Welcome! GENERAL INFORMATION Geographical position: We send you our best greet- Croatia extends from the furthest ings and we are looking eastern edges of the Alps in the forward to your taking an north-west to the Pannonian low- interest in our country. lands and the banks of the Danube in the east; its central region is covered People of all lands love their by the Dinara mountain range, and own country, deeming it to its southern parts extend to the coast be the most beautiful. The of the Adriatic Sea. Croats call their country “Our Beautiful Homeland”, words Surface: the mainland covers 56,542 km², and the surface of territorial taken from the first line of the waters is 31,067 km². Croatian national anthem. The Republic of Croatia is Population: a European parliamentary 4,437,460 inhabitants; composi- state and part of European tion of population: the majority of the population are Croats; national political and cultural history. minorities are Serbs, Slovenes, Hun- By size, it is classified among garians, Bosnians, Italians, Czechs the middle-sized European and others. countries, such as Denmark, Ireland, the Slovak Republic, System of government: Multi-party parliamentary republic. or Switzerland. Croatia is a land of open Capital: frontiers and clear-cut Cus- Zagreb (779,145 inhabitants), the toms formalities. It is also a economic, traffic, cultural and aca- country of concord, and one demic centre of the country. that is respectful towards Coastline: its guests. The Croats strive 5,835 km of which 4,058 km com- to make “Our Beautiful prise a coastline of islands, solitary Homeland” equally beautiful rocks and reefs. to all who visit it, ensuring Number of islands, solitary rocks that they take with them the and reefs: finest souvenirs of their stay, 1,185; the largest islands are Cres beautiful memories, when and Krk; there are 50 inhabited they leave. islands. Welcome to Croatia! Highest peak: Dinara: 1,831 m above sea level. Climate: There are two climate zones; a tem- perate continental climate, locally also a mountainous climate, prevails USEFUL INFORMATION in the interior, whereas a pleasant Mediterranean climate prevails Travel documents: along the Adriatic coast, with an A valid passport or some other identi- overwhelming number of sunny fication document recognised by days, dry and hot summers, mild and international agreement; for certain humid winters; average tempera- countries a personal identity card ture in the hinterland: January: 0 to is sufficient (i.e. a document which 2°C; August: 19 to 23°C; average testifies to the identity and citizen- temperature at the seaside: January: ship of the bearer). 6 to 11°C; August: 21 to 27 °C; the Information: Diplomatic missions temperature is about 12°C in winter, and consular offices of the Republic and 25°C in summer. of Croatia abroad or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Inte- Currency: gration of the Republic of Croatia. kuna (1 kuna = 100 lipa). Foreign Tel: +385 1 4569 964; E-mail: currency can be exchanged in banks, [email protected]; www.mvp.hr exchange offices, post offices, travel agencies, hotels, camps, marinas; Review of the visa system. cheques can be cashed in banks. Customs regulations: Credit cards: Customs regulations of the Republic Hotels accept all major credit cards of Croatia are harmonised with the (Eurocard/Mastercard, American standards of E.U. member states, Express, Diners, Visa). but the value of objects of non-com- Most restaurants, shops and marinas mercial character for personal use al- accept Eurocard/Mastercard, Ameri- lowed to be brought into the country can Express, Diners, and Visa. without tax duty or PDV (VAT) is Accessing cash from ATMs is pos- limited to 300 HRK. sible in almost all towns, cities and The permitted amount of meat and tourist centres; almost all ATMs milk products which can be brought accept Eurocard/Mastercard, Diners, in without special veterinary inspec- American Express, and Visa. tion, as well as honey, is limited to 1 kg, while the amount of wine is limited to 5 liters. Foreign currency may be freely taken in and out of the country; local currency up to an amount of 15, 000 kuna, but any amount brought in our taken out of the country (whether for- eign currency or kuna) in an amount exceeding a value of 40,000 HRK, must be declared to the customs officers. More valuable professional and tech- nical