e z n e Fir %, 0 7 e Current health and industry issues al ost facing US turkey industry P o nt e m Patterns of EU poultry meat trade a n o b b A n Alternative housing system’s impact e i n on feeding pullets and layers o zi di e p S – a p S E N A LI A T E I T S O P – 8 1 0 2 h c ar M – al n o ati n er nt a I c ni c e ot o Z 3 2018 The new feeders of the «Gió» range, specifically developed for great poultry farms, thanks to the easiness in the regulation of the feed and to the absence of grill (that avoid chicks perching) have many advantages: they are easy to use and their cleaning is extremely easy and fast too, leading to an overall reduction in labour costs. CODAF Poultry Equipment Manufacturers • Via Cavour, 74/76 • 25010 Isorella (Brescia), ITALY Tel. +39 030 9958156 • Fax: +39 030 9952810 • [email protected] • www.codaf.net EDITORIAL In advanced economics realms, there can no longer exist decision-making that is separate from scientifi c knowledge. There can be no strategic plan, which does not consider the socioeconomic aspects of the international scene which acts on behalf of individual needs and various situations, be they short, average or long term. Within a company management atmosphere, the backing-up of decision-making pro- cess with the knowledge of all that takes place on the outside while keeping track of the socioeconomic tendencies and characteristics unfortunately does not oftentimes occur. Similarly so, and equally as infrequent an occurrence is the association of research with the task of gathering, promoting and coordinating the efforts of individ- ual researches, teams and research institutes of various types which crusade, even though in different contexts, towards a consistent means of regulating the evolution of the socioeconomic ambient. A business should no longer be just a “production site” for merchandise, but rather a dynamic system – an articulated system. Besides the production operations, a whole other series of services acquire their importance: development research, methods and product innovation and identifi cation and understanding of new markets. Today every production system is introduced in a difficult and complex market place. This complexity is due to the different socioeconomic ambients; difficulties are created by the fast-paced rate of change, which no longer, nor solely, originates from the com- petitive mechanism but from numerous interrelations, as well as from those links since established with the external social environment. Said environment, in the vastest sense of the term, means: employment market, pure research sites and its practical application, educational and informative structure and so on. In this multi-dynamic situation where various forces overlap and put pressure on the single enterprise, an organization needs to shape itself according to fl exibly designed models, which allow for continuous revision of the balance between the internal or- ganizational situation and the external world. This ever-growing need on the part of the organizations to be able to adapt to the changes in ambient implies a particular analysis and study of the various social realities. The identifi cation and study of these realities should be translated in useful deci- sion-making time aimed at building company strategy. In order to accomplish all that it would be necessary that private and institutionalized, as well as the various industrial system, fi nd a common ground and that decision-making be the fruit of a sound inte- gration among the various research centers on the university and private levels and among those political and private enterprise institutions. PRATIKA The broiler feed pppan Lower pan suitable from day one to LLeeaaaddeeerr iinn ppiigg && ppppooouulllltttrrrryyy eeeqqquuuiiipppmmmmeennttt slaughter weight. StudioStudio Automatic feed Minerva a Minerva aMdajnuusatml oepnetn.ing of the Fotolia - © tolia -© Fot I WANT s1i nseglceo nfede.d pan in mage: mage: FCaosmt paentdit eivaes yp rcilceea.ning. II Cage version also AZA! available. FULLY AUTOMATIC Automatic opening of the whole line in AZA INTERNATIONAL has been working in ONE SECOND! the zootechnical sector for more than 50 years assuring high reliability and quality products at competitive prices. MIXTA The feed pan for turkeys or mixed cycles The feed pan for lightweight turkeys or THE MOST INNOVATIVE RANGE mixed cycles (turkeys- broilers-ducks) FOR POULTRY FEEDING : Automatic feed level Model for adult birds W ! adjustment. without cover N E No chick inside the pan. (cid:85)(cid:202) Broilers (cid:85)(cid:202) Pullets (cid:85)(cid:202) Quails Easy and complete (cid:85)(cid:202) Breeders (cid:85)(cid:202) Layers (cid:85)(cid:202) Ducks