbl em ade.2.6.4., 0t0o0n nien1s 9 7t0ou nder forme·md osto ft heir stars year wahftiecrth h Eea rtand h itsT hmgasr ceh anmgg,�f c ours6e0,, 0i0n01 995. billioofnys e arasg o·. ambylrteioasa bpdse octrwihbieie lnsm lo pl aoocnfhtgb ueer aThnedgyn roetueaafftko yeroaturpsr�eie m cagknm dhadeav.1e 'I nC anad,Da r.B urnts oaitdh,e POX1. 86-i sm iniscublye · . mosnto ticeeaffbelceot fes n vi cosmisct andarodnsl,yg oo wmoaunil rnded quus.itT trrowecy oa o dmdpietnisoaayntroaeseul cu r hffi �occeia enwndhtae e rrttte hhh eeerff ya�o psi rdo mnenatld egradamtiigohbnte light-yaecarrso sAs .l ight planetthses,ya y. enou�?gF ranknloyb,o drye allleyss sn oiwn t hReo ckieasn dth us yeari sa boutg .6t rillion Ther epowrhti,c h dtehteeaf ilksn ows. lesssp rinrgu noffi ntot he km, thed istance tlriagvht fecotfWse stecrno nsumpotino n Dr.J en.k isnasih. di sst�.uy Wi llP ra.i rfioeirsr rigaatr iiosonkf, elsi na year. pollutifoonr,e st ancdobv ieord irev�eaa shardpe c.nh em thel owewra telre veolnst heS t. Imagesa nd detaialrse . Lawrenacffee ctinnagv igaitni on tivoenribsstaa ysn,eod tdn ht ehmnead skeeet psar iiostlj ose ,WicE �trhta sh 1e 2cYo0o sryesdm�ttsu.1es�m 0 1��ef1 �r97e0s,ttt ah pieon artybot ofM uh otyn dterraoal-n,e dulp neoccwrteerri c saviatiela.boaltre hg tjtnpe:wJsfh.cuebnbtleerj ber eleased intG oednaeyv ac,o vaenrda r educmti obn10 diver- Switzerland sitoyf .33i%nt heo ceaanns· d genetir0 �ari nJ ameBsa. y Extraterrceosltorniiazilas t 5i5o%n . m freshwastyesrt e.m s� .�.vat t"o naZ Po s t jbrean@nationalpost.·com anu nlikseollyu tiona,u tthhoerF sr eshwastpeerc ies suffer the admiAt s.u itablep,l asnoeltwi,od r shte,s aibde,c auosfte h eir witahm ascsl otsoeE artahn'ds proximittoyh umanasn do ur temperattuhrawetos u ld alcloonws tnaenetfd o frre swha ter. liquwiadt ehra,sn ote ven bee"nW ed onk'nto wwh awti lhla p discovleeratel do,nd ei scovepreend[ b2y0 50.].b .u yto uf ollow • ..,N ATIONAPLO STF,R IDAAYU,G US2T5 2,0 00 ap ractidistanccael foarn y thes trailgihndteo wna ndy ou within Mant od ifgo trr easure lmownm odeo ftr ansportati.o ncomteoz erqou istoeo nh,es" a id. With thmiisn dMi,an rti nJ enkDr.B urtdoonu bted wfuhether insa, senaidovri osnob ri odivetrureen vironmdeengtraald ation heb u.riinea dp aslti fe siftyo trh Uen itNeadt ioEnnsv iwilflo llaos wt railgihn"teT .h e ronm�Pprto gramamneda na u-consequeonftc hemeso rcea ta- SoutWha leCsi.tyc ouncil has giv BY RICHARD SAVILL enh imp ermistsiodo inug p a n ��--------- ��areoafa boufotur squamreetr e.s �.----------------------------------- A U.Sb.u sinessmMarn.B ethaannya ,n tiqdueeasl er LONDON • hasb eegni vpeenr mistsoid oing froNme w York, spent five days upp arotfa p arikn W aleisna explotrhiseni gt Hee.c amteo b e NATIONAPLO STT,H URSDAMYA,Y searfcohtr re ausreh es ays hlei ehveeh ad liinvW eadl es after 162,0 02 buriienad p asltif e. bein"gr egrestsoae pda"s· tl ife Congrebsiaslimtlmsao sen hn'udsm taMona sr s Jim Bethabneyl iehvewase sp redurianh gy pnotissemso sn.i viouasW leyl ssho ldcialelreJ do lm MalcoRildmg ec,h airmoaft nh e