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Corinthian Vase Painting of the Archaic Period: Volume 2. Commentary; The Sudy of Corinthian Vases PDF

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Preview Corinthian Vase Painting of the Archaic Period: Volume 2. Commentary; The Sudy of Corinthian Vases

CORINTHIAN VASE-PAINTING OF THE ARCHAIC PERIQ,D VOLUME II COMMENTARY: THE STUDY OF CORINTHIAN VASES D.A. AMYX Published with the assistance of the GETTY GRANT PROGRAM UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY LOS ANGELES LONDON CONTENTS COMMENTARY: THE STUDY OF CORINTHIAN VASES Preface vn Bibliography for Volume II 1x University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, California Chapter 1. History of Research on Corinthian Vases 355 University of California Press, Ltd. Chapter 2. The History of Corinthian Vase-Painting: An Outline of its Development 363 London, England Chapter 3. Chronology 397 Copyright© 1988 by Chapter 4. Shapes and Their Development 435 The Regents of the University of California Chapter 5. Technical Matters 535 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Amyx, Darrell A. (Darrell Arlynn), 191 !- Ch~pter 6. Inscriptions 54 7 Corinthian vase-painting of the Archaic period. Bibliography: p. Chapter 7. Subjects 617 Includes index. Contents: v. 1. Catalogue of Corinthian vases Chapter 8. Distribution and Influence of Corinthian Vases 675 v. 2. Commentary, the study of Corinthian vases-- v. 3· Indexes, concordances, and plates. 1. Vase-painting, Corinthian. 2. Vases, Corinthian Catalogs. 3· Vases, Corinthian--Indexes. I. Title. NK4645.A418 1988 738.3'82'09387 85-24529 ISBN o-520-03166-o (set: alk. paper) Printed in the United States of America I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 v PREFACE In Necrocorinthia, the Catalogue of Vases is placed at the end of the book, following the chapters of running text. In the present work, that order is reversed, and the chapters of the Commentary follow the Catalogue. There are reasons for this difference. The main one is that the Commentary was not actually completed until after the Catalogue was already set into page proof. This sequence offered obvious advantages of making full use of the Catalogue while writing the Commentary, and ofhaving the final pagination of the Catalogue conveniently at hand for cross-references. Another reason for this order is to demonstrate that the Commentary is exactly what its title implies~not a complete reworking of Payne's text, but a series of notes in which certain topics relevant to that text are treated selectively. Several of Payne's topics are entirely omitted. Others are given a fairly thorough review in order to provide a reasonably up-to-date account of their subjects. Between these two extremes, still other chapters, more like a series of separate observations than a systematic compendium, are offered as a start toward a more exhaustive treatment. This uneven handling of the material under discussion is partly a result oflimitations of time and space, partly a reflection of my own unreadiness to try to "improve" on Payne. The reader is therefore urged to look on these chapters as supplementary to, but in no sense as substitutions for, Payne's text. Necrocorinthia is still the basic reference; the present work is an appendage~a useful one, it is hoped, but still an appendage~to that monumental heritage. In the course of this work, further obligations have been incurred which I wish to mention here. Most important among these is my debt to the staff of the University of California Press, who with enduring patience have tolerated the long delay in the completion of the text. My thanks for their forbearance is due especially to William McClung and Susan Peters. For sympathetic and skillful editing I am especially indebted to Lorna Price; and, for fine art-work and much-needed editorial assistance at a crucial stage I warmly thank Barbara Forbes, and also Evelyn Bell for her additional editorial help. Finally, my thanks are owed to many friends and colleagues whose help has been given in one way or another. A work like this could never have been completed without that kind of help. D.A. Amyx Berkeley, 1986 Vll BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR VOLUME II Hereunder are listed references to publications primarily concerned with stylistic studies (hence, relevant particularly to Chapters I and II); and to some which have an interest extending beyond the specific content of any one topic (as in Chapters III-VIII). Concerning the latter, references to works dealing narrowly and exclusively with one of those particular topics will be found in the bibliographical headings within the appropriate Chapters and segments. For further items of general interest, see the titles which appear in