2 can The Cowbridge SERVICING dine for “Your ORIGINAL priceless weekly newspaper” TYRES £12.95 TThhee VVaallee’’ss LUNCHTIME lloonnggeesstt sseerrvviinngg MOT’S SPECIAL CCoommmmuunniittyy CROSS INN NNeewwssppaappeerr PEAKPERFORMANCE Llanblethian, Cowbridge Telephone: 01446772995 Established 1983 01446 775775 www.crossinn cowbridge.com W(GeEeMklSye raieusd).i tAeudd idteidst rbiyb uDtaiovind P(5in2d ewr e&eCkso) Ltotd .3 C1h/1ar2te/1re1d -A 4cc2ou,2nt3an5ts. WINTEwwwR.cowSbridEge-toRdayV.co.IuCk INGTHURSDAY, JANUARY 17TH, 2013 5500 sshhaaddeess OOuutt aanndd AAbboouutt ooff ccoolloouurr aatt wwiitthh TThhee GGEEMM FFiicchh ++ RRaammoouuss KKEEEEPP YYOOUURR CCAARR IINN TTIIPP TTOOPP CCOONNDDIITTIIOONN!! See feature on PPaaggee 2233 FFeeaattuurree -- PPaaggee 1177 A Glpamaorggan GeEMsA dv2ert6ise-m2ent7 Feature Art teacher A48 ROAD COLLISION MORNING traffic was dis- ‘glassed’ a rupted on Tuesday (January 15) when two cars collided at the Pentre Meurig cross- roads on the A48. local school Apolice spokesman reported: “There was a road traffic colli- sion on the A48 at 8.53am on Tuesday, January 15, involving a BMWand an Audi. groundsman “The two drivers were female. One suffered a back injury, while the othersuffered no injury. Both ABOVE: The Mari Lwyd troupe pictured outside the Duke of Wellington in vehicles were recovered from the Cowbridge by MIKEWILCOCK (See story and more pictures on Page 5) . scene.” in town pub DATE IS SET FOR RETURN OF THE TRAFFIC WARDENS! AGROUNDSMAN employed at a CARDIFF CROWN Bridgend school who had had an affair AFIRMdate has been set forthe by PHILIPIRWIN face a fine.” with an art teacher, was attacked by her return of parking wardens to the Andrew Loosemore, operational manag- RAEJCPSOIOUCRLRUTTNbAy whCehraoedwn nisnh C ea os umpruat bshh aeisnd b aCe ewonwi ntboerl giddl.agses, oCvaerrdhiifsf VouaIglneh as a.jnoidn t Bopreirdagtioenn,d t hec oVuanlet yC obuoncri-l atthhlteee‘ Crptnroiaavlntiiiclsv efee Pt ropa r lolakofci cnepagsal traoEku inpnthfagoor rkreci.nteifmeoser.cnet’mreenfte rfsr omto eVmcroa emlnfeotp rCuo tofhefuiirgcnse hcrwwisl, ia wtyshais li lid anb:nb e“du A iisleltsl nu cgoeaiudnmr e weceriirtvaihnsi l,gh easnfnoofd orht rhetcheledye- Shortly afterwards, a(BndC BBCr)id hgaevned joCinoeudn tfyo rcBeosr otou gphu t Cpaoruknincigl catTiohnes ttwo ot hceo Wuneclislhs sGuobvmeirtntemde tnhte liars at pypelair- can print tickets, ensure the data is logged on our system, and take photos of the Julie Breed, 46, told the wardens back on the streets and from April to allow the creation of a parking enforce- police:“I know what I 1, anyone caught parking illegally will ment area across both counties. offending vehicles, and of the ticket fixed did. I glassed him. I receive a fine of up to £70. Coun Rob Curtis, cabinet member for to the windscreen.” SALE taohnnrd eh wiIs smhmeyaa dsd.h”reindk m oyn ghliamss, CebnloufPwoea rburcrkneiimdinfgogeern mtha snao, dsfwf icaible el rtebson’et,a olwa n oe tvfah ree1ixn 7seg td rn ebeeliwatsscs uks‘ee cva ivneiinndl tVfehoraesrl eet arnarCveffio riucocn nomcmnisale,in dnawetg raieatnmhtde e svnapitnse,i cdbsi alaeuild ss:ree e r“svMdpieocosensissgt i anbdtai rlttiiehvtdye- dc(roeepnTdetuhrnacedverieden n gattor ie oo£ nn3tw. 5 t ohTi fehl peesva eievdhles iwg roihitftye h rpi onefbn 1aat4nhlt deyd apcyihass ra)k r£agi7nnedg0s The following day, days a week, including bank holidays. parking spots. the lower band is £50 (reduced to £25 if mother of four Breed Atotal of 12 wardens will be on patrol in “But there are some who think they can paid within 14 days). denied to the police that Bridgend county borough, with five in the park wherever they like, without any con- In cases of late payment, the penalty she had admitted the Vale of Glamorgan. sideration for other road users, pedestrians charge increases to £105 (higher band) and offence, saying that it Both councils are getting ready to or traders. £75 (lower band). This may be more if the had been an accident launch a ‘Park It!’campaign to encourage “These are the people our officers will council has to pursue the debt through the (CONTINUED drivers to park responsibly, by identifying be specifically targeting. Our message to use of bailiffs. ON PAGE 4) hotspots for problem parking and offering these problem parkers is: park properly or (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) EXTRA REDUCTIONS THIS WEEKEND Up to 80% Off This means you can now get TOPSfrom £5 SKIRTSfrom £5 KNITWEARfrom £10 GILLETSfrom £10 80% of our range is British made 100% is fantastic value Monday - Saturday 10am - 4pm Gift Vouchers available We sell nothing over £40! 8 Pound Field, Llantwit Major Vale of Glamorgan, Wales CF61 1DL Tel:01446 794642 www.sloancompany.co.uk Follow us onFacebook/ SloanandCompany 2 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday, January 17th, 2013 POWER OF Hospital bacteria: RRRReeeeaaaaddddeeeerrrrssss’’’’ LLLLeeeetttttttteeeerrrrssss The GEM! ‘Don’t blame NHS’ I JUSTwant to say thank you very THE deliberate Tory interfer- IMPORTANT! We reserve the right to edit all letters. We do NOTaccept anonymous mail. much forprinting the article on Conservative ence into the NHS. LETTERS AND EMAILS MUST INCLUDE FULLADDRESS AND A CONTACT TELE- fundraising by Friends of St John’s Party played no The press was livid, PHONE NUMBER. AN EMAILADDRESS ALONE IS NOT SUFFICIENT! School in yourJanuary 3 issue, and for part in setting up the full of sympathy for We will (in certain circumstances) protect a writer’s identity, if requested. Please keep your printing so many of the photographs I NHS in 1948, they poor old ladies with new letters BRIEFand address them to:The Editor, Don John, at Glamorgan GEM Ltd, Graig sent you. were opposed to the infections, with never a House, 53 Eastgate, Cowbridge CF71 7E ORemail [email protected] You set it all out exactly as I had hoped, and you very concept. word of criticism for a clearly reach a wide audience as many people have govWerhnemn etnhte,y 3 w0 eyreea irns pthoelyic hya cdh saunpgpeo wrtheidc.h ‘ACT NOW TO AVOID caoftmerm peunbtleicda otino nit.. I even had a call nearly a week later, under Mrs You may suspect that Thank you very much again and a very Happy Thatcher they removed this was some well- New Year to you all. responsibility for clean- thought-out strategy by MORE ROAD DEATHS’ Catherine Perkins ing hospitals from the Tories, to damage the (Chairperson of Friends of St John’s School, NHS, which earlier had previous efficiency of Porthcawl) controlled the cleaning the NHS, in order to per- ‘Brainwashed over smtnTkfsnsttmothhhoatiiinovoacoceeeeea eterhOfkntms nn Fyfwrcrowa,nata ni oavr bhgelrh g–tae rsrtueyoosiheeehn ,n snta as atm aathcdp, ops n l cwntfoheitrsbef idorhaiybt un enuiev natur n aamcrhttcm kalese clgpe tetctiitxcea trie rhnnh omenpltsnlop edge lrn cirep3faotyaias eotihdatohr0cntnrt simoe a.d ofua easli wyr ftii stlnm glpsendehe iiteasandetasaah---s,ersnss,. sNtstsitbiw–amprhninupebel suHhwateogqai oeeIergt,ir,dudtuS ha rc .e oahi eee chtmi n–tv uscs ney tt h teahaanmhch1 b irroylo elee9uslpneiau f g4to jmoenlp nlo uemh8fddsi uofsvso st u Ttbtaetaoobbetec rlinonncbnlyenhivkserdcie e e eeypmtdc ac ohsttt2a ro ehsyf tieipc 0oh rs nvca so–er1ssfisdotaouonnah 3e-sntcpr-k-al,h-iiftl-lee-ly- TricvsdtuipnnhuieyrsecgefevincMActfv reiaosoelesmsiayrlnul r.stl evf tssitotcede iHmalsonrtawsny yninl gnodE ohfga d daoodnsiao nRcofrsbp s utyelcf oudoeeErjsaalnunuoda uamradpducnrheegtseiirgs g sliasnsrlaaoeiecty tevoo tscrgr u rse tohelacoik ehcerawu iedstneibtbdnusenaeohis edieelpgs dod.tnten n rhrlfahohngtiiotoefvannasar-nvdeddes- crqtbBtcaapiiwnoyiilalnueeoasehsn gttd AIoknesoreorw ,t)ne ntr. do sm,ibhsheyit nu stwtaleeecaor yh t n yas–veeisutc epacbr r t,eosDa a lanae sreunestrreiufisadht nsengefd prrtei age ucaheac daad nllisit pseiitl ln oc dgmall htroPo ahnghen a,wcrt io n edtst,whfotyw es taoh,Iifaic, h rnfsr y eailntheosinic stnhcas rurfaor bthd e amoeev tspro e nah a Aeecaeoytdfdds odahdf f 4foede.so unre 0dsdecepecsa5tgd-t-if5nr-ie-i--- WwumcltcScadtiahoyhfenrchkteencaagraWgeaie WlutlseicDr ih esroisnthteeussehsmotin tt nds rhTctelmeo yaehy,tk aanrn nhsnu eovnsatC iec ys nttensdVlphcaoto i s leirnarrt enmpimpphsoerv lkoeAseorsyeumep tda sor r 4s tiVrurowetsitoe 0oyt we sura.Aaat5a vtceetlaedir5 etle temrcli f, dsia, bberftCa