HouSToN• A Texacso ngressfilmeadnl egislyaetisotn ertdhaawyto uld Seamaann dd ieidn1 81a5tt he lochails torsioccailse tayi",dH :e seNtA SAo na c ourstoer eacMha rswi thh umane xplorweirtsh i2n0 BattolfWe a terlMoro.B. e thansya,y hsef ountdr easwuhriefil geh t yearNsi.c kL ampsoanD ,e mocrwahto sde istirincctlu NdAeSsA's John 48w,h oh ash adr egreshsyiponi nign In dia.H eb rougihbtt a c.k.. sanS pacCee nteirnH oustosna,i hdi s TbhieSl pla,c e ExploArcatt,i onn othersaapyyhs,e b uriseidl vearn db uriietwd,i tthh aei mo fr e aims tog ivnee wf ocutso tfinhaen ciatllryo ubUl.eSds .p acper ogram. coiannsdj ewelulnedrewyrh aits trieviiltna gt beurgt,ot s hot:' nowS inglePtaorSnkw ,a nsien;:1 , TheD ailyT elegraph 5 - I·u set hissy stme eveyr 7 1 tni1ew e recortd he" rV /#f; 11_1'V'1fl_1i.. t hsteras at n• ttgsh ohw" Ciencyi Yai da" on . Vf!t./i \• . / V\.,/VVI\ iV! 'f.V ! TV In ca. _ �:.:C..:,itE�.:D ::.::t.:...:;.:T:.�J :�G-L.G-R-IAAL- D-E-R-$-0-N --b::-:':--,Yii:R L.:bo�oertG:::;:iuorl-:ay.:7a thW ehraeitI sta oms h tryowi yngo tout g heta t therea res evercaolm plete- these. are also powerful · negativelcyh arged "bul-· SOLUTION: lyd ieffrenatn dd istncitiw THctlheeiwy Isego iou'rivdnSeetgae so vrtbt e ei r ans bouotbw vtieclTp.hehe ua o nssog ecue hmstaen nnogtwewi -sioil ntle atrldone ndtas stoc "hrt ab urtaae nlpgelino lytto h acetthrhoa emneisglr mtee oa chE kanevguenipat e hpeahrhcty ua smniwa cicnate lhllb suetlria a·nntivFf gdoOois nRrms M ,iperA oeITrRpSnf.r t e tothcldheyfuuas c tctaoaue nnnu rd dfe pa uo,enun rrdc rgoe oandI,!In sf tarc otbn,eg fslouyrgy ego eus awt i glrdleo a adtne daI loS f d doaimnagug se ·· p..b ruopelrtlieejt!ss.A" n tohtehe nrtypee u t_o_r ,fo nmatuicohwnh i itghhoedsurout sff eeosrf ri andgi -aanmdnob yio elurp hmoajnoewrshi o lmhlea sveyi ,st - you finish a.driengt he NOW, butc omes everawli tha neutral elecctrail harm! terns wil-lbe noto nlyi n rceosm·te 9 fb tahcik.s d.b a.ei clayut,sh eie fn ytheoaursdsao nwodnrt hmeirl loiaodsn, o fa necdnh eagrreg,nyb e,uu tltr ootnos f rki andeiiticas t io.Pn EOi.P.IEN SEcr�?DsIMEt NeSrIebOouN,t S .a lisnTo H REE you dno',ta ndc arryo n thes ummer swuen have somethgi nliek bowl Thereinl ietsh es olution readintghi sy,o um ightt od�yw ilble arN O rel-aing .. wthheenhy i atn a tom, To understtahnidc so n-to opurro bleomf s urvival _, ptbauepr teeerlm!yp tetrda spthrno ee wmtsah-itetsina odnftrtnuuoe tit hnue rs·eutm .nhm oeet tr oswo de i'1-s 1· as"llFoh ofter"ll b cs reoelmalemk alrskeoe saooupse!n' ,,ot uhre cInye o·ptutwh l,eane- t9t1talks2e 0 dtas aobo nh udet3 am 0ruys, so. iiurfc ·.ifum nteutarto.neh C Lehl OaoNnngGgloe our dn figsao nrmtadant I.t bone·;m usclea nd otherf avouri"tsew ing2i0ns "h it If you litsotTh een B eatles Ino rdetro " puty oui n THERMOLNEUA.CR specialciesleltdsh afitn alsongsy,ou g rabbeda thick, "SheL ovesY ou"o n reel them ood"f orw hatI am ly make up a complethee ayv,:f raglie·7 8-rpm tor eemla stetra pe at1 5 WAR: "youa"r ev erys ensitivree ctoor dp,l oppeidt o n a aboutto s ayw,e havet o inchpeers seconodr,a