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Preview Crux of Vedic Astrology, Timing of Events 1, by Sanjay Rath

CRUX OF VEDIC ASTROLOGY·TIMING OF EVENTS By SANJAY RATH SAGAR PUBLICATIONS 72, Janpath, Ved Mansion, New Delhi -110001 Tel: 3320648 PREFACE VEDIC ASTROLOGY I take this opportunity to thank the erudite reader and fellow astrologers for receiving my first Qook; namely, Maharishi Jaimini's Upadesa Sutras. While every effort was made to explain every stanza with umpteen examples, it was not possible to do complete justice and fully explain the ramifications of the vari- ous stanzas in a horoscope. This need to provide a ho- listic approach to Vedic Astrology by combining the best predictive tools has been fulfilled in this book. The first three chapters explain the various tools and paradigms available in Vedic Astrology as well as their usages. I agree that this list is quite exhaustive and the tools felt to be of general acceptance and easy to use have been added. There are certain tools that are taught traditionally in. families having the Jyotish tradition. I have given some very valuable methods of timing events which, it is hoped would be of considerable use to all astrolo- gers. For example, Jataka Parijatha gives considerable importance to the fifth house in timing death of the na- tive. Unless taught, it would be quite impossible for the average astrologer to know how this is to be ap- plied. One method would be to add the Vimsottari dasa years of the planets influencing the fifth house, expunge multiples of 30. The remainder added to date of Sankranti (Solar ingress of the month of death) would give the date of demise. Another method is to take the strongest planet influencing the fifth house and the death will occur in the lunar day (Tithi) ruled by it The fine timing of such events as death will be of considerable use both in birth charts as well as the swearing-in charts of governments. A step by step ex- planation has been offered which would be of consid- erable use for the beginners as well as the most advanced astrologers. NARAYANA DASA Any Udu dasa system, be it the best Vimsottari or the Astottari dasa, is essentially a method of timing the state of the mind as it is calculated from the Moon. It is possible that at times, the native would be having many good things happening and yet, the mind would be disturbed. Thus in the interaction of the native with his environment, two independent factors come into play. One is the input from the environment in the form of messages and influences and the other is the way the individual perceives, processes and reacts to the mes- sages. Vimsottari dasa gives the working of the mind at a particular point of time and shows the inherent abil- ity or otherwise to interpret and the way the native would receive these messages. However, a good astrolo- ger should also have a predictive tool to determine the messages that would come from the environment This is the key to jyotish and is known as the Narayana dasa. Although I have explained the Narayana dasa in my translation of Maharishi Jaimini's Vpadesa Sutras, there have been some responses that a more exhaus- tive explanation is necessary. This book has shown the actual use of the Narayana dasa in many instances and if after this, the request persists, I would be most glad to oblige. ·l IS JAIMINI DIFFERENT FROM PARASARA? Some sections of the astrological community have tried to show that Maharishi Jaimini is different from the traditional Parasari Jyotish and having been trying to either hide their ignorance behind this argument or having been cashing in this difference by showing that their Jaimini system is superior or by ascribing exclu- sive membership to this Jaimini club! We should take a cue from the most illustrious Dr. B. V. Raman who has always maintained that Vedic astrology requires a ho- . listic approach and has authored many books includ- ing works on Jaimini, Parasara, Prasna, Tajaka .. etc. Jaimini has purposely refrained from starting a new school of Vedic Astrology and has named his clas- sic as the Upasesa (Advisory) Sutra (Stanza). Time and again, he has referred to the standard texts as Siddha!s. It is obvious that Maharishi Jaimini has purposely underplayed his classic work to avoid any misconcep- tions that could arise in the future, and yet these have cropped up. It is my earnest request to the astrological community to kindly refrain from showing the minor difference of views as difference of systems and to de- velop a holistic approach to Vedic Astrology. MISCONCEPTIONS A number of misconceptions have been found to exist even among some of the leading lights of today. While it is a well-known fact that the fourth house re- fers to formal education, some astrologers have been teaching that the fifth house deals with this! The fact is that the fourth house deals with education. The second and eleventh from this house have primary Argala (in- tervention) on it. Hence, the fifth house, being the sec- ond from the fourth house will intervene in its affairs and rules the knowledge obtained by the native due to this education. The eleventh from the fourth house is the second house ruling speech and shows the speech training, languages and other skills acquired due to the education. Problems arise when the modern day astrologer tries to propagate his own theories instead of trying to understand the wisdom of the seers. This book is an attempt to understand and apply the wisdom of the Maharishi's and it is possible that inspite of the best effort, at places the explanation may be found to be in- adequate. I shall be most grateful for the response of the learned readers and for their constructive criticism. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Vedic Astrology is indebted to the Sagar family for extending their unflinching support to these publica- tions. I am most grateful to Sri Saurabh Sagar for ex- tending all support for this publication. May Sri Jagannath Mahaprabhu shower his choicest blessings on him. I am grateful to my wife and children for their love llnd emotional support May Lord Shiva crown them with perfect knowledge. A special thanks to Ashok Kaushik and Dirtanath Dasa for their help and encour- agement. B-59, Sekhar Apartments Mayur Vihar, Phase-I New Delhi-UO 091 Sanjay Rath Preface Introduction CONTENTS Concepts and Predictive Principles Longevity Estimation The Ascendant The Second House The Third House '~ The Fourth House The Fifth House The Sixth House The Seventh House The Eighth House The Ninth House The Tenth House The Eleventh House The Twelfth House Page No. v 1 16 40 54 79 108 127 166 204 251 319 368. 416 514 545 \£ !l~ Ofq: THE CRUX OF VEDIC ASTROLOGY- TIMING OF EVENTS CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION The vedic dasa system is the most potent predic- tive tool for an astrologer. Astrology, as is being practised today in India, largely relies on the Vimsottari dasa that uses a 120 year cycle incorporating fixed periods for the nine grahas including the seven plan- ets from the Sun to Saturn and the nodes Rahu & Ketu. The popularity of this dasa system stems from its easy calculations, fixed unambiguous periods and the recommendation of Para sara *1. However, Kalyan Verma*2 mentions results on the basis of Moola dasa and in a similar fashion different authors have given importance to different systems. The firihat Parasara f~: Hora Shastra lists a host of dasa systems including the Kalachakra dasa which is now gaining some popu- larity among Indian astrologers. Again, in the use of the Vimsottari dasas, what is oft~n overlooked is the riders. This results in incorrect predictions and the remedial measures are quite off the mark. For ex- ample, the Tara dasa is a part and parcel ofVimsottari dasa that is often overlooked to the detriment of *1. Brihat Parasana Hora Shastra *2. Saravali 2 The Crux of Vedic Astrology-Timing of Events Vedic Astrology. Thus, it is necessary to first under- stand the principles involved and then to pick up the dasas that are most universally applicable so that practising astrologers could develop a certain amount of expertise in them. 2. CLASSIFICATION: The first classification is on the basis of progression where those dasa systems using the Sun signs are called Rasi dasas and those using the lunar mansions (constellations) are called graha dasas. The progression could also be on the basis of the panchatatwas or of other divisions of the zodiac. The second classification is on the basis of the method of reckoning. This could be from the ascen- dant, atmakarak, moon constellation, starting letter of name, sun's longitude in a sign etc. The third classifi- cation is on the basis of usage into Phalita dasa (fruitful/ event prognostication) and Ayur dasa (longivity / health). 3. UDU DASA : Among the constellation based planetary periods, the Vimsottari dasa (120 year) and Astottari dasa (108 year) stand out as being of universal application. The sum of the periods of the luminaries equals the period of the tutor (Guru) of the dasa system. Thus Jupiter is the Guru of Vimsottari dasa (Sun 6+Moon 10 = Jupiter 16) while Venus is the Guru of the Astotlari dasa (Sun 6+Moon 15 = Venus 21). The other constellation based dasas suffer from a number of limitations and since they lack universality of application, they may be overlooked by the practising astrologers. [Details of the dasas can be had from Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra or any other standard text]. However, in actual practise it will be seen that the Vimsoltari dasa with Jupiter as the Guru is the best constellation Introduction 3 based Phalita dasa while the Astottari dasa with Ve- nus (Sanjeevani-mantra) as the Guru is the best con- stpllation based Ayur dasa. Secondly, the ududasas are very helpful in pinpointing the event while its occur- rence will require confirmation from a Rasi dasa. 4. Narayana dasas : (alias Padakrama dasa) comprising three types of Rasi dasas for movable, fixed and dual signs in the ascendant is the best Phalita dasa. The dasas for movable signs are also called Chara dasas. (Readers may refer to my book : The Vpadesa Sutras of Jaimini for details about this and others Rasi dasas). The Lagnadi Rasi dasa (also called Sudasas) are generally used for timing finance, fortune, marriage etc. and are to be used in preference to the Narayan dasa, only when the moon sign is stronger. 