faio eon weooosnlfomrmfsotalnehc uolh sfftobt ei rnueyttrctw,eeo.t hcrah yor tiiwevp, hnl f I,oerteegoolnr-- ICmifAdtphnieeteopsne Isycpfus r Hrfaoeithtinorerhalbuaano Aceckv2tonet mieeVecir0luc inh s oftv1 Eii,tooug tnl e3wr nh c et tfdj.pcamhheaoui kyl laxrao saVe amnn d t cebfrlaeogreeeiyleno t enecs n’mittsotngheeoar-t ntft£wwtGobthahirfe6ooxaeore io5nTmemte n vAefe0e khgerworc - r oria pmbeoansrbnom e ape,nehrmtu rtdpayhIoo e l t,iremredmubhs nooynyo seewocoaxyt ril .rotnnm i?iW a? eamesgt £sar h vte h1hea la’ eylle 0aotssy,weodn uhs ilpu osdessyaeh e.c barnoioaor-utt been persuading the pub- ty, since they never have ers, who remain relatively safe change, that there is no safe tect the hundreds of vulnerable they up their stock rents? All of a sudden, the lic that hospitals were grasped or welcomed compared to others (especially route which can be used users of this road? The difference in a Welsh Government are dirty, and blamed that any higher vision of col- when they drive heavily- between Dinas Powys and Coun ChristopherWilliams, three-bedroom property going to purchase upon the NHS, who no lective ethics. armoured, multi-axled vehi- Barry. I call on the South East Dinas Powys is quite large compared Cardiff Airport. longer had any control C N Westerman, LAST OF THE Trader’s support for to a three-bedroom prop- Then there’s the new of the matter, because of Brynna. erty from housing asso- college in Cardiff at £40 My ‘friend’ Bill... POLISH ‘FEW’ rural Vale project ciaStioo nws.h y is there such a mmiolrleio, na sa ncdo nptrroacbtaobrlsy I vast difference? I’m seem to get away with WONDER what ourpolitical elite TEDEUSZ In Britain, he flew AFTER read- this has been the first talking hundreds of adding millions to the had forChristmas? It must be very SAWICZ was Hurricanes with No.303 ing camp site meaningful assistance I pounds. original price. hntdhaoaev mw hecn ooae urrvardnebi rteotrysouy t atgh abitisvhno eegau atpth hbeogaoibilftplbt sml y,et o,.wo anthnheodey ss nceea oepnmte gob tipuovly eer, uawannhdo ‘oPffonoeuewlig so hhoftf o tp inthnihele oe t o1ht fsf4ee 5 wtwBhh’eao–ttle (Sto(hWCfqe iHuta thtyareoesd p oatrbh-wfoas enWc-tnt,Ko l awerjoroi.nshsiacngicwie uhsd)sq wzu3ka1aods6)ron Em‘tPodueewnrrfitasesrm caodtb w spP’onricutoeoctrj mhetMc’h-te,a Irk htacpbinoaeemvdmostee p ge,t l so reiteat o’maens rnnt oe n.op vodFtrehtooo ijppirnun orgtsgosht ja –etetlh acstfelh tiktisrehrssatet 4hpw eoaUruYt ‘e’sworeTtu eh rf eraocektarhee, n s-£a b 9glteesh0eodr to rt woao w oi‘£natmHh1 i 0onti0mh. er eAspcdBBoooiallnDrlle’ rLotgy r tae.wh ntiienng k n, C esiaeords.d iafn f?oa t hIe r It is estimated that 24,000 people died last winter of Britain – and Squadron RAF, based in write in support of ahead – projects that are from cold-related illness and this year there will be with his passing, Wales at Pembrey. Creative Rural designed to provide white elephant’ mawcnhiadolTnl i hfcyboei esmo iadisIosf ’r r–pmnea r,ohi i dccttew ha eajtsUahluotl. nese optknndr us t IhwBe t t aedoitlth er l?otoe,lhl ipndcre o oihphn-eeomi kaounteppeie nlo’ise ngn gg – gotou hanmiesne. a,gTm sne httyaloee t cf. castlrtmaaicrpiikl,tiyes tbhhBlCohiraazgweTteasht c hl vEelehgoasea,sot sss . fe‘Pntto k lPEeooilloo.ulflwil r resotaeshhpt dihe oo paabs’ndiyeils not,fh etttelhhs-ee h3(hFCei1lsy i5BIH wtinD ynyeS a g1F oqsaS 9C fuClie4 sna Dpro3(d otDc ,eerrs obohemissmlnc)eitb.e ni mRrne i)evrg.Aac eun1edFid9is vt 4hhoe2edef,d Csttreyhunuo rTprbamohapynuil mosdt gh Vrv heuetae ionnVnlneuttiagute.ltir er ece tpCs rhi resoef iauodstnrreiicvvi-li- biytutniheopvgrnuoINeo te nnvu osfig igtsitesat h hxiksmftio fpeonf,uaeeor gwnstnrr t ni it hnaansoeol nudd lb t,dpu dhu w ipsresintanoii rctnVwnryhlte.uao sldvse-a.- IbCbeuantr TtJtdhh ooioawfnnwfteo AbC sud uiAalardyrrpM iwesno e yrghiestnem – hueslel pcensuauslosal,ettM ans acro nltirutuoei htnJrs toov .gimnuna eggleouv shntae hembtnehyl uieem rts yosto e arnbrerouvetyic- When I am opened, almost right away, They had an early American DFC and Air and the Welsh can be guaranteed a ourhard-earned this airport. How dare I can change a sunny day. experience of fighting Medal, and became Assembly Government, success, otherwise all money to buy this he even contemplate it? Theet Iots Ih pIc rI iceaken accnnlgtiain hoesafn awvialy lletdlly o’ t isr yeyut wi’oron’sv vhu uoewneer ooy ti nprthotfh o lemuaaa uaj nyubuprc nsltpoowe te wup rtdoaphuii ntttlefli heoaean w rrlgdop la’trj.fesho ele blebarp,oe ,d.wbd,..eek, tttitpwChhhnhazheeevecIe n oantLPMc. s ishouiMnouoolf ilrntsaFsowvl yhrttoiaaho v v1cnfaveafa9ctd-ekm 4Ref,, 0,oVpilb bi,laaao klbftoiltehtgeehweonnn reis t tntiaoedhnnped CP(p3uF1rn0ooo3it8Tlrsmi1ici lshan e mhWten gh S daF 1eitqn nh i43eugdge 1nahPe 7RPddtroe rolAoSoroil fsfqinWF hsutst)hh h iaAa cneed3no ig r10rwdmos2nat-,rs. wEFdimVneuuai ovtMrlnrhreuoede rlypbf oatfu euhlopena saxrmandi nprnE iee Aene5unarsgg0srtis ,eo.r b,yini pcyinecesu vae atlterh,nth suseaa trfiitantnelgr A(LwaAaTn lrsuoadhIutsu n hectwtlr buhdcCailee rslebrsnihtOaeos h !If sM’ii usLnaw la nI eob2rn)akuu0nr ls1E,ydi3,n db.ewes sairnds wpiactnonole hdmAIrb fa iau jettirto yleshea b f e auesa trlnipurleome e f aswfsipesise,r ie hrwptbssihapnoe,h angrnthethre e.ntehif?s iipc tkp aeeclsosuah-nt,s toptfwhorfuoaa rATbamstc nuthlwhe syyeta oeh o rsote, euhe ht i rrheisap ss evme airqnteoi oruo ppnnpne olomooeeutttr ye ia ttsnn ho?ntlgtreidika aauanerltpdgee wheBnu ty othui ngko atob opuict kit uthpi ys owuary p,ay. KMuebrtihny irn D Byafrarny’s tmheeinrt str waienrien gd iessbtaanbdliesdh- Coastline snap! pNlHouSg, hp aits sin itto o onu tro a oiluinrg Dth iJs. Radford, No matter what you do, Cemetery, moved to by the end of January councils who are now Barry. I’ll always be there for you. Britain. 1947 (three months Colin Dudley, Barry. Their contribution in before I was born). HIGHTIDETIMES the Battle of Britain was In 2006, the Polish (UNTILJANUARY24) SHARE YOUR VIEWS! so noteworthy that Air president provided him The high tides listed in this week’s GEM are Let us know what you Chief Marshal Sir Hugh with the honorary rank those in Porthcawl. It should be remembered Dowding, Commander- of Brigadier General, think about what is going in-Chief to Fighter and he was also awarded that along the coast, high tide times will vary. on in the Vale - email Command, said he could the Polish Virtuti For instance, in Barry, the high point [email protected] not have guaranteed that Militari and the Polish will be 20 – 25 minutes later. the outcome would have Cross of Valour, and been the same without three bars. DATE Time Ht Time Ht W JAMES & SONS their efforts. Three times married, AM M PM M Wing Commander he worked hard and 17 Thur 10.05 9.3 22.23 8.8 FUNERALDIRECTORS Tadeusz Sawicz DFC, played hard, and never 18 Fri 10.47 8.7 23.06 8.3 FONMON, RHOOSE, NEARBARRY t‘Rhfeoewm l,aa’snwt ioaa fsw tehivteha Pctuhoaelit sefhadl lt oof ffolyrignogt ohvise rti mthee iBnr iWstaolles IHAVE enclosed a photograph which I hope 1290 SSautn 11.31 8.1 2132..5322 77..86 ESTABLISHED1860 Poland, and made his Channel and visiting the will be of interest, showing the beauty of the 21 Mon 01.07 7.5 13.51 7.4 2IB4n dahreorpyue rnasnd pdeen rtths ofean Vmaali llseye orbvfu isGcienl aecmsosvo ewrgriiatnhng wYPouaHlgyios eths otl hfaFlveirgniaah n ftaoc nweud giv thIihatt a tilhnye .a tLAGraltlahainnmaidnnoo girwng a, a tinahrfn.eid eV lRda lAaet Fo fSt Vona Tltehh.ee cpohaosttoa lw paast hta akbenov ien Jlaactek saountus mBnay l ainst Byeaarrry. 