C D,. estaibslht hreiem portant allki ndso f ther adiatiwoinn d-up turnbtlaea nd or a MINI -CD, or on a points: mentioneadbo ve.Th ose carefully placead . needleD VD, oro n a solisdt ate ing1 ).T. h ese Sovsue lrno iwsycl ,bh uatni gt· - psleIalfnvw eetoetshf d f rto ohnu'efgt abh cl eaop sf<;>ott Iuo hirrit sc�"i oebc ula-lllpbls ule,ncat casshnhta" oica lntweguais yan s l'y olomyure -wtiahnatas nlhtt dooe go k lrseoolik ravebe, lsb Thea�sue mti.a sln olcnu raneiddldd - eivgiiacthI tee .r e.i smp r ecamto icrya lly tohlabgrt"VuiosOiihguveer tsfutoeilutcssa.2mahleoa inwaare dn w.usd)ntwSrilf lolla eiioess, ao it a oekttf ylnan.svtleif, dilehI nenbxsEihw yt y hetytno inisxwersd apigc 4io e ae ehenlt gp o rtoe"agrfhpsiqi.roa ·oll arhssnf reatu ott5wwbt wtyd nMutcaaoca suh ii i ,cow eandretienbtt neriin llbh sri.deearmdlou�dr tomgllaasu1ls c ,a Mewfauf ecn ad ggyb nunttroy ltssa am lge wvas ueeiika, ham e wruus ietitna tnrniladelsegs nnv!nelodroe1gtity l.e rl s .y h".obnSf"atoisHae, r1 soairuUfmhf eovunei 9IfT4thctucalbRnazio osuse l�rh e5hpttlbetlVIVEns.eyiffeli oee INo ec udh D·ge odmcgssatr Suraa a uei.moh·hraatE-oettanl vvoine s erfsft m aocrna ual uluaimddigr o!eeeatnu!ioscctycylssaOseaalrmd p drwvanh"sl aNy ttvtitCa l aio ·Thc .eminaa .eemt<;>ht"e n es aatdsnmgt�alab wehtw aou ftr 5aa io jylmtnrn hdiwfjne ss0nwmo aaorbo .eotaril oerwta,gceortttdt bwe hnlroy itnaski00r i shthanhayeagif.,o rett0eete ln st ., r cccscs"otaow"sP ,·y rayrheeilagift Ise rtsanomslettor cnbiaihnotclhme tuuo·tesamstlyes,se es su·crtiogluepil o toim·s ,rma h bgimt�l clcne fdu, c euuf'aruh·niyin.hygrtrrahi knl;m�viselaaees rv yng�eseti ieyu -retnti"at idVb.ps n ·�th ifliyic icvtya ei l.sgiepty. wmn brcnehadoirats y i n l,ehaesea"colcailguu one� les.idedsa nletee .mpoyy u furtru idnno-c , l·o wooohsnoecae ctsme u lhuuircf tle toelrs· ·err t iroyl r ibeusm3swrpg n60rw7csso,p ee elbtatiiou3eims0oohn In-l aewtnlndcrsum, ,a p r.pmodtre rhdyptegh ne nc.mqcla behii arh sw,d arecas on uogn'atresteierpan a4D;asseaefty.iec0ycvm dsdsThdlleeqldti eti itos ei s !te;disutt arqcrhnn irtbenro. e ta,etaanu aeeg vdsiff v-· Irbyp paped nvc esniemawegn5ety.lri·hhsl dl0eame mc inrooh dn abecameot ire aardsnmaaode nte g stm·Ictbeaet , e nv dgeear po htinau 5YiIlleo di 4eotthp-0e ys.no-oin l'ri n5 nte s4esa-i- tnt nyye_- , cogf lltitribehir locm"hc lnc h asiaa nounacyieiaroeaePThxtntvmusr vef.sni s liedeo"hs"f e lbe esben ,teetsosti tifoeeta dsc e rm hoo cotpnffoiLhto -nlh mn "t .ugsut lcterOedrm emgaelersb.mgbo h"ser gOrualnaity eg ih"da a o -oanK ptooocyns - s gintsubert"iI "mlrmkeeibyffl, kno gEsnfr aiiSa.e !nlsssety idaxomsfu cnatr sa uitah ltrnmnwsenmad" eciramteoa e".ccet iwu,kcoesvtiuttmr t , tiewvhilssa tty ti lewress kodoitiini hslehvrrearae? eno inldnes esee e l l s lrgk, s -eL isenngsye nds ·Aska nys kind octoNre.v youw ilsle et hatth el ocal t rue t aht i s 1m ao "ts weak debut-thei dae· was a univerpesrein eatewdi th erb eforien t heh isotryo f insepocptu latisounrv vied "� une"t o· many kinds greabtu ti tw ast oo much ever- increasriandgi