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I 29.86/4.-G 48 Cultural Landscape Report for Glen Haven Village Historic District Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore .,-., Uo5 r- Empire, Michigan 5 FEDERAL LIBRARY PUBLICATION Recommended: Chief, Historic Structures and LandscapesProgram, MidwestRegion Date Concurred ' Superintendent,, SSlleeeeppiinngg BBeeaarr DDuunneess NNaattiioonnaall LLaakkeessrrrroorree Date Approved: S/%L ejL, S'ZS-^7 1*4,4*4+ Regional Director, MidwestRegion Date Cultural Landscape Report for Glen Haven Village Historic District Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore Empire, Michigan Introduction Site History Existing Conditions Analysis Treatment recommendations By DeborahDietrich-Smith National Park Service, Boston,Massachusetts,2007 CulturalLandscapeReportforGlenHavenVillageHistoricDistrict TheOlmstedCenterforLandscape Preservationpromotesthestewardshipof significantlandscapesthroughresearch,planning,andsustainablepreservation maintenance.TheCenteraccomplishesitsmissionincollaborationwithanetwork ofpartnersincludingnationalparks,universities,governmentagencies,andprivate nonprofitorganizations.Techniquesandprinciplesofpreservationpracticearemade availablethroughtrainingandpublications. FoundedattheFrederick LawOlmsted National HistoricSite,theCenterperpetuatesthetraditionoftheOlmstedfirmsand FrederickLawOlmsted'slifelongcommitmenttopeople,parks,and publicspaces. www.nps.gov/oclp/ PublicationCredits: Informationin thispublicationmaybecopiedandusedwith the theconditionthatfullcreditbegiven toauthorand publisher. Appropriatecitations andbibliographiccreditsshouldbe madeforeachuse. Graphicsmaynotberepro- ducedwithoutthepermissionoftheownersnotedinthecaptions. CoverPhoto:ViewnorthofSleepingBearBay fromGlen Haven,2004. VesselAloha photoleft. (OCLP) TableofContents TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES AND DRAWINGS V List ofFigures v List ofTables vii List ofDrawings vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS IX INTRODUCTION 1 Description ofStudy Boundaries 2 ManagementSummary 2 ScopeofWorkand Methodology 4 Historical Summary 5 SummaryofFindings 7 CHAPTER 1: SITE HISTORY 9 Cordwood Station Period,1836 - 1880 9 Hardwood Lumberingand PassengerShip Period,1881 - 1931 12 Post Lumberingand PassengerShip Period,1932 - 1970 23 National Park Period 1970 - Present 24 CHAPTER 2: EXISTING CONDITIONS 27 CHAPTER 3: ANALYSIS 33 Review ofNational Register Documentation 33 Recommended ChangestoNational Register Documentation 35 LandscapeIntegrity 36 LandscapeAnalysis and Evaluation 43 CHAPTER 4: TREATMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 103 TreatmentAlternativesand Implications 103 RecommendedTreatment 104 TreatmentApproach 104 TreatmentGuidelines 105 BIBLIOGRAPHY 129 APPENDICES 131 AppendixA:Aerial Photographs 131 Appendix B:TargetPruning 135 in CulturalLandscapeReportforGlenHavenVillageHistoricDistrict IV ListofFigures,Tables,andDrawings LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES AND DRAWINGS LIST OF FIGURES Location Map i 2 Map ofGlen Haven andtheGlenHavenVillage Historic District 3 Town PlatofthevillageofGlenHavenintheCounty ofLeelanau StateofMichigan, 1869 4 Map ofGlen Haven,1881 5 PaintingofGlen Haven,c. 1882 6 Postcard ofthe MichiganTransportation Company'ssteamboatthe Puritan dockedatGlen Haven,c. early1900s 7 Postcard ofthe locomotive atD.H. Day'ssawmill,n.d. 8 ViewnortheastoftheGlenHaven CanningCompany,c. 1933 9 StateofMichigan right-of-waymap"Final Plans,June25,1929" 10 View north oftheGlen Haven dock,c. 1938 11 Postcard ofdunesmobilesin frontofthe D.H. Day Store,c. late 1940s 12 Viewnorth toward Lake Michigan,fromtheblacksmith shop,2004 13 View southwestofGlen HavenRoad,the Dean house,theRude house andgarage,andtheWickland