the Lists of Abbreviations in Volume I (pp. xiii-xxiii and 299f). ALEXANDREscu, PETRE, and others, Histria IV: La ceramique d'epoque archai"que et classique (VIIe-Ive s.) (Bucharest 1978). AMANDRY, PIERRE and MICHEL LEJEUNE, "Collection Paul Canellopoulos, III :Aryballes corinthiens," BCH 97 (1973), pp. 189-204, figs. 1-5. AMvx, DARRELL A., Corinthian Vases in the Hearst Collection at San Simeon, Univ. Calif. Pubs. in Class. Arch., I: 9 (1943), pp. 203--232, pis. 28--32 ("CorV"). ---, "The Geladakis Painter," Hesperia 25 ( 1956), pp. 73-77, pis. 28-30. ---- , "A Corinthian Kotyle in Mainz," JbMain:;: 6 (1959), pp. 101-109, pis 29--39. ---------,"A Forged Corinthian Animal Frieze," Bull. Brooklyn Museum 21:2 (1960), pp. 9-13, figs. 1-2. ---, "The Alabastron of Oinanthe," AthMitt 76 ( 1961 ), pp. 12-14, Beil. 6-7. ------,"The Medallion Painter," AJA 65 (1961), pp. 1-5, pis. 1-14. -~--, "I vasi corinzi di Reggio Calabria," Klearchos: Boll. Assoc. Amici del Mus. Na:;:. (Reggio Calabria), III (9-10) (1961), pp. 5-16, figs. 1 18. --, "The Honolulu Painter and the 'Delicate Style,"' AntK 5 ( 1962), pp. 3-8, pis. 1--3. lX BIBLIOGRAPHY Xl BIBLIOGRAPHY X ---, "Corinthian Vases at Wellesley College," AJA 68 ( 1964), pp. 167-172, pls. 53-55. ---,"An Alabastron by the Herzegovina Painter," BABesch 38 (1963), pp. 89-91, figs. 1-3. ---,"The Erlenmeyer Painter," AntK 7 (1964), pp. 72-81, pls. 22-25 and fig. 1. ---, "Adversaria Critica: In and Around the Sphinx Painter" (with Patricia Lawrence), A]A 68 (1964), pp. 387-390. -----,"The Populonia Painter," A]A 68 (1964), pp. 172-174, pl. 56. ~--, Review of F. Villard, CJ::4 Louvre fasc. 13 (Paris, n.d.), in A]A 70 ( 1966), pp. 295-297. ~--, Review of T.J. Dunbabin and others, Perachora: The Sanctuaries of Hera Akraia and Limenia, vol. 2 (Oxford 1962), in Gnomon 36 (1964), pp. 399--406. ~--, "Vases from the Etruscan Cemetery at Cerveteri," exhib. leaflet (Univ. of Calif. Art Gallery, Berkeley, 1965), pp. 12, figs. 1-2. , "The Laurion Painter," OMLeiden 46 (1965), pp. 76-86, pls. 7-11 and fig. 1. ---,"The Case of the Dunedin Painter," CSCA 1 (1968), pp. 13-34, pls. 1-3. , Review of C.W. Blegen, R.S. Young and H. Palmer, Corinth XIII: The North Cemetery (Princeton 1964), in Classical Philology 61 ( 1966), pp. 269-2 72. ~~--,"Observations on the Warrior Group," CSCA 2 (1969), pp. 1-25, pls. 1-10. , Review of G. Vallet and F. Villard, Megara Hyblaea 2: La Ceramique Archai"que (Paris 1964), in ---,Review of]. Boardman andJ. Hayes, Excavations at Tocra, 1963-65: The Archaic Deposits, I (London AJA 70 (1966), pp. 297-299. 1966), in Gnomon 41 (1969), pp. 681-684. ~--,"The Winged Lion Painter," AntK 9 (1966), pp. 11 15, pl. 4 and fig. 1. --, "Dodwelliana," CSCA 4 (1971), pp. 1-48, pls. 1-16. ---, "Ein korinthischer Krater der Dreimadchengruppe im Basler Antikenmuseum," AntK 11 ( 1968), ~--, "Collection Paul Canellopoulos, VII: A Corinthian Cylindrical Lekythos," BCH 99 ( 1975), pp. 82-85, pis. 23-25 and fig. I. pp. 401-407, color plate 1 and fig. 1. ---,"The Three Maidens Group," A]A 73 (1969), pp. 109-122, pis. 33-42. ---, Corinth VII: 2, Archaic Corinthian Pottery and the Anaploga Well (with Patricia Lawrence) (Princeton 197 5). , "Corinthian Vases in Montreal and Saintjohn," Phoenix 24 (1970), pp. 106-111, pls. 1-4 and fig. 1. ---,"San Simeon Revisited: Corinthian Vases," CSCA 8 (1975), pp. 17-31, pls. 1-10. ---, "A Floral Master of the Chimaera Group: The Otterlo Painter," AntK 14 (1971), pp. 13-24, ---, "Heracles et l'Hydre dans la ceramique corinthienne" (with Pierre Amandry), AntK 25 (1982), pis. 1-5 and figs. l-8. pp. 102-116, figs. 1-5, pls. 18-19. --,"The Oberdan Workshop," AJA 75 (1971), pp. 83-86, pl. 19. ANDERSON, joHN K., "Old Smyrna: The Corinthian P_?ttery," BSA 53-54 (1958-59), pp. 138-151, pls. 21-30. , "Corinthian Vases in the [Princeton] Art Museum Collection," PAM Record 31 (1972), pp. 9-19, figs. 1-31. ARs ANTIQUA, A.G. (Lucerne), Auktion (-V (1959-1962, 1964). ---,Review ofM. Cristofani Martelli, CJ::4 Gela I and II (Rome 1972-73), inAJA 79 (1975), pp. 163f. ---, Lagerkatalog No.3 (1967). BAKIR, ToMRIS, Der Kolonnettenkrater in Korinth und Attika zwischen 625 und 550 v. Chr. (Beitriige zur Archiiologie, -~-,"The Borowski Painter," in Studies in Honour of Arthur Dale Trendall (Sydney 1979), pp. 31-34, pl. 7. no. 7, Wiirzburg, 1974). ---,Review ofD.A. Amyx and P. Lawrence, Corinth VII:2 (Princeton 1975), in Gnomon 51 (1979), pp. 773--777. ---, Korinth Seramif)nde Asian Fzgiiriiniin Gelzjtmz (Izmir 1982). ---,"Corinthian Vases at Rouen," A]A 85 (1981), pp. 169-173, pis. 37-39. BANTI, LUISA, "Corinzi, Vasi," in EAA II (1959), pp. 846-853, color plate and figs. 1110-1118. ---,"Corinthian Kotyle Workshops," Hesperia 52 (1983), pp. 311-26, pis. 65-68. ~--, "Protocorinzi, Vasi," in EAA VI (1965), pp. (504) 505-515, figs. 573-592. ---, Corinth XV:3 (Princeton 1984): See STILLWELL. [NoTE: In addition to the foregoing, brief entries on, for BANTI, more than one hundred individual Corinthian vase-painters appear in EAA, vols. I-VII ( 1958-66). These are cited in the Catalogue, in ---, "Where were the Corinthian Workshops not represented in the Kerameikos of Corinth (750-400 the bibliographical headings for the respective artists.] B.c.)