ation medciineh ast herbee en• complteely unscahted,·o fr adaitio'Qtne.y displamyo ney for the averaglee vels. so mancya seosf s kicna nwhiloev er2 000,0 peoplea n amazing Ca.pacittyo audioplhei,so i td iedo u.t Frankenesitnf antasy cera sn ow.T hec auseasr e werean d are directly affeencdure very strong Thdeo s80essan d 90ss awt hey ous ay?O nethi ng isc er ltcheleetu at-priiop nnzmeg oura n cthedr me '!lpoolersteppi ohoiwiennrs .e t eRRdbaa yyd Csito?arahs odtemni iia?cRt Gaiayomsn?m.X a ioodfPrs uao tdfs timi ieamtip.·folo nayr fts, eh ro rtpea anrl .l dhoffoielgrdilit,ta nhC igeDm n pt fehocerMic maanbtsil to-eauDC kn,ed tainNs O m a-.lr fulwer,esr ebearymm balmaambnatsclooest lth hueat te ly erfula nd veryh am1fulR ays? Confused? pW�et.l olu,t t hermonucwlare�art he' qualiNtoyw . weh avet he survivetdh e "ndoisaur ult.riaovlestu n1hitg,c ousimplrya,d iatiisno qnUri ng onlys urVivorsw h�.c ouldD VD - digitalv ideod:ih soclcoaust" 56 million pledtot haitst hei ncreasem oret haan streamo f.s ub.thriveo n thipsl anebtr iswherew e havep erefct·y earsa go.I predithcatt a inr adiatiionentns iyt due atomi"cb ullet-sa"c tuatll in.wg i thra diatiowno uld sounANDd imageTsh:e rem illioyena rs from now, toe verg reataenrd m ore physicualltra tinyp aitici.es be insecantds somel and1 ar e . alsop ures olisdt atwee wilbela r lit·t loer pos: violenstu nspota ctviiyt thatc arry·a very strong plantasn d marine,'d eep "memory" devcies thats iblnyor esemblancthee to explosionasn d massiev energayn de lectric charge ocean organis.m s storaen dr eprdouced igit"ahlu manb ein"g of the outg assingosf plasma-, some are ·p"osiivte" Ifc ommons ensfien allys ounadn di magepse refcty] futur!e gammar ay.sna di mmense charged bulletsc al-lesde episn ot theh eadso fa lll magnetifice lsd fromt he proton-sth esear e ''heavy" wmld politicians and teli='M AJORCA DAILYB ULLETINS unyd,Ja un1e,72 001 surfacoef t hes un. bulle..tt sh es tuff thamtak e gioulse adearnsd,n ow orld 3)Wi th tmhaep pinogf up then ucleuosr centre wart hreeev eroc curso,u r theh uman genomea nd core of atomsa,n d they own sune ventu'awlillyl GENED UPLANTIER thed evelopmeonfgt e netattracvte rys tronglnye gbombardu sw ithe nough ice ngienrenig.,·w e have ativeclhyar ged·e lectrons:.i ncreasreadd iatioonv er 1 S7 HETLAND ST. arriveadt t hep oinwth ere Anothefro rm ofra diationt hen extfe wm ilolni years TORONTO,O NTARIO swoem·Me ItGihHnTg ba eba obulttet ho do os etiare meesles cmtroanlslt- ehmrai pnlr loitooonfns sts ,ou prvrievlsa tehnaer tav tet roy su es.r a illo.u s CANADA M2M 1XS BC..m eteroiemt ay Sencd'om ooni n6 00 . ._.__:... .•.•. - provdiec lsut eo �-�� -ARY VALLIS years , � orgiisno flf ie .Earth may haves eac omnodo ni n g I600y earsa,n i nternatrieo-na�l Theu ncommonfilnyec onditiooftn h e seartceha hmas fonud. t""' FETLOEL A RIT2NH0 00 rockhsa sh elpesda,iMr d. Zolesnky,w ho A tinays teroisdo s m-alilt C3 worksNAS.Ns at JohnsSopna cCee ntine r woulfidt i nsiTdoer onto's S�ky - HoustoTnex,. M ostm eteorhses, a id, Dome -ise xpectteodl oop 00 Pockoefthsy drocbareraabkn dbo urn ninstdoust as theeyn ttheer arounEda rtfho arb ou4t0 y ears� formebdeo froeu r atmosphesrcea,tt erainnyog rg anicm ate att hatti mbee forrees umiintgs ritahley h appent ob ecar ryin g. usuaolr bairotu nthd es un. . � solsayrs twase mb orn Theb ubble-pockleitsk eo fhydrocarbons "Thaes terwiolli adp pear to£< o r- thasurvit ved onth ese pieceasr angoeff er bitth eEarth att hatti meb,ut i n ec.