PIXLEY KA SEME DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. FOR YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2020 RaW Te sa A VR ATE MR a te? UE Ft TE Salt Pixley-ka-Seme District Municipality (DC7) “Anno Fen Statement rhe yar end 20 one 8020, General Information County of Incorporation and done. Seu Res Lgal fort of entty A manip lah an arg oats thn the cal ste ot Soverment vein else an xen a ature of busneas and principal activites ‘calanoid unk! eaevcss nd maintain he es Inverestot ho raruransy nth #siejea-Sem 2st, embors of Counel 2 Monks (Besorve mayer 2 antl (Speke) Heras f6PAC Chips) UR Rarwng ember of") CL Mkt Paerber ef Ex) 1a Seta enter fExz0) ae biterboe | Scrasteroar(mmassec) Vosirsa 1h Hear terres i Webi otpnant 5 Sui Ment api) dvsness 8 Sear Tae ‘Avoounting ofcor 2 Peters Chict inane oer Br James Regltered office Culver Road Businees address se Ress Doar E) Postal address Prvate dag 1012 Bankers ‘Stondond Us 3 South ica Limos uations ‘uated of uth tea (NSSF) Pixley-ka-Seme District Municipality (DC7) oon Pangial Stetersnta aoe got ene 0 June 222% Index lors rset ta tho proves age esount-g Ofcors Reszoneies and Approval 2 ene Mts Rea 4 taterent of Financ! Pasion 5 Stvorntot Fnonrin| Planers 6 Alster regea!a Not asec ’ ‘a Fi Statarent a Skye wf Crayton of Budget and Sot Aenn's bos eceuning Pas am Pes es Anal nana Steeronts poe cece Cconpersatan-or Gorin isa and Descze cre, Copal Roped tess Grae Gone Retained Acocuntrs, Practise caer cavealy Arps nll Accoarinn Fave wer Hovey Bseloprent Fund as ema! Resoung areas is-netanel Paste Secor rsa Sandards stip tes itember ofthe Exo tin Cal ‘an unset Fares Wenegaren’ Act ws aris! Infante Guert P eva CA Pixley-ka-Seme District Municipality (DC7) Aenunl Freeh Pairs er yea ced 39 Jans 2023 Accounting Officer's Responsibilities and Approval 1 seecuntg offers ore by the Muna nanos Margery 2008 fot No of 2, nn adog= faci in)‘ ie eapenae otra conor ste nce oft ariek Rear irl tharcal ‘ometion-achros in his opal the esponslig sher= f ehete that he arrual nana tte fly Siete sate sf eens ef cn aver he te taneal yor ees of paretors ant ea Ts fr hs foes Inna ica nl etd ara engant fo eerass ar ezanccrt pi on he annual iran "sents ne nae ben terested sesso neal fazerce are res a Te sal ulate ate hav boon propamtn sso with Standart if sya Hacoarsed Aor tg Proce {Cav nearing sy fmol, Guldelince ord sociated y tho Aocaming Sinectee ard, “The ans“ eanelal statement ara Saeed psn supa accountng pocos ums sled ane spotty ‘eea-abe end pont juseemmns ine con “ie aoeuntag ater eked et si ite apenas fr ta epee offer anol crt whe oy EE punigpalyand lace cossceabe posenoe oy mtahing a sang cenrolonsemner, Te ansiathe 20090 hy ‘lzarco mont he essonwoatios he vaca effear enn ardor hte al cota amos at reducng the Fsk fier tet 2 east ahaatve manae Ts slr Rete tha aapor doa mesons wn l= be St tamevork ellctis eoeasmtra procedure on! basta segegzion "das "sre ar. aocepabl eel tk ‘Trebe cortt are mos ored-chu the unio py ane el emotesece = required tera te hgh al ses {Fd tn avaueng the une 3 hosts condtad Iara bs. nil aseonaba cranes 8 Sbo¥e fbetenes the fost rccnaagerantn tha mink ally sul enti, eseeseng, rexeying» wl ontrng © Los ‘Enact ato the mary, llevar se rane! huss he ee ecycute to rire tire sung tha sspreparinfasinrs cmb ata ard zhi dosovou are sled sf -anegesn pest! prosaures are rata “The eccouninn cern sa he vnkan, ae en tho infe-son and axplsr eons sey wa:gensa, etna set oF eautolpresezs rave ts ssganan at ho francis rosn yb lindo forth propetan ethan nando’ stoners Fawever ony splesner ble hana coniel san sek easenab eae ray Sees ages tall ieloarerta Ao, 1-8 are3-ng esr sien the y's ach fo fro is Ys to 30 ta 202% nine ht of ts ove anus caret nana! poste sh ssi site ay has ore ves vatequetsfesguors ora ‘ome sae fa eteesoabe ut fe wally sepa ent ta centred fitness. 