?" in Ancient Greek and Related Pottery: Proceedings of the International Vase Symposium, Amsterdam 1984 ("Allard Pierson Series," 5; Amsterdam 1985), pp. 98-l 01. BEAZLEY, J.D., '"EAHNH:E 'AITAITH:EI:E," ProcBrAc 43 (1958), pp. 233-244, pls. 11-16. BERNABO BREA, LUIGI, and MADELEINE CAVALIER, Mylai (Novara 1959). BELL, EvELYN E., Review of]. Boardman and]. Hayes, Excavations at Tocra, 1963-65: The Archaic Deposits, II, and Later Deposits (London 1973), in Gnomon 49 (1973), pp. 67-71. BLATTER, RoLF, "Eine unveroffentliche korinthische Sphinx," Hejie des Arch. Seminars der Univ. Bern ( 1975 ), pp. 8-10, p1s. 1--2. BENSON, jACK L., Review of E. Will, Korinthiaka (Paris 1955), in A]A 63 (1959), pp. 305-307. BLEGEN, C. W., R. S. YouNG and H. PALMER, Corinth XIII, The North Cemetery (Princeton 1964). ---,"Some Notes on Corinthian Vase-Painters," AJA 60 (1956), pp. 219-230, pls. 68-77. BLOMBERG, MARY, Observations on the Dodwell Painter (Medelhavsmuseet, Memoir 4, Stockholm 1983). ~--,"A Corinthian Dipinto Vase," PAM Record 16 (1957), pp. 6-11, figs. 1-3. BLOMBERG, MARY, et al., CJ::4 Stockholm l (Sweden 2), (Stockholm 1983). ---,"Corinthian Vase-Painters," AJA 61 (1957), pp. 175f. ---,'The Ampersand Painter," A]A 64 (1960), pp. 281-283, pls. 81-83. Xll BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY xiii BoARDMAN, JoHN, The Greeks Overseas (Harmondsworth, Eng., 1964; rev. ed., New York, 1980). BoTHMER, DIETRICH voN, "The Case of the Dunedin Painter: New Evidence," CSCA 3 (1970), pp. 35-43, pis. 1-10. ---, "Tarsus, Al Mina, and Greek Chronology," JHS 85 (1965), pp. 5-15. BouLTER, CEDRIC, "A Pottery Deposit Near Temple E at Corinth," AJA 41 (1937), pp. 217-236, ---, Excavations at Tocra, 1963-65: The Archaic Deposits, I (with John Hayes), BSA, Suppl. 4 (London figs. 1-40. 1966). BRANN, EvA, "A Well of the 'Corinthian' Period Found in Corinth," Hesperia 25 (1956), pp. 350-374, ---, "Evidence for the Dating of Greek Settlements in Cyrenaica," BSA 61 (1967), pp. 149-156, pis. 52-60. pis. 9-32. BREIN, FRIEDRICH, "Ein spiitkorinthischer schwarzbunter Aryballos in Wien," JOAI 48 (1966-67), ---, Review of J.N. Coldstream, Greek Geometric Pottery (London 1968), in Gnomon 42 (1970), pp. 39-60, figs. 19-31. pp. 493-503. BROMMER, FRANK, "Vier mythologische Vasenbilder in Griechenland," AAA 5 (1972), pp. 451-462, esp. ------,Excavations at Tocra, 1963-65: The Archaic Deposits, II, and Later Deposits (with John Hayes), BSA, pp. 457-462, figs. 10-17. Suppl. 10 (London 1973). ---, Vasenlisten zur griechischen Heldensage (3rd ed., Marburg, 1973). BoRISKOvSKAYA, S.P., (A Corinthian black-figured krater), SoobErmit 26 (1965), pp. 35-38, figs. 1-5. BRONEER, OscAR, "The Corinthian Altar Painter," Hesperia 16 (1947), pp. 214-223, pis. 50-53 and fig. 1. ---, "Le 'maitre des duels' corinthien," Bull. N.M. Hongrois, Budapest, 27 (1965), pp. 7-12, figs. 3-9. ---,"Investigations at Corinth, 1946-1947," ibid., pp. 233-247, pis. 54-66 and fig. 1. ---, Review of T.J. Dunbabin and others, Perachora: The Sanctuaries of Hera Akraia and Limenia, vol. 2 (Oxford 1962), in Sovietskaya Arkheologiya (1965), pp. 297-299. BuRKE, SusAN andJEROMEJ. PoLLITT, eds., Greek Vases at Yale (New Haven 1975). ---, (On the question of a cult of Artemis in Archaic Corinth), Kul'tura Antichnogo Mira (Studies in CAHN, HERBERT A., ed., Miinzen und Medaillen (Basel), Auction Sale 16 (Classical Antiquities) (1956). Honor ofV.D. Blavatskii, Moscow, 1966), pp. 39-46, figs. 1-5. ---, Sonderliste "D" (1960). ---,"On Trade Connections Between the Greek Cities of the Northern Black Sea Coast and Corinth in ~-, Auktion 26 (1963). the Archaic Period," in Die gr. Vase (WZ Rostock 16, 1967), pp. 425-429, pis. 6-11. ----, Auktion 34 (1967). ---, (On the Orientalizing style in archaic Corinthian art), Vestnik Drevneyi Istorii no. 3 ( 1968), pp. 105-115, figs. l-6 (in Russian; summary in English). ---, Auktion 40 ( 1969). ---, Review of Blegen et al., Corinth XIII (Princeton 1964), in Sovietskaya Arkheologiya (1968), ---, Sonderliste "L" (1969). pp. 284-288. ---, Auktion 51 (1975). ---, On three vases by the Otterlo Painter, in Antichnaya Istoriya i Kul'tura Sredizemnomorbya i ---, Auktion 56 (1980). Prichernomorbya (Festschrift S.A. Jebelev, Leningrad, 1968), pp. 56-61, figs. 1-3. CALLIPOLITIS-FEYTMANs, DENISE, "Demeter, Core et les Moires sur des vases corinthiens," BCH 94 ( 1970), ---, (Archaic painted Corinthian pottery: Its artistic and historical significance), Doctoral Diss., pp. 45-65, figs. 1-7. Leningrad, 1966; summarized in Bibliotheca Classica Orienta/is (E. Berlin) 15 (1969), pp. 37-39. ---,"Des aryballes a pieds en Attique et leurs rapports avec Corinthe," BCH 100 (1976), pp. 137-158, ---,(An Attic imitation of a Corinthian aryballos), SoobErmit 32 (1971), pp. 58-60, fig. 1. figs. 1-17. ---, (On some stylistic groups and painters of Corinthian orientalizing vases of the first quarter of the a -----,"Sur l'origine du cratere colonnettes," BCH 101 (1977), pp. 235-239, figs. 1-2. 