�.. .. BY off ascinatipnogs sibiplrieti-edsa,ati sn g facittwi llb et oof ara wayt ob e ,_ CHARLIEG ILLIS thedyo t heE arth ,i tpsl anetnaeriyg h considear etdrs uaet elolfi toeu r � boursa nde vethne s uni tself. plnaets,a"i Pda uClh odaas ,r e-� Ther emaionfas m eteotrh aetx plodeAdc cordtiont gh NeA SAg routph,eg lob searchaetNr A S.Ns JePtr opulsion threyee arasg oo vear r emotlea kien uleasl mopsetr ctlfeyr eflectth oscer eated Laboratoiryn PasaCdaelniaf,. nortrnh eBritiCsohl umbcioan tapirvnei ,-l asyte abry t heicro lleaignuM eosff et Thea stercoaillde,2d 0 02AA2 9, ousluyn seeonrg anmiact ertihala cto uldF ielCalifd., ThoseN ASA scientists hadset isa lsuon iqubee cauistie s t he leasdc ientitsott hseo ri ginosfl ifNeA,S A outt or econsctrtcu onditiloenasd itnog firsftou ndt or evolavreo untdh e researchsearsy. earlliyff eo rmuss,i nogn lmya teritahlast suni nn earltyh es amep atahs Tinygl obuloesf hdrocary bonsi nth eT ag-werper eseinn thte e ar.sol lya sjstre m and EarthAn. internattieoanima nl interstellar space. vestigaittimsno gv emenstays, isLha kmee teor-iatm ea sosf rtohcak t brokaep arutp oenn tertihnEega rtah'ts- "Whawte h avneo ws howni st hatth at relattiouv sei, tu sualtlrya cae s ·m ospherineJ anaury2,0 00 _ weret hegsleo bulweesr ien f actm aden aturally complichaotresde sphaotet ern. formedl onbge fooruero wn solsayrs teimn t hee arslyo lsayrs teamn,dh avbee en "Thaes teriotisdie lspf r obably andw oulhda vme ade ideal fhorof malelisn tgo E arth throughtoiumte M,r". mosti nteresbteicnagu istre e primitiovreg anissamsysc ,i entifsotr st Zohlee nssaikyd veatlhsa t thearlkieln' dss o fn ew, U.s s p.a caege n.cy RichaHredr dc,u ratotrh eNo aft ional unexpecbteehda viionu rt shoe "Thegsleo bsuw loeulhda vsee rvveedr yM eteoer Ciotllieocnat tt heG eo?lgical lasry stesma,i"Pd a uWli geratn, wgealntliop s ormnosE t aearcnthstd;na 'ui Mrtdiu crpheera lZio mlietoky,nir sv,-tSe ou t rh�vfi oenfydi�n agnsea,md prahe,��so �dget hdca aatun tyci oonusly iansKi tnrgosntoaoOmtnQne, utr ea. en,nd Ua' mn sei vmebres·r i ty aN ASAg eochemwihsot co-autthhoenr ee.cdt iobne twe0ene:r agis��he mete oft hree seatrecahm . pape"rT.h ewyo ulhda veb eenr ead-yon�easn dt he?e gmnmgso fhfeIt serlef- "Thiksi nodf s tuiffs a ctually mrunss pectiuvle.a quitnee wT.h es olsayrs tehma s madeh omefso era rlliyff ore ms. "Iafs,w es uspetchtity,sp eo fm eteoriBtueth ew elcoi?edt h.leateosfwt h act ould beestund ied fohrun dreds ofy ears has bfealelni onngt oE artht hroughiotuspt r ove mdainsyc onevsew roughbtyt he andthis type ofbe haviouhra so nly eteor. come to vleiryg,h tvr eercye lnyt. entirhei soryt,t hetnh Ee