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Compiler Construction Niklaus Wirth This is a slightly revised version of the book published by Addison-Wesley in 1996 ISBN 0-201-40353-6 Zürich, November 2005 1 Theory and Techniques of Compiler Construction An Introduction Niklaus Wirth Preface This book has emerged from my lecture notes for an introductory course in compiler design at ETH Zürich. Several times I have been asked to justify this course, since compiler design is considered a somewhat esoteric subject, practised only in a few highly specialized software houses. Because nowadays everything which does not yield immediate profits has to be justified, I shall try to explain why I consider this subject as important and relevant to computer science students in general. It is the essence of any academic education that not only knowledge, and, in the case of an engineering education, know-how is transmitted, but also understanding and insight. In particular, knowledge about system surfaces alone is insufficient in computer science; what is needed is an understanding of contents. Every academically educated computer scientist must know how a computer functions, and must understand the ways and methods in which programs are represented and interpreted. Compilers convert program texts into internal code. Hence they constitute the bridge between software and hardware. Now, one may interject that knowledge about the method of translation is unnecessary for an understanding of the relationship between source program and object code, and even much less relevant is knowing how to actually construct a compiler. However, from my experience as a teacher, genuine understanding of a subject is best acquired from an in-depth involvement with both concepts and details. In this case, this involvement is nothing less than the construction of an actual compiler. Of course we must concentrate on the essentials. After all, this book is an introduction, and not a reference book for experts. Our first restriction to the essentials concerns the source language. It would be beside the point to present the design of a compiler for a large language. The language should be small, but nevertheless it must contain all the truly fundamental elements of programming languages. We have chosen a subset of the language Oberon for our purposes. The second restriction concerns the target computer. It must feature a regular structure and a simple instruction set. Most important is the practicality of the concepts taught. Oberon is a general-purpose, flexible and powerful language, and our target computer reflects the successful RISC-architecture in an ideal way. And finally, the third restriction lies in renouncing sophisticated techniques for code optimization. With these premisses, it is possible to explain a whole compiler in detail, and even to construct it within the limited time of a course. Chapters 2 and 3 deal with the basics of language and syntax. Chapter 4 is concerned with syntax analysis, that is the method of parsing sentences and programs. We concentrate on the simple but surprisingly powerful method of recursive descent, which is used in our exemplary compiler. We consider syntax analysis as a means to an end, but not as the ultimate goal. In Chapter 5, the transition from a parser to a compiler is prepared. The method depends on the use of attributes for syntactic constructs. After the presentation of the language Oberon-0, Chapter 7 shows the development of its parser according to the method of recursive descent. For practical reasons, the handling of syntactically erroneous sentences is also discussed. In Chapter 8 we explain why languages which contain declarations, and which therefore introduce dependence on context, can nevertheless be treated as syntactically context free. Up to this point no consideration of the target computer and its instruction set has been necessary. Since the subsequent chapters are devoted to the subject of code generation, the specification of a target becomes unavoidable (Chapter 9). It is a RISC architecture with a small instruction set and a set of registers. The central theme of compiler design, the generation of instruction sequences, is thereafter distributed over three chapters: code for expressions and assignments to variables (Chapter 10), for 2 conditional and repeated statements (Chapter 11) and for procedure declarations and calls (Chapter 12). Together they cover all the constructs of Oberon-0. The subsequent chapters are devoted to several additional, important constructs of general-purpose programming languages. Their treatment is more cursory in nature and less concerned with details, but they are referenced by several suggested exercises at the end of the respective chapters. These topics are further elementary data types (Chapter 13), and the constructs of open arrays, of dynamic data structures, and of procedure types called methods in object-oriented terminology (Chapter 14). Chapter 15 is concerned with the module construct and the principle of information hiding. This leads to the topic of