6th century B.c.), in Kul'tura i Iskusstvo Antichnogo Mira (Leningrad 1971), pp. 5-17, figs. l-10. CLARA RHoDos. See JACOPI, GwLio and LAURENZ!, LuciANO. ---, (On painters and stylistic groups of LC orientalizing vases), TrudErmit 13, L (1972), pp. 5-16, figs. 1-14. GOLDSTREAM, J OIIN NICOLAS, Greek Geometric Pottery (London 1968). ---, (F.-b. aryballos by the Otterlo Painter), SoobErmit 37 (1973), pp. 40f., figs. (1-2). CooK, BRIAN, "A Protocorinthian Aryballos and Three Late Corinthian Vases," BMQ, 36 (1972), pp. 110-117, pis. 38-40. ---,(Two Corinthian vases in the Hermitage Collection), SoobErmit 36 (1973), pp. 39-42, figs. (1-4). CooK, RoBERT M., Greek Painted Pottery (London 1960; revised 1972). ---, Review of Axel See berg, Corinthian Komos Vases, BIGS, Suppl. 27 (London 1971), in Gnomon 46 (1974), pp. 729-732. , "An halo-Corinthian Context," in Alexander Cambitoglou, ed., Studies in Honour of Arthur Dale Trendall (Sydney 1979), pp. 69f, pis. 16-17. ---, (On a group of Corinthian alabastra of orientalizing style in the Hermitage), in Farmakovski Memorial Volume (Princeton 1975) (Moscow 1976), pp. 59-66, figs. 1-5. CORINTH. See AMvx (1975); BLEGEN (1964); STILLWELL and BENSON (1984); WEINBERG (1943). ---, Review of D.A. Amyx and P. Lawrence, Corinth VII:2, in Sovietskaya Arkheologiya (1977), CORPUS T04SORUM ANTIQ,UORUM. See MARTELLI (1972, 1973), VILLARD (1965). pp. 318-321. DAviES, MARK I., "The Reclamation ofHelen," AntK20 (1977), pp. 73-85, pl. 17. XIV BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY XV DovER, KENNETH]., "La colonizzazione della Sicilia in Tucidide," Maia 6 (1953), pp. 1-20. jACOPI, GmLIO (in Clara Rhodos: Studi e Materiali Pubblicati a cura delNstituto Storico-Archeologico di Rodi): Scavi nella necropoli di Jalisso, 1924-28, vol. 3 ( 1929); ---, Greek Homosexuality (London 1977). Scavi nelle necropoli Camiresi, 1929-30, vol. 4 (1931); DuNBABIN, THOMAS J., The Western Greeks (Oxford 1948). Esplorazione archeologica di Camiro, II, Part I, vol. 6-7 (1933), pp. 1--363. --,"An Attic Bowl," BSA 45 (1950), pp. 193-202, pls. 17-18 and figs. 1-2. joHANSEN, FLEMMING, "Et korinthisk fad af 'Chimaera-Maleren,"' Meddelelser 21 (1964), pp. 42-52, ---, "Humfry Payne's Drawings of Corinthian Vases," JHS 71 (1951), pp. 63-69, pls. 28-30 and figs. 1-10 and cover. figs. 1-2. joHANSEN, FRIIS, Les vases sicyoniens (Copenhagen 1923), ("VS"). ---,"The Chronology ofProtocorinthian Vases," ArchEph (1953:2), pp. 247-262. joHNSTON, ALAN W., Catalogue of the Greek Vases ... in Ireland (Dublin 1973). ---,Review ofWilhelm Kraiker, Aigina (Berlin 1951), in Gnomon 26 (1953), p. 246. , Review of D.A. Amyx and P. Lawrence, Corinth VII:2 (Princeton 1975), in JHS 97 (1977), ----,"Some Protocorinthian Vase-Painters" (with Martin Robertson), BSA 48 (1953), pp. 172-181, pp. 222f. figs. (1-2). JucKER, INES, "Frauenfest in Korinth," AntK 6 (1963), pp. 47-61, pls. 17-23 and figs. 1-3. ---, Perachora: The Sanctuaries of Hera Akraia and Limenia, vol. 2 (with others) (Oxford 1962). KERN, OTTO, "Kriegsdiimon auf einem korinthischen Aryballos," 50. Hallisches Winckelmannspr. (Halle ELIOT, C.W.J. and M. ELIOT, "The Lechaion Cemetery near Corinth," Hesperia 37 (1968), pp. 348-351, 1928), pp. 5-9, figs. (1-3). pls. 102-109. KILINSKI, KARL, II, "A Corinthian Alabastron by the Populonia Painter," AJA 83 (1979), pp. 206[, pl. 28 FEHR, BuRKHARD, Orientalische und griechische Gelage (Abh. der Kunst-Musik-Literaturwissenschajt, vol. 94 and figs. 3-4. (Bonn 1971). KLEINBAUER, W. EuGENE, "The Dionysios Painter and the 'Corinthio-Attic' Problem," AJA 68 (1964), FITTSCHEN, KLAUS, Untersuchungen zum Beginn der Sagendarstellungen bei den Griechen (Berlin 1969). pp. 355-370, pls. 113-114. FoRSDYKE, E.J., "A New Corinthian Aryballos," BMQ_8 (1933-34), pp. 109f and pl. 35,g, no. 91. KRAIKER, WILHELM, Aigina: Die Vasen des 10. his 7. Jahrhunderts (Berlin 1951). GEAGAN, HELEN A., "Mythological Themes on the Plaques from Penteskouphia," AA (1970), pp. 31-48, KROLL, joHN H., "Three Corinthian Vases in the Fogg Art Museum," AntK 11 (1968), pp. 17-23, pls. 9-10 and figs. 1-2. figs. 1-19. ---, Review of D.A. Amyx and P. Lawrence, Corinth VII:2 (Princeton 1975), in AJA 81 (1977), KuBLER, KARL, Kerameikos: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, VI: 1 and 2: Die Nekropole des spiiten 8. bis friihen 6. Jahrhunderts (Berlin 1959, 1970). pp. 245f. GHALI-KAHIL, LILLY, Etudes Thasiennes, VII: La ceramique grecque (Paris 1960). KuNISCH, NoRBERT, Antike Kunst aus Wuppertaler Privatbesitz, exhib. cat. (Wuppertal, Jan. 23-March 7, 1971) Gj0DESEN, MoGENS, "Greek Bronzes: A Review Article," AJA 67 ( 1963), pp. 333-351, pls. 69-80. 