cleaning of all feed pan (cid:85)(cid:202) Cocks (cid:85)(cid:202) Turkeys components. FULLY AUTOMATIC ONE SECOND! to open the feed pan QUALITY MADE IN ITALY AZA INTERNATIONAL S.r.l. - www.azainternational.it Via Roma 29, 24030 Medolago (BG) Italy - Phone +39 035 901240 - [email protected] SUMMARY WORLD WIDE NEWS ...........................................................................4 COMPANY NEWS ..................................................................................8 INTERVIEW Visit to Eurosilos Sirp ......................................................................................12 26 FOCUS Incubation and the role of Carbon Dioxide in embryo development ........................16 Hatching egg quality .......................................................................................20 Better hatch and post-hatch performance ..........................................................22 FIELD CASES Current health and industry issues facing US turkey industry................................26 Mexico’s egg industry. New AI outbreaks and Peso devaluation endanger recovery ........................................................................34 MARKETING 38 Patterns of EU poultry meat trade – A 2016 status report .....................................38 TECHNICAL COLUMN Omaz launches Controller Plus ........................................................................42 MANAGEMENT Alternative housing system’s impact on feeding pullets and layers .........................44 NUTRITION Effect of two different fi bre sources on growth and immune function in layer pullets .................................................................48 Does location and extent of starch and protein digestibility 44 affect poultry productivity and health? ...............................................................51 VETERINARY SCIENCE Major histocompatibility complex and genetic resistance to Infectious Bronchitis Virus ............................................................................56 MARKET GUIDE ..................................................................................60 UPCOMING EVENTS ..........................................................................63 INTERNET GUIDE ...............................................................................64 WORLD WIDE NEWS n o ati n ci c a V art m S a pr Hi © New vaccine technique targets multiple poultry diseases Researchers at The Pirbright Institute have created a new method of genetically modifying the Marek’s disease vaccine so that it is able to protect against another destructive poultry virus called infectious bursal disease (IBD), and potentially others such as Avian Infl uenza and Newcastle disease. This approach could lead to a reduction in the number of vaccines that need to be administered to each bird. For the fi rst time, Pirbright scientists have been able to use a gene editing system called CRISPR/cas9 to add a gene of the IBD virus into a current Marek’s disease vaccine virus. The add- ed genetic material protects poultry against IBD in addition to the protection already offered by the Marek’s disease vaccine, meaning that bird owners would only need to use one vaccine instead of two. Other vaccines exist that achieve a similar result, but by using the CRISPR/cas9 system the Pirbright team have been able to insert the IBD gene far more quickly, easily and accurately than the methods that have been used before. This will signifi cantly reduce the time needed to generate new vaccines, which will Cells infected with the Marek's disease vaccine virus, HVT, (green) help to protect poultry quickly against outbreaks of new strains. expressing the inserted infectious bursal disease virus gene, VP2 (red). Cell nuclei are shown in blue. Professor Venugopal Nair, joint leader of the research at Pir- Image by Dr Na Tang, Viral Oncogenesis group. bright said: “The method we have created with CRISPR/cas9 really increases the scope of how we edit the Marek’s disease ily edited to include new genes, which protect against emerging vaccine to include other virus components. Now we have strains. shown that our edited vaccine protects against both Marek’s There has been huge commercial interest in using this tech- disease and IBD, we are looking at inserting more genes from nology to develop novel vaccines, so Pirbright scientists intend other viruses.” to partner vaccine manufacturing companies to bring CRISPR/ The team intend to create a vaccine that will be able to protect cas9 edited vaccines to market. against multiple avian diseases and will next target two high This scientifi c paper can be found in the Vaccine journal and consequence poultry viruses - Avian Infl uenza virus and the was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Re- Newcastle disease virus. The fl exibility of the new method also search Council (BBSRC); grant numbers BB/P016472/1 BB/ means that as the viruses evolve, the vaccine virus can be eas- L014262/1. 