equipment must be declared at the border. A non-resident can freely bring in and take out cheques Information: Customs Administration, in HRK. Republic of Croatia. Tel: +385 1 6102 Refund of tax when leaving the 333 www.carina.hr country is made to foreign nationals for individual goods purchased in Veterinary services: Croatia for amounts in excess of 500 There is a network of veterinary clin- Kuna, on presentation of a “Tax- ics and centres in Croatia. cheque” form. This form is provided Information: E-mail: on request by a sales assistant, when [email protected] items are purchased. www.veterinarstvo.hr Pets (dogs, cats and animals of the Health services marten family) which are either trav- There are hospitals and clinics located elling through the Republic of Croa- in all the larger towns and cities, while tia in the company of their owners, smaller centres have dispensaries and or which are staying in the country chemist’s. on a temporary basis, must, prior to Foreign visitors are not obliged to pay entering the country, be fitted with a for medical services if a convention microchip or be clearly and legibly on Social Security has been signed tattooed with a number prior to being between Croatia and visitors’ country entered in the international certificate of origin. Health care (including issued in accordance with legislation transport) is used for emergency valid in the Republic of Croatia. cases in the manner and according to After the first vaccination against regulations valid for Croatian citizens rabies carried out at the age of three covered by Social Security. Persons months, animals must be vaccinated coming from countries with which no at least six months and no more such convention has been signed bear than one year prior to undertak- the costs of health services rendered ing the journey, and in the case of personally. subsequent vaccinations (boosters) For patients in a life-threatening the period between vaccination and situation, emergency air transport (he- the journey undertaken shall not be licopter) and sea transport is available greater than one year. (speedboat). No import into, or temporary residence in, the Republic of Croatia Public holidays shall be permitted in the case of pos- 1 January - New Year’s Day; sibly dangerous dogs of the terrier 6 January – Epiphany; breed, which have not been entered Easter Sunday & Easter Monday; in the register of the International 1 May - Labour Day; Kennel Club (FCI) (pit bull terriers) Corpus Christi; or their cross-breeds. 22 June - Anti-Fascist Resistance Day; 25 June - Statehood Day; Power supply 220 V, 50 Hz Our UK guests should note that power outlets in Croatia are the Continental two-pin type and that a socket adapter is therefore required. 5 August - Victory Day and National Thanksgiving Day; Tap water is potable in all parts of 15 August - Assumption Day; Croatia. 8 October - Independence Day; 1 November - All Saints’ Day; Environmental protection: 25-26 December - Christmas Protection of biodiversity complies Holidays with valid E.U. regulations. As re- gards bathing, the sea at the Croatian Shops and public services working Adriatic is of high quality, again hours according to E.U. criteria. Most shops are open from 8 a.m. In case of pollution on land or at sea, until 8 p.m. on weekdays and until 2 please advise the Centre 112 at Tel. or 3 p.m. on Saturdays. Some shops 112, or e-mail address dc112@duzs. work a split-shift system: from 8 hr, which is included in the network a.m. to 12 p.m., and again from 4 of international organizations of the p.m. to 8 p.m. Many shops stay open same level. until 10 p.m., even on Sundays, For additional information regard- especially in summer, while certain ing the environment please contact shops in the larger cities are open for the Ministry of Environmental business 24 hours a day. Protection, Physical Planning and Public services and business offices Construction, Administration for the work from 8 a.m. until Protection of the Environment, Tel: 4 p.m., Mondays to Fridays. +385 1/3782-111, e-mail address: [email protected] Post and telecommunications www.mzopu.hr Post offices are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays, in smaller cen- Fire prevention tres from 7 a.m. until 2 p.m.; some Check that you have undertaken all offices work a split shift. In most the necessary measures to prevent towns and