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. county Hous sehr ‘arian Wetarpara Joykrishua Public Libragy Govt. of West Bengal ett, Pa, | Fpoinice LIBRARY 1859 4 COUNTRY HOUSES. CHAPTER XVIIL aan Rosehberg’s maid was so ill, from the effects of her Gay after the arrival of the forcigners, Comtesse journey and voyage, it was necessary to send:for Mr. Watkins, the apothecary of Minehead; he promptly oboyed the summons, and after sceing bis patient, went to Mrs. Barllet’s room, and to her medicine closet to mix up the requisite remedies. “What,” said the good lady, “do you think of Mademoiselle Josepine ? ” “Oh,” replied the man of mcdivine, ‘she will do very well with a little of your good musing, the gastric powers are a little disturbed; but how does the great lady do? Ihave seen the secoud person iy the eata- blishment, and an odd looking person she is !” “Ob, what the Chanoinesse! aye those papists are You. it. 3B Pv bna Pebtic Library Meares, ¢ COUNTRY HOUSES. queer folks ; and to own the truth, Mir. Watki asa friend, J think there will be no luck in the house , to you while they remain here ; as to the Courtesse, as far as I can bear, for T have never seen her, she is a gentec! cren- ture, and easy to please, only wanting a little sugar and water, and her coffee, but that priest and the Chanoi nesse, catholics as they are, love good living, and only this blessed day, which being Friday they call a meger day, they must bave for their dinner, for you must know they do not dine with wy Lord, what urust they have, but a carp stewed with Madeira, and an omulet, two, of the richest dishes [can make; Iam sure we shall have enough of them and their fasts.” “ But who,” said the apothecary, as he was working the pestle and mortar, “is the lady?” “Ob, quite a trats herlikes prin d person, a ward of my lord’s, he 1e38, but he docs not see much of her, she likes to live retired, and my lord bas taken George, you know George Happing, to be ker own fuotman, and bas ch Jace aud tagy; so by that she iy no relation of his geil hie livery, aud given him one all over Lordship’s, or be would not have given him another livery” . Mr. Watkins understood this remark, and replied, “Very true, Mrs, Bartlett ; now I think this draught will do, aud the pills to be taken at bed time, and this COUNTRY HoDsES. 3 every four hours: you will see it properly adminis- tered.” “Most assuredly, sir, but would you aot like to také ‘something? a little egg wine, and a morsel of * seed cake” * eT thank you, madam, your seed cake is always so good, and I am likely to have so long a side, I will not refuse your kindness.” “If Mr. Watkins had made a double charge for bis visits that day, they would have been well worth it: for he cared at Jeast half 2 crown’s worth of news,” ‘Mrs, Dalby had hardly received hia instructions how to manage her buby, who had a slight fever, than she said, What news, Mr. Watkins 2” “Why, really, ma'am, not much, except the arrivat of the foreigners at the Castle, I have been called to attend one of the ladies, or rather the lady’s woman, who had solfered from her voyage.” * Do tell me,” cried the impatient lady, “ who is ia that all this preparation haa been made for ?”” ‘Why, ma’am, they call her the Comtesse Ro- senberg: a very young, and, as L hear, a very beautiful, lady; a ward of Lord Dunstgr’s, and a gfeat heiress.” * But where dues she come from?” Be 4 COUNTRY NOUSRS, Germany, madam ; ‘but more this deponent saith not:” but time will show what, and who, she is, as the good and seusible housekeeper, Mrs, Bar Tet, says.” . With a little variation, the same history was repea-, ted wherever Me. Watkins went, whilst Lord Dunster fancied he lived in such perfect retirement, that none lnew, or cared, what he did, or who he reecived : his new guests were the conversation of the neighbours, far and near. By the time Mr. Watkins renched his own door he was thoroughly wet, it baving rained some hous as he was getting off his horse, his neighbour, Mr, Simp- son, at that time Mayor of Minchead, passed under the shelter of his umbrella, “Well, pcighbour, you go aut ull yweuhers, rain, hail, or shine, is the same to you; said the facetious magistrate. “Yes,” replied Watkins, “ Chave been a longer roond than usual to-day, for I was called to the Castle first.” “ Who is ill there 7” said the mayor, Oh! only a Freurh jelle de chambre, Tsivk they cull her, bélonging to the Comtesse Rosenberg.” What, are all those expected folks arived ?* asked his worship, “nad whut are they like, for 1 have had trouble enough to please them 2” COUNTRY HOUSES. 5 “Oh! I am too wet to tell you now, and T dare say Mrs. Simpson is waiting dinner, #0 we will have our gossip at the club, if I can get there to-night,” and le turned to his house, aud his ucighbour eutered ‘ his own Tmeu-draper’s shop, ou the other side of the * sreet. After changing bis shoes and calling for dimer, he joined his lady, now in her own estimation, as well as that of the borough, a great personage. “Well, Mr. Mayor,” said she, ay be put his knife ino a teg of muttou, “what is the best news you bring?” “Ob, have a great piece of news to tell you, but Ttasst first ave a mouthful or to of this mutton, L can’t talk on an empty stomach.” “You are rather tiresome, my dear.”” But after 2 pause long enough for her lord and waster to swallow a large slice of inutton, and a pro- portionable quantity of sallad, she said, “ Well, now for your news.” “« Well, then, Watkins has been to the castle, aud seen the newly-arzived strangers, for whom there has been so much proparation 7 + « tas he, indeod ! nd what are thoy like 2” “That £ did not enquire, you must ask him your- self flext time you see him.”

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