software development in teams, based on the definition of interfaces and the subsequent, independent implementation of the parts (modules). The technical basis is the separate compilation of modules with complete checks of the compatibility of the types of all interface components. This technique is of paramount importance for software engineering in general, and for modern programming languages in particular. Finally, Chapter 16 gives a brief overview of problems of code optimization. It is necessary because of the semantic gap between source languages and computer architectures on the one hand, and our desire to use the available resources as well as possible on the other. Acknowledgements I express my sincere thanks to all who contributed with their suggestions and critizism to this book which matured over the many years in which I have taught the compiler design course at ETH Zürich. In particular, I am indebted to Hanspeter Mössenböck and Michael Franz who carefully read the manuscript and subjected it to their scrutiny. Furthermore, I thank Stephan Gehring, Stefan Ludwig and Josef Templ for their valuable comments and cooperation in teaching the course. N. W. December 1995 3 Contents Preface 1. Introduction 2. Language and Syntax 2.1. Exercises 3. Regular Languages 4. Analysis of Context-free Languages 4.1. The method of recursive descent 4.2. Table-driven top-down parsing 4.3. Bottom-up parsing 4.4. Exercises 5. Attributed Grammars and Semantics 5.1. Type rules 5.2. Evaluation rules 5.3. Translation rules 5.4. Exercises 6. The Programming Language Oberon-0 7. A Parser for Oberon-0 7.1. The scanner 7.2. The parser 7.3. Coping with syntactic errors 7.4. Exercises 8. Consideration of Context Specified by Declarations 8.1. Declarations 8.2. Entries for data types 8.3. Data representation at run-time 8.4. Exercises 9. A RISC Architecture as Target 10. Expressions and Assignments 10.1. Straight code generation according to the stack principle 10.2. Delayed code generation 10.3. Indexed variables and record fields 10.4. Exercises 11. Conditional and Repeated Statements and Boolean Epressions 11.1. Comparisons and jumps 11.2. Conditional and repeated statements 11.3. Boolean operations 11.4. Assignments to Boolean variables 11.5. Exercises 12. Procedures and the Concept of Locality 12.1. Run-time organization of the store 12.2. Addressing of variables 12.3. Parameters 12.4. Procedure declarations and calls 12.5. Standard procedures 12.6. Function procedures 12.7. Exercises 4 13. Elementary Data Types 13.1. The types REAL and LONGREAL 13.2. Compatibility between numeric data types 13.3. The data type SET 13.4. Exercises 14. Open Arrays, Pointers and Procedure Types 14.1. Open arrays 14.2. Dynamic data structures and pointers 14.3. Procedure types 14.5. Exercises 15. Modules and Separate Compilation 15.1. The principle of information hiding 15.2. Separate compilation 15.3. Implementation of symbol files 15.4. Addressing external objects 15.5. Checking configuration consistency 15.6. Exercises 16. Code Optimizations and the Frontend/backend Structure 16.1. General considerations 16.2. Simple optimizations 16.3. Avoiding repeated evaluations 16.4. Register allocation 16.5. The frontend/backend compiler structure 16.6. Exercises Appendix A: Syntax A.1. Oberon-0 A.2. Oberon A.3. Symbol files Appendix B: The ASCII character set Appendix C: The Oberon-0 compiler C.1. The scanner C.2. The parser C.3. The code generator References 5 1. Introduction Computer programs are formulated in a programming language and specify classes of computing processes. Computers, however, interpret sequences of particular instructions, but not program texts. Therefore, the program text must be translated into a suitable instruction sequence before it can be processed by a computer. This translation can be automated, which implies that it can be formulated as a program itself. The translation program is called a compiler, and the text to be translated is called source text (or sometimes source code). It is not difficult to see that this translation process from source text to instruction sequence requires considerable effort and follows complex rules. The construction of the first compiler for the language Fortran (formula translator) around 1956 was a daring enterprise, whose success was not at all assured. It involved about 18 manyears of effort, and therefore figured among the largest programming projects of the time. The intricacy and complexity of the translation process could be reduced only by choosing a clearly defined, well structured source language. This occurred for the first time in 1960 with the advent of the language Algol 60, which established the technical foundations of compiler design that still are valid today. For the first time, a formal notation was also used for the definition of the language's structure (Naur, 1960). The translation process is now guided by the structure of the analysed text. The text is decomposed, parsed into its components according to the given syntax. For the most elementary components, their semantics is recognized, and the meaning (semantics) of the composite parts is the result of the semantics of their components. Naturally, the meaning of the source text must be preserved by the translation. The translation process essentially consists of the following parts: 1. The sequence of characters of a source text is translated into a corresponding sequence of symbols of the vocabulary of the language. For instance, identifiers consisting of letters and digits, numbers consisting of digits, delimiters and operators consisting of special characters are recognized in this phase, which is called lexical analysis. 