0 ----, Antiken der Sammlung Funcke (Bochum 1972). GREEN, joHN R., "Ajax or Nymph: An Aryballos in Dunedin," AntK 9 (1966), pp. 7-10, pls. 2-3 and figs. 1-3. LAURENS, ANNIE-FRANCE, Societe Archeologique de Montpellier. Catalogue des Collections, I: Ceramique corinthienne et etrusco-corinthienne (Montpellier 1974). GREENHALGH, PAULL., Early Greek Waifare: Horsemen and Chariots in the Homeric and Archaic Ages (Cambridge 1973). LAURENZ!, LuciANO, (in Clara Rhodos: Studi e Materiali Pubblicati a cura dell'lstituto Storico-Archeologico di Rodi): Necropoli lalisie, val. 8 (1936), pp. 7-201. HAYES, joHN. See BoARDMAN, joHN (1966, 1973). ·LAWRENCE, PATRICIA, "The Corinthian Chimaera Painter," A]A 63 (1959), pp. 349-363, pls. 87-92. HELAND WEISGLAS, MADELEINE VoN, "A Corinthian Alabastron in Uppsala and its Motive," AntK Beiheft 7 (1970), pp. 19-32, pl. 11. ----,Review of Werner Muller, CW:t Leipzig 1 (1959), in A]A 64 (1960), p. 388. HILL, DoROTHY K., "A Corinthian Amphora in the Garrett Collection," ]Walt 6 (1943), pp. 105-109, ----- , "Notes on the Chimaera Group," AJA 66 (1962), pp. 185-187, pl. 55. figs. 1-4. -----, Adversaria Critica ( 1964): See AMYX. HoFFMANN, HERBERT, "Erwerbungen der Antikenabteilung, 1961-63," JbHamb. Kunstsamml. 8 (1963), ---,--,"Five Grave Groups from the Carinthia," Hesperia 33 (1964), pp. 89-107, pls. 17--21. pp. 205-229, ills. ----,Corinth VII:2 (Princeton 1975): See AMYX. ---, "Erwerbungsbericht des Museums fUr Kunst und Gewerbe," AA (1969), pp. 318-377, figs. 1-64. ---,"The Samos Painter," AJA 88 (1984), pp. 61-,64, pls. 21--23. HoRNBOSTEL, WILHELM, ed., Schiitze aus norddeutschem Privatbesitz (Hamburg(Mainz 1977). Lrssr, ELISSA, "La collezione Scaglione a Locri," Atti Soc. Magna Grecia, N.S., vol. 4 (1961), pp. 67-128, ---, Aus Griibern und Heiligtiimern: Die Antikensammlung Walter Kropatscheck (with others) (Hamburg/ pis. 1-43. Mainz 1980). XVI BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY xvii Lo PoRTO, FELICE G., "Ceramica arcaica dalla necropoli di Taranto," ASAtene N.S. 21~22 (1959~60), ~~-,Review of Wilhelm Kraiker, Aigina (Berlin 1951), in JHS 73 (1953), p. 185. pp. 7~230, figs. 1~203. ---, "Some Protocorinthian Vase-Painters" (with T.J. Dunbabin), BSA 48 (1953), pp. 172~181, ~~~, "Tombe arcaiche Tarantine con terrecotte Ioniche," BdA 47 (I962), pp. I53~I70, figs. I~26. figs. (l-2). ScHEFOLD, KARL, Myth and Legend in Early Greek Art (New York, n.d. [c. 1966); also other eds.). LuKESH, SusAN SNow, "A New Corinthian Painter: The St. Raymond Painter," AJA 84 (I980), pp. I84~I86, pis. 30~31. ScHMITT, MARILYN L., "Bellerophon and the Chimaera in Early Greek Art," AJA 70 (1966), pp. 341--347, pis. 81-82. LuLLIES, REINHARD, "Neuerwerbungen der Antikenabteilung der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Kassel I962~65," AA (I966), pp. 93~I23, figs. I~46. SEEBERG, AxEL, "A Corinthian Aryballos in Oslo," SymbOslo 30 (1953), pp. 92-99, figs. 1--4. ~-~, Sammlung Ludwig (Aachen I968). ----,"The Wellcome Painter and His Associates," ActaA 35 (1964), pp. 29-50, figs. 1-26. --~, in Ernst Berger and Reinhard Lullies, eds., Antike Kunstwerke aus der Sammlung Ludwig, I: Friihe ---·-, "Hephaistos Rides Again," JHS 85 (1965), pp. 102-109, pls. 23-24. Tonsarkophage und Vasen (Verojfentlichungen des Antikenmuseums Basel) 4: I (I979), pp. 29~42, nos. 9~14. ---,"Padded-Dancer Vases in the 'Style ofTimonidas,"' AIRN 2 (1965), pp. 1-8, pis. l-6. MARTELLI, MARINA CRISTOFANI, CT'lf Gela I and 2 (Italy, fasc. 52~53) (Rome I972~73). ----, "Astrabica," SymbOslo 41 (1966), pp. 48~74, figs. 1-3. MAULE, QuENTIN, "Greek Vases in Arkansas, II," AJA 76 ( 1972), pp. 82~85, pis. 23~24. ---, "A Boston Fragment with a Prisoner," University of London, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical MooN, WARREN E., "A New Middle Corinthian Vase-Painter in Madison: The Elvehjem Painter," Studies 14 ( 196 7), pp. 25--35, pis. 2~5. AJA 8I (1977), pp. 382~389, figs. 1~18. -~-, "Eukleenvasen?" in Die gr. Vase (WZ Rostock 16, 1967), pp. 523-527, pis. 83--85. ---, co-editor and co-author, with Louise Berge, Greek Vase-Painting in Midwestern Collections ("Mid -----, Corinthian Komos Vases, BIGS Suppl. 