artwha sp rovi�d- . . . . . edw itthh eshyed rocargbolno bualte st heW hatfi ndi�snh ket hi�s1 �1o I Ss eed Its'usr pritshianstgu cahv enera sa11_1tiem el iwasf e first forminhge re:' �orree se.cahr,M r.H erds rud.B ym ak ... ble poafprt h ysicsa nda stronomy Theg rou'psfi ndin'wg hsi cahp peiarn· gmo bsrveationsas tow hat[ thgel obeusl] still hasso mes urprisleesfft o urs :' . , . mighbte y,o us tatrht'e O hy eahf?a'c tor. The researcshaetyrh sae s teroid this I?ontshI nternationJoaulrn aolfA s-Othemrsa yb egilnoo kinga tthis stuff and isp layianc ga t-and-mgoaumsee torbwl�gyr,e prestehnelt a teasdtv ancceo meu pw itoht hecro nclusainodni st, withE arth,a pproachtihnpegl an stmmem gfr oma re markabcloelc ltioeno fwil l pusthh ien quifurthrieesr " etfirst ono nes idteh,e n otthhee r. sp�a �k foundo nt hiec e ofTLaakgei,s Thh eb eatyu ofth eTa gishLak �m eteohre, Thea sterwoiildl atbi etc sl osest aw mdinwga terwtahyas tp nast heB .C .-addeids, sietesm inlgilmyi tlesso fr ange pointtoE arthi nn earalc ye ntury Yukonbo dary. � reseaprocshs ibilities. onM ondya.T hapto int, however, TheT ag�sLha kem eteorlietftbe eh ind "TagisLha kcea nb'etp igeon-h'"ho el ed iss tialplp roximat5e9.l-ymi llion someof t he oldest and vsacl-iuesnatiid.fi cally kilometraewsa y. �blmea tteeverr f o�d �othis plan,e tafter" Itu'nsi qiunea n umbeorfw aysb,a sed Thent hea sterwoiildsl c urry ltS spectarancvuaml lan ro rthwesteorntn h e wayp uittt o'gse thienir tm,si ner awaya gaibne cauosfte h ec om Canada. als aintdcs a rbocno mpoun.d.sT. h.e binegdrv aitatioenffaelc otfEs arth Estimattowe edi g2h0 0t onnbeesf orteh inagb outhist meteoraintdoe t hemre andt hes unI.tw ilnle xcta tcuhp entryi,te xploidnetdso m allbeirt s about teorbieteefnsou ntdhi astt h aththa evye with Earth ina bou9t5y ears. 25k iloemtraebso vteh eE artssh u'rf.ac ceontapirne -soglraari nSsoy .o u'nroet "Inso mew ays, the anEda rth Manyo ft hpei ecleasn doendt hie ce joufsl to okinagtt hper ocestsheafsto rmed thiass teraoried ltiwokr ea ccea rs thel kaew,h erteh ewye ree astyo s poto urs olsayrs teamn ym oreo-re vetnh e ona c ircutlraarc" Dk r,.C hodas andi dentify. formatioofnfl eii no urs olsayrs tem. sai"dRi.g hnto wt hea steriosi d A locoault doorspmiacnk uepdp iece's'o Yu'lroeo kinga tp rocesoscurecrins gin ona s lighstlloywtr earc jku sotu t withdiany osf iatrsr ivaanlds cienttihfigeca laxiwehsi,c thh elne atdo[ theer e sidteh eE artha'nsdo urp laniest teamfsol loweidnt hes prianftge trh ea tion] s toafarnsd p laneatnsdw hatever catchuipn.g snowm eltedt hoeiff c eI.n acloll,l ecthoaprpse snaft erth at." "Unlirkaeccars e, thtweo bodies plucked 1a2bki oluotg raomfs rock from NationaPlo st will not pwahsesnt heayp proach thlea kes'usrf ace. [email protected] eacoht h,e"hr ea dde"dI.n stead, Sintchee snc,i enhtisatvspe o reodv etrh f thceo mbingerda vitaetiffoencalt s piecperyisn,g a tth eg eologicabli oaln·od gi NATIONAPLO STD,E CEMBE2R8, 2 002 oft heE artahn d swuinln lu dge cal secrientssi de. thaes teroonit do sal ighftalsyt er trajcuks t itnhsEeia dreth 'asn,di