tourist centres, on-duty fire! post offices are open on Saturdays Do not throw burning objects or and Sundays until 9 p.m. inflammable objects into the environ- Postage stamps may also be pur- ment! chased from newspaper and tobacco If you notice a fire, please alert other kiosks persons in your surroundings; imme- Phone cards are used in all public diately inform the fire service on tele- telephones and may be purchased phone number 93 from post offices and from newspa- or 112; attempt per and tobacco kiosks. International to extinguish calls may be made directly from the fire before public telephones. the arrival of the www.posta.hr fire brigade, but do not place yourself or others in in Croatian, English, German and danger! Italian. Observe the signs forbidding the lighting of fires! Radio news in foreign languages Take care that your parked vehicles during the tourist season do not obstruct fire-fighting ap- Croatian Radio broadcasts on several proaches and access roads. frequencies programmes in foreign languages designed for tourists Search and rescue in Croatia. A daily programme is In the event of accident on land or at broadcast at 20.05h on channel one, sea, call 112 (number for all emer- in English in a duration of up to 10 gency situations), or 9155 (National min. On channel two of Croatian Ra- Centre for search and rescue at sea). dio, along with regular news, HAK provides reports on road conditions Important telephone numbers: in English, German and Italian and, International country code for Croa- several times each day, information tia: +385 for sailors. Police: 92 In the summer season, channel two Fire Brigade: 93 of Croatian Radio (98.5 Mhz), also Ambulance: 94 broadcasts every hour on the hour, Roadside vehicle assistance: 987 news and reports on the condition (when calling from abroad or by of the roads are broadcast directly mobile phone, call +385 1 987) from the studios of: the Third Pro- National Search and Rescue Centre: gramme of Bavarian Radio, the Third 9155. Programme of Austrian Radio, RAI A single countrywide number for all Uno and British Virgin Radio, Radio emergency situations: 112 Prague and the International pro- General information: 981 gramme of Croatian Radio – Voice Information local and intercity of Croatia. Once each day during the numbers: 988 summer reporters of Radio Prague Information international numbers: inform their compatriots via regional 902 radio stations: Radio Split, Radio Weather forecast and road condi- Dubrovnik and Radio Rijeka. tions: 060 520 520 CROATIA BY CAR Croatian Automobile Club (HAK): +385 1 46 40 800 Documents: Internet: www.hak.hr; To enter Croatia, a driver’s licence, e-mail: [email protected] an automobile registration card and vehicle insurance documents (includ- CROATIAN ANGELS a single ing Green Card) are required. telephone number throughout Croatia from which tourist information can be obtained: 062 999 999. If calling from abroad, dial +385 62 999 999. This information service is available Permitted speeds: Highway toll charges: 50 km/h - within Motorways: Zagreb-Bosiljevo- built-up areas Zadar-Šibenik-Dugopolje (Split); 90 km/h - outside Zaprešić-Krapina; Zagreb-Bregana; built-up areas Zagreb-Slavonski Brod-Županja- 110 km/h - on Bajakovo; Zagreb-Varaždin-Goričan major motor routes designed exclu- and Rijeka-Rupa sively for motor vehicles and high speed roads Three-lane two-way roads: 130 km/h - on motorways Bosiljevo-Rijeka; Istrian Y toll 80 km/h - for motor vehicles with a charge Tunnel Učka and Mirna, caravan trailer Krčki most (Krk bridge). 80 km/h - for buses and buses with a Information: www.hak.hr, www.hac. light trailer hr, www.bina-istra.hr, www.arz.hr Rain: Please adjust speed to condi- Basic obligations in case of traffic tions on wet roads. accident Driving with headlights is obligatory First inform the police about the both day and night. traffic accident (Tel: 92) in the event of a traffic accident which results in Mobile phones: Use of mobile tele- minor material damage such notifica- phones while driving is forbidden! tion is not obligatory. Secure the site of the accident (set up a triangle) and Use of seat belts is obligatory. undertake measures for elimination of fresh possible dangers. Wait for A reflective sleeveless jacket is an the arrival of the police. In the event obligatory part of each vehicle’s of any damage to the vehicle, you