27 (London 1971) ( "CorKV"). western Vases"), exhib. cat. (The Art Institute of Chicago 1979), with contributions on Corinthian and Etrusco-Corinthian vases (nos. 5~10, 12~17, 20~25, 27~28) by AMYX, THOMAS BARcz, EvELYN BELL, ---, "Tomba Campana, Corinth, Veii," Hamburger Beitrdge zur Archdologie 3 (1973), pp. 65-118, RICHARD DE PuMA, BETTY GRossMAN, MooN, and WoLF RuDOLPH. pis. 11~21 and figs. l--3. NEEFT, C.W., "The Dolphin Painter and his Workshop," BABesch 52~53 (1977~78), pp. 133~158, SmoROVA, NATALJA, (Corinthian kylix in the National Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow), in Kul'tura figs. I~IX and 1~59. Antichnogo Mira (Festschrift for V.D. Blavatskii, Moscow 1966), pp. 228-236, figs. 1-3. 0RLANDINI, PIERO, "Gela: La stipe votiva arcaica del Predio Sola," M onAnt 46 ( 1962), cols. I~ 78, pis. I~ 30 -~-, "Korinthische Vasen in der Sammlung des Museums der Bildenden Kiinste (Puschkin-Museum) and figs. I~ I8. in Moskau," in Die gr. Vase (WZ Rostock 16, 1967), pp. 539-442, pis. 93--101. PALMER, HAZEL. See BLEGEN. SIEGEL, LAURA jEAN, "Eastern Echoes in the Art of Ancient Greece," Arts in Virginia 21:2 (1981), pp. 16~23, and esp. figs. 3~9. PAPANTONIOU, RozALINDA, "Korinthiaki pyxis en to Mouseio tis Korinthou," ArchEph (1975), pp. 32~40, pis. 9~ 15 and fig. I. SNODGRASS, ANTHONY M., Arms and Armour of the Greeks (Ithaca, N.Y., 1967). PAYNE, HuMFRY, Perachora, vols. I~II (with others; op. posth.) (Oxford 1940~1962). STEUBEN, HANS VoN, Friihe Sagendarstellungen in Korinth und Athen (Berlin 1968). PELAGATTI, PAOLA, "La ceramica Laconica del Museo di Taranto," ASAtene, N.S. 17~18 (1955~56), STILLWELL, AGNES, and jACK L. BENSON, Corinth XV:3, The Potters' Quarter: The Pottery (Princeton 1984). pp. 7~44, figs. 1~42. STOOPS, MARIA W., Review of D.A. Amyx and P. Lawrence, Corinth VII: 2 (Princeton 1975), in BABesch --~, "Camarina-relazione preliminare della campagna di scavi 1961~62," BdA 47 (1962), 52~53 (1977-78), p. 288. pp. 251~264, figs. 1~38. STROM, INGRID, "The Painter of Louvre E 574" ActaA 32 (1961), pp. 173-192, figs. 1~15. PEMBERTON, ELizABETH G., "The Vrysoula Classical Deposit from Ancient Corinth," Hesperia 39 (1970), STROUD, RoNALD S., "The Sanctuary of Demeter on Acrocorinth, Preliminary Report, II: 1964--65," pp. 265~307, pis. 66~75 and figs. 1~6. Hesperia 37 (1968), pp. 299-330, pis. 87-99. RAFN, BIRGITTE, "The Corinthian Chimaera Group: Its Chronology and Relations with Protocorinthian SziLAGYI,jANOS G., "Un maitre corinthien," Bull. Mus. Nat. Hongrois 11 (1957), pp. 11 16, figs. 1 4. and Attic Pottery," ActaA 49 (1978), pp. 151~190, figs. 1~21. TRENDALL, ARTHUR D., "Recent Additions to the Greek Vase Collection," Bull. Nat. Gall. Victoria RIZZA, GIOVANNI, "Stipe votiva di un santuario di Demetra a Catania," BdA 45 (1960), pp. 247~262. (Melbourne) 3 (1961), pp. I 8, figs. I 9. ----,"Stipe votiva sui colle di Metapiccola a Leontini," BdA 48 (1963), pp. 342--347, figs. l-I7. -----,Greek Vases in the Logie Collection (Christchurch, N.Z., 1971). RoBERTSON, MARTIN, "The Excavations at AI Mina, Sueidia, IV: The Early Greek Vases," JHS 60 ( 1940), VALLET, GEORGES, Migara Hyblaea 2: La ciramique archaique (with Franc;:ois Villard) (Ecole Fran~aise de Rome: pp. 2~21, pis. I~4 and figs. l-8. Melanges d'Archiologie et d'Histoire, Suppl. I, Paris, 1964), 2 vols., text and plates. ~--,"Excavations in Ithaca, V: The Geometric and Later Finds," BSA 43 (1948), pp. 9-124, pis. l-5 VrERNEISEL, KLAUS. See WALTER, HANS. and figs. l-53. XVlll BIBLIOGRAPHY VILLARD, FRANCOIS. (1964) See VALLET, GEORGES. CHAPTER I ---,La ciramique grecque de Marseille (VJ€-!Ve siecle): essai d'histoire economique (Bib!. Ecoles Franfaises d'Athenes et de Rome, fasc. 195, Paris, 1960). ----, C~, Louvre 13 (Paris, n.d. [c. 1965]). WALLENSTEIN, KLAus, Korinthische Plastik des 7. und 6. ]hdts. v. Chr. (Abh. Kunst-Musik und Literaturwiss., vol. 113, Bonn 1971). HISTORY OF RESEARCH ON ----, "Der Aryballos im Aryballos," AA (1972), pp. 458--474, figs. 1--18. WALTER, HANS and KLAUS VIERNEISEL, "Korinthische Keramik" (Samos), AthMitt 74 (1959), pp. 28, CORINTHIAN VASES 57-68, Beil. 98-114. WEINBERG, SAUL S., Corinth VII: 1, The Geometric and Orientalizing Pottery (Princeton 1943). ---, "A Cross-Section of Corinthian Antiquities (Excavations of 1940)," Hesperia 17 (1948), pp. 197-241, pis. 70-88 and fig. 1. ---,"Investigations at Corinth, 1947-48," Hesperia 18 (1949), pp. 148-157, pis. 13-24. ----,"Arachne ofLydia at Corinth" (with Gladys Weinberg), in SaulS. Weinberg, ed., The Aegean and the Near East: Studies Presented to Hetty Goldman (Locust Valley, N.Y., 1956). ~--,Review ofT.]. Dunbabin et al. Perachora II (Oxford 1962), in A]A 67 (1963), pp. 425f. WILISCH, HANS, Die altkorinthische Thonindustrie (Beitriige zur Kunstgeschichte, N.F. vol. 15, Leipzig, 1892.) In the Bibliography there are only two titles older than Humfrey Payne's Necrocorinthia ( 1931). The earlier of these is Hans Wilisch, Die Altkorinthische Thonindustrie ( 1892), which is listed pietatis causa as the first attempt to deal systematically with our subject. Though in most respects it is long obsolete, it contains a considerable amount of still-useful information. 