t 7 will begitnop ulla head:' -NATIONAL POST,T HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8,2 001 yearosnt hep rjoectw,h ichha s so Pyhsitcsi s facrr eat1e,d4 0a0t omosfa ntihy drogen".T hisan iusn imaginably U N IT E D S TATES smalnlu mbeorf a tom"sh ,es aid. gtef ristBut e nougtho p rovindeew i n Riosafks tehriotEitadiri nntngeh cx etn itosunr iey5n , 000 sigihntt aon timatter. pSrcoipeeeinl-mc fiacgtiiwnoranisr tpyea lrcisek tseoh ipsP RINCETOdNN .J• .Th e risk ofan asteroicdo llidinwigth Earth dur glismoefp ar ound the guaslianaxgni teis ingt he neexntt uryi so nei n5 ,00_m0,u chl ow�r th� previousbley lieved, actcoor redsiecnahgre rastP nncetUoruvne rs1tyAs.tr onomers matteIrnr. e ailtty,h ougphh,y si � � cistdso notu nderstawnhdy usindga tfrao m an ews urve_yo ft he sckyo nclu.de�ds oars ystem hasa bou7t0 0,00a0s teroidesn obu1ghtg o d estrocyi vilization. atnmiattre theriesn ot moarnet imatitne r Ithe univTehresiterh. e ories sug gest the Bcigr eaBtaeenqdgu al NATIONAL POST,T UESDAY,N OVEMBER19, 02·20 amountosfm atter aanntdi mat A U ST R AL I A terS.e verpahly sitcesa masr e STFUOFF S CIFECINTOCINE runnienxgp erimentssh otuhladt explawihne rael tlh ea ntimatter Sicetnfstni idbs osn epolsfei uotrsh ara.tme bsleNeess sie hasg one. Torontoanmioann gM attera nda ntimatatreebr e SYDNEY • A 120-moilnl-iyearp.,loelsdi orseasuerm blSicnogt laLoncdh' s groumpa king liev.te odb eo pposittheasdt e NesMso nstanedr possinbelwyt os cienhcaesb eedni scoveinr theedc en stroeya coht he"rI.tf h eeyv er get traAlu straloiuatnb acskc,i entriesptosr tyeeds tdearyT;h e{ ossilized breakthrougtohge thtehre,ya nnihileaatceh boneosft hsee ven-mcertreea twuerrefe o undb yf ousrc ientifrsotms the othebru,t o therwisteh eya re SoutAhustrali an Museumin thfea nro rtho fSouAthustralsitaa te. pretty muecquha lP,r"o fH.e ssels BYM ARGARTE MUNRO said. Understantdhiedn igffe rences NATIONALP OST,T HURSDAY,N OYEMBER 28,2 002 . An internattieoanmoa flp hysibetweehny drogaennd a ntihy A L B ETRA . cisttrsyitnogu nlotchke m ysterdrogemni ghhte lp explain why wiheoysm f ta hteut neeixirvs et-r-shs aaensc de a xpptluarientmd ha atantn ietisrm masutocti ehntmr ho evr iecs oimubmnloien Sicetnhsto iepps ictwuiprlreloms ve et edoirovsiectrey thefi rsflte etignlgi mposfet he versAen.d i fa ntihydrorgeen EDMON TON • Scientistst hheopiphreo tos fiorfe baat lhlab tl aziend struct.oufar neti matter. sponddsi fferentglrya vtiotty h,a t· .t hes kyy estermdoarninyg mayl eatdh emt oa rarmee teoriAt ec.a mera Thep hantosmu bstanwhciec,h wil l raiqsuee stiaobnosu tth ev a ont heU niversoifAty l berpthay sibcusi ldirnegc ordtehdeo bejcfto r hasl ong intrsicgiueendta insdt lsi diotyft het heoorfyr elativity. about sseevceon nIdtsw a.s b rigehnto ugtho indiictma atyhe a vseu r science-fiwcrtiitoenar lsi kies, "Oneo ft hem orei nterestinvgi ved dtehsec eAnbto.u 5t0 m eteorihtaevse been diisncC oavneardead. seldom osrem eena suraesd iist t hinpgeso phlaev teh ougahbto ut annihilaasts eodo ans i tt oucheiss w hethearn timatwtielrbl e normamla tterre,l