222234 TT Wuheuesdr 000324...423157 778...742 111657...100291 877...485 PRIVATE CHAPELOF REST French Groupe de He died aged 97. The view looks out onto the old lock area with While The GEM makes every effort to check the Chasse squadron and on RIP. Sully in the distance. It was a lovely sunny walk, accuracy of tide tables, we recommend that anyone Tel Rhoose France’s capitulation, ChristopherShort, (Ex with beautiful views of the coastline. putting out to sea, or walking in an area where they (01446) 710096 reached Britain via RAFRegiment), Judith Holden, could be cut off, should always check with a tide table Algiers and Casablanca. Barry. Porthcawl. specific to their location. E-Mail Contacts:[email protected] • [email protected] • Tel 01446 774484 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem Published by: Glamorgan GEM Ltd., 53 Eastgate, Cowbridge. CF71 7EL. Printed by NWN Ltd. www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday, January 17th, 2013 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 3 C CHOIR TO SING FOR Professor’s guide to MAYOR’S CHARITY fascinating history of a holiday island LEFT: by PHILIPIRWIN Professor Buswell with his new book. A COWBRIDGE Northumbria in mountain slopes, are the man has just pub- Newcastle, published an work of Muslim Berbers lished his second academic tome entitled, who moved into book on the island Mallorca and Tourism – Mallorca from North History, Economy and Africa in the 10th of Mallorca – an in- Environment. Century. depth look at the That was, in the main, Before that, the fascinating history a book designed for uni- Romans ruled the roost, of the popular versity students. until the collapse of the tourist destination. However, he feels that empire, and many other this second book has groups have colonised Professor Dick much to offer the casual the island and left their Buswell, who also reader as well, although mark. COWBRIDGEMale Voice Holy Cross Church, or pur- New choristers are needed, so spends a fair amount of an interest in history is Prof Buswell added: Choir will commence its chased at the dooron the night. if you are interested in singing his time researching the definitely required. “This book will appeal home fixtures with a con- Joining the choir in this as part of a very successful male hhiasst oryj uosft Copwubblriisdhgeed, “WHe e btooulgdh tT ha e hGolEidMay: tisol anthde custlutudreen ta nodf tahne cert at Holy Cross Church wsoolortishtws h–i lMe vaerngteudr eH walill,l hbaer ptwisot vCoriocses c hoCirhucrocmhe, alionn g Ctoh Huroclhy Mallorca – The making home there some years formation of its land- for the chosen charity of and Owain Browne, baritone. Street, Cowbridge; we rehearse of the landscape, a book ago and, after a while, I it is not an easy one to scape, as well as to all the Mayor of Cowbridge The choirwill sing a number on Wednesdays between that examines nearly found myself getting learn. He said: “I don't who are inquisitive with Llanblethian on of new pieces which the Musical 7.30pm and 9.30pm. 5,000 years of the deeper and deeper into speak it very well, but I about what they see January 26. Director, Shelley Thomas- You will be made very wel- islaTnhde’ sm hoisrteo rrye.cent his- stoturyd.ying the island’s his- aremad ifnagi rilty.” comfortable avriosiut nthde t hiselman dw.hen they It will start at 7.30pm and Brown has added to theirlarge come. tory, including the “I was spending more Prof Buswell says that Mallorca – The mak- tickets cost £10, available from and varied repertoire. RAYPRITCHARD tourism that now sees 10 and more time in the the landscape of the ing of the landscape is ‘Go Granny Go’ for a million visitors arrive library at Mallorca island is due to the vari- published by Dunedin each year, takes up the University, and the idea ous settlers over the Academic Press last few chapters. for the books soon fol- years. (www.dunedinacademic- Philippines adventure! It was two years ago lowed.” The vine terraces, for press.co.uk) and is that Dick Buswell, who Research was not instance, which can take available from all good is emeritus professor at easy. Catalan is the lan- the breath away as they bookshops and e-shops. the University of guage on the island, and stretch up the steepest ONJanuary 9, ly visit to her son Hugh Manila airport was buy more suitable cloth- members of and his family in Dubai, hot, humid and very ing. Local cadets in line for Ystradowen and but her family had other crowded and the vol- She presented Anita ideas... Hugh is married ume of traffic on the with an extra large T District WI to a lady from the roads was even worse shirt with “I love a prestigious trophy... enjoyed a very Philippines and soon when they set off on a Boroca” on it. pleasant evening after Anita’s arrival, two-hour journey to It was quite a tight hosted by president they were to fly to their destination. fit, and the black Jan Foyle who Manila to meet up with No rooms had been trousers were not exact- THEefforts of the opened the meeting her daughter-in-law’s reserved by them, but ly flattering! cadets and staff of family. everybody was helpful We all greatly No 293 with the business. This prospect was a and this was soon enjoyed her talk, given (Cowbridge) Ystradowen is to host bit daunting, but Anita resolved. with a great deal of Squadron, Air tOhcet olibnekr manede tsinugg ginestions wloacsa lp ferriseunaddse tdo bgyo gfooro dit, nigAhtn’ist ar eesnt,j ogyoetd u ap gaonodd hamumusoiunrg a annde cmdaonteys. Training Corps for entertainment would hence the title of her set herself up on a Jan presented Anita have been recog- be welcome. Votes were talk. sunbed to enjoy the sun with a plant arrange- nised by the com- taken on the resolution She embarked on the and read her Kindle. ment to express our manderof No3 for this year. long journey and She was on holiday thanks for starting our Welsh Wing, who Shena Sarjeant spoke arrived in Dubai feeling after all. year off so well. has recently made olefm thse f aficninangc Diael npmroabn- ah aldit tcleo psemdu wg itthha jto suhreney famWiliyth s uanch e nase rhgeertsic this ed Twhieth e svoemnien gq ucioznzcelsud- Cowbridge the College. on her own rather well! didn’t last and they soon and light refreshments. nominee from south Members were unani- Soon after her arrival, embarked on the day’s The monthly walk and west Wales for mously in favour of the they were to fly to activities, which includ- will be on January 16 the AirTraining Federation selling the Manila and needed to ed a Korean feast. and the coffee morning Corps’Marshall London premises and leave just after mid- The following day, on January 23rd. Trophy. mDeonvminagn t.h e offices to nigThht.e first setback was tihsleayn djo oufr nBeoyreodc ato. Tthheeir wilNl ebxet hmeoldn taht’ st hmee veitli-ng The Trophy is named Programmes of meet- a leak in the kitchen apartment was fabulous lage hall on Wednesday, aMaaACdtsTtFsdthhhiaqfenoeaolraeteritruaadlrnenTSdem ro idriLa mrogae, qnshfn dtbtt-showhaSuiheaeo yrprntsDua aiaudoioseeatg rldndttt nrida ralc b itAogd,rk“ Civrc e oyimbpere tW arin poehtn ,doryhtlh h pche re eat f yoaecpioPhtrr u ns hcftinoosagerra od ee gvemrefM nlod Aela mcviewienv.nmmosdeaiboeeeeargrrarimrressyslna,n hyroatitid.eashnn eedleaelrs-, h1ttgapmebwihnoxnare8lee a yosopd 2b““ rnm whpe WS0ecepgyrol a’1oioueie dsnenpae3nmtt Ao’g ica .en tdiannah et ncBt lstivre shelo ov oeoo.o Omset i o fvvi lt a mmarviVasteede shqens rsvopE tde ouyw oterra ,ah :eot ni yen dhknbe vtC wodrie u upenlaouedrtaoo sgnnoepstrssgnstks iS-whitattAastRTwatNsbhrhhrcol eauaawoqseiei um tjiisFoa ynui tmnnbac Dno lae asr iiauhyV oeSunnltdrup ro hitg dmgg Iinrkkleapiagneeei, ngretevn femnnnti p g oeeFo ildo atttnaae rrMiltf aonftfy nr grs nh itu da,tthE arh a sihahtli ftnctoere d ntgoeoiacis onood i lp srvuhsnGitdtfnde adheiqpe bR ean ti6 iecsupaiubamlng.hoa3 nal”brrAg.ydngdasdo6 o W e lihrid futitrsotVoon’asrtesnrriG NSttaIHnawfVbafrhnlrs lieeoyiogwihce dgx lTTtl mls ehluha itasi eorhhl d scouey alencfieyheitypsln s itni svoasa r o estegbshEclon euqrnlaoa ueevl n anus ng alpg iCisbcgoaw-tidesrat hry dL.ooieri nmcioomn rurlcerct o,lnl aoeer a woatanC sl enhf orymeGeh tids pei af .saehsu lep lr tniaa invnoldJpr dede ep i,tttnnneoiihlngrnoegat iauatDbbdJeGfnhoonnnteuuIeogeernddetscJTAwcd i”snie eavtev. nhMC.lns danb imevei sirh eswdtasemidtb atrth soyrcw ih “ e,yteats ow oGoorwme na n,fe a enrkoaogSecwnbsnde rralt jeqG uhe d lov ForJFou di yre adcreCAoiaNae ganehibgakndosbnat r ai tn irhntluinfrtnniaetyhaaiianagtlsb.osdmerr kn i-oyinain-g-vecddanfouwdMifnlaieeeofpiirhm-d igaap gpTFTmlllir.nlhaairc iooothhnwlaiort hlroylr.eewtgdnta, u.’myy ,aoe s etio rb ot wye awsftrhyf o. a urhfo ct e rbt ibhhiriochrncev steeeluetdhftueyr hraro g dba stednhrclrh e maeaetaacoe,ir ued tlautr glt atohg elhtleets hdn ehkoesdswei tuy rteb–aamhrets-e R(Jp555MaittLeone977anErErwg...nFld-T991 a Si cun.i450nhtnreUh a;;;-eswnb leBrytfLaft, tihly o ;wvhfeTvPe tuisidhi8 rerSarserie,,dwdnituc thG,wshioels iaai,ie dns lneMotnerDtd dre eutn)dh,ye edt dtLarse Mb haagAtut ablable sgaeonRinn re hrcfeideo iyt-oHaC -daRb allTalgeoon ohrnewsdrwtoes Fabs