1 The other is K. Friis Johansen's Les vases sicyoniens (1923), a work which still excites the admiration of specialists because of the author's keenness of perception and uncanny foresight; it is a book that is in many ways far ahead of its time. Apart from the mistaken placement of the home of Protocorinthian ware at Sikyon (understandable in the then-existing state ofknowledge), this remarkable piece of research still stands as a basic, indispensable point of reference for further study. Payne's marvelous eye for style allowed him to recognize a fairly large number of individual Corinthian vase-painters, in addition to mapping out most of the major stylistic subdivisions, but he did not bother to provide (conventionally assigned) names for more than a few of these, and his method of drawing up lists was very informal. Indeed, after modestly declaring his inability to "attribute very many vases to their authors," he goes on to state: "A thorough analysis of the style would in this respect be a somewhat unremunerative task."2 Also, in Protokorinthische Vasenmalerei ( 1933), in spite of Payne's obvious awareness of attributed or attributable PC vases, he is much more concerned with sequential development than with connoisseurship. Also, at that stage in Corinthian studies, in the absence of attribution lists, there was no way ofproviding indexes of the kind that Beazley has made so thoroughly indispensable-most emphatically indexes of collections, without which it is all but impossible to maintain a coherent record. 1 Cf. Payne, pp. vii, xi. 2Payne, p. 183. 355 CHAPTER 1. HISTORY OF RESEARCH ON CORINTHIAN VASES CHAPTER 1. HISTORY OF RESEARCH ON CORINTHIAN VASES 357 Fortunately, Payne's discouraging advice concerning this effort has not been taken very accessible to Benson (the Perachora items to which they referred, though cited in their article by seriously. The field of Corinthian connoisseurship proved to be an irresistible magnet for younger plate and catalogue number, did not actually reach publication until 1962, in Perachora II). Not scholars, who have zealously entered into this field ofresearch. My own first effort (D.A. Amyx, all of their stylistic conclusions seem viable to me, but, as is the case with Benson's work, a solid 1943) was a detailed study of five Corinthian vases in the Hearst Collection at San Simeon. In that base is provided upon which one can build. In the article by Dunbabin and Robertson, museum paper, I tried not only to describe and place those vases stylistically, but to explore in some depth inventory numbers are only sporadically provided, and there is no index. their position in the wider setting of Corinthian vase-painting. The paper therefore contains some It would be hard to overestimate the importance of this newly systematized approach to fresh attributions and new stylistic groupings, as well as some observations on sequences of style Corinthian connoisseurship. Without such models, the study of Corinthian style could not have and on the relationships to one another of the various "schools" of MC vase-painting. These advanced much further. This fact becomes cryingly obvious when a scholar, as sometimes still features gave it a place in the literature as a modest supplement to certain sections of Necrocorinthia, happens, is content to express a stylistic judgment in some such form as, "by the same hand as NC, and caused it to have some influence (not altogether deserved) on the assumptions of later pl. 29, 8," when the Painter thus obliquely referred to already had a conventional name and a investigators. But again, there were no formal lists of attributions, no indexes, not even a published list of attributions. systematic attempt to cite the vases by their Museum inventory numbers, a procedure which, as A remaining problem at this stage of progress was the lack of indexes. For my own needs, Beazley has taught us, is a basic need for clear identification and certain recall of the items listed. sensing that little more could be accomplished without at least an index of collections for the main R.J. Hopper, in preparing himself for his large contribution to the catalogue of Corinthian bodies of published information concerning attributions, I prepared for myself a home-made pottery to be published in Perachora II (see below), produced, in his "Addenda to Necrocorinthia" composite index of collections of all these sources, which I called (after three of the authors) my (1949), a work ofmonographic length, in which he provided a supplementary round-up ofvases "Index to Necrobenhoppia," consisting of Indexes of Collections and of Publications, and some which had become known after Necrocorinthia, added a valuable review of chronology (discussed separate concordances. 