2. The sequence of symbols is transformed into a representation that directly mirrors the syntactic structure of the source text and lets this structure easily be recognized. This phase is called syntax analysis (parsing). 3. High-level languages are characterized by the fact that objects of programs, for example variables and functions, are classified according to their type. Therefore, in addition to syntactic rules, compatibility rules among types of operators and operands define the language. Hence, verification of whether these compatibility rules are observed by a program is an additional duty of a compiler. This verification is called type checking. 4. On the basis of the representation resulting from step 2, a sequence of instructions taken from the instruction set of the target computer is generated. This phase is called code generation. In general it is the most involved part, not least because the instruction sets of many computers lack the desirable regularity. Often, the code generation part is therefore subdivided further. A partitioning of the compilation process into as many parts as possible was the predominant technique until about 1980, because until then the available store was too small to accommodate the entire compiler. Only individual compiler parts would fit, and they could be loaded one after the other in sequence. The parts were called passes, and the whole was called a multipass compiler. The number of passes was typically 4 - 6, but reached 70 in a particular case (for PL/I) known to the author. Typically, the output of pass k served as input of pass k+1, and the disk served as intermediate storage (Figure 1.1). The very frequent access to disk storage resulted in long compilation times. 6 lexical syntax code analysis analysis generation Figure 1.1. Multipass compilation. Modern computers with their apparently unlimited stores make it feasible to avoid intermediate storage on disk. And with it, the complicated process of serializing a data structure for output, and its reconstruction on input can be discarded as well. With single-pass compilers, increases in speed by factors of several thousands are therefore possible. Instead of being tackled one after another in strictly sequential fashion, the various parts (tasks) are interleaved. For example, code generation is not delayed until all preparatory tasks are completed, but it starts already after the recognition of the first sentential structure of the source text. A wise compromise exists in the form of a compiler with two parts, namely a front end and a back end. The first part comprises lexical and syntax analyses and type checking, and it generates a tree representing the syntactic structure of the source text. This tree is held in main store and constitutes the interface to the second part which handles code generation. The main advantage of this solution lies in the independence of the front end of the target computer and its instruction set. This advantage is inestimable if compilers for the same language and for various computers must be constructed, because the same front end serves them all. The idea of decoupling source language and target architecture has also led to projects creating several front ends for different languages generating trees for a single back end. Whereas for the implementation of m languages for n computers m * n compilers had been necessary, now m front ends and n back ends suffice (Figure 1.2). Pascal Modula Oberon Syntax tree MIPS SPARC ARM Figure 1.2. Front ends and back ends. This modern solution to the problem of porting a compiler reminds us of the technique which played a significant role in the propagation of Pascal around 1975 (Wirth, 1971). The role of the structural tree was assumed by a linearized form, a sequence of commands of an abstract computer. The back end consisted of an interpreter program which was implementable with little effort, and the linear instruction sequence was called P-code. The drawback of this solution was the inherent loss of efficiency common to interpreters. Frequently, one encounters compilers which do not directly generate binary code, but rather assembler text. For a complete translation an assembler is also involved after the compiler. Hence, longer translation times are inevitable. Since this scheme hardly offers any advantages, we do not recommend this approach. 