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A NER © Pixley-ka-Seme District Muni Statement of Financi pality (DC7) year ended 32 inn 300 | Position as at 30 June 2020 Figue sand i aa "Recs tle om avenge a 3 pase rss (ae and ash anulo's 4 er Non Gun cle Ice rope 5 tataoe zen egy, ping wd agqulpevent 6 fe M1521 u arg da eects Greet spebeaaa 7628 200| ‘ote Assets = nome sora Linton Gann ie (Ger nara aster 5 wasaee mera nanos laa ct csen 4 Come Payables Fem exchangers fo ats? woes unt yale ee eee Enrpleyaobencftetzaton 42 viieam 1 2ta gus Unspent soit rns nd oc 12 estaten 19000858 seats HomcovareLieiltes [eer ina abies 5 samme Finssan fsb: a Sam 74 Lnpayes banat abigsion| 2 aioe one ‘waraara 46 123 au tl Lebilios Betas a8 un aa Net Aste Eaet tar (o9en see) Aecuitsiods.rake (oan Pixley-ka-Seme District Municipality (DC7) nal Finacial Slee forthe ya” eno 20 hne 2929, Statement of Financial Performance Figen Pan cca Eau Revenue ents of tates a eaupment 14 = ame Leenecs ard pormi 1s 1510355 * i 1 bo asnser7 Interest rooaved on eteal vest 1713496268 Tosearr Sev sal of esos a Ibis te tsp : Total revenue From exchange transactions aera Sarat Revenue from non-exchange tranasetone Transfer venue Goverment gts and subscies 40 esesnant a se4 162 Total ovenve TaEssoa7s 68 258 200 Expendie Emoeyoo rales costs wo pniaaacy (es r44 200) Fsraieri ot sues, 21 “gusaet) @ arn er) Ceprsito”erd amar esen me plage) ous} Fresnas en 23 ales) Gar 37H (ett mpsrnant 2 wa5i 27a Fopeirs are ntonance 2s e755) tes ait Water ze ocr (r7e7 B45 Transfers an eae 2 ecce o05, seo eel ses a ie “107 838 anaes eapentsa 28 erzozsenay (a3 107 327, “ota expenditure (G1are 726) (es 07e 13} ‘Surphi forthe yaar ese a7 S150 786 Pixley-ka-Seme District Municipality (DC7) ‘nal andl Semen ‘rho year ended $9 cur 2020, Statement of Changes in Net Assets Feamaaied Tein Fgurcsin Rand rmhse 3580 tance att July 2048 (rears) (@142 735) Brovgea ml ates Supls frre yoor 10a 798 Total erannss 51527 at OF duty 2019 Tse O60) (8 088880) Invelassats never sooo 147 _ 10888 147 Tota change Tonsa iF 10000747 Balance at 30 June 2020, caer 600317 Pixley-ka-Seme District Municipality (DC7) Arua Pnonel Stetorenf er the yearend 30h 2020 Cash Flow Statement Figwor a Rn “Nes 20mm aie Cash Nowe fom operating acts Recolpta (Grams and cuosicis eceved coun s4 spas 748 Inert seasas 1086 477 Orr ect seat doy— 2se4e9 Payments Employ coets 5.299 9R8) 2492 080) Sunless essoart) Bo #82487) isan re) 2557, Nt eash flows from operating aetiibes wo saviva7_ saeaters ‘cash ws from insstina activities Purctaeof property, lan an 5c eae7e) ede sae Precots nse ely, pra elt 5 S00 ot oath flows from investing actos (Camara) _ (1871 306) ‘Cash flows from financin activitios, receede rom eter nancial Lab ine ann 77 Repayment of ther fc bis (e050) uszen) Fnnoe lees pyar qarzeaiy arisen ane lees roe fe 151 231 Net eas fms rom tinncing aetviea cor si) (1856225) Not Incrasetscroasa} In cach and cash cqulvalent= sao 798385 Dash sntet epics bgt the yaar spomesse 2254000 ‘cash and cash equlvalants at tho end ofthe year ¢ Tazeee 9a ta ean cee