emergency equipment. must obtain a police report on the damage to the vehicle, without which Petrol stations you cannot re-cross the state border. Open from 7 a.m. until 7 or 8 p.m. Should you require vehicle repair every day; in the summer season, services, or your vehicle needs tow- until 10 p.m. ing, call Road Assistance, on 987. If On-duty petrol stations in the larger calling from abroad, telephone +385 cities and on main international 1 987. routes are open 24 hours a day. All petrol stations sell Eurosuper 95, How to avoid traffic jams Super 95, Super 98, Super plus 98, To avoid unnecessary prolongation of Normal and Euro Diesel fuel, and your journey and becoming involved in major cities, and at fuel stations in traffic jams, you are advised to: along highways gas is also available. -plan your trip by using the traffic For information on prices of petrol organiser in which the days and and on the list of centres selling gas: directions of the highest expected www.ina.hr www. densities of traffic are stated, omvistrabenz. -check on the conditions on the roads hr; www.tifon.hr; and ferries at HAK (HAK Informa- www.hak.hr tion Centre: +385 1 4640 800) or on the Second Programme of Croatian its passengers to reach destinations throughout the world. Information and purchase of air tickets: www.croatiaairlines.com Information and reservations: Radio (98.5 Mhz) before starting +385 1 4872 727; 062 77 77 77 your trip. Other airline companies flying BY AIR within Croatia: Aeroflot, Air France, Alitalia, Aus- International airports trian Airlines, ČSA, Lufthansa, LOT, Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Pula, Ri- Malev, Germanwings, Scandinavian jeka, Zadar and Osijek. Only smaller Airlines, Turkish Airlines, Air Bosna, aircraft can land on Brač and Lošinj. Air One, British Airways, Hapag Information: Zagreb +385 1 6265 Lloyd, Norwegian Air Shuttle, TAP, 222; Split +385 21 203 506; Wizz Air, Estonian Air, EasyJet, Dubrovnik +385 20 773 377; Pula Skyeurope, Aer Lingus, Air Adriatic, +385 52 530 105; Rijeka +385 51 Trade Air / Sun Adria, Dubrovnik 842 132; Zadar +385 23 313 311; Airlines, Adria airways, FERAS, Osijek +385 31 514 441, +385 31 Nouvelai Tunisie. 514 442; Brač +385 21 559 711; Lošinj +385 51 231 666 BY SEA Sports air fields: Varaždin, Pri- International car-ferry services: bislavec (Čakovec), Koprivnica, Zadar-Ancona; Korčula-Stari Grad/ Lučko (Zagreb), Slavonski Brod, Hvar-Split-Ancona; Split-Ancona; Čepin (Osijek), Vrsar, Grobnik Split-Stari Grad/Hvar-Pescara; Du- (Rijeka), Otočac, Stari Grad (Hvar) brovnik-Bari; Split-Pescara, Rijeka and Sinj. – Split – Stari Grad/Hvar – Korčula – Sobra/Mljet – Dubrovnik – Bari. Croatia Airlines: In addition to ferry lines, interna- The national airline company, tional high-speed shipping lines are regional member of the airlines as- also maintained. sociation Star Alliance, links Croatia by direct flights with a range of Car-ferry services along the coast: European destinations: Amsterdam, Rijeka-Split-Stari Grad/Hvar- Vienna, Brussels, Frankfurt, Istanbul, Korčula- Dubrovnik. London, Munich, Paris, Prague, Rome, Sarajevo, Skopje, Tel Aviv, Local car-ferry services connect- Zurich, Lisbon and Mostar. In the ing the following islands with the high season the Croatian coast is mainland: Cres, Lošinj, Rab, Pag, served by air links with additional Ugljan, Pašman, destinations in Germany, Austria, Olib, Silba, Pre- France, Italy, The Netherlands, muda, Rivanj, Ist, Great Britain and other destinations Molat, Sestrunj, in Europe. In cooperation with its Žirje, Zverinac, partners, Croatian Airlines enables Rava, Zlarin, Dugi otok, Iž, Šolta, Brač, Hvar, Vis, the Pelješac Peninsula, Korčula, Lastovo, Mljet. Local ship and high- speed shipping lines connect other inhabited islands on which there is no car traffic. Other shipping companies: High-speed shipping lines links Rapska plovidba, d.d.; with the mainland or between the (www.rapska-plovidba.hr) islands Lošinjska plovidba brodarstvo, d.d.: Rijeka aquatorium: Lošinj, Susak, (www.losinjska-plovidba.hr) Unije, Cres, Ilovik, Pag, Rab. Mediteranska plovidba d.d.: (www. Zadar aquatorium: Ist, Molat, Dugi korcula.net / How to get to the otok, Zverinac, Sestrunj, Rivanj, island) Olib, Silba, Premuda, Iž, Rava Split tours: (www.splittours.hr) Split aquatorium: Brač, Hvar, Šolta, SNAV: (www.snav.it) Lastovo, Korčula, Vis Adriatica: (www.adriatica.it) Dubrovnik aquatorium: Mljet, Šipan Miatours: (www.miatours.hr) The following islands are linked ei- Venezia lines: www.venezialines.com ther to the mainland or to each other G&V line: (www.dubrovnik4u. by regular shipping lines: com/garbin) Rijeka area: Lošinj, Srakane, Unije, Ivante d.o.o: (www.ivante.hr) Ilovik, Susak. Alpex: (www.alpex.hr) Zadar area: Dugi otok, Iž, Rava, Kapetan Luka: (www.krilo.hr) Vrgada Šibenik area: Prvić, Zlarin, Žirje, Customs: Branch offices control- Kaprije, Krapanj ling the entry of foreign vessels into Split area: Drvenik Veli and Mali, Croatian territorial waters are: Biševo Permanent: Umag, Poreč, Rovinj, Dubrovnik area: Šipan, Lopud, Pula, Raša (Bršica), Rijeka, Mali Koločep. Lošinj, Zadar, Šibenik, Split, Ploče, Korčula, Dubrovnik, Vela Luka, Jadrolinija: Ubli. The main Croatian ship passenger During the summer season: ACI Ma- carrier maintains the majority of rina Umag, Novigrad, Sali, Božava, regular, international and domes- Primošten, Ravni Žakan, Hvar, Stari tic car-ferry, ship and high-speed Grad (Hvar), Vis, Komiža, Cavtat. shipping lines. Its head office is in Rijeka. SAILING IN THE REPUBLIC Tel: +385 51 666 111 and 666 100, OF CROATIA www.jadrolinija.hr The skipper of a vessel entering the territorial waters of the Republic of Croatia by sea is obliged to take the shortest route to the nearest port open to international traffic, in order to perform border control formalities, to obtain the relevant official vignette (sticker) and for verification of crew Fee for safety of sailing members at the Harbour Master’s Fee for using facilities ensuring Office, or branch office. safety of sailing (lighthouses, buoys, etc.) The skipper of a vessel which is Fee for maritime information chart brought into Croatia by road, or Administrative fee. which is moored in a port or in some other approved location within the REGISTRATION OF PER- Republic of Croatia, is obliged to SONS ABOARD A VESSEL obtain the official vignette (sticker) and to verify the list of crew mem- The list of crew and passengers bers, in the Harbour Master’s Office, includes crew members and pas- or a branch office, prior to setting sengers who are on the vessel, and out to sea. is approved in the Harbour Master’s The official vignette (sticker) is not Office or branch office. All vessels obligatory for a vessel the length of entering Croatia by sea must main- which is less than 2.5 metres, or with tain a list of crew and passengers. a total driving power of less than 5 If the skipper of a vessel does not KW. intend to change crew and/or pas- The official vignette (sticker) must sengers, he does not need to further be displayed in a visible location on report to the Harbour Master’s Office the vessel, and its period of validity or branch office. In Croatia, the is one year from the date of issue. skipper of a vessel can disembark his crew and /or passengers with whom A vessel sailing into the Republic he arrived from abroad, and take of Croatia must carry the following on a new crew and/or passengers, original documents: but in which case he is obliged to The official vignette (sticker) disembark such persons outside the Verified list of crew and passengers Republic of Croatia, or to compile Verified list of persons staying a List of Persons. All changes in the aboard the vessel (when the same List of crew and passengers must persons are embarking/disembarking be reported to the Harbour Master’s at Croatian ports) Office or its branch office, and which Proof of seaworthiness of the vessel must be approved by the same. Proof that the skipper of the vessel Vessels arriving to the Republic of is able and qualified to command the Croatia by land, or wintering here, vessel and which do not have the facilities Proof of third party insurance (for for extended stay of persons aboard vessels with a driving power exceed- (i.e. vessels without berths) do not ing 15 KW) need to maintain a List of crew Proof of ownership, or the owner’s and passengers. Such vessels must authorisation to use the vessel. maintain only a Passenger List. The By obtaining the official vignette skipper of a vessel arriving to Croatia (sticker) the by sea is obliged to obtain such a List following from the Harbour Master’s Office, dues will or its branch office, in the event that have been the same persons are being taken on settled: board and disembarked in Croatian