7 Increasingly, high-level languages are also employed for the programming of microcontrollers used in embedded applications. Such systems are primarily used for data acquisition and automatic control of machinery. In these cases, the store is typically small and is insufficient to carry a compiler. Instead, software is generated with the aid of other computers capable of compiling. A compiler which generates code for a computer different from the one executing the compiler is called a cross compiler. The generated code is then transferred - downloaded - via a data transmission line. In the following chapters we shall concentrate on the theoretical foundations of compiler design, and thereafter on the development of an actual single-pass compiler. 8 2. Language and Syntax Every language displays a structure called its grammar or syntax. For example, a correct sentence always consists of a subject followed by a predicate, correct here meaning well formed. This fact can be described by the following formula: sentence = subject predicate. If we add to this formula the two further formulas subject = "John" | "Mary". predicate = "eats" | "talks". then we define herewith exactly four possible sentences, namely John eats Mary eats John talks Mary talks where the symbol | is to be pronounced as or. We call these formulas syntax rules, productions, or simply syntactic equations. Subject and predicate are syntactic classes. A shorter notation for the above omits meaningful identifiers: S = AB. L = {ac, ad, bc, bd} A = "a" | "b". B = "c" | "d". We will use this shorthand notation in the subsequent, short examples. The set L of sentences which can be generated in this way, that is, by repeated substitution of the left-hand sides by the right-hand sides of the equations, is called the language. The example above evidently defines a language consisting of only four sentences. Typically, however, a language contains infinitely many sentences. The following example shows that an infinite set may very well be defined with a finite number of equations. The symbol ∅ stands for the empty sequence. S = A. L = {∅, a, aa, aaa, aaaa, ... } A = "a" A | ∅. The means to do so is recursion which allows a substitution (here of A by "a"A) be repeated arbitrarily often. Our third example is again based on the use of recursion. But it generates not only sentences consisting of an arbitrary sequence of the same symbol, but also nested sentences: S = A. L = {b, abc, aabcc, aaabccc, ... } A = "a" A "c" | "b". It is clear that arbitrarily deep nestings (here of As) can be expressed, a property particularly important in the definition of structured languages. Our fourth and last example exhibits the structure of expressions. The symbols E, T, F, and V stand for expression, term, factor, and variable. E = T | A "+" T. T = F | T "*" F. F = V | "(" E ")". V = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d". From this example it is evident that a syntax does not only define the set of sentences of a language, but also provides them with a structure. The syntax decomposes sentences in their constituents as shown in the example of Figure 2.1. The graphical representations are called structural trees or syntax trees. 9 a * b + c a + b * c (a+b)*(c+d) A A A + + * * c a * ( A ) ( A ) a b b c + + a b c d Figure 2.1. Structure of expressions Let us now formulate the concepts presented above more rigorously: A language is defined by the following: 1. The set of terminal symbols. These are the symbols that occur in its sentences. They are said to be terminal, because they cannot be substituted by any other symbols. The substitution process stops with terminal symbols. In our first example this set consists of the elements a, b, c and d. The set is also called vocabulary. 2. The set of nonterminal symbols. They denote syntactic classes and can be substituted. In our first example this set consists of the elements S, A and B. 3. The set of syntactic equations (also called productions). These define the possible substitutions of nonterminal symbols. An equation is specified for each nonterminal symbol. 4. The start symbol. It is a nonterminal symbol, in the examples above denoted by S. A language is, therefore, the set of sequences of terminal symbols which, starting with the start symbol, can be generated by repeated application of syntactic equations, that is, substitutions. We also wish to define rigorously and precisely the notation in which syntactic equations are specified. Let nonterminal symbols be identifiers as we know them from programming languages, that is, as sequences of letters (and possibly digits), for example, expression, term. Let terminal symbols be character sequences enclosed in quotes (strings), for example, "=", "|". For the definition of the structure of these equations it is convenient to use the tool just being defined itself: syntax = production syntax | ∅. production = identifier "=" expression "." . expression = term | expression "|" term. term = factor | term factor. factor = identifier | string. identifier = letter | identifier letter | identifier digit. string = stringhead """. stringhead = """ | stringhead character. 10

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