house, 2004 14 View south fromthe Glen HavenCanningCompany,2004 15 View southeast oftheD.H. Daygarage, thegeneratorbuilding,and theD.H. DayStore,2005 16 View north fromthe concrete porch infrontofthe D.H. DayStore, 2005 17 View north oftheplank road onGlen Haven Road 18 View southwest ofthe narrow-gauge railroad trackbed in back ofthe SleepingBearInn,2005 19 View eastofthe D.H. Campground Road,2005 20 ViewwestofSleepingBearDrive,2005 21 Boardwalkin frontofthe Dayhouse,c. late1930s. 22 Boardwalk in frontofthe SleepingBear Inn,c. late 1920s - early 1930s 23 Wood deckingin frontofan unidentified Glen Haven residence,1915 24 View southwest ofthe SleepingBearInn,2005 25 Viewwest oftheSleepingBearInngarage,2004 26 View northeast ofthe D.H. DayStore, n.d 27 Advertisement forthe D.H. DayStore,November3,1887 28 View northeast ofthegeneratorbuilding,c.1911 29 View northeast ofthe D.H. Daygarage,thegeneratorbuilding,and theD.H. DayStore,2004 30 View northeast oftheblacksmith shop 31 Warehouse on Glen Haven dock,n.d CulturalLandscapeReportforGlenHavenVillageHistoricDistrict 32 View northeastoftheGlenHavenCanningCompany,theoffice buildingfortheGlen Haven CanningCompany,andthewarehouse onthedock 33 View southeastoftheDayhouse,2005 34 Photograph Estella (Day) PhillipsstandinginfrontoftheGlenHa- ven PostOffice,c. 1935 35 Photograph ofthe DayFamily(D.H.Dayand EvaDay, center) stand- ingonthetenniscourtinfrontofthe "St. Lawrence," pre-1928 36 View southeastoftheWarnerhouse,2005 37 View southeastoftheBumgardnerhouse,2005 38 View southwestoftheRudehouseandgarage,2005 39 View southwestoftheWickland house,2005 40 ViewsouthwestoftheDean house,2005 41 View oftheouthouseinback oftheDayhouse,1919 42 View north ofthe Glen Havendockpilingsin LakeMichigan,2004 43 Viewwestofthe VesselAloha,2005 44 View ofthetenniscourtwith lawn surface,1915 45 View ofthetenniscourtwith concrete slabsurface, c. 1920s 46 ViewnorthwestofthewestsideofGlen Haven Road, c. late 1800s 47 View northwestofthewestsideofGlen HavenRoad,1915 48 View north oftherowofblacklocusttreesalongthewestside of Glen HavenRoad,2005 49 View ofunidentified littleboyand dogonlawn inbackofthe D.H. DayStore,c. early1930s 50 Unidentified man standingin frontofjuniper"Commons," n.d. 51 Dutchman'spipevinegrowingon thesouthwest cornerofthe D.H. DayStore,2004 52 U.S. WeatherBureaustormsignaltowerin unknown location,pre- 1928 53 View northeastofU.S. WeatherBureaustorm signaltoweron the Glen Haven dock,c. 1920s 54 View eastoftheU.S.WeatherBureau signal toweronknoll south of the D.H. DayStore,2004 55 View ofporch infront ofthe D.H. DayStore,early1900s 56 Gasolinepumpsin front ofthe D.H. DayStore,c. late 1920s - early 1930s 57 Wood and wire fencein frontofthe Day house,1929 58 Marion Daystandingon awood picketgate atthesouthwestcorner ofthe D.H. DayStore, 1915 59 View northwestofstones liningthedrivewayin frontoftheSleeping BearInn garage,c. 1930s vi ListofFigures,Tables,andDrawings 60 Photograph ofan unidentified child sittingon ahammock,location unknown,1919 61 Wooden bench in back ofthe D.H. DayStore,1933 62 Photograph of"TheCattle Barron,SigFossfromChicago" sittingon an ornate ironbench onthewestside ofthe D.H. DayStore,c.1920s- i93°s 63 Viewwest ofthe crossbeamU.S.C.G. utilitypolewith amountedrow ofglass insulators,2005 64 U.S.C.G. utilitypoleand lineswithglass insulatorsattached directly tothepole,2004 65 Vieweast oftheNovotanysteamboiler,2004 66 View ofD.H. Day'ssawmill on LittleGlen Lake,n.d. LIST OF TABLES Table ofLandscapeFeatureswithinthe Glen Haven Village Historic 1 District LIST OF DRAWINGS 1 c. 1931 Period Plan 2 ExistingConditions 3 Map ofMissingc. 1931 Features 4 Treatment Plan Vll CulturalLandscapeReportforGlenHavenVillageHistoricDistrict VIll

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