5. The Ayur dasas can be classified on the basis of reckoning the dasa either on the basis of gestation/ pregnancy period (where one antardasa is equal to the period of gestation) or on the basis of maximum longeVity. The Navamsha and Shoola dasas are framed on the basis of one antardasa being equal to the period of gestation of a particular animal. For ex- ample, for Human charts, the gestation period (preg- nancy) is for about 9 solar months which becomes the antardasa. Twelve such antardasas give the dasa of a sign at 9 years and twelve such signs give the maxi- mum longeVity at 108 years. In this manner the Shoola dasas for all animals can be determined.The problem that naturally arises is the estimation of the period of pregnancy or "gestation" of inanimate objects and Horary Charts. For this purpose, the maximum longeVity is first considered and then the periods distributed amongst the signs. Now, the maximum 4 The Crux of Vedic Astrology-Timing 01 Events longevity of the Human being has been given by most standard texts as 12fJ years. If this period is equally distributed among the 12 signs, the dasa of each sign will be 10 years and will be more than the Navamsa/ Shoola dasa of 9 years or the Sthira dasa· average of 8 years. This is the Sandhya dasa of 10 year periods and is used when the short, middle and long life is estimated in the ranges of 40, 80 and 120 years respectively (Readers may refer to : The Upadesa Sutras of Jaimini for longevity estimation). The maximum longevity system finds its use in mundane matters like say, the swearing in ceremony of the Prime Minister or such matters. For example, the maximum longevity of the Lok Sabha is 5 years indicating that the Shoola dasas will have a period of 5 months for each sign (being one-twelfth of the maximum longevity). Thus, the Ayur dasas require an intelligent application of mind. If, on the other hand, the udu dasas like Astotari are to be used, these can be scaled down proportionately. 6. A correct assessment of the initiating point for the Vimsottari dasa holds the key to timing events. Jataka Parijatha XVIII. 33-35. fCl{:;P1dl{r$'i1IJOtdl <ISI~~ r$1a1'Pllfl~ ~ I ~~\G~IIS4)ila\ ~ ~ ~: II~~ , I The strongest among the following: (a) Lagna star (b) Moon Star (c) 'Name initial' star and (d) Moon star at query, will furnish the starting Vimsottari dasa. Start- ing with the dasa of the lord of the strongest star and in the order of the (Vimsottari) constellation dasa, the erudite astrologers predict the destiny of the nativity. Introduction 5 nativity. \3,q"'11 ~71~C1J1 ffi en ~LlI,Sh~ d'j q G!1I1If1C1IPi I G!1llq~I~ISC\~ 'q m ~ ~ISOjI"'£lq:;('f 11(10IlSOj I I~¥ I I ~ , If the sign containing the utpanna constellation (next stanza) be stronger than the other four in the preceding stanza, it is possible that the events of the life will unf~ld on the basis of this utpanna constella- tion as the starting point The ending of all dasas will be difficult. ~~~I ~ ~SOjI ... SOjt?I(Cl\1 <rnT 3ffirt ~ G!1l1q~11~JOj~ Jt,gSlGI BW10li f4,,"qI1,,"q~SOjlglS{i fttUlqo-:q~!1(Gll1IPdA I I~~ I I The fourth, fifth and eighth constellations from that occupied by the Moon be ascertained. The Vimsottari dasas are calculated from each of these stars (i.e. the lord of the stars furnishes the first dasa). The dasa from the fourth star is called Kshema, from the fifth star is called utpanna and from the eighth star is called Adhana. If the dasas (at any point of time) have a common ending date for any dasa, then this can show death. For short, middle and long life, the third, fifth and seventh dasas respectively will furnish the death inflicting d.asa. . Thus, excluding the star occupied by the Moon at query, we have four possible constellations that can initiate the Vimsottari dasa. These are (a) the natal moon constellation (b) the natal ascendant constella- hon (c) the name letter constellation or (d) the utpanna (5th from natal moon) constellation. Whichever of these associates with Jupiter or Mercury or the sign occupied by the constellation quarter is aspected by 6 The Crux of Vedic Astrology-Timing of Events Jupiter or Mercury gains the strength to furnish the vimsottari dasas. However, the Vimsottari dasas from the chaturasra stars (4th & 8th constellation) are to be used for longevity determination only. Parasara (BPHS. 48. 