bavm Hsneeaeerrc: dbnaumdaAil rdusd rgnsaus hgbae aAdaaawne n ernmulW dyw ddvm o y aia 6eDl nMeMnlylOr.imey sadwaten, bm w arTi eeyvssresnDur il,lBss , ceWi iO 5soawts6ot4amwrd5irrEk.llae.8esllie9icnL.y3sr 1t,,,,. the squadron of late and, women, aged 13-17, Tel: 01446 771660 due to a last minute can- who may think that they Would you like an honest, reliable, Mob: 07854 125404 cellation by another might like to try some- ONJanuary 9, at the Town Hall, we heard affordable, police checked squadron, Cowbridge thing a little different in a talk by Howard Mortimore on ‘The life CLEANER ccahdaentcse e taog geerlty a sirebizoernde a theIitr mfreeeet sti mate t.h eir head- of IvorNovello’. Typically £10.50 per hfooru yr oinucr. home. JANUARYTIP: from Swansea Airport in quarters, off Aberthin Howard was, as always, enthusiastic about his • Daily, weekly, etc. A high cut, little and DEALER the Vigilant motor-glid- Road, on Mondays and subject and delivered a most enjoyable talk, accom- • Insurance provided. often, will help the grass ers of No 636 Volunteer Thursdays from 7pm- panied by extracts of Novello’s most famous songs. • All domestic cleaning undertaken. to produce extra shoots, Gliding Squadron only 9.30pm. Out of hours, On January 23, we have our annual lunch at Radyr TIME FOR YOU and stunts weeds last week. they can be reached on Golf Club, and the next general meeting will, as and coarse grass. For Cadets Rhodri [email protected], usual, be held at the Town Hall on February 13; DOMESTIC CLEANING Nicholson-Lewis and 07999 879174, or via when Peter Sampson will talk about ‘Flat Holm SALES *SERVICE *SPARES Robyn Williams, this the squadron Facebook Island’. 01656 [email protected] Unit 10a, Vale BusinessPark, Llandow was the first time they page: 293 (Cowbridge) Please remember to bring membership cards. 01443 625019 Miskin, Nr Cowbridge www.richardcouzens.co.uk got to take control con- Sqn ATC. JW Ginusuesratsn cwe erelcaosmones,. b u t p l e a s e j o i n a f t e r v i s i t s TfBor www.timeforyou.co.uk 4 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday, January 17th, 2013 C Local theatre All Black’s Changing face of Town students head Cowbridge Mill Road – as the River for West End! charity date Thaw flows gently on... for Velindre INTRIGUING school gym and day daily things are by BETTY ALDEN boys’dining hall were LEGENDARY All happening in completed and officially Black Sean Town Mill Road, rary’classrooms, water was diverted by opened. Fitzpatrick is sup- Cowbridge: The i1n9s6ta0lsl efdo ri nth teh ee xepaarlnyding minteoa nas c ohfa na nseelc ownhdi cgha tleed ishTedh ew boeoadu tfilfouollryin pgol- porting Velindre Norman arch at boys’grammar school, to the mill. suffered almost immedi- cancer centre in an Southgate is under though many of you in With both gates ately under the feet of event at the Bear repairand closed the town will still closed, there was appar- troops who were billet- Hotel, Cowbridge, to traffic; the for- remember how this road ently sufficient water ed and fed there at the when he will talk mergrammar has gradually devel- for grammar school outbreak of World War about his record- school buildings opeTdh.ere are photos in bsionygsl et of irloe.w boats in TwVoe.getables were pro- breaking career. have been demol- the local history exhibi- Here was the main vided from the school’s The New Zealander is ished, the site flat- tion, in the library until town mill, around the kitchen garden (now the an all-time rugby union tppwearinodveceedemn,se sead nno (tdfh i bnothep iteenhfgeul- tsptuhhareosIy twne, l ntiathndhneg edo rmmsfo otaaimhdrdik-e s1ws mo.9aftsoh tn hcteehn,- 1tggwirr8ohoa6nomu0 onlsmifd,s afftfeolroo nrsru e ctsrdhh,o eoatm oonp eldrt oab oaldofe u ypstc slhoa-,eyf- Pnwsbeeohenayyeirsskol iy r‘ca d g4tGu r0tgaha0m rif sdmom etrein amVa)rl iefssco, ct proahenrorydo’l, gCVsareueiAldpai: ntn w dd“airrWnneend wee cr f.aaornrMemc eoedrrre rliciWsge hnotrteorlddef SCeoaafpB ntth laFaeicni tkg zFsrp eaa–ant tiretsias cotsk tnA ioc ln l–e ldrtuyeipgr)Lelg.saoe crwrersidh ea istnch,dh ep mliqaleuyu-i ddteo rthi vptaheavirsess-, kPqmtonuriwooilelmwn ta .en sw nt raaaosydl le‘f T’ra,ohl oimennv gtih ttieon gbth uaesy afTEhrdahdovvowmeeman gmrtadiusvi,r;l ee li ens (rr h os rWiuiussp neispld olto iontash ,metehd e ftiore gpgoroywotmInawvte.ooidnre gmsT racuerachobhaub rnoandfge et,t hshw eea hinlroadnd HenAdenrdsroeinnw, awM hpcroQo AwduBuieleclO ntbiV oeaEn nt a:dok fSi nCiwga atmsn.a Wjoyr nr oles teiKLhnviiagfelte in mtitinhmagen e jSw,a eriaollwn bThFVeiri ceetszhlkuip npadoptwrrofie rci’tlkas-l twhtheeossoiottsr k lmwmde’araa.st yt cHc htheeome s sp.Co lsoaatnyw debd cr aaiisdpn gp t9eeh.2de side of the town, where It was lined by mas- naming of Mount Ida). in this road, had a pair FOURlocal singers competing for these include The Events Fitpatrick now works once sheep and cows sive elm trees, but by By the early 20th of semi-detached houses and dancers will roles. Room director Mark as a Sky pundit, casting grorawzeedd ,o bno tahtes rwiveerer, fly tbheee n1 9c2u0t sd, otwhens,e t hheaidr crueinnt,u bryu,t tehhe omldil lw whaese la bliuvieldt iinn tohnee 1 a9n3d0 sB –il lhe soon be meeting Sir VerFitoyu-rB leollcea lA sttkuidnesnotns – Slehgeepnhde rMd,a rWtyenl sWh ilrluiagmbys hBirsi teisyhe Iosvleesr arnudg bEyu irno pthe.e fishermen caught trout remaining stumps about could still be seen, and Clinton next door. Andrew Lloyd (16), Matt Bartlett (16), and the ‘birdman’ lolo Tables of 10 are avail- and the Thaw flowed four foot across. grammar school boys In 1956, St Cadoc’s Webber– at a Andrew McQueen(18) Williams. able at just £500. Aquan- gently towards the sea. Afloodgate was sited crept into have a smoke. Roman Catholic Church mammoth produc- and Siwan Wyn “Money raised from tity of individual covers Few will mourn the upstream from the mill, The only houses in was erected on part of tion of one of his Henderson(17) beat off the evening will con- on shared tables of 10 losDsH of thosei e‘tefmpfao-icrandiu wnhenl clgotsedy, ?the tmVg(naihsanoee neinvdorlB dlloe rd,ato o rwh hnw wfafeaod dreM mdrsoq,r ezwuaaHai eln apDlaso r saoptPru yerWryrastnr i, edrcn feeki.rrrgvn leoi, l oe s mwwwwdrs h ahaautsiahnspc tedah), tltVLCchahoEeaneenrTrW d ldvVtah hiefenefeorWrfd ntrl oessa iltdo olndhHl wldi itiamsoocsnm uideieatslosors lep , trno w,a.la aeftMaetaes,sr ditn hbgey bAtCtAohearr ecteSTts sseNntth alia-weeasgk bt iiee2innlrocvl5a nooBe tbteaanwieh,lcrt im hsntIswhtn aiTyedinsgl ehohglmea eohidoranura, w tvsamaritoencs.la d.v le tcwLwpoarliouooslTArlgtdyk hhauidSinil nc ssctW tga mooimgo mecameneblipco anbetoense eetaresatrioc l ,tmAyt ihlwhoe . nwans sh dt.p io trttooe hhik ws ebetyhese- tspltprihualeiaebptRsFiy u peiiittnnonwez trg pWstote aioirnntaawlrg ldni6ebac d3srk .d ” rctseeohs ctneoioilsurclrer c dc ahf wuacnotmociflvdoreaikesrr- aptaR(’iorevcosferaTkfo iieapmhcl taleei ssbr oo ahslin esooea una0vvv r.ne8aisan 4i)hel .t5axT. bch1lleou0e T s8Eaii vtcvt5 eke£6 nea59ttl00ssl great children’s play house in the late 1950s, 4,000 students perform- woman said:“The 25th areDa.octor Booth Meller tnhael lmy tihlle c hoottmagee os f( othriegi- i1n2g,0 t0o0 a. n audience of abnen ai vseprescatrayc uplraorm eivseens tt,o tip to make it owned a large garden, miller) divided into two, Stagecoach Bridgend with high profile cover- bounded on the south and the river bridge was and Cowbridge compet- age and celebrity sup- big this year! side by the driveway to re-built to better accom- ed with every port. Verlands House, exhib- modate the Thaw. Stagecoach school – and “Stagecoach has gone SC• Incedoenptettnr dWeen tp Arrdovoiecve iHdeesa:ring isaRomttohsneawosod litwwp snoath.e, et d r adBm enb vibdaureydn slw i,yoa nw pa eays sh t ofhsoolu eof intw nwemg neteohnrtetor HwpoSontoa r BHsutAch syhdieler ea 1bo Mmwr9ewyi6ao.an s6olngi ,fosd hVrrhee ereoH-edriullon,isa uscientttsssad eats enaddt tiepphndlaea rtAtrcthoeseue, pa dfwUroeietirrKit f ohmmo n –rhoasm utriaone.nl sdbtchorheea atdsnores ao6lcek8tce0tr- fopffproovreoorroemm vcrp ih iltdsnehitil.gern”de gralnea rgansts tt g h a2ern-d5etdoau y-tcy seapotatreuirerosnn-,nggth John Sanders, the were built opposite the Teacher denies • 30 day trials on all hearing aids blacksmith with his church, and the forge in Eagle Lane, Verlands estate began. • The World’s finest hearing aids lived in Town Mill cot- Some of the original pub assault including Widex,Phonak and Oticon tages, and ran a little trees leading to the sweet shop there. Verlands House (CONTINUED weeks. Breed said: • Repairs and accessories to all makes From the 1930s until entrance are preserved FROM PAGE 1) “He was in my bed on and models tnheep heaerwly R 1e9g6 0kse,p ht ihsis to tIhniesv ditaayb.ly, times are Breed, of September27.” • Home visits available abpeeia hryiv oefs aorno uthned l1a0n0d garrea dluucakllyy wche asntiglli nhga.v eWe WCoowobdrlaidngde C, hloasse, glaBssr eoefd w pionue roevde rahim, Retbheecyc bao Jtham aepsp epaicrteudr eadt wPiothn tAy lifnie t hBeo eP,a wrkh.e n For more information,or to oppripzoe sfioter, hainsd h wonoeny fiinrst fgireeldens earnyd o sno t hmeu ochut- paslesaadueltdin ngo Bt ygruoilnty to aemndp tsym galsahses do vtherehis Asongyworuintegr sinfrgoemr- hbaesr opfe rtfoopr mcleads sa et vae nntusm in- arrange an appointment,please call the 1935 British Empire skirts of the town, and Brinkley, causing him head, before walking Llantrisant is tak- recent months. 