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American Fern Journal 90(l):16-23 (2000) Grown Cryopreservation of In Vitro Fern Gametophytes Valerie Pence C. Center Research Endangered For of Wildlife, Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, 3400 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 Abstract.—Two methods of protecting fern gametophyte tissues through exposure to liquid ni- trogen (LN) were examined. grown In vitro gametophytic tissues from six fern species were ex- LN posed open to after drying or after encapsulation dehydration, with and without preculture on Open ahscisic acid (ABAJ. drying itself decreased survival with from LN further little effect exposure, although was somewhat survival improved by ABA. preculture on In contrast, encap- LN sulated tissues survived drying and exposure at rates comparable to controls (86-100%) irre- ABA spective of preculture. Sucrose pretreatment of the encapsulated tissues w^as important for their subsequent survival through these procedures. Tissues prepared by encapsulation dehydra- tion were successfully regrown LN after 3.5 years in storage. Thus, cryopreservation appears to be a technique which could be used for the stable preservation of in vitro cultures of fern game- tophytes and for the long-term storage of rare or endangered germplasm of ferns. and focus of study, the small, fragile thallus of the fern gametophyte has been also Mill m tophytes grown are easily in culture, and physiological developmental studies, but maintaining stock lines or lines from number a of species requires a consistent input of time and labor. Cryopreservation, or storage in liquid nitrogen (LN) -196°C, has been used at hvmg to preserve a variety ot tissues of both vascular and nonvascular plants. Seeds, shoot tips, cell cultures, callus, protoplasts, pollen, and embryos of seed plants (Kartha and Engelmann, Stanwood, 1994; 1985; Pence, 1991), as well as and fern spores the gametophytes of bryophytes (Christians on, 1998; Pence, and 1998; Pence, submitted) have been all successfully maintained in LN. In this study, the possibility of using cryopreservation preserve to fern ga- metophytic was Two tissue explored. which protocols, have been used suc- cessfully with a variety of other were tissues, tested preparing gametophyte for tissue for cryopreservation: open LN drying of the tissues before exposure and the encapsulation dehydration procedure of Fabre and Dereuddre (1990). Materials and Methods Davallia fejeensis Drynaria quercifolia John (L.) Adiantum Ao trapeziforme L., Mr Krohn Conservatory wrapped made in small packages GROWN PENCE: CRYOPRESERVATION OF IN VITRO FERN GAMETOPHYTES 17 Whatman folding pieces of No. 1 paper. The spores and packages were filter immersed in a 1:20 dilution of commercial sodium hypochlorite for 5 min, followed by two rinses in sterile distilled water. The packages were then opened, and the spores were blotted onto germination medium, con- sterile Linsmaier and Skoog and sisting of half-strength (LS) (1965] salts organics, mm X with 1.5% sucrose and 0.22% Phytagel (Sigma Chemical Co.), in 60 15 disposable plastic petri dishes, approximately 15 ml/dish. The spores were incubated at 26*'C under CoolWhite fluorescent lights in a 16/8 hr light/dark cycle. Once germination occurred and gametophytes were formed, the cultures were maintained by subculturing the tissue every 2-3 months onto fresh me- dium. some experiments, gametophytes were precultured one week on In for this same medium, with and without 10 |xM abscisic acid (ABA), which was medium added the autoclaving. to after mm For open drying, tissues were cut into pieces, approximately 2-5 long, remove and blotted onto sterile filter paper to excess moisture placed in a hood sterile petri dish under the air flow of the laminar flow for 3 hrs. For encapsulation dehydration, the method of Fabre and Dereuddre (1990] mm was followed. Tissues were cut into small pieces, approximately 2-3 long, MS 3% medium and transferred to a solution of alginic acid in calcium-free M one more game- plus 0.75 sucrose. This solution, containing or pieces of mM tophyte was then pipeted dropwise into a solution of 100 CaCl2, tissue, which caused the alginic acid to gel, encasing the tissue in an alginate bead. After 20 min, the beads were removed the calcium solution and trans- fi:'om M MS medium ml ml ferred to liquid containing 0.75 sucrose, 25 in 125 flasks, and placed onto a gyratory shaker, 125 rpm, for 18 hr as a pretreatment. In 0-30% one experiment, concentrations of sucrose, ranging from were different pretreatment The pretreated beads were then blotted on tested in the step. remove moisture and placed on dry paper paper excess in sterile filter to filter hood 3-4 petri dishes under the air flow of the laminar flow to dry for sterile hours. Open