4 - world wide news - WORLD WIDE NEWS 6th Mediterranean Poultry mittee while topics have already been proposed by members of the committee. Summit The Mediterranean Poultry Network (MPN) of World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA) was established in 2008. The MPN of the WPSA presently operates directly under the um- brella of Working Group (WG) 11 (Education and Information) of WPSA’s European Federation. It's constitution aims: • To promote WPSA activities in all the countries of the Mediterranean region with special emphasis on the Eastern and Southern parts. • To help expand membership of the WPSA in all countries of the Mediterranean region by creating new contacts with people involved in the poultry sector. • To promote the spread of knowledge in the fi eld of poultry science through encouragement for research, education and extension. The 6th Mediterranean Poultry Summit is going to be held in Turin, Italy, from June 18-21, 2018. The Italian Branch of • To coordinate future Mediterranean Summits of WPSA by WPSA will host this summit which is being held at the Univer- offering technical advice and know-how to the organizers sity of Turin, one of the oldest universities in Europe with excel- to ensure the staging of appropriately focused and well- lent facilities for the size of the meeting. organized meetings. Professor Laura Gasco and Professor Achille Schiavone will co- ordinate arrangements with the University. The organizing com- For more information: mittee is chaired by Ghassan Sayegh. Dr. Martino Cassandro, Email: [email protected] President of the Italian Branch, is heading the scientifi c com- Website: www.mpn-wpsa.org (cid:69)(cid:99)(cid:102)(cid:84)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:69)(cid:82)(cid:95)(cid:92)(cid:100)(cid:3) (cid:82)(cid:95)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:90)(cid:83)(cid:86)(cid:99)(cid:88)(cid:93)(cid:82)(cid:100)(cid:100)(cid:3) (cid:68)(cid:90)(cid:93)(cid:96)(cid:100) AGRITECH s.r.l. - Via Rimembranze, 7 - 25012 CALVISANO (BS) ITALY Tel. + 39 030 9968222 r.a. - Fax + 39 030 9968444 - www.agritech.it - [email protected] - march 2018 - 5 WORLD WIDE NEWS A strong CAP with simple rules FEFAC welcomes the overall orientation in the CAP Communication to favour more sustainable and environmentally-friendly farming methods in the future CAP, which will enable farmers to meet the commitments to the Sustainable Developments Goals and the COP21 climate change objectives. The Future of Food & Farming Communication FEFAC fully supports the call from Copa-Cogeca for a strong, competitive, market-oriented CAP with common and simple rules across the EU following the European Commission pub- lication on “The Future of Food & Farming Communication”, outlining the challenges and opportunities of the Common Ag- ricultural Policy (CAP) post 2020. A pragmatic approach FEFAC welcomes in principle the EU Commission’s intention to take a pragmatic approach and apply more fl exibility taking into account the diversity of EU agriculture. FEFAC members, however, share concerns about potentially unintended conse- quences, which could give rise to market distortions and jeopar- dize the level playing fi eld between Member States. In FEFAC’s view, the European Commission needs to strengthen its role as guardian of the Treaty, thus preventing a further widening of the scope for national derogations and exemptions, which could undermine the CAP. FEFAC recalls its preliminary posi- tion on the CAP post 2020, which called for a rebalanced CAP strengthening the economic viability of the EU livestock sector. Towards a more sustainable production To obtain more sustainable and environmentally-friendly farm- ing procedures, FEFAC calls for more publicly funded research, including animal nutrition science projects, to further reduce livestock-related GHG emissions while identifying effective mit- igation strategies. The European feed industry has heavily invested in a common methodology at EU and global level (PEFCR for feed & GFLI Feed LCA database project) to measure the environmental per- formance of feed production and is ready to provide assistance to livestock farmers to reduce their environmental footprint while improving animal performance and resource efficiency. In addition, FEFAC is also committed to support the European Commission in the development of the new European Protein Plan, expected by the end of 2018. FEFAC recommends to EU policymakers to take a fully comprehensive approach that covers the strategic need to maintain market access to highly concentrated protein sources, which are essential to promote sustainable feeding strategies in Europe. 