02920 707760 exhibition. the River Thaw contin- actual bodily harm. out. ing part in the Open “She was the only On September 14, ues to flow gently on ProsecutorHarry The court was told Mic UK 2012 grand songwriter from hun- 1ar9c3hT8 e, nardt ,ta hthee fS gofruaitmhgcmaate r wtoawarrdsd thee sean...s BshCDtearorauikwndcebk krdr Fsuihdaeriigmsidnte i g BvoF avtrohleeo reeoddnt haned tawchulhlatoe twm nae y sdd hh oehao esnrramditd.oa”: nl“eIa’vvee faJiranSenaneulva ae rinnyat t e1L e9no.t-nhydeeoa nr- Oooln2d dtsaoltro ertdS esttco e oDiJvfoa eav rnteihd gAe’is or snmuHapala ptrloala rrdttliiiasnntsggst to start in April October29, 2011. Breed latersaid Mr Rebecca James is tipped October. The couple, he said, Brinkley had “done a to be one of the voices of “Rebecca performed had had a five-year boxing swerve,” caus- 2013. on the same stage as (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1() relationship and had ing the glass to smash. A spokesperson for Alfie Boe at Ponty in the Coun Mike Gregory, cabinet member for split up. She said she was Open Mic UK said it Park, and is a regular resources at BCBC, said: “We’ve all been On the night in shocked by this and could be a launchpad to a solo artist at the icrneascrio dpneavnrektnsi niaegnn dac etb dou nbseiyn teiimnssceeo son,r si itad nceaornatht bee ero, arb uhotbu fsgoterrlu ysc odtmiivsee- qtWhueee lsDltiniuogknte,o nhof ep wuben wt ittoh hhshaaedp phneaondt, idanrdtuednninkdg et dhth riaet etto cpfoaurrt“me Toeanrhn eacf neoO .ri m2f pinirsae lsistshitvsee wbpeehsro-t Mhaiv“lelSe hnaenls ioua mpnl daC yeehndet rrae t. bvaanrid- ruptive and regular problem. Gemma Thomas. large glasses of wine. place to showcase your ous venues in Cardiff and “Many other councils in Wales have already He was a grounds- MrBrinkley suf- talent in front of a mas- London. launched civil parking enforcement schemes, man at Brynteg fered grazes and cuts sive crowd and celebrity “She is currently writ- Or call into: but the partnership approach that is being Comprehensive to his head. judges.” ing her first EPwith Amy HeSacrointtg W Creonetre aufdodenrnoi qpttshut eeaed ,l i bkbaeeenn.td”ew fewite inoll f B gvrriiesdaitgtoleyrns d,i m bapunrsdoi nvtehes est heVsea laseni twdu airltlei osbine- SiBtnhcr ehBea eoc rrdooee.ulel,da pat lwnieo dena nnshthda iu dpap sbw kteoieetdnh: “swtSritAhuhecl l hkede gehreliidmgb leMa rasa rsbt,e Blaolaynwkder: pARwaainnnAsne nimKlie n woagnNr aegmsi goeRhnt, thagiadwenni gordia j tulea1erdw gaDaairnnndJddgs- WEsisod anF dgaiSgsntt.hed”r,e a eowcrutahitnn ow g h owynsr ooRth eeib mse wucEicctPhha 1P eSntaatritohn, CApF6p4ro 3aEcEh, rDeaidd yyoouu rk nGoEwM y oonul icnaen? “seWeHihneog r’ she pethrli?ies”d, ,a yree sy, oaund awdh“maStih thteea dnd o thwoa tpchlpeae ipnmoesld iic.te pwthrhaoHtod euRrcm eembar enoMcathcgaaeer rsk s G hHhoeeirulrall,.l dd sinanoiedt, ibrneustsetiarneuesrsta sn, t iinna tC thoAwer bbmroiduregsaiecl, www.scottwroe-hearingcentre.co.uk cowbridge-today.co.uk said he had been see- was an accident.” be phased by the O2 on Thursday, January 24, ing herforthree The case continues. experience because she at 7pm. Thursday, January 17th, 2013 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 5 C A Welsh mid-winter ‘SHE SERIOUSLY BELIEVED THAT SHE WAS GOING TO DIE’ – court told Man is jailed for tradition as Mari Lwyd threatening former takes to the streets partner with a knife A MOTHER that his behaviour was Report by PHOTOGRAPHS by believed she was frightening. He is not about to die when AJ proud of what happened. MIKE WILCOCK SICLUNA There is a history her drunken part- between himself and the ner attacked her, returned drunk and woman concerned. armed with a knife, attacked her. “He knows he is Cardiff Crown “At the time, he was going to receive a sub- Court has heard. armed with a knife and stantial custodial sen- pinned her against the tence and he knows Adam Jones (25) of wall. there is no future in the Burns Crescent, Barry, “He slammed the relationship.” was jailed for 18 knife into a wall very Judge Daniel months, after admitting close to her, and she Williams said: “There offences of assault, seriously believed she has been a pattern of affray and causing dam- was going to die. domestic violence age. “A young person towards your partner He was ordered to present in the house ran and you have no real have no contact with his to a neighbour for help” appreciation of what ex-partner, Donna Mr Trigg said Jones you have done.” Huxtable. fled from the scene, but He said that he had Prosecutor Tony was arrested the next subjected the woman to ABOVE:Vale MPAlun Cairns meets the Mari Lwyd Trigg said Ms Huxtable day. a violent assault and she group in the Edmondes Arms. told him to leave their Jones’ barrister, was in fear of her life. home in Barry. Kevin Seal said: “He is She has since had to “But on August 28, he the first to acknowledge move. MARI LWYDwas sperse English-lan- Play group has its out on the streets of guage verses with the Cowbridge last Welsh-language rhymes. 1st birthday party Friday (January The Vale MP, Alun 11) touring the Cairns, was intro- local hostelries... duced to the Mari In fact, there were Lwyd at the Enjoying the Catch-Up and rival groups out on Edmondes Arms in Play birthday party. the night, with a Cowbridge. Cowbridge group call- He joined regulars ing on several public who welcomed the houses and bars, Mari Lwyd party and including the Duke of were all challenged to Wellington and Bar sing – handy song 44, and a group from sheets were at hand! Cardiff was also out MrCairns said: “It and about. was wonderful to wel- The Mari Lwyd is come the Mari Lwyd an ancient tradition in to the Edmondes in which people of Cowbridge. Glamorgan and “ It’s great to see Gwent, in particular, that the Glamorgan marked the passing of tradition continues. the darkest days of “Regulars and visi- midwinter. tors to the Edmondes The Mari Lwyd is Arms were keen to the name applied to take part in the tradi- the horse-figure car- tion, with many join- CATCH-UP& Play celebrat- This year, as well as activities for ried from doorto door ing in the singing chal- ed its first birthday on children, the group is putting on by wassail-singing lenge with gusto. January 9. with a party forall activities for adults – learn some groups during the “The Mari Lwyd the children and theircarers. new skills or just have ‘me’time Christmas and New entourage entertained Based in the Western Vale while the children play in the Yearperiod. all with theirmusical Integrated Children's Centre, creche. The Mari Lwyd is talents before deliver- Llantwit Major, the group started as The first activities will be a First said to be unique to ing a farewell song, as a baby and toddler group, and now Aid basic awareness course and tthhies tpraadrti toiof nW inalveosl vaensd tohtheye rmvoevneude so inn ttohe ABOVE:The Cowbridge Mari Lwyd in Bar 44. has a ‘drop-in’creche and babysit- ‘pamper and play’– a beauty treat- the arrival of the town.” ting service. ment. horse and its party at A day in the life of a magistrate the doorof the house DDiinnaass WWiinnddoowwss LLttdd orpub, where they sing several introduc- THEfirst