dried tissues and dry encapsulated tissues were then placed into ster- LN ml polypropylene cryovials and immersed directly into where they 2 ile was between were hr overnight (no difference observed these either for 1 or left two LN exposure Tissues were thawed by placing the cryovials on the times). which benchtop ambient temperature for 20 min, after the tissues or beads at medium and were removed and placed onto growth for rehydration recovery. Survival was measured as the recovery of growth from each tissue piece for number beads containing resuming growth. open dried tissue or the of tissues medium As some were transferred recovery after drying tissues to controls, LN With encapsulation dehydration procedure, but without exposure. the tis- M which had sues which had been pretreated for 18 hours in .75 sucrose but not been dried were cultured as an additional control. Fern gametophyte tissue from each species was also prepared by the encap- and banked LN. method long-term cryostorage in Af- dehydration for sulation samples each were removed from storage and placed onto of ter 3.5 years, medium and recovery growth. rehydration for 18 AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 90 (2000) 1 100 80 0) 60 ^^^A o I 40 ^ 20 2 4 3 1 Time Drying (hrs) Fig. Moisture loss from open dried gametophytic 1. tissue of D. fejeensis during a 4 hour drying = period (n 3). Moisture made determinations were on tissues of D. fejeense the groups of small tissue pieces weighing between and 0.15 0.25 before drying g moisture the weights of the tissues before and after drying overnight in an oven at 95°C. Samples of tissues encapsulated in alginate beads were also analyzed mois- for ture drying after in the laminar flow hood. Results fejeense reduced 10% approximately to within hours The 3 (Figure gametophytes 1). of the other five species appeared to dry similarly from visual and tactile ex- When amination. and tissues surrounding their beads were alginate dried, moisture were somewhat levels 19-27% higher, decreasing only to during the 3-4 tophyt furth trapezifi glaucum were particularly sensitive drying, while showed to the other species some gametophytes through LN both drying and exposure. However, only one in ABA species, A. tenerum, was survival of treated tissues equivalent to that of the undried controls. In contrast, there was when excellent survival gametophytes were encap- sulated, pretreated with sucrose and dehydrated LN beads in alginate prior to exposure showed 100% (Table Tissues 2). survival through the 18 hr sucrose pretreatment, with no when decrease in viability the encapsulated were tissues PENCE: CRYOPRESERVATION OF IN VITRO GROWN FERN GAMETOPHYTES 19 Table 1. Percentage survival and growth of gametophyle tissue pieces of six fern species through 3 LN hours of open drying followed by exposure, with and without preculture on medium containing 10 ABA- = = LN |xM 10-32 (n 8 for controls; n for dried and exposed). % Sur\i\al^ Preculture ABA LN Species on Control Dried exposed C glaucum 100 10 + 100 45 88 A. tenenim 100 20 60 + 100 100 100 D. quercifoUa 100 23 62 + 100 88 71 D. fejeensis 100 58 50 + 100 92 83 nd 18 30 nd 35 69 -i- aureum P. 100 5 f 100 47 33 nd + nd 6 trapezifonne 100 .4. 16 + 100 67 69 nd + nd 33 39 = nd not determined ^ LN few was dried. In a cases, there a slight decline in survival exposure, after was but this effect small (<15%). Because of the high survival rate without ABA ABA, was no apparent on when there effect of the preculture survival was encapsulation used. Although survival of encapsulated material was good, some damage of the was Whereas remained tissues evident. pretreated controls consistently still green when placed on recovery medium, tissues which were dried or dried LN and exposed to often had some areas which were brownish green in color. Survival came from areas which remained bright green and which eventually grew and out reestablished the culture. When were exposed encapsulated tissues of D. fejeense to different concen- was no trations of sucrose during the 18 hr pretreatment, there or survival little LN when was through drying and exposure sucrose omitted completely from medium the pretreatment (Figure However, good survival was observed 2). at but the highest sucrose concentrations. all Samples of encapsulated gametophyte tissues from these six species showed LN good survival after 3.5 years in storage (Table 3; Figure 3). Survival rates ranged from 50-100%, depending on the species. Discussion These the encapsulation dehydration procedure can be results indicate that gametophytes and ted successfully to cryopreserve of at least six fern species AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 20 JOURNAL: 90 (2000) 1 Table 2. Percentage survi\ al and growth of tissue pieces of six fern gametophytes through encapsulation