6 - world wide news - WORLD WIDE NEWS Compound feed production estimates for 2017 The industrial compound feed production for farmed animals in the EU-28 in 2017 reached an estimated level of 156.7 mio. t. i.e. 0.2% more than in 2016. Concerning poultry feed production, the Avian Infl uenza out- almost 2%. Germany strengthened its position as leading EU break severely impacted some poultry producing regions of country in terms of total compound feed production, ahead of Europe. A number of EU countries saw their poultry feed pro- Spain and France. duction stabilise and even slightly decrease, with the noticeable exception of Poland, which recorded a 7% growth for the third Market outlook for 2018 year in a row. All in all, EU poultry feed production remained Market experts are relatively optimistic concerning industrial almost stable and is still the leading segment of EU industrial compound feed production in 2018. While poultry exports will compound feed production, well ahead of pig feed. continue to be affected by restrictions in third countries due to For the fourth year in a row, Poland was the best performing Avian Infl uenza, the persistent trend to increase in consumption country, with annual growth of total compound feed production of poultry meat in the EU is expected to support a demand in of +7.5%, boosted by the demand for poultry feed but also dairy poultry feed, leading to an increase of 1% in 2018. However, this feed. Among the largest compound feed producing countries, could be constrained due to a trend in certain western countries Germany, the Netherlands and Italy maintained their produc- to reduce stocks density in poultry holding triggered by animal tion of compound feed, whereas France and Spain recorded a welfare concerns. Overall, this would lead to a moderate 0.5% drop of resp. -1% and -3% and UK increased its production by increase in compound feed production in 2018 vs. 2017. First choice in agricultural ventilation components ttppii--ppoollyytteecchhnniieekk..ccoomm | The Netherlands - march 2018 - 7 COMPANY NEWS Joint Venture between Giordano Poultry Plast S.p.A. and Sanovo Technology Group The Joint Venture between Giordano Poultry Plast and Sanovo Technology Group will bring many opportunities for further development for both groups. development for both, with the immediate possibility of reach- ing new world trade areas through the structures and the peo- ple of Sanovo Technology Group, in addition to the concrete possibility to identify and put into production new products and technological solutions to give cutting-edge answers in the dif- ferent sectors of the poultry and agro-industrial world. Therefore, during the present week a strategic part of the share capital of Giordano Poultry Plast S.p.A. was transferred to a dedicated company belonging to the Danish group. Mr. Oscar Giordano CEO of Giordano Poultry Plast said: “We are particularly satisfi ed for the realization of this partner- ship with such a representative group as Sanovo Technology Group. It is a clear recognition of the leadership assumed by our products on the global market”. “As Sanovo Technology Group, we pursue excellence in each sector of our chain of machinery and products for the food industry. The collaboration with Giordano opens new and sig- nifi cant opportunities in strategic sectors such as product lo- After several months of active contacts, the Giordano family ac- gistics and in many other fi elds of poultry production” said Mi- cepted the request received from the Danish industrial group chael Strange Midskov, CEO of Sanovo Technology Group. Sanovo Technology Group, world leader in the industrial tech- nologies sector linked to eggs and egg-products, to enter with Nothing will be modifi ed in the management and daily opera- a minority share in the capital of Giordano Poultry Plast S.p.A. tion of Giordano Poultry Plast, which remains totally entrusted to the members of the Italian family Giordano. The JV motivation stems from the awareness of the relevance of Giordano Poultry Plast production in many specifi c areas of For more information: activity in the poultry breeding sector and in the handling equip- www.poultryplast.com - www.sanovogroup.com ment for hatching and consumption eggs. Sector, the latter, of strategic interest for Sanovo Technology Group. Both groups expect from a closer relationship between them the emergence of new and numerous opportunities for further 8 - company news -