eastirnegm engravitatiaotntarlalctyto me adt ItnernatoinaUl. .FOM.u seumO pened dou-esn egryi nt hper ocess. tero,rw ililtb er epellPerdo,f". A teamo fC anadiaU.nS,.a nd Hesseslasi "dW.i ll antifmalalt tIern I satnbul Europepahny siciwsotrsk,i natg upo r fdaolwln? " theC ERN physics facilIinat b yi dti ofin n do uth,e a ndh is ISTANBUL,J an 18( A.A-)I netrnatiaolnU FO Museum Geneviasr, e ptoirnignP hysiccaoll leaghuoepste o c aptuarnet i waso pende inI stanbuoln F ridabyy t heS iriUuFOs ReviLeewtt etrhsi s wteheakit t hydrogeant omsa nds uspend Space SciecnesR eserach Cenetr. hasc reataenddp robeadt omosf themi ndefitneiliyna magnetic antihydrno.g e field. b"eWlei ewvee' blela blteo Haktan Akdogant,h ec haimrano ft her esearch cenetr, "Wek noww e arel ookiantg holtdh emf oar t least amtoa nths saidt hatth ef ourtUhF O museumw as inaugauterdi n thems,a"i Edr iHce sseolfsoY rk timeh,es" a id. UniversiinTty o,r ontwoh,o i sc olHed oes annotti cippraatcet icaTlur kefyo lolwingth eU nietdS tateJsa,ap na nd Briatin. laboratoinnt gh ee xperimenatpsp.l icatfiooran nst imatatneyr Akdoagnn otedt hatth ev iseirst couldse ea llt he "Weh avaev ercyl ear o�fsa eye time sTohoeni .d eoafu sinagn ti ingt hesea ntihydroagteonm sm.a ttetrop owesr paecshirpes documentsw hichh adb een hdidenfr mo thep ublsioc Thatp'asr otf t heb reakthromuagihn ss.c ienficcet iosni,n ciet far. thawte 've--hadW.e canc ountt akes siunccrhe daimboluen tosf themo ne-byo ne." energtyop roduacnet imatitne rI n tmhues eum,i miattioonfR oswelilc nidte bny Increbldyit,h es cientairsett sh fier sptl ace. modelism,ia ttiono fa ne xpeirmentm adeb ya leinso n ablteo p robteh ea ntiatoamss Some esnctiihsatvsse u ggesteadn a bdutceei,m ittaioonf c reatioofna hybriodfa leins they traaf veewcl e ntimettoretsh apto ckeotfs tuhnei vercsoeu lda nd humasn,s tatueso fv arioutsy pse ofa ilensm,od els ward thewa lolfth ee xperimenbteam la deo fa ntimatbtuetPr r,o f. apparatiunsw hicht heya reH esslesb elieivtei ssh ighulny ofv aroiust ypeso fU FOs,t hem odelosfa rchalegoiacl made- a journetyh att akelsi ke"lTyh.o speo ckewtosu lhda ve ruin/starce/smarksw hichre vaelt heU FO phenoemnon, rough3l0ym icroseco· nds.t oi ntersweictht paorftt hseu nia numbero fp hotorgaphs,d ocumetnsa ndn ewsapper "Wea pplayn e lectfireilctd o versteh aatr em adeo fr egular andm agazinaert icsl oenU FOsw ilbled sipleady. themt haptu ltlhse m baapcakrt ,m"a tt,e"hr es aiAdn.d w hent hey ProfH.e sseslasi d. sTchiee ntisitnst erstehcet ,r esublutrisontfg There are alb iraryw heer amlosta thouansdb ookosn can intfheers tructoufrt eh ee nergwyou lbde v isitbola es troUFOsa re dsiplyaeda nda cinveisihoanl oln t hes eocnd atombsy m easurihnogwm uch physici"sBtustw. e don'ste e foloro ft hem useum. enerigttya ketsop ultlh ema part.t hen1." ,P rof. Heasnsdhe ilcsso lleagues NatoinaPlo st Them useumw ilbleo penb ewteen1 1.00a .m.t i8l.l00 havweo rkefdo rm oret hafno ur [email protected] p.nelv.e yr da·ye xcpetM onday. NATIONALP OST,W EDNESDAY,O CTOBER 30,2 002 Anadlo Aug enyc 1/19/20092: 84:0P1M a