LN = pretreatment, drying and exposure, (n 5-17). Survival through encapsulation without pretreatment was I007o. % Survival^ ABA LN Species Preculture on Sucrose pretrmt Dried exposed C glaiicum 100 100 100 + 100 100 100 Xenerum A, 100 100 94 100 100 100 + 100 100 93 D. quercifolia 100 KX) 100 - 100 100 100 . + 100 100 100 D. fejccnsis 100 100 100 + 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 + 100 100 100 aiireum P. 100 100 86 + nd 100 100 80 82 82 + 100 100 100 A. trapezlfonne 100 100 100 + nd 100 100 100 100 86 + 100 100 100 = nd not determined. ' suggest that this technique might be broadly applicable gametophytes to the ameto LN phytic tissues through exposure was generally equivalent to that of con- trols. The fem ability of gametophytes to survive drying without encapsulation sur moist implicated number in increasing stress tolerance in a impro gametophyt with ABA phytes, the effects of on improving tolerance open drying were to also depending on variable, the species [Pence, 1998). However, with these clonal even low cultures, a percentage of survival will regenerate the culture, and ABA open drying with preculture could provide method straightforward a for freezing gametophytes number of a of species. Survival through the encapsulation dehydration procedure, however, pro- same the fern fejeense through an important GAMETOPHYTES 21 Pretr Dried LN Exposed CO 100 re (D M 00 $ y_ o o o a; O) TO o: c c o rce ^ <D CL CO 10 15 20 25 30 5 Sucrose Concentration (%) LN Fig. 2. Growth after drying and exposure of gametophytic tissue of D. fejeensis pretreated in = several concentrations of sucrose using the encapsulation dehydration method (n 8-10). procedure. Research in this laboratory with byrophytes has shown that a su- crose pretreatment can improve the survival of open dried tissues (Geiger et and unpublished). In addition, disaccharides oligosaccharides have been al., implicated in the natural desiccation tolerance of several types of plant tissues, glaucum resuming growth Fig. Gametophyte tissue of C. after 3.5 years of storage in LN, 3. prepared for storage with the encapsulation dehydration method. 3.5X AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 22 JOURNAL: 90 (2000) 1 Table 3. Regrowth from fern gametophyte pieces which were prepared by the encapsulation dehydration LN method and stored in for 3.5 years. Number of Percent of tissue Species pieces growing pieces glaucum C. 20 75 tenerum A. 8 88 D. quercifolia 12 67 D. fejeensis 10 100 P. aiireum 10 90 A. trapezifonne 6 50 including seeds (Koster and Leopold, bryophytes and 1988], (Smirnoff, 1992), (Adams pteridoph5^es et 1990). al., Encapsulation appears be a technique should be to that useful long-term for germplasm storage of fern gametophytes. Tissues resumed growth and ap- peared normal after 3.5 years of storage in LN, and likely that much longer it is storage times will be achieved. Less than 100% was survival observed with these LN tissues, in contrast the experiments done with to short-term exposure. While the possibility that the longer storage time was detrimental cannot be discounted, it is also possible that other factors, such as the state of the cul- may tures (time since last subculture, account More etc.), for this difference. removed tissues will be from storage over the next few years in order de- to termine whether viability does decline with time in storage. Although was survival than 100%, each was less culture easily regenerated useful tophyt maintain occur in Gametophyt some known onlv from the game more Sheffield ame which may may or not be grown easily into sporophytes (Dyer and Lindsay, 1992; Dyer, 1994). In such situations, cryopreservation could be used main- for taining in vitro cultures of such gametophytes for future study. Nonseed plants have not received much as attention as seed plants with are tions that preserving the biodiversity of these organisms could be potentially useful Cryopreservation the genetic diversity, providing a stable resource of valuable genetic lines as well as an ex back-up which situ for species are rare or endangered in the wild. CRYOPRESERVATION 23 Literature Cited Adams, R. R, Kendall, E. and K. K. Kartha. 1990. Comparison of free sugars in growing and desiccated plants of Selaginella lepidopbylla. Biochem. Systemat. EcoL 18:107-110. A Christianson, M.L. 1998. simple protocol for cryopreservation of moss. The Bryol. 101:32-35. Dyer, The A. F. 1979. culture of fern gametophytes for experimental investigation. Pp. 253-305 The New in A.F. Dyer. experimental biology of ferns. Academic Press, York. Dyer, A. 1994. Natural spore hanks-can they be used F. soil to retrieve lost ferns? Biodivers. Conserv. 3:160-175. Dyer, A. F. and S. Lindsay. 1992. Soil spore banks of temperate ferns. 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