3 This has been my faithful guide and companion for three decades of below, in Chapter 3), and quoted or originated many stylistic notes. This work also then became subsequent research, and is only now supplanted by the indexes to the present work. for students of Corinthian ware a mandatory adjunct to Necrocorinthia. But there were still no Since 1953, further advances in the stylistic study of Corinthian vase-painting have been formal lists of attributions, and no indexes (except for a list ofshapes). manifested principally in a rich outpouring of specialized discussions of individual Painters and Next camejack L. Benson's dissertation, "Die Geschichte der korinthischen Vasen" (1953), stylistic Groups, contributed by a steadily increasing number of interested scholars. The present in some very important respects a landmark in Corinthian studies. Here for the first time, by work attempts to bring all of this material together, to sift, collate and expand these results, and to gathering and screening previous attributions to individual Painters and Groups and adding new set them forth in the form that is displayed in the Catalogue. In addition to those separate studies, ones of his own, Benson presented a catalogue of Protocorinthian and Corinthian vases, there is one series which, in its way, might be regarded as comprehensive. systematically classified and arranged, and set forth in formally drawn up lists of attributions. Luisa Banti, famous for her researches in Minoan and Etruscan cultures, was also a serious Here at last, for Corinthian ware, a form of presentation is adopted which follows that initiated by student of Corinthian vase-painting. For the massive Enciclopedia dell' Arte Antica (vols. I-VII, Beazley, and which was eventually to become a regular feature of most publications of Greek vases 1958-66), she contributed general articles on Corinthian and Protocorinthian vases, and provided dealing with style. Although this form oflisting and record-keeping has since proved to be the only all of the separate entries on individual Painters and Groups, drawing mainly on the accounts truly reliable system of dealing with attributions, neither Payne, nor this writer, nor Hopper, had given in various published studies, including those mentioned above. These articles, which include until then seen fit to use it. Benson's lists, therefore, immediately found general acceptance as the an illustration of one example of each Painter's work (often the name-vase) and bibliography on proper frame of reference for future discussions. There were initially some weaknesses in Benson's each entry, are still very useful, but because of the timing of their appearance they must be used own connoisseurship, springing from a tendency to mistake similarities of subject matter for with caution. During those years, Corinthian connoisseurship was advancing rapidly. Old stylistic stylistic unity, as is evident in the kinds of conventional names chosen by him to identify his various groupings were being challenged and new ones formulated, so fast that some of Banti's entries Painters and Groups (see Appendix I for some examples). Much of this part ofhis work has been were obsolete by the time they were published, and now that whole project has begun to have a superseded by later studies (including his own). But the basic structure, namely the formal lists of dated appearance. In the present work, Banti's entries are cited in the bibliographical headings to attributions, remains, and his subsequent publications form an essential part of the literature on the respective lists in the Catalogue. Corinthian style. In the fifty-five years since publication of Necrocorinthia, the number of published Corinthian In the year 1953 there appeared another phase-marking study. Drawing from their close vases has multiplied manyfold. Catalogues of collections and reports of excavations have of course knowledge of the PC pottery from Ithaca and Perachora, Martin Robertson and T.J. Dunbabin jointly presented a systematic survey of Protocorinthian vase-painters, with chronologically arranged attribution-lists and notes on the sequential relationships of one Painter to another. 3 Mentioned in Corinth VII:2, simply as an "Index of Collections." Notice may be taken here of Pier G. Guzzo, 1ndici These lists overlap with the PC part of Benson's catalogue, showing some disagreement but also per provenienza e per bibliografia di H. Payne, Necrocorinthia e di R.]. Hopper, Addenda to Necrocorinthia ( Q,uaderni di CJ'll-Italia, providing more and longer lists, in part aided by their knowledge of unpublished materials not no. 1, Rome 197 5), a disappointingly unhelpful work.

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