207-209) teaches that the Tara dasas are also Vimsottari dasa and are initiated by the strongest planet in quadrants to the ascendant. However, the nomenclature used is ' Janma, Sampat, Vipat, Kshema ... etc.' on the basis of the constellation from the Moon. For example, if in a chart, planets are present in all quadrants, the Vimsottari dasa initiated from the Moon star etc. will not yeild satis- factory results. The strongest planet in the quadrants furnishes the first dasa. Thus, if the Moon is in Margasiras and Rahu, being the strongest planet in a quadrant furnishes the first dasa, it is called "Sampat dasa" as Rahu owns the second star from Margasiras. However such an ideal situation may not always arise and it is necessary to have univerasally appli- cable rules. Satyacharya (Saravali 41.3) opines that the first dasa will be of the strongest between the Ascen- dant, Sun and Moon. This is followed by other plan- ets in Kendra (quadrants), Panapara (succeed ants) and Apoklimas (precedants) in the lines of the lagna kendradi (Graha) dasa. Kalyan Verma (Saravali 41.4&5) endorses this view and adds that if the quadrants (from the lagna/Sun/Moon whichever is strongest) ~re occupied by more planets, then the strongest will give the first dasa. If the strengths are equal, then, the planet having a longer vimsottari dasa shall furnish the first dasa. However, this scheme (of kendradi .graha dasas) is applicable only if at least one of the Sun, Moon or Lagna is strong (i.e. Introduction 7 Mercury). If none of the three are strong, the Vimsottari dasa scheme given by the preceptors (like Parasara etc.) should be considered. The Sun, Moon and Lagna form the tripod of life. Jaimini (Upadesa Sutras) teaches that the stronger be- twl'en the Sun and lagna shall be the governor of the physical body. Hence the Ayur dasas should be initi- akd either from Sun or lagna whichever is stronger. Similarly, the stronger between the Moon and lagna shall be the governor of the head. Hence the Phalita dasas should be initiated either from lagna or moon whichever is stronger. Thus, the Vimsottari dasa should be initiated from the lagna or Moon ignoring the other options of utpanna (5th star), name star or query star. After choosing the stronger between lagna and moon, check if four planets are in quadrants from it. If so, then kendradi graha dasi/Tara dasa is appli- cable. H not, take the longitude of lagna/ moon in the constellation and determine the dasa balance at birth for progression. H the moon is in the 8th/12th house either from lagna or seventh, vimsottari dasas calcu- lated from the moon will not yield results unless a powerful Jupiter/Mercury aspects. \ 7. MISCELLANEOUS PREDICTIVE TOOLS : Besides the dasas Vedic astrology employs a number of simple tools in the form of charts/ diagrams called chakra's. These include the Astakavarga chakra's, Sudarshan chakra, Pataki chakra, Kalachakra etc. The Astakavarga is an elaborate scheme and should be studied from standard texts. ",I 7.1. SUDARSHAN CHAKRA : The Sudarshan chakra is a circular depiction of the zodiac in the anticlockwise manner with the Ascendant, Moon and 8 The Crux of Vedic Astrology-Timing of Events Sun at the top in three concentric circles. For example, draw the Sudarshan chakra of a native born on 7th August, 1963 at 21.14' 1ST at 21N28 ' 84EOl'. (chart-I) (JANMA) ~LAG RAHU JUP MOON SUN CHART 1 VEN MALE BORN 7TH AUGUST 1963 AT 21 : 14'IST SAT 21N2S' 84 EOI' MERe KETU MARS (AROODHA) IX VI Introduction 9 The timing of events is done by progressing at tilt' rate of one year for every house from the lagna. lIow('ver in reality, Jupiter progresses at the rate of OIl!' year per sign. Hence auspicious events like mar- ri,lge etc. are timed by progressing from the sign o("(upied by Jupiter or its seventh house @ 1 year per sign. Similarly, Saturn progresses @ 2 1/2 year per sign and inauspicious events can be timed by pro- gn'ssing at that rate from the sign occupied by Sat- urn. For example, let us time the marriage of the native. Jupiter is in lagna and progressed @ 1 year per house it will aspect/conjoin Venus in the 17th, 21st, 23rd, 25th, 29th, 33rd, 35th, 37th etc years of life. Now, Saturn is in the eleventh house and is pro- gressed @ 2 1/2 years per house from its natal posi- tion. In the 17th year Saturn will progress over natal Venus while in 21st year it progresses over Virgo (natal 7th house). In the 23rd & 25th years Saturn progresses over Libra and aspects natal Venus. Thus, marriage is not possible in 17th, 21st, 23rd & 25th years. In the 29th year Saturn progresses over Sagit- tarius and does not aspect nor conjoin natal Venus. Th us marriage can occur in the 29th year as per the Sudarshan chakra. The native was married in 1991 at the beginning of the 29th year of life. Similarly other illl portant events can be timed from their natural significators. The month and days of good/evil are timed from the Sun/Moon respectively. The Sudarshan chakra dasa is also for one year per house, antardasas for one month per house and pr.,tyantardasas for 2 1/2 days per house. These can 1)(' learnt from standard texts like Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra. 7.2. SARVATOBHADRA CHAKRA: Draw ten

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