meeting NEWS FROM LLANHARRYWI community services. tory verses. for2013 was held We were shown two Then comes a ver- on January 8 at the The county newsletter BBC’s Countryfile. cases that have been SALE NOW ON bal battle of wits church hall, when was distributed, together Voting slips for this brought before the court (known as pwnco) in with a letter from the year’s resolutions were and members had to pre- which the people the president county chairman inform- given in. The AGM will tend they were a magis- New offers for 2013 inside the doorand opened the meeting ing members of the cur- be in Cardiff on June 1 trate and decide what the Mari party out- by wishing every- rent financial situation and it is Llanharry’s turn punishment they would side, exchange chal- one a Happy New surrounding Denman to represent the impose. Make your home safe and warm ... lrehnyAgmte set h.a en den idn soufl ttsh ein Yinega rm, aemndb erresm iitn ids- Cesunopclopleuogrreat ,gt hOinexgirf omorwedm,n a bcneodrls- to Blmuonerecdth eo rcnvlu aJblae n aGurrararonyug p1e.8d T athote eskdi Mmbymr sSeatdye iptnhhgee nhssue rchfoaancdec o lounfdl y-a DooSrso f•fi tWs i•n Fdaoswcsia •s C •o Gnusettrevraintogries basa tltolne,g w ahs itchhe ccarne alatisvti- tthhee 9G0ltahm boirrgthadnay of lveigvea lt.o ensure its sur- ThTe hBee sapr,e Laklaenr,h Caroruy.n mwoaguilsdt rbaet ep’sle wasoerdk taond Bifolds • Composite Doors • Repairs ty of the two parties Federation. Information for the Barry Stephens, was return to speak to us holds out, the Mari There will be numer- next council meeting in introduced, who spoke again. Call now for a free, Lwyd party enters ous activities throughout Porthcawl on April 29 about his work as a sen- Social time followed, with anothersong. the year to celebrate this was given out and the ior magistrate in during which the compe- no obligation quotation sucIhn asos mLela pnltarciseas,nt, mfoirl eesvteornyeo n–e s oism theteh minegs- mAdaianm s pHeeankseorn w, filalr mbeer Bbwyrhi ohd igose pwnedirf,a eta,eb dBl yat hrabes astrieasct,hed- t(eiwntithoeinrce h‘da )e Cvweharrsyi sojtunmdega hsea dcd abryd’ 01446 749055 the pwncogradually sage. and TVpresenter of nology. Mr and Mrs. Stephens, disappeared and the ART DEMO Mr. Stephens, who and after a great amount Freephone Mari party sang only has been a magistrate for of deliberation, Barbara FENSA tahdedirinagr Crihvarils vtmerasse sc,ar- OwiNll Twheulcrosmdaey ,C Jaarndiufaf rayr t2is4t, KCeovwinb rSidrgoen gA,r wt Shooc wieitlyl 1w2o ryke aorfs ,t heex pcloauinrtesd a tnhde MoNrgeaxnt ’ms ownatsh ,chosen. Registered Company 0800 0260587 ols to the repertoire. give a watercolour demonstration. the training he has Rosemary Scadden In otherareas, such The society meets on Thursday evenings at the undergone. We were returns to give a talk on Unit 16,Ty-Verlon Industrial Estate as Cowbridge and Old Hall, Cowbridge (7pm-9pm). Visitors welcome. given an insight into the her time in the Solomon Cardiff Road,Barry.CF63 2BE across the Vale, the For full programme, see www.cowbridgeartsoci- procedures of sentenc- Islands, and the competi- www.dinaswindows.co.uk parties would inter- ety.com. ing, fines, curfews and tion is a sunhat! JR 6 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday, January 17th, 2013 CL Young chefs battle it out in Rotary competition SIX aspiring young chefs felt the heat in the kitchen at C o w b r i d g e Comprehensive School on Monday, (January 14) as they battled for a place in the next round of the Rotary International Young Chef Competition. They were not only trying to outperform the Presentation by Andrew Lane, Rotary Club other competitors, but president to the winner Amelia Green. were also under time pressure as they created, supported by Huddarts national winner is a trip in just two hours, Restaurant, and the win- of a lifetime to Italy, appetising three-course ner and each competitor where they will experi- meals with a total ingre- received gift tokens, ence real Italian cooking dient cost under £15. courtesy of the Arthur and will enjoy a day’s The overall winner John & Co Kitchen Shop. cooking tuition, courtesy was Amelia Green, of The competition judge of the national sponsors C o w b r i d g e was Mr Andrew Huddart, Filippo Berio. They also ABOVE: The six talented competitors, with judge Andrew Huddart. Comprehensive School, of Huddarts Restaurant, receive a trophy and a who prepared the follow- who said: “Everyone in cash prize. ing menu: Starter – the competition showed a The Rotary Young Fragrant Thai Fish passion and a knowledge Chef competition was Cakes. Mains – Roast of food ,and it was a dif- created to give young Butternut Squash Ravioli ficult task to choose the people across Great with Sage Butter Brown winner.” Britain and Ireland the Sauce. Dessert– Spiced The other competitors chance to display their Baked Figs with a were Olivia Thomas creative talents with Ginger Mascarpone. Rosser and Jessica Smith food, while discovering Amelia, together with of Cowbridge, and the importance of healthy runner-up Chelsea Georgia Spargo and eating. Dawes from Llantwit Lauren Evans from The Cowbridge Major Comprehensive Llantwit Major. Rotary Club would like School, will go forward The young chefs have to thank the sponsors and to the next round of the a great incentive to win the schools for their sup- competition. through to the national port. Our 6th Form ofers: The competition was final, as the prize for the BOB WILSON • Small teaching groups taught by specialist teaching staff • A wide variety of subjects • A high rate of exam success in relation to student potential • A very high level of successful university applications • Excellent Welsh Baccalaureate pass rate – small tutor groups and a personal tutor • A well equipped Sixth Form Area with Study Room and computers, plus a comfortable common room • A dynamic Prefect Team which organises a wide variety of events • Many opportunities to take part in extra-curricular activities including work experience NEW GROUPS TUESDAY Barry - 5.30pm MONDAY Holy Trinity Cwm Talwg Pub Presbyterian Church, 7.30pm Trinity Street Severn Avenue Joanne - 01446 404897 Wiggy - 07515 824988 Llantwit Major TUESDAY 5.30pm & 7.30pm Llantwit Major Our Lady &St Illtyd 9.30am Church (Catholic) Catholic Church, Ham Lane East Ham Lane East Helen - 01446 750738 Helen - 01446 750738 Sully - 6.30pm The Old School Barry RFC South Road 7.30pm Niki - 01446 740394 THURSDAY Merthyr Dyfan Road Barry - 5.30pm Teresa - 07889 828401 WEDNESDAY Highlight Park Barry Community Centre, Barry 4.45 & 6.45pm Annamarie - MONDAY St.Francis Millennium 01446 736534 Barry Centre, Park Road, Cowbridge - 9.30am 4.30 & 6.30pm Porth-y-Castell Cowbridge The Tadross Hotel, Annamarie - 01446 Rugby Club Holton Road 736534 Rob - 07708 941279 (next to Bassett Park) A range of presentations including ... Lorraine - 01446 407002 Barry - 6.00pm Dinas Powys Cadoxton 5.30pm & 7.30pm •• IDnefotarmilsa otiof nth oen W aelll s‘Ah’ BLeavcecla &lauVroecaatetio Qnuaal clifoaucrtsioens R5C.he3lo0tipoc msWe a&y7 C.3o0mpmmunity MCJoheautnhrcnohed iRs- t0o C1a4hd4u6rc 4h04897 TpSohaoeral ,Ch H a-e b0bin7ro 5bn2y 5 Hs8wa5li2lm2m88ing • An outline of the first class support provided Centre, Celtic Way Penarth BSta Hrreyl e- n1’s0 .C15haumrch Hall • The vast extra-curricular opportunities available Helen - 01446 750738 9.30am & 11.45am Wyndham Street All Saints Church Hall Niki - 01446 740394 • Resources to enhance learning Penarth Victoria Square 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tracy - 07894 275853 Cowbridge 5.30pm & 7.30pm Elfed Avenue United Penarth The Little Shop of Calm, Please contact the school for a prespectus CNhiau -r c0h7,7 E9l3fe 8d8 A5v5e8n1ue 5A.l3l S0pamint s& C 7h.3u0rcphm Hall WRoebs t-g 0a7te708 941279. Llantwit Major School,Ham Lane East,Llantwit Major,Vale of Glamorgan CF61 1TQ Victoria Square Tel:01446 793301 e-mail:[email protected] Tracy - 07894 275853 www.llantwitschool.org.uk Thursday, January 17th, 2013 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 7 HOW BARRY REGENERATION WWWWeeeellllsssshhhh AAAAsssssssseeeemmmmbbbbllllyyyy CAN LEAD THE WAY IN WALES NNNNooootttteeeessss “Things are occur- tune time as we respond backing of the Barry Quay Centre via the with the recent Wales, in terms of Barry is ongoing and ring in Barry once to the Welsh Regeneration Board, Health and Social announcements of the attracting visitors from the investment is mak- more!”... Government’s consulta- now chaired by Coun Services Portfolio. electrification of the the local area and fur- ing a difference against T tion on future regenera- Lis Burnett, the Vale Also, funding for valleys and Vale of ther afield.” the backdrop of tough HATwas the tion programmes and Council cabinet mem- Communities First and Glamorgan Line, The Vale Council times economically and parting mes- plans, aptly called ber, with a membership Flying Start pre-school including new rail serv- was asked at that meet- socially, but Barry is sage from ‘Vibrant and Viable drawn from the public, childcare and parenting ices for Barry. ing to develop proposals now getting the atten- Eddie Butlerin his Places: ANew private and third sectors support- which is dou- Most recently, the for Barry Island in con- tion and priority from excellent portrayal Regeneration to help steer and advise bling the number of Minister met with the sultation with local peo- the Welsh Government Framework’. on this investment. places for children and Regeneration Board to ple and businesses and that it deserves. of Barry past, pres- I met with my col- I invited Huw Lewis families over the next discuss the plans for this will be the focus of In doing so, it will ent and future, in league, Huw Lewis AM, to visit Barry following three years. Barry Island. He the £3.3 million Welsh contribute to the eco- the BBC Wales this week to discuss the his appointment as All this investment showed his enthusiasm Government Barry nomic prospects of by Vale AM series on Welsh current regeneration Minister for Housing plays a part in the for the continuing regeneration funding for Wales – renewing its JANE HUTT towns. phreolpgeradm tom lea uwnhcihc ho nI St ahned h Rase bgeeenne raa tfiroenq, uaenndt rlaerggeenset raantido nm oofs tt hdeistin- isnavyeinstgm: “eBnta irnr yB Iasrlrayn dby t2h0e1 n3e/1x4t .f Tinhainsc iisa ln yoewar pthlae cnee ixnt dheisctaodrey. and for (Minister for The sun was shining David’s Day in March visitor to see the out- guished town in Wales has the potential to be being taken forward That was the spirit of Finance and on Barry in this film 2010, as a result of a come of his investment. on the doorstep of the the jewel, not just of with the backing of the my discussions with the Leader of the and there was every vigorous campaign to From the Waterfront St Athan and Cardiff Barry’s crown, but of Regeneration Board. Minister, Huw Lewis House) indication that there are secure this status for to the town centre and Airport Enterprise Zone the whole of south The regeneration of AM, this week. good prospects for Barry which I supported to Gibbonsdown Barry to look forward as the Vale Assembly Children’s Centre (now to, with a bright future, Member. being re-developed with as well as a distin- Since that time, over Welsh Government guished past. £6.5 million has been regeneration funds), the The programme was invested by the Welsh Minister has been broadcast at an oppor- Government, with the enthusiastic about the prospects and opportu- ‘Outstanding’ nities for Barry – for people, communities Nicole praised and business. Every part of Barry THe Vale AM has Cooke, who recently has benefited from the praised Vale Olympic announced herretire- investment and the gold medallist, Nicole ment from profes- wider region will also benefit. Roadworks sional cycling. What’s more, we “I want to pay my have levered in funding round-up tribute to Nicole Cooke from other programmes who is an outstanding within the Welsh Temporary traffic con- sportswoman with Government -– to sup- trol: A48 at Sycamore exceptional personal port the Castleland CBoronsvsi lsjtuonnc tiona nbde tweeSnt ainntdeg prritoyf.e ssional Rtfioaerln efexawcaeam-l lpAifletr e,p aar noredgs rtiahdmeenm-e Nicholas. “Herincredible suc- funding of the West Temporary road closure: cess has inspired so Moulton, Llancarfan; many young women to YFC drama Sully Road, Sully, from take up the sport –she ON February 15-16, junction of Cog Road to has truly been a pio- the Glamorgan Redlands Road; Rhoose neering force,” the AM Federation of Young Point level crossing. said. Farmers will be hold- ing their annual drama MAESTEG ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIETY competition weekend at Kittens, young the Princess Royal Theatre, Civic Centre, and older cats – Port Talbot, SA13 1PJ. All needing a new family! Doors open at 6pm and curtain up at 7pm neuAtellr ecda t&s hmaivcer o bcheeipnped on both evenings. There will be seven clubs com- We sell brAicll- ao-ubrr awco,brko oisk sfu,cnldoethde bs ya nCdh aarlilt yit eSmhosp osf. furniture. peting for the Clive Donations always welcome and now you can text Richards memoral maws 11 to 70070 shield; Bridgend, Wick, Tel: 01656 721496 or 01656 769855 Llantrisant, Gower, www.maesteganimalrescue.co.uk Maendy, Gelligaer and Thanking everyone for their continued support Neath. Thank you to all our loyal customers... Celebrating 10 years! BBRRIIDDGGEENNDD VVOOLLVVOO SSPPEECCIIAALLIISSTT Bridgend’s Alternative to main dealer prices... TRUST THE CAR, TRUST OUR SERVICE All servicing, repairs, tyres & MOTs carried out at realistic prices • Fully equipped workshop with the very latest Volvo diagnostic technology • Volvo checklist issued with every service • Courtesy cars available • Local collection & delivery service • State of the art showroom with exceptionally comfortable waiting area Bridgend VOLVO Specialists Ltd,Unit 7-8,North Point, Bridgend Industrial Estate CF31 3RX www.bvswales.co.uk For more information call 01656 769769 8 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday, January 17th, 2013 CL YOUNG DRAMA GROUP IS READY TO LIGHT UP THE PANTOMIME STAGE AT ST DONATS AFTERa sell-out performance last year, ABOVE: Stage Door 1 is happy to be back at St Clearly, a great deal Donats Arts Centre with a new pan- of work has gone tomime. into the costumes With all the elements of a traditional panto – live- for the production, ly music, dance, colourful costumes and much more, which will run for Jack and the Beanstalk is set to enchant and excite two nights this audiences of all ages, with this classic adventure weekend. story for all the family. The show includes the hapless Jack, Dame Trot, their beloved cow, a handful of magic beans, a larg- er than life beanstalk and a very mean giant at the top of it! LEFT: Tickets are available for Friday, January 18, at She’s dressed 7pm and Saturday, January 19 at 7pm, from the box office on 01446 799100. in black, so in panto-land she must be the baddie! The Lions gear up for Cowbridge May Fair AS GEM readers room for many more sound equipment, and we may recall, Llantwit organisations to attend. have obtained a few Major and Throughout the day, a gazebos, hand-held Cowbridge Lions live stage will be in oper- radios, and safety equip- ation where any organi- ment from the council. Club are organising sation who wishes to per- If any organisation a May Fairon May form can book a slot, would also like to take 6 on the BearField although these will be on the running of a par- in Cowbridge. strictly limited due to the ticular event – for exam- Now that Christmas is time the stage will be ple, the Tug of War, behind us, the club is available. please let us know. looking for people and This event is very Would someone like organisations to take part much a community event to run a ‘May Queen’ in this event. and we would like to get event? Again, if so let us Although the layout of as many organisations know. the field and the number involved as possible, The Lions can be con- of pitches available have including the schools. tacted by email at sLttaotiik olFbeln eo st rbpo aol raaobencke eyii ndonf ngiaones nap loftwiohssehreit d oifos, i tenahtl lhdatloess. eltkihqnkeuoIe f wi ptdo.m aa Wydne,oyne n otpa anlrtteeeeha efpsoyhear ra tsuilwc esutoe al uanoulrynds- ikwvboni rowaf oo [email protected] cmlc moceaombantuonhd/rodlecsmkcileri l,ao i wonnbnswdwy.scow .eolrb.tigfreosag.liunce.tuekes- already registered an ly looking for a couple of phone on 0845 833 6763. interest in attending this marquees, plus a large DAVID event, the Lions will be stage. EDWARDS sending out stall applica- “We are alright for tion forms shortly. If you have not regis- HAS ANYONE tered an interest, then forms will be available to FOUND KEYS? download from the web- site, or you can contact them directly using the ON Wednesday, January 9, between 9am contact details below. and 1.30pm, a substantially large set of The fair will be run on keys was misplaced between Barry ABOVE and RIGHT: traditional lines and the Memorial Hall car park and/or AG Adams club has already booked Pictured at rehearsal & Son Funeral Home. a small funfair to attend, are some of the and has secured a num- Despite an extensive search by a large number of young actors. ber of additional attrac- AG Adams’staff over several hours, and numerous tions, including a May telephone calls to police and businesses in the sur- Pole, a penalty shoot out rounding area (in case they had been handed in) LEFT: competition, Tug of War, they have yet to be located. Inside every cow children’s races, bonny The loss of the keys has caused the owner con- cvoitsatlu mmeem abree rtsw o bsfueanlbedycr taicoionsmi nopgfe ticstritoaanfltl sas ntaadln lsda, stiiodnIefrs a aobnfl yeho asnnterde ihsnsag sa tnphdiec mfkien idna n,t hpceilaemal sluoep srs,e .w tuirthn tghoeomd tion tAenG- of the team! commercial stalls. Adams, or contact the police. There is plenty of (Name and address supplied) Thursday, January 17th, 2013 www.facebook.com/glamorgangem • www.twitter.com/gem_news THE GEM - 9 MAKE HORSE RIDERS A ‘The Vale Twinning Association is ‘VULNERABLE GROUP’ continuing to flourish’ ONEof the ty of horses and riders ing. It was disappointing Vale’s best- on roads and to ensure It is advised that one to note that the Welsh IAM very sorry to learn of The association assisted visits by kept secrets that learner and qualified should always pass wide Government’s draft the decision by Penarth Scouts from Fecamp in June and is that there are drermivienrds eadr et htaaut gthhet ya nndeed aonudt fsolro wholyrs aen rdid teor sl oaonkd RPloaand m Saadfeet yn oD reelfievreernyce Town Council to discontinue STchoeu Vtsa lfer oomf GBlaarmryo rvgiasnit iBngra Bsse l gBiuanmd. more horses and to pass wide and slow take great care and treat to horse and rider or car- efforts to maintain contact with led the festival parade through ponies here than when approaching hors- all horses as a potential riage drivers when defin- the town of St. Pol de Leon in Fecamp in June. cattle. es and ponies. hazard; they can be ing the vulnerable road Brittany. However, the spirit of This year marks the fiftieth To make sure the Vale There have been acci- unpredictable, despite user. international friendship is still anniversary of the first twinning continues to be a great dents involving horses the efforts of their I trust that when they thriving! agreement involving ourtwin towns. place for all to enjoy, I over recent months rider/driver. report on their consulta- The Vale of Glamorgan Twinning The Vale of Glamorgan, and the tertrhheorsmieanO ydaik svnns .eiddhtre o’ rsdaui d vlyodeieft ra tastal hr ka tearhe eg caooatn ,rd e Ioriuvr- arsiyynoileeno aaaDcndrre- gisaon tgallahadcosen r gPoweaissowrhs lwae ’ftsnunyh dl pse a ao m oVc1nvcaa2yeili- denrd ,eainedt. AlVuanl eC aMiPrns kfttRhhrnohaeoOmot A wotn hbsl ofeaeer c rolapatomrholre asre awiyfq ted iu devaoedren isb tvdtnaarekoicraetksen c,is naIre tDtibtihhnloeaeacnc lttgu, e ewrdmwqoiehulbudliee p cssar’he,ts irt w n ciaoa le toun ‘hwsvtse eu ti adhlpllnr el eiasenernea- AoaoNunusot rsra otmcchttiaeiawv ntVeiidno apyn l,re, ot,w oginwirtachnlmR usm dhmeieonemif ng ob ffPeeF lreedesvnce eatannhrm ttrshop ,uw hgitahiihnns- tjwabworoeittAinlinhcs non tFiyimincneo ecgn act ehomt aoiennsp stste rodea icrinbscieduapes ttltlReaiieoobdyhnnr e i aainntit siofto ce hnulieednslsvt.eveWueni trne.eeatvd sle anorittnores aPPrearnralnniaignmegde MnftoaPrr, y Mt hUiekneder- wneasTnsth eoedf chtaoom rrsapeias-ioeg wnaewnreasr rsael-so reporretsa dtoe rGs EM apesnle dan nstydlo orwifd rdeorosow,m ne n,f soleura rhivnoignrsg- Waupneptlisrl ho2 a0Gc2ho0 vt.eo r Rnmoaedn tS’safety GBeeAlrgmlilu atmhn.eys,e waenred repMreoseunstcerdo nin ouinr aaPnsestdoh ceairacicttiikov,ni ta ite st,h ess ehccaorbueiltndae rtyc o,o fnfticaecM,t Vatarhlkee STlBhrneDtooesaeeraigc anscnrTorRaasnarrdanlhr eyiso swds ecttp tehatiP mhahooncP remeotery gaihtd inwr m rpleo idt locisayo pyfpriaoci s ails agdSmuvn ssOiwan.tseucsgeaseireeenetns rr ertfaetsgotnei wr rwef fs iseshok na ostiofre-rtarheerposfsn-ema-- thCateslowtlbsyhoioaannnec eecpffdsr &eeayarassul o trl rl ray uwi dlaiaePn Psd notd ph gohetdip hres ltrnaeeoohahsnaniyrs firett sttdg is r iaeoCcmtii rhhkdt bi esl mhebeeeuilv nnaeimy bCiatat cgss t k abtiyi morlobenoreoioe insnerasl. sim i audispt cstTyr-usehbe- cdrwpsrscardaeeautoacvroeahmviilcdunonsIIvrmevidmntertiiidenlsdsiende erne e tpasednws p hng..wndoe e aest noLvd rdesis hituoet mf ans atoht tnilirrnhgtosdu nagah mtaie tj lgi,enethhotds na re t e earh he odka,asiv v doatorenm ltyeeicv srh ,dvphcs aooeeboteeaoin hs cefrbsbrant a slee aecetieatnhlecesnlsein,d-. trpcwrdvseeLwbhiupsovleeedlhiee.reauheentTLea ihennnri solrlholctds tas focewrtiltic f hne soluoocraedii soevaadunelttir y sadnon s tiscMn trvd s ltoaahoaaevos,i lla evnnuaf egiimww j scsedgsddroreiielhee oh rlrtlsasirysaoeii aona slvdnttr ardo f seeegshboanee.np ra caefxdisg saol ncviua ihtnoainemdo-gkng-r-ds- TsXFNdcJuauHFioopxnrtOEipeiumXcndo aRefgl rrso mi tFy c nia7inetOsl.h secnaeutohu PeRscmetdeh nw ipoVaaneral3niettl1kgyyye mFmmReheaaesmerrtiqiLnbvufaeeecErllfe sde leseaAntnsita.tvj toDa yOliseMc dICt ooNiovnbSwi sAeibGrtF.Osrn NeitAdc ogaUsI eUmstNhod pcTeFi FasDHutaoAiomnooUndd-CWoRRVASoTfasoo sladAeToUdnG c,eiR rlLayBaRot miaCfoEIr snaoErAr ryS egG.R,a Ll.cna’hm SacoiDCrrmgoauaOonnn cOil,mT RwHinonltionng Monday 9.15am,Friday 6 & 7.15pm hHaidg hawdhaeyr eCdo dtoe .the dheanvtes cwonitfhi rtmheeidr hthoartses, by XtFhOe RV ahlaes bCeoeunn tcaislk etdo At St Nicholas Hall,Barry This states that one many of their clients are help tackle dog fouling should drive slowly past investing in head cam- and littering incidents in GARAGE DOOR NASSehstswaaerrst ossBm nMea on-ctn0k da7 anCyd8 1a631 r0twhe e 0 FeCek8b 5ocrou6uua0rrrys6see hrasIsmothhno aogoodrlsmouu steell h bsddswa,e tbloahi onetnleohl g norkte eo wr oadio d svdrupadieytlvyre e fet tnnaotorh tkr oyas ian tntoo n gotfpihn-.ee ewpytwhraeiiaesaltAs lhsra ,siid cncn iefcnlg ratiw oeditamhrmhet e nidas c ttrpnhh hioetov e tcepeh ocddrea us.ab s trt rfhertirhean otdrtghm etaehtis ttewihsonhselvuTee iVerrhreaadeo l nynweo cm.aifetfre heenn aattdaa pfekliprx irsneo dgcaw rpcaiiehl mlzn eeabrtslooe-, S00P11E6454C66I A64L5399IS2271T44S www.barrypilates.co.uk road and take extra care, such a claim. ty notice of £75 without especially when overtak- warning. • Brabantia • Stellar • Horwood • Judge Vista • Meyer • Circulon • Anolon • dix 11sstt CChhooiiccee A PPLIANCE & Sie n m Be en city COOKWARE CENTRE s • S s • Tri PREMIUM QUALITY meg • ng • Stove disFpTawlcatoyo frolyfo roaerpfspu wlribaiitnshch aee sdc aoanmnddp rabecrhacenendsss niovBereiwR e sA.NPWMODAASCSS SHHAIIIBNNT LEGTES H PER LICOEWSEST Hotpoint • elli appliances in stock. From£199 Ca B n • Built-in ovens,hobs,dishwashers,washing on ool mealecchtirnice,sL,fPrGid gaen dfr edeuzael rfsu,erla inng set acionoleksesrs s-tgeaesl , • E • Whirlp QDuaISlitCy OPrUaonNdduT fcaStrsm FahOto CuRso eTm sHptyeElte iOtsi!vVeE PRric6e0ss! ONLY WITH lectrolux ver on Tuesdays and Thursdays (Please ask in-storeT HfoISr VdOeUtaCilHsE)R • Za o n Ho 3A TYNEWYDD ROAD, Experienced us t • KING SQUARE, BARRY hsaanleds t os taadffv oisne si • si (opposite new library) you with your A de Also large warehouse & showroom purchases. E n G ch • I at 252 HO(LBTaOssNett REnDd,) BARRY • Lie os Prices constantly checked to make sure bh B e eff • WAlEl IAn RStEoc TkH! –E R CeaHdEy AtoP GEoS!T rr • M N Same/Next Day Delivery Service! ie • OPEN: le e Full Repair Service and up to 5 years manufacturers warranty Monday-Saturday • njTelephone: 01446 730884 9am-5.30pm C e a Gor www.1stchoicetrade.co.uk illusAtrpaptiloiann pceu rupsoesde sfo or nly. ple • TEGDesign • James Martin • Jamie Oliver • Franke • Astracast • LG • LEC • 10 - THE GEM www.facebook